Tayo, the Little Bus (2010) s01e24 Episode Script

My Job's the Hardest

Let's go!
Tayao, Tayao.
He's a friendly little bus,
speeding up, slowing down.
Taya always loves to run.
Taya, Taya, Tio, Taya,
he's a friendly little bus.
Speeding up, slowing down.
Taya's always having fun.
Buffy or smooth.
Windy or strange.
He's not scared of anything ahead.
Even when it's dark and
scary, he's not alone.
With his friends, there
is nothing here to dread.
Cayo, Cayo, Taya, he's
a friendly little bus.
Speeding up, slowing down.
Taya always loves to run.
Taya, Tayo, Tayo, Tayo,
He's a friendly little
bus with his friends,
by his sign, smiling in the sun.
It's a brand new D2D.
Let's have some fun!
My job's the hardest!
The little buses are returning to
the garage after a long day at work.
Oh, I'm so tired.
I'm so tired.
Oh, hi, Rogi.
Oh, hi Tile. Why do you look so tired?
Well, work was tougher than usual today.
Oh, but I bet it wasn't as tough as mine.
What was that?
I never get to rest because
I have so many passengers.
That's no big deal.
Lots of demanding children
get on at my route.
So my route is harder.
I have to drive up hill.
Hi, guys.
What's going on?
Rogi keeps saying how his
root is harder than mine.
It's true.
You guys have no idea
how hard my root is.
If you want to talk about
hard, my route's the hardest.
I have lots of busking passengers.
What's so hard about that?
Anyone can handle that.
How do you know?
You haven't even tried it.
The way I see it, both of you.
have easy jobs.
What did you say?
I could do a lot better
if I took over your root.
I could do even better than you!
None of you are even
close to as good as I am.
You guys!
Uh, how about switching your
roots tomorrow, just for the day?
Switch roots for a day?
Yeah, you'd be able to find
out whose root is the hardest.
Okay, fine. I'm up to it.
Same here.
Yeah, me too.
Well, it's settled then.
Let's go in and rest.
It's a brand new day.
Did everyone decide whose
root they're gonna take?
Lanny will take Rogi's root.
Rogi will take Taya's root.
And Tio will take Lany's root.
Oh, are you sure you'll be all right?
Of course!
Your passengers will
fall in love with me!
That's what you think!
The little bus has decided to
switch their routes for the day.
I hope nothing goes wrong.
The bus stop is near here.
I'm going to do even better than Rogi.
Well, the bus should be here by now.
I'm going to be late.
Good morning.
Where's Rogi?
I'm in a hurry.
I'm filling in for Rogi today.
My name is Lanny.
Oh, really?
Yes. I'll make sure you
have a pleasant ride.
Why didn't you say so?
Please open the door.
Oh, right. I'm sorry.
Welcome aboard.
I'm going to be late.
They must be in a hurry. I
have to be as nice as possible.
Isn't the weather nice today?
Uh, we'll be leaving
We're busy, so could you please go?
Oh, sure.
Oh, it's not as easy as I thought.
Oh, the bus is here.
Okay. Good morning, the bus is here!
Tio's not coming today?
No, I'm filling in for him.
My name's Rogi.
But I want Taya!
I'm way more fun than Tio!
Come on in!
Well, Rogi, can you fart like Tio?
Well, I
I knew it!
You can't do it!
I want Tayao!
Hold on, I can do it too!
What was that?
This is unexpected.
Good morning!
Oh, it's a new bus!
I'm here instead of Lanny today!
Taya, at your service!
But I like Lanny because
she's so nice and fun!
Ha ha ha! I'm much more
fun to ride than Lanny is!
Really? How so?
Watch this!
I bet they'll love me now!
What was that? That was filthy!
I hate filthy things!
Oh, that was disgusting!
I'm very sorry!
That's weird.
The kids love that trick!
The traffic's so congested!
The passengers must be bored.
You must be bored because
of the traffic jam,
but don't worry.
I'll take you to your destination.
Uh, I'm late for my morning conference.
The other lanes seems faster.
How about changing lanes?
Huh? Oh, oh, okay.
You shouldn't pop out
like that. It's dangerous!
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm really gonna be late.
Let's just return to the first lane.
Oh, okay!
We almost had an accident!
Don't you stand there! Let's go!
Rogi was always quick!
And he always took the faster lane!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry.
What should I do?
Taya, the little bus.
I embarrassed myself
trying to imitate Taya,
not one of my best moments.
Still, I know that I can
do much better than Taya.
I know they'll like me better
when they see my driving skills.
Excuse me.
May I cut in?
Excuse me, may I cut in?
Oh, okay.
Here we go.
Well, what did you think?
You shouldn't drive so fast.
You scared my baby!
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I should calm the baby
Hey, kid, do you want to hear a song?
Good idea.
Taya used to sing to him as well.
Sing me a song!
Wake up bright and early, and
the sun is sighting in the sky!
Little Buzz Roogie!
What's that? You're a horrible singer!
It's time to fly!
Please stop!
He's a friendly little bus,
speeding up, slowing down.
Yes, that's my name!
I'm sorry, would you mind keeping quiet
you're distracting me from my book?
Okay, I'm sorry.
My young passengers like my
singing, I'd better be quiet.
Where are we?
Is the department store very far?
We already passed it.
Oh, really?
What? Why didn't you
say so? Stop the bus!
Is everyone okay?
Oh, you shouldn't stop so suddenly.
Lanny would never drive so dangerously.
And she would always tell us
about the stops beforehand.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
There's Taya on his way back
to the garage after work.
Oh, hi, Taya.
Hi, guys.
Oh, hi, Rogi.
Rogi, how was work?
It was wonderful.
Everyone absolutely loved me.
How about you, Lanny?
Your route was a walk in the park.
What about you, Tyle?
Oh, I was very popular.
The passengers really liked me.
Should we switch again tomorrow?
Absolutely not.
I guess you're right.
The little buses must
have had a very hard day.
Huh? What's that sound?
Are you serious?
Gunny! You guys!
What's wrong, Gunny?
What happened?
Well, one of my tires is flat.
Really? Are you okay?
I'm fine, but I don't know
what to do about my passengers.
I have no idea.
Can somebody please give me a
ride? I'm in a bit of a hurry.
Um, sir, why don't you let Rogi take you?
I learned something new today.
I think Rogi's much better than me
when it comes to passengers in a hurry.
Oh, Lonnie.
Excuse me?
Can we also get a ride with you?
You should ride with Tyo instead of me.
I find the children love Tyo the most.
Then who should we go with?
You should go with Lanny.
She's the kindest bus.
Actually, today wasn't easy at all.
I didn't know Taya had such a hard root.
No, we're just better
at different things.
And we all work roots
that suit us the best.
That's so true.
Everything's worked out.
Well, Ghani, we'll be leaving now.
Dodo's on his way here
right now, so don't worry.
See you later!
Thanks, you guys!
The little buses finally understand
that each route is difficult
and that each bus is best
suited for their own route.
Wake up bright and early and
the sun is smiling in the sky.
Little Bus Tyo!
Wash yourself and eat a hearty breakfast
And it's time to fly
Little Bus Tyo
It's time to start a brand new day
See you later
Brum, brum, brum, frum, frum
Happy as can ever be
He's the best friend you can have
I'm sure you'll agree
Stop at the red light and go
when the light turns green
Little Bus Time
He's the happiest bus that
you've ever seen your face.
Little bus, Tyo, let's
go on a fun-filled ride.
Hunk, hunk!
Room, room, fro, from Tyo.
Happy as can ever be.
He's the best friend you can have.
I'm sure you'll agree.
I'm sure you'll agree.
Thank you.
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