Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s03e46 Episode Script

9059-046 - The Big Break-In (2)

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power they're the world's most fearsome fighting team We're really hip.
They're heroes in the half shell and they're green Hey, get a grip.
When the evil shredder attacks these turtle boys don't cut him no slack teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles splinter taught them to be ninja teens He's a radical rat.
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines That's a fact, Jack.
Raphael is cool but rude Gimme a break! Michelangelo is a party dude party! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power lions gate entertainment the first phase of the tea ceremony is to admire the cup.
Each cup is unique, like no other.
I say you've seen one tea cup, you've seen them all.
Meditate on the individual beauty of your own cup.
Meanwhile, the tea is getting cold.
The way of the tea ceremony is the way of patience, Raphael.
You know, like stop and smell the roses.
Or hold the pepperoni.
Now sip the tea.
Feel its vibrations coursing through your bodies.
I really feel those vibes, sensei.
Vibes, my foot.
It's an earthquake.
I'm not so sure.
Let's check the surveillance gear.
It's a massive vibration from the center of the earth.
Like I said, an earthquake! It seems to be getting closer.
A moving earthquake? Your gear must be wrong.
Ouch! On the other hand, it could be right.
There's only one other thing it can be-- the technodrome.
If shredder and krang have gotten it moving once again, the consequences could indeed be dire.
Dudes, looks like showtime.
At last.
At last! The technodrome moves again! The world is ours, krang! Those missile fuel cells provide more than enough energy.
And with our energy restored, our engines repowered, and our weapons recharged, we will soon rise to the surface and take over this wretched planet.
The trip to the surface will take hours.
Let us send the people of earth a little announcement of our arrival.
How do you plan to do that? The pandimensional portal is also functioning now.
And we will once again have access to the weaponry of dimension x.
Which we shall use to reduce any resistance we'll meet when we arrive on the surface.
General tragg.
I await your commands, my lord.
The time is here, tragg.
Soon this miserable planet will be ours.
But first, I want you to send me the minimizer.
At once, my lord.
What is this minimizer? A device of my own design.
It will make certain that all our problems are little ones.
He he he! I don't get it.
How could krang and shredder get the technodrome moving again? They must be using fuel from that missile plant rocksteady and bebop broke into.
Well, whatever it is, it's sure making a lot of noise.
I'm picking up heavy sound wave activity.
That way.
Come on, troops.
Let's do it! Dudes, this looks like a major shortcut.
Hey, nice work, Leonardo.
Did you ever think of becoming a heart surgeon? Turtle power! Geronimo! Cowabunga! Have a nice day.
KRANG: The minimizer is on the surface.
SHREDDER: Now to see if it can deliver as promised.
Oh, it can and will, I promise you.
Even bebop and rocksteady could control this minimizer.
I'm real good at video games.
First we do some real damage.
We're beneath the sewers now in the earth's crust.
I wish you wouldn't mention crusts.
It makes me think of pizzas.
Do you hear that? We're getting closer.
Well, if it really is the technodrome, what are we gonna do? Tell them to stop? We'll have to get inside somehow and shut it down, before it reaches the surface of the earth.
Still think you'd like to be a teenage mutant ninja turtle? Sir, this is flight control.
We have a hostile aircraft approaching at high speed.
MAN: What are you waiting for? Blast it out of the sky! Sir, we're not able to stop it.
It's firing a green ray at us.
The ray is shrinking us! We're getting [HIGH PITCHED VOICE.]
smaller! KRANG: It works! It worked! Soon, all the armies of earth will be coming up a little short.
Uh, yeah, but what about the turtles? Ha ha ha! If they try to get in our way, we'll crush them! The technodrome will squash them in their shells like bugs! We're really close now.
Look at those readings.
We could have figured that out from the noise.
My guess is, it's on the other side of that Wall-lllll! [TURTLES YELLING.]
It's going to roll right over us! We'll be flattened like turtle pizzas! Well, I guess if you've got to go, that's the best way! [TURTLES GRUNTING.]
Look out! Here it comes! I'm stuck.
I can't move.
As long as it's going our way, let's hitch a ride.
April, do you read me? The technodrome's moving! It's heading toward the surface.
Alert the military, warn the world! Oh, and cancel my subscription to the ninja newsletter.
I'm on it, Raphael.
Glen? What is it, April? I just heard the technodrome is heading this way! It is? What's a technodrome? It's shredder's battle machine.
It could crush the city flat if it isn't stopped! Please, Glen, there's not a moment to lose! WellAll right! I'll call my contacts in the military, but this has better be real.
And I'll get the news van.
We've got to warn the world about this.
Hang on, you guys.
All together now.
Guys, this way, maybe? Entrance? Krang expects us to fall for that? Huh.
I guess he does.
Dudes, look at all those wheels.
There's only 2 places we can shut down this oversized rust bucket.
We'll split into Raphael and I will hit the engine room.
Michelangelo, you and I will take the relay room.
We'll delay the relay.
May I suggest we take some wheels? Turtle power! Turtle power! Cowabunga! Operator, get me fort mackintosh.
WOMAN: This is fort mackintosh.
We're busy with a code red emergency.
So please leave your name and number at the sound of the beep.
Oh, great! April, come in, April.
Drop whatever you're doing and get to fort mackintosh, pronto! What about the technodrome? Forget it.
This is bigger than the technodrome.
Believe me, nothing's bigger than the technodrome.
You're the boss.
We could search this king-sized rat maze for days and not find anything.
The engine room must be on the lower levels.
We've just got to keep searching.
What's the heck is this place? Looks like the thermal regulating chamber.
Of course.
MICHELANGELO: You know, sooner or later, shredhead's going to get hip to us.
How the devil did the turtles get in here? We've got to stop them.
You keep the minimizer running.
Let rocksteady, bebop, and some foot soldiers take care of them.
You heard him.
Go annihilate those reptiles! Uh, right, boss.
Heh heh, we got them shellbacks right where we want them.
Yeah, but ain't we had them there before? And just in case those zipheads fail, I have a few more surprises in store for the turtles.
There's fort mackintosh.
The troops are shooting at that flying wing.
I see it! That green ray is shrinking the entire fort! I don't believe it! I've got to follow that thing.
It's guilty ofTheft of government property! How on earth are we supposed to find anything in this oversized hot dog stand? We just have to look behind every door till we discover the engine room.
Whoa! Wrong door!! [BOTH YELLING.]
They can't have missiles behind every door.
That's true, Leonardo, some of them have BOTH: Foot soldiers! Ahhh! Now what the heck is this place? It's some kind of manufacturing plant.
Yeah, but unless we can get it to manufacture an engine room, I am out of here.
It won't be that easy.
I plan to amuse myself with you for a while.
We're going to need explosives to put the engine room out of commission.
This might be the place to find them.
Fine, but let's don't hang around.
I distinctly said we're not hanging around.
Whoa! Oof! Raphael? Whoa! Hey, cool it, bud, I'm not an auto chassis.
Turtle tartar is not my favorite dish.
We have been all over this level, dude.
And the relay room is, like, nowhere.
Then we'll have to head up.
There's an elevator.
Donatello, it's April.
Where are you, April? Fort mackintosh.
There's a weird machine up here that shrunk the entire base.
It must be krang's work.
With the technodrome repowered, he can pull anything through that dimensional portal.
You keep following that thing, April.
Don't worry, I intend to.
Ooh, third floor.
Lingerie, evening wear, and turtle stomping.
Bebop! Rocksteady! Nice of you wimps to show up.
We were in the neighborhood So we thought we'd drop in.
Say goodbye, geeks.
What a totally rude dude.
Hey, watch it! Don't bend the merchandise.
Don't worry, there'll be another car along in a minute.
Aah! Aah! They sure ain't acting nice, considering they're guests.
Yeah, I wonder who invited them.
Michelangelo, we found it! The relay room.
They found it! We must stop them! You operate the minimizer.
I'll handle those turtles.
In fact, I'll manhandle them.
Ha ha ha ha! I guess this is my payback for being such a cutup.
I'm on my way.
Whoo! I owe you one, buddy.
No problem.
Now all we have to worry about is the-- TURTLES: Foot soldiers! If we take out a few of these electrodes, the whole technodrome will shut down.
KRANG: Ha ha ha ha! Krang? You're going to have to tangle with me first.
And I do mean tangle.
Uh-oh! We've been bolo blitzed.
What? It's stopping over at that park.
Now it's unloading those miniaturized army bases.
What on earth is it doing now? Uh-oh! I'm sorry I asked! I'd like to lose a few pounds, but not that way! Oh, no! It's a good thing I always wear my seat belts.
Now what? At last, after all this time, the technodrome arises! That's got to be the technodrome, and it's headed this way! The door won't open! [SHREDDER LAUGHS.]
At last, our day of triumph is upon us.
Now, to crush the puny citizens of earth! I can't open it.
Leonardo, Donatello, help! Whoa! Whoa! Gee, we'd like to, but we're all tied up right now.
The technodrome is on the surface.
It's headed straight for me and those shrunken army bases.
Time to check out of this metal motel, dude.
You wish to go somewhere, turtles? I'll be happy to drive you.
How many are there? About 20.
I always liked long shots.
But suddenly the favorites are starting to look pretty good.
The door still won't open! Don't you just hate it when that happens? Hey, brain man, how about fighting fair? Fight fair? Naw Look out! We've got to get out of here and help April.
You two will be taking a trip, but the direction will be straight down.
Whoa! Whoa! Michelangelo, let's take this Turkey down.
Tubuloso idea, compadre.
Up we go What? And down we come.
Stand still so I can pound you.
Whoa! Gotcha.
Get him, Donatello.
It's time to scramble a few circuits.
Oh, no.
No, no, no.
No! Aah! Stop me! Stop you? I'm going to enter you in a breakdancing contest.
No! No! He's certainly got a natural sense of rhythm.
With a little reprogramming, he could be a major party animal.
Shredder, come quickly! I need you! Heads up, guys.
This baby is on the surface and April's in deep trouble.
Meet us where we came in.
Heads up.
Time for some random reprogramming.
I hope this works.
And I hope real soon.
It's working! Hey, look, it's raining foot soldiers.
Wouldn't you know it? The weather bureau predicted sunny and mild.
Uh-oh! If we don't move fast, April and those army bases are going to be lumpy oatmeal.
Michelangelo, you always did have a touch of the poet.
And look! That must be the flying object that shrank the army bases.
This is our only way to get to it.
Hang on for blast-off! TURTLES: Turtle power! We're about to become tiny teenage turtles.
Not if we jump.
Hang on, fellas.
April's about to be flattened by the technodrome! Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? I'm way ahead of you.
Hmm let's see I'll be ok.
The turtles always rescue me at the last minute.
Oh! What am I saying? This is the last minute! Ugh! I don't need the turtles, I need a dry cleaner.
Hurry up, Donatello.
I think I found it.
All right! Now let's give those creepozoids a taste of their own medicine.
Oh, that's much better.
Gee, I don't know, you had some pretty good moves before.
Now we can get back to-- what's going on? Those turtles! They have the minimizer! Help! Help! Oh, no.
We're shrinking! We're shrinking! We did it.
We shrunk the technodrome.
Sorry, fellas.
Now is probably the wrong time to ask, are you sure you can land this thing? Hey, how hard can it be? Not as hard as the ground.
The technodrome! It's getting away! We've got to get out of here! To the hole! Quickly! Aah! Aah! Aah! Well, so much for the technodrome.
Yeah, it probably rolled all the way back to where it came from.
Stick with me, you said.
I'll make you a big man.
Some big man! Relax, will you? I designed the minimizer and I can undo the effects of its rays.
Now, to get those turtles! Give this gizmo to the army, April.
With the modifications I've made to it, they should be able to restore all the bases to normal.
Sure thing, Donatello.
Time to go, team.
I'd feel a whole lot better if the technodrome hadn't gotten away.
Yeah, we could have had it bronzed and hung it on the turtle van mirror.
Well, at least we know krang and shredder can't do any damage.
They're only 4" tall.
In their condition, they could barely conquer a miniature golf course.
Speaking of miniature golf courses, there's one in this part of town that makes these little green pizzas with tiny little flags, and marshmallows for golf balls.
lions gate entertainment
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