Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s04e20 Episode Script

9061-007 - Were-Rats from Channel 6

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell Turtle power They're the world's Most fearsome fighting team We're really hip.
They're heroes in the half shell And they're green Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles When the evil Shredder attacks These turtle boys don't cut him no slack Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splinter taught them to be ninja teens He's a radical rat.
Leonardo leads Donatello does machines That's a fact, Jack.
Raphael is cool, but rude Gimme a break.
Michelangelo is a party dude Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell Turtle power [LEONARDO.]
Boy, that was some hot tip we received about those stolen explosives.
Whoa, can you believe that? We followed those dudes for two hours.
Yeah, and when we finally managed to sneak a peek in that crate, what was in 'em? Cheese.
And Camembert cheese at that.
And I fear you will have to keep searching.
Let's check the news and see if there have been any developments.
A plan has been implemented to deal with one of the city's biggest problems: rats.
Daily trash pickups and stricter food disposal regulations are intended to cut off the food supply of these pests.
I'm sure they don't mean you, Master.
It does not bother me, Donatello.
Being a rat enables me to live down here and look after the four of you.
Externally, I may be a rodent, but I will always be human inside.
Unlike, oh, say, the Rat King? Yeah.
That creepazoid looks human, but he's more of a rat than Splinter will ever be.
It's an outrage, I tell you! It's treachery! There's no food anywhere! We rats were destined to rule the world, but how can we do it on an empty stomach? What's this, a can of food? No, it's just that green junk.
I don't need that.
What I need is a new food supply.
What's that you say, Galahad? [CHITTERING.]
That's a good idea.
A bigger rat, a stronger rat, could easily get us all the food we need.
Oh, say, like Splinter.
Last time, I failed to put him under my control with my hypnotic flute.
This time, I shall not fail.
Oh I hate these sewers.
Then why did you ask for this assignment? Because I'm going to scoop April O'Neil on this rat story.
Well, I wouldn't be here if Burne hadn't ordered me to.
He knows this is a tricky assignment, and I need an assistant.
Besides, I don't want to roam around these sewers alone.
Rats scare the dickens out of me.
Splinter and those Turtles live around here somewhere.
I'm sure of it.
My rat senses are tingling.
On the other hand, even the Rat King makes mistakes.
Geronimo! Ooh, just once, I'd like to land on a nice, soft mattress.
Hey, we're in the sewers.
Boss, the dimensional portal messed up.
Shredder, you blew it! Bebop and Rocksteady are supposed to be up on the streets meeting those two thieves who stole the explosives for us.
Well, I'll put them to good use as long as they're down there.
Listen, you two, when the Technodrome was on Earth, a canister of mutagen was lost in the sewers.
Find it.
Leave no stone unturned.
Well, I guess we'd better start looking.
It ain't under here.
Ooh, start looking someplace sensible.
It ain't under here, neither.
Hey, why do you suppose Krang wants that green glop anyway? Green glop? He probably wants to make some more humans into mutants.
You mean like us? Yeah, and like those stinkin' Turtles and that rat Splinter.
Uh, gee--[SNORT.]
-- I wonder what kind of animals he's gonna use this time.
What do you mean? You know that stuff makes you turn into whatever animal you was around.
Why, that green stuff isn't food at all.
It is the means by which I shall make my own army of giant rats! Now all I need are some humans to mutate.
I still don't get it.
Why were those crooks sneaking around in the middle of the night with crates of cheese, of all things? I can relate, bud.
They probably just wanted a midnight pizza snack with extra Mozzarella.
I say we go back to that warehouse and check it out again.
Couldn't we just check out a good movie instead? What do you think they're gonna do, just deliver the explosives to our door? [KNOCK KNOCK.]
I hate being the straight turtle.
April! What's happening, dudette? I'm worried about Vernon and Irma.
Have you guys seen any sign of them? What would they be doing down here? Burne sent them off on some stupid assignment to cover the rat problem.
No one's heard from them all day.
Come on, guys.
The missing explosives will have to wait.
I'm ready to pack it in.
All this stomping around the sewers has me tired.
That flashlight must really be getting heavy by now.
Besides, I just know that if I see a single rat, I'll scream.
then how about a hundred rats? [IRMA, VERNON.]
Ohh! I won't scream.
I'll just faint.
Vernon! Vern, wake up.
We got to get out of here.
Aah! I know you.
You're-- Yes.
The Rat King.
And you are my new subjects.
But we're not rats.
But you will be.
W-What are you going todo to us? Your king is about to restore you to your rightful rathood.
It wasn't that color before.
We rodents are destined to rule the world, and you two shall join us in our glorious triumph! Oh, yuck, and I just had a perm.
Irma, you're all-- eww--furry! What is this stuff, some kind of hair tonic? No, it's rat tonic.
And you two are now my very own super-rats.
Hey, look! Footprints.
They're both pretty fresh.
And they both end right at this spot! We'd better be careful.
The Rat King's lair is around here somewhere.
You don't suppose old cheddar-breath's gotten his claws on Irma and Vernon, do you? [RATS CHITTERING.]
Uh, I'd say it was a distinct possibility.
We may look like rats, but that doesn't mean we have to take orders from you.
Oh, but I think you will.
What a strange tune.
You two are now completely in my power, and from now on, you'll be rats not only in body, but in deed.
Yes, Master.
Now, head upward, and gather all the food you can find.
Why are they just running around us? Why aren't they attacking us? I've got a hot news flash for you, lady: they are! [DONATELLO.]
They're chewing the ground out from under us! [IN UNISON.]
Grab on, everyone! [IN UNISON.]
Oh! Well, this is the perfect ending to a lousy day.
What's going on? What are they? Escaped animals? Alien invaders? No! Look at the full moon! They're wererats! We must find food for the Master.
Whoa, dudes, I'm growing old hanging on to this rope.
It's better than being on the ground with those rats! Well, we can't hang around here all night.
Yeah? Why not? Oh, just call it a feeling.
We're going to have to swing to safety.
Try for that hatchway! Push! Let's get out of here! Gee, I wish I'd said that.
Let's go to the Rat King's lair and look for Irma and Vernon.
No, you can do more good by checking for them at Channel 6.
Oh, I'll go, but I bet you they're not up there.
Cheese! [SCREAMING.]
What is blazes are they? Don't you know? Even a man who is pure at heart and locks his doors at night may become a rat when the ratbane blooms and the moon is full and bright.
We must find more food for the Master.
Oh! Cats! Keep them away! Keep them away! What's going on? What are we doing here? The last thing I remember, we were in the sewers.
But what do you suppose happened to use, Vernon? I don't know, but we'd better check in with Burne.
We must be awfully late for work.
It's the Rat King's lair! Either that, or the shabbiest motel in town.
Quiet, now.
We don't want him getting the drop on us.
I'm afraid you're too late for that.
Duckola! Miserable turtles! I am King of this Underworld! All right, cheese for brains! That's all I'm gonna take from--Yaah! Okay, cheddar head, hit me with your best shot.
Whoa! Not bad.
Where are Irma and Vernon? What have you done with them? They are above, doing my bidding as rats! Have a nice day.
Look out! Well, so much for those turtles.
But my two pets have not returned! [GROANING.]
Did you hear what he said, dudes? He turned Irma and Vernon into rats! But how? In Vernon's case, it wouldn't take much.
We'd better go get Splinter! I think we're gonna need his help.
Yeah, he's an expert on rats.
Well, sort of.
Boss, we looked and looked, and we ain't seen a trace of the mutagen.
Then forget it.
You've got to find those two smugglers and the stolen explosives! They hang out at a restaurant called The Flaming Turkey.
Go there and find them.
Oh, boy, that's a good idea.
It sure is.
I'm hungry.
And just where have you been, Princess April? Trying to find Vernon and-- Are you goofy in the head? Vernon's right here.
And because you weren't around, I get to read the Late Late News.
Pretty juicy story, too.
All about a pair of giant rats terrorizing the city.
I don't get this.
Hmm, my two super-rats aren't in the sewers.
Perhaps they've returned here for some reason.
And you don't remember anything after that, Irma? No! One minute we were in the sewers, and the next, we were in a pet shop.
April, did you get back okay? I'm fine, but there's something weird going on here.
Have you guys heard anything about a pair of giant rats? You bet we have.
It's Irma and Vernon.
Well, that's impossible! Irma's right here with me.
And Vernon's doing the news right now.
Look for yourself.
The mayor's only comment was, "Get out of my way, you lousy reporter, or I'll rearrange your face.
" This doesn't make any sense.
Perhaps the Rat King planted a suggestion in their minds using his hypnotic flute.
He almost got you once with that flute, sensei.
But it doesn't explain why they'd look like rats.
I know, but whatever else happens, I feel sure the flute is the key to this whole matter.
And now, for a lighter bit of news, rats.
Yes, rats.
Two big ones were spotted today.
Very big ones.
In fact, I'm one of them! Did you see that? It is as I feared.
The Rat King's flute! That means Irma might change, too! [HYPNOTIC TUNE.]
And April's alone with her! [TURTLECOM BEEPING.]
What's up, guys? April, get out of there! [SCREAMS.]
Let go of me! What are you doing, Irma? No, no! Irma's become a rat! And she's got April! She's dragging her away! I just can't take all this suspense.
Let go of me, Irma! What's happened to you? What are you doing? Where are you taking me? Irma's got April! Listen, dudes, April's still got her Turtlecom.
We meet again, April O'Neil.
Well, I wish I could say it was a pleasure.
You've spurned me before.
Now you will join me as my next super-rat! Master Splinter, we need your help! Yes, it may take a rat to stop a rat.
Come on, let's see if them two guys is inside.
First things first.
I'm hungry.
Now we can eat in peace.
I love cafeteria-style dining.
Look! Hey, it's the two guys who were supposed to get the explosives.
It's all set.
We make the switch at the airport in an hour.
We'll put the explosives in the cheese crates, and zip, fly away.
Cheese crates? Yeah, we'll make a bundle more than that jerk Shredder was gonna pay us.
Why, those creeps.
They're gonna double-cross the boss.
Let's pound 'em.
No, wait! Let's follow 'em and get those explosives.
That'll sure make the boss happy.
Maybe we won't have to clean our room when we get back.
Now, I will confer upon you that glorious honor of rathood thanks to this mutagen.
In a few moments, it will turn you into the supreme life form on this planet! Master, master! I've found it! At the airport! Cheese! All the cheese we'll ever need! Good work, loyal servant.
We'll go straightaway and get it.
And when we've returned, April O'Neil will have joined our ranks.
Oh, brother, I don't want to spend the rest of my life running mazes and eating cheese! All right, Rat King! This is it! Hello? Like, anybody home? Hah, swell.
We make the entrance of our careers, and the Rat King's gone.
Well, I was impressed.
Now, would you mind getting me out of here before I get mutated? Is this what he used on Irma and Vernon? Yeah! It's some of Shredder's mutagen.
Well, that stuff's supposed to be green, not Tutti-Frutti.
It looks like it's gotten unstable.
Hey, that would explain why their mutations aren't permanent! And why the mutations can be triggered by the Rat King's flute! Master Splinter was fully right all along! We must find that flute and destroy it.
It is the only way to free them from the Rat King's spell.
They're heading for the airport.
Something about cheese.
Don't tell me: they're going to Holland for the gouda festival.
If they're planning a quick departure, we'll need the turtle blimp.
I'll get it and meet you there.
Let's go! The cheese is in the explosives crate and the explosives are in the cheese crate.
Hey, that Shredder will never find us.
Boy, are we a couple of rats, or what? Uh, no.
They are.
We've come for your camembert.
That's it! Get the precious cheese! For the glory of your king! Irma and Vernon are on that plane! You try and get them.
I'll deal with the Rat King.
Not so fast, squeaky.
Whoa, Irma, you need a major manicure.
Whoa! The explosives must be on that plane.
Quick! Before it gets away! [RATS SQUEAKING.]
Boy, is this place a zoo, or what? All right, you creeps, we'll take that crate.
No! It belongs to the master! Hi-ya! Hai! I'll take that flute, Rat King! Very well.
I'll give you the flute.
This stuff belongs to Shredder.
No! It is the Rat King's! Mama! [RAT SQUEALING.]
Hey, dude, chill out! Not until I get that crate.
Leonardo, did you bring a parachute? Of course not.
Why? Because we just left the ground! Now, at last, you will be in my power too! Thank you, April.
I needed that.
No! That flute is mine! [MARTIAL ARTS CRY.]
Hi-ya! My plan for world domination, ruined! Well, maybe postponed.
This is the cheese crate we were chasing all over town yesterday.
It's the missing explosives! Do you realize if this plane crashes it'll take out half the city? Don't worry.
The plane won't crash.
You will.
Hold on, Michelangelo.
I can't! My grip's slipping! In the words of a great cowabunga! What are we going to do? I know.
I'll just cross my fingers and hope real hard for a miracle.
Nice hoping, Michelangelo.
Hi, guys.
Hope I'm not late.
Next time, try cutting it a little closer, why don't ya? Boss, open the portal! We're coming through.
How are you gonna land this thing? I don't know.
None of the controls work.
Then why are you sitting there? I always wanted to be a pilot.
Aaaah! Bail out! Wait'll the boss sees this.
You know, this is one of those days I think I shoulda stayed in bed.
Now, to destroy this dreadful flute once and for all.
Hi-ya! Well, Irma and old Vernon will never have to worry about being rat finks again.
Hey, look, there he is.
And so, the mysterious menace has ended.
But who were these-- wererats? Perhaps no on will ever know for sure.
Oh, well.
Vernon always was a bit of a rat.

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