Temperature of Love (2017) s01e15 Episode Script
Episode 15
Why do you only think about yourself?
I don't only think about myself.
When I ask where you are, just tell me.
Do you think I ask you that
just to hear where you are?
I don't care even if I drown
or freeze to death with you.
That's why I said we should
move in together, but you said no.
I'm willing to come into your life
and share your pain.
Why are you pushing me away?
I told you that I have family issues
and that they're not easy to handle.
Do you think my family has no problems?
Every family has problems.
It may have been hard for you,
but it might not be so for me.
My mom and dad
had trouble conceiving for a long time
after they got married.
Because of that,
their parents were very worried.
Then they had me.
That's why they've always expected
a lot from me since I was little.
How can I tell her my parents got married
because my mom got pregnant with me?
My parents thought
it was very important to raise us
to be independent.
They were so in love that their kids
were their second priority.
When I was young,
there were times that it upset me.
My mom thinks that the person
who is able to give is the strong one.
She's giving, and she never holds back.
Aren't you tired?
Should I get off?
No, I'm fine.
While I was telling him about my family,
all he said to me was,
"No, I'm fine."
Why did you wash your hair at night?
Because I felt frustrated.
This is why I don't date.
Give it to me.
Even just watching you
exhausts me emotionally.
I'm going to work until very late.
I have a meeting with Jun-ha tomorrow.
Living like Hong-a
might actually be the best thing.
I haven't heard from her lately.
How is she doing?
She doesn't meet anyone these days.
She lives off the joy of watching
her social media follower counts go up.
Trying to meet the deadline,
pulling an all-nighter.
Working hard for my miniseries debut.
Love does not exist.
Your photos are nice.
Let's follow each other.
You thought I'd miss you guys, didn't you?
I did so much for them.
Why are you still here?
I thought God may reward me
for doing extra work.
Let's figure out how much money we need.
We have the rent deposit, 200 million won.
But we can't use that
because it's our deposit.
It'd be great if I could help out
at times like this.
You have no money. Your parents
have practically disowned you.
That won't last forever.
They'll take me back eventually.
But I have to be successful by then.
Let's say we won't be profitable
for a while.
How much would we need to keep it afloat
for about six months?
About 200 million won?
That's a lot of money.
How much money did you borrow?
I got quite a bit
since the land is in Pangyo.
But there's something else
I need to pay off.
What else?
My mom's debt.
I was surprised when you called,
asking to meet up.
I'm sure you want to talk about something.
It's a list of donations
I've received from Mr. Park.
You don't need to pay him back.
He did that because he likes my paintings.
I'm off.
What a nice surprise to see you.
Come in.
-Drink up.
-I met up with Professor Min.
Because I didn't think
you would have told me the exact amount.
I need to know exactly how much you owe.
you're too thorough for your own good.
It's nothing strange for friends
to help one another.
You can always pay him back.
You're a chef
with a bright future ahead of you.
Why do you think Mr. Park invested in you?
He invested in you because
he knows that you're worth it.
I've been pestering him to buy Professor
Min's paintings, but he's never budged.
That means it wasn't a donation.
A donation is made when someone sees
an artistic value in an artist.
I came to talk to you about
how we should settle things.
You blamed me for not giving you money.
How much do you need a month?
Will you give me money?
First, let me hear how much.
The jajangmyeon here is really tasty.
Are you treating us today?
You love free food, don't you?
No, Gyeong hates freebies.
Hyeon-soo, I'm so glad we're friends.
What does that mean?
She knows what kind of person I am.
You've known me for long enough,
but you still don't know what I'm like.
You're so shallow.
Hurry up and eat.
Don't you have to go to Good Soup today?
You said that place is full of
young, handsome chefs.
They're closed today.
-Hey, don't you have a date?
-A date?
I told you I'm working very hard
at the moment.
But I should do an interview.
-Light two candles with one flame.
-Kill two birds with one stone.
It's me.
Where are you?
I came to see Jeong-u.
I see.
Are you going to take long?
I need to interview Chef On.
It won't take long.
I'll see you at the restaurant.
Chef On is here, sir.
Please bring us some tea.
Yes, sir.
Have a seat.
I'll make it quick since you're busy.
I added up what my mom owes you,
including the amount you donated
to Professor Min.
But I can't pay you back all at once,
so I want to make monthly installments.
What if I say no?
If you say no
Then tell me what you want.
I'll see what I can do.
The creditor-debtor relationship
lasts longer
than a romantic relationship.
Ours will be a long one.
I should be grateful.
Let's meet. I'm on my way to see you now.
Something important came up.
Let's postpone the interview.
I'll call you after work.
I'm already here though.
I guess he didn't take his car.
What kind of restaurant closes on Mondays?
I need the day to prepare things
for the restaurant.
What brings you here?
What's this?
I told you not to sell that land.
I didn't sell it.
At this rate, you will.
It's my property. I make the decision.
The value will go up if you hold on to it.
I'm saying this for your sake.
Am I even in your life?
Of course, you're my son.
Why did you take out a secured loan?
I needed the money to run the restaurant.
Then you shouldn't even take a day off.
Why is your restaurant closed today?
I thought you've made it big
since you were in a magazine,
but I guess what you do
only looks good on the outside.
This is why I was against you
becoming a chef.
You should've gotten a career
that matters.
I asked you to live with me,
but you refused.
Your mom ruined you.
I chose Mom because she was the weak one.
You made your son
have to decide between his mom and dad.
How can you be so unashamed?
Do you resent me?
When I followed Mom to France,
there were times when I missed you.
But because I didn't want to be like you,
I hated myself for missing you.
What's wrong with me?
Why don't you want to be like me?
I've been living a stable, exemplary life.
You abused your wife.
Don't you think
you're too ignorant of the things you did?
Are you coming to interview me today?
I'm in the parking lot now.
Where's your workstation?
I usually work here. It's called a pass.
Oh, wait. I should record this.
What is a pass?
"Pass" means a passage.
It's where a head chef completes
the plating and does final checks.
What's this?
A heat lamp.
It keeps the food warm.
Why did you become a chef?
Because of my mom's influence.
She was a dedicated homemaker
until I was 12.
From bread to cookies,
she made everything from scratch.
That's why my friends loved coming over.
You said it only took you a minute
to decide to be a chef.
One day, my mom didn't come home
until very late.
I was eating alone,
and the thought just hit me.
"I should become a chef."
Do you want to see the fridge next?
I actually saw it the other day.
I'm more interested in
learning about what's going on
inside your mind.
Occupation reveals a lot
about that person, you know.
I need to know more
to convey the main character.
Wasn't your dad against you
becoming a chef?
He was.
But it didn't stop me.
What else should I show you?
A chef-owner has to cook
and run the restaurant.
What's the biggest challenge?
Paying employees on time.
It's because
they depend on their paychecks.
Did you pay all of them
on time this month?
Yes, I did.
With the secured loan you took out?
Won-jun told you too much.
You don't need to be concerned.
Are there any other challenges?
There is, of course.
Your mother?
I don't want to talk about my mom.
I'm thinking how much longer
I should hold back.
"I can't hold back any longer."
Isn't that what you meant?
I've been waiting.
You got mad at me for meeting up with her.
That hurt my feelings.
But I let it go
as it seemed to bother you.
I'm walking on eggshells around you.
When will you let me into your life?
You're already in my life.
Then how come I don't feel that way?
I've let you into my life.
I cried and yelled in front of you
and have shown you everything.
Have you ever cried in front of me?
Don't cry alone.
If you cry alone, it means
you don't want to let me in your life.
I need to know exactly what pains you
so that I can love and understand you
more deeply.
Do you want a meaningless relationship?
Don't you think you're being too extreme?
I've never shared my pain with anyone.
You can't expect me to do that right away.
Not right away.
You've had several chances.
When I said we should move in together.
When I met your mother.
You have no idea
what it's like to have parents
who are messed up.
I'll tell you when the time's right.
Your mother roughly told me
why she had to get a divorce.
Did you meet her again? I told you not to.
Why are you getting angry?
She told me the last time I met her.
Just thinking about her makes me angry.
Did you have to get me riled up like this?
Isn't it better to end this nicely?
How is that better?
It's much better
to deal with things head-on.
I'll get going.
It's useless and upsetting to talk
to someone who refuses to open up.
Bring them here.
You're talking as if that's really easy.
You've worked with them before.
Why would they work with me again
just because of that reason?
I thought casting would be easy
because you're a famous director.
But I can still cast the ones
who aren't doing as well as they used to.
Come in.
Mr. Park asked me to drop these off
for your meeting.
What is he up to right now?
Orion topped the album chart,
so he's congratulating them.
I'll be right back.
Thank you, Mr. Park.
-Hey, move over.
Mr. Park, I love you.
-We owe it all to you.
-We'll do our best.
-Great work, guys.
-Come closer.
-Mr. Park.
-Hello, Ms. Ji.
Congratulations. I heard you're here,
so I came to congratulate you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Can I take a picture with you?
All right.
One, two, three.
With On Entertainment's Orion.
Casting actors at the moment.
When will I find the perfect actor?
As usual, I'm enjoying life.
You must like posting on social media.
I think it's a waste of time
to devote yourself to someone else.
Don't you feel the same way?
We're discussing your drama with JK.
You're changing the subject.
I guess personal relationships
are your weakness too.
You're very loyal to your desires.
That's your strength.
People will love your drama.
Isn't it hard for you
to still have to see Hyeon-soo?
You should just cancel the contract.
It's difficult to find a good writer.
So why would I do that?
I had a crush on Jeong-seon
for about four years. But now, I don't.
When I put an end to it,
I realized that my feelings for him
weren't sincere.
You should try to put an end to it too.
Then you'll find out.
You'll know if it was real or fake.
Isn't the fact that you can end it
enough to tell that it's fake?
Hey, Hyeon-soo.
Did something bad happen
during the interview?
You couldn't meet Chef On?
I did see him.
Then why the long face?
The love between the two of you
must be getting deeper.
I wish.
Hey, Dad.
Are you busy today?
Why do you ask?
Can you go to the hospital with your mom?
I have a lot of work to do,
so I think I'll finish late.
She can go by herself,
but I just feel bad.
Okay, Dad.
I have to go out again.
I need to take my mom to the hospital.
Is she sick?
She's going through her menopause.
It must be her hormones.
I'm walking on eggshells around you.
I'm by your side.
I've let you into my life.
Don't cry alone.
If you cry alone, it means
you don't want to let me in your life.
When will you let me into your life?
You're already in my life.
There we go. I like this.
What don't you like?
You're right. I like everything.
What's up?
You must've finished them by now.
You didn't have to come.
Your dad is too overprotective of me.
Ms. Park Mi-na, please come in.
Okay. Let's go.
You said you've been getting
bad headaches. When did it start?
About a couple of months ago.
It used to subside after taking medicine.
I recently got a CT scan,
and the results were fine.
Where and how does it hurt?
I get pounding headaches right here.
Just a moment, please.
Don't move your chin.
Please look at my nose.
Now, could you follow my finger
with your eyes?
Now, try holding my hand.
As tightly as possible.
Okay. Now, let's try the other hand.
All right, thank you.
Well, I think you'll need to get
another checkup.
Mom, I'll hold on to this.
Hey, what's the matter with you?
Why are you treating me
like someone critically ill?
I'll carry my own purse.
Gosh, why are you so sensitive?
What's wrong with me holding on to it?
Didn't you hear the nurse earlier?
She called me your guardian.
Okay, my guardian.
But for now, no thanks.
I don't think
you can call yourself his guardian.
Jeong-seon isn't married yet,
so I am his guardian legally.
I have something to tell you.
You really won't make time for me?
Do you know how much Jeong-seon likes you?
He grew up with no siblings,
and he barely received any love
from his dad growing up.
He rarely relies on others.
But he was different with you.
I'm pretty sure you understand.
You don't seem to have many friends.
I'm just saying you must've had to
stomp on many people to succeed like this.
No, I just meant to say
that you're an inspiring person.
Do you really have to get the money back
from Jeong-seon?
I'm the one who borrowed the money,
so I'll pay you back.
It may take some time,
but I'll be sure to pay you back.
I didn't expect you to pay me back
when I gave you the money.
I know, right?
You're so generous.
I don't intend on stopping him
if he wishes to pay me back.
You should stick to your original plan.
Why get swayed by what he says?
You said you weren't expecting
to get the money back.
You must be tired of listening to me.
I'm quick-witted because I've had to
tiptoe around others all my life.
I'm practically begging you like this now
because I can't bear to see someone
giving Jeong-seon a hard time.
What can I do for you to go easy on him?
Should I get down on my knees?
I can kneel a hundred times
if it's for Jeong-seon.
I must say, you're very strange.
In what way?
Sometimes, when I meet you,
I wonder how things would be
if my mom were still alive.
Your mother and I would've been
really good friends.
You and Jeong-seon are close,
so your mother and I
would've been close too.
Yes, you should smile like that.
I'll act as your mother
since your mother passed away.
So have you changed your mind?
You're smiling,
so I'm guessing that you have.
I'm fun, aren't I?
Yes, you are.
Do you know how hard it is to be fun?
Let's stay close like a family
like we used to be.
Is it because of Hyeon-soo?
She's crazy. You should just
forget about her and move on.
I told her everything about me,
but she still chose to be with Jeong-seon.
I mean, she must be crazy.
How could she choose to put up with me?
You're still young, so you may think
that she's the only one for you.
But someone new will come along.
This is not the end.
And you can keep meeting new people
and fall in love.
Why are you obsessing over one woman
when you're rich?
It's cerebral aneurysm.
Cerebral aneurysm?
As you can see, your blood vessels
are inflated like balloons.
But her last CT scan didn't show
anything abnormal.
That's probably because
they weren't dilated like this back then.
Then what do I need to do?
If the blood vessels burst,
it'll cause severe damage to the brain.
You need to undergo surgery
as soon as possible.
Then please schedule the surgery for her.
The thing is, it's not that easy.
It's okay, Mom.
We've booked a date for your surgery,
so just take your medicine while you wait.
I'm upset.
-I'll pick it up for you.
I'll pick it up myself.
Mom, I told you that
everything will be fine.
I can't have a conversation
with these people.
What's wrong with Won-jun?
He makes me so angry.
He's not even calling me.
What's a fricassee?
A fricassee refers to
sautéed and braised meat.
Hey, Hong-a.
Hey, what are you doing?
You must be cooking now.
Aren't you off today?
Yes, but I'm at the restaurant
to have a meal with Su-jeong.
I have to go, Hong-a.
You didn't even ask me why I called.
Oh, why did you call me? What's up?
I'll tell you in person.
-Is it good?
This wine goes well with it.
I'm an expert, you know.
Who could that be?
I'll go.
-Hi, Won-jun.
Hi, Su-jeong.
I came here because I got bored
while working at home.
I called Won-jun,
and he said he was having lunch.
Am I interrupting?
You can join us.
I'll go bring a fork for you.
It's okay.
Until we figure out
what to do with Hong-a,
we can't date anyway.
Su-jeong, am I a problem
that you have to figure out?
This isn't right.
What do you mean?
I told you that I came here
to eat with her.
This is our date, and you're ruining it.
Did you bring your car?
-Then I'll walk you to your car.
At least you walked me out today.
Drive home safely.
Are you really the same Won-jun I know?
How could your feelings change?
Your feelings may have changed,
but old habits die hard.
What's the use of treating me this way?
I know you want to spend time with me
only when you're bored.
But this time, it feels a bit different.
I think you're jealous.
As you know, I can be
very moody.
I liked Jeong-seon for four years.
I think it was because I got competitive
and wanted to win against Hyeon-soo.
My feelings for him grew
because I couldn't have him.
And you're being competitive again now.
Because Su-jeong likes me.
You quickly forgot about Jeong-seon
whom you liked for years.
-You'll forget me too.
-But you're different from me.
Why are you trying to be like me?
Do you want to be like me?
Don't live like that.
This one here is a fighter.
What a beautiful flower.
Every year around this time,
it says hello and asks me,
"Are you doing well, just like me?"
And then this is what I say.
I'm alive and well."
You should try to put an end to it too.
Then you'll find out.
You'll know if it was real or fake.
Aren't you going home?
I'll sleep here tonight.
What exactly
do they have to do for the surgery?
Do they have to open up her head?
They have to cut out the aneurysm
and reconnect the ends.
I want her to get the surgery soon.
Why do we have to wait three months
for her surgery?
We need the best surgeon
because it's a difficult operation.
But what if
What if it bursts while we wait?
We can't just sit around and wait.
I'll look into it.
There's a surgeon I interviewed
in the past.
Really? That's great.
Thank you, Hyeon-soo.
Don't thank me yet.
Dad, excuse me for a minute.
Hi, Jeong-seon.
Is your mom okay?
She's not okay.
Is it something serious?
I'll tell you later.
I'm with my dad right now.
All right, then. Please tell me later.
Good night.
Good night.
Yes, thank you.
Dad, I'll do it.
I got it.
I do this every day, so it's fine.
What did they say?
Can they expedite her surgery?
The surgeon that I know is away
at the moment.
He's in the States for training.
Then what should we do?
My life revolves around your mom,
so I have no connections.
It feels weird to be home during the day
on a sick leave.
Have some breakfast.
What's wrong?
Isn't it better to eat rice
before your medication?
I always eat bread for breakfast.
I don't want rice.
Shouldn't you get going?
I'll stay a bit longer.
You should go and work.
Sitting here with me
won't solve the problem.
Why are you so calm?
What should I do
about your dad?
Our plans completely fell through.
Michelin inspectors showed up
at other restaurants.
The sea bass and veggies weren't fresh,
so I sent them back.
I'll go pick some up.
Please be in charge of the kitchen.
Would you like some wine or drinks?
Yes, we'd like to see your wine list.
And we'll start with some sparkling water.
Here's a new one.
Thank you.
I think table ten is from Michelin.
No way. Michelin inspectors
don't make it so obvious.
This time, it's for real.
He dropped his knife.
He also asked for our wine list
and sparkling water.
I did hear that
Michelin inspectors do that.
What? Seriously?
I've heard that too.
Anyway, we have nothing to lose
from impressing them.
Thanks for coming out to see me.
No problem. I had to step out
for a casting meeting anyway.
I asked my dad,
and I think he's close to
the director of Gookil Hospital.
Do you want to transfer your mom there?
I'll have to discuss it with my dad.
You should talk to Mr. Park.
How could I?
Why not?
Are you just going to sit
and wait for three months?
Doesn't Won-jun
come from a family of doctors?
Do you think every doctor
has good connections?
You really don't know anything.
Is it because of Jeong-seon
that you can't talk to Mr. Park?
No, it's not that.
I just feel bad about
asking for personal favors.
Don't feel bad.
It's difficult for you,
but for Mr. Park, it's really easy.
Pull yourself together, Hyeon-soo.
I really don't understand.
Why are you dating Jeong-seon
when you have Mr. Park?
Here's your drink.
Are you finished?
Would you like me to bring out
the next course?
Yes, that'd be great.
They barely ate it.
You heat it up too quickly.
Tell them we'll make it again for them.
They asked for the next course though.
Didn't you say you think
they're from Michelin?
You made a mistake by trying too hard.
I told you we should just do
what we normally do.
How did you like your meal?
Thank you.
Were they really from Michelin?
I'm not too sure.
I'm only 50 percent sure.
You're 50 percent sure?
That's pretty high.
There's a 50 percent chance
that they weren't.
Let's get back to work!
-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.
Mr. Park, I'm here.
How is it going?
I still haven't heard from them.
You've been asking me every single day.
They say,
the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
I met with Hyeon-soo on my way here.
Why are you all quiet suddenly?
Because I have nothing to say.
Her mom is ill.
She needs surgery as soon as possible,
but I heard she has to wait.
Hyeon-soo asked me for help,
but my family has no connections
at Seowoo Hospital.
I'm here.
Long time no see, Ms. Ji.
How much have you written so far?
I finished the fifth episode.
Then send it to me right away, please.
Mr. Park, doesn't she annoy you?
Mr. Park, doesn't he bore you?
You two amuse me.
-Oh, Chef On.
-Ms. Hwangbo.
I made this for you. Is Hyeon-soo inside?
She went out to see a friend.
She's trying to get help for her mom.
There are a lot of people on the waitlist
for the surgery your mother needs.
My gosh.
Is it bad?
I don't have an appetite.
Thanks for bringing this,
but I'll eat it later.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't know your mother needed surgery.
You have a lot on your plate.
I didn't want to burden you.
My feelings are hurt.
You don't tell me a lot of things too.
Do you want some tea?
Yes, please.
I hope my mom can get her surgery soon,
but I don't know anyone
at Seowoo Hospital.
My gosh. Hello, Mr. Park.
I get to see you
because you need a favor from me.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
I looked into what you asked me.
Is there anyone
who can operate on her soon?
there's a doctor that just came back
from a sabbatical in the States.
The patient is very lucky.
I hope my mom can get her surgery soon,
but I don't know anyone
at Seowoo Hospital.
Take this to your mother.
Onions are supposed to be good
for brain aneurysms. It's onion soup.
Thank you. Do you want to come in?
No, I have to meet someone.
What brings you here?
I have a favor to ask of you.
What is it?
Do you happen to know any neurosurgeons
at Seowoo Hospital?
Of course, I know some.
My university friends are
all professors now. Why do you ask?
Is someone ill?
I was hoping to help my girlfriend's mom
get her surgery sooner.
Your girlfriend?
Are you going to marry her?
You're too young to get married.
I didn't say I want to get married now.
I'm asking you if you can help arrange it.
Why bother helping her if you're not
going to marry her? It's useless.
Thank you, Mr. Park.
Thank you.
The general wards are full,
so I arranged a room
you can be admitted to right away.
You have to fast starting this evening.
We'll start your surgery
at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
How do you like the room?
Oh, it's great.
Please let me know
if you need anything else.
We're hugely indebted to you.
I'm enjoying your citron tea.
I haven't caught a cold, thanks to you.
Please make me some more later.
That's the least I can do for you.
-Why is she in the VIP room?
-I'm wondering the same thing.
Oh, you girls are here.
I should get going.
You're leaving already?
Who is he?
He's the CEO of On Entertainment.
I'm Lee Hyeon-i, Hyeon-soo's sister.
Please get some rest.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I'll be right back.
Mr. Park.
It's been a while.
Thank you.
No problem.
My parents are very important to me.
Thanks again.
Stop thanking me.
I'll move her to a different room though.
If you're uncomfortable, go ahead.
I'm sorry.
Why do you only say
"sorry" and "thank you" to me?
You're right.
No surgery is easy. Take good care of her.
I'm off.
Did that guy leave?
Be polite, will you?
What? He seemed pretty young.
let's move to a different room.
But that will hurt Mr. Park's feelings.
It wouldn't be nice to reject
his kindness.
We don't have the kind of relationship
where accepting help like this is okay.
Then we can
pay for the room ourselves.
It'll be really expensive.
Can we afford it?
Yes, we can.
How can you talk about money
in this situation?
I'm sorry.
Your mom and I have been saving up
for a cruise.
We've been saving up
so that we can travel after we retire.
We can spend that money.
I'm going to make sure
your mom gets the best service.
Without her,
I won't be able to live.
Is this for Hyeon-soo's family?
You're so devoted.
This is the least I can do.
This is incredibly thoughtful of you.
What more can you do?
Is she in a VIP room?
It's going to cost a fortune.
Oh, hello.
She's asleep now.
Jeong-seon brought onion soup for Mom.
She enjoyed it earlier. Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
I should visit her, of course.
You should've told me
that she got scheduled for surgery.
I'm sorry.
What time is the surgery?
At 10 a.m.
All right. Go in and get some rest.
Let's go.
Come in.
Mr. Park.
I came to visit.
-You're here.
Is it okay that I'm here?
Of course, we're happy to see you.
Yes. We're very fond of you, Mr. Park.
I woke up early
to make lunch for five people
so that we can eat together.
But today,
we won't be able to eat together.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
Why do you only think about yourself?
I don't only think about myself.
When I ask where you are, just tell me.
Do you think I ask you that
just to hear where you are?
I don't care even if I drown
or freeze to death with you.
That's why I said we should
move in together, but you said no.
I'm willing to come into your life
and share your pain.
Why are you pushing me away?
I told you that I have family issues
and that they're not easy to handle.
Do you think my family has no problems?
Every family has problems.
It may have been hard for you,
but it might not be so for me.
My mom and dad
had trouble conceiving for a long time
after they got married.
Because of that,
their parents were very worried.
Then they had me.
That's why they've always expected
a lot from me since I was little.
How can I tell her my parents got married
because my mom got pregnant with me?
My parents thought
it was very important to raise us
to be independent.
They were so in love that their kids
were their second priority.
When I was young,
there were times that it upset me.
My mom thinks that the person
who is able to give is the strong one.
She's giving, and she never holds back.
Aren't you tired?
Should I get off?
No, I'm fine.
While I was telling him about my family,
all he said to me was,
"No, I'm fine."
Why did you wash your hair at night?
Because I felt frustrated.
This is why I don't date.
Give it to me.
Even just watching you
exhausts me emotionally.
I'm going to work until very late.
I have a meeting with Jun-ha tomorrow.
Living like Hong-a
might actually be the best thing.
I haven't heard from her lately.
How is she doing?
She doesn't meet anyone these days.
She lives off the joy of watching
her social media follower counts go up.
Trying to meet the deadline,
pulling an all-nighter.
Working hard for my miniseries debut.
Love does not exist.
Your photos are nice.
Let's follow each other.
You thought I'd miss you guys, didn't you?
I did so much for them.
Why are you still here?
I thought God may reward me
for doing extra work.
Let's figure out how much money we need.
We have the rent deposit, 200 million won.
But we can't use that
because it's our deposit.
It'd be great if I could help out
at times like this.
You have no money. Your parents
have practically disowned you.
That won't last forever.
They'll take me back eventually.
But I have to be successful by then.
Let's say we won't be profitable
for a while.
How much would we need to keep it afloat
for about six months?
About 200 million won?
That's a lot of money.
How much money did you borrow?
I got quite a bit
since the land is in Pangyo.
But there's something else
I need to pay off.
What else?
My mom's debt.
I was surprised when you called,
asking to meet up.
I'm sure you want to talk about something.
It's a list of donations
I've received from Mr. Park.
You don't need to pay him back.
He did that because he likes my paintings.
I'm off.
What a nice surprise to see you.
Come in.
-Drink up.
-I met up with Professor Min.
Because I didn't think
you would have told me the exact amount.
I need to know exactly how much you owe.
you're too thorough for your own good.
It's nothing strange for friends
to help one another.
You can always pay him back.
You're a chef
with a bright future ahead of you.
Why do you think Mr. Park invested in you?
He invested in you because
he knows that you're worth it.
I've been pestering him to buy Professor
Min's paintings, but he's never budged.
That means it wasn't a donation.
A donation is made when someone sees
an artistic value in an artist.
I came to talk to you about
how we should settle things.
You blamed me for not giving you money.
How much do you need a month?
Will you give me money?
First, let me hear how much.
The jajangmyeon here is really tasty.
Are you treating us today?
You love free food, don't you?
No, Gyeong hates freebies.
Hyeon-soo, I'm so glad we're friends.
What does that mean?
She knows what kind of person I am.
You've known me for long enough,
but you still don't know what I'm like.
You're so shallow.
Hurry up and eat.
Don't you have to go to Good Soup today?
You said that place is full of
young, handsome chefs.
They're closed today.
-Hey, don't you have a date?
-A date?
I told you I'm working very hard
at the moment.
But I should do an interview.
-Light two candles with one flame.
-Kill two birds with one stone.
It's me.
Where are you?
I came to see Jeong-u.
I see.
Are you going to take long?
I need to interview Chef On.
It won't take long.
I'll see you at the restaurant.
Chef On is here, sir.
Please bring us some tea.
Yes, sir.
Have a seat.
I'll make it quick since you're busy.
I added up what my mom owes you,
including the amount you donated
to Professor Min.
But I can't pay you back all at once,
so I want to make monthly installments.
What if I say no?
If you say no
Then tell me what you want.
I'll see what I can do.
The creditor-debtor relationship
lasts longer
than a romantic relationship.
Ours will be a long one.
I should be grateful.
Let's meet. I'm on my way to see you now.
Something important came up.
Let's postpone the interview.
I'll call you after work.
I'm already here though.
I guess he didn't take his car.
What kind of restaurant closes on Mondays?
I need the day to prepare things
for the restaurant.
What brings you here?
What's this?
I told you not to sell that land.
I didn't sell it.
At this rate, you will.
It's my property. I make the decision.
The value will go up if you hold on to it.
I'm saying this for your sake.
Am I even in your life?
Of course, you're my son.
Why did you take out a secured loan?
I needed the money to run the restaurant.
Then you shouldn't even take a day off.
Why is your restaurant closed today?
I thought you've made it big
since you were in a magazine,
but I guess what you do
only looks good on the outside.
This is why I was against you
becoming a chef.
You should've gotten a career
that matters.
I asked you to live with me,
but you refused.
Your mom ruined you.
I chose Mom because she was the weak one.
You made your son
have to decide between his mom and dad.
How can you be so unashamed?
Do you resent me?
When I followed Mom to France,
there were times when I missed you.
But because I didn't want to be like you,
I hated myself for missing you.
What's wrong with me?
Why don't you want to be like me?
I've been living a stable, exemplary life.
You abused your wife.
Don't you think
you're too ignorant of the things you did?
Are you coming to interview me today?
I'm in the parking lot now.
Where's your workstation?
I usually work here. It's called a pass.
Oh, wait. I should record this.
What is a pass?
"Pass" means a passage.
It's where a head chef completes
the plating and does final checks.
What's this?
A heat lamp.
It keeps the food warm.
Why did you become a chef?
Because of my mom's influence.
She was a dedicated homemaker
until I was 12.
From bread to cookies,
she made everything from scratch.
That's why my friends loved coming over.
You said it only took you a minute
to decide to be a chef.
One day, my mom didn't come home
until very late.
I was eating alone,
and the thought just hit me.
"I should become a chef."
Do you want to see the fridge next?
I actually saw it the other day.
I'm more interested in
learning about what's going on
inside your mind.
Occupation reveals a lot
about that person, you know.
I need to know more
to convey the main character.
Wasn't your dad against you
becoming a chef?
He was.
But it didn't stop me.
What else should I show you?
A chef-owner has to cook
and run the restaurant.
What's the biggest challenge?
Paying employees on time.
It's because
they depend on their paychecks.
Did you pay all of them
on time this month?
Yes, I did.
With the secured loan you took out?
Won-jun told you too much.
You don't need to be concerned.
Are there any other challenges?
There is, of course.
Your mother?
I don't want to talk about my mom.
I'm thinking how much longer
I should hold back.
"I can't hold back any longer."
Isn't that what you meant?
I've been waiting.
You got mad at me for meeting up with her.
That hurt my feelings.
But I let it go
as it seemed to bother you.
I'm walking on eggshells around you.
When will you let me into your life?
You're already in my life.
Then how come I don't feel that way?
I've let you into my life.
I cried and yelled in front of you
and have shown you everything.
Have you ever cried in front of me?
Don't cry alone.
If you cry alone, it means
you don't want to let me in your life.
I need to know exactly what pains you
so that I can love and understand you
more deeply.
Do you want a meaningless relationship?
Don't you think you're being too extreme?
I've never shared my pain with anyone.
You can't expect me to do that right away.
Not right away.
You've had several chances.
When I said we should move in together.
When I met your mother.
You have no idea
what it's like to have parents
who are messed up.
I'll tell you when the time's right.
Your mother roughly told me
why she had to get a divorce.
Did you meet her again? I told you not to.
Why are you getting angry?
She told me the last time I met her.
Just thinking about her makes me angry.
Did you have to get me riled up like this?
Isn't it better to end this nicely?
How is that better?
It's much better
to deal with things head-on.
I'll get going.
It's useless and upsetting to talk
to someone who refuses to open up.
Bring them here.
You're talking as if that's really easy.
You've worked with them before.
Why would they work with me again
just because of that reason?
I thought casting would be easy
because you're a famous director.
But I can still cast the ones
who aren't doing as well as they used to.
Come in.
Mr. Park asked me to drop these off
for your meeting.
What is he up to right now?
Orion topped the album chart,
so he's congratulating them.
I'll be right back.
Thank you, Mr. Park.
-Hey, move over.
Mr. Park, I love you.
-We owe it all to you.
-We'll do our best.
-Great work, guys.
-Come closer.
-Mr. Park.
-Hello, Ms. Ji.
Congratulations. I heard you're here,
so I came to congratulate you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Can I take a picture with you?
All right.
One, two, three.
With On Entertainment's Orion.
Casting actors at the moment.
When will I find the perfect actor?
As usual, I'm enjoying life.
You must like posting on social media.
I think it's a waste of time
to devote yourself to someone else.
Don't you feel the same way?
We're discussing your drama with JK.
You're changing the subject.
I guess personal relationships
are your weakness too.
You're very loyal to your desires.
That's your strength.
People will love your drama.
Isn't it hard for you
to still have to see Hyeon-soo?
You should just cancel the contract.
It's difficult to find a good writer.
So why would I do that?
I had a crush on Jeong-seon
for about four years. But now, I don't.
When I put an end to it,
I realized that my feelings for him
weren't sincere.
You should try to put an end to it too.
Then you'll find out.
You'll know if it was real or fake.
Isn't the fact that you can end it
enough to tell that it's fake?
Hey, Hyeon-soo.
Did something bad happen
during the interview?
You couldn't meet Chef On?
I did see him.
Then why the long face?
The love between the two of you
must be getting deeper.
I wish.
Hey, Dad.
Are you busy today?
Why do you ask?
Can you go to the hospital with your mom?
I have a lot of work to do,
so I think I'll finish late.
She can go by herself,
but I just feel bad.
Okay, Dad.
I have to go out again.
I need to take my mom to the hospital.
Is she sick?
She's going through her menopause.
It must be her hormones.
I'm walking on eggshells around you.
I'm by your side.
I've let you into my life.
Don't cry alone.
If you cry alone, it means
you don't want to let me in your life.
When will you let me into your life?
You're already in my life.
There we go. I like this.
What don't you like?
You're right. I like everything.
What's up?
You must've finished them by now.
You didn't have to come.
Your dad is too overprotective of me.
Ms. Park Mi-na, please come in.
Okay. Let's go.
You said you've been getting
bad headaches. When did it start?
About a couple of months ago.
It used to subside after taking medicine.
I recently got a CT scan,
and the results were fine.
Where and how does it hurt?
I get pounding headaches right here.
Just a moment, please.
Don't move your chin.
Please look at my nose.
Now, could you follow my finger
with your eyes?
Now, try holding my hand.
As tightly as possible.
Okay. Now, let's try the other hand.
All right, thank you.
Well, I think you'll need to get
another checkup.
Mom, I'll hold on to this.
Hey, what's the matter with you?
Why are you treating me
like someone critically ill?
I'll carry my own purse.
Gosh, why are you so sensitive?
What's wrong with me holding on to it?
Didn't you hear the nurse earlier?
She called me your guardian.
Okay, my guardian.
But for now, no thanks.
I don't think
you can call yourself his guardian.
Jeong-seon isn't married yet,
so I am his guardian legally.
I have something to tell you.
You really won't make time for me?
Do you know how much Jeong-seon likes you?
He grew up with no siblings,
and he barely received any love
from his dad growing up.
He rarely relies on others.
But he was different with you.
I'm pretty sure you understand.
You don't seem to have many friends.
I'm just saying you must've had to
stomp on many people to succeed like this.
No, I just meant to say
that you're an inspiring person.
Do you really have to get the money back
from Jeong-seon?
I'm the one who borrowed the money,
so I'll pay you back.
It may take some time,
but I'll be sure to pay you back.
I didn't expect you to pay me back
when I gave you the money.
I know, right?
You're so generous.
I don't intend on stopping him
if he wishes to pay me back.
You should stick to your original plan.
Why get swayed by what he says?
You said you weren't expecting
to get the money back.
You must be tired of listening to me.
I'm quick-witted because I've had to
tiptoe around others all my life.
I'm practically begging you like this now
because I can't bear to see someone
giving Jeong-seon a hard time.
What can I do for you to go easy on him?
Should I get down on my knees?
I can kneel a hundred times
if it's for Jeong-seon.
I must say, you're very strange.
In what way?
Sometimes, when I meet you,
I wonder how things would be
if my mom were still alive.
Your mother and I would've been
really good friends.
You and Jeong-seon are close,
so your mother and I
would've been close too.
Yes, you should smile like that.
I'll act as your mother
since your mother passed away.
So have you changed your mind?
You're smiling,
so I'm guessing that you have.
I'm fun, aren't I?
Yes, you are.
Do you know how hard it is to be fun?
Let's stay close like a family
like we used to be.
Is it because of Hyeon-soo?
She's crazy. You should just
forget about her and move on.
I told her everything about me,
but she still chose to be with Jeong-seon.
I mean, she must be crazy.
How could she choose to put up with me?
You're still young, so you may think
that she's the only one for you.
But someone new will come along.
This is not the end.
And you can keep meeting new people
and fall in love.
Why are you obsessing over one woman
when you're rich?
It's cerebral aneurysm.
Cerebral aneurysm?
As you can see, your blood vessels
are inflated like balloons.
But her last CT scan didn't show
anything abnormal.
That's probably because
they weren't dilated like this back then.
Then what do I need to do?
If the blood vessels burst,
it'll cause severe damage to the brain.
You need to undergo surgery
as soon as possible.
Then please schedule the surgery for her.
The thing is, it's not that easy.
It's okay, Mom.
We've booked a date for your surgery,
so just take your medicine while you wait.
I'm upset.
-I'll pick it up for you.
I'll pick it up myself.
Mom, I told you that
everything will be fine.
I can't have a conversation
with these people.
What's wrong with Won-jun?
He makes me so angry.
He's not even calling me.
What's a fricassee?
A fricassee refers to
sautéed and braised meat.
Hey, Hong-a.
Hey, what are you doing?
You must be cooking now.
Aren't you off today?
Yes, but I'm at the restaurant
to have a meal with Su-jeong.
I have to go, Hong-a.
You didn't even ask me why I called.
Oh, why did you call me? What's up?
I'll tell you in person.
-Is it good?
This wine goes well with it.
I'm an expert, you know.
Who could that be?
I'll go.
-Hi, Won-jun.
Hi, Su-jeong.
I came here because I got bored
while working at home.
I called Won-jun,
and he said he was having lunch.
Am I interrupting?
You can join us.
I'll go bring a fork for you.
It's okay.
Until we figure out
what to do with Hong-a,
we can't date anyway.
Su-jeong, am I a problem
that you have to figure out?
This isn't right.
What do you mean?
I told you that I came here
to eat with her.
This is our date, and you're ruining it.
Did you bring your car?
-Then I'll walk you to your car.
At least you walked me out today.
Drive home safely.
Are you really the same Won-jun I know?
How could your feelings change?
Your feelings may have changed,
but old habits die hard.
What's the use of treating me this way?
I know you want to spend time with me
only when you're bored.
But this time, it feels a bit different.
I think you're jealous.
As you know, I can be
very moody.
I liked Jeong-seon for four years.
I think it was because I got competitive
and wanted to win against Hyeon-soo.
My feelings for him grew
because I couldn't have him.
And you're being competitive again now.
Because Su-jeong likes me.
You quickly forgot about Jeong-seon
whom you liked for years.
-You'll forget me too.
-But you're different from me.
Why are you trying to be like me?
Do you want to be like me?
Don't live like that.
This one here is a fighter.
What a beautiful flower.
Every year around this time,
it says hello and asks me,
"Are you doing well, just like me?"
And then this is what I say.
I'm alive and well."
You should try to put an end to it too.
Then you'll find out.
You'll know if it was real or fake.
Aren't you going home?
I'll sleep here tonight.
What exactly
do they have to do for the surgery?
Do they have to open up her head?
They have to cut out the aneurysm
and reconnect the ends.
I want her to get the surgery soon.
Why do we have to wait three months
for her surgery?
We need the best surgeon
because it's a difficult operation.
But what if
What if it bursts while we wait?
We can't just sit around and wait.
I'll look into it.
There's a surgeon I interviewed
in the past.
Really? That's great.
Thank you, Hyeon-soo.
Don't thank me yet.
Dad, excuse me for a minute.
Hi, Jeong-seon.
Is your mom okay?
She's not okay.
Is it something serious?
I'll tell you later.
I'm with my dad right now.
All right, then. Please tell me later.
Good night.
Good night.
Yes, thank you.
Dad, I'll do it.
I got it.
I do this every day, so it's fine.
What did they say?
Can they expedite her surgery?
The surgeon that I know is away
at the moment.
He's in the States for training.
Then what should we do?
My life revolves around your mom,
so I have no connections.
It feels weird to be home during the day
on a sick leave.
Have some breakfast.
What's wrong?
Isn't it better to eat rice
before your medication?
I always eat bread for breakfast.
I don't want rice.
Shouldn't you get going?
I'll stay a bit longer.
You should go and work.
Sitting here with me
won't solve the problem.
Why are you so calm?
What should I do
about your dad?
Our plans completely fell through.
Michelin inspectors showed up
at other restaurants.
The sea bass and veggies weren't fresh,
so I sent them back.
I'll go pick some up.
Please be in charge of the kitchen.
Would you like some wine or drinks?
Yes, we'd like to see your wine list.
And we'll start with some sparkling water.
Here's a new one.
Thank you.
I think table ten is from Michelin.
No way. Michelin inspectors
don't make it so obvious.
This time, it's for real.
He dropped his knife.
He also asked for our wine list
and sparkling water.
I did hear that
Michelin inspectors do that.
What? Seriously?
I've heard that too.
Anyway, we have nothing to lose
from impressing them.
Thanks for coming out to see me.
No problem. I had to step out
for a casting meeting anyway.
I asked my dad,
and I think he's close to
the director of Gookil Hospital.
Do you want to transfer your mom there?
I'll have to discuss it with my dad.
You should talk to Mr. Park.
How could I?
Why not?
Are you just going to sit
and wait for three months?
Doesn't Won-jun
come from a family of doctors?
Do you think every doctor
has good connections?
You really don't know anything.
Is it because of Jeong-seon
that you can't talk to Mr. Park?
No, it's not that.
I just feel bad about
asking for personal favors.
Don't feel bad.
It's difficult for you,
but for Mr. Park, it's really easy.
Pull yourself together, Hyeon-soo.
I really don't understand.
Why are you dating Jeong-seon
when you have Mr. Park?
Here's your drink.
Are you finished?
Would you like me to bring out
the next course?
Yes, that'd be great.
They barely ate it.
You heat it up too quickly.
Tell them we'll make it again for them.
They asked for the next course though.
Didn't you say you think
they're from Michelin?
You made a mistake by trying too hard.
I told you we should just do
what we normally do.
How did you like your meal?
Thank you.
Were they really from Michelin?
I'm not too sure.
I'm only 50 percent sure.
You're 50 percent sure?
That's pretty high.
There's a 50 percent chance
that they weren't.
Let's get back to work!
-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.
Mr. Park, I'm here.
How is it going?
I still haven't heard from them.
You've been asking me every single day.
They say,
the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
I met with Hyeon-soo on my way here.
Why are you all quiet suddenly?
Because I have nothing to say.
Her mom is ill.
She needs surgery as soon as possible,
but I heard she has to wait.
Hyeon-soo asked me for help,
but my family has no connections
at Seowoo Hospital.
I'm here.
Long time no see, Ms. Ji.
How much have you written so far?
I finished the fifth episode.
Then send it to me right away, please.
Mr. Park, doesn't she annoy you?
Mr. Park, doesn't he bore you?
You two amuse me.
-Oh, Chef On.
-Ms. Hwangbo.
I made this for you. Is Hyeon-soo inside?
She went out to see a friend.
She's trying to get help for her mom.
There are a lot of people on the waitlist
for the surgery your mother needs.
My gosh.
Is it bad?
I don't have an appetite.
Thanks for bringing this,
but I'll eat it later.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't know your mother needed surgery.
You have a lot on your plate.
I didn't want to burden you.
My feelings are hurt.
You don't tell me a lot of things too.
Do you want some tea?
Yes, please.
I hope my mom can get her surgery soon,
but I don't know anyone
at Seowoo Hospital.
My gosh. Hello, Mr. Park.
I get to see you
because you need a favor from me.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
I looked into what you asked me.
Is there anyone
who can operate on her soon?
there's a doctor that just came back
from a sabbatical in the States.
The patient is very lucky.
I hope my mom can get her surgery soon,
but I don't know anyone
at Seowoo Hospital.
Take this to your mother.
Onions are supposed to be good
for brain aneurysms. It's onion soup.
Thank you. Do you want to come in?
No, I have to meet someone.
What brings you here?
I have a favor to ask of you.
What is it?
Do you happen to know any neurosurgeons
at Seowoo Hospital?
Of course, I know some.
My university friends are
all professors now. Why do you ask?
Is someone ill?
I was hoping to help my girlfriend's mom
get her surgery sooner.
Your girlfriend?
Are you going to marry her?
You're too young to get married.
I didn't say I want to get married now.
I'm asking you if you can help arrange it.
Why bother helping her if you're not
going to marry her? It's useless.
Thank you, Mr. Park.
Thank you.
The general wards are full,
so I arranged a room
you can be admitted to right away.
You have to fast starting this evening.
We'll start your surgery
at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
How do you like the room?
Oh, it's great.
Please let me know
if you need anything else.
We're hugely indebted to you.
I'm enjoying your citron tea.
I haven't caught a cold, thanks to you.
Please make me some more later.
That's the least I can do for you.
-Why is she in the VIP room?
-I'm wondering the same thing.
Oh, you girls are here.
I should get going.
You're leaving already?
Who is he?
He's the CEO of On Entertainment.
I'm Lee Hyeon-i, Hyeon-soo's sister.
Please get some rest.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I'll be right back.
Mr. Park.
It's been a while.
Thank you.
No problem.
My parents are very important to me.
Thanks again.
Stop thanking me.
I'll move her to a different room though.
If you're uncomfortable, go ahead.
I'm sorry.
Why do you only say
"sorry" and "thank you" to me?
You're right.
No surgery is easy. Take good care of her.
I'm off.
Did that guy leave?
Be polite, will you?
What? He seemed pretty young.
let's move to a different room.
But that will hurt Mr. Park's feelings.
It wouldn't be nice to reject
his kindness.
We don't have the kind of relationship
where accepting help like this is okay.
Then we can
pay for the room ourselves.
It'll be really expensive.
Can we afford it?
Yes, we can.
How can you talk about money
in this situation?
I'm sorry.
Your mom and I have been saving up
for a cruise.
We've been saving up
so that we can travel after we retire.
We can spend that money.
I'm going to make sure
your mom gets the best service.
Without her,
I won't be able to live.
Is this for Hyeon-soo's family?
You're so devoted.
This is the least I can do.
This is incredibly thoughtful of you.
What more can you do?
Is she in a VIP room?
It's going to cost a fortune.
Oh, hello.
She's asleep now.
Jeong-seon brought onion soup for Mom.
She enjoyed it earlier. Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
I should visit her, of course.
You should've told me
that she got scheduled for surgery.
I'm sorry.
What time is the surgery?
At 10 a.m.
All right. Go in and get some rest.
Let's go.
Come in.
Mr. Park.
I came to visit.
-You're here.
Is it okay that I'm here?
Of course, we're happy to see you.
Yes. We're very fond of you, Mr. Park.
I woke up early
to make lunch for five people
so that we can eat together.
But today,
we won't be able to eat together.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee