Temperature of Love (2017) s01e18 Episode Script

Episode 18

-I thought I'd never get to see you--
When I left for Paris after receiving
Alain Passard's email,
which was after I broke up with you,
I missed you so much.
After you left,
I wasn't happy even though
I had been told that I'd won the contest.
It was what I had always wanted.
But because you weren't there,
I wasn't happy.
Do you know how I was able to get by
while I was in Paris?
Do you remember when we went to Beolgyo?
I kept the train ticket from then.
I stuck the ticket on my locker
and thought of you.
That's how I endured each day.
I went to Paris to find you.
I went to L'Arpege,
but they said you moved to
a different restaurant.
I was afraid
that I wouldn't be able to
see you again if I left.
I just drove without even knowing
your departure time.
I'm calling you to ask a question.
Did you have a meeting yesterday
with Hyeon-soo?
Why do you ask?
I can't get a hold of her,
and she hasn't come home.
I'll be there.
Aren't you hungry?
No, I'm not hungry.
Come on, you have to get up.
What's all this?
Sit down.
This is amazing.
-Did you make these?
It took me an hour.
It's so pretty.
It's so delicious.
Are you not going to Hong Kong then?
I won't go if you tell me not to go.
That reminds me of the time
when Alain Passard contacted you.
I don't want you to go.
Isn't it delicious?
Yes, it is.
Be careful when you go down.
I'm fine.
Don't scare me like that.
See you next time.
See you later.
-Hasn't she called yet?
Did you call anyone?
I didn't call her parents
because I didn't want them to worry.
I didn't want to make a fuss,
in case she ends up coming home soon.
Mr. Park, you're here.
He's been worried about you.
I'm sorry.
I'll go and get changed.
Hello, Mr. Park.
I'm sorry,
but we're totally booked
for both lunch and dinner.
Would you like some tea?
No, it's okay. I dropped in
because I was in the area.
What brings you here?
Didn't you leave for Hong Kong yet?
Something came up.
I'll get going.
Were you with Chef On?
Were you?
Don't look at me like that.
You're embarrassing me.
Are you guys back together?
I don't think I can live without him.
I shouldn't have called Mr. Park.
I thought something bad
had happened to you,
so I called Mr. Park
because he came to my mind first.
He seemed really shocked when you came in.
I shouldn't have called him.
It's all my fault.
I feel bad for him.
First message.
Why did you turn your phone off?
Call me when you get this.
He's been worried about you.
I'll go and get changed.
I bought it because I thought
this would look good on you.
Sincerely, Park Jeong-u.
You're home.
I see it's a hat.
What's wrong?
I don't know. I just really like Mr. Park.
He's a really nice person.
He seems like a warm-hearted
and stable person.
I'm confident I can be
a good mother-in-law to him.
Then it'd be a win-win situation.
There's no point in saying that.
It's Hyeon-soo who makes the decision.
I know that.
They're taken aback
because you didn't arrive
in Hong Kong yesterday.
I'm sorry.
Why did you not show up?
There's a woman I love.
The moment I was about to leave,
I realized that
I might lose her if I left.
I don't understand.
You can meet her every time
you come to Korea.
How can you give up
on your career for that?
Six months is a very short time
in your life.
Is it that hard for you to endure that?
I let her go once before.
I don't want to be apart from her
even for a while.
I'll take every single disadvantage
you decide to give me.
I'll accept any demands.
You're going to
give up on your career for love?
That sounds very much like you.
Where are we going?
My drama's going to air any day now.
Let's go get some fresh air.
It'll help you write better.
Let's go.
It's beautiful.
This tastes really familiar.
-Maybe not.
-You're right.
Haven't I had this before?
You had it with truffles.
That's right.
Every time I drank this in Paris,
I got reminded of that day.
Good Soup's going to hold
a special event for Christmas,
and we're going to give out this wine
to the customers for free.
That's a great gesture.
I decided not to go to Hong Kong.
Is that okay?
Normally, it's not.
But I didn't want to lose
the most important thing in my life
by deciding to leave.
Does that mean we're starting over again?
The initial problem that made us break up
hasn't been solved yet.
Most couples get back together
and break up because of the same reason.
Then let's make a promise
before we get back together.
What promise?
That we won't break up.
I was too scared to break up
with you face-to-face.
P.S. I got annoyed because
you asked me for money.
That son of a bitch.
You talk as if you've ever given me money.
Yes, Mr. Park.
Are these all the applications
for the new recruits?
Send the rest in.
I'll take a look at all of them.
Mr. Park.
Should I cancel your morning schedule
if you're too tired?
Is this what you want?
No, this is what I want.
-That's meaningless.
-what about this?
-Do you want the drama to flop?
Director Kim.
What? I even shaved my beard,
but I'm not getting anything.
Did we have to give you something?
Were you expecting something from us
for shaving your beard?
Do you have good news or something?
Of course, she does.
She got back together with Chef On.
I'm pretty sure you guys
are going to break up again.
Why are you cursing our relationship?
I'm telling you what reality is like.
That's what happened to me.
That's just what happened to you.
You have a knack for showing off
what you've experienced.
-None of them are good ones anyway.
-You're the best, Gyeong.
I'm going to go.
Are you upset?
I'm going to ask Jeong-u
to help us with our drama.
I live a very diligent life even if
you guys make fun of me.
When did we ever make fun of you?
No one cares for you as much as we do.
-Oh my goodness.
-I shaved my beard.
What about it?
He wants you to kiss him.
That's not what I meant.
She's just a bit startled.
Jeong-u, I just had a meeting with
Hyeon-soo regarding our casting.
Can you contact the actors for us?
Do I owe you anything?
You always ask me for favors.
Because I know you'll do them for me.
About Hyeon-soo
Go on.
Why do you think
I thought she was mine?
You treated love like it's business.
That's how you do business.
You wait until the right timing.
I heard Chef On asked her out
when they first met each other.
You should have gone after her back then.
If you had done so,
things might've turned out differently.
I have an appointment.
It was nice meeting you.
Sorry, I don't feel comfortable enough
to shake your hand.
Hey, wait.
I'm sorry, Jeong-u.
She'll become a writer.
She's rude enough to be one.
You're quite rude.
You may be my college senior,
but you can't just talk to me
comfortably when we just met.
We didn't just meet.
We met earlier in my office.
What do you want?
Why did you refuse to shake my hand?
I talked to you comfortably
because you were rude to me first.
I'm sorry.
I had a bad day.
I like that you're quick to apologize.
You can talk to me comfortably.
I also like that you're quick to adapt.
Jun-ha gave me your script, so I read it.
You read my script?
I don't just offer jobs out of nowhere.
How was it?
You must like free stuff.
Are you expecting me to
tell you that for free?
No. When are you free?
If we can't get
our first choice of casting,
I'll be understanding
just until our second choice.
You talk as if I'm fully responsible
for the casting.
You also have a share of responsibility.
I'm a rookie writer.
You're a popular director.
Who do you think will be held
more accountable?
All the other dramas will want to cast
these people as well.
Do you know how many dramas
are being made right now?
I don't care about that.
Regardless of numbers,
it comes down to one thing.
Actors will want to appear in the drama
they think will be the most successful.
You're so good with words.
Now, let's hurry up, and get ready.
Our competitors are already on the move.
Okay, let's do this.
Mr. Park isn't in his office.
When is he coming back?
He canceled all of his appointments
and went home.
It's a very important time for me.
He can't take the day off like this.
I need to stay focused.
All I have right now is work.
One, two. There.
Like this. I'll fold it.
Why can't I get better at this?
Won-jun, I got into an accident.
What? Where are you right now?
Su-jeong, I'll be right back.
I need to go to the hospital.
You didn't get hurt.
No. Did I say I was hurt?
Did I startle you?
I have my car with me.
I'll give you a ride.
I guess you're never going to
treat me with sincerity.
What do you mean?
I did get into an accident.
And I called you at that moment
because you popped into my head.
Was that such a wrong thing to do?
Why are you angry at me?
You're the one
who started liking someone else.
Were you ever planning on liking me back?
You've been like food to me.
What's more important in life than food?
the fact that I was next to you
was enough to make me happy.
But I don't feel that way anymore.
I want to be loved too.
Hey, Mr. Yoo.
Jun-ha says he wants to
outsource the camera team,
but it's too expensive.
We won't be able to provide
the production fee.
Then we won't be able to
carry on with that either.
-SBC just called and asked about
the publication rights
for exporting a drama.
Should I schedule a meeting with them?
Tell them I'm abroad on a business trip.
It looks delicious.
I came because you seduced me with food.
It's good you're here. All you do
is stay at home and work all day.
I don't know if this is a good idea.
I love the ambiance.
Choose a genre. Do you want
romance, action, science fiction,
cartoon, horror, thriller--
I want romance.
You have a weird appetite.
It's delicious.
-Try some.
-It's not bad.
-I told you.
It's your mother. Should I pick up?
Do you want to?
Then pick up.
Are you busy?
It took you a while to pick up.
I'm not busy. We can talk.
You told me that
you and I can keep seeing each other.
I'm in need of a friend.
Mother, I'll call you right back.
Would that be okay?
Don't make me wait for too long.
Your mother wants to meet.
Why does she want to meet?
Your mother probably thinks
we're still broken up.
In other words, the decision I make
is solely based on my friendship with her.
Do you want to meet her?
Every time I have a conversation with her,
I start feeling frustrated and angry.
Is it easy for you to talk to her?
She's not my family.
I can have a conversation with her
because I'm not her family.
It takes a long time to get over grudges
when it comes to family because
they've been there for a long time.
But that's not the case for me.
I've only started to build
my relationship with her.
So far, things are fine between us.
I wonder how long
that will last.
-I said--
-Hey, you're here.
Did you offer the role to this actress?
Of course, we did.
How could you?
Don't you have any business ethics?
What do you mean no business ethics?
I offered the role to her, too.
She already received seven.
We are only one of them.
I can't be nice to you
if you act like this.
How can you cause so much harm?
What harm?
Your drama will be airing
at the same time as mine.
Don't you feel bad for me?
You're being unreasonable here.
I knew this was going to happen.
I knew I'd be getting
the short end of the stick.
I knew Mr. Park would be favorable to you.
It's not like that.
Of course, it is.
Did you not receive any benefit
Mr. Park has given you?
You're going too far.
I'll have to talk to Mr. Park.
Don't be like that because of me.
Don't pretend to care about him.
Think about how mean
you've been to Mr. Park.
What did I do?
You rejected him.
Have you ever been rejected by
someone you love?
Do you know how much that hurts?
Hello. Is Mr. Park in?
He didn't come to work again.
What brings you here?
Are you sick?
Why aren't you coming to work?
I've been working non-stop.
I want to take a break.
-Have you eaten?
I'll cook for you.
No, I'll cook.
I don't want you to say I put you to work.
I won't say that.
I'll really cook for you.
-Do you cook?
-A bit.
Do you?
I'm good at eating.
It's good.
Is there anything you can't do?
You have sauce on your face like a kid.
I lived in this house until I was 12.
That was before my dad's business failed.
When I lived here,
my parents fought,
and creditors came to put
red seizure stickers.
All sorts of bad things happened.
But why did I think I was happy?
It could be because you weren't alone.
Because you were with the ones you loved.
I thought trust was way more valuable
than love.
I'll do the dishes.
Just leave it. I'll do it.
No. I have to do my share for the food.
Mr. Park. I have something to tell you.
I mentioned your name,
and they set this up for me.
What's up?
Isn't my batting stance better now?
It's not bad.
Show me how it's done.
What is it that you want to tell me
that's making you stall?
I lied to you.
when I said
you weren't my type.
You are my type.
I lied again.
If only
I hadn't met Jeong-seon again
But there are no ifs in life.
I'll decide whether I'll let you fool me
or not.
But you know what?
It won't be easy to fool me.
Aren't you uncomfortable,
knowing that you're forcing me?
I can be a bit fickle.
I want to start a family.
Starting a family has become
a choice for me.
I think
I'll be able to live happily with you.
Your problem is that
you think way too much,
especially about love.
Just follow your heart.
How long are you going to be on your own
with shapeless emotions?
Enough is enough.
Stop thinking about a man
you can't even have.
I'm your reality now.
Are you afraid to be loved?
Are you making fun of me?
If I think I own something
that suits someone else better,
I don't hold on to it
because it keeps reminding me
of that person.
I was rejected as well before
I left for Paris.
She said work is more important than love.
She's ambitious. I like her.
Some people choose their lifetime partners
based on trust.
And I wanted to let you know
that I'm here for you
Is this it?
You should let it out when you're mad.
I'm telling you
that I'll steal your woman.
But love has to be mutual.
You can't do it alone.
No matter how much we fight,
the outcome isn't about winning.
So why do we even have to fight?
-Keep it up.
-Medium rare.
I thought you didn't recognize me
because you didn't say hi earlier.
Of course, I remember you.
I'm here because you guys are hot
after getting the Michelin star.
You know I love hot stuff.
Yes, ma'am. We'll do our best.
Two lunch courses for table nine.
-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.
Chef On. It's table number nine
What about it?
She's a notoriously mean blogger.
She used someone else's name for
the reservation, so I didn't know.
Please pay attention to the food.
I will.
I ordered your favorite coffee.
I'm not in the mood for
Kenya Double A today.
Then order something else.
I think the two of us
have a lot in common.
I broke up with Daniel too.
Actually, I'm back with Jeong-seon.
Then is it only me?
Isn't Jeong-seon going to Hong Kong?
He said he won't go.
He didn't even tell me that.
I thought he was in Hong Kong
all this time.
That's upsetting.
I'd been trying so hard
not to show how much I was suffering
from the breakup.
How can he do this to me?
He just didn't get the chance to tell you.
He had to cancel all arrangements
for Hong Kong, and Good Soup--
Why are you making excuses for my son?
What we have in common is that
we are both dating younger men.
We should comfort each other
when we feel troubled.
That's something people in common
can do for each other.
How are you so good at talking?
You're just as good as me.
I can never beat Jeong-seon
in an argument.
He got that from you.
Daniel is so strange.
We were doing just fine the day before.
What did he say when he broke up with you?
He was too scared
to break up with me in person.
He left a note.
That's the worst.
It's not the worst.
I've seen worse.
I wanted to go to his school to find him,
but I couldn't do that
because of his note saying he's too scared
to see me in person.
What are your plans?
It's not like
I asked him for a lot of money.
He got annoyed
because I asked him for money.
Then he broke up because of money?
You don't want to be with
a person who's annoyed at you, do you?
It was money in the end.
Why are people slaves for money?
What's so great about money?
When I used to be an aspiring writer,
I made only 800,000 won a month.
During that time was
when my sister nagged me the most.
That's what money does to family too.
Who will pay for coffee today?
Usually, the one who asks to meet
should pay,
but you're in a crisis.
So I'll pay.
Do you know how worried I was
when I heard you missed work?
Were you so worried
that you made just one call?
That's because
I didn't want to bother you.
Hong-jin told me that you said
we can't outsource the camera crew.
This isn't just about me. It's Hyeon-soo's
project we're talking about.
Did you forget about her?
How can I forget?
You'll make it happen for us, right?
-Don't get on.
What's wrong? Why are you doing
this to me? It's me, Jun-ha.
I know you're Jun-ha.
I'm so sick of picking up after you two.
That will be 197,000 won.
This place lacks the basics.
You'll need to go through more training.
My next column will be on Good Soup.
What's wrong?
She didn't pay.
I better tell the chef.
You're really here. How can you do this?
Why should I be hearing from Hyeon-soo
that you didn't go to Hong Kong?
At least you found out.
I didn't want you to worry,
so I even refrained from contacting you.
It's not like we ever shared
such small things.
This is not something small. It's huge.
Why didn't you leave?
Did you give up the job
because of Hyeon-soo?
What's wrong?
Daniel left me.
Do you like Hyeon-soo that much?
Enough to give up on a good opportunity?
Why haven't I found myself
a man like that?
Aren't I prettier than Hyeon-soo
although I'm older?
I got married at the age of 27
and thought that I would have
a beautiful life.
Only to have
an overly controlling husband.
Even a dog would have had
more freedom than I did.
Not this again.
You always do this
whenever you go through a breakup.
I always listened to them,
and did my best to be considerate.
Why do they keep leaving me?
It looked like Hyeon-soo
broke up with you first,
but you still came back to her.
Why do they leave me?
Why don't they hold onto me?
Did you say the same thing to Hyeon-soo?
No. I have pride, you know.
It would be embarrassing.
You've seen my worst already.
Besides, you're my son.
I want to spend the night here.
Aside from the main cast, did you
get a list of supporting roles?
-Gosh. I'm so mad.
-What is it?
Jeong-u's acting strangely.
Did he go insane?
He shouldn't treat me like this.
-Did he say no to the camera?
-He said no.
You should go and talk to him.
Actually, don't.
He didn't budge even when I mentioned you.
Then what about casting?
What about Choi Ra-jun?
Will Hong-a's drama take her?
I talked to Choi Ra-jun's agency.
They want to see the next script too.
Does this mean we have a chance?
I think we just need
to meet their conditions.
Such as international copyright
and shares for merchandises.
Mr. Park can make that happen.
You're the best at persuading him.
I'll go meet with him.
I can't let someone else take her.
You've been taking a break from work,
haven't you?
But is that what you should be doing now?
You're the one who shouldn't be here.
We met with Choi Ra-jun's agency,
and they'll likely sign with us
if we meet their conditions.
Did you hear about it?
They're famous for this.
What do we do now?
You should just be faithful
at what you do.
I won't allow you to pester me
like this again.
Are you mad at me?
-Why are you treating me like this?
In the entertainment business,
we're supposed to make products
that amuse the audience, right?
What about it?
Lately, I've been reflecting on
how I've been treating myself.
Now, can you leave?
I want to listen to music.
This is hard for me to get used to.
Please don't change. I don't like it.
You remind me of a guy I know.
-I'm not late, am I?
Why don't you want to watch
a late-night movie?
It's about time we make a decision.
We've been seeing each other long enough.
What decision?
I thought we were already dating.
I thought the whole chase thing
was just to take the pressure off of me.
I wanted to treat you well.
Was it not enough?
No, you've been more than enough.
I'm glad.
That's why I won't date you.
What do you mean?
I know you're trying really hard.
Just like how you worked hard
to become a sous-chef.
Even if you don't try,
some things just happen naturally.
I'm sorry.
I'll just let things happen
instead of trying.
This is why I liked you.
However, it's not going to work for us
with Hong-a around.
I want to keep working at Good Soup.
Would it make you uncomfortable?
If it makes you uncomfortable, I'll leave.
I'm Lim Su-jeong, the sommelier.
I'm the sous-chef, Choi Won-jun.
Why are you dropping by so late?
I didn't get to see you today.
I met with your mother.
I know. She's the reason
why I had to make an escape.
-She's in my bed.
She refuses to go home.
It suffocates me
to be in the same room with her.
What is it?
Where are you going to sleep tonight?
I better start looking now.
Gyeong is here.
Hyeon-soo, aren't you going to sleep?
I'm just about to. Don't come out!
I'm going to bed.
Is she not picking up?
I think I'd better go home.
I'll come with you.
No. You have a good image of her.
I don't want you to see her
when she's at her worst.
-Call me.
Don't shake me.
I should've only taken one,
but I couldn't fall asleep.
This happened because I took two pills.
That's okay.
I hung up right away
because I didn't want you to worry.
I was going to get through it alone.
You're an odd one.
You call when you shouldn't call,
but then you don't call when you should.
I really want to fix myself.
I'm sick of living like this.
Up until I was 27,
things weren't so bad.
Even until I was 35, it was fine.
Do you remember me then?
I do.
I was okay then, right?
You were the best then.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I want you to become happy.
I wish I could make that happen for you,
but I can't do that alone.
Are you free today?
I'm free during break time.
I'll come by later.
Debts keep people closer
than love.
Let's settle our debt today.
Out of the things I own,
if there is something
that suits someone else better,
it's hard for me to keep it
because it reminds me of that person.
That still sounds so corny.
You have to get a beating from me today.
Will that settle our debt?
Do you want to get punched first
or save it for after the talk?
I'll hear what you have to say
and try to avoid the punch.
I wanted to see if you could get swayed.
Because if you did,
I thought things could change.
You don't have to mind me anymore.
I won't get in your way.
You just walked me home,
and you're back again?
I just keep on missing you.
Why do you like me?
I'll protect you so you'll never
feel like you're lost.
I can't end it.
I must have loved him.
Are you just going to sit there and cry?
Do you want me to go right away?
Do you think they'll get married?
I have something to say.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
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