Terra Nova s01e07 Episode Script


Zoe, eat up.
You're gonna be late for work.
I can't find my shoes.
Well, where did you last see them? On my feet, Maddy.
- Hey, Dad.
- Yep.
- Have you seen my shoes? - Are you kidding me? Zoe, where's your jacket? Come on, we got to be there in five minutes.
Where are we going, Daddy? Well, I told you, it's a surprise.
Mommy? Don't look at me, he hasn't told me anything.
Well, that's 'cause no one in this family can keep a secret.
- Go on, get your jacket.
- Okay, I'm off to surgery - and then I'll be home for dinner.
- Okay, bye.
See you, bye.
Found your shoes.
Why are you being so helpful? Why do you look kind of nice? - Why do you smell good? - Go.
- What are your plans for today? - Um, just homework.
It's Saturday.
Yeah, I've, I've got, like, tons of catching up to do.
- Daddy, let's go.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- See you.
- Hey.
- How'd it go? Didn't suspect a thing.
- Shall we? - Yeah.
Yeah, I'm afraid Mira's mystery object remains just that.
The only thing I can tell you for certain is that it was designed to be opened.
Yes, there doesn't appear to be any seams or buttons or levers of any kind, but take a look at this.
What am I looking at? Enlighten me.
It's some sort of DNA response system.
Basically, this object was designed so that it can only be opened by one person.
Whoa, what's with him? Uh, he drank some unfermented Taroca root, and it's not sitting too well.
Thought you said you were gonna take it easy last night.
Yeah, he did, this is from last week.
And you're still hungover? Please stop shouting.
Oh, well, feel better soon, man, and, uh, if you're up to it, swing by Boylan's tonight for a drink.
Okay? Please tell me why we became friends with the Devil.
Hmm, come on.
Unfermented Taroca root? Do you realize that could lead to septicemia and possibly renal failure? Hunter, do you understand the seriousness of what I'm saying and the stupidity of what you've done? - Yes, ma'am.
- All right.
Come on, let's scan you, lie down.
Lie flat, okay, and try and keep still.
Huh, well, that would explain your symptoms.
Oh, what is that? What, what is what? Yikes, is that a Taroca? What's a Taroca? 30-footer.
30 what-er? Prep the bed for sonic surgery.
Somebody please tell me what's going on here.
Yeah, you have a parasite growing inside you.
Say hello to your new friend.
So where we're about to go is very special.
There isn't anything like it in this world or the one we left behind.
- You ready? - Yeah.
Okay, me, too, come on, let's go.
Go ahead.
Where are we? Anywhere you want to be.
Some people call this place the Eye 'cause you can see all of history from here.
It's all stored in this liquid memory core.
It's kind of like a great big library that has everything we know in one spot.
Sit down, let me show you.
Come here.
So, pick a place.
How about where I was born? Where you were born? - You sure? - Yeah.
Uh, 2143, Illinois, aerial view.
Move in.
Cook County, North Sector.
Punch in.
You see that? That house is where you were born.
Why there? Well, that's where we had to go because we weren't allowed to have you, but we wanted you so much that we didn't care what the rules were, so we went to a doctor friend of Mommy's who lived way far away from the city.
Oh, and you see that room there? There was a rocking chair right by the window, and sometimes you'd wake up in the middle of the night, and I would hold you close and I would rock you, and you would look out at the rain and fall back asleep.
Okay, um where to next? A roller coaster.
A roller coaster? Who told you about those? I read about them once.
And they look fun.
Roller coasters.
That one.
Commence program.
Oh Oh! Can I look now? Okay, go ahead.
Had a feeling you'd know what they were.
Flora diem.
You know, they live out their entire life cycle in 24 hours.
Thank you.
They're beautiful.
You want to eat? Yeah.
What is so funny about that? You wanted to be an accountant on the moon? Well, it made sense when I was six.
- Hmm, right.
- You should have seen me.
I had my grandfather's rebreather on.
Like one of those giganto ones? Huge and I had a calculator, and I would hide under the dining room table, pretending that I was on the moon.
Adding things? Well, when you say it like that No, no, no, I didn't mean to It was a dumb story.
- No, I liked it.
- It's okay.
No, I'm an idiot.
- Don't worry.
- No, you're perfect.
What? What did you say? Uh I said you're perfect.
But what do I know? I'm just a lunar accountant.
- What's that? - What's what? Over there.
It's burning up, but it's coming in fast.
Oh! Dr.
Shannon, we're losing power.
The chem lights are coming up.
- What's going on? - I'm not sure.
Damn thing kicked out some kind of EMP.
Sonic wave.
Sonic wave! Everybody down! Get down! Everybody down! Heads down! Take cover! Down! Wash, get in there.
Get down! If a meteor hits the planet, well, that's not so terrible unless you happen to be standing under it.
The impact is absorbed, end up with a big hole, but meteor explodes in the atmosphere, that's unfortunate.
Been on the receiving end of an EMP before.
Right, Wash? Somalia '37.
Russo-Chinese set one off, took out everything within 50 klicks.
Power systems, communications, surveillance.
Transport, pulse rifles they're all useless.
What about the perimeter mines? Negative they're down, too.
So what now? We pull replacement circuits out of storage and start swapping them in? I wish it was that easy, Reilly.
See, the thing is, it doesn't matter whether a circuit is powered up or not when an EMP hits.
Either way, circuit gets fried.
Backups are out, too.
The only thing we do have is chemical lighting.
Chem lamps and candles, people back to basics, huh? Sharpen your knives.
Eyes sharp, too.
I want extra spotters on every tower.
With the perimeter down, there's nothing to keep the local wildlife away.
See to it.
Yes, sir.
That's another broken limb.
We're full up in here, but nothing critical.
Well, how long before the power comes back? They don't know.
Chem lights are working, but nothing else.
- See if you can find some ice.
- Doctor? Doctor! Okay, uh, we have no choice but to go in and extract your parasite the old-fashioned way.
- You mean cut him open? - Yeah.
Can I vote that we don't do it that way? Don't worry.
I'm gonna use a local anesthetic.
Can you go and find me - a bag of B-positive? - All right.
And I need to find a scalpel.
You okay? You look worse than I do.
Yeah, I-I just don't like this kind of thing.
People I know getting sick.
Oh, don't worry about me.
I'll be fine.
You go to Boylan's or something, get a drink with Josh.
I'm staying here with you.
That's cool, too.
What's going on, Daddy? Not sure.
We'll let someone know, then we'll go have some lunch, okay? Huh.
Looks like we lost power to the locks.
Maintenance Alpha, this is Jim Shannon.
We need a repair team at the Eye.
Maintenance, please respond.
What's wrong? I don't know.
My comm has its own power supply.
It should be working.
Something fused the circuits.
I'm guessing it's the same thing that knocked out this room.
So we're stuck in here? I don't get it.
The cell's charged, but for some reason, it's not getting power to the engine.
Ferrous metals.
Huh? Well, if there was a high enough concentration of them in that meteor, then the explosion could have given off an EMP pulse.
Okay, first off, how do you even know something like that? And secondly, if you're right, that means - we got no radio.
- Oh.
So what are we gonna do? Just wait for someone to come get us? No one knows we're out here.
Man, I should have told one of my guys where we were going.
Well, my dad will be looking for me.
He's probably gonna kill me and ground you until the Ice Age.
All right, we're six klicks out.
We can make it before dark.
- Let's go.
- Well, what about the weapon? Does that not work, either? Electronic firing pin.
We're gonna be okay.
All right, we just got to hustle, all right? Okay, let's go this way.
Okay, the good news is that we do have a contingency for such matters.
This This is the chip fabricator.
It's capable of producing any replacement chips we need.
And the bad news? This is the chip that runs the chip fabricator.
Oh, it's fused like all the others.
Can't repair it, but if you can find someone who can, then I can crank out replacement chips by the dozen.
Commander, we both know someone who can do this.
Not going down that road, Wash.
He was a munitions officer, a damn good one.
Plus he's got all the gear.
Can I fix it? Sure.
It's not that much different than fixing an old watch.
Lost art, sadly.
You know, it's times like this reminds you that the simple things in life are often better.
I mean, why, right now, I'm the only person in this colony who knows what time it is.
What time can I have it? I need it as of right now.
I said I could fix it.
I didn't say I would.
What's in it for me? We're talking about the welfare of the colony here, you son of a Well, that's no way to haggle, Taylor.
You can't just throw it all out there like that.
Now I know I can ask for pretty much anything.
So, what do you want, Boylan? Statue maybe in the center of the market? Now, there's an idea.
Me on a Pegasus.
Bottle of whiskey in one hand, bolt of lightning in the other, Viking hat on the On the other hand, I could just let you have a peaceful night's sleep with four unbroken limbs.
Uh, yup, that-that'll work.
I need that ASAP.
- Daddy? - Yeah? Um, you know the elec-tro-thing you told me about? Mm-hmm.
Can it hurt people? Oh, no, not people, honey.
Just, uh, computers and vehicles and communicators and stuff.
Would it hurt you if you were a robot? If you were a robot? Probably.
What if you were in a truck? Would it crash? Yes, but we're not in a truck, and we're not robots, so we're safe here.
What about Mommy and Maddy and Josh? Oh, I'm sure they're fine, and as soon as we get out of this room, we'll find them and make sure.
Hey, help me out with this, will you, Z? Just grab it.
Good girl.
What are we doing? I think this is an access hatch.
And if we can crawl through here, should be able to open the door on the other side.
Uh, found it.
Okay, clamp.
Wait, wait, wait.
I think I felt that.
Just relax.
It's all in your head.
I'm telling you.
I just-just felt something.
I gave you a local anesthetic, Hunter, so that's impossible.
Doc, can't you just put me under or something? Well, yeah, normally I would, but since your bed is offline, I won't able to monitor your vitals.
So I've got its tail.
Is it bad? No.
It's just It's a little guy.
Oh, God, can somebody just get this thing out of me?! Hunter, you need to sit still, okay? I've got this thing by the tail.
That means that it's head, mouth and teeth are still inside you.
Now, if I go too fast, it's gonna start biting.
So you just lie still and calm, okay? Just breathe.
You're gonna be fine.
Just 25 more feet to go.
I've got word from our spotter.
That meteor kicked out an EMP.
The whole colony went dark.
Even their perimeter is down.
Gather up.
We're going in.
Taylor's going to have every man he's got on alert.
We're still outnumbered.
I have an idea that might help us even the odds.
Boylan's going to need at least a few more hours.
Let's make sure that the first circuit that the fabricator spits out goes right to the infirmary.
We got sick people there.
Let's get that place up and running.
Will do.
With our perimeter down, no weapons, only thing we got is the fence.
There are things out there that can snap it like a twig.
We need another line of defense.
We're still about four klicks out.
Yeah, I don't think we're going to make it by nightfall.
I think you're probably right.
What are you doing? - Is that a new outfit? - Yup.
20 terras.
My mom got it for me.
Why? Mark! Sorry.
It's necessary.
For what?! - Camouflage.
- Oh! Oh! Oh, it smells like Oh, I-I know what it smells like.
Known in the field as stink leaves.
I think I might puke on you.
Oh, come on.
You're tougher than that.
And thanks to me, you're also almost invisible to carnos, slashers and nykos.
They hate the smell just as much as you do.
Your turn.
You should consider yourself lucky.
Stink leaves are an alternative.
Hmm? To what? Slasher dung.
You missed a spot.
Shannon! They were in a rover when the shock wave hit, flipped over a ridge.
Skye, come here.
I need your help.
You see what I'm doing here? Just turning this rod to pull the parasite out, okay? Now, if it tugs back, you just pause for a minute, wait till it gives way, and then you continue with the process.
Put some gloves on.
All right, slow and steady.
Um we came here on the same pilgrimage, and ever since my parents died, he's the closest thing I have to family.
He's like my brother.
- I can't - Everything's gonna be fine if you just keep doing this very slowly.
I have to go and help those people, so take a hold of this, all right? Slow and steady, okay? Okay.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
Slow and steady.
See? Nothing to it.
You do the hard part, I'll do the laying down part if that's okay.
- You and me together, right? - That's right.
You and me together.
What was that? What? Did you did you see that? - Oh, my God! - Tree climb.
Come on.
I thought you said the stink leaves would work! They're not a hundred percent, okay? Up! Use your feet! I'm trying! All right, look, I don't mean to be rude, but They're moving on.
- That sounded like - Nykoraptors.
I think we should stay up here until the sun comes up.
Why is this thing still on? Well, 'cause it's shielded, it has its own power supply.
Hey, Zoe? Come here, sweetie.
Hey, um do you remember that handle on the other side of the wall? The one beside the door? Yeah.
Now, that's a manual override.
You pull that handle down, and it opens the door.
This shaft leads to the other side of the wall.
But it's too small for me.
Someone your size, well, I mean, you'd fit just right.
Think you could do that? Crawl through here and pull down on that handle? No.
No? Oh, there's nothing to be scared of, sweetie.
I'll be right here.
What about spiders? Spiders.
Well I hate spiders.
So do I.
At least I used to but I'm not scared of them anymore.
'Cause I learned the, uh the "Go Away Spider Song.
" Go away, spider Go, go, go.
No, I'm serious; it really works.
I used it all the time when I was your age.
I don't know the words.
Oh, but I'll sing it for you.
You're the only one who can do this, Zoe.
We need to find Mommy and the others.
Okay? Go! Go! More fire to the left flank! Keep him moving north! All the way to the gates! All the way to Terra Nova! Ram it down Taylor's throat.
So, you're gonna follow that tunnel till you get to the other side.
Then you're gonna pull down on that handle as hard as you can, okay? Okay.
That's my girl.
You okay? Yes, Daddy.
What's wrong? The song, Daddy.
Yeah, right.
Um Go away, spider Go, go, go We don't like you, no, no, no 'Cause you're creepy and crawly And your webs Are all sticky and I don't want to be like a brother to you.
What? It kills me that you're in love with Josh, you know? What are you talking about? Everybody knows.
Except maybe Josh.
Okay, just lie still.
You know what? I always thought that maybe one day me and you might What? - I'm good, I'm good.
- Are you sure? - No, it's doing something.
- Okay.
What just happened? Dr.
Shannon! Okay.
Don't panic.
Nurse Ogawa! Okay, I'm probably not gonna be able to get ahold of this thing again.
Skye? - Skye, listen to me.
- Yeah.
Okay, this is not your fault, but I need you to do something for me now, okay? Go to Boylan's they're making a microcircuit there.
Go and bring me back a chip for a class three biobed.
Now, go.
- What about Hunter? - I'll do everything I can for him.
Go! Okay.
You're creepy and you're you're crawly And your webs are sticky And uh The song, Daddy.
Okay, okay.
Uh Uh, I don't Freak me out 'cause you're all sticky Icky spider I'm sorry about all this.
It wasn't how our first date alone was supposed to go.
I should've waited a couple of weeks and asked your parents if I could take you to the Harvest Festival.
Don't blame yourself.
I mean, it was kind of my idea to sneak out, so It sort of was, wasn't it? You're kind of a bad influence on me.
Sounds like they found food.
- Mark? - Yeah? Do you think we'll die out here? I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, Maddy.
'Kay? Not tonight, not ever.
'Kay, good.
Because I was this close to asking you to kiss me so that I'd know what it was like before I died.
Well maybe I should.
You know, just-just in case.
Now I can die.
Go away, spider Zoe? How you doing there, pumpkin? You see it? Zoe? Zoe? Zoe! Zoe, are you there? Can you hear me? Did you see any spiders down there? Nope.
The song worked.
Hey, Reilly, we've been stuck in the Eye all day.
What's going on? Meteor caused an EMP.
Whole colony's gone dark.
Don't worry, your family's safe.
I need your help.
Hey, you remember Private Reilly, don't you? Yeah, she's nice.
I want you to go with her while I check in with Commander Taylor, okay? Okay.
I'll take her to school.
A bunch of the other kids are staying there - until power comes back.
- Great.
Hey, hey.
Everything's gonna be okay, I promise.
Now, go be with your friends.
Stand ready, everyone! Shannon, where the hell you been? Eh, stuck in the Eye.
Maybe you should've stayed there.
It's about to get ugly.
Uh you got a plan? I gonna need both of them.
You know how to use these, right? Yeah, but won't this just piss him off even more? Wash.
70 yards.
No further.
Good shot.
What the hell is that? There's something on his back.
Someone was been hurting this thing.
It's a diversion.
It's a diversion.
We're being duped.
They're probably already inside.
Mira she's after the box.
Wash, stay on the fence.
Shannon, with me.
Come on.
Yes! There we have it, a working chip for a biobed.
Not too bad if I do say so myself.
Please tell me you're done.
Hunter's not going to make it.
Okay, go.
- Skye.
- Go.
I'll catch up.
He's a big bastard, isn't he? - Shannon, he's got the box.
- What about him? I'll take care of him.
Let's dance.
Easy there, fella.
Now this thing? It may be an older model, but trust me it still works.
I had him right where I wanted him.
But thanks.
Oh, well, lucky.
Only had one bullet.
Mira! Parasite's dead.
He'll be okay.
Hey, you did brilliantly.
Very well.
Why was Mira so obsessed with getting her hands on this box? What's in it? God only knows.
I never got the chance to finish studying it.
This was a surgical strike.
Mira knew exactly where to look.
You think someone inside Terra Nova tipped her off.
I don't think I know.
Shannon, we've got to hunt down this spy.
This is unacceptable.
- Oh, dozed off.
- It's morning.
Well, good morning then.
Good morning.
Morning? Oh, my God.
My dad's going to be looking for me.
- We gotta go.
- Oh, right, right.
Okay, let's go.
Mark? Thank you for the perfect day.
Hey, Josh? Yeah? Why don't we ask Skye over for dinner one night.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah? Okay, good.
Put a date on the calendar.
Wait, what? - What? - What are you doing? I'm not doing anything.
I just I like her.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Mom What? Hey.
Oh, great.
We can finally have a coffee.
How was your night? Oh, you know, same old, same old.
Oh, my gosh.
Did you see that thing at the gate? The dinosaur? - Uh-huh.
- Was it big? It was the biggest and we had to shoot these Wait, where's Maddy? I don't know.
Maddy? Maddy? Maddy?! Oh, hey, guys.
Didn't hear you come in.
How did your homework go? Yeah, it was good.
Um, I had to use candlelight, but I got tons done.
What's that smell? Oh.
What is that? Wow.
- Do you guys smell that? - Yeah.
Yeah, it's probably the garbage incinerator because the power's out so it gets a bit stinky.
You know.
- Right.
- Ooh.
I'm going to You sure this is the place? With him, I'm not sure about anything.
I don't think he's going to show.
You made it.
I was starting to worry.
Give it to me.
Not even a thank you? Uh, I've been alone out here for so long, I've forgotten my manners.
Thank you, thank you for finally getting your act together and doing what you were sent here to do.
Give it to me.
I was told to bring this through the portal with me and make sure it got to you.
Took a little longer than expected, thanks to Taylor, but now that you've got it, I want to know, what the hell is it for? My work.
It's for my work.
Beautiful, aren't they? So much to do.
Lucas be careful out there.
Taylor knows you're getting close to an answer.
If he wants to stop me, he's going to have to kill me.
Good old dad will have to choose between his own flesh and blood and his precious Terra Nova.

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