Terriers s01e08 Episode Script

Agua Caliente

Previously in Terriers: I want to see money clips, I want to see wallets.
On the bar right in front of you.
Hey, buddy.
KATIE: Your friend's here.
I'm sorry, I totally spaced your name.
RAY: That's all right.
It's Ray.
BRITT: How the hell did you find me so fast? RAY: How the hell do you think? Do you know what he used to do? KATIE: No.
I know he used to be a thief.
BRITT: She knows all about it, brother.
B and E's, smash and grabs, everything.
RAY: I got this new thing developing right now.
BRITT: I'm retired.
KATIE: Ray, what are you doing here? RAY: Do me a favor tell your boy to grow a pair, and give me a ring.
KATIE: Why would Ray come see me like that? BRITT: Because he wants me to come with with him again.
RAY: A buddy of mine patrols this gated community.
He knows exactly who's home and who's away on any given night.
What do you think? What's this shit? HANK: You gonna call 911? I got his prints right here.
BRITT: We're all good, baby.
*** he's going back to prison.
It's karaoke night.
This week's musical theme: 80s movies.
I messed up.
I got drunk and I HANK: You did someone from school? KATIE: My professor.
I'm scared.
HANK: This never happened.
BRITT: He's on the 18th now.
HANK: Where? BRITT: The throughway.
HANK: Fairway.
BRITT: If you say so.
HANK: What iron is he using? BRITT: One of the metal ones I don't know.
What do you care? Dude, I didn't know you were a bowler.
HANK: There's a lot you don't know about me.
For instance, my time on the, uh, pro bullfighting circuit.
BRITT: I knew about that.
HANK: Looks like he's heading to his cart.
BRITT: Hey, when we give it to him, can I say it? HANK: Say what? BRITT: You got served.
HANK: It's you've been served, okay? It's a restraining order, not an urban dance competition.
BRITT: Tomato-tomato.
Watch this.
Damn it! HANK: That's all right.
You can take a little cab ride and make it to the hole.
BRITT: God! Let me try again.
HANK: I told you it was addictive.
It's like crack.
Pretty soon you're going to be drinking Arnold Palmers, wearing a sweater tied around your neck.
He's coming.
Come on.
Listen, you don't actually have to put it in his hands.
Just as long as you're there, you can throw it at his feet and say BRITT: I don't want to wear it out.
HANK: Excuse me.
I was wondering if I might borrow your nine iron.
My caddy here forgot mine, and BRITT: I thought I get to say it.
HANK: Go the parking lot! BRITT: God.
Move it! Get out of the way! HANK: Excuse me.
You okay? Chuck Morrel? You got served.
Come on, Britt, I said meet me in the parking lot.
Britt! (phone ringing) Britt? HANK: Hail the conquering hero, Mags.
We delivered your MAGGIE: That's funny.
I was just reading about this obscure European custom called knocking.
HANK: Sorry about that sort of.
How's the baby? MAGGIE: At home with his father, dreaming and shitting.
You served my DV700? Got your check Something wrong? That's the going rate for a process server.
HANK: Britt didn't come by here, did he? MAGGIE: You two have a fight? HANK: And called each other names.
No, we didn't have a fight.
At least not that I'm aware of.
We split up chasing your client's ex-hubby.
And I don't know where he went.
MAGGIE: Did you try calling him? That's his? HANK: Yeah.
I found it out in front of the golf club.
I walked the entire place looking for him.
MAGGIE: You two drove down there together? You try his home? HANK: I'm going there next.
MAGGIE: He's probably there.
But just in case, I'll call the local hospitals.
Maybe just pulled his groin or something.
I'm sure it'll turn out to be no big deal.
HANK: Thanks, Mags.
(knocking) Britt? Yo.
HANK: Katie.
It's 10:30.
Aren't you supposed to be in school? KATIE: Yeah, what are you, my truant officer? No, we got finals this week.
Different schedule.
HANK: But you are going, right? KATIE: Have you seen our scissors? I've got this tag on my shirt scratching the shit out of me.
HANK: Katie.
KATIE: He posts his lectures online.
So I don't have to.
But I'm going in today 'cause I can't take my final online.
So that should be fun.
Finals are stressful enough.
I got to sit in the same room with him for three hours.
Oh, look, right on top of the fridge where they're supposed to be.
HANK: Get through this.
Ace your final and it's over.
You won't have to see him ever again.
KATIE: Yeah, except in Parasitology 201.
And then Parasitology 301, and on campus every single day.
I know you didn't come over here to be father confessor.
If you're looking for Britt, I thought he was with you.
HANK: We got separated.
KATIE: You didn't try calling him? My phone's on the fritz, so I borrowed his.
Of all days to lose each other.
But not to worry, he's probably just getting his nails done.
MARK: No, we don't need to talk.
I'll tell you what we need.
We need a night alone.
I'll give you three guesses of who just walked through the door.
And I will give you a clue.
Disaster area.
(laughing) Exactly.
She got it in one.
Hey, say hey to Carol.
HANK: Hey, Carol.
If you get tired of this guy, I'm single now.
I don't know if you've heard.
MARK: Baby, I'll call you later, okay? After I get off of work.
You have a good shift.
I love you.
Henry Buttermaker Dolworth, to what do I owe the pleasure? HANK: God, I miss that voice your talking-to-a-girl voice.
It's smooth, man.
Kind of lilts up into Nat Cole territory.
Gets real folksy.
Do you talk to Reynolds like that? (softly): "Got a possible 187.
" MARK: Okay, let me rephrase the question.
What in the hell do you want? HANK: I need you, Mark.
More specifically, I need your badge.
Probably won't take more than ten minutes of your time.
MARK: For what? HANK: I got a missing persons case.
Except the person hasn't been missing long enough to report it.
I need the powers of your persuasion to check some security tapes.
MARK: Who's missing, Hank? HANK: My partner.
Over there, that's where I found his phone.
And there was, uh, there was a car here.
MARK: Okay, well, this is a parking lot, Hank.
I mean, there were a lot of cars here.
HANK: A lot of cars burning out? MARK: Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the kid just wised up? Started running and said to himself, "Hell, I'm already running why don't I just keep going"? HANK: Britt was a beany numbskull when I met him, but I'm not the worst thing that ever happened to him.
MARK: Come on, I didn't say that.
HANK: But you made me feel bad with what you said.
Like a pedophiliac like, "show me on the anatomically correct doll where the bad bearded man touched you.
" MARK: You know, you're really sick, you know that? (knocking) - Can I help you? - OBPD.
We need you to play the tapes back from this morning.
Alright, dudes.
This is 10:15 AM.
- Can you fast forward a few minutes? - Yeah.
- There he is.
- Play that.
Oh, shit.
*** hit that guy? MARK: Alright I've seen enough.
You got a front angle of that? Yeah, sure.
MARK: Freeze that.
Baja license plates.
So you know what this looks like, don't you? HANK: Cartel grab.
MARK: Mm-hmm.
BRITT: Ahh! What do you want? What is this? What is this?! (speaking Spanish) (speaking Spanish) RAY: Bienvenido a México, old pal.
MARK: Okay, now when we get in there, you let me do all the talking, all right? Sammy's good guy, but 12 years on the border DEA made him a little twitchy.
HANK: Look, I just don't want anyone jumping to the wrong conclusions.
Even when Britt was on the other side, he never got involved in moving drugs.
MARK: You sure about that? HANK: He's my partner.
MARK: Partners can be surprising.
HANK: I never surprised you.
MARK: Oh, no, you were a pretty predictable son of a bitch.
SAMMY: When did you quit? MARK: A few months ago.
SAMMY: How? MARK: Cold turkey.
Any time I get the urge, I just chew on this thing.
HANK: That's what they call an oral fixation, Mark.
SAMMY: Who'd you say this guy was again? MARK (quietly): He's my ex-partner.
SAMMY (quietly): That guy you? MARK: Mm-hmm.
You know, I tried the pill.
To quit smoking, I mean, not as a contraceptive.
MARK: Now wait a minute.
I heard that they work.
SAMMY: Well, as a contraceptive, made my dick soft.
I told Colleen that she either lived with the smell or live with herself.
So, you're not a cop anymore, right? - Hank, he's talking to you.
- Mm.
No, not anymore.
For a second there, I thought you were undercover, but now I realize you're just dressed like that.
Let's see what we got.
Oh, great.
I need another cartel grab like I need a hot, buttered shit sandwich.
Broad daylight, too.
Not this asshole again.
Why don't you just wave to the camera, jagoff? HANK: Do you know him? Do you got a name? SAMMY: Yeah, it's something something Prado.
It's Felipe Prado's cousin/muscle.
MARK: Felipe Prado "The Chopper.
" SAMMY: Yeah, he still chops cars, but he's trying to diversify now.
Tenderfoot in the coke-smuggling industry.
Guess he wants to get off the front porch with the pups and run with the big dogs now.
Grabbing Americanos.
MARK: Mm-hmm.
SAMMY: Is your boy worth anything? HANK: To ransom? Not a dime.
SAMMY: Maybe he's a player.
He have any colorful friends? HANK: None this colorful.
SAMMY: Well, all right.
Let's see if any names come up and known associates.
Prado, Felipe.
(computer trilling) Okay, "Pinero, Ramos, Rodriguez, Sizick, Trujillo.
" What was your boy's name again? HANK: Pollack, as opposed to Polack, which means "dumbass.
" Can you scroll up one, please? "Sizick.
" That's it right there.
" That's Britt's old B & E partner.
MARK: Ray Sizick.
He was wanted for holding up the Tilden last month.
HANK: And he's Britt's old B & E partner.
You never picked him up? MARK: No.
By the time we got to him, he had split.
We figured he had already crossed the border.
HANK: I bet I can tell you who took him in.
GAVIN: Hey, buttery nipples.
KATIE: What? GAVIN: Remember? That's what, it's the drink you ordered.
KATIE: Yeah, I don't, I don't really remember much from that night.
GAVIN: There's not much to remember.
I was my usual urbane self.
You were charmed and intrigued and then went home with Professor Owen.
He get you home okay? KATIE: Yeah.
BRITT: Hey, who are these pendejos? What the hell we doing here, Ray? RAY: I'm here because someone who I thought was my friend set me up on a third strike robbery charge.
I had no choice but to head south.
BRITT: You didn't leave me much choice either.
RAY: Yeah, well My problems are your problems now.
FELIPE: My cousin, we have a name for this kind of stupid: "Bobo.
" He thinks we're al Queda.
We're not.
We're Catholics.
Your amigo say you can get into anything.
Is that true? BRITT: Is that what he told you? FELIPE: Sí.
I need your help.
Maricón here lost something.
I must have back.
If not, men come here, they disrupt my business.
This I cannot have.
BRITT: What'd he lose? FELIPE: A package to be delivered.
But when the policia, they tried to pull him over, he run.
He get away.
But my package? It go to jail.
BRITT: Yeah? FELIPE: So he say he can get it back.
"No biggie," he say.
But he need his partner, so he bring you here, you see? BRITT: Yeah, I see.
You want me to steal drugs from the cops? FELIPE: Drugs? (chuckles) Did I say drugs? Did I say drugs?! Cocaine, street value $80,000.
This is money I do not have, see? BRITT: Listen, I don't know what my so-called amigo told you, but I don't steal for a living, man.
RAY: Anymore.
I told him you wouldn't do it, bro.
At least not for me.
FELIPE: So many e-mails, spam, spam, spam.
Ah, okay, here we go.
Is that what your girl was wearing last time you seen her? BRITT: Yo, bitch! (screams) FELIPE: Okay, listen to me.
Listen to me, huh? Hey, hey, she's very nice, okay? Nothing is going to happen to her as so long as this property is returned to me by 6:00.
At 6:00, I call my cousin, my other cousin not the bobo Eurico.
He come back here.
She never know he there.
But if he no hear from me there could be a problem, comprende? Yeah, I comprendo.
(knife clicks) (knife rasps, rope snaps) MARK: Look, there is a way to do this, Hank.
We get back to the station, call Bremer, have him reach out to some of his contacts with the Mexican police.
HANK: I'm not waiting for some international bureaucracy to grind into motion.
I'm getting my passport.
I'm going into Mexico.
Dude, do you want a souvenir? Maybe a jai alai basket or how about Ray Sizick in cuffs? Be nice to put that warrant to bed, huh? Come with me, Mark.
Kid's in trouble.
MARK (chuckles): You're really gonna do that, aren't you? HANK: I have to.
He's my partner.
MARK: I'll go with you.
But I will not have any authority down there.
Even if we do find Sizick, I can't arrest him.
HANK: Your charm's all the authority you need.
BRITT: I can't believe you did this to me, man.
RAY: Make a run for the border.
Maybe you could get there before 6:00.
BRITT: Screw that.
I'm gonna call her right now.
RAY: One, where're you gonna find a pay phone in TJ? Two, we ain't got a dime between us, and three, you don't think those guys behind us ain't gonna be watching us every step of the way? Look, you want to find your girl alive when you get home? Don't go borrowing anybody's cell phone.
Come on, this way.
OWENS: All right, everyone, you know the drill.
If it rings or has access to the Internet, cough it up.
All right, good luck, everybody.
RAY: Slam.
We're gonna need the courage, brother.
(Mexican folk music playing) Look, man.
I appreciate you helping me out in this mess.
And that stuff that happened back in San Diego.
Let's just forget about that.
After we do this, we'll call it even.
You kidding me? You got me kidnapped and smuggled into Mexico so I could steal drugs out of a jail? No, Ray, we are not even.
RAY: It's gonna be a cakewalk.
BRITT: I can't believe you gave Katie's name to some bitch-made Tijuana crew to save your own ass.
RAY: We're gonna have the stuff back in Felipe's hand within the hour, then he BRITT: Get up.
RAY: I've been waiting a long time for you to try that with me.
Let's have some fun.
(both grunting) (men exclaiming in Spanish) (men clamoring in Spanish) Punch him! (men laughing) (men cheering them on) (policemen yelling) (men shouting in Spanish) Come on! Come on! Let 'em go, man! RAY (groans): Well done.
(handcuffs rasping) (officer speaking Spanish) BRITT: A suspected felon with a kidnapped American in his trunk gets through right (snaps fingers) like that, we got to wait.
MARK: Well, they got 300,000 people that go through every day.
(horn blares) Can't search 'em all.
HANK: Usually, the Mexicans don't search anyone.
I say, in this case, resort to racial profiling: let every clean-cut Anglo-Saxon American male right through.
Except I'm not really clean-cut, am I? And you're, you're Swedish? MARK: Yeah, I get the point.
(phone rings) Yeah, Gustafson.
No shit? No, no, no, wait, wait, wait.
You, uh, got, you got an address for me? Okay.
All right, yeah.
Your boy Britt just got himself arrested.
Now, if he's smart, he did it on purpose.
(Mark sighs) Come on! Let's go! (Ray grunts) BRITT: Any idea where the evidence lockup is? RAY: Yeah, Felipe's cousin used to mop up here.
Says it's in the basement.
BRITT: You almost done? (Ray groans) RAY: There you go.
What? BRITT: You wash that? RAY: It was in a rubber.
BRITT: You sure it's the first time you had one up there? (Ray chuckles sardonically) Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone.
(door creaks softly) (soft rattling) (muffled yelling) (cardboard tearing) (door creaking) BRITT: What? RAY: He's not dead.
Give me that.
Put your hands behind your back.
Mi nombre e detective Gustafson.
Ocean Beach Police, okay? Now I need to talk to somebody in charge here about a gringo prisoner.
Britt Pollack.
Un momento.
MARK: Un momento.
Inborn authority knows no language barrier.
HANK: Inborn or inbred? Señores, I'm Captain Velos.
You are American police officers? MARK: Oh, I am.
But he's with me.
VELOS: And you are here about the American fugitives, si? HANK: The what? VELOS: Vámanos.
MARK: Vámanos.
RAY (chuckling): Okay, you cannot tell me you didn't get a charge out of that.
BRITT: Yes, I can.
RAY: Come on, Britt, not even a little bit? BRITT: Stop talking, Ray.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where's Felipe's guys? Where's his muscle? He had homies posted up here when we left.
Felipe! Felipe.
RAY (whispering): Maybe we should just go.
BRITT: Not until Felipe makes that phone call.
(speaking Spanish) BRITT: Son of a bitch.
RAY: They're looking for that bag.
I say we leave it and we go.
BRITT: It's almost 6:00, man.
Felipe doesn't make that phone call, then Katie's going to be in a lot of trouble (gunshot) (gunshots) Steven? BRITT: Oh, shit! RAY: Felipe's not going to make that call anymore.
Can we go now? We need to not be here, to see the thing we never saw.
We go, we go to your girl, we tell her to go the police until we come back.
What are you doing?! BRITT: Uh, hi.
Excuse me.
(speaking Spanish) (speaking Spanish) (speaking Spanish) Where did you get this? BRITT: I found it.
I-I stole it.
But I didn't steal it from you.
I-I brought it back to you.
So, so you're welcome.
You are, uh Canadian? BRITT: I'm I'm American.
I did not mean to presume.
Who are you? Who do you work for? BRITT: I don't I don't work for anybody.
I'm just I'm just a guy who brought your stuff back, okay? We'll just leave it at that.
You think you'll be rewarded with money? That you will sell back to me what is mine? BRITT: No, no, I don't want money.
I don't want anything, nothing.
Except, uh, can I get his cell phone? You want a phone? BRITT: Well, his phone actually.
I just, uh He doesn't need it anymore.
(chuckles) He most certainly will not.
(laughing) His minutes have expired.
(speaking Spanish) (chuckling) Okay.
BRITT: Okay? Okay? Okay.
Okay, great.
Not his wallet.
Or his jewelry.
Just the phone.
BRITT: Just the phone.
That's it, okay? So we're we're good? Si.
BRITT: Okay, okay.
I was never here.
(speaking Spanish, chuckles) RAY: I can't believe you just did that.
BRITT: How many cousins did he have? Eduardo, Estaban, do you remember? RAY: What are you going to do, you going to do Felipe's voice? (officer speaking Spanish) BRITT: Aw, shit.
(siren wailing) Pick up! (cell phone buzzing) OWENS: Okay, time's up.
Turn it in.
KATIE: Man, that was a bruiser.
GAVIN: Yeah.
Something tells me you'll do just fine.
OWENS: Katie, I haven't seen you in class in a little while.
Do you have a second? I want to speak to you.
KATIE: I don't.
I-I have a OWENS: Please? We need to talk.
KATIE: I know.
I just can't.
(phone ringing) HANK: Who's this? BRITT: Hank! Oh, my God, thank God! HANK: Britt, where the hell are you? BRITT: I'm in T.
HANK: I know you're in T.
Where in T.
? BRITT: I don't I don't know.
Listen, I need you to go to my place right now and get Katie.
Get her out of there.
HANK: I can't.
BRITT: What? Why not? HANK: Because I'm in T.
BRITT: Shit! What are you doing here? HANK: Trying to find your sorry ass.
BRITT: Goddamn it! HANK: Hey, listen, Britt, the Mexican police are looking for you.
They say you stole a boatload of coke from the evidence room.
BRITT: I know, I did.
HANK: God, we got to get you out of Mexico.
BRITT: No shit.
HANK: Hold on.
MARK: I have evidence that whatever Pollack did, he did it against his will.
VELOS: I understand, but whatever happened north of the border is not my concern.
Excuse me, Mark.
I need to get a sweatshirt out of your car.
Can I borrow your keys? I'm coming to get you, okay? All right, now where are you? BRITT: I don't know.
I don't know the neighborhood.
HANK: Can you see any street signs? BRITT: Hang on.
Avenida de la Amarista y Flotella.
Does that help? Hey, at 6:00 one of these assholes has orders to snatch Katie! (siren wailing) HANK: Hey, did a cop car just pass you? BRITT: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right now.
HANK: So are you close to the police station you broke out of? BRITT: Yeah, I can see it.
- Dude, I'm on the sidewalk in front of it by the vendors.
Look for me.
- What? HANK: I'm the other white guy running around.
BRITT & HANK: I see you! - Where's the truck? - I couldn't bring it.
I came with Mark.
Come on, we got to get you out of here.
- In back.
- The trunk? HANK: You like living in America, don't you? BRITT: Let's just do it.
MARK: In all of T.
, we have to come up against the one cop that can't be bought.
Get the sweatshirt okay? HANK: Britt's in the trunk.
MARK: You're kidding me.
HANK: No, no.
Can you make a call and get some unis to go by his apartment? The cartel's got a guy on his girlfriend.
MARK: Yeah.
HANK: Let's go, Mark.
(Winston growling) KATIE: Winston, what is it, baby? (phone ringing) BRITT: Come on, Katie, pick up! KATIE: Hi, you've reached Katie.
Leave a message.
BRITT: Hank, Hank, can you call her on your phone? I think she's screening.
Listen, Gusto sent unis by your place and the school.
She's going to be fine.
BRITT: How much longer till we're there?! I'm starting to get claustrophobic.
HANK: Not long.
But hold your breath.
Those aren't gym clothes.
(Mark chuckles) (knocking) OWENS: Hey.
KATIE: Professor, what are you doing here? OWENS: You forgot this in your hurry to get away.
Someone's very eager to get ahold of you.
KATIE: Thank you.
I got to get this, so OWENS: Hey, Katie, I think I think it's important that we clear the air.
- Yeah, well, it's clear.
- No, it's not.
I'm married and your professor.
What I did was reckless and stupid.
KATIE: Yeah, I know, I know the feeling.
Just please go.
OWENS: I just need to know that what happened stays between us.
EURICO: Who's this pendejo? KATIE: He's my professor.
OWENS: Oh, God.
Nothing happened.
KATIE: No, he's not Britt.
She tell you to leave, you don't leave? Now you come inside.
In! In! In! OWENS: All right.
All right.
EURICO: Make it tight.
I don't want to kill nobody.
OWENS: You won't have to.
You're doing very well.
(car approaching) (man speaking Spanish) HANK: Okay, we're almost at the checkpoint.
Be silent, be still.
(knocking) - Katie Nichols? - Yes, that's right.
We've been asked to check on you.
Everything okay? KATIE: Yeah, I'm fine.
Mind if we come in? Mind if we? KATIE: Yeah, go anywhere.
Who called you? Detective Gustafson.
He's on his way here now.
We've been instructed to ask that you not leave.
KATIE: Great.
Well, I was just going to crack open a bottle of merlot and watch Idol, so I hear scratching? KATIE: Oh, that's my dog.
I put him back there whenever there's a knock or else he'd just go crazy.
We're going to wait in our cruiser until Detective Gustafson gets here.
Should be here in a few minutes.
KATIE: Great.
They're not leaving.
EURICO: But we are.
OWENS: All of us? Listen, leave her.
You only need one hostage.
(Eurico grunting) (Winston snarling) We'll go the back way.
Come on.
BRITT: Did they talk to her? HANK: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She's safe as houses back up in your apartment.
KATIE: (gasping) BRITT: Thanks, Gust.
MARK: Kid is lucky to have you.
HANK: There was some banger kid in that car this morning.
MARK: What? HANK: I'm going to go around back.
BRITT: Katie! (shouting) EURICO: Hey! Hey! MARK: Put it down! (all yelling) MARK: Let the girl go! You let the girl go! Let the girl go right now! (gunshot) (Hank groans) (gunshots) (Eurico groans) (Hank groans) BRITT: Baby, you okay? You okay? MARK: Hank, you alive in there? HANK: No.
You guys have water spots on your ceiling.
BRITT: Thanks, buddy.
(Hank groans) MARK: Who in the hell is in there? He's my professor.
I forgot my cell phone in the class.
He's here to return it.
BRITT: Oh, man, are you okay? Come on, let me help you.
- You all right? - Mm-hmm.
BRITT: Hope this doesn't affect her grade.
HANK: Dude, you should take a spin on one of these.
The suspension's unbelievable.
BRITT: Get better, man.
MARK: EMT's pump him full of morphine? He refused it.
Said it would ruin his sobriety.
KATIE: Yeah, that's just Hank being Hank.
BRITT: The whirlingest of dervishes.
MARK: Yeah.
BRITT: Hey, Mark.
Awhile ago, you said that Hank would let me down.
That guy getting put in that ambulance right there, he just took a bullet for my girl, man.
Went to Tijuana to rescue my ass.
MARK: I never said he wouldn't have his moments.
You know, and don't forget that I crossed across the border to rescue you, too.
You don't all have to thank me at once.
Just send me a muffin basket in about a week.
BRITT: Hey, what was it? I mean, how-how'd he let you down? MARK: Oh, no, no, no.
That's uh, that's a story he's going to have to tell you.
BRITT: We don't deserve him, Mark, either of us.
MARK: Yep.
Does it hurt? HANK: If by "it" you mean a gunshot to the shoulder yeah, it really hurts.
Hey, Professor Professor How you feeling? A little light-headed.
Well, enjoy it while it lasts.
The headache that's coming is no picnic.
You married? - Mm, yes, 7 years.
You? - No.
You got kids? A boy and a girl.
That's great.
If you ever cheat on your wife again with one of your students, I'll make damn sure she finds out.
** and every vet school from here to ***.
Do we understand each other? - Yeah.
- Yeah? Do we? - Yeah.
- Good.

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