Thai Cave Rescue (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

To Not Offend the Gods

How are we gonna get out?
The water didn't go down overnight.
- Look at the water level.
- It's slippery.
- Look out!
- What do we do now?
Let me see.
What do we do now?
This is why you bring a rope.
- Titan, hold this?
- Okay.
Here. Take this.
Hold this.
I'll swim under
and tie off on the other side.
And you pull yourselves through
on the rope. All right?
Let's go, then.
- He's taking too long.
- Yeah, something's wrong.
Stop it, Night. Don't be a chicken.
Eak knows what he's doing.
You're right. Something's wrong!
Mark, take it!
There's Eak!
- Eak, please!
- Pull him out. How is he?
- Bring him up.
- Is he okay?
Lay him down. Eak!
- Eak!
- Hey. Wait. Sit up.
Are you okay?
Eak, um
does this mean we're trapped in here?
We just have to wait
a little longer. Seriously.
We've been here all night.
I'm hungry.
Think of the story you'll be able
to tell your parents, Titan.
Hmm. If they don't kill me first.
Let's go.
Dom. Cheer us up with a song, eh?
- Help us relax.
- Good idea.
- Anything but Maroon 5.
- Bunch of haters. All of you.
Let's go.
Just go to sleep
He'll be back tomorrow ♪
Which song is that?
Time will clarify everything ♪
Time will clarify everything ♪
Good day, Governor.
We're very glad you're here.
Thank you for honoring us with your time.
You You will find us
a little shorthanded, I'm afraid.
Governor, we've already
prepared some sandbags, but we
Are those their names?
There were 11 bikes and 1 motorbike.
All the boys' families
have been contacted.
Are their parents here?
Uh They
The families are here.
I'm gonna show you where. Please, sir.
VIP One.
- This way, Governor.
- This way.
- Governor!
- This way, sir.
What's being done
to rescue them?
I have nothing
to tell you right now.
Who did you put
in charge of the search?
Governor! Governor!
Cordon them closer to the road. Now.
Yes, Governor.
I'll have Pim take care of the problem.
You take care of that.
You'll set up the command tent.
Whatever you can find.
Radios, communication equipment,
maps, everything. Am I clear?
- Yes, Governor.
- And don't set it up too far.
Keep it all very close to this spot.
Yes, Governor.
- Governor. Just follow this trail.
- Mm-hmm.
The boys' parents
are at the shrine up there.
I trust Eak.
I know he'll take care of all the boys
as if they were his children.
"As if." They're not his children!
Titan chose to go in that cave
instead of coming home.
It's not Coach Eak's fault, is it now?
Then it's my fault if our boy's in a cave?
It's you who said that. Not me, right?
The governor's here. Governor.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I'm sorry that these boys
have caused you problems.
Don't even say that.
I have two kids, you know.
I will stay with you here
until your kids are safe again, yeah.
Thank you.
- Sorry, Governor.
- Thank you.
The village seer said that the kids
have offended the spirits of the cave,
and we have to beg for their forgiveness.
Would you come and pray with us now?
I believe more in science than in faith.
I may not believe in spirits,
but I respect them.
Shh! I heard something.
What did you hear?
I bet it was a ghost.
Yes! Maybe the princess
is coming for us!
Don't say that!
The princess can't be mad at us.
Hey, who ate eggs yesterday?
- Uh, I did. I did.
- You did!
- Ew!
- It stinks so bad.
- Hey, Eak.
- It's Eak! Hey, Eak.
Please, tell us we can go out?
Well, not all the way.
But I'm going to try the rope again.
You all remain here
while Tee, Note, and Night, come with me.
Wait here.
Eak, I don't think Mark's feeling well.
No, I'm not sick. Just hungry and cold,
like all of you, right?
Tee, bring Biw here.
I'm okay, Eak. Really. I'm okay.
Oh, I know you are.
Because I know the smallest boy
is the strongest one.
- You mean it?
- Sure!
I once was the smallest one.
You'll be fine, you know.
We just need to warm you up. Okay?
Give Mark that extra shirt.
Seriously? But I'm cold too.
All right.
Anyway, it was too tight on my muscles.
I don't see any.
Oh! You're not that sick after all.
I'll help you.
You can go ahead.
Don't wait for me.
This happens sometimes
when I don't eat a lot.
It's not a big deal.
We'll leave together, Mark.
Or we don't leave at all. Got it?
- Okay?
- Yeah.
Namhom, are you awake?
We're going to be late for work
because of this rain.
Stop daydreaming, you.
Last night, Mark didn't come home.
He doesn't answer his phone either.
He's with his friends, for sure.
Well, since we left Tachileik,
he doesn't have any friends at all.
I was so happy, you know,
when he said
he was going to soccer practice.
What did you say?
I saw the news
on Ta Mon's Facebook earlier.
I'm not sure it's the same team.
What happened tonight?
Park officials have confirmed
that a local soccer team, the Wild Boars,
went missing
in the Tham Luang cave last night.
You need to lend me your scooter.
- But there'll be a lot of police there.
- Give me the keys now!
Excuse me, sir. Officer!
Sir, excuse me.
Please, I'd like to talk to someone
about my son.
I believe he's inside that cave.
- All right. What's his name?
- Mongkol Bunpiam. "Mark."
No. He's not on the list.
Have you been contacted about it?
- I haven't. But when I heard
- He's probably with a girl somewhere.
Officer, please!
- Do not pass the gate!
- Wait. Listen to me. Please!
Just tell us what's going on! Please!
I don't understand what's taking
so long with these rangers, Nop.
Relax. Look. They're waiting for him.
He's like an amateur mapmaker.
Out here all the time.
Most importantly,
no one knows Tham Luang better than him.
Wait here. I'm sure he'll know what to do.
What do I do, then?
They think I'll stay here
while my son dies in that cave?
Right now, we can only pray
that the spirits stop the rain,
making the water level drop.
You sound like my wife.
Look, Coach, superstition doesn't save
drowning boys, all right!
The rangers tell me
you are a hobbyist.
You've been exploring the cave
during the dry season for years.
Please, tell me.
What do you know about Tham Luang?
Well, Governor, Tham Luang is a monster.
The cave runs into the mountain due west
towards Myanmar several miles.
There's multiple chambers,
caverns all different sizes
that open and then close down again
to narrow tunnels,
just wide enough
to get your shoulders through.
We've assembled a group
of local rescue workers to go in.
I wanna volunteer.
- Is your son in there?
- Yes, he is.
Ekkarat Wongsukchan. We call him "Biw."
Can you swim, mister?
Now, we start in chamber 1.
If the sump connecting chambers 1 and 2
hasn't completely flooded yet,
it will soon.
Once these narrow passages
are filled with water,
our only option will be to swim.
If the boys are alive, then they'll be
in a dry chamber surrounded by water.
Water is our enemy here.
It's the evil in the monster.
- Is that a quake?
- I felt it too.
What was it?
- What's going on?
- You hear that?
Water! Coach!
Tee, flash flood! Lead them out!
Hurry! We gotta go!
The tunnel to Pattaya will flood!
Hold on. The flashlight!
Let's go!
Keep moving!
Help your team!
- Come on, Dom!
- I'm not gonna make it.
Come on! Let's go.
Move! Keep moving!
Go! Go! Move it! Hurry up!
I'm scared! I'm not gonna make it!
Faster! Faster!
Pattaya's just beyond
this sump, Biw!
Breathe. Please believe
this is gonna work out, all right?
Right now, go.
I'll be with Mark, okay? Biw!
You have to hold onto Dom.
Mark, take a deep breath.
You think they drowned?
I think so.
I don't know about your boys,
but my boy, Biw,
he can't swim.
Until they rescue those boys,
I'm going to make offerings.
It's not possible!
Don't you get it?
Come on.
Come up and pray.
If we have any chance
of getting our sons back,
we need to pray
to every single one of the spirits
and beg them to help our children.
They're going to find them.
Let's pray. Come on.
The governor will be able to help us.
This is a test. We've done something
to offend the spirits.
Your poor boy.
Adul, as I recall, is his name.
Are you Christian?
We do not believe
that we can buy God's mercy,
but I know our congregation
is reciting prayers for him.
As well as for all the others.
Every day.
Chamber 3 was as far as we made it
before the water forced us back out.
This is chambers 4, 5, and 6.
1.6 miles at least,
buried under 600 meters of limestone.
Then you hit Sam Yak.
That's the T-junction.
That's where the path splits.
They could've gone either way.
If they hung a right at the Monk's Series,
that's where the water's flooding from.
If they went that way, then they
almost certainly drowned.
If they went the other way,
left at the T-junction?
To Pattaya?
Oh, they'd have a better chance.
You're telling me there's a huge beach
inside these mountains?
Not exactly paradise but it's elevated.
It's a big sandy hill that
Dropping down into a pool of water.
And we can't reach there
without scuba gear?
We're gonna need more than air tanks
and a diving certificate.
The current in these sumps is fast.
It's filled with silt. You can barely see.
We're gonna need extremely fit divers.
Then, who?
Navy SEALs?
Sure! That'd be great.
It's probably nothing.
Just kids being kids, off on an adventure.
Let the local authorities handle this.
You don't want to risk losing face
over some merest problems.
You're above this.
Please, sir. The people here
aren't as experienced as I am.
They've already said
they're going to transfer me,
what else could they do to me?
Are you sure you really want to do this?
You're asking me to call for
the most elite special forces we have,
who are a little more than focused
on their annual exams right now.
Those servicemen,
they are not your friends.
At the end of the day,
they will not lose face for you.
Or anybody else.
Imagine, if they help you
and the situation
starts to go bad out there.
Think about their reputation.
And your reputation.
when you first sent me here,
you said to me,
"It's hard for people in the capital
to understand what's happening
out in the country."
You told me to put my faith
in the men on the ground.
Remember that?
I will allow it.
But you'd better hope
those boys are still alive.
Damn it!
How is anyone ever gonna find us here?
I'm too young to die!
Okay. Okay now.
I'm only 11!
I got a long life to live!
It's okay. It's all right, Mark.
It's my birthday. I don't care
that my mom bought a SpongeBob cake!
I just don't want her
to eat it without me!
Are your parents
gonna eat it without you?
Hey. Come on. Hey.
Get off! Leave me alone, Biw!
- Hey.
- Let me.
- Phong. Phong. Phong!
- Go away!
Settle down. That's enough!
We're all standing here in our graves!
No one will ever find us!
Nobody is dying here, Phong!
No one will die in here!
Now, everyone, sit down!
And you too, Phong!
We can get scared.
That's fine. But don't panic.
I'm gonna get you home, okay?
At the monastery, when I was growing up,
whenever I was upset,
the monks would make me
meditate with them.
I didn't wanna do it.
But you know what?
They were right.
If we meditate,
we'll have something to focus on.
It'll stop you
from freaking out like this.
When our minds are calm,
we can overcome fear.
Adul. Adul?
Let's meditate.
You don't need to be
a Buddhist to meditate.
Do you wanna try?
Let's try, okay?
Close your eyes. Close your eyes.
Good. Take a deep breath.
Everyone, let's try it.
Let's try, Tee.
Mark, let's try.
Now focus on the tip of your nose.
Okay, and inhale Lord.
Exhale Buddha.
And inhale Lord.
Exhale Buddha.
Sabbe Satta!
Whatever living beings there may be,
whether they are weak or strong,
omitting none, the great or the mighty,
the seen and the unseen,
may all beings be at ease.
I've looked everywhere.
He wouldn't run away. He's not a bad boy.
Could be more mischievous
than you think.
Please. His coach would know him. Please.
Hey! He already told you,
you don't belong here.
It's better that your son's not here.
We'd better be prepared.
Now the story's on the news,
we're gonna see many more like her.
You're not from around here.
Your accent sounds foreign.
Please. I wouldn't lie to you, sir.
He went missing.
He was He was with the Wild Boars
You can get in trouble
for falsely reporting a missing child.
- Show me your papers.
- But
- Coach Nop! Coach Nop!
- Hey! Stop!
- Coach Nop!
- You need to calm down!
Stop it! I could have you
deported, you know?
What's going on?
Sir, this woman
says her son's in the cave.
But all the children
and guardians are accounted for.
Please, sir. Please believe me.
I know my son's in there.
Coach, my son. I beg you.
You know my son Mark, Mongkol Bunpiam.
Okay, yeah. I know him.
But I didn't see Mark
at the field yesterday.
Mark hasn't come to practice for a while.
I've come up
with no Thai papers.
With no documents at all.
I am Tai Yai. I am from Kengtung.
Why should I risk everything to come
if I didn't believe my son's in that cave?
Unless I thought
he was really here.
Okay, she stays. Until we're certain
how many kids are stuck inside.
Namhom. Namhom! Namhom!
- Phong. Phong.
- What?
What is it?
What is it? Why Why you waking me up?
Come here.
What's going on? What?
What's with you?
Tee. If we go far enough,
we can connect to Myanmar and leave here.
You'll be in charge while I'm gone, okay?
- Make sure they don't pull any pranks.
- Okay.
What's going on?
Phong, follow me.
What's that sound?
Are there animals in here?
We're out of Lactasoy.
Let's go. We need to explore.
You think there's really
a way out?
The path to the right is steep.
But it's safer from the water.
There is a way out of here.
Slow down, Phong.
You doing okay?
You were wrong!
There's no way out!
How can you be so calm?
You know we're stuck in here now!
I know there are people out there
looking for us right now.
Nobody is looking for me.
I only have my grandmother.
Before I left yesterday,
I fought with her really badly.
She's trying to send me
to my uncle's in Chiang Mai.
I was so mad at her,
I didn't tell her where I was going.
I even thought, "Maybe I won't come home."
"So she can see how much she needs me."
I didn't
I didn't mean for this to happen.
I don't want this!
Phong, listen to me.
I'll tell you something.
All I had was my dad.
But then he died.
My uncle said he was taking me
to the monastery for
better education.
It was so I could have
a better life, you know?
But it didn't feel that way at first.
Being sent away is never easy.
It really hurts.
But you are gonna keep going.
And you will survive this.
Biw sucked a dude's toe.
Thought it was Lactasoy.
- Never gonna let him forget that.
- Never.
That's crazy.
Now what do we do?
Be careful. It's slippery.
- Eak! Wait!
- Hmm?
Over here. We missed it on the way in.
Looks like some kind of writing
on the wall.
You see what I see?
Guys, the military's here!
- They're here to help us!
- It'll be okay. That's them.
What do my men need to know
before they go into the cave?
Before we strap on scuba gear
and things escalate,
we need to take a wider view.
The boys' lives are at risk.
But there are about to be others.
- You brought a doctor with you?
- Dr. Bhak is a SEAL.
A combat medic and certified expert
in extreme health crises.
The boys have been inside
since Saturday afternoon.
We have no idea how much food or water,
if any, they have with them.
Given the obvious circumstance,
I'd say it's generally good news.
We know they're young.
They're soccer players.
So we know that they are fit.
As long as they're not injured
or infected with something,
they should be in good shape.
A few days without food
is unpleasant but not deadly.
Okay. Well, uh,
as far as I know,
there's only one way in and one way out.
This way out?
No way.
Imagine a mountain, like a pyramid.
Wide bottom, narrow top.
Phong and I already checked it out.
If we dig up that way,
we'll reach the top
in about five to ten meters.
No way.
Well, see for yourself.
Look at all this rough rock.
You can see that it caved in.
If we all dig together, we'll probably
climb out into the middle of a field.
Come on, guys. Who's gonna help us dig?
I can help out with the digging.
All right. Mark's gonna help.
Anybody else?
I know you're hungry.
I won't tell you to not think about food.
I can tell you that it's easier
to go without food than you might think.
- I only ate one meal a day for ten years.
- Yeah, you were a monk then.
You think monks never get hungry?
At first, the hunger was so bad
I didn't think I'd ever survive.
But one day,
a monk told me to drink water.
So I drank. And I drank a lot of water.
There. We can drink from here
because it's filtered
through the stones,
Try to imagine you're eating KFC.
So, who wants to go first?
No one?
Hey. You go first, Titan.
You're small but you got a big mouth.
- Go on.
- It's decided.
Um, I don't know.
Drink it!
How is it?
It tastes like my grandma's cooking.
- I'll try it now.
- I'm next!
Try it.
- Drink it.
- Does it taste good?
Yeah, it does. Tastes great.
- It really does!
- Tastes weird.
- Tee.
- I want more.
Organize everyone into groups,
just like on the soccer field.
We'll each take turns.
And start saving flashlights
for digging only.
Do you really think that's the way out?
I don't wanna take a chance if it's not.
I think it's worth a try. Don't you?
TMD. Noon. Can I help you?
Hello, it's Pim.
- We spoke yesterday.
- Hi, Pim.
I saw the local news report online.
Have you been able to find
the soccer players yet?
Not yet. But the rescue team
is actively working on it.
The governor would like weather reports
every hour. Is that possible?
Yeah, sure.
If you need anything else, just call.
Thank you so much.
- Odd, sir.
- Hmm?
The governor in Chiang Rai
wants reports hourly.
Yeah. Call everyone back here,
and set up a meeting.
Wish you luck.
Um, I'm taking this as an actual command.
Everyone ready?
Chamber 3 is fail-safe.
The boys have to be beyond chamber 3.
Hello everyone. Make way, please.
Our son will be fine.
You have to imagine that every
raindrop that falls is an added risk.
The more it rains, the worse it gets.
And it's all flowing into that cave.
If the current's strong enough
coming off the T-junction,
it'll be kicking like a mule.
So you'll need all your strength
for the next sump.
Not only is it narrow,
but the turns are sharper.
There are more alleys.
Most of all, stay in your lane.
Don't wander into the alleys
or you'll get lost
and deplete your oxygen.
Watch your reserves.
Every millimeter forward will be a fight.
It's an underwater battle.
Good luck.
Can you move it?
Not on my own.
Let's try again. Now.
Come on, guys.
The situation
is more complicated
than we initially thought it was.
But we'll try again tomorrow.
Oh my God!
- That was tiring.
- Damn it!
- They're coming.
- This way.
The boys
have been inside for four days,
and we haven't made any progress.
They don't have many more days.
I will not be reckless with my men.
We will move as fast as it is safe to.
I'm not asking for recklessness.
Nor am I questioning your system.
Systems save lives.
But we need to change tactics.
We haven't even made it to chamber 4.
I'm open to ideas.
I think we need specialists.
You are the specialists.
There's no one better
at underwater diving than Navy SEALs.
I'm a doctor, but I'm not a surgeon.
Can I perform surgery if I have to?
Sure. But you wouldn't want me to
because that's not my specialty.
I put myself on the line
with the ministers in Bangkok
to get you all here.
Now you're saying
you cannot do it!
we're SEALs.
We're trained for combat diving.
Beachheads, limpet mines,
fast attack boats.
But here, we have to learn as we go.
We've never done this before.
Then who has?
Governor. I have an idea.
First, you wanted Navy SEALs.
And now, I just heard
from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
that you have divers from half a dozen
other countries coming in?
Have you lost your mind?
It's been four days.
The doctor's saying
that they're beginning to starve.
Would you rather
let the boys die in the cave, huh?
I'd rather you consider
they may not be alive in there
before you make foreigners
aware of our predicament.
There's no coming back from this now.
People might think
you're doing this to save face.
But you can't save face
for an entire government,
the whole of Thailand.
If it doesn't work out,
no one will touch you.
You'll be lucky to just never work again.
No second chances here.
Don't fail.
At least no one will die of boredom
from my dad telling that story
about how his friend
got trapped in a cave ever again.
Now he can talk about
how his son got trapped with his team.
Wanna hamburger?
- Yeah. I do.
- Here.
- Hey, I want pork.
- Just a minute.
- Mix.
- Huh?
- You forgot the sauce.
- Oh really?
Where's your appetite, man?
- You.
- Don't be picky.
Shift change! Note, you're up.
- I'm waiting for my pork.
- You'll have to take it home.
- Go.
- You're such a spoilsport.
- Is my grilled pork ready?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
- Let's go.
You're always
interrupting my meal, Tee.
Tle. Tle.
Hey, it's your turn. How long
do you think before he realizes it?
Oh, man, I don't know.
He'll be pretty pissed off.
- At you!
- Oh yeah.
If anyone can get those boys out,
it's these guys.
They've come from, uh, Finland,
Canada, Ukraine by way of Cyprus,
oh, and my first love, the United Kingdom.
Rick Stanton and John Volanthen,
leaders of the pack.
Thank you for coming all this way.
And so quickly.
The SEALs can help you
with the scuba gear and anything you need.
Oh, uh, we appreciate that,
but, uh, we only dive with our own gear.
You think your gear is better
than my SEALs gear?
We find the gear
that open water divers use
doesn't work for caves.
We tuck our air tanks here, under the arm,
on the side,
so we're not bumping the ceiling.
Uh, water-light helmets,
floats, doesn't sink,
and protects your head from stalactites.
The mask is secured underneath.
What is that?
- Oh, that's, uh, that's my wing.
- Your what?
It's a buoyancy device I fashioned myself,
uh, out of an inner tube
of a motorbike tire.
Works a treat.
- Doesn't it, John?
- It's an inflatable ballast.
Keeps you level in the water.
So you're not constantly bumping
into the stalagmites on the floor,
which are very sharp
and will cut you and your suit up.
All these will enable you
to make forward progress?
Only way that's possible
in the silt water
Only way you have a chance
in the current is to lay the guideline.
From the first chamber
to as far as it takes to find them.
Now, the guideline is like
Ariadne's thread to Theseus
in the labyrinth of the Minotaur.
Without it, we're all blind.
We lose time and oxygen
searching out the blind alleys.
And we have to
relearn the route every time.
So, instead, we secure it,
tying glow sticks on for visibility.
And the next man comes along, adds to it.
What else? What else do you need from us?
Rope. And lots of it.
I'll find you the rope.
Get prepared to dive.
We must move
safely but urgently.
The foreign divers
will lay down the guideline
while we pre-position supplies
in each chamber.
In the event you find the boys,
I'm issuing you all extra gel packs.
Why bother with this, huh?
The kids are probably already dead.
Night! Please! Come home!
Tle! It's me! Dad!
We may not be there to help find them,
but we can have faith.
It's the best we can do right now.
The boys' bodies are now entering ketosis,
the state of burning all their fat stores.
Their bodies are now starting
to eat their own muscles to stay alive.
Whatever strength they have,
they'll be fighting to keep.
Please come back home!
Please! Let's go home together!
If they have
a clean source of water at all,
they might have a day or two left.
And as the neuro and limbic systems
start to malfunction,
they will have hallucinations.
Biw. Biw.
Tle! My son!
Daddy's waiting for you!
The real danger now is that
they're in a chamber that's too small.
They've depleted
their oxygen levels to toxic.
Dioxide buildup in the lungs
will eventually cause hypoxia,
which means their hearts could stop.
Eight days.
They'll start to have
motor muscle trouble now
if they can still move at all.
And, in addition to hallucinations,
their internal organs
are starting to lose function.
The strain is now affecting
their nervous systems.
They may not know it yet
but they are dying.
Titan, how are the others?
All too weak to get up except me.
- Hey, take a break now.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Go get some water.
Aren't you coming?
I'm gonna dig a little bit more.
You need rest too, Eak.
I've told you about my brother, right?
My name, Eakaphon
mixes both of our names together.
But he had leukemia.
And I watched him die.
My life changed after that.
My mother died.
My father died.
Right now, Mark isn't doing very well.
You guys are starving.
But I won't lose my family again.
The rain is getting worse.
And so are the water currents.
It's more dangerous for our divers too.
Is there any chance we find them alive?
It's been almost nine days
without clean water and food.
Sir, we can't lose hope.
I'm sorry, sir.
Pull back the divers and my team.
I can't risk more men.
Please don't.
I don't even know how I ended up here.
Maybe you were led
to be together with me here.
Our instincts are good guides.
We've met before.
You told me your son
is in the cave, right?
His name is Mark.
You must let me thank you.
This is from the monks.
Midnight meditation?
I can't sleep, like you.
It's a Shan tradition.
Sand for each boy.
Twelve in total.
And one for Coach Eak.
For me, faith is all that matters.
I don't have money.
I don't have power.
I only have faith.
Faith that my son is in there.
And I'm choosing
to have faith that you will find him.
If I wait for him here,
that you will bring my Mark back.
What is it you believe?
I believe in science.
But now, science has failed me.
Mother nature is in the way.
I wonder if I really have
offended the gods?
I bowed my head to pray!
But I couldn't bring myself to believe.
It's a big ask
for a man of science to give up
and surrender to belief.
I'm not proud to admit it
I'm going to need a miracle here.
So does your son, in there.
- Ranger Pim speaking.
- We think we've caught a break.
What are we talking here?
In millimeters?
How much of a break?
I want Noon now.
Hi, Pim. It's Noon.
Trust me. It's not going to rain.
They're saying no rain
until at least noon.
Probably a little longer.
I think we should go for it.
The odds are nearly impossible.
But we've all seen statistics
be wrong before.
We've all seen the power of the mind
overcome the power of the body.
We all have doubts.
We all have a crisis of faith.
We've all had days of rain that never end.
But the rain ended!
It wasn't supposed to.
But it wasn't supposed to start
when the boys entered the cave either.
Faith has a way of dealing us a hand
that we don't always want.
Challenges we could do without.
But challenges can be opportunities.
Maybe you don't believe
you have an opportunity here.
Or maybe you believe
it has passed us by already.
Maybe you believe
the boys died on the first day.
Or the third day.
Drowned in water or got sick or starved.
But I've seen a shrine
that bloomed in the jungle,
filled with offerings.
I've seen Buddhists,
Christians, and animists,
heads bowed in prayer.
I've even bowed my own.
Whatever you believe,
believe in these boys.
What is it?
If it's a ghost,
just ignore it.
- W Watch your step.
- It's coming from the water.
They sound foreign.
Foreign ghosts?
- Which direction do you think?
- Definitely not behind us.
I don't believe in ghosts.
Hey! Come here! Quick!
Are you a Wild Boar?
- English?
- Yes.
- You speak English?
- Yes!
- Where are you from?
- The UK!
This is brilliant.
Where are my parents?
Is there anything to eat?
- Are there rangers outside?
- Is my mom mad at me?
Adul, what did he say?
What's going on?
Did you get lost?
We're not lost. You're lost.
We've been trying to find you.
Say your names.
I'm Adul.
I'm Tee. And this is, um
I'm Mark.
Twelve of you!
How is this possible?
Where is your coach? I Is he
Did he survive?
We've been searching for you for ten days.
We are so glad to find you safe.
We thought you were dead.
How is this possible?
He made us dig.
On a strict schedule.
He taught us to fill our bellies
with fresh water.
He taught us to meditate
to conserve our strength,
to focus our minds, and calm us.
And to save your oxygen.
Faith. He never gave up.
This It
is simply extraordinary, Coach.
You should be proud
for what you have done.
What will happen to us now?
I don't know.
But you saved these boys.
Now it's up to all of us
to rescue them.
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