That '70s Show s08e07 Episode Script

Fun It

What the hell is going on here ?! Well these guys were supposed to go on a three-hour tour, but now they're shipwrecked.
And the sexual tension between Gilligan and the skipper is reaching a braking point.
It's so stupid.
Why don't they just kill the fat one for food ? I'm not talking about Giligan.
I'm talking about the new guy sitting in my chair.
Fez, chairs are first come, first served.
We decided that in The Great Chair Negotiation of '78.
Although that doesn't apply to me due to the "If you sit in my chair, I'll kick you in the nad's" amendment.
Here, you can have it.
I don't mind.
You'll live another day Fez, why do you pick on Randy ? Based on his hair and good looks, I think he is a really good person.
I just don't like people who aren't from here, that's all.
You know I was thinking we could get out of here anyway.
Maybe go somewhere, have some fun ? Why are you trying to ruin our Saturday ? Come on, let's go down to Fatso Burger and get some burgers and fries.
Teenagers love burgers and fries ! - Nah - no thanks What if I said I'm buying ? Randy, on behalf of all of us, I just like to say: I can smell the oniony thanks all the way over here.
Listen Randy.
Just because I ate three hamburgers doesn't mean I like you.
It just means I have no self-control.
Look at that disgusting clown.
It's totally freaking me out.
You're scared of Fatso ? But he's the friendly neighborhood clown who gives grade D beef to all the boys and girls.
Well I just don't like the way his eyes follow me around.
It's the same reason I hate art.
What have I told you kids ? What have I told you ? Don't pee on the bathroom key ? One ketchup bottle per table.
One ketchup per table.
Why do you say everything twice ? Shut up.
Shut up ! I hate that guy.
He acts like he owns the place.
He does own the place.
Well he acts like it.
Hey, he's just a small businessman trying to make ends meet.
Let's ruin him.
I've got it ! Let's throw a bunch of pickles at his window ! Then, he'll become a prisoner of his own pickle-prison.
Or we could steal Fatso the Clown.
Steal Fatso the Clownalright man ! Yay Randy ! Noooo boo Randy ! Yay Fez ! Pickle attack, let's do it ! Where did it go ? Okay, I have a better idea let's steal that clown ! That 70's SHow - Saison 8 Episode 07 "Fun it" Traduction par Yvan et Merci à "" We're stealing a clown ! God, being bad is so exciting.
My palms are sweaty.
When I was with Eric, the only times my palms were sweaty was when I was holding his sweaty palms.
Well I don't want anything to do with that red-nosed freak.
Why are you so afraid of clowns ? It was my 7th birthday party.
This clown asked me if I wanted to smell his pretty flower.
And when I did it squirted water all over my face and then he offered me his handkerchief when I pulled it out of his pocket it just kept coming and coming and coming And that's why you hate clowns ? No later I walked in on him making out with my Mom.
????? bastard ! Okay, wire cutters, crescent wrench and a bolt cutter.
What about an axe ? Do we need an axe ? NoI think we're good but if we decided to go on a killing rampage in a sleep-away camp I'll call you.
Okay smart guy.
I thought of something you haven't.
We need a getaway-car.
See, your plan is unraveling.
I thought we could take that station wagon right there.
Your plan has re-ravelled.
But wait Red has the keys ! Aha ! Your plan is unraveling again.
We don't need the keys ! I'll hotwire that son of a bitch ! What's the big deal ? I'll just ask Red if I can borrow the car.
Uh while your at it, why don't you ask Red if your ass can borrow his foot.
Uhh no.
I think I'll just ask for the car.
I'll ask Red.
I have a lot of experience with him.
He loves me because I used to have sex with his daughter.
Okay Randy, watch and learn.
Hey Red, reading the paper, that good old paper.
- Get out.
- Okay the plan is off.
Hey Mr.
Forman, I thought maybe you could lend us the Vista Cruiser.
Well that's interesting Kitty.
I don't see anything in here about hell freezing over.
It's just I wanted to build a wheelchair ramp for my grandmother and I wanted to buy some lumber.
Come on Red ! Just picture his poor old grandmother going down the stairs in a wheelchair, bouncing all over the place ! Oh, I don't mean to laugh.
Red, she needs his help.
Oh fine.
But fill up the tank, bring it back by tomorrow and do something with that hair.
Jeez ! A wheelchair ramp ?! What a load of crap.
Fez, my grandmother IS in a wheelchair.
She had polio.
Well everything works out perfect for you I can't believe I'm an accessory to crime ! We could get caught ! I could get arrested ! I could go to a girl-prison this freakin' rocks.
I remember my first crime.
Grand theft tricycle.
I did three days in the crib for that job.
There is a car coming ! Scatter ! Oh no ! I didn't scatter ! What's cooking Fatso ? Uhm Welcome to Fatso Burger ! I'll have a uh big Fatso combo with extra secret sauce.
Would you like apple-pie with that ? Sure ! And the extra large soda for ten cents more ? Okay.
Oh, and onion rings are free with all that.
I'll take 'm ! So let me read that back: one big Fatso combo with extra sauce, an apple pie, extra large soda and one onion rings.
You got it.
We're closed.
What ?! Then why did you take my order ?! Thank you.
Please drive away.
But I'm hungry ! Then go get a pizza ! I had pizza for lunch ! Well whose fault is that ?! Go to hell fatso ! See you there lard-ass ! That was awesome ! Bob has gotten into a fight with a ceramic clown ! Believe it or not, it wasn't the first time.
Okay Fatso, you're coming with us.
And if you try to fight back, well, that'll scare the living crap out of us.
Okay you guys, after this we should steal a car ! No ! A kid ! Donnathat's kidnapping.
Okay fine, a dog ! Just something alive ! Now don't drink too much Fatso, you've got to drive your 30 friends home later in your tiny car.
You guys, stealing this clown was an immature act of revenge and vandalism.
Oeh, let's draw boobs on him ! So you guys, whaaaaaah ! What the hell is that doing here ?! We stole Fatso the Clown ! And now we're gonna uhm what do we do with a stolen clown ? This is what we do with a stolen clown.
Actually, this is what we do without a stolen clown.
It always comes back to this.
Thanks for bringing me here you guys ! So Fatso, now that you're free, is there anything we can do for ya ? Huhuh yeah.
Find me a really trashy clown-hooker with nice long legs and a pair of double D !! I found this in the garage.
Oh Randy, you think you are so funny That was funny.
Look at that freaky-ass clown.
It's just staring at me he doesn't even blink It's because he likes you.
He loves you.
He wants to marry you and then.
kill you ! You guys, something terrible happened.
Fatso the Clown was stolen ! What ? But he was a Wisconsin landmark.
He's been sitting on that bun since I was a little girl ! I feel so guilty.
I was the last one to talk to him.
We had an awful fight.
What are you crying about ? It was a speaker with a face on it.
Oh he was more than that ! He was a part of our history.
I got a lot of warm memories about that place too.
I knocked up Midgy in the parking lot.
Don't you remember Red ? When we were dating, we used to go to Fatso Burger every Friday night and just dream about our future.
I thought we were just eating burgers.
Women are always doing something else ! That's true.
Midgy was drinking a shake when I knocked her up.
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot ! Paper again Fatso ? I win.
Okay, let me try.
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot ! Owaahh, we both did paper ! Congratulations Fez.
You tied a ceramic clown.
You guys, I got to turn on the TV.
Ugh Donna, no-one is in the mood for one of your muscle-building shows.
No, my dad is on the news.
The whole town is pissed about Fatso being stolen.
I'll always remember where I was when I heard the news that Fatso was stolen.
I was reading the paper in the can.
It was the same way with Kennedy.
Whoever stole this, you didn't just steal a clown, you stole a little piece of Point Place.
And you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I have a message for you from this man.
who's too choked up to speak.
We will find you ! We will find you ! Well kids, it looks like you're really in some deep !! You're not funny.
Why is it so damn funny ? I knew we shouldn't have stolen that clown.
If we wanted to get back at that Fatso burger guy, we should just have done what my Dad would have done.
Hire the Sagito brothers to torch the place.
This is big.
The whole town is upset.
Even my grandmother rolled down there to show her support.
What the hell are we gonna do ? It's so simple, it's so freakin' simple ! All we need to do is get rid of the body.
We need a hacksaw, a bunch of garbage bags and a bathtub filled with acid.
Yeah guys, this is serious.
You know what the penalty for stealing a clown is ? The cops line you up and shoot you with one of those guns that has a flag that says Bang.
I've been wanting to say that all day.
What in the world ? Okay Red, before you kill us one by one, let me just say this, it was his idea.
Nice going.
I hate that ugly thing.
It's always smiling when nothing's funny.
Yeah soYou're not angry ? What makes you think I'd be angry ? Uhm every other experience we've ever had with you ? Well I think it's hilarious.
But Kitty is very upset.
Apparently this thing is some kind of symbol of our love.
Help me toss it in the dumpster.
Whoooo ! I'm not touching that thing.
Well I don't have a grip What is going on down there ?! Hide the clown ! - I don't want it ! - Don't give it to me ! Oh my God !! It is looking at me ! What on earth was all that yelling ? Oh nothing.
We were just The Boy in The Plastic Bubble.
And someone came really near the bubble with a pair of scissors.
Well did you kids hear that some vandals stole Fatso the Clown ? Uh no, this is the first we're hearing it Well I am just so upset about this that I I need to make some comfort food.
So oh, I came down here to get peas for a casserole.
Nooooo ! What ? Aren'tfresh peasbetter ? Well don't be silly.
Frozen peas are fine It's not a holiday Okay let's see, peas, breadcrumbs oh I forgot the corn ! I can't believe you dismembered Fatso ! What is the matter with you kids, this clown means something to people.
Look how upset Red is ! Yes upset ! All of you dumb-ass Mrs.
Forman, I can explain.
There is nothing to do in this town.
I am so disappointed in you.
Especially after everything I've done for you, I have opened my home, I have cooked you meals, I've loved you like you're own children.
She did that for all of you ? Men you guys are a bunch of jerks.
Now, here's what you're gonna do.
You are gonna glue poor Fatso back together and you are gonna take him back to his burger.
Right Red ? Yes becauseif.
if you don't furious.
Foots in asses ! Holy hell.
Did you see that ? I've never seen Red so angry ! I can't believe we're taking the clown back.
You know what we should have done ? Smash it into powder, mix it in the Fatsoburgers and force fed it to the redundant old fart who owns the place.
Now that's sick ! Oh my God Fez, there is a cop following us.
Where ?! Don't look, he's pulling up next to us.
Hurry, cover that clown with your body.
Make it look like you're making out with it ! No, I don't want to ! Kiss it man ! We can't get caught now ! Hey, someone put their old gum in his mouth ! I did that ! There is no cop and you kissed a clown ! I can't believe I got to third base with a clown.
Fez, there is nothing below his waist.
I got a hold of something.
I used to think criminals were stupid for returning to the scene of the crime.
But I get it now.
It's all about the rush ! You know, now that I've seen Fatso make out with Fez, he's not so scary anymore.
See, you're just a clown.
A clown who wants to kill you ! So there it is.
The clown's back, everyone is happy, none of us went to jail.
What a waste of time.
Well Randy, it looks like I've saved the day.
Fatso is back on his bun.
So all the bolts are nice and tight ? Yes of course.
I used to catch a little jingle: righty loosey, lefty tighty.
That clown ain't going nowhere.
Shotgun ! I'm keepin' the nose ! Ketchup ?
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