The 4400 s02e07 Episode Script


We're not a threat.
We're salvation.
The world|will have to deal with us.
Previously on the 4400 as far as|this department knew, maia wasn't having|visions anymore.
She was keeping them|secret from me and writing everything|down in a diary.
It's a subpoena.
What do they want? Your diary.
Don't reveal|your healing ability, because if you heal|one of them, you're going|to have to heal them all.
One day, all of this will be yours.
The paperwork's been drawn up.
|The lawyers know what to do.
Everything's in place.
He had a vision|to save the future, and now he won't be here to see us achieve it.
But we will achieve.
None of this|is real to me either.
This is where they altered us, gave me the ability to create the world|we've been living in for the last eight years.
I love you, thomas.
So, let me see|if i've got this, um, straight.
You two met, fell in love, and spent eight years|together in some kind of alternate reality, and now you're here, with eight years of love|and marriage under your belts, in what to us was no time at all.
Yeah, that|that about sums it up.
I'll play along.
i'm so out of here.
I told you|he'd try, thomas.
How'd you know that? Well, you might be meeting me|for the first time, but i know all about you.
You're smart, your favorite writer|is alan moore, and your favorite meal is meatloaf.
But i can't be|exactly the same.
You said there was no 4400, so that means|no coma, no time lost no major problems.
|That's right.
You were happy.
Meaning what? Nothing.
We used to talk about|medical school, remember? Over there,|you went to stanford.
How'd i do? You graduated|with honors.
You became|a neurologist.
Must have made you proud.
I'm always proud of you.
Right, but "dr.
Kyle baldwin" and that world|you were vacationing in, it came from your mind,|right? Actually, it was my mind.
Right,|but you created it using his memories.
Kyle, i'm just as proud of what|you've accomplished here.
You want to know why|all lawyers are jerks? Because they spend|a lifetime reading this crap.
What kind of crap,|specifically? I'm a pretty good|interpreter.
I have 24 hours to turn maia's diary over|to ntac, and not one legal option|to get out of it.
What are you going to do? Well, what ntac wants,|ntac gets, but i have a 9-year-old|daughter at home who's counting on me|to protect her.
Any way i can help? Yeah, you can slap me|upside the head for ever mentioning the diary|in the first place.
It didn't save collier's life,|and now it's making mine hell.
How about i just make|some fresh coffee instead? Oh thanks.
Do you think|they'll find the man|who did it? If, by "they,"|you mean "thomas," then yeah, probably.
My dad always gets|his man.
You heading out? Yes, i have to keep|reminding myself i don't live here|anymore.
Look, kyle, your father and i|love each other.
That's great.
There's not enough love|in the world.
But i just met you.
Give me a few days before i start|calling you "mom," okay? You've got|one of those already.
I'll settle for being|a good friend and i'll keep bribing you|with meatloaf until you give in.
Oh * so long ago, another life * * i can feel your heart beat * * it's not a dream|remember us * * i can see it in your eyes * * we'll find our place in time * * our place in time|beyond the sun * * we'll find our place in time * * our place in time|to call our own * Hello, mr.
Did you have|a good flight? Yes.
Now, would you like me|to show you around, or do you want|to get some rest? Neither.
Take me|to mr.
Yes, sir.
|Right this way.
They've|been waiting.
Three days.
Tell publicity|i'm not sure yet.
They're saying|we're past our deadline.
We have to release|this press statement.
This is supposed to be coming|from me? I don't even understand|half of what it says.
It doesn't sound|like me, lucy.
So change it.
You're the boss.
Oh, and legal|needs signatures now, or no one gets paid,|including legal.
I can only do one thing|at a time.
So let's start with the statement.
Why don't you dictate|something to me? No press statement.
If the press wants to know what mr.
Farrell|is thinking, they can watch|60 minutes along with the rest of america.
I've already booked|an exclusive interview with our new face|of the 4400.
That's all for now.
I'm sorry to just jump in|like that.
I thought you could use a hand.
Matthew ross.
What are you doing|in seattle? I go|where i'm needed.
You've come|to the right place.
It's no coincidence, shawn.
Jordan made it clear|that, in the event of his death, i was to step up,|front and center, to help you out.
Well, another in a long line|of plans that jordan neglected|to share with me.
But i'm glad|you're here.
Jordan talked about you a lot you're going to need|to hire yourself a new lobbyist.
I'm moving to the home office|for the time being.
Pick any office you want.
You start right away.
Uh, these letters? Everyone knows i can heal now.
Jordan had every intention of revealing|your healing ability to the public, but he was planning on doing it|in stages.
We don't have|that luxury anymore.
We'll deal with it.
I can't go outside anymore.
There's sick people.
The press,|they follow me everywhere.
And they will|for the rest of your life.
The ground just shifted|under your feet.
You either find your balance,|or you fall on your ass.
This center|is the new lourdes.
Nobody's going to be calling us|a "cult" anymore.
We're turning away people|faster than we can sign them up.
In 10 years,|this movement's going to be one of the dominant faiths|on the planet.
I'm glad things are going|so well, i am, but a week ago, i was just some guy trying|to beat the last level of doom.
I wasn't the pope then,|and i'm not the pope now.
Yes, you are, and you need to start|getting used to it.
The fbi is spearheading|the hunt for the man who killed jordan collier.
Oh, but we're still in the game,|and ntac is making this collar.
I'm not having someone else|clean up our mess for us.
Then we'd better get moving.
We all know|there's an expiration date on these manhunts.
Trail starts getting cold|after 48 hours.
I want another look at employee|sign-in sheets for every office building|and parking garage within a 10-block radius|of the center.
We've already cross-examined|everyone on those books.
Then we have to look|off the books.
This guy shot a public figure|in broad daylight.
There has to be an eyewitness.
And so far, tom, the only one|who has seen this killer is you.
Pathetic loser.
Sweetie, whatever you do,|never, ever gamble.
It's wrong|and it's stupid.
Then why do you do it? Because,|unlike your mommy, your aunt april doesn't|have a steady income.
She's an artist, and artists|always need cash, which is where the "stupid" part|comes in, because i always lose.
So this whole|"see the future" thing, it doesn't just apply|to earth-shattering events, huh? Not always.
So, if i were to ask you|which card that one.
I'll take this one right here.
Baby girl you are my new lucky charm.
I'm pulling you off|the collier case.
What are you|talking about? We still have half|that neighborhood to canvass.
It's going to have to wait.
At 10:37 a.
,|pacific standard, the federal emergency|management agency sent in a task force to granite pass, oregon,|population 273, where there's been|an outbreak of a lethal, highly contagious,|and as yet unidentified virus.
Airborne? Mm-hmm.
Yeah, likely.
Man-made? Unknown.
What we do know is, if you went to sleep|in granite pass last night, chances are you're filling out|a body bag this morning.
There's only|one resident that fema hasn't|accounted for yet.
Jean delynn baker,|age 30.
Returnee 0188.
Disappeared in '99.
No kids.
Psych profile says|she's a loner.
Things have been|pretty grim for her since she got back.
Hasn't been able|to hold down a job.
She was unemployed|four times in the last year.
And now she's the only resident|of granite pass, oregon who can't be|accounted for.
So we've got two possibilities.
Either she's immune|to this virus, in which case we could|study her, look for a cure.
Or else|she's the carrier.
Either way,|your job is the same.
Use whatever resources you need|and find her.
[Country western playing|on radio.]
: So, are you|going to tell me where you're headed? I never could|stand the sight of a woman in tears.
I guess that's why|i never got married.
You in some kind|of trouble? Run off|on your family? Law on your tail? Seattle.
I'm going to seattle.
That's a big city.
You want me to just drop you|on the edge of town? I'm going to the 4400 center.
I've got to get there.
What the hell for? Are you joining up? Just get me as close|as you can.
If you're looking|for salvation, you're not going|to find it there.
What you want to do is to give yourself|over to your true lord|and savior.
Purification day|is coming.
Signs are everywhere pestilence, plagues.
Tell me about it.
I woke up in a town|full of dead people this morning my mother,|my father.
Yeah? How come you survived? I think maybe i caused it.
You? Now i know you're|messing with me.
Okay, go ahead,|laugh at the jesus freak, but i'm telling you, the whole world'll be|wiped clean soon enough.
Look, i don't think|you're a freak at all, mister.
Matter of fact, i believe The eyes and fingernails show|only slight discoloration.
Rigor mortis|has barely set in.
What did the autopsies show? Nothing we have a name for.
Their internal|organisms are pretty much liquefied.
This thing works fast.
So you just took|your helmet off you got a death wish? This virus gets released,|goes airborne, then dissipates|within a half-hour.
Seen enough? Plenty.
So everyone|we're looking at died this morning because|they were within the virus's|original radius? Yeah, and if they|drove through town an hour later,|they'd be fine.
That's something,|anyway, but orson bailey,|trent appelbaum when a 4400|manifests an ability, it can get more intense,|quickly.
Which means that|if jean delynn baker is transmitting|the virus yeah, she might be|just warming up.
the doctors say they cannot stop|my cancer from spreading.
and i've worked|hard all my life, but tuberculosis has|eaten up our life's savings, and my beloved wife|of four years can barely grandma|told me to pray, so when i saw you|on tv, i knew|that you would help me.
Shawn? It's lucy.
You're scheduled for the new keys|address.
Everybody's waiting.
Shawn? Yeah, i'm flattered.
I'm just not sure i can take a job|right now.
Richard's going to be|travelling quite a bit.
The daycare here is first-rate|and completely free.
Well, for one thing,|i'm not sure i'm qualified.
I mean, assistant director|of human resources? I had my first daughter|right out of college.
You could fit my entire resume|on half a page.
You're a 4400.
That's like an advanced|graduate degree around here.
Besides,|jordan talked about you.
Oh, i'm sure he did.
He said you had|the gift of empathy, that you were|a natural born organizer, and that you had a knack for bringing out|the best in people.
Jordan said that about me? You're a returnee.
You're smart.
We empower people like you|around here.
Wipe your feet.
A killer airborne virus|has been released, and you're worried|about muddy footprints? It's still|somebody's home.
So this is where|jean delynn baker lived.
Until she hit|the road, yeah.
Does she keep a schedule? Any kind of daily planner? Yeah, but i think|it went out the window when she realized her entire hometown|had been wiped out.
Anyone get in touch|with the parents? This|is their house.
They were sleeping|upstairs when the virus hit.
Okay, you guys|aren't leaving this house until you've been through|everything letters, phone bills,|grocery lists.
Marco, listen to me.
Find me a pattern,|the way she thinks.
She's on the run.
I want to beat her|to wherever she's headed.
You heard the man.
I didn't mean|to do it.
I didn't mean to kill them.
I these these blisters,|they itch so bad.
Killed who? I need you|to help me, please.
Who is this? I'm a 4400, and there's something wrong|with me.
Everybody|that i'm around dies, and i don't know|how to stop it.
I don't know|how to stop it.
Tell me your name|and where you are.
How many|people dead? She said hundreds, but there's nothing about it|on the news.
Could be|they're trying to keep it quiet, and there is a 4400|named jean baker? She said|she's staying at a motel near|the squirrel hill exit on the 65.
Get me ntac on the phone.
Yes! You were right.
Philadelphia creamed 'em.
How much|did you win? $200 for aunt april.
All because of you,|my little genius.
Now, i'm looking|at chicago versus new york, even up.
Chicago's the home team,|which gives them some advantage, but new york|is coming off a three-game|winning streak.
So, who's your pick? How much are you betting? The whole|200 bucks, which won't win me|enough to retire on, but a girl's got|to start somewhere.
So, you getting|anything? Do you like me? What kind of question is that? I mean, like me for myself or because i tell you stuff|that's going to happen? Honey, listen.
I love you|for who you are, not what you can do.
Okay? I'd go with chicago.
Chicago it is.
Now, come on.
Aunt april is going|to take you out for pizza.
Go wash up, and take your mom's stuff off.
You know she gets|kind of uptight about maia.
This is my mother's|engagement ring.
Where did you get this? I always play with it.
This is a very valuable ring, which means it is not|for little girls to play with.
Now wash good,|or i'll order anchovies.
Go! Hey.
Don't take this the wrong way,|but how'd you get in here? Your dad gave me a key.
A little early|for dinner, isn't it? Early for eating.
|Not for preparing.
Can you cook? Sorry, i'm a world-class|brain surgeon, not a chef.
But i can empty|a grocery bag with the best|of them, though.
But i have|to warn you, you're ignoring the number-one|"rule of dad.
" Which is? The longer and more carefully|you prepare for a family event the more likely it is|he won't show.
I guess you do know the man.
Which means i guess|you also know me, which, i'm sorry,|is really weird.
You have to admit it's a little strange|for me, too.
We have an eight-year|relationship, and i have to|keep reminding myself that it doesn't really exist.
So tell me, was i, like, number one|in my class in medical school? What does it matter, kyle? You're not in competition|with yourself.
I'm just curious.
Well, you keep bringing it up.
It's more than curiosity.
So what if it is? If you knew there was|some parallel universe where a better, smarter version|of you was walking around, how would you feel? He wasn't better,|and he wasn't smarter.
He was you.
He just had options|i'll never have.
No 4400,|no coma.
He got to go to medical school.
Who says|you don't have that option? I'm 21.
|I'm a freshman in college.
So you started a little late.
You keep thinking|i know two kyles.
I don't.
I just know you.
You want|to be a doctor? I know for a fact|that you can pass your mcats.
Jean baker's in a motel about 10 miles ahead.
Right now, half of ntac|is headed for that place.
Mortimer and falcone|should be there already.
It's weird, huh? Responding to a tip that came from inside|the 4400 center? Shawn did tell me he wanted|to cooperate with us.
I guess he meant it.
Excuse me.
We're ntac.
We need to get through here.
I'll open it for you.
So what's going on|down there? Dead trucker.
Looks like|it came on sudden.
Jean delynn baker? No, no, no.
|What are you doing? I called you for help.
We know.
|Come with us.
No, you're scaring me.
Please, stop.
They start to itch|when i get scared.
Please, get away from me! Oh, god.
H|that trucker died not more than|three hours ago.
Yeah, and he couldn't|have picked up jean more than two hours|before that.
Which means|he was exposed, infected, and killed within,|what, 120 minutes.
That's faster than any virus|i've ever seen.
Mortimer and falcone.
Looks like|we're playing backup.
: it's not my fault.
Who is this? I called you for help.
You tossed tear gas|into my room! Jean baker? How did you get|mortimer's phone? How do you think i got it? They scared me.
They they came barging in|to my room.
What did you do|to them? I guess you thought|those suits they had on would keep them safe, huh? Well, you were wrong, okay? Nobody's safe.
That's why i'm warning you.
You stay away from me, okay.
Just keep everyone away.
Where are you?|I'm driving.
I think|she took their car.
Call jarvis.
|Get a bead on it.
Jean, tell me|where you are, where you're going.
We want to help you.
I tried that.
No one can help me.
No one ever could.
Why should it be|any different now? I know you don't want|to kill anyone, but listen to me, this virus that's|growing inside you, it's incredibly lethal.
I've always been toxic.
I poisoned every relationship|i ever had.
This is different.
Yes, they made it real.
My parents always said|i was a walking disaster.
They never got to see|how right they were.
Jean, it doesn't have|to be like that.
If you want this|to be over, it can be.
Just find a deserted|spot, pull over, and wait for us|to come to you.
I don't need you.
I'm taking care of it myself.
What are you|going to do? I'm going to end this|before i kill anyone else.
End what? This phone call, this day,|everything.
No, jean, just wait.
|Hold on.
Listen to me.
Goodbye, baldwin.
She says she's going|to kill herself.
Well, i'm not sure|that's a solution.
It could trigger|another release of the virus.
Do we have a fix on her? Yeah, she's driving west|on the 99.
Jarvis has got three|helicopters in the air.
If she doesn't pull over, there's orders|to incinerate.
Vacation? For how long? A month, maybe two.
I don't know.
You think that's what|the center, the movement, needs right now? I don't know, matthew, but i'm damn sure it's what i need|right now.
I think you're going|to have to settle for a long weekend.
I hear puget sound|is nice.
Okay, you're not hearing me.
I'm ignoring you.
There's a difference.
I'm not saying|i can't do this.
I will lead this movement.
But jordan just died, and i need some time|to get my head around that.
You're going to have to grieve|on the run like the rest of us.
It's called being a grownup.
Don't lecture me|about my responsibilities.
You just got here, and if this place needs me the way that you keep|saying that it does, then it's going to have|to work around me sometimes.
Work around you? We can do that.
Mary o'connell.
Taken 1972.
Very promising empath.
Robert fields,|1987.
Genius with numbers|and pattern recognition.
John gersten who are these people? Replacements, potentially.
None of them make|the slam dunk you would, but i'm ready|to move this center forward, with you or otherwise.
Jordan used to talk to me|that way sometimes.
He was great at getting me|to see things his way.
You? You're not quite there yet.
Your healing power|makes you unique.
Jordan knew it.
I believed it.
I came here to work with you, but you're asking me|to work around you, and that i can't do.
Then you are going|to have to spend some quality time|with that list, because i'm leaving.
I'm sure you won't|miss a beat, though.
I know there's a huge demand|for pattern recognition.
Th-th-that's impossible.
Mortimer and falcone|were wearing state-of-the-art|biohazard gear.
That stuff's engineered|to withstand an anthrax attack.
They're dead, marco.
Obviously, whatever|she's releasing is a little craftier|than the anthrax virus.
If it got through those suits, that means the antigen's|operating on a subatomic level.
Which basically|makes it unstoppable.
Yeah, pretty much.
Jean told me mortimer|and falcone scared her when they came|into her room.
Is it possible|the release of this virus is connected|to her emotional state? Yeah, more than possible,|it's likely.
Her medicine cabinet|is basically a neon sign flashing "borderline|personality disorder.
" She's got cortisone creams|for stress rashes, an assortment of your finer|psychopharmaceuticals xanax, prozac yeah,|we get it, marco.
She's a wreck.
A wreck whose body acts|as a delivery system for the virus she's producing the same way|flowers release pollen.
What, she's emitting|spores? Something like that.
Look, spores are just reproductive bodies|released by a vascular system.
The human body|is one big vascular system.
It runs on blood flow.
Yeah, which can|speed up or slow down, depending on moods,|feelings.
Right, so when jean's blood|gets going when she's angry,|confused, upset, whatever a killer virus goes airborne.
We're not far|from her car now, marco.
Any advice on how|to deal with her? Uh don't piss her off? Hey.
|How are you, lily? Good.
I heard, um,|you're leaving for a while.
That was fast.
Anyway, yeah, i don't know|how long i'm going to be gone.
What are you going to do? For starters, i'm going to|disappear for a while, and then, um, i don't know,|who knows? I mean, i don't have|to work here to make people healthy, so i guess i could go anywhere.
So you're just|going to kind of roam the earth, kung fu style? I'm not going to shave my head|and wear a robe, but something like that,|i guess.
Well, you could take these|with you, check out|the return address stop off in gloucester, massachusetts, do a quick healing, and then go on your way.
You know about the letters? Oh, shawn,|they're everywhere.
Yeah, each one sadder|than the next.
It's too much to take, almost.
It did give me|an idea, though, but, you know, you're leaving, so we'll talk it over|when you get back.
No, lily, i mean like i said, i don't know when|that's going to be, so, please, i would love to hear|what you have to say.
All right, well, i was thinking i mean, we're not|a hospital, and we're not|a charity, and still, thousands|of these requests keep pouring in|every day.
I mean, no wonder|you feel overwhelmed.
We're not set up|to handle it.
Yes, exactly.
That's why|i've got to get out of here.
What if we set up a foundation? Part of this place,|but separate.
Hire a staff|whose only job is to open|these letters and find the neediest cases, people that we can help|that no one else can.
But that is still saying no|to thousands of people.
Well, that's right, shawn, but what if we can say yes|to one? I mean, you heal|one person a day, every day.
That's a big job, though deciding who deserves it most.
Well, so you form a committee, and you load it up|with doctors and social workers.
And you.
Well come on, i mean,|it's your idea.
You should at least be there|to help make it happen.
Yeah, i just took a job|at human resources.
I think i could probably|get you transferred.
Did you find a body|in there? Can't get|close enough yet.
As soon as you can,|we need to retrieve it.
Well, she said|she wanted to end it.
I guess we could send|marco and his boys back down|to the basement, let 'em find|a ripple effect on this one.
Excuse me.
I came close,|but i don't know jean? I couldn't go through with it.
That's good.
|Nobody wants you dead.
Just tell me where you are.
You can't|help me.
The 4400 center can't help me,|but it doesn't matter.
I finally know|where i'm supposed to go.
Tell me where.
I'll meet you|there.
You ever read|the bible, baldwin? I went to sunday school.
I spent some time|with it earlier today, back at that motel.
"The time is at hand.
" That's "revelations," right? But do you know|what it means? I bet you don't.
See, these blisters they form on my hands.
Do you get it? I'm not sure i do, jean.
They're talking|about me in that book.
You got family? Jean, what are you|talking about? Go to them.
Hug them real tight.
I've finally|figured it out, why they|sent me back.
I'm part of their plan.
They want me to do this.
Do what? Purify humanity.
She was quoting "revelations?" Never a good sign, tom.
She's gone|from wanting to help, wanting to stop|all of this, to believing she's|the end of the world, so what does she do? She said they want her|to do this, right? Well, that implies|it's out of her hands.
She's giving up|responsibility.
Yeah, that's one way to deal with being|a walking plague pretend the decision's|out of your hands.
I don't think|she wants to even think about it|anymore.
I think she just|wants it over.
Well,|that's her mindset.
It still doesn't tell us|where she's going.
She's on|autopilot, tom.
My best guess? She does whatever|she planned on doing before the bodies|started rolling.
|[Cellphone ringing.]
Today's tuesday, right? It's wednesday,|marco.
My bad.
She's only got one thing|written down for the day.
She's filing|her unemployment claim in downtown portland.
Son of a bitch! I don't believe it.
Am i dreaming, or did you not tell me|that chicago would win? Do you know|what i bet? $200.
Try my mother's|diamond engagement ring, and now it's gone, all because i believed in you,|trusted you, and you let me down.
You lied to me.
You said winning|didn't matter.
You said you liked me anyway.
Oh, so you knew chicago|would lose, didn't you? Right from the jump, this was all just a test.
A foundation? Don't you think we have our hands|full already? It's one person a day.
Once it's up|and running, it's not really going|to eat into my time.
I thought you were|looking for privacy.
You do this, you're stepping into|a white-hot spotlight.
Yes, but it's|on my terms.
Be good publicity.
Not too hard|to get off the ground.
We could get|some huge names for that|filtering committee.
I think|it's a good idea.
Well, i'm glad|that you approve, but i wasn't really asking|for your permission.
I would hope not.
Baldwin? That's right.
You should've stayed away.
Look around you.
All these people, they haven't|done anything to hurt you.
They haven't done anything|to help me, either.
Besides,|it doesn't matter.
I don't have a choice.
I am doing|what they wanted me to do.
You don't have|to accept that.
You have a choice.
Yeah, like i had a choice|when i was abducted.
I never had a choice.
They have the right girl|for the job.
What are you doing|here, anyway? You should have gone back to your family,|like i said.
I'm right where|i want to be.
Then you must have|some kind of death wish.
You think you're here|to kill people.
I think i'm here to stop you.
They infected you, jean,|and that was wrong, but you don't have to let them|make you into a mass murderer.
I'm already a killer.
You haven't decided|to kill anyone.
That's what you're doing|right now.
Whatever|you're thinking about destiny or fate,|whatever you're wrong.
You don't have to do this.
You don't.
Want to hear|something funny? I i believe you.
But it's too late.
Oh|they're so ripe.
I can't stop it now.
They itch so bad.
They do.
Hell of a day.
How are you holding up? Well i'm scheduled for psychiatric|counseling on monday.
Saved thousands|of innocent people, had to shoot a woman|to do it you did what you had to do.
Anyway, uh, not sure if this|is a good time, but i made you|a little something.
It's kind of a well, a fake version|of maia's diary.
Should fool|just about anybody.
You forged this|to get ntac off my back? I know|it's a big thing, but you were kind of|over a barrel, so this could get me|into a lot of trouble.
This could get you|in a lot of trouble.
Yeah, uh you don't|have to use it if you don't want to.
Just giving you|an option.
This is insane.
It's also maybe one|of the nicest things anybody's ever done|for me.
I want to thank you|for a job well done.
You must have been|very persuasive.
I just said what i thought.
Your idea for a foundation|was terrific.
You mean your idea, don't you? Do we have to be all cloak-and-dagger|about it? You and shawn both got what you wanted, and a lot of sick people|are going to get help.
Well, you did a lot of good|for the center today, and i'm not going to forget it.
Hey, matthew, you know what the center|means to me? What? Free rent and daycare|for my daughter.
I'm not|an 18-year-old kid.
I don't need to discover|the magic power inside of me.
So, in other words you're not a true believer? Is that a problem? Not at all.
Neither am i.
You look wiped.
Don't ask.
You didn't|have to do this.
Well, i didn't.
Your son's the cook.
Kyle? I bet he had|a little help.
Well, you know,|we got to talking.
It was nice.
How was your day, alana? Well, i bought|these pieces from this young artist,|this girl from bed-stuy, self-taught, and she painted this little|scrap of garden in her backyard, and it's night, and the sky|is so rich and deep You okay? More or less.
Bet you almost forgot.
No, i didn't, but i thought,|in light of today's events, i would give you|a little extension.
Well, it's not necessary.
It's a hot read.
Lots of good stuff|about spongebob.
Thank you.
the national|threat assessment command has been working closely with state|and local law enforcement in the jordan collier|murder investigation Though there have been|no arrests made as of yet, ntac claims|that progress is being made Federal officials did say|that the investigation is headed|in a positive direction and are confident|that it will lead to an arr
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