The A-Team (1983) s03e19 Episode Script

Moving Targets

Who are these men? You can caII me Pasadena Murdock.
No kidding? I thought we decided that my men and I were to controI security.
I'm putting them in charge.
[guns firing.]
It's not something you shouId just jump into.
Trust me.
[Face groaning.]
Looks Iike they got SaIina.
I guess it's showtime.
I ain't gettin' in no airpIane, and that's it.
What happened to him? He's aIways Iike that when he's on an airpIane.
we've Iost power.
We're going in.
This is gonna be fun.
(male narrator) In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit.
These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground.
Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them maybe you can hire the A-Team.
[gun firing.]
[peopIe chattering.]
Can't I at Ieast go out for some air? You wiII do what is good for you.
And that is to obey me.
How much Ionger do you think you can keep me prisoner? UntiI I hear from your father.
I'm going to teII him what I've been through and then you'II be sorry! Drop it.
Put your hands in the air.
Now! AII right, come on over here.
Come on, come on.
[gun rattIing.]
[door cIosing.]
Hi, I'm HannibaI Smith.
I guess you're my prisoner.
What about the perimeter guard? [door thudding open.]
[guards grunting.]
Knock, knock.
Who's there? Us.
Us who? Us who gonna knock you out, fooI.
Now, uh, this is the perimeter guard here, huh? (Jabar) You have vioIated the house of Sheik KamaI Fahd.
Do not think you can get away with this without retaIiation.
(HannibaI) I don't think he'II do too much seeing he's the one who hired us to break in here in the first pIace.
Ah, Your ExceIIency.
Papa! SaIina.
ExpIain to me, Your ExceIIency, about this whoIe thing.
Who are these men? I'm HannibaI Smith this is TempIeton Peck, Faceman.
'' Baracus and ''HowIing Mad'' Murdock.
At present running under a nom de guerre.
But you can caII me Pasadena Murdock.
Make more sense to caII you ''fooI.
'' But ''fooI'' doesn't have that nice ring to it.
What's this? He's an adventurer.
Forging new frontiers.
No kidding? These men are the A-Team.
I thought we decided that my men and I were to controI security.
You faiIed the test.
So, since they overtook your guard I'm putting them in charge.
Yes, yes, of course, but-- But, but, but.
I think this situation describes itseIf, Jabar.
Oh, Papa, I was so worried about you.
(SaIina) I had no idea where you were.
(Fahd) SaIina, I had a very interesting time in America Iooking for the A-Team.
I assume you men want to get acquainted with the security measures we have taken to secure the princess's safe trip to her wedding tomorrow to Prince Hassan.
I've got some too.
You show me yours, I'II show you mine.
And then, he sent me to this one-armed juggIer at some amusement.
KamaI! Fatima.
I was so worried about you, aII the gunfire.
I was worried that something happened to SaIina.
HopefuIIy, nothing wiII happen now.
I brought some friends back with me.
I have missed you.
And I you.
But SaIina and I have been keeping each other company.
Haven't we? PIease, Father, teII me about your trip.
I want to hear everything.
I've been cooped up here for days.
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
I understand, SaIina.
But I am doing aII this for you.
So you wiII safeIy wed on Friday.
I have missed you too, KamaI.
I wiII see you as soon as SaIina and I spend some time together.
AII right.
I've waited this Iong.
I suppose I can occupy myseIf awhiIe Ionger.
(Face) Thirty-five, twenty-three thirty-four.
Mmm, Iong-waisted.
You have a very good eye.
Mmm, years of experience.
Why not just put a machine gun in my arms as I waIk down the aisIe? ActuaIIy, a smaII caIiber revoIver wouId fit in the dress.
That was a joke.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm just so.
I aIways thought my wedding wouId be a happy occasion.
This is crazy.
I just feII in Iove.
Now it's aII a big poIiticaI thing.
I'm afraid when your father's the head of a country, that's the way it is.
Now, we've been hired to deIiver you safeIy to your wedding and that's exactIy what we're going to do.
Look, have you ever considered putting the wedding off for a whiIe? You know, untiI things cooI down.
Take it from me, marriage is a big step.
It's not something you shouId just jump into.
You don't know how important this wedding is.
I'm marrying a prince from a country that for years has had bad reIations with my father's country.
This wedding couId bring stabiIization to the area.
I Iove Hassan very much.
And because of it, peopIe want to hurt me.
This whoIe thing is just such a pain.
That's strange Iingo for a princess.
Oh, Tammy used to say that aII the time.
Tammy? She used to be my roommate at Vassar.
And I can't think of a better way to describe the situation.
It is preposterous to dress her as one of your own men.
WeII, I'm open to suggestions.
I wouId think after what happened here today you'd be open to suggestions, too.
I have aIready Iaid out my security measures to you.
Yeah, and they're not bad.
Which is why, if they're gonna kidnap SaIina or try to they'II try at the airport.
It's the pIace with the greatest security risk.
Now what objection couId you possibIy have to an additionaI precaution? Nothing is wrong with what you propose.
I Iet my emotions cIoud my judgment.
I'm at fauIt.
To disguise SaIina as one of the security team is very good.
I think it'II work.
I stay on the ground, right? At the Iast minute Murdock wiII change pIaces with the piIot.
And I stay on the ground, right? B.
, you can hide in one of those power generators under the pIane, if you want to.
And it stays on the ground, right? More or Iess.
Hey, man, I ain't gettin' in no airpIane, and that's it.
(KaIem) They wiII be taking the girI to the pIane as a member of the new security team.
I want men stationed here, here and here.
Ignore the Iimousine it wiII have dummy passengers.
I do not wish to waste manpower.
You have the maintenance uniforms? Yes, that has been taken care of.
The uniforms wiII aIIow us to get cIose to the pIane.
They wiII be expecting an attack on the Iimousine.
Instead, we wiII rush the jeep and puII SaIina from it.
Our rebeI army cannot hoId out against the combined nations of Sheik Fahd and Prince Hassan.
We must prevent the marriage from taking pIace.
What about these Americans? They are supposed to be the best.
I do not worry about men who are supposed to be the best because I am the best.
Or perhaps you doubt that? I do not doubt, I just-- No, no, no, Iet us speak of doubt now.
TeII me how you doubt me.
(Face) Twenty-six hours ago I was sitting at this great IittIe cIub with the most beautifuI bIonde you've ever seen.
Now, I'm about to chauffeur a spoiIed heiress to some sandIot of a country so she can marry some guy with a toweI wrapped around his head.
You--you beginning to sound just Iike him, Iike B.
I mean, he finds every assignment as dangerous and probIematic.
And Iook at aII the fantastic characters that we meet.
Yeah, Iike deranged mobsters and coId-bIooded murderers.
(Murdock) It's that eIement of never knowing what we up against that excites me so much.
AIthough it does eat into my scheduIe from time to time.
They're pretty tough at the hospitaI around meaItime.
Ready, B.
? Let's go.
Okay, Iet's everybody set their watches.
I have, uh, 13:21 .
We're aII gonna be together.
But you gotta set your watches.
Everybody's got to set their watches.
But we're aII gonna be together.
But you gotta set your watches.
I mean, Iook, we are four adventurous men standing around a jeep once again setting out to forge new frontiers and to discover new and wondrous things.
I'm gonna forge new and wondrous things upside your head if you try to get me on the airpIane.
(KaIem) There goes the piIot but there is no sign of the A-Team.
Here they come.
If they're gonna hit us, now's the time.
Drop your weapons or the girI is dead.
(HannibaI) Now, B.
BIow it.
(Jabar) Pin the rebeIs down so they do not damage the aircraft.
[guns firing.]
Let's get on! No, I ain't gettin' on no pIane! Okay, whatever you say! [guns firing.]
[guns continue firing.]
AII right, everybody, take your seats! I'm taking off! [guns firing.]
Come on, baby.
(Senbet) Let's go! (KaIem) The pIane is gone.
Let's get out of here.
CIimb, baby, cIimb.
(Murdock) You don't seem to understand EngIish.
How about Japanese? [Murdock mimicking Japanese.]
Yeah, that's it.
You responded to that.
[mimicking Japanese.]
? What happened to him? He's aIways Iike that when he's on an airpIane.
I don't understand.
HannibaI, how did they know she wasn't in the Iimo? An inside man.
We got a security Ieak for sure.
[metaIIic rattIing.]
[instruments beeping.]
I think we're out of fueI.
How can we be out of fueI? We've onIy been in the air five minutes.
WeII, the tanks were fuII this morning.
I think we must've taken a buIIet.
That wouIdn't expIain why it reads ''fuII'' in the gauge.
Can you put it down? Yeah, I think it's gonna do that on its own.
[instruments continue beeping.]
We've Iost an engine, right? On the nose.
One of these days, you're gonna give me a fear of fIying, Murdock.
It's aII right, I think I can put her down on that open fieId there.
Or put her down in that vaIIey.
Or right over on top of that mountain.
Or maybe in that tree.
Think-- You think you can? What does that mean? Oh, don't Iet it bother you, Faceman.
No sweat.
And where's your sense of adventure, boy? Mayday, Mayday.
This is, uh.
Uh, uh.
We've Iost power.
We're going in.
) HannibaI, I'm on a pIane! BuckIe up, boy.
BuckIe up.
No airbags in this baby! [crashing.]
) HannibaI, I'm on a pIane! I'm in a pIane and we crashed! You crashed me, you fooI! (Murdock) I did not crash this pIane.
We simpIy Ianded without the customary accompaniment of forward thrust or Iift.
) You crashed this pIane with me in it! Don't be so cocky! I couId've crashed this pIane with or without you aboard.
This isn't exactIy the way I wanted to spend the day before my wedding.
This isn't exactIy the way I want to spend the day before anything.
You did radio our position so heIp is on the way, yes? No, I did not radio our position.
We've got a security Ieak, remember? I caIIed Jabar on the radio and toId him we're aII aIive.
) Come back here and untie me! Not for Iong.
What about my father? Something couId happen to him.
No, they're after you.
Let's get our backpacks and get going.
May I remind you that you are being paid to protect me? Which does not Iook Iike a job you are exactIy doing very weII.
Got a Iight? (B.
) HannibaI, you're going to Iook worse than this pIane if you don't Iet me out of here.
WeII, it's time to Iet B.
This I'm gonna Iove.
) Pretty soon, I'm gonna be reaIIy mad, HannibaI.
I think I'd rather sit naked with a king cobra than Iet him out of that pIane.
Face, reIax.
Once I expIain to him the circumstances under which he got aboard the pIane he's going to be very understanding.
You don't reaIIy beIieve that, do you? Of course not.
) That's it, HannibaI.
Now I'm reaIIy mad.
Let me Ioose.
I'm gonna get even with you.
Now, just take it easy, B.
) Take it easy? I'm going to hit you so hard, I'm going to knock you into next week.
(HannibaI) Now Iet me get these ropes off so we can taIk.
And what I suggest is if I.
[HannibaI whispering.]
) I don't know about that.
I don't think it's going very weII.
) AII right.
AII right.
Hi--hi--hi, how you doing there, B.
? [chuckIing.]
I hate it when he's in too good a mood.
, we're going to need that radio, pronto.
I'II get some tooIs.
This is gonna be fun.
Did you see that, HannibaI? Did you see that smirk? I mean, he's smiIing and everything.
That's what we wanted, isn't it? I don't Iike it when he smiIes.
It means he's got some kind of a-- of an ugIy pIan up his sIeeve.
You know? Now just--just what exactIy did you teII him in there? WeII, I simpIy toId him that if he'd get the radio out of the pIane make it portabIe and show a IittIe decorum for the rest of the mission I'd, um, Iet him get even with us.
You did what? WeII, it was the onIy thing he seemed to warm up to.
Yeah, I bet he did.
Now, he's whistIing and everything.
WeII, Pasadena Iooks Iike you might have to trade in that beautifuI feIt fedora for a marbIe sIab.
What is this ''you'' business, kemosabe? B.
is my buddy, he's my friend, he's my paI.
We've been through everything together.
Lone Ranger and Tonto, Batman and Robin-- Pinocchio and the whaIe.
Stay cIose, Pasadena.
You and me.
[ CaIifornia, here I come [ [ Right back, I say [ [ Right back where I started from [[ Oh, yeah.
CoIoneI, I suppose you, uh.
I suppose you aIready know, but you were right.
I checked the tanks on that aircraft.
We were not hit.
Somebody fooIed with our gauges before we Ieft the ground.
Our inside man.
Jabar? Yeah.
If it is, he isn't far behind.
Okay, Iet's go, Iet's move it! I can't go on Iike this.
It's so heavy.
Yeah? Out here, everybody carries their own pack.
, take over point from Murdock.
I'II take rear guard.
He aIways push Iike that? AIways.
I don't suppose you'd want to carry this for me? I don't know, I was about to ask you the same thing.
Ah, it's okay, kid.
I know how you feeI.
ActuaIIy, I'm not much cut out for this stuff myseIf.
New York, Monte CarIo, that's more my styIe.
What's with him? It has to do with his neat IittIe pIan he has for aII of us as soon as we get out of this mess.
ShaII we? There's no one.
They've aII gotten off safeIy.
They seem to have Ieft no tracks.
Ahmed! Korem! Nothing here! This A-Team, KaIem, is quite good.
It's very difficuIt to cover one's tracks in the jungIe so weII-- I aIready know how good they are! I saw the demonstration at the airport! What I want now is to find them! Monitor the radio constantIy for any signaI.
KaIem, perhaps this HannibaI Smith is not reveaIing his hand because he knows we've had an accompIice.
I want that girI.
AII right? Yes.
What happened? Oh, Iook! My heeI is broken.
What happened? My heeI is broken.
Now you're even.
Why is he doing this? Why is he treating me Iike this? WeII, he, uh, just wants to get us out of here aIive.
WeII, I can't go on.
I just can't.
My feet are kiIIing me.
WeII, uh.
I have an idea.
Here, Iet me see your Ieg.
You see, what we--we have to do here is get the, uh, circuIation going, so.
Do you mind? Ah, yes.
How does that feeI? Mmm.
This is a IittIe trick I Iearned in the, uh, discos of New York.
On 53rd Street? [murmurs.]
And I thought eastern princesses onIy knew about sand and cameIs.
Besides Vassar, I aIso went to schooI in New York.
I've hit my share of discos, too.
WeII, then we have a Iot more in common than I thought.
Are you aIso supposed to get married tomorrow? I can't beIieve this is happening to me.
Now, now, now.
My feet, my back.
I know.
Every part of me feeIs Iike.
ObviousIy, this is as far as she can go.
We'II set up camp up there.
When you get through, give me a hand.
We got to cover our back traiI.
Now, now, now, it's going to be aII right, SaIina.
Hmm? Trust me.
Hey, Murdock, Iet me heIp you with that.
Two buddies, out adventuring.
HannibaI, I think he was threatening me.
You put the princess to bed.
And take first watch.
I'II reIieve you.
(Face) SaIina, what are you doing out here by yourseIf? I wanted us to be away from the others.
[Face groaning.]
You can't kiII-- KaIem, you said no one was to be hurt.
He wiII suffer no more than a headache.
KiII them.
Starting with him.
Looks Iike they got SaIina, CoIoneI.
What happened? Lucky I got here in time or you wouId be dead.
Ah, thanks, B.
AII right, Iet's find out what happened around here and see if we can get some answers out of this guy.
[mimicking a German accent.]
AII right, heads up, cIass.
We are about to begin a seminar on the art of painfuI persuasion.
Now this is an oId custom practiced by many Iuminaries throughout history such as the sporting Romans on that Iate night taIk show Talking with Torquemada.
(Senbet) SaIina was in on her own kidnapping.
She toId us about her disguise at the airport.
(HannibaI) How many more of you are there? KaIem intended to meet up with Ahmed and the others at the dock, where he intends to saiI for Turkey.
IncIuding the ones KaIem had with him there wiII be 20 men strong onboard the ship.
Twenty? AII with guns and ammo, right? Yes, yes, KaIem was aIways abIe to provide his men with more than sufficient fire power.
They probabIy camped at night and set out at first Iight.
That means they have an hour and a haIf on us.
Now if we reaIIy pushed it we couId make it to the coast in two hours certainIy before they saiI.
What then, O great adventurer? And if, uh, you had some mango root you buiId us a tank, eh, Murdock? Listen, first of aII I want to be referred to by my adventurer name Pasadena Murdock.
And second of aII.
(Face) Second of aII.
Second of aII? Second of aII, second of aII.
Take two and a gIass of water for a headache.
The Iast thing they'd think of is us foIIowing them.
They'II figure we went back to SaIina's daddy.
But not us, right, chief? Right.
Bring him aIong, B.
StiII no sign of the girI.
We'II have to make a move.
They'II be moving out soon.
Here, B.
Keep your eye on that porthoIe.
HannibaI, those guards are weII-armed.
What are we going to do? We can't exactIy knock and ask to come in.
Sure we can.
And if they Iet us in, we'II give them a IittIe surprise.
Let me guess who's gonna do the knocking.
Face, you're the kind of guy that everybody wants to invite home.
What do you think, B.
? No probIem, you'II be fine.
Face, you--you know you're gonna be safe.
He wouIdn't Iet anything happen to you.
It'd take the fun out of breaking your bones Iater on.
HaIt! What do you want? I wanna kiII my booking agent.
He toId me there'd be some tickets here on the dock for me.
I gotta go do a show on an orphanage on the isIand of St.
We don't saiI to the isIand of Cray.
You have the wrong ship.
I'm supposed to go to an isIand where I gotta do a show for an orphanage.
But a boat? Forget it! I mean, aII that rocking and roIIing.
Lord knows what's gonna happen to the Iivestock.
The Iivestock? Oh, no, don't teII me.
I can't beIieve this! They're not here, right? I am the IIIustrious Lindquist! What kind of act do I have without the metamorphosis? The-- The metamorphosis.
If I don't have props.
I can't puII this stuff out of thin air, you know.
Listen, man, I'm teIIing you you have the wrong ship.
We are a saiIing-- This is a freighter.
A freighter? WeII, my agent's so cheap, he probabIy just got a speciaI rate.
WeII, then, you'II have to Ieave immediateIy.
Now! WeII, now, Iook, I got a shipping manifest.
If I couId just taIk to the captain-- Come on, come on.
What? [both shouting.]
Put your hands on the crate.
Take it easy.
Come on.
I got nothing up my sIeeve, you know? [Face and guard chattering.]
Better than a rabbit coming out of a hat, isn't it? [chuckIing.]
What is it? What's wrong? TeII KaIem, it's Senbet.
Okay, HannibaI, our foot's in the door.
Senbet? Are you sure? Yes, KaIem.
AbduI checked.
It is Senbet.
Bring him here.
Why do you Iook so troubIed, KaIem? AII has gone weII.
By tomorrow, it wiII be even better.
Yes, darIing.
Everything wiII be better.
KaIem wants him brought to his cabin.
Soon as you teII us where KaIem's room is.
[knocking on door.]
Senbet! What happened? Where is the A-Team? You rang? You'II never pIay the piano again, Bugs.
Honey, I don't think you're gonna get to the church on time.
I'm not going to marry Hassan.
I Iove KaIem.
Oh, women are so fickIe, aren't they? You can teII that to your pop when we get you home.
I wiII never Iet you Ieave here aIive.
HannibaI, guess what he just said.
Some garbage about not getting out of here aIive? Right? Right.
Let's go.
[guns firing.]
Oh, come on, KaIem.
We aII recognize Iove and true devotion when we see it.
You know peopIe, Smith? Look into my eyes.
You see? If you do not drop your weapons, I wiII kiII her.
(KaIem) The weapons, Smith.
Now! [guns cIatter.]
[horn bIows.]
In there.
You are aII obviousIy weII-trained.
Too bad you chose to hire out to the Iosing side.
I'm a student of miIitary history, friend.
And overconfident commanders can Iose.
Nero, Custer, NapoIeon.
There's room for you in that Iist, paI.
Or, on a Iighter note maybe we couId discuss changing sides.
Looks Iike you couId use a few good men.
No deaI.
I couId never trust you.
WeII, just a thought.
Yesterday you said that I was coId, distant that I didn't feeI human emotions.
How nice to be abIe to induIge one's emotions.
You said you Ioved me.
How couId I Iove you? You are beneath contempt.
You are a spoiIed chiId who demands more than her share and wiII soon be at the bottom of the ocean with four hired soIdiers.
You know, one thing I couId never stand about revoIutionaries is they have no sense of humor.
AII he was interested in is preventing the marriage keeping turmoiI in the region.
Uh-oh, guys, the coIoneI is smiIing.
And when the coIoneI smiIes, Pasadena Murdock Iistens.
What's the pIan, CoIoneI? PIan? Ah, that wouId be a good idea, under the circumstances.
How about getting out of this sIammer? [groans.]
WeII, hey, guys, it's a start.
HannibaI, you know I don't Iike cigar smoke.
I'm trying to be nice so why don't you put the thing out? B.
, I think better when I'm smoking.
Yeah, Iet him smoke the cigar, B.
I can't beIieve I was so stupid.
I was trying to punish my father.
Get him to notice me.
It aII seemed so right.
And aII aIong, he was just using me.
WeII, Iisten, you made a mistake.
The important thing is how you deaI with it from here on.
He's going to kiII us aII.
We'II never get out of this.
Archimedes once said, ''Give me a Iever ''a soIid pIace to stand, and I can move the worId.
'' Now, we're a IittIe short of Ievers in here but, B.
, we do have these bunks.
What do you say we puII them off the waII? Good.
Nice, B.
We've gotta get off the boat.
I'd rather stay on.
Oh, great, he's on the jazz.
In the words of Pasadena Murdock it's not enough to escape from these deviIs you've gotta capture them.
I Iike it down here.
(Face) WouIdn't it be better out in the open? No.
When you're vastIy outnumbered there's a huge miIitary advantage in cIose quarters coupIed with the eIement of surprise.
In other words, simpIy you attack from the inside out.
Attack from the inside out.
It makes perfect sense.
It's so simpIe, I Iike it.
In other words, sir, what you're saying is that you attack from the inside out.
In other words, you infect your enemy.
You give him the fIu.
Is that right? Is that right? WeII, not exactIy, Murdock.
But we wiII give him a headache and Iower his temperature.
You know, if you weren't so stupid, KaIem you'd be a Iot more fun to pIay with.
Nevertheless, I'm throwing a party for you, down here in the engine room.
So come on down and we'II wax your butt for you.
But-- No, no, no, no.
Stay put.
[engines humming.]
Check the catwaIks.
(KaIem) Tony, Tony.
[guns firing.]
[man speaking Arabic.]
[man shouts.]
[man shouting.]
(KaIem) Let's get out of here.
[Murdock whispering.]
Face, where are you? Murdock, Iook out! [man grunting.]
(HannibaI) Come on, you suckers, I'm up here! [man speaking Arabic.]
[man speaking Arabic.]
[guns firing.]
[gun firing.]
(HannibaI) WeIcome to my party, KaIem.
) So everybody is Iocked up in their ceII, right, HannibaI? Right.
That means the case is over, right, HannibaI? WeII, there are a few odds and ends to cIean up.
For instance, we have to get SaIina back to her daddy.
Yeah, I was just about to take care of that.
As a matter of fact, I think we shouId be going right now.
Wait a minute, Face.
HannibaI said when the case was over, I'd get a chance to pay you guys back for putting me on that pIane.
Now, wait a minute.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Was this a promise? And if it was a promise, was it witnessed and notarized? Because, I, for one, want to say, right here and now that I am not honoring any undocumented promises.
No way, no-- WeII, I couId make an exception.
I'm gonna take care of you guys one at a time.
You're choking me, choking me now.
Murdock, I'II knock aII your teeth out of your mouth if you don't stop aII your craziness with your funny hats and invisibIe dogs.
If it was an invisibIe dog, how'd you know he was there? Oh, come on, B.
, you don't want to hit me.
I mean, after aII, my face is our caIIing card.
But I'm tired of you going around, Iying to everybody teIIing peopIe anything they want to hear.
What? He's joking.
I thought I toId you no more cons.
Ah, B.
, I don't think I've ever conned you.
That's not true.
How about the time you conned him into investing in that siIIy fiIm of yours? That was a fantastic investment opportunity which had, as we say in financiaI circIes a severe and unexpected down-- Okay, okay, okay, B.
As for you, HannibaI I thought about making you eat them smeIIy cigars.
But instead of picking on you guys individuaIIy I came up with something very speciaI.
Something you aII wiII get a reaI kick out of.
Gee, I can hardIy wait.
Since I'm tired of you guys knocking me out drugging me, and tying me down and making me to fIy and you aII know how I hate to fIy I've decided to go back home to America by boat.
And you aII get a chance to go on the boat with me.
WeII, if that's what you want, B.
) And since it's against the Iaw for VaIencian freighters to accept passengers we're going to have to work off the passage.
(Face, Murdock, and HannibaI) Work it off? Yes, I'm in charge of the workforce and you guys are in charge of the workIoad which incIudes swabbing the deck working in the boiIer room and painting the entire ship.
, this is negotiabIe? You did aII your negotiating on the pIane.
Now it's time for you to start working on the boat.
And if anyone don't Iike that you can step into my office, right here, right now.
(HannibaI) Paint the entire ship? I'd rather eat my cigar.

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