The Adventures of Superboy (1988) s01e01 Episode Script

The Jewel of the Techacal

[Theme music]
[Music continues]
[Plane droning]
Well, so far nothing's blown up,
caught fire or disappeared.
Well, we're not
at the airport yet.
Been in the jungle too long,
Gerald. Much too long.
Stop worrying.
I'll make you a deal.
I'll stop worrying
if you stop being so nervous
about facing your daughter.
Are these artifacts really
that important, Dean Thompson?
Oh, more than anyone
could imagine.
[Camera clicking]
They'll give us,
they'll give us new insight
into the Mayan culture.
We're grateful that the
authorities gave permission
to Professor Lang,
to take them out of the country.
Lana, the beautiful.
The jailbreakers are coming
to town next Tuesday
and knowing how you
love rock and roll..
- How do you know what I love?
- Computers, my dear.
My hard disk drive
holds biographies
of everyone at shuster.
From president on down
to the lowest of the frosh.
It took a superhuman effort,
but I have two tickets to the--
Lex, just keep your
clammy hands off, okay?
Leo, she's going
to regret that.
Nobody talks to the president
of the senior class that way.
- Nobody!
- You're right, Lex.
Hey, Lana.
I know Lex Luthor
goes way up the scale
on the sleaze-o-meter, but..
He's right.
You dropped a bomb on him.
He probably deserved it,
but still..
So I was stupid.
Just that, right now I've got
other things on my mind.
It's been two years
since I've seen him.
[Alarm beeping]
this is Nancy 9748 Charlie.
I'm having an emergency.
Landing gear malfunctioning.
(Man on radio)
Roger, Nancy 9748 Charlie.
Climb to 1500 feet and circle.
[sirens wailing]
[Beeping continues]
Come on.
[Siren continues]
(Man on radio) Nancy 9748 Charlie,
all traffic has been diverted.
Maintain holding pattern.
[intense music]
(Man on radio) Nancy 9748
Charlie, maintain holding pattern.
We have to land.
You can't land
in your condition.
I have no fuel.
Don't say a word, Gerald.
Don't say a word.
(Man on radio) You cannot
land in your condition.
It's certain disaster.
[theme music]
[Beeping continues]
[Beeping stops]
(Man on radio) You can relax,
folks. Malfunction repaired.
Well, can't win them all.
Daddy, I was so scared.
Would you believe it,
the landing gear getting stuck?
We're lucky we landed
so safely.
Oh, let me look
at you, Lana.
You have grown up
so beautiful..
- Lana, it's been--
- It's been a long time.
Figured it's a major victory
that you even recognize me.
Gerald, would you try
and find if those crates
we sent from techacal
have arrived?
Excuse me, Lana.
I'm sorry, but this is
Gerald Haines my associate.
He helped me discover
the lost temple of techacal.
- Hi.
- My daughter Lana.
Pleasure meeting you,
Miss Lang.
Nice meeting you.
Well, I do have to go see about
those artifacts on the plane.
- Can he see to them?
- No, it's my responsibility.
You understand.
I understand
perfectly, Daddy.
Clark, will you take me
back to the dorm, please?
- Sure, you alright?
- Yeah.
TJ, I'm gonna
take Lana back.
It's been titled as
the find of the century, Leo.
No kidding.
The Jewel of Techacal alone
must be worth a million.
- A million?
- Yeah.
Some dumb old urn
he'd find in a dig
always meant more
to him than I did.
Why do you say that?
Same with my mum.
Ancient ruins,
that's what intrigued him.
She stood it for ten years
before she divorced him.
Lana, every museum in the whole
country wanted this exhibit
and he-he came to shuster
so he could be with you.
It's just guilt.
Spasm of guilt
which he'll get over
the moment he's off on another
two-year jaunt into history.
Why don't you
give him a break?
I got to face it, Clark.
Don't you understand?
I'm just a little footnote
in his grand scheme of things.
- Lana, he loves you.
- Yeah.
Sure, but what are we
gonna do about it?
You're always coming up with
ideas. Come up with one now.
I'd give my
right hand for Lana
but how are we gonna
do a salvage job
on a father-daughter
We have to find a way.
How is this?
It's perfect.
- Good morning, Professor.
- Good morning.
(TJ) Good morning, Professor.
That looks really great.
- Mind if I take a shot or two?
- Not at all. Help yourself.
Professor Lang, I don't
know if you remember me
I'm from Smallville,
Clark Kent.
I haven't been back
there in quite a while.
I was this tall when
Lana and I used to play.
- You'd come in to town and--
- You're the Kent's boy.
- Of course I remember.
- Yes, sir.
Are you from
Smallville, too?
Ha, ha. No, I, uh, I met Lana
and Clark here at Shuster.
TJ's from Metropolis.
His father's editor
of the Daily Planet.
Nice to meet you.
[Intense music]
Come on!
TJ, stay down.
Watch out!
Professor Lang.
[Intense music]
Did you see that beam?
That could've been
a serious accident.
It was no accident.
It was a tornado, Gerald.
It's a season for
them in this area.
We were warned
when we took the jewel.
We desecrated
the temple of techacal.
What we did adds
to the worlds knowledge.
We should return
the jewel.
You need a rest,
You're tired.
Come on.
Come on.
[Eerie music]
Lana! Lana!
There you are.
I've left messages
for you everywhere.
At your dorm, at the
coffee shop, with your friends.
I got them all.
Lana, your mother forgave me.
Why can't you?
I do.
It's just that,
every time I see you
and every time
I'm let down again.
I wanna make it up to you.
Why do you think
I came to Shuster?
I don't know.
Why did you?
To open up lines
of communication.
Give me a chance. I wanna spend
a lot of time with you.
I wanna make up
for all the lost time.
Unless somebody
discovers a lost temple
that needs your
expert supervision?
That's not fair.
Let me prove it to you.
Let's talk it over
for dinner tonight.
I can't. Not-not dinner
tonight. Lana, I..
Lana, the tornado,
it caused such a havoc
and network television is doing
a feature on the exhibit.
Gerald and I have to be there
every minute from now on
just to repair the damage,
but then I'm free.
DaddyYou shouldn't
have had a daughter.
You should've just
had another relic.
Lana, come to the
interview with me.
Right after that
we'll go anywhere.
Just the two of us
and we'll talk for hours.
We'll talk for days
if you want.
(Professor Lang)
I love you so much.
I doubt it.
Nothing will stop us.
I promise.
Drive, Leo.
I'm sorry, Gerald,
but I was held up.
Not to worry.
We'll make your time.
Dr. Lang, that is the first
genuinely happy smile
I've seen on your face
for a long time.
Lana and I, Gerald..
I have a feeling
everything is gonna be alright.
Lang. Doctor Lang!
Somebody call an ambulance!
How is he?
I wish I could give you
some good news, but..
we've never experienced
anything like this.
- He's not going to--
- Shh.
His vital signs are very weak.
His pressure's low,
we can't seem to raise it.
and his heart..
there's no signs
of damage but..
we're getting
very little response.
You've gotta help him.
Well, we'll run more tests.
(Woman on p.A.)
Doctor Spencer.
Doctor Paul Spencer, please.
We're doing everything
we can, Miss Lang.
Not everything..
The Jewel of Techacal.
Did you really believe
in this stuff, Mr. Haines?
It should have been returned.
If only Superboy were here.
Where's the temple?
Even if you could find it,
it'd be too late.
Not for Superboy.
I-I might know how
to get a hold of him.
Lex, you're great.
The greatest.
Didn't I say Professor Lang was
an immensely considerate person?
Think of the decency
of the man, Leo.
He became ill, so we could
have a clear shot at this..
unguarded treasure.
Absolutely awesome.
Leo, I didn't say
considerate, did I?
I said the Professor
was arrogant and insolent.
Yes, that's what you said, Lex.
Arrogant and insolent.
And he deserves everything
I'm going do to him.
Like removing these priceless
artifacts from his guardianship.
And as for Lana..
the beautiful.
Bringing that nasty nose
of hers down into the dirt..
will be the greatest
pleasure of all.
Way to go, Lex.
The frosting
on my revenge, Leo..
will be the lovely
profit I will realize
from the sale
of these trinkets.
this gorgeous jewel.
Ah, the one
they call Superboy.
Why am I not surprised
to find you here, Lex?
Could it be because you always
have your greedy paws
where they don't belong?
Well put, Superboy.
And might I add, we have here a
once in a lifetime opportunity.
Oh, what would that be, Lex?
If we pooled our talents, think
of the heights we could climb.
Think of the depths we'd reach.
[Shrill squeal]
- What's in the box, Lex?
- You surprise me.
Surely a super person
like yourself
can see into
a little old lead box.
Conversation ended.
I'll take the box.
Are you refusing
my offer to merge?
- You're quick, Lex.
- Out of my way, Superboy.
Permission granted.
Superboy? Superboy?
What's wrong? Little curse
of techacal got you?
- Lex, let's get out of here.
- Why hurry, Leo?
Think of the fun
we're all having.
Leo, I do believe
our hero has passed out.
What if that thing
turns on us?
That's a thought, Leo.
[Lex laughing]
- Lana.
- Oh, Daddy, just..
Don't try to talk.
No, because
I wanted you to know.
All those birthday
partiesI missed
and all the christmases
that I wasn't with you..
Daddy, just rest, please.
No, but II made it
to your high school graduation.
It was wonderful.
I haven't been
a very good father.
No, I know that but..
I was gonna
make it up to you..
Daddy, please don't die.
Doctor. Doctor!
Daddy. Daddy.
I love you.
[Melancholic music]
I must've lost my strength.
The jewel. It must have some
power I don't understand.
Where are we headed, Lex?
Concentrate, Leo. This is the
second time I'm telling you.
We're on our way
to an art dealer
who doesn't mind turning
a dishonest dollar around.
Pull over.
Pull over, Lex.
[Siren wailing]
[Tires screeching]
- Are you alright?
- Yeah.
What happened?
Look what you did
to my sister's car!
Leo, shut up!
I'll buy her a better
piece of junk.
(Superboy) Officers,
in the back of this car
you'll find artifacts stolen
from the university.
Stolen! Preposterous.
I don't have time to watch you
squirm your way out of this one.
(Male #1)
[Thunder rumbling]
He's recovering.
I don't know how it happened,
but it's happening.
Thank you, Doctor.
Ha ha ha.
I never thought
I'd see you again.
It's some miracle,
isn't it?
No, Daddy.
It's Superboy.
[Both chuckles]
- He's going to be alright.
- Ah! Thank heavens.
Uh, Mr. Haines, if you could
help me complete my records.
Hey, hey!
Superboy does it again, huh?
- Superboy? Maybe.
- What do you mean "maybe?"
He returned the jewel.
Didn't he got rid of the curse?
- Saved Professor Lang?
- Uh, Lana did.
I like to think that love
is a little stronger than magic
or a curse or whatever.
My money is still
with Superboy.
Speaking of Superboy,
how about letting me
in on just how you
contacted him?
In case I see a building
about to fall on a lady.
And you're not around
to send him a flare.
- Sure. Do what I do.
- Uh-huh.
Look in the yellow pages
under S.
[Theme music]
Captioned by Grant Brown
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