The Agency (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

The Rubicon

The Agency needs
to know about the negotiations.
They know the Chinese are in the room.
They need someone in the same room, too.
I will never betray my country.
The American tried to recruit Samia.
As a precaution,
negotiations will now be moved.
So, what do you expect us to do?
Absolutely nothing.
Nothing has a price.
Russians. Two.
Working in the U.S. Energy Department.
Where's Coyote?
General Volchok.
We need something
you have access to.
Something he always has on him.
A woman is dead,
for zero intelligence.
The thing keeping me up tonight
isn't did I make a mistake.
It's now I have
no line to get Coyote back.
Bon voyage, Coyote.
I've been ordered to return home.
I want you to come with me now.
Do you know what they do
to traitors' families?
If you leave,
I can't do anything.
Love is blindness ♪
I don't want to see ♪
Won't you wrap the night ♪
Around me ♪
Oh, my heart ♪
Love is blindness ♪
Blindness ♪
Love is blindness ♪
I don't want to see ♪
Won't you wrap the night ♪
Around me, yeah ♪
Oh ♪
My love ♪
Love is blindness ♪
Oh, love is blindness ♪
Blindness ♪
We swept Dalaga,
Osman and Sami's rooms at
Raffles before the cleaners got in.
Just this.
It was on the counter
in Osman's bathroom.
Hey. Hey.
I need you. Boardroom.
So, you don't know where he is?
It's fair to say, sir,
we do not have a current location,
but the time frame indicates that Coyote
is likely in Ukraine already.
I'm reading active intel
saying Coyote's
been moved behind enemy lines
by Valhalla.
Yeah, we can confirm that, sir.
Well, you said
you'd get him back.
This is him getting further away.
We had an operation
to track his movement
that unfortunately failed.
Look, this is
It's a very fluid situation, sir.
Oh, I see. Fluid, like-like what?
Like a bucket of piss?
Like a bucket of
sloppy fucking horse shit?
Sir, the situation
is worse than you think.
We don't just need to know
where Coyote is,
we need to know where he's going to be.
And how are you
gonna achieve that?
With a crystal ball?
We have an operation in mind
that you could
liken to a crystal ball, yes.
Intriguing. Also,
completely baffling,
not to mention impossible. Do tell.
Sir, I'm afraid,
for reasons of
operation security, we can't.
Excuse me?
Sir, this op
is our last best shot.
And my colleague, Martian
All right,
enough, enough, enough.
Just listen up, you
you bunch of no-nut dick clowns.
If I ever call the president
and tell him that Russia
is about to win
the next century
Just make it work.
- Understand?
- Loud and clear, sir.
Loud and clear.
"Dick clowns"?
Start anywhere you like.
What do you mean?
I mean the fucking crystal ball.
I don't have a crystal ball.
I see. I see. So, that was all a bluff.
To the director of
the Central Intelligence Agency.
I was buying time.
- Buying time?
- We need to get Coyote back.
To do that, we need a plan.
We have a day, two at best.
Get the fuck out of here.
And you say you're Spanish,
but your English is pretty good.
I've got American cousins in New York
I used to visit growing up.
And I've been living in London
while I finish my PhD.
What are you doing here in Iran?
I'm here for my work.
I'm a seismologist.
I work with Reza Mortazevi.
- You can call him
- Full name.
- Mortazevi.
- No, you.
Daniela Moreno Acosta.
Address in London?
My old address?
I sold the flat.
66a Vicarage Grove, SE
Closest underground stop?
Oval. But I take the overground
from Denmark Hill. It's closer.
Date and place of birth?
30th of July, 1998. Seville.
That where you from? Seville?
No, my parents
are from Sanlúcar, on the coast.
That's where I grew up.
What's the name of the horse
race in Sanlúcar de Barrameda?
I, um, I'm not into horse racing.
You're from Sanlúcar?
You would know. Are you from Sanlúcar?
It's called the Carreras de Caballos,
every August, on the beach
at the mouth of the Guadalquivir river.
It's the oldest horse race in Spain.
Carreras de Caballos.
Carreras de Caballos. August.
Are my questions boring you?
Would you prefer to be somewhere else?
I mean, if you're offering.
You know, I'm writing a report on you.
Shall I write
that Ms. Acosta doesn't like
to have her alias challenged,
that it bores her?
Wait, no, I never said that. It's fine.
What do you want me to write, then?
I don't know, it's your report.
Why are you letting me say
that I'm testing your alias?
Am I testing your alias?
Are you a fucking spy?
Unless I say stop,
you continue the exercise.
In Tehran, it won't stop.
Whatever happens, you keep going,
even if someone is trying
to throw you off.
You never switch off, okay?
Never, ever.
Fucking shit. Fuck.
Were her last words.
Thank you.
I'd like you
to resume sessions with Martian.
I've tried.
He's, quote, "extremely busy."
Say I insist.
I need an assessment
of his current state of mind.
I'll talk to him today.
Thank you.
Would you like to come in yourself?
I'd love to,
but I'm extremely busy.
We believe a Valhalla
transit team is moving Coyote.
Leading the group
is General Volchok himself.
They're traveling into and through
Russian-occupied Eastern Ukraine.
Now, we don't have a current location,
but you can assume they're
in touch with the base in Minsk.
A list of Minsk personnel we know
work for Volchok at a level.
One of them is our white rabbit.
Hunt out who.
Game how we can make them run.
It's 0900 Zulu.
We have four hours.
Oh, my God. Don't shit your pants.
We can do this. We can work together.
Oh, uh, a-are you sure about that?
We still have Paul Lewis's phone?
Uh, yes, but it's off.
I was told the legend's offline
until further orders.
Grandma and Grandpa
turned up a lead in the hotel.
Can I check it?
Uh, yeah.
Paul. Paul Lewis of the CIA.
If you care for this woman,
I trade her life
for a thing of interest to me.
She lives, she dies.
You choose.
Can I take this with me?
Uh, yeah, you just have
to sign it out on the system,
so that there's a record.
I have to, uh, file a report.
Okay. No problem.
I'll come back if we actually
need to bother taking it out again.
Can we find a moment today?
Not today.
Russian soldiers outside.
Looks like a security sweep.
- How many?
- Two trucks with three men each.
Not army. Looks like FSB to me.
Means he's on his way.
Maintain comms blackout.
We clean if they come in?
As a whistle.
- We found something.
- Blair did.
- She found it.
- Found what?
Being on Volchok's staff is
like going to West Point.
If you can hack it,
any high-ranking job, anywhere
in Russian intel, military, politics,
Volchok is the inside track,
which is why he has people
devoted to him throughout the FSB,
the SVR, the GRU and the Kremlin.
He's a career maker.
Everyone except for
Leo Kravitsky.
Former chauffeur, then a chef.
Met Volchok back in Saint Petersburg.
Kept him close.
Been with him ever since.
He wants a hand up.
Never got one.
Only guy working under Volchok
for 13 years, going nowhere.
Maybe he loves him,
like fucking Jeeves and what's his name.
Wooster. Yeah, maybe.
Except some nights, after work
and a bottle of vodka,
he hits Telegram and WhatsApp,
and he pisses and whines.
"Why am I never invited
to lunch with Volchok?
"After all I've done.
"One day I'll show
that ungrateful bastard.
You'll see if I don't."
Do it.
Does he think it's Volchok?
I don't know. I think so.
Someone's betraying us.
He's asking who.
I don't know.
I no longer trust anyone.
I'm putting together
a new team starting tonight.
Everything will change.
I want you to head up
the new team.
And no one must know except you and me.
You're the only one I trust.
I have for a long time,
haven't I?
I want you to meet
a member of your new team.
Be at Komsomolsk Arena
at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.
They'll come to you.
You'll each recite poetry I'll send,
to recognize each other.
I want you to make a list.
Men we trust. Men we don't.
Now send him the poem.
Now this marks the end
of our little journey for now.
It was extraordinary to work
with all of you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It was a pleasure.
Wow. Those look amazing.
This is Zeytoon Parvardeh.
Marinated olives.
- And this is dolmeh kalam.
- Stuffed cabbage leaves, right?
Azar. I'm Reza's wife.
Uh, Danny. So nice to meet you.
I had no idea you were in London.
Just a few days.
Honestly, I hate these events.
You, uh, you-you speak good English.
Says the girl who speaks Farsi.
Tell me, what drew you to seismology?
Uh in a nutshell?
Small physical events built up over eons
suddenly erupting
in unimaginable violence.
Where is she?
What was your mission in Addis Ababa?
Where is she?
In deadly peril.
Thanks to you.
What do you want?
In Addis you recruited people.
Ethiopians, Eritreans,
Djiboutians, Yemenis,
Sudanese writers, revolutionaries.
Opponents to their regimes.
I want the list.
If I give it to you,
what happens to Samia?
She's riding your cock this weekend.
That's what you want, right?
Or I just kill you
and sink your body in the river.
You need to take care of me,
pamper me, be nice to me.
48 hours, lover boy.
This stuff is so sticky.
Do you cook?
Love to. I don't have time.
Another workaholic.
Did you study engineering, too?
In Madrid, and then finished
my second degree in Barcelona.
- You're from Madrid?
- Sanlúcar.
I've heard of it.
The beautiful town on the coast
with the horse races.
My cousin sent me a postcard.
What's the race called?
The fiesta?
It's called Carrera
de Caballos de Sanlúcar.
- Hmm.
- You've already met.
Of course.
Mmm. Not bad. Just a bit dry.
- Danny helped me make them.
- Oops.
What have you two been talking about?
Let's see. Horse races.
Working too hard.
Iranian recipes.
And sudden eruptions of violence.
You're sure?
He shows all the symptoms.
PTSD triggers,
hypervigilance, aggression,
paranoia, avoidance.
It's categorical.
And the risks?
Loss of perspective.
Lapses in concentration.
Getting bogged down in minor details
and missing out on something
obvious and important.
- So basically, everything.
- I'm not done.
Delusions of omnipotence, invincibility,
invulnerability, self-medication.
I could use a bit of that
right now myself.
Then they turn on themselves:
blame, guilt,
uh, impulsive outbursts,
violence, suicidal ideation.
I wish we had
had this conversation earlier.
- Why?
- Because I signed off on Martian
heading back into the field
to recruit a Valhalla asset.
- When does he leave?
- Two hours ago.
Going where?
On what we call a bounce dive.
Not down long enough
to get the bends.
Y-You enter a country illegally
via a covert insertion.
No border control. No passport.
You were never there.
Wind up dead? You're forever John Doe.
This could be a disaster.
What about the omnipotence
and invincibility part?
Can't we root for that?
Thinking you're that and
being it are two different things.
Says someone who's never been
in the field.
You're going to be dealing
with us from now on, on this.
What's this for?
You have a message.
Who are you?
General Volchok won't be pleased
to hear of your betrayal.
You tricked me.
Tell the general.
He'll only shoot you for being stupid.
Volchok has ignored you.
You're no better than his dog.
I've read your emails, Leo.
Your boss is an asshole.
But what if he wasn't your boss anymore?
When he's gone
and I'm talking days, hours
Valhalla needs a new commander.
Who's more senior, more experienced,
more loyal than you?
There's tons of dessert left,
and I'm getting fat.
So, finish them. That's an order.
Thanks. I love them.
We've got the results
from Alborz Station. May I?
Of course.
So beautiful.
You can see the epicenter
really clearly.
I'd like you to calculate
the on-site effects for me.
I'd have to collect local data to do
Are you asking me to come to Iran?
Isn't that what you want?
Thanks. I'll think about it.
And another thing.
Azar is not my wife.
what? I'm-I'm confused. She's not
Before we ask anyone to come to Iran,
we have to take precautions.
Azar was there to make sure
there weren't any problems.
What sort of problems?
I just want to be honest with you.
We are going to be working
very closely together.
It is important that
we trust each other.
So, think about it.
No rush.
You know what? I like this.
Like what?
Well, this human intel,
dead drops, codes and shit.
Old school. I didn't think
anyone did this anymore.
You been doing this long?
Long enough.
That thing in your hand has you
under surveillance 24/7
where you are, who you see,
what you think.
Human intel is the last place
an agency can operate unwatched.
Maybe the last place anyone's free.
You see?
I like that.
Also, people have never
been so distracted before,
like you.
So interested in whatever salt
lick that thing's feeding you,
you miss the important stuff.
Someone's putting the trash out.
Take me back to the border.
Take off your clothes.
Loneliness is fine ♪
You can keep your bra and undies on.
Hand me that bag.
Say goodbye to your old phone.
Hello to your new one.
You guys put a number
for my mom in here?
Anybody calls, it comes through us.
We can pretend to be her.
Things we used to have ♪
Can I ask you something?
Last chance.
Doesn't mean that I'll answer.
Did Edward send reports to you?
What do you think?
That it wasn't the plan,
but when you knew we were seeing
each other, you asked him to.
And he did.
If he did and I'm saying if
it was positive
or you wouldn't be going.
Did you put him on me on purpose?
No. He just liked you.
And he didn't like doing the reports.
Grandma, our girl's
got her clothes back on.
Tell Henry we're done.
The Deputy Defence Minister of Russia
is visiting the front line in Ukraine.
And here's his secret itinerary.
Nice work.
And if this, uh
winds up Valhalla brigade commander,
he could become one hell
of an asset, down the line.
Traveling with the minister,
in charge of his security detail,
is one Colonel Oleg Dimushenko.
Coyote's being handed over
to Dimushenko? Why him?
Volchok know him personally?
He's a former lieutenant
of his, protégé,
promoted to colonel in the FSB.
And then intel director at
the Russian Ministry of Defense.
And my guess is Volchok wants a
meeting with his defense minister.
The general has political ambitions.
Nice. Mind the gap.
Valhalla's a fortress
while he's in charge.
He's paranoid about security.
That's why we've never gotten inside.
Paranoia is his superpower.
Well, there's only
one place on this list
I know we can't use.
The clinic. Operation Felix, right?
You know nothing about that.
Which is why I've told Leo
the clinic is the handover.
You did what?
We need any edge we can get.
This is hostile territory.
If we've got units on the ground,
I want to use 'em.
Y-You have no idea what
that operation even is.
How dare you fuck a mission
that isn't even ours?
It's all one mission.
Tell that to Langley.
Tell that to the Pentagon.
Tell them we've redeployed
a high-priority JSOC covert op.
We can't. They'll lose their shit.
And I'll lose my job.
We'll make it their call.
Which is more important?
Coyote or Felix?
Listen. Listen. I cut you
a ton of slack, Martian,
but this is over the line.
We make decisions
with, not against, each other.
If it was you out there,
would you want a bunch of meetings
about how to save your life,
or just one?
You are a fucking cog, Martian!
Like all of us.
You're not the whole goddamn machine.
Do you even know what you've done?
Felix is a three-man op
one Delta and two
Ukrainian Special Forces.
That's a kill team, Henry.
One sniper plus a long
and short spotter.
The clinic is a trap.
But if they think they can take
out a Russian cabinet minister
and get out alive?
It's a kamikaze mission.
What have I done, Henry?
I just saved everyone in Felix's life.
What did I tell you?
What did I specifically say
not to fuck with,
because this is so important,
so secret,
even I don't want
to know about it?
Because if it gets out,
if it goes to shit,
my office has no deniability.
You are on really thin ice here.
What if they decide to
go ahead with Felix
instead of rescuing Coyote? What then?
Would you?
Tell JSOC to send in a team.
Your Coyote rescue is a go.
What'd you say to him?
As you probably could hear,
he did all the talking.
Chekov is still coming,
but you have new orders.
What? We're an abort?
We've been planning this for months.
It's not an abort.
Your position here is not wasted.
Priorities change.
You will be eyes on the ground
for a Blue Light deploying here
in six hours.
Delta are taking out our target?
Why? Why? We can do this.
Your target is no longer the objective.
What is?
You assist positioning
the Blue Light team.
No other objective.
Then, you extract with them.
End of mission.
This is fucking bullshit.
What the fucking fuck?
He'll be right here.
What, we're supposed
to just grin and do nothing?
- You don't have the big picture.
- What big picture?
All these months of work,
of risks, for what?
Fuck this, man.
Listen, you're soldiers.
You're redeployed.
We do what we're told.
All right?
Do you want our help in this war or not?
My country's at war, not yours.
You haven't been invaded.
You don't know how it feels.
Now am I supposed to, what,
smile and shake my enemies' hand?
There's more at stake here
than your pride,
or else they wouldn't be doing this.
Are your orders clear?
Sir, yes, sir.
Fucked up, but clear.
News on Dr. Samia Zahir.
I spoke to the Horn of Africa CJTF.
Have they found out where she is?
Embassy announced
she's touring East Asia
for the Centre for Cultural Heritage.
No one's questioning her absence.
But NSC did track
Mr. Dalaga's private jet
to a runway at Khartoum Airport.
She could've boarded
any flight from here.
A cell phone cluster met
Dalaga's jet on arrival.
Traveled to Kober prison, which,
since the riot and prison break,
is now controlled by
the RSF-Janjaweed militias.
H of A think they're using it
as a black site.
Want me to relay this to Martian?
Don't tell Martian anything.
I'll brief him myself.
Kravitsky. Volchok.
SAC are downstairs.
Must be getting close.
Let's run it, from the top.
- Okay.
- Go over the whole play,
see if anything squeaks.
You know Coyote better than anyone.
We need you thinking like him
for the next 48 hours.
Drawing on everything you know.
Just wanted to say good luck.
Thank you.
One of ours is lost.
Tomorrow, you bring him home.
You want to hear how?
Take a seat.
Wouldn't that breach protocol?
She doesn't have the proper clearance.
She just said it. One of us is lost.
Let me run it for you. Fresh eyes.
See if you spot a hole.
You know I want to.
You got me home safe.
Help us.
Thank you.
Coyote is being held
by a Russian mercenary group
called Valhalla,
commanded by General Volchok.
He's going to be handed over
to FSB Colonel Oleg Dimushenko.
Dimushenko is currently in Ukraine,
escorting the Russian
Deputy Defence Minister
on a tour of the front.
We started by trying to identify
how the handoff to
the Russian security services
would be taking place.
We flipped one of
Volchok's closest aides,
and, through him, obtained the itinerary
for the Comrade Minister's visit.
On that list was a medical clinic.
A photo op was planned there.
Ukrainian Special Forces had
a kill mission in place
called Felix.
We've redeployed
those personnel in order
to position a rescue team.
The idea, now, is to put
enough pressure on our man
inside Valhalla's base
so he directs Volchok into a kill zone.
If successful,
mercenaries holding Coyote will
arrive at Felix noon tomorrow.
We spring the trap, get our boy.
That's it.
Incredible work.
This is all of us.
Everything you've got.
No matter what happens tomorrow,
we all know what it took
just to get to this point.
Let's get it done.
The greatest
punishment of treachery?
The faces of the people
who trust you.
a common goal.
Something I'd never know again.
Coyote could still make it back.
I knew I never would.
Excuse me.
Welcome aboard Flight MA714.
Please make sure all baggage
is stowed safely
in the locker above you
or under your seat.
Our flight time today to Tehran
will be six hours and 20 minutes.
I am the key
to the lock in your house ♪
That keeps your toys
in the basement ♪
But if you get too far inside ♪
You'll only see my reflection ♪
It's always best
with the covers up ♪
I am the pick in the ice ♪
Do not cry out
or hit the alarm ♪
You know we're friends
till we die ♪
But either way you turn ♪
I'll be there ♪
Open up your skull ♪
I'll be there ♪
Climbing up the walls ♪
It's always best
when the light is off ♪
It's always better
on the outside ♪
15 blows to
the back of your head ♪
15 blows to your mind ♪
That either way he turns ♪
I'll be there ♪
Climbing up the walls ♪
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