The Amazing Race Australia (2011) s05e21 Episode Script

Season 5, Episode 21

Previously on
The Amazing Race Australia
- Wow!
- Whoa!
That ladder's massive!
- ..our five teams
- One of the sickest experiences
..were wowed by
the beautiful Blue Mountains.
The Gold Coast Girls dominated
Ashley and Amanda,
first team to check in again.
We want to be the first
all-female team
to win The Amazing Race Australia.
..and one of our favourites
said farewell.
Unfortunately, your time
on the race is over.
I wasn't ready for it to be over.
I don't think
she has anything else to prove.
And I'm very, very proud of her.
- Tonight
- "Fly to Dubbo."
..our four remaining teams
arrive in outback New South Wales
Obviously, I've never driven
a tractor.
- She's got this.
- get a taste of life on the land.
Crack and then down
a series of fresh eggs
to receive your next clue.
And one team faces
the ultimate moral dilemma
I haven't had eggs
in six years. the eggs
..or walk away from a shot
at $250,000.
Our last four teams are waking up
in the Blue Mountains,
so named because of the eucalyptus oil
released by the region's
thousands of trees,
which tint the horizon blue.
It's now time for them to discover
their next destination.
Where are we off to?!
What a rip!
"Fly to Dubbo
in central New South Wales."
"Make your way to the Old Dubbo Gaol."
"Escape from your cell
and get over the prison wall"
"..without being seen by the guards,
to receive your next clue."
We were super keen just to get back
out in the centre of the country.
Let's go.
Yeah, 100%, get us away
from the coast and stuff.
The teams will travel
from the Blue Mountains to Sydney,
and then fly to Dubbo
in the heart of
country New South Wales.
Its main industry is agriculture,
and it produces some of
the best meat, wool and grain
anywhere in the country.
And it's about to host the 21st leg
of The Amazing Race Australia.
Our teams are leaving the airport
in the order they finished
their last leg.
Come on, come on, come on.
Let's go, let's go.
Let's move.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Ash, do you have that map?
- Yes, I do.
I've had this map for seven weeks.
I've literally been carting
a map of Dubbo around,
hoping that we're going there.
It's always nice
starting in first position.
I'm glad we have a little bit
of a lead.
I think it's sort of only kicked
in a little bit today
that, like, we're in the top four.
We're only one step closer
to getting to the finale
and getting £250,000.
We've got to be
switched on now.
Four teams left, mate.
This is anyone's game right now.
Last leg of the race,
we finished fourth.
We just scraped through by that much.
In the last
leg we actually came
second, which was
a pretty big surprise.
We haven't had a First-Class Pass
and all the other teams here have.
We've now done more legs
than anyone else racing.
That really means we're
more experienced, doesn't it?
The gaol is right
in the centre of Dubbo.
I've been there when I was a kid.
Our teams are headed
for the Old Dubbo Gaol,
the original courthouse lockup
in the late 1800s.
There, a prison guard will throw them
into a pitch-black cell.
Their challenge is to escape the cell
and find the flags and rope ladder
that will take them
over the prison wall.
But first, they must avoid the guards,
who can only look straight ahead
as they patrol the grounds.
If they are spotted,
a whistle will blow
..and they'll be taken back
to the cell to start again.
Once they've scaled the wall,
then, and only then,
will they receive their next clue.
Yoo, yoo, yoo!
Let's go escape gaol!
I can be stealth, but you're in
a hot-pink top,
so I think you should
probably get changed.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Hi. We're here to go to gaol.
It was my first time in prison.
I'm not sure about Ashleigh.
It was my first time in prison, too.
- Through that way.
- I can't see anything.
Oh, my God.
This cell has no windows, nothing.
It was pitch black.
- What's these things?
- Mirrors.
In the corner,
there were tiny tea-light candles
which led us to these little mirrors
that were perfect for
looking down the hallway
to see if the guards were coming.
Oh, my God
Is that a guard coming?
I can hear a whistle.
There's prison guards circling
everywhere, they're whistling.
We don't know where to go.
We're trying to look out
for these flags to escape
and a rope ladder to climb up.
It's full-on. It felt like we were
in a video game or something.
They're there now.
Go, go.
Alright, let's go that way.
Dubbo Gaol.
It's like he walks this way.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Oh, Jesus.
We start searching in the dark room
for something that would help.
I've got, like, a mannequin over here.
OK, I'm on a mattress.
- Aleisha?
- Yeah.
- He didn't
- ..lock the door.
What an idiot.
Everyone's only
supposed to take one mirror.
He's coming back.
Go, go, go, go, go!
We peep our heads
just by the door
- And we hear a big old whistle. Yeah.
- A big old whistle.
So, attempt one was a failure.
Come with me.
Sorry, sir, we won't try
to escape again, I promise.
I don't want to hear it!
Hey, hold on, Anurag, the gaol
should just be on your left.
- It says, "Old Dubbo Goal."
- Perfect, follow that sign.
"Gaol," sorry. Goal
I can't see anything.
The rules say the guards
can only look forward,
so Anurag
and I had a pretty simple strategy.
- Come here, come here.
- Where's the flag? I don't see the flag.
We actually ended up
getting there in fourth.
And we're like, "Righto, we need
to get our heads screwed on here
"and get out of here."
- Where you at, Jacko?
- I'm just here, bud.
We were looking as much as we could
for these flags to escape
while being stealth.
We'd been caught red-handed.
Back to gaol!
Nice one.
We had seen, on our way back
to the cell, where the flags were.
Just go. Just go!
The guard's coming.
Get down!
Get down! Get down!
We know the guards
can only look straight ahead,
so we just try and tuck behind him,
I think.
But then the other one spotted us.
Damn it!
We made this mad dash,
which was the biggest gamble ever.
I got up that ladder, Ashleigh got up,
and we were both so stoked
that we got out before anyone else.
Quick, quick, quick, get out!
Get out!
Tips for escaping prison -
just leg it!
Road Block.
A Road Block is a challenge that only
one team member must complete,
based on a cryptic clue.
"Who's got the X-Tractor?"
- OK, you do it. It's your turn.
- OK.
The teams must drive 40km
and find Kickabil.
For the first time in three years,
wheat farmers are finally harvesting
their crops in this area,
after a very, very long drought.
Now, in this challenge,
one team member must drive a tractor
in perfect synchronicity
alongside a working combine harvester
to collect wheat.
This means they must drive their rig
one metre parallel
to collect the wheat
from the harvester.
They must then deposit it
into the giant silo bags.
If they spill any of the grain
at any point,
then it's back to the end
of the queue to try again.
Only when they have
successfully transferred the wheat
can they collect their next clue.
Sounds easy? When was the last time
you drove a tractor?
Let's go!
I don't actually know where to go.
Do you want to look on that map
and see if it's there?
On our second attempt,
Chris manages to spot the flags.
We bolted.
Go, go, go!
"Who's got the X-Tractor?"
I've got the X-Tractor.
Do you want to stop
and ask for some directions?
What's the name
that we're looking for?
- Kickabil, with a K?
- Yeah.
They're going that way.
Let's go! Go, go, go!
- On our second attempt
- Go, go, go!
..we saw stairs.
Anurag and I ran up these stairs
to this thing
that we were thinking
was going to escape.
"Wait a second, this is just a loop.
It's an observation tower."
OK, so, this is not it.
Third time when we went back,
I saw the flags
out of the corner of my eye.
Brendon, Brendon
Wait, wait!
Then we see the Cowboys
running up the rope.
Oh, my God, the rope was
right next to the stairs!
Go, go!
Go, go, go!
- "Who's got the X-Tractor?"
- Do you want to do it?
- May as well.
- I can do it.
Let's go.
"Who's got the X-Tractor?"
Back in front of the Sikhs,
that's good.
- What have I got to go towards?
- Kickabil.
- Where does it say?
- Kickabilee, I don't
- Should we ask someone?
- No.
- We've got a map?
- Got a map.
Collins No.
OK, well,
we might need to ask someone.
OK, let's ask someone.
Just wondering -
can we ask you directions?
Took us about 10, 15 minutes
to find these directions
to get to the tractor challenge.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- That took a lot of time.
- It did.
I don't think it will be too far away.
I think we ask somebody to get us
started. Can you be on that?
Leaving the gaol,
we just took a little bit longer
to ask people for directions.
Excuse me, we're looking
for a place called Kickabil.
A difference of one minute
could put us behind.
- Perfect. Awesome, thanks.
- Amazing, thank you so much.
What do you think?
Was that a waste of time?
- No, no, no, that's good.
- Cool.
Dubbo's having a good season.
Yeah, they definitely are.
After the drought we've just
come out of, to look at this
- Yeah.
-'s unreal.
We're coming into harvest season
for all the farmers round here in Dubbo,
so, yeah, this Road Block
really meant a lot to us.
"You'll be driving a tractor
to help the farmers
"harvest this year's wheat crop."
We've both got
a lot of experience in machinery,
but this suited Jacko down to a T.
Ashleigh and Amanda
are following us now.
Are they?
I think the Cowboys
are in front of us.
We lost a place to the Cowboys
on the way there.
But this actually worked out OK,
because we could follow them,
and we made sure
that we weren't on the wrong route.
- Looks like we're first.
- Beautiful.
So, we've gone
from third to first instantly.
Hi, mate. How are you?
I've never actually done
harvesting before,
so I wasn't going in taking it cheap,
I was going to listen
to everything he says.
And you just never know
what's going to happen.
I don't know
how to drive a tractor.
He'll talk you through it,
'cause he doesn't want you
to ruin his tractor.
- Head down?
- Yeah, head down that way.
Yeah, I reckon Jacko
will go alright at this.
Well, he should anyway.
- Looks good out here.
- Yeah.
- It's unreal.
- It's been a hard three years.
- Yeah, I bet.
- Good to see.
Yeah, for sure.
It is really important
that he doesn't mess it up,
because this isn't just a challenge,
this is someone's living.
Come on, Jacko.
He sent her down the bottom,
and I had to drive up
next to the wheat harvester there.
I have to line up right beside
the harvester and match its speed.
I can't spill anything, or it's
back to the end of the queue.
Stop, stop, stop.
I felt a lot of pressure
on my shoulders
just to get it in there for him
and get it done, you know?
That's their livelihood, so
Dig in. Round
But I finally went up there
and had to do a dial there,
and zoned her in and
Just one more.
There you go, Jackson's in it.
Watch and learn. Come this way.
We got to the Road Block
without getting lost,
and we were the third team there.
- OK, guys, we're here now.
- Yep.
- We need to maintain this, alright?
- Yeah, for sure.
- It doesn't matter how we shuffle.
- For sure.
- Top three.
- I agree.
We've built up
a pretty strong alliance
with the Cowboys
and Amanda and Ashleigh.
Chris and Aleisha have
been shady the whole
way through, from
the start of this race.
Our, like, massive turning point
with them was what happened
with the oyster challenge
and the Cowboys -
that was just so wrong.
We can't eat oysters.
So, either you guys eat 100 oysters,
or we both take a penalty.
'Cause we would rather fight
in the finals
with people who are fair.
We all spoke about it, and we said,
"We want to be in the game
with people who are good sports
"and play by the rules
"and don't try and hinder other
people's progress in the game."
Yeah, I feel like the race has
gotten so serious now, you know?
All those three teams
will be working together.
Yep. So scary.
- Here they are.
- OK, they're coming.
That's the harvester
there, so
- Oh, no, that's the Cowboys driving.
- Yeah, he's driving it.
Oh, even the Sikhs are here.
We're the last team.
- What the hell?
- What?
- How did that happen?
- I have no idea.
- Are they the first guys to go?
- Yep.
Straighten her up.
I've collected the grain
from the harvester.
Next, I've got to get it
into the silo bag.
Got to throw it all in now
without spilling it.
Come on, Jacko.
Happy days.
I loved it.
It was just good to finally do that
and meet them people and see
why we support the Aussie farmers.
Beautiful, mate.
Thank you very much. Appreciate it.
Hope you have a good season.
Shot, dude! Well done.
"Make your way to the Prince of
Wales Opera House in Gulgong,
"Australia's oldest opera house."
In the small town of Gulgong is
the Prince of Wales Opera House.
It may not be
our most famous opera house,
but it's our oldest - opened in 1871.
In this challenge,
teams will pay homage
to the late, great Dame Nellie Melba,
Australia's first-ever
operatic celebrity,
who performed on this very stage.
They must listen to the tune and
learn the words to one of her songs.
Once learnt,
they must get into costume
and perform it word-perfect
to the satisfaction
of the judging panel
to receive their next clue.
Let's go.
Alright. Oh, my God, we're up.
I was so nervous.
- Good luck, Amanda!
- Thanks!
- Brad.
- Hi, Brad. Nice to meet you.
I'm Amanda. I'm not a tractor driver!
I know you might be mistaken,
but I'm definitely not.
Obviously, I've never
driven a tractor.
Never driven a tractor?
There's a million buttons,
I don't know what I'm doing.
I'm just listening as carefully
as I can to Brad,
who's telling me what to do.
Normally, I'm quite talkative,
but I'm, like, super nervous
'cause I don't want to stuff it up,
I want to get all your wheat in.
- And go?
- Yeah, go.
She's coming in really close,
I think that's too close.
Don't crash it, please.
Oh, that's it.
Driving a humungous tractor,
lining it up perfectly,
it was stressful.
She's got this. She'll be fine.
- Shall we ask him?
- Ask him where we're going? Yeah.
After Brendon and Jackson
got their clue
and went to drive away
Where are we going?
Where's the next place?
..the other teams ran up
to ask for help.
What's it called? Gulgong?
So, frustrating, hey?
The other three teams
are all working together.
I'm just going to go ask.
I thought,
"Well, I'm going to go over there
"and see if they could tell me."
What was it that they said?
- Galgong?
- Gal
Saw signs for it.
- Wasn't it Gunu?
- No, it wasn't.
Alright, I better go watch my partner.
Just as I suspected, they threw me
a bone that was incorrect.
And then they were just like,
"Oh, we don't know."
They just told you!
I don't know if we lie to them,
but let's just not tell them.
Whoo! Nice work, Amanda!
She can't
She definitely can't hear me!
It is pretty amazing to know
that the wheat we were harvesting
was actually going to be used,
so maybe that next loaf of bread
you're eating
could be one that I picked.
Thank you. Thanks so much!
- Alright, let's go!
- Nice work!
- Thank you!
- Oh, my God, I'm shaking!
"Make your way
to the Prince of Wales Opera House
"in Gulgong."
Let's go!
Go, buddy.
You've got this, mate!
No idea how to drive a tractor.
I'd never even sat in a tractor
in my life.
That thing's huge.
You don't want to crash it.
Up to six.
I've been through here
a fair few times, actually.
Always go through here when you're
doing the Central Circuit road.
Yeah, that's right.
The next clue said head to Gulgong,
Prince of Wales Opera House,
and perform a song.
Yeah, so we get to the opera house
and spotted the headphones.
You just listen,
and then we'll talk about it after.
And then looked up on the wall,
and there's words on there
we've got to learn.
- How do I work this?
- Press play.
Definitely out of our comfort zone,
but we knew we had a good lead
so we just thought,
"Look, let's just get this
mentality - we've got to do it,
"got to get in there
and make sure we study it correctly
"and get it done."
- You alright?
- Yeah.
Is it funny, is it?
Is losing funny to you?
Are you a quitter? No!
- Sing your song!
- Oh, love it.
All I've got to do
is I've got to line up against him.
Yeah, keep going.
Come on, Jas, you've got this, buddy!
Oh, look at that! Ha-ha!
That tractor was unreal, I mean,
I felt like a little kid
just in a big boy's toy.
It was just awesome.
- Thank you, bro.
- Thanks.
"Make your way
to the Prince of Wales Opera House
"in Gulgong."
Chris, nice to meet you.
Alright. My boy's up.
We're way behind, so we need to go
as fast as we can on this one, bro.
Good luck, baby!
- Shall I jump on the road?
- Yeah, jump on the road.
Watch, he's going
to cut me off. I knew it.
Why would you do that?
Oh, my God, Chris, you cheeky bugger!
The farmer told me to use the road,
so I made sure I got there
just before them
to slow them down a little bit.
Oh, I hope he gets this,
this is very time-consuming.
So, we listen to the music,
then we learn it,
- then we perform it.
- Right.
Sounds easy,
but we know it's not going to be.
- Yep.
- Good?
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
So we rock up there and the Cowboys
are so seriously listening
on their microphone ear things.
And I took the earphones off
and all I could hear
in the background was this
It sounded shocking.
I was like, "What are we doing?"
Yeah, baby!
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you so much!
"Learn and perform an 1800s song
on stage
"in order to receive your next clue."
Alright, let's do it.
And we knew we'd be last
heading into the opera,
but this challenge
is right up our alley.
We could catch up here, babe,
we could do a bit of catching.
I think we can.
These are the sorts of
challenges where we can catch.
We know Chris and Aleisha
are behind us.
They're going to be very good
at this challenge.
We just need to get in there,
learn it before they learn it,
get out there and perform - easy as.
Otherwise, we will be last.
Which seek from
- Thro'.
- 'Thro'', is it?
Home. ♪
So humble ♪
Backstage to get changed.
Did you have to choose
such an elaborate dress?
Ashleigh picked, like,
the most glamorous ball gown -
Belle from, you know,
Sleeping Beauty
..and I just looked like a peasant.
I have stage fright.
It goes "Home, home,
sweet, sweet home?"
Mid ♪
I forgot the first line.
I just lost it.
I had it and then I was, like,
distracted with the costume.
I just need a quick recap.
Sing it to me, come on!
Oh, they're still here.
Which seek ♪
As we walked in, we saw
Amanda and Ashleigh dressed up -
clearly the order had changed
because the Cowboys were ahead of them
and all of a sudden they were not.
Oh, God, what are we doing?
Our goal was to try and catch up to
the Cowboys and Amanda and Ashleigh.
Elsewhere ♪
Let's do it.
The girls have got changed,
so let's go.
I've already forgot, mate.
This will do.
- Zip me up.
- Come here, baby.
Mid pleasures
and palaces ♪
That's a voice
only a mother could love.
A charm from the skies ♪
- Seems.
- Seems to ♪
The curtains close on you
pretty quick when you stuff up.
I was like, "Alright, then,
go back and practise more."
"To hallow us there."
- OK, let's go.
- Cool.
So, when we finally arrived
at the Prince of Wales Opera House,
I'm thinking, "OK, they're still here,
"they don't sound so great."
Even though we were at the back
of the pack,
I think we actually
could finish before the other teams.
Home, sweet home. ♪
Let's go, let's go.
At one point, me and Jas
were like, "You know what?
"Let's give it a shot. What's
the worst that could happen?"
I really want to get this right
in one go and get out of there.
Mid pleasures ♪
Did you start at the wrong point?
With ♪
Oh, no, I forgot it, I'm so sorry.
Seems to ne ♪
See through ♪
There's no place like home. ♪
Thank you!
We perfectly did the performance,
to tune and everything.
- Goodbye!
- And goodnight!
They offered us a job
and we quit The Amazing Race
to be opera singers.
"Detour - Crack or Corral.
"Warning! U-Turn ahead."
A Detour is a choice
between two challenges,
each with its own pros and cons.
In this Detour, teams must choose
between Crack and Corral.
Now, here at Emu Logic,
they farm in emus,
prized for their fat-free meat,
protein-rich eggs
and emu oil with
anti-inflammatory properties.
Now, teams who choose Crack
have to simply eat
four different types of eggs
in size order,
starting from a tiny quail egg,
all the way to a monstrous emu egg.
And I just remembered -
they've got to eat two of each egg,
just like this.
Once they've finished all their eggs,
they'll get their next clue.
Teams who choose Corral
must attract 10 emus, and only 10,
and corral them into a pen
using different props.
Only one prop can be used at a time.
But corraler beware -
these prehistoric natives
may not like certain objects
and can deliver a painful peck.
Once they've got all 10 emus
into the pen,
they'll receive their next clue.
But that's not all.
A U-Turn is a massive strategic move.
Now, quite simply,
the team in the lead must nominate
a team behind them
to complete the other Detour,
and this could result
in someone being eliminated.
Let's do Corral
because I'm allergic to eggs.
Let's go, mademoiselle!
I'm glad we have a lead.
So, I just want to work out
where we're going
so that we don't get lost again.
What are we looking for?
What's the property called?
Emu Logic.
There's no place like home. ♪
- Thank you very much!
- Thank you!
We finally got it done.
- That was fun.
- You got the clue?
- Yes.
- Hang on. Brendon.
- I'm not worried about you. I like it.
- What about your bowtie?
- "Detour - Crack or Corral."
- Yeah, let's do Corral.
Corral. Let's go. Come on.
Amanda and Ashleigh left before us
so we knew that we had a good chance
to keep building up.
And we knew where we were going.
Do you reckon we've gone
too far, then?
'Cause that said
that was 14 k's outside.
Do you want to turn around
or keep going?
What do you reckon?
When we were on our way,
it just seemed to take forever.
"You must corral the emus
from inside their pen
"behind the marked line.
"There is a must-play U-Turn
at this Detour"
I'm just going to cut you off
real quick.
Ashleigh and Amanda
just drove back past.
That means
we're sitting in number one!
Yeah, baby.
If we get the choice of a U-Turn,
I'm definitely doing
Chris and Aleisha because
..they don't eat eggs.
Good decision!
We've had a couple of run-ins
with Chris and Aleisha,
so that was probably 50% strategy
and 50% personal.
And they've been tough - there's a
reason they're here in the top four.
That just increases our chances
of getting to the finale
and it makes us a one-out-of-three
chance of $250,000.
Two vegans eating an egg.
Couldn't eat an oyster -
if they eat an egg, I'll be fuming.
Mid pleasures and palaces ♪
Though we may roam ♪
A charm through the world ♪
Oh! I can't get it right.
So, we chose Corral for the Detour.
We had to muster some emus into a pen.
Yeah. We had to use one item.
Just one costume, was it?
- Yeah, one at a time.
- Yeah.
I pointed it and the emu was
just going bang, fair on the head.
I was like, "Great,
that could have been me."
We've got one.
Oh, man, this is frustrating.
I feel like we're wasting
so much time.
What are we doing wrong?
A charm from the sky ♪
Seems ♪
Hallow us from there.
There's no place ♪
Like home. ♪
- Well done.
- I'm sorry you had to hear that!
- I'm sorry you had to hear that!
- Whoo!
Well done. Let's go.
Let's go Crack, let's go Crack.
- Do Crack. That way.
- Let's go.
"Crack and then down
a series of fresh eggs
"to receive your next clue.
"Warning! U-Turn ahead."
I really just hope whoever's
in front doesn't U-turn us, dude,
otherwise we've got to do both.
I know, for a fact,
that emus can run pretty fast
so we thought, "Why not go for eggs?"
I love eggs - in the morning,
for breakfast, lunch,
I'll have them for dinner as well.
Only difference is they're cooked.
- OK, heading towards Coonamble.
- Yep.
We started doing loops
and backing and forth,
Couldn't see any flags anywhere.
The Cowboys will know
exactly where they are.
Move that thing about.
We're trying to muster 10 emus
into a pen.
The emu head did not work.
I actually ended up
getting a donkey head.
Come on, brother.
That thing was cranky as.
I wouldn't want to get bit by one.
- Five, keep them coming.
- Yeah.
Keep doing that, keep tapping
it. Keep walking backwards.
Yeah, while they're moving.
Keep getting more
while they're moving.
There you go, Bren. We've got six.
Come on, Penelope, get in here.
We knew if we just kept persisting we
were going to get 10 in there eventually.
One more, brother.
- OK.
- Beautiful. Thank you very much.
- Thank you very much. Thank you.
- Good luck.
- Ta, thank you.
- See ya.
"Find the fire truck.
"From there, follow the tractor path
to find Beau at the Pit Stop."
Emu Logic is situated
in the heart of the Gilgandra Shire,
in the foothills of the Warrumbungles,
and it is the Pit Stop for the 21st
leg of The Amazing Race Australia.
"Hurry! The last team to arrive
may be eliminated." Let's go.
So, what did it say?
Find the fire truck
- Yeah.
- And then follow the trail?
Marked path, yeah.
We knew we had the U-Turn,
so I went over there
and I knew the picture
I was grabbing -
I grabbed Chris and Aleisha
and put them on the board.
Emu Logic. Emu farm.
So, we arrived at the Detour
and straightaway
we see the U-Turn board.
Oh, yeah!
It's Chris and Aleisha. Yes!
That's going to be tough.
Mate, emu eggs, they're not vegan.
That's going to be her reaction
when she finds out.
Let's go.
There's no place like home ♪
There's no place like home. ♪
Thank you, thank you!
Thank you! Whoo!
"Detour - Crack or Corral."
"Warning! U-turn ahead.!
OK, let's go.
Big finish, come on.
Would you participate
in The Amazing Race?
I mean, it sounds like fun
but I reckon it'd be pretty hard.
What an effort.
Welcome to the Warrumbungles.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
Great to be home.
Brandon and Jackson,
you're the first team to check in.
- Well done.
- Good job, bro.
It meant a lot to us to finish first.
Especially being so close
to the finish line,
- It's just it's all you could ask for.
- Yeah.
And, boys, for coming first,
with thanks to Telstra,
you have also won a video call
to your family at home
- No way!
- You're joking! Yeah?
..and a Telstra 5G connection package
worth five grand each
to enjoy after the race.
- Oh, you're kidding.
- Oh, mate.
- That's a winner.
- Good job.
Talking to family, hey?
- You get to see your families.
- Oh, mate.
That's going to be
the final push we need.
- How are you feeling, bro?
- Yeah, good.
- That mean a lot to you?
- Yeah, proper.
All good, bro.
- Good on you, mate.
- Thanks, bro.
- How you doing, mate?
- Alright
Don't look around, just do it.
So, can we just jump into these,
one, two, three, four?
- Yeah.
- Let's have a look.
Oh, two.
Anurag and I's strategy
going into this was
let's not find out what they are,
let's not overthink it
and let's just crack them,
eat them, move on.
- There you go.
- Doesn't really matter, does it?
Well done.
Got to the second one,
slightly bigger
Drop it in.
Take it, take it, take it.
Both of us clean.
Is this chicken egg now?
No, they're duck eggs.
- Oh!
- Can you not tell us what egg it is?
It was disgusting!
I'm just gonna keep it in, I'm gonna
keep it in, I'm gonna keep it in.
I started to feel sick.
Opened the fourth one.
All of a sudden
Oh, jeez! That is a big egg.
The Cowboys will U-Turn us, baby,
because it's eggs.
100%, they will.
We don't like to eat animal products
because we don't think that, profiting from
animal products is right.
This is gonna be
a really tough one to decide on.
There's only four teams left.
So, getting this far
and then taking a penalty,
it could be a 15-minute penalty.
It could be an hour penalty.
That would nearly guarantee
we're eliminated.
I guess we'll have to figure
it out, if we're gonna do it or not.
- Oh!
- Big.
That egg was huge.
Oh, my God, it weighed a lot.
That is a big egg.
One of those emu eggs
is about a dozen.
A dozen chicken eggs. That's right.
The eggs are probably
what this big?
- That big.
- Each!
We've been asking for protein
all this time Here we go.
Awesome, good work.
Then the spotlight was on Jas.
Let me break it for you.
I don't think I'm gonna be able
Jas, Jas, the hardest part
is the yolk.
It was all goddamn yolk.
Take it slow and steady.
You've got this.
How does it taste?
My digestive system was like,
"No, no, no!"
And I was like, "Goddamn it!"
Finish it.
I cannot let this chance slip
through my hands.
It's OK. You've got this.
Can you help me?
So, Anurag stepped in.
Well done, bro.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
"Find the fire truck. Hurry! The last
team to arrive may be eliminated."
Let's go.
Maybe we just need to go up further.
We had wasted so much time
getting lost.
- What does that thing say?
- Keep going.
Yes, yes, I can see the flag.
Finally, we got there.
We were so frustrated.
We lost a lot of spots, like
- We lost a lot of time.
- We went from first to second-last.
Who's not here?
- Aleisha and Chris?
- I don't know, but they've been U-turned.
We were really happy that
it wasn't us in that position.
So, hopefully, we're in third.
Where's Chris and Aleisha, though?
- Oh, this is attracting them. OK.
- Alright. Let's try that.
On your way, come on.
There's two.
I've almost got a third.
I don't know if you're
really attracting them.
We were just trying to attract
them with one instrument at a time.
Go, go, go. Yeah, yeah.
Keep going, Ash.
No, no. OK, there's four.
Alright, this is
the moment, a moment of truth.
- Big shock, surprise, isn't it?
- U-Turn. That's us.
- Petty boys, aren't they?
- I know, right.
- Who's that?
- That's another team.
Chris and Aleisha are here.
I can't believe Amanda
and Ashleigh weren't U-turned.
They've won so many legs
of the Amazing Race so far.
We've only won one leg.
I think the boys were not
thinking with their brains.
- Paddock on the other side.
- Thanks.
- And how many are we trying to corral?
- 10.
There was so many emus
and they're actually pretty scary.
- They looked really scary.
- They looked terrifying.
- Do you reckon the fruit?
- This. I reckon this.
No, that's to stop magpies.
- It's here. OK.
- We have to make our way over.
Oh, there it is!
OK, not too fast.
Welcome to the Warrumbungles.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Jaskirat and Anurag, you are
..second team to check in.
- That's how we do it.
- That's what I'm talking about.
We are over the moon.
Well done, boys.
You keep getting better and better.
I'll see you on the other side, huh?
Come on, bring it in.
Don't get any on me
Don't get any on my
new shirt. Right this way.
This is for you.
Oh, that's bribery, mate.
But I'll take it. Here you go.
No, no. Don't go out.
Go back in further. Further.
Away! Oh, my God, Ash.
They're escaping.
Wait, you 're attracting them back.
Come on, this way, guys.
They were all running all over
the place and running out at us.
And we we're just trying to,
like, talk to the emus,
like that's going to do anything.
This doesn't seem like the right tool.
Well, don't think
it's the fruit.
- You reckon it's not the fruit?
- No.
That wasn't working, and I had
a feeling, from the beginning,
that there was these
sweet-smelling leaves
that they probably wanted to munch on.
Yeah, they're definitely coming.
Yeah, you got it right.
As soon as I pulled them out,
all the emus came running.
One, two, three, four.
- Five, six, seven, eight.
- Oh, gosh, I'm scared of you.
- I think we need two more.
- Yeah.
This way, guys.
We are good, we are good.
We just need these two to come
in and we are good.
- Keep coming. Yes.
- Come on.
- There we go. That's ten. Good job, babe.
- Nice.
Oh, my gosh!
Aleisha and Chris have finished.
- OK, well done. - Thank you
so much. - Thanks.
- So, we have to consume the eggs?
- Yeah.
We're leaving one Detour
and walking towards the egg,
and I'm just trying
to mentally prepare myself.
Yeah, walking towards it,
still not sure if
I'm even going to attempt it.
Doesn't matter anyway.
I'm just really mad
that we have to do this.
I don't understand the decision
that The Cowboys made.
I'd hate to do this
and we just get eliminated anyways.
I don't know, babe.
I can't make this decision.
I'd hate to do this,
and we just get eliminated anyways.
But if it's not an elimination,
then we don't want a penalty
for next leg.
If they actually
ate the eggs, I'd be fuming
because we were in the Intersection
with them with the oysters
and they were set,
they weren't gonna eat it.
If they done it now,
that's going against their beliefs.
- If it's an elimination
- I don't want you to have to do it.
I'll just do it.
I haven't had eggs in six years.
I was like,
I'll just pretend I'm not there.
- Hello.
- Do you think they like noises?
- Hello, welcome.
- Yes, ladies.
- Come, come. No, don't go away!
- Stay. Stay.
Alright, so we gained one,
but we lost one.
This isn't attracting them
fast enough.
I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry.
I was just swallowing,
having a bit of water
and then whenever I needed to,
I'd vomit them all up.
If you can't do it, I'll do it.
- Why did you do it?
- I didn't want you to do it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
it's working.
They're very attracted.
And then we find out that they like
eucalyptus leaves.
- OK, so we are up to four.
- Come on, ladies.
Four! Oh, my God, it's getting
too attractive.
We were just waving
those eucalyptus leaves
and they were, like, coming at us.
There you go. How many is that? Six.
Almost to the point where we were
like, "Whoa, there's too many.
"We only need 10 of you."
OK, eight.
- Nine and ten.
- That's ten?
Yeah. Don't you dare,
you bloody legend.
- OK. - Thank you so much.
- Thanks.
- OK, let's go.
- Yeah.
"Hurry! The last team
may be eliminated." Let's go.
I love you. I'm so sorry about this.
I reckon it was about
10 or 11 regular eggs.
- Yeah, sounds about right.
- Per one emu egg.
I thought we could have
still been in last
and maybe Chris and Aleisha
would smash through this stuff
and we were possibly
sitting in fourth.
So, I was getting really emotional
at this point.
- Welcome to the Warrumbungles.
- Thank you.
Ashleigh and Amanda, you are
..the third team to check in.
- Oh, my God.
- We can breathe again.
How does that feel?
Today's been a rough day, but it
feels good that we're not the fourth.
You girls are tough. You are.
And you've proved a lot of people wrong
and you deserve to be in
the top three. Well done.
- And I'll see you soon.
- Thanks, Beau. - Thank you.
We've been
here for over an hour now
and I've still got the
second emu egg to eat.
Just get it down
as fast as you can.
From the start, the small eggs,
I thought you could do it in one go.
But those emu eggs are huge.
I'm just, like, blown away with,
like, how much he stepped up
and got it done.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
I won't kiss you at the moment,
but I love you.
That's alright,
I wouldn't kiss me either.
Go shower, you stink.
"Find the fire truck,
from there, follow the
tractor path to find
Beau at the Pit Stop.
"Hurry! The last team to arrive
may be eliminated."
- Should we get our bags?
- Yeah.
We went a nice stroll
up to the mat.
I didn't want Chris to have to run
with a stomach full of emu egg.
- Maybe down this way.
- Yeah.
Because, I mean, the chances were
that we were being eliminated
after all that.
- Hi. Hi. I love you.
- How you going? How you going?!
You're my favourite.
Welcome to the Warrumbungles.
Thank you very much.
Chris and Aleisha are the last team to check in.
How you feeling?
Pretty nauseous.
That is one of the bravest things
I've seen in the history of this show.
It was tough, Beau. Real tough.
I just want to say this is a
pre-determined non-elimination leg.
Thank God, Beau. Thank God.
I was just, like, "I hope I'm not
eating all these eggs for nothing."
Massive effort, man.
Huge effort. Really big effort.
You're amazing!
- Don't hit my stomach.
- Sorry.
Next on The
Amazing Race Australia
It's the final week and
we've saved the best for last.
Of the final four teams,
who will emerge victorious?
We made it this far. That's
an accomplishment on its own.
This means so much to us.
We are not here to come
second. We want to win it.
We want to be
the first all-female team
to win the Amazing Race Australia.
Mount Kosciuszko is the
breathtaking final Pit Stop
where one team will be crowned winners
and take home the cash prize
of a quarter of a million dollars.
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