The Awakening - The Originals (2014) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

ANGELS & DEMONS - italiansubs You know what to look for.
Creepy You sly old bat.
Clean up.
Meet me in the cemetery.
This little beauty and I have a date with a dagger.
You can't leave! - He's such a fiend! - He is.
But so am I.
I spelled the door to his clubhouse shut.
If he wants his precious dagger back, he'll need a Claire witch to open the door.
All this time I thought you were blinded by your lust for him.
I know what you thought.
Let's explain to him, that if he wants his dagger back he'll have to start acting with a little decorum! Mary Alice, Klaus is outside! He has got Kol and the diamond! - No! - Come on! Klaus said one of his witches to put a boundary spell on the Fouline cottage, that night.
We never did leave that place.
We never will.
Over the years, the Fauline cottage has become a home for all witches who others believe to be insane.
And yet I was never truly crazy.
Just crazy enough to believe I could betray one Mikaelson sibling without another sneaking up to put a knife in my back.
[ A&D - italiansubs .]

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