The Bad Guy (2022) s01e01 Episode Script
The good magistrate
What's going on?
Commander, answer!
Agent Pizzelli has been hit!
By a landmine, I think.
There could be more.
I need backup.
Balduccio Remora!
We know you're in there!
I know who you really are,
and you know who I am!
I'm going to count to five.
Actually, let's make it 10.
Then, we'll start to walk.
If there are other mines,
and I step on one,
your sister will be
the next one to blow up!
I'm starting to count now!
My real name is Nino Scotellaro.
I spent my life fighting Cosa Nostra.
Now you see me like this.
Someone even called me a hero.
We all know a hero's destiny.
To die for the glory,
with dedicated monuments.
Or to be thrown off a pedestal.
I've never had a monument dedicated to me.
And since I can no longer be a hero
I've decided to become
what they turned me into.
The bad guy.
I forgot.
I went sea urchin fishing.
I know, it's illegal right now.
Going to arrest me?
Have a good day, Mr. Scotellaro.
Are those handcuffs really necessary?
Ask his cellmate.
I have three certainties in my life.
This fucking rhinitis,
Palermo's soccer coaches,
who'll be dismissed in three months,
and Salvatore Tracina's silence.
So what happened?
You bored of being here?
How about spending
the rest of your life
in some nice place
in witness protection
at a remote location
with good meat and fresh air?
Can you tell me something
about Mariano Suro?
Suro killed half of your family.
I don't know who hates him more.
You're a magistrate.
You shouldn't hate anyone.
For that matter, I shouldn't smoke
either, given my allergy.
Anyway, people like us
don't die because of cancer.
Want to see something?
Did you call me just to put on this show?
Do you know why they call Mariano Suro
The White Shark?
Because when he's in captivity he dies.
Mariano Suro can't stay in the same place.
He constantly changes his address,
and he needs a place to store his stuff.
Here's the address.
-What a beauty!
-Run, stupid.
Hey, this one's no good.
Hey, hottie.
Hey, Leo, you're all dressed up.
Fuck off, Nico.
You be the hooker next time.
It works. Let's go.
-Good job, Scotellaro.
No, I meant
My brother's always been
an attention-seeker.
Good for you.
Can you summarize what's in there?
Well, there are all sorts of clothes.
From tailored clothes to tracksuits,
handmade shoes and slippers,
three safety boxes of unknown content
and food,
from cured meats to frozen foods.
Even panettone.
He's even ready for Christmas Eve dinner.
A silicone model of Mary Jane Handygirl.
It's a lifelike inflatable doll.
At first, we thought it was a kidnapping.
Then, there are about 400 boxes
of mineral water
of a brand no one's heard of
"Amazonian Rain."
Not mineral water.
They get it from the Amazon,
when it rains.
It never touches the ground.
It's the lightest water.
It contains no mineral salts.
-So, Suro suffers from kidney failure.
It's serious.
I'm working on an idea.
-Okay, in the meantime, shall we get in?
-No way.
Why not?
There are three safes.
Suro's archive might be in there.
First, let's make sure
that mysterious archive exists.
Our sources say so.
It contains proof of the State-Mafia Pact.
Phone calls, conversations,
a list of politicians
We want to catch him.
Not his phone records.
From my experience,
you need to act quickly.
A bird in the hand
is worth two in the bush.
Let's go in.
All good, sir. All clear.
Of course,
mobsters don't kill magistrates anymore.
Car accidents
Those will kill you.
-Good night, sir.
-Good night.
Is this out?
You're out of your mind!
I almost had a heart attack!
Fucking bodyguards!
You're all fired! Executed!
-You scared the shit out of me!
-I know.
I'm happy you're here.
How are you?
-How's the situation?
-Really shitty.
All right.
When will you get him?
We're not.
Instead of arresting Suro,
we'll rob his mini market.
You came here for nothing.
I'm sorry.
I don't mind.
A jump that left everyone breathless.
Dwayne Leblanc performed
a backflip with a quadruple spin,
winning the 25th edition
of the Freestyle World Ski Championship
that took place in the splendid Dolomites.
This is the Canadian's third victory
in a row.
No one has achieved this before.
He dedicated the victory to his fans,
family and girlfriend.
Who is it?
Just a second.
Did you not tell me something?
I don't know.
What does
the National Transplant Center want?
Can you come here?
Nino, open up!
Open up, Nino!
-Why am I out of the operation?
-I have to fire my bodyguards.
What do you mean I'm out?
It's simple as that.
You're out from the operation.
Everybody inside.
Since when does a magistrate interfere
with a ROS colonel's decision?
-I asked him a personal favor.
-Really? That's Mafia-like behavior.
Says the one who pulled strings
to join the force.
Who asked you to do that?
You did that because I was a gutter punk.
You were a junkie.
That was the big problem.
You're fucking sexist,
paternalistic and egocentric! Dickhead!
I have some flaws.
Are you done?
Listen, we don't have much time.
Mariano Suro suffers from kidney failure.
Therefore, he needs a transplant.
While Costardello
is about to raid Suro's warehouse,
a kidney will arrive
for a guy at the hospital.
In my opinion, this kidney
will never arrive at the hospital.
We're here.
Remember "Amazonian Rain"?
At the time it was an idea.
Now, it's for certain.
He'll do it! Tonight!
Who? What's happening tonight?
Suro is undergoing a kidney transplant,
and I know where.
Got him this time.
Excuse me, who says Suro's there?
I'm telling you now, Costardello.
My sister's there.
How dare you order my agent
to carry out an unauthorized operation?
All right, you can spank me later.
Hurry up.
No, we don't know if the new area is safe!
I'm not risking the lives of 12 agents.
I understand. I'll go.
"A magistrate who died
instead of 12 special operations agents."
I'll have this written in my obituary.
-Going out like that?
-No, I'll put my shoes on.
Commander, what should we do?
Come on. Come on.
Someone warned him.
Not a week or a day before.
No, someone warned him
a minute before we intervened.
How is this possible?
Because I really don't know.
Every time we're about
to arrest Suro, he gets away.
Three possible scenarios.
Either he's damn lucky
and a really lucky bastard,
or he has superpowers,
and this could be possible,
or someone is helping him.
Mariano Suro has the state by the balls!
They act like they want to catch him,
but it's not true! No one wants to!
Two hundred homicides
and 28 life sentences. This man's free!
We've been after him for 15 years.
He's been fucking with us for 15 years.
I'm fucking sick
of being fucked around with!
It was 20 years ago, at 10:45 a.m.,
when 30 kilograms of TN
swept away the boat
of public prosecutor, Paolo Bray,
off the coast of Marzamemi.
Next week,
on the anniversary of that terrible attack
ordered by the Cosa Nostra boss,
Mariano Suro,
our network will broadcast the TV series,
The Good Magistrate, for the first time.
It focuses on the life and commitment
of the Italian hero,
who fought against the Mafia.
Meanwhile, his daughter
is our guest tonight in our studio.
She survived the massacre of Marzamemi,
Attorney Luvi Bray. Good evening.
Good evening.
I'd like to start
by asking you a somewhat obvious
but important question.
How much do you miss him?
I don't miss my father
because he's in my heart
and in all citizens' hearts.
Memory is the only thing
we can use to oppose death.
My father won't be really dead
as long as people still remember him
and continue his battle.
No sugar and a drop of cold milk.
The ordinary court of Rome,
first criminal section, in full court,
having considered Article 530
of the code of criminal procedure,
acquits the accused
Mormora Francesco Maria,
of all of his charges,
as the facts do not exist.
-Of course the court does.
Silence please
I don't know how you did it,
but you're phenomenal.
I bet against you but
Italian justice sure is surprising.
Especially with a good lawyer.
Anyway, may I know why you called me here?
You're a real dickhead, Scotellaro.
I try my best, Minister.
I bet you have many enemies
in Palermo after what you said.
Not really my friends either.
How about relocating to Rome?
To do what?
The same thing,
but you'd be safe and independent.
I'd like to assign you
to the Criminal Affairs Division.
Did my wife ask you?
No, I just like dickheads.
Only an arrogant raving madman
can think of how to really change things.
What do you say, Scotellaro,
shall we change things together?
He's right.
It's what we were all thinking.
-Who wants seconds?
-Thinking and saying it aren't the same.
-He already said it. Calamari?
-But everyone's pissed now.
Costardello talked to me
for an hour and a half.
I don't trust him either.
-You can't do whatever the fuck you want!
-There's only one calamari left!
-It's a shame to leave it.
-All right. Thanks.
Anyway, Nino, your calamari's delicious.
How do you make them?
It's easy. You separate
the head from the tentacles,
then take a pastry bag
The team's purpose
is to share information.
You can't do what you want
and have us find out
that ROS was used on another mission,
screwing both of them up.
Maybe you're right.
I'm not a good teammate.
In fact
In fact?
I have to tell you something.
Nino? Excuse me. Where's the bathroom?
The bathroom?
-It's where it's always been.
-I don't remember.
I'll show you, come.
This isn't the bathroom.
No, this is my study.
Do you really have to go
or do you have something to say?
There is something I have to tell you.
But I also have to piss, I think.
-Giusy, are you all right? What's wrong?
Bocca, Caldoro,
Ciampi, Del Buono, Diacono, Frezza,
Gargiulo, Gerardi, Giorgianni.
I remember
my middle school roll call by heart.
But I have no idea what we just ate
in the other room three seconds ago.
I can't remember.
I get confused.
You're probably tired.
It happens. Come on.
I'm not tired.
I have Alzheimer's.
I'm going to resign tomorrow.
All the people who fought
against Cosa Nostra got blown up.
How come we're still here?
I want you to take over.
Stop it. You're not resigning.
You're not capable of doing nothing.
Can I count on you?
Why didn't you say you accepted the offer?
Giusy's resigning
and wants me to take over.
-What do you think?
If I leave too,
will we be throwing away 15 years of work?
No, give it to Mandorla!
You've already wasted 15 years.
-With your big speech.
-I just told the truth.
-One should never tell the truth.
-Thanks for the life lesson!
No, I thank you. I worked hard
with Mormora to get you that job.
Since when did I need a manager?
Since you decided to screw up.
What the fuck do you know?
How many fugitives have you arrested?
-None, just like you.
-Fucking bitch.
We could have slept together every night,
had sex in our own bed.
Have breakfast
without worrying about flights.
We will.
I have to catch Suro first.
How is it that I care more than you do?
You don't know what you did.
They want to suspend your escort.
You know this better than I do.
They isolate you, then they let you die.
Suro already killed my father.
I'm not going to your funeral.
-Fuck that.
-Right, you better knock on wood.
I wish every morning was like this.
On your salary as a Carabiniere? You wish.
A special Carabiniere.
Still a Carabiniere.
You know I love you?
The money?
I put it in your bag.
I love you, too.
Hey! You didn't sleep at all, right?
I'm still grounded anyway.
I'm on headsets all day.
-Listen, can I ask you a favor?
-No, Nico. You're doing the night shift.
No, not that.
Can you get me tickets
for tonight's premiere?
The Good Magistrate? Are you crazy?
Mirko Carlini's attending
and my wife talks about him.
-She finds him sexy.
-Scotellaro plus one. Go on my behalf.
Who's the plus one?
My brother hopes
I'll bring a decent guy home.
Good luck with that.
I don't want to go because I have a date.
I don't have the keys.
Shit, I told his daughter.
-Whose daughter?
-His, Sorriso's!
-Shit, when has this ever happened?
-I even did it yesterday
Can we go? And people can think badly now,
then it comes out and all.
-It's not cool.
So, what do we do? Stay like this?
Good, you know what?
Did you see that guy, by the way?
The judge, showing off on TV.
Who? Scotellaro?
"If you want people to be good, fry them."
My father always said that.
He didn't believe
in the goodness of people.
He was inflexible, hard.
Rigid. Paolo Bray.
But he profoundly believed
in the goodness of causes.
He committed to one
and was faithful to it until his death.
I don't know if my father was a good man
or whether I am a good person.
But I know for sure
that on that day, in Marzamemi,
a part of me died with him.
I'm deeply grateful to all the people
who worked on The Good Magistrate.
A beautiful production
that keeps Paolo Bray's memory alive.
I want to thank the cast.
You're wonderful!
Bravo, Mirko!
Thank you
to those who fight for the state.
And thank you to my father always.
"And special thanks to my husband."
It's unbelievable
you're not the star for once.
-You did well.
-I know.
Mr. Bray,
you've always been my role model.
I pursued my career because of you.
Mirko Carlini is really lousy.
You taught me which side to be on.
If you really are on the good side,
then be good.
Her mother died when she was a kid.
I was never around much because of my job.
He doesn't look like me.
They are over there. Stop it.
Do you get it?
Of course, Mr. Bray.
Don't be late.
Mr. Scotellaro? You have to come with us.
-See you soon!
You kidding?
What's going on?
We'll talk later.
Mr. Bray!
I'm sorry, sir.
-You need to get undressed.
-Are you serious?
You're kidding me!
As soon as things straighten out tomorrow,
I'll send you to Asinara, I swear!
Come on! Inside!
I'm supposed to meet my lawyer.
Here he is.
I remember him quite differently.
-Your shirt?
-I swapped it for half a box of cigars.
-How are you?
-My nose? Fine. Really shitty.
Next time, you'll be in real clothes.
Damn, so many?
How long do I have to stay?
I might find out more in here
than working outside.
You know what I heard today?
That Suro is going to make
his daughter, Teresa the madwoman,
marry Tracina's only
surviving son, Enzuccio.
Did you see that guy, the judge
who was showing off on TV?
Who? Scotellaro?
Yeah! He held a press conference.
"Someone's helping the Mafia and Suro."
He's got some fucking nerve!
Everyone knows he's helping Suro.
-What the fuck is he bragging about?
-Maybe he was sending a signal.
Yeah, right, he wants to send a signal.
If Scotellaro wants to talk to Suro,
he just needs to call him.
Apparently, it's
Vito Alosa and Giuseppe Sebaste.
Seven murders together.
Who made the wiretapping?
They did a great job.
They used two idiots,
who knew they were tapped,
staged it, and had my sister listen to it.
-I'm in here because of this?
-No, not just because of this.
Of course I know Nino Scotellaro.
Suro once told me: "You see that guy?
The judge is with Cosa Nostra."
Everyone knows he's protecting Suro.
People buy this bullshit?
They say that's why you diverted the raid.
-Who's the prosecutor?
-Belgioioso at Caltanissetta.
He hates me.
I had him relocated from Palermo.
He issued a search at our house.
What the fuck did they find?
A burner.
That's because they planted it.
We have to prove it.
So what did it show?
According to the records, the phone
only communicated with another burner.
Which belongs to?
Belgioioso claims
He's trying to prove that it's Suro's.
Is this a joke?
He even married his victim's daughter.
Of course,
Scotellaro had Paolo Bray killed.
He's the one
who told Suro where, how and when.
So now I killed your father too?
I swear I'm going to get you acquitted.
In the name of the Italian people
the court of assizes of Caltanissetta
pronounces the following sentence.
Having considered Articles 533 and 535
of the code of criminal procedure,
Antonino Scotellaro has been found guilty
of all charges
in heading A of the index.
He is thus sentenced to 15 years.
Having considered Article 29
of the criminal code,
he is perpetually banned
from public office.
This hearing is closed.
Mr. Scotellaro?
Oh, God!
You scared of getting a ticket?
Very funny.
Do you have a tissue?
Help! Wake up!
We're drowning.
Help! Wake up!
Give me the fucking key!
Damn it!
What a fucking show.
It is the greatest tragedy in Italy
in the last 15 years.
The Strait of Messina Bridge
collapsed at 11:11 a.m.
There are dozens and dozens of casualties.
Right now, it's impossible
to get an accurate number.
There are a lot of missing people
for whom there is little hope of survival.
Among them is Antonino Scotellaro,
former anti-Mafia prosecutor
convicted of Mafia association
He was headed
with other inmates to the facility,
where he did social work.
The police vehicle on which he was
travelling sank in the Mediterranean Sea
along with countless other vehicles.
In a twist of fate, Scotellaro seems to be
a victim of the collapsed bridge
whose construction seems to have been
contracted out to companies
close to Cosa Nostra.
Do your little trick for me?
You still want to arrest Mariano Suro?
-It's a miracle you're alive.
-I want to kill him.
I made a promise. I'll keep it.
And you want to go to Sicily.
How will you face it?
How will I face it? With this face.
Balduccio Remora?
Welcome to Wowter World.
Who the fuck remembers his face?
Cousin Balduccio.
I know, I'm paranoid.
How can you place a bomb to kill
a famous fugitive of Cosa Nostra?
I'm the bomb.
Seems like a fucking stupid plan.
What's going on?
Commander, answer!
Agent Pizzelli has been hit!
By a landmine, I think.
There could be more.
I need backup.
Balduccio Remora!
We know you're in there!
I know who you really are,
and you know who I am!
I'm going to count to five.
Actually, let's make it 10.
Then, we'll start to walk.
If there are other mines,
and I step on one,
your sister will be
the next one to blow up!
I'm starting to count now!
My real name is Nino Scotellaro.
I spent my life fighting Cosa Nostra.
Now you see me like this.
Someone even called me a hero.
We all know a hero's destiny.
To die for the glory,
with dedicated monuments.
Or to be thrown off a pedestal.
I've never had a monument dedicated to me.
And since I can no longer be a hero
I've decided to become
what they turned me into.
The bad guy.
I forgot.
I went sea urchin fishing.
I know, it's illegal right now.
Going to arrest me?
Have a good day, Mr. Scotellaro.
Are those handcuffs really necessary?
Ask his cellmate.
I have three certainties in my life.
This fucking rhinitis,
Palermo's soccer coaches,
who'll be dismissed in three months,
and Salvatore Tracina's silence.
So what happened?
You bored of being here?
How about spending
the rest of your life
in some nice place
in witness protection
at a remote location
with good meat and fresh air?
Can you tell me something
about Mariano Suro?
Suro killed half of your family.
I don't know who hates him more.
You're a magistrate.
You shouldn't hate anyone.
For that matter, I shouldn't smoke
either, given my allergy.
Anyway, people like us
don't die because of cancer.
Want to see something?
Did you call me just to put on this show?
Do you know why they call Mariano Suro
The White Shark?
Because when he's in captivity he dies.
Mariano Suro can't stay in the same place.
He constantly changes his address,
and he needs a place to store his stuff.
Here's the address.
-What a beauty!
-Run, stupid.
Hey, this one's no good.
Hey, hottie.
Hey, Leo, you're all dressed up.
Fuck off, Nico.
You be the hooker next time.
It works. Let's go.
-Good job, Scotellaro.
No, I meant
My brother's always been
an attention-seeker.
Good for you.
Can you summarize what's in there?
Well, there are all sorts of clothes.
From tailored clothes to tracksuits,
handmade shoes and slippers,
three safety boxes of unknown content
and food,
from cured meats to frozen foods.
Even panettone.
He's even ready for Christmas Eve dinner.
A silicone model of Mary Jane Handygirl.
It's a lifelike inflatable doll.
At first, we thought it was a kidnapping.
Then, there are about 400 boxes
of mineral water
of a brand no one's heard of
"Amazonian Rain."
Not mineral water.
They get it from the Amazon,
when it rains.
It never touches the ground.
It's the lightest water.
It contains no mineral salts.
-So, Suro suffers from kidney failure.
It's serious.
I'm working on an idea.
-Okay, in the meantime, shall we get in?
-No way.
Why not?
There are three safes.
Suro's archive might be in there.
First, let's make sure
that mysterious archive exists.
Our sources say so.
It contains proof of the State-Mafia Pact.
Phone calls, conversations,
a list of politicians
We want to catch him.
Not his phone records.
From my experience,
you need to act quickly.
A bird in the hand
is worth two in the bush.
Let's go in.
All good, sir. All clear.
Of course,
mobsters don't kill magistrates anymore.
Car accidents
Those will kill you.
-Good night, sir.
-Good night.
Is this out?
You're out of your mind!
I almost had a heart attack!
Fucking bodyguards!
You're all fired! Executed!
-You scared the shit out of me!
-I know.
I'm happy you're here.
How are you?
-How's the situation?
-Really shitty.
All right.
When will you get him?
We're not.
Instead of arresting Suro,
we'll rob his mini market.
You came here for nothing.
I'm sorry.
I don't mind.
A jump that left everyone breathless.
Dwayne Leblanc performed
a backflip with a quadruple spin,
winning the 25th edition
of the Freestyle World Ski Championship
that took place in the splendid Dolomites.
This is the Canadian's third victory
in a row.
No one has achieved this before.
He dedicated the victory to his fans,
family and girlfriend.
Who is it?
Just a second.
Did you not tell me something?
I don't know.
What does
the National Transplant Center want?
Can you come here?
Nino, open up!
Open up, Nino!
-Why am I out of the operation?
-I have to fire my bodyguards.
What do you mean I'm out?
It's simple as that.
You're out from the operation.
Everybody inside.
Since when does a magistrate interfere
with a ROS colonel's decision?
-I asked him a personal favor.
-Really? That's Mafia-like behavior.
Says the one who pulled strings
to join the force.
Who asked you to do that?
You did that because I was a gutter punk.
You were a junkie.
That was the big problem.
You're fucking sexist,
paternalistic and egocentric! Dickhead!
I have some flaws.
Are you done?
Listen, we don't have much time.
Mariano Suro suffers from kidney failure.
Therefore, he needs a transplant.
While Costardello
is about to raid Suro's warehouse,
a kidney will arrive
for a guy at the hospital.
In my opinion, this kidney
will never arrive at the hospital.
We're here.
Remember "Amazonian Rain"?
At the time it was an idea.
Now, it's for certain.
He'll do it! Tonight!
Who? What's happening tonight?
Suro is undergoing a kidney transplant,
and I know where.
Got him this time.
Excuse me, who says Suro's there?
I'm telling you now, Costardello.
My sister's there.
How dare you order my agent
to carry out an unauthorized operation?
All right, you can spank me later.
Hurry up.
No, we don't know if the new area is safe!
I'm not risking the lives of 12 agents.
I understand. I'll go.
"A magistrate who died
instead of 12 special operations agents."
I'll have this written in my obituary.
-Going out like that?
-No, I'll put my shoes on.
Commander, what should we do?
Come on. Come on.
Someone warned him.
Not a week or a day before.
No, someone warned him
a minute before we intervened.
How is this possible?
Because I really don't know.
Every time we're about
to arrest Suro, he gets away.
Three possible scenarios.
Either he's damn lucky
and a really lucky bastard,
or he has superpowers,
and this could be possible,
or someone is helping him.
Mariano Suro has the state by the balls!
They act like they want to catch him,
but it's not true! No one wants to!
Two hundred homicides
and 28 life sentences. This man's free!
We've been after him for 15 years.
He's been fucking with us for 15 years.
I'm fucking sick
of being fucked around with!
It was 20 years ago, at 10:45 a.m.,
when 30 kilograms of TN
swept away the boat
of public prosecutor, Paolo Bray,
off the coast of Marzamemi.
Next week,
on the anniversary of that terrible attack
ordered by the Cosa Nostra boss,
Mariano Suro,
our network will broadcast the TV series,
The Good Magistrate, for the first time.
It focuses on the life and commitment
of the Italian hero,
who fought against the Mafia.
Meanwhile, his daughter
is our guest tonight in our studio.
She survived the massacre of Marzamemi,
Attorney Luvi Bray. Good evening.
Good evening.
I'd like to start
by asking you a somewhat obvious
but important question.
How much do you miss him?
I don't miss my father
because he's in my heart
and in all citizens' hearts.
Memory is the only thing
we can use to oppose death.
My father won't be really dead
as long as people still remember him
and continue his battle.
No sugar and a drop of cold milk.
The ordinary court of Rome,
first criminal section, in full court,
having considered Article 530
of the code of criminal procedure,
acquits the accused
Mormora Francesco Maria,
of all of his charges,
as the facts do not exist.
-Of course the court does.
Silence please
I don't know how you did it,
but you're phenomenal.
I bet against you but
Italian justice sure is surprising.
Especially with a good lawyer.
Anyway, may I know why you called me here?
You're a real dickhead, Scotellaro.
I try my best, Minister.
I bet you have many enemies
in Palermo after what you said.
Not really my friends either.
How about relocating to Rome?
To do what?
The same thing,
but you'd be safe and independent.
I'd like to assign you
to the Criminal Affairs Division.
Did my wife ask you?
No, I just like dickheads.
Only an arrogant raving madman
can think of how to really change things.
What do you say, Scotellaro,
shall we change things together?
He's right.
It's what we were all thinking.
-Who wants seconds?
-Thinking and saying it aren't the same.
-He already said it. Calamari?
-But everyone's pissed now.
Costardello talked to me
for an hour and a half.
I don't trust him either.
-You can't do whatever the fuck you want!
-There's only one calamari left!
-It's a shame to leave it.
-All right. Thanks.
Anyway, Nino, your calamari's delicious.
How do you make them?
It's easy. You separate
the head from the tentacles,
then take a pastry bag
The team's purpose
is to share information.
You can't do what you want
and have us find out
that ROS was used on another mission,
screwing both of them up.
Maybe you're right.
I'm not a good teammate.
In fact
In fact?
I have to tell you something.
Nino? Excuse me. Where's the bathroom?
The bathroom?
-It's where it's always been.
-I don't remember.
I'll show you, come.
This isn't the bathroom.
No, this is my study.
Do you really have to go
or do you have something to say?
There is something I have to tell you.
But I also have to piss, I think.
-Giusy, are you all right? What's wrong?
Bocca, Caldoro,
Ciampi, Del Buono, Diacono, Frezza,
Gargiulo, Gerardi, Giorgianni.
I remember
my middle school roll call by heart.
But I have no idea what we just ate
in the other room three seconds ago.
I can't remember.
I get confused.
You're probably tired.
It happens. Come on.
I'm not tired.
I have Alzheimer's.
I'm going to resign tomorrow.
All the people who fought
against Cosa Nostra got blown up.
How come we're still here?
I want you to take over.
Stop it. You're not resigning.
You're not capable of doing nothing.
Can I count on you?
Why didn't you say you accepted the offer?
Giusy's resigning
and wants me to take over.
-What do you think?
If I leave too,
will we be throwing away 15 years of work?
No, give it to Mandorla!
You've already wasted 15 years.
-With your big speech.
-I just told the truth.
-One should never tell the truth.
-Thanks for the life lesson!
No, I thank you. I worked hard
with Mormora to get you that job.
Since when did I need a manager?
Since you decided to screw up.
What the fuck do you know?
How many fugitives have you arrested?
-None, just like you.
-Fucking bitch.
We could have slept together every night,
had sex in our own bed.
Have breakfast
without worrying about flights.
We will.
I have to catch Suro first.
How is it that I care more than you do?
You don't know what you did.
They want to suspend your escort.
You know this better than I do.
They isolate you, then they let you die.
Suro already killed my father.
I'm not going to your funeral.
-Fuck that.
-Right, you better knock on wood.
I wish every morning was like this.
On your salary as a Carabiniere? You wish.
A special Carabiniere.
Still a Carabiniere.
You know I love you?
The money?
I put it in your bag.
I love you, too.
Hey! You didn't sleep at all, right?
I'm still grounded anyway.
I'm on headsets all day.
-Listen, can I ask you a favor?
-No, Nico. You're doing the night shift.
No, not that.
Can you get me tickets
for tonight's premiere?
The Good Magistrate? Are you crazy?
Mirko Carlini's attending
and my wife talks about him.
-She finds him sexy.
-Scotellaro plus one. Go on my behalf.
Who's the plus one?
My brother hopes
I'll bring a decent guy home.
Good luck with that.
I don't want to go because I have a date.
I don't have the keys.
Shit, I told his daughter.
-Whose daughter?
-His, Sorriso's!
-Shit, when has this ever happened?
-I even did it yesterday
Can we go? And people can think badly now,
then it comes out and all.
-It's not cool.
So, what do we do? Stay like this?
Good, you know what?
Did you see that guy, by the way?
The judge, showing off on TV.
Who? Scotellaro?
"If you want people to be good, fry them."
My father always said that.
He didn't believe
in the goodness of people.
He was inflexible, hard.
Rigid. Paolo Bray.
But he profoundly believed
in the goodness of causes.
He committed to one
and was faithful to it until his death.
I don't know if my father was a good man
or whether I am a good person.
But I know for sure
that on that day, in Marzamemi,
a part of me died with him.
I'm deeply grateful to all the people
who worked on The Good Magistrate.
A beautiful production
that keeps Paolo Bray's memory alive.
I want to thank the cast.
You're wonderful!
Bravo, Mirko!
Thank you
to those who fight for the state.
And thank you to my father always.
"And special thanks to my husband."
It's unbelievable
you're not the star for once.
-You did well.
-I know.
Mr. Bray,
you've always been my role model.
I pursued my career because of you.
Mirko Carlini is really lousy.
You taught me which side to be on.
If you really are on the good side,
then be good.
Her mother died when she was a kid.
I was never around much because of my job.
He doesn't look like me.
They are over there. Stop it.
Do you get it?
Of course, Mr. Bray.
Don't be late.
Mr. Scotellaro? You have to come with us.
-See you soon!
You kidding?
What's going on?
We'll talk later.
Mr. Bray!
I'm sorry, sir.
-You need to get undressed.
-Are you serious?
You're kidding me!
As soon as things straighten out tomorrow,
I'll send you to Asinara, I swear!
Come on! Inside!
I'm supposed to meet my lawyer.
Here he is.
I remember him quite differently.
-Your shirt?
-I swapped it for half a box of cigars.
-How are you?
-My nose? Fine. Really shitty.
Next time, you'll be in real clothes.
Damn, so many?
How long do I have to stay?
I might find out more in here
than working outside.
You know what I heard today?
That Suro is going to make
his daughter, Teresa the madwoman,
marry Tracina's only
surviving son, Enzuccio.
Did you see that guy, the judge
who was showing off on TV?
Who? Scotellaro?
Yeah! He held a press conference.
"Someone's helping the Mafia and Suro."
He's got some fucking nerve!
Everyone knows he's helping Suro.
-What the fuck is he bragging about?
-Maybe he was sending a signal.
Yeah, right, he wants to send a signal.
If Scotellaro wants to talk to Suro,
he just needs to call him.
Apparently, it's
Vito Alosa and Giuseppe Sebaste.
Seven murders together.
Who made the wiretapping?
They did a great job.
They used two idiots,
who knew they were tapped,
staged it, and had my sister listen to it.
-I'm in here because of this?
-No, not just because of this.
Of course I know Nino Scotellaro.
Suro once told me: "You see that guy?
The judge is with Cosa Nostra."
Everyone knows he's protecting Suro.
People buy this bullshit?
They say that's why you diverted the raid.
-Who's the prosecutor?
-Belgioioso at Caltanissetta.
He hates me.
I had him relocated from Palermo.
He issued a search at our house.
What the fuck did they find?
A burner.
That's because they planted it.
We have to prove it.
So what did it show?
According to the records, the phone
only communicated with another burner.
Which belongs to?
Belgioioso claims
He's trying to prove that it's Suro's.
Is this a joke?
He even married his victim's daughter.
Of course,
Scotellaro had Paolo Bray killed.
He's the one
who told Suro where, how and when.
So now I killed your father too?
I swear I'm going to get you acquitted.
In the name of the Italian people
the court of assizes of Caltanissetta
pronounces the following sentence.
Having considered Articles 533 and 535
of the code of criminal procedure,
Antonino Scotellaro has been found guilty
of all charges
in heading A of the index.
He is thus sentenced to 15 years.
Having considered Article 29
of the criminal code,
he is perpetually banned
from public office.
This hearing is closed.
Mr. Scotellaro?
Oh, God!
You scared of getting a ticket?
Very funny.
Do you have a tissue?
Help! Wake up!
We're drowning.
Help! Wake up!
Give me the fucking key!
Damn it!
What a fucking show.
It is the greatest tragedy in Italy
in the last 15 years.
The Strait of Messina Bridge
collapsed at 11:11 a.m.
There are dozens and dozens of casualties.
Right now, it's impossible
to get an accurate number.
There are a lot of missing people
for whom there is little hope of survival.
Among them is Antonino Scotellaro,
former anti-Mafia prosecutor
convicted of Mafia association
He was headed
with other inmates to the facility,
where he did social work.
The police vehicle on which he was
travelling sank in the Mediterranean Sea
along with countless other vehicles.
In a twist of fate, Scotellaro seems to be
a victim of the collapsed bridge
whose construction seems to have been
contracted out to companies
close to Cosa Nostra.
Do your little trick for me?
You still want to arrest Mariano Suro?
-It's a miracle you're alive.
-I want to kill him.
I made a promise. I'll keep it.
And you want to go to Sicily.
How will you face it?
How will I face it? With this face.
Balduccio Remora?
Welcome to Wowter World.
Who the fuck remembers his face?
Cousin Balduccio.
I know, I'm paranoid.
How can you place a bomb to kill
a famous fugitive of Cosa Nostra?
I'm the bomb.
Seems like a fucking stupid plan.