The Best Heart Attack of My Life (2025) s01e05 Episode Script

Concha, Joni, and los Chungos

(inspiring ethereal piano)
(rhythmic stomping on wood)
WOMAN: Follow me, girls.
WOMAN: One. Three, four.
Six, seven, eight, nine.
One more time!
-Tan, tran, tin, tran.
(with rhythm) One, one, one, one,
one, one, one.
WOMAN: Seven, eight, nine, ten, and!
Once more!
One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten!
The Best Heart Attack of My Life
(door closes)
-Do you want me to call your mother?
-No, it's ok.
Who'll pick you up?
My uncle.
-I'm here!
-There he is.
-All good?
How about some ice-cream?
-(car horns)
TITO: Here.
Uncle Tito.
Is it true dad is dying?
If dad dies and mom is not here,
who will I stay with?
Listen to me, Conchita, cutie.
You will never, ever, be alone,
because I'll never abandon you.
You got it? I'll never abandon you.
Change that frown, woman!
Tomorrow is grandma's party
and you'll be in the spotlight.
You must shine tomorrow.
It's dripping everywhere! What a cutie.
(flamenco music plays)
(cheering words)
(more cheering words)
MAN: Ole!
(effort grunts)
Are you happy, brother?
Very happy, very happy.
(at the back) Cutie! Come on!
(cheering words)
Do you like Joni for my Conchita?
There's still time for that.
I don't have time.
And my Conchita knows.
What I mean to say is that
that will be my responsibility,
won't it?
We still have time.
-Count on me.
-Thanks, Brother.
MAN: Yeah!
MAN: Concha!
That's our girl! Cutie!
Look at her!
(flamenco music)
MAN: Come on, Concha!
MAN: Come on!
MAN: The girl!
(flamenco music keeps playing)
(metal clinks on glass)
TITO: If I may, my queen.
I should've left it for the end,
but I just felt in such a way
that I couldn't wait. Forgive me.
You all know me. For those who don't,
I'm El Tito.
Brother of Concha's father, Antonio.
May he rest in peace.
Tonight is special for two reasons.
We want to congratulate
and wish all the best
to Yesi and Jose!
(clapping and cheering)
(cheering voices)
MAN: Long live the couple!
MAN: Ole!
But tonight it's a special night,
Conchita, our dearest Conchita,
the Conchita we love,
our girl.
And, eh, Joni.
-What the hell?
-Joni is very handsome.
We're a couple, aren't we?
It's a surprise.
TITO: Well, the girl and Joni
have been performing together
since they were children.
Bow, an arrow, with an angel in there.
That has them all dazzled.
After speaking with Joni's family,
and approving what has been approved,
I want to ask in this request,
in front of everybody:
Joni, son,
-will you take Conchita as your bride?
-Yes, yes, Tito, yes, I will.
-Joni'S FATHER: Ole, Son!
Ole, ole!
TITO: He wants to.
Conchita, my dear.
Will you take Joni as your groom?
Ole, mi daughter-in-law!
You can all go to hell.
(buzzing in disbelief)
What did she say?
MAN: Conchita, where are you going?
(buzzing continues)
-Joni: Conchi, father.
-TITO (screaming): Conchi!
(screaming) Conchi!
Compadre, this isn't right.
Bring that girl right now!
No, bro, no.
Conchi, what's wrong?
Not like this. I'm fucking fed up.
Not like this how?
-I've told you a thousand times that--
-You have never said no.
We've been together forever,
it's a must.
If we've been together forever,
you should've known.
-But Conchi-
-You should've known.
How I am, what I want, what I don't.
-Conchi, I swear--
You, go back to the party.
Who the hell do you think you are
to do that in front of everyone!
You'll have to wash your mouth, compadre,
if you keep going.
What do you mean by that?
I'm just asking for a bit of respect
from everyone.
Respect? Was the girl respectful
-when she left everyone at the party?
-Fair enough.
Besides, compadre,
I'll tell you something.
Nobody will break this deal.
I'm not sticking to any fucking deal!
-I'm done.
-Stay there.
-TITO: Where are you going?
I'm sorry, Dad.
-This motherf--!
-Where are you going?
Gerardo, come!
Catch up with your cousin.
Go wherever he goes.
Where are you going without money?
Take this.
Stick to her,
and pay for everything, dammit!
You're losing them!
Compadre, you got the dumbest one, dammit.
Conchi, Conchita!
(keys hitting each other)
Joni: Conchi.
Come on, get on, come on.
Conchi, don't turn your back on me.
You made me look like a damn fool
in front of dad, Tito, and everyone!
Come on.
I'll take you home.
Remember how you're dressed.
(steps approaching)
Get off.
(string music)
I must go with you!
Cousin, go back, go, stupid.
Please, Joni,
or your dad will chop my balls.
Go to the arcade, cousin, come on.
Get in, get in, quick.
-Joni: What are you doing?
-Let him. Poor guy.
Your stupid-ass of a dad
will drive him nuts.
But don't mess with us.
I know you think you know it all.
Let him be, bro, he's a kid.
Do you want a fag, Gerard?
-(music stops)
-(car speeds up)
(Spanish music on the radio)
This doesn't have anything weird,
does it?
(chuckles) Just tobacco, Gerard.
(car speeds up)
We're almost there, right?
(radio keeps playing)
-Are you dumb? Your cousin is here!
-Where are you looking!
-(tires screech)
(radio continues, lower)
(string music)
(clapping and stomping)
CONCHA: I inherited from my mom,
the certainty of having a road ahead,
and being able to follow it how I want,
which is very important.
She was a paya woman,
so she wasn't a gypsy.
She died at a very young age,
my poor mom.
We almost had no time
to meet each other.
Then my dad died, as well.
And uncle Tito took care of me.
He was desperate
because he didn't know
who would take me in
if something were to happen to him.
So he made that deal with Joni's family,
that was like an act of treason for me.
(softer voice) Because it was.
And that night
Something irremediably broke.
Joni went to jail,
Gerard died, and I
was lost.
So I left.
MAN: Gypsy!
What brings you here?
Will you give me a hug
or open a police record?
CONCHA: How are you?
Pretty well, Conchita. Pretty well.
I find it hard to breathe.
-Why? What's wrong?
-Tobacco, dear.
Tobacco has hurt me
as much as the tax office.
I'm sorry, Tito.
Concha, I don't know
how much time I have left,
but I wanted us to talk
about a very important matter.
You know you're the best thing
that ever happened to me.
What I don't know if you know,
is how much I have loved you.
And how much I still do.
(soft chuckle)
I need you.
I knew it. I knew this wasn't
just a farewell.
It's different.
-Good money.
I see.
-One gig.
-(whispers) One gig.
In Buenos Aires.
When is this gig?
-In three days.
-In three days.
-With the Chungos, of course.
-Of course.
-And Joni.
-Who else?
It's incredible.
Time passes by, but everything
is still the same.
Why don't you just leave me alone?
(melancholic xylophone)
Thanks, Tito.
Thing is, Concha,
I must fulfill a promise.
I promised your dad
I would take you to America.
-But we're going to Buenos Aires, Tito.
-Where is Buenos Aires, Madagascar?
I'll be honest. I do need the money,
but I can't do it.
Listen, I'll handle Joni. Trust me.
He's like any other guy.
Really, since he got out of jail,
he's as soft as a sponge.
He'll even get legally married.
You won't recognize him, Concha.
Well, you wouldn't, after 15 years.
And I don't need to see him.
I want to leave this world at peace.
With no debts, understand.
One gig.
All I ask for is one gig.
(upbeat guitar music)
-Go directly to the gig without
-Man, we'll see after the gig.
(upbeat music stops)
(strumming and rhythmical guitar)
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
-Let's speed up when we go up.
-Alright, just a bit.
Joni: That's it, perfect.
That's how it will be.
CONCHA: Hi. I'm ready. Let's do it.
Joni: Concha!
CONCHA: Dammit, you're too fast.
Slow up a bit.
-You're not hearing the guitar, Concha.
-Listen to me, I'm dancing.
We must listen to you?
-Joni: You are off beat.
-You just want to show off.
The same as always, Joni.
-It's because I can.
-Don't get me started.
-Don't get me started.
-To the dressing room.
Excuse me?
Go to the dressing room.
You're not my owner.
Go to the dressing room, dammit.
(singing) Oh, Joni, my Joni, my Joni.
You're heated up, Joni.
Let's do this. Go and apologize to her.
Don't be so crappy.
I'm sorry.
TITO: Oh, Joni, my Joni, my Joni.
One more time!
(knocks on door)
Concha, I'm sorry, forgive me.
You? Apologizing?
Sometimes, I can't even stand myself.
It's ok, Joni.
You're the same asshole as ever.
Oh well.
(whispers) Asshole.
My contacts?
Did he get mad and take them?
Stand here.
Let's see, gentlemen.
Behind the curtain, our audience awaits.
So let's respect our art.
Let's give it our all, ok?
Don't kid with me, and stop
the trifle, dammit. We're family.
Any quarrel must be kept separate
from the show.
-Clear, Tito.
So let's do it, that we're getting paid.
MAN: Directly from Lavapiés, Madrid,
Joni y los Chungos.
BRIGANTI: This night looks promising.
(Ariel sighs)
BRIGANTI: We'll let loose tonight.
(flamenco music)
(soft guitar chords)
Excuse me, can I get a fag?
-A cigarette, you got one?
-ARIEL: Ah sure.
BRIGANTI: The thing is
It doesn't fit us all. (chuckles)
-DAVID: What?
-BRIGANTI: Do I call you a taxi?
We'll meet again.
Mr. Dick.
-Who's this dude?
-Why do you care?
Give me the contacts, or I won't dance.
Why the hell?
You're obsessed with the contacts.
-What about the contacts.
-Don't look at or talk to me.
I can't stand you!
You bring out the worst in me, Joni!
You're hysterical!
-The worst in me.
-Everyone's at a halt.
TITO: Just one more night.
Back in Spain,
you can do as you like, dammit.
-TITO: Girl.
-So that's how it is, Tito.
I'm the dumb fuck at the end.
-You're our golden boy.
-Thanks, Tito, right on point.
-TITO: Right on point, he says.
-Joni: Fuck all of you.
Joni and I It's complicated.
And it comes a long way.
We were very close as kids,
and our lives
Had already been decided.
When I left, they were disappointed.
Especially Joni.
(soft guitar, nostalgic vocals)
Concha, I'm sorry about last night.
You know sometimes
I can't even stand myself.
-Let me take you out for dinner tonight.
Listen, as friends. Just friends.
-Just friends, it's our last night.
(music stops)
Joni: Do you remember Mari?
-CONCHA: Of course.
-She ended up with Lautaro.
They have a litter of kids.
Red as beets, the motherfuckers. (laughs)
-A lot has happened.
-A lot, Concha, indeed.
I wanted to bring you here to
Apologize if someone,
or rather, I fucked up your life.
It's not a big deal.
And you had the worst part.
Jail wasn't easy, I won't deny it
And I didn't want that to happen
to my cousin.
Say, Conchi, what are your life plans?
Do you want to have a family?
To have kids? I don't know.
I don't know. (both chuckle)
I don't know, and you?
What are your plans?
I want to know why you ran away.
-Excuse me?
-I asked why did you run away, Concha.
Come on, Jonatan. Come on, this again?
This won't bring us peace.
-Can't I ask why?
-Why now?
-What is that?
-A present for you.
-What do you mean by present?
For us to begin again, from scratch.
Come on, how many times
must I tell you no?
-But why, Concha?
-You've got your plans, and your girl?
-What girl, she's no one.
Don't you feel the attraction?
Concha, listen to me.
You'll end up alone.
If you dare give up,
I'll go crazy and kill myself.
I know I'm not perfect, Concha.
Sometimes I can't even stand myself.
No, listen to me. Just for one moment.
I need to pee.
I'll go to the restroom,
and we'll continue when I return.
Just wait for a second, Jonatan.
(clicking away)
(door slams)
-(sad accordion and guitar)
-I don't think it's that ugly.
(guitar with sad vocals)
He's a moron, I knew it, a moron.
I knew it, an asshole.
-(car horn blaring)
(car horns)
(nostalgic music keeps playing)
(keyboard tapping)
CONCHA: Mr. Dick.
Were you gonna leave me behind?
CONCHA: Come on, come on.
-(heartbeat thumping)
Help me, please! Help, help!
He's dying!
(music keeps playing)
ARIEL: Thank you, for everything.
Take care.
Okay, get better.
CONCHA: Mr. Dick,
where should I start.
I guess, first
First I should apologize.
Do you have any vacant rooms?
I must disappear.
MAN: The key.
CONCHA: What we lived was certainly
love at first sight.
It was intimate, it was
Exotic and brutal.
So don't think I'm abandoning you.
I'm just listening to myself.
That's very important now.
I hope you understand my decision.
(nostalgic music keeps playing)
Everything we lived together
Just clicked.
Now I need to know where I want to go.
-MAN: This is my second home.
-CONCHA: Really?
CONCHA: Thank you
for crossing my path.
I send you a great kiss.
Your Concha.
I could establish a girl class.
Prepare a warm-up and some stretching
-When can you start?
(music stops)
(speaker) Buquebus welcomes you
to the Buenos Aires port.
It was not only a heart attack,
I was also heartbroken.
I had been abandoned by the girl
who shook my world.
(soft string music)
ARIEL: It was before and after.
My head just clicked.
I soothed my heart by writing, as ever.
To write without smoking was different.
It felt weird.
My brain used to activate
when smoke hit my throat.
ROBERTA: Hocus-pocus.
ARIEL: Then, exercising.
It was completely new for me.
(music keeps playing)
You suddenly become
the fatty who had a heart attack
and does exercise at the park.
The veteran runner challenging you
is always there.
I lost some pounds,
although losing weight
must be one ounce at a time.
(soft music keeps playing)
What motivated me,
was that sooner or later,
destiny would let me see Concha again.
-(music pauses)
What's wrong?
I understand that after a heart attack,
it's normal to be depressed.
-Do I look depressed?
"My Concha-Turned Heart."
"My Heart's Concha."
And the last one.
A completely different title.
"Hearts and Conchas."
What's wrong? It's a trilogy.
Briganti's book will be the bomb.
He's promoting it everywhere.
-You're mad I'm in love.
I'm this close,
of getting a second part
and load you with money.
I don't really care. I'm done with that.
The heart attack is the best thing
that has ever happened to me.
You're truly in love.
(both chuckle)
Still, what I couldn't finish sucks.
I didn't
I didn't get closure.
Did you see energy come in?
It comes and goes
It leaves you
You're worse than I thought.
Do you need anything else?
I'm busy writing.
No. (sighs)
-Lover boy.
-Close the door.
(out of breath) Oh, Mom. Oh, Mom.
Did you get fatter? Oh, they're muscles.
-That's good.
-Don't scare me.
Thanks for coming.
I'm so proud of you.
Why are you so dumb?
Why wouldn't I be proud?
Of course, it's the truth.
I found a penthouse.
It's great.
The location is great,
you can check it this afternoon.
OLD MAN: What's up, kid?
That old man is so annoying.
OLD MAN: Let's go, Roberta.
You know each other?
(soft music keeps playing)
CONCHA: Seven, eight, nine, ten,
and one, two, hand up high!
Three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten. Skirt! Four.
One, ti tin tan. And two, ta ra tan.
Three, pan.
Four and stretch your arm.
Well done!
Two, pan. Three
And one more. Four and
(music stops)
-Miss, are you ok?
-Yes, it's just
I must have eaten something
that didn't agree with me
-Are you sure?
(retches and coughs)
(toilet flushes)
(upbeat string music)
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