The Big Valley (1965) s01e05 Episode Script

The Odyssey of Jubal Tanner

I mean to have your money, Jubal.
I followed you too far not to.
- Then you'll have to kill me first.
- Then I'll kill ya.
! Gramps.
! You get, Bolin, or I'll finish what I started.
Get! Your arm's cut.
You oughta have it took care of.
Tomorrow'll be time enough.
By noon tomorrow, we'll be in Big Valley.
- And Oak Meadows.
- Yes, sirree.
Oak Meadows, on the edge of the Barkley land just waitin' for us, like I told ya it would be.
Chairman, in anticipation of the importance of this meeting and what we hope to accomplish this day I've had my assistants prepare a complete and documented presentation for your examination and evaluation.
Now this first document contains the total amount of the valley's production for the last two years.
- Rather an impressive undertaking.
- Thank you.
Now these are the latest census figures which break down to show the total amount of the valley's contribution to the state's consumption of food, timber, leather goods- Mr.
Chairman, may I ask that you direct Mr.
Barkley to get to his point? He's trying to do just that, but you keep interrupting.
You're out of order, young man.
Chairman, unfortunately my brother is unfamiliar- Go on with the issue, Mr.
Now these are the projected figures of the valley's potential production if a dam were to be constructed in the area that we have suggested.
A dam, gentlemen, could mean the influx of new businesses that would affect the entire economy of this west coast.
Gentlemen, the potential that lies there in that valley is limitless.
It would seem young Mr.
Barkley has inherited some of his father's political ambitions.
I was not aware that the state's general well-being was a political issue.
Or could it be that it's the finance committeeman's instructions to make it one? It is political to this point, Mr.
My party made a promise to the people at the last election- a promise to watch very closely state expenditures.
We intend to keep that promise.
The majority party's desire to honor a campaign commitment and, at the same time, the dam can be constructed would the chairman consider keeping this hearing open for a time longer? - Well? - Twenty-six seconds.
You're almost as good.
- What do you mean, almost? - Nick would have beaten you by a good three seconds.
- You think so, huh? - Yes, I do.
- You sure? - Yeah, I'm sure.
I ain't sure.
- Howdy.
- I can see I'm on Barkley Ranch.
You both have Tom Barkley's mark.
Where's the old river sniper at? My father's dead.
- Tom's dead? - Six years ago.
Who are you? Who'd you say you were? - Your ma, she ain't dead too? - She's at the house.
My God.
Tom's dead.
I'm Chad.
He's Jubal Tanner, my gramps, and we come a long way.
Yeah? Where from? Camino, Calaveras and a few other dozen gold camps thrown in between.
Gramps got cut.
His arm needs lookin' to.
All this fuss over a little scratch? - Jubal? - Victoria.
Oh, Jubal.
How wonderful to see you.
The years have been good to you, as it was meant to be.
We thought about you so much.
- I'm sorry about Tom.
- He would love to have seen you.
And this is? - My son Richard's boy.
- Richard? Is he with you? No.
He and Chad's ma died of the fever when Chad was a baby.
I think Chad could do with some hot food.
Am I right? - Gramps? - You're with the closest thing to a family you got, boy.
- If you're hungry, say so.
- I'm hungry.
Well, you get a bath first.
Come on.
You'll find some clothes for him in the trunk in the spare room.
- Mr.
Tanner's arm needs to be bandaged, Ma.
- Oh.
What happened? - Ah, nothin'.
I got in a little scrape.
- Let me fix it.
- Thirty years.
- Huh.
Where has it all gone to? Ah, some of it into this ranch, this house, those two fine young uns of yourn.
There are two more.
What about you? Chad's all.
I never married again.
Besides Margaret, there was only one other worth marrying.
My best friend had done that.
Why didn't you keep in touch? I did, in a way.
I heard of some of your doings, Tom's success here.
Who'd have thought when the four of us come through here 30-odd years ago- Who'd have thought that one day it would all be his? - Tom did, remember? - Yeah, he did that.
And he said there would always be one particular piece of land for you- - the piece ofland he knew you would want.
- That's right.
He put it in writin'.
Got it in these here letters.
Why didn't you just come and take it? Uh, that's why I'm here now.
Oh, not to take it.
I mean to buy it.
- Oh, Jubal.
That land is yours.
- No.
Everything I got, I earned.
I wouldn't be happy with it otherwise.
I wrote to Tom, and I asked him to set a fair price.
At first he wouldn't, but finally he agreed on a- on an honest sum.
There's the price.
I added a thousand to it 'cause I knew the land would be worth more.
- That's where my 30 years went.
- Jubal, please.
This land's gotta be bought and paid for.
You paid for the land a long time ago.
Now I pay for it.
That's the way I want it.
Now Oak Meadows is mine.
Oak Meadows has always been yours.
Oak Meadows! That's whatJarrod said.
We would make Oak Meadows available for the dam site.
Now it's as good, if not better, than any place that's been suggested up till now.
How did he swing it? By offering the land at 50 cents an acre- a quarter of its value- and by showing 'em all they have to do is fill that narrow gorge at the south end of Oak Meadows and we've got a dam! Hey, Nick.
When are they gonna do it? A special committee is going over Colter's construction plans right now and we should get the good word any day.
- Well, Chad? - I bet there isn't anybody anyplace - that feels better than I do right now.
- Except maybe me.
- No, no, no.
There's no sense in that at all.
! - Nick, please lower your voice.
I've heard the people talk of a dam in this valley since I was a kid.
It will just have to go somewhere else.
It'll be Oak Meadows or not at all for a long time- Oak Meadows belongs toJubal Tanner, and I doubt very much if he will sell.
- We'll see to yourJubal Tanner- - Nicholas, I forbid you.
I don't want you or anyone else putting pressure on Jubal to sell.
Oh, Mother, you won't get any pressure from me.
I'll not do any of the pressing.
I promise you that.
But when the people in this valley hear that they've lost their dam your friend Jubal Tanner will learn the real meaning of the word "pressure.
" It's been a long time, old girl.
Appears as if it's been a might lonely.
Right sorry.
Never figured it'd take me 30 years to- It's our land now.
Richard's boy with me.
Fine young un.
His ma's kin tried to take him when she and Richard passed.
Slight chance.
We're gonna build a cabin up yonder ways.
Well, I'll come see ya every day.
That's a promise.
I miss you, Meg.
After 30 years, I miss you as much as the day I put you in there.
A hollowness came over me that I never did fill.
- I stopped by your camp.
- I come by to see Margaret.
I'm sorry it's grown over.
Tom used to keep it up.
Jubal, this is the first time since- Well, it's the first time I've been back to this part of Oak Meadows.
All these years.
Well, you'll come by more often now.
I mean, we'll be dividin' the visitin' between here and- and your place.
Oh, Jubal.
What the devil is the matter with you anyway? You come home with exactly the news the whole valley is hopin' to hear it's thrown back in your teeth, and you stand there as calm as a mule chewing on summer grass.
What would you like me to do? You have worked harder to get that dam put in than anybody else.
- That's true.
- Then get fired up! Show me something, anything.
Just show me you're alive, will ya? Aren't you fired up enough for both of us? She's like talking to a stone wall.
And what do you propose, busting through that stone wall? Oh, come on, now, Jarrod.
I've known you to ram your head once or twice.
And sometimes it's better to go around.
You just try goin' around the people in this valley when they hear they've lost their dam.
Now I'm sure when Mother and Mr.
Tanner are presented with the facts in an unemotional way the plans for the dam will go ahead.
They won't if Oak Meadows is the only answer.
- How was your trip? - The trip was quiet.
Things changed a little when I got here.
- How 'bout some sherry? - Thank you.
I meant what I just said.
Well, now, I'm sure there's more than one answer if we look for it.
Either kick him out or get him another piece of land.
You'll do neither one.
Jubal Tanner is a very old and a very dear friend.
And you have some very old and very dear friends here too, Mother.
Now, Mother, I'm sure whatever reason you have, it's a good one but you have to consider the fact it'll be affecting hundreds of others.
Your father promised Jubal that land long before any of you were born.
And I'd be the first to do what Father wanted but wouldn't he have wanted the dam too? So do I, but we don't own the land.
The deed hasn't been signed yet.
Since when does a Barkley need his signature to make his word good? Some broken-down old nobody drifts in here, lookin' for somethin'- Easy now.
I drifted in here six months ago, lookin' for somethin'.
- That was different.
- Was it? I was looking for what I believed was mine, a place to set some roots down.
And that old man, he's looking for the same thing.
I just can't see how I can argue against it.
Couldn't we at least offer him another section of land? Your father and I helped him bury his wife at Oak Meadows.
What other section would you suggest? Right here, we'll have a big window and we'll set here and we'll look the whole thing over.
And over there, we'll have a fireplace big enough to burn a half a tree.
Gosh, Gramps.
Sure sounds good.
When are we gonna build it? Oh, I figure sometime this week, when we get enough lumber up here from town.
A real house, with more than one room.
- That's what we'll have.
- And glass in the windows? - And wood on the floor.
- And doors that close instead of a hangin' blanket.
And ticking to sleep on instead of a lot of flea-bitten old fur.
- Yeah.
- And plenty of water to bathe in.
And we'll have- Huh? You'll have to get me first! - You have to catch me! - Ha-ha! What do you want? Seems you're set up here for quite a time.
Well, for long enough.
Well, this isn't squatter country, old-timer.
I'm afraid you're gonna have to clear out.
- Now hold on.
- I'm speaking for the owners.
This is my land, bought and paid for.
Well, I don't know who sold it to you, but I guarantee you've been taken.
Well, I got no idea what that means, and I ain't sure I care.
It means this whole area's gonna be flooded soon.
It means there's gonna be a dam built up here.
- Gramps! - Don't you fret, boy.
We'll see about ownership.
Mister, one of us is in for a powerful surprise.
I was just on my way over to see you and I noticed this campsite here.
- What's he been saying? - Some nonsense about a dam.
- Don't worry about a thing.
- I ain't worried.
- Jarrod, what is this? - That's my eldest son, Jarrod.
Jarrod, do you know what this old man just told me? - I know all about it, Len.
- And? He purchased Oak Meadows from my mother yesterday.
Well, then you buy it back.
Jarrod, it's official.
The committee approved the plans.
I've got the go-ahead to start construction.
I'd appreciate being let in on what this talk of a dam means.
Well, I'll tell you one thing, old-timer.
It means trouble if this isn't straightened out.
Now, that's no threat.
It's just a statement of fact.
You see, there are a lot of people with a stake in this- a lot of people who gave their nickels and dimes and dollars to pay for the lobbying done in Sacramento.
Jarrod, you're the one who wanted all this.
You're the one who's handled the whole thing so far.
Now, what are you gonna do? It'll be work for I don't know how many of'em building it then there'll be new farmland and more people to work that land.
And it'll mean new trade for the store owners in Stockton and new businesses in the valley.
It all adds up to a lot of people, Jubal and a lot of opportunities I believe they have a right to.
Jarrod, I'm 68 and the better part of my life on this Earth, I worked for one thing.
One thing, mind you.
Long time ago, I took a frail, pretty little girl from a safe place, and I brought her out here.
I promised her a home ofher own.
When she died, I promised her something else.
I promised her the land she was buried in.
Yesterday, I kept that promise.
That might mean nothing to some- all them years, a promise to a dead person- Fair enough.
You was talkin' about rights, the rights of all them people.
I figure each by theirselves are only one, just like I'm only one and I got rights, and I own this land and by gar, I'm going to keep it.
Well, I guess that's about as simple as it can be put.
- Well, I tried.
- And? He wouldn't budge.
And there it's gonna sit, and you're gonna do nothing about it? No, I'm still gonna try everything I know to get him to change his mind.
Well, you better succeed, because this whole valley isn't gonna lose out on account of one stubborn old man.
You know that.
Jarrod, that, uh- That stubborn old man was once a very young, very determined young man who was very much in love.
Believe me, he is not going to change his mind.
- You could help me.
- No.
No, I couldn't.
Well, looks like the hen party broke up early.
- Still going on, for all I know.
- Oh? You should've heard what Flor Benson had to say about Oak Meadows.
- Flor Benson? - The Benson timber family.
Her company would supply all the lumber if the dam were built.
Is she the one with the reddish hair, little on the plump side? - Yes.
- She been givin' you a hard time? You should hear some of the things she said about Mother.
Oh, hon.
Just consider the source.
- I did more than that.
I told her off.
- As only you can? Heath.
Are you as confused as I am? Whether to side with Mother and Tanner orJarrod and Nick and the rest of the valley? There's a lot of good argument to both sides.
Well, then you haven't decided either.
- I have.
- Then will you help me decide? My feelings are based on a lot of things that have only to do with me.
Whatever you decide, it's not gonna affect the trial.
- What trial? - Trial of the whole Barkley family.
- The verdict will be in sometime later today.
- What does that mean? It means thatJarrod is planning to sign over the deed toJubal Tanner later this afternoon.
And I'm gonna go on over there and try to talk some sense into him before it's too late.
- Do you wanna come along? - Yeah, I'd kinda like to see how the trial comes out.
Little sister, I'm sorry I can't help you decide but whichever road you choose to travel don't you think you could get there on your own? Before I sign that deed, Jubal, I'd like to point something out to you.
The Barkleys have kind of led things in the valley ever since Father stood up against the railroad people.
Now we find ourselves in the position of standing in the way of progress.
They killed your daddy, those hired guns of the railroad.
- That's right.
- 'Cause he stood for somethin' that he believed was right.
It didn't matter that he was standin' against the railroads, who was bringin' in progress.
Jubal- The railroads were tryin' to take over ranch lands that had been worked for years.
Oak Meadows hasn't been worked for years but it's been worked for for years.
You should've been a lawyer, Jubal.
Son, it's just that a big old oak tree don't look the same to a ground squirrel as it does to a hoot owl.
- That's a fine analogy.
Which one am I? - Nothing personal.
- The people will never stop trying to get you out.
- I don't reckon they will.
The majority usually rules.
That's too bad, because bein' the majority don't make it right.
Jarrod, don't do it.
You can't turn against the people in this valley.
I'm not turning against anyone.
That's exactly what you're doin' if you sign that deed! When I sign this deed, I'll be honoring an agreement made by Mother.
- Aw, now, don't throw it all up to Mother! - Nick! Now why don't you and Heath go buy yourself a beer- - I don't want a beer! - Take him with you.
He's been sitting in one place too long.
- No.
Now, listen to me- - Buy him a sarsaparilla! Listen, Jarrod! I got just as much to say about this as anybody else! Nick! Do you think this is easy for me? Do you think I like seeing all that work go for nothing? It's just that I'm tryin' to be a hoot owl and a ground squirrel at the same time.
I guarantee you, it's not easy.
I guess that's supposed to mean something.
- All of a sudden, I've got a thirst.
- Well, I haven't! - What do you say, boy, a big sarsaparilla? - Yes, sir.
If Father were alive, I know what he'd say and do.
- This is no place to bring a kid.
- Why not? Raised in a mining camp.
He knows what a saloon looks like.
I've lugged more than a few growlers for the miners.
- Penny a bucket.
- I used to make money the same way when I was a kid.
- Yeah? - Did you ever lick the foam off the top of a can? Just once.
Gramps smelled it on my breath.
Never tasted it since.
- You ever sneak rides on the cars down into the deep mines? - Did in Angels Camp.
- While you two cut up old times, I'll get myself a beer.
- And a big sarsaparilla.
And a big sarsaparilla.
Two beers and a large sarsaparilla.
Mindin' the kid while the old man gets Oak Meadows deeded over? Pull in your fangs, Dutton.
For the first time in my life, I'm on your side.
- Rest of the Barkleys don't seem to be.
- For sure the old lady ain't.
You shut your mouth, or I won't be either.
Where would you be if somebody tried persuadin' the old man? Crowell, even you wouldn't go after an old man and a kid.
I used to take a big old fishnet, put the dirty clothes in and throw it all in the stream.
You know a Paiute Indian taught me that? Nick, he used to make money washin' the miners' clothes, same as I did.
- Sounds like fun.
- It's fun talkin' about it.
Wasn't much fun doin' it.
No, it sure wasn't.
That water got mighty cold, didn't it? The worst time was when it rained.
And the camp streets turned to mud clean up to your knees.
And it'd slide into the tents and get into the blankets and everything.
Boy, oh, boy.
It sure made sleepin' a bit uncomfortable.
- You lived all the time with your grandfather, boy? - Long as I can remember.
Uh, wasn't there any other, uh, kin that you stayed with? Got an uncle in Denver.
But I'd never leave Gramps, tough as things was at times.
Oak Meadows always seemed a long ways off.
There was times I thought I'd never see it, but Gramps said we would.
I'm sure sorry for what it's costin' everybody but you can't say it's wrong our havin' it.
You see some right to that, don't you, Mr.
Barkley? How come he doesn't talk like other boys his age? - Grow up fast in a mining camp, Nick.
- Uh-huh.
- Jubal, let me get you a chair.
- Thank you, son.
You could still make a fair profit if you sell right now, old man.
- Appreciate your offer.
- It ain't no offer.
It's a warning.
That dam goin' in means work.
No sourdough lookin' for a place for his bones to rot is gonna take no jobs away from us.
Is this a private finger-jabbin' game or can anybody play? The lines are drawin' mighty fast.
Any you're pullin' 'em pretty tight, Dutton.
I'll take the opposite side of this suck-egg any time.
Right now.
Get him.
All right.
Break it up! Come on.
I said break it up.
Break it up! Come on.
I saw him headin' this way.
I knew there'd be trouble.
- Missed all the fun, Sheriff.
- Mm-hmm.
Clear out! Now there are two sides to this story.
There sure are.
And I never thought I'd see a Barkley on the side - which was against bringin' water into this valley.
- Now wait- Now get! Or I'll have you all arrested for disturbin' the peace.
You can take them two with ya.
Come on, Jubal.
Come on.
- You couldn't sleep.
- No.
When your father was troubled over something he used to look for answers this way too.
I could use some answers.
Why is it when we grow up, we hold back instead of coming right out and asking like you did when you were a little boy? Whatever reasons you have for backing Jubal Tanner are your own.
I have two reasons.
Len Colter's gonna press for a suit of eminent domain.
I presumed he would.
I'm not sure I'm gonna oppose him.
If you were sure, would you be down here now staring into the fire? You know what happened to Nick and Heath in town today.
Yes, I know, but that isn't what's bothering you.
No, the pettiness I can cope with.
But I can't ignore the reason for it.
Your friend Jubal has set himself up against the majority.
"But where there is one, there is a majority of one.
" "And when the rights of the majority take away from the rights of the one then the many will themselves suffer.
" Thoreau.
Isn't that the intent of the law- the protection of the individual? LikeJubal Tanner.
And your father.
No one could take away from him what was his.
Not even the railroad who killed him.
There are some who say your father's principles killed him.
Well, he was a man who would rather die for a principle than live without one.
Thank you, lovely lady.
I think maybe I can sleep now.
I told you I had two reasons for backing Jubal.
And I told you whatever reasons you had were your own.
Yes, but I want you to know the other one now.
A long time ago, when I first married your father Jubal Tanner married my best friend, Margaret Putnam.
We came west through the valley together.
There was a fire, a fire all around us.
Your father was offhunting.
Jubal, Margaret and their son were riding in the wagon.
I was riding horseback.
When I was thrown, I cried out.
Jubal stopped and ran back to help me.
The team bolted, and Margaret was killed when the wagon overturned.
We buried her in Oak Meadows and I've never forgotten nor forgiven myself, because I should be the one buried there.
Because of him, I wasn't.
Because of him, you, Nick, Eugene, Audra- That's why, in spite of everything he must keep Oak Meadows.
Mornin', ma'am.
Mornin'- - Well, this is all of it.
- Boy, howdy.
Some people.
I swear, if Perkins had popped off one more time one of his sly digs, I'd have floored him.
I don't mean Perkins.
His kind, you can expect it.
- Do you know who just cut me colder than a fish? - Who? Lucy Collyer.
I was just dancin' with her last week at Otto Miller's barn raising.
- Lot can happen in a week.
- Like I didn't know.
Seems to me you're changin' your mind about all this, huh? Snubs and sly cracks are nothin' compared to what it's gonna be before long.
Ah, to blazes with 'em.
- What are you doin' up? - I got bird wings flapping in my stomach.
Know how you feel - like you gotta breathe long and deep or you'll bust.
- Yeah.
How much longer it's gonna take, Gramps? Well, at the rate we're goin', about- Now you just pack up and go back where you come from, mister 'cause next time, we won't pull it down, we'll burn it down! You kinda got the feelin' that maybe that old man thinks we didn't mean it what we told him last night? By the looks of them supplies, and his goin' into Andy's place here seems to me he aims to make us prove it.
Now ain't that kinda foolish, old man? - You might still to get a good price.
- You're wastin' your breath.
You may bury me on that land, but you'll never drive me from it.
All right.
That's the way you want it.
Chad, what happened? - Bunch of riders came last night.
- Where's your grandfather? - In town.
Be back directly.
- He's all right? Yes, ma'am.
A little mad, but he's sure all right.
- Did you get a good look at those men? - Yes, sir.
They were the ones your brothers tangled with in the saloon.
- You're sure? - I'm sure.
Me and Gramps was standing just over there.
Well, I'm glad they didn't hurt you, just frightened you.
I see you had callers.
Well, I'll greet them a little more personal next time.
That's not the answer, Jubal.
It's one they'll remember though.
- How many of them were there? - Nine, 10.
And you're gonna try and stand 'em off alone? - Well, I ain't gonna crawl.
- What about Chad? Victoria, I was hopin' he could stay with you for a few days.
- I'm stayin' here.
- You're gonna do as I tell ya, boy.
I've been a part of it all till now.
You heard your grandfather.
Well, if there's going to be more trouble, I guess you'll need some help.
Help? What in blazes do you want me to do? I can't be out there guardin' him every night.
Dutton and the others will be back.
- I talked to Dutton.
He denies it.
- He's lying and you know it.
Equal protection under the law, Sheriff.
ProtectJubal Tanner in spite of your personal feelings.
- It's your duty.
- Don't tell me my duty.
I'm telling you to order Dutton and the others to stay out of Oak Meadows or deputize enough men to see that there's no more trouble there.
- I can't.
- Can't or won't? Besides the Barkleys, you name me one person who'll stand up for that old man.
- In this whole valley, you name me one- - Fred! They destroyed his house last night.
Maybe next time they'll kill him.
Is that the way you want it handled? Of course not.
I'm against violence, the same as you.
- Then let the people know that.
- But there's going to be violence.
Sure as I'm standing here, there's gonna be violence unless that old man settles somewhere else.
And if he doesn't, I think they're gonna kill him.
No, I don't think they are.
Len, you know they are.
We played poker together too many years.
I can read you like a book.
I've got no more to say, Jarrod.
If anyone dies, you'll have had a hand in it.
- I have no part in any of it.
You can't tie me into a thing.
- They'd listen to you.
You and all the others who've turned their back on me they'll all have had a hand in it.
You'll not lay it on my doorstep, Jarrod.
Then whose blame is it when a handful of perennial troublemakers act as spokesmen for the entire valley? Not the entire valley.
I couldn't find one who would stand with us.
It's been three days.
Maybe they've decided to letJubal alone after all.
- They figure to strike sooner or later.
- Sooner or later.
In the meantime, there's all kind of land he can have instead.
- Who said anything about land? - Isn't that what this is all about? - No, Brother Nick.
It isn't.
- Nicholas.
What if this particular piece of land had a very particular meaning to someone close to you? That would all depend on what that meaning was.
If land weren't the issue, but it were a matter of personal rights and standing on those rights, no matter how unpopular they may be is a hundred percent within the law? Well, I'd say, uh, one man's personal rights standing alone are just as important as one man's personal rights standing with a crowd.
Guess it sometimes takes a while but eventually the Barkleys get around to seein' eye to eye with one another.
Why aren't you back at the house where you belong? - I been here every night since you have.
- You have? Yes, sir.
I been hidin' in that tree clump yonder.
Get down behind that wheel, where I can see you.
And lie flat.
Dutton, this is Jarrod Barkley.
We didn't figure on you bein' in on this, Barkley.
And his brothers.
! So it won't be just tryin' to scare off one old man.
- Take your men and go, Dutton.
You're breaking the law.
- We'll go when he goes.
Nobody's gonna drive me off this land.
! Jubal, get back.
! Now.
- I just found out.
- Yeah.
I'm sorry, Jarrod.
I'm really sorry.
You're a little late, Sheriff.
That looks much better.
- Just try not to keep tugging at it.
- I'll try.
And tell your uncle to write us that you arrived safely.
- Yes, ma'am.
- How 'bout an apple, Chad? Well, everything's in order.
Chad, here's your train ticket and here's a bank draft in your name for all the money your grandfather saved for that land.
Thank you, sir.
You figure the dam will go in now? Yeah.
I think so.
You know, Chad, they held a special council meeting in town today and everyone- the sheriff and even Len Colter- wants you to know how sorry they feel.
- That's just words.
- No, more than just words.
They want your permission to name it theJubal Tanner Dam.
I don't know.
Chad, you can go on being bitter about what happened but that's not the way he would have wanted it.
I know that for a fact.
TheJubal Tanner Dam.
You tell 'em fine, but if it has his name it better be the best dam in the whole world.
Boy, you don't talk or act like any kid I ever met.
Sure doesn't.
Come on, or we'll miss your train.
Why don't you ride in the buggy with Mother and me? - Would you like to drive? - Hey! My stuff! Come on, boy!
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