The Blue Rose (2013) s01e04 Episode Script

This Charming Man

Oh, freakin' hell.
We need to call an ambulance.
The cops.
What are you doing? I'm the temp.
What temp? For Rose.
She drowned, actually, and we're all very upset about it.
The hell are you doing here? Back off, Linda.
Rose's will I guess you have it? - This will? - You need to get rid of it.
You think it wasn't an accident? - I don't believe it.
- Who would do something like that? I thought the position was to do nothing and say nothing.
But I don't need some dead woman causing me grief.
How did you know Rose? Through work.
Rose knew about it.
She had the stuff on file.
I know this is awful.
You only did what was right.
I was made redundant shortly after.
We're all in this together.
Ow! Oh my God! You wanna be careful.
What did you see? You need to tell us so we can go to the cops.
No cops.
No way.
Oi! What if Rose's death was personal? Rose was having an affair with Simon.
What do you think this is? Another accident? Someone at Mosely's knows what you were doing.
This is the person that you were meant to meet.
- I'm looking forward to it.
- I can't make it any more.
This is not over.
- Sonya? - You can call me Elizabeth Clyde.
Sonya Whitwell has gone away.
You took a million dollars from Mosely's? 985,000 give or take.
I thought it could be handy for us to have some capital.
Huge thanks to everyone who donated.
Where have you been? Eating my lunch.
Peterson is on his way any minute.
What's going on? There's been a breach a very serious breach.
She is in her element when shit is hitting the fan.
What shit? What fan? I'll get Andrew to join you.
Tell me how it goes.
Can you set up the conference room? And make sure he's got his coffee Oh, shit.
Oh, thank you.
He's not in a good mood today not at all.
I pay you pricks a fortune to take care of my affairs; be ahead of the game.
We have only just heard about this.
You think that constitutes an answer? What is this, ground-up shit? I'll get another one.
I don't pay you this much for bad coffee; to get ripped off; rogered sideways; totally shafted! This has to be someone who's on the inside.
This deal is a matter of public record.
It's the oil deal.
Did I ask you to speak?! I want you to find the mole, take them out and take out Adam Revill grind him into sorry mincemeat, and jump on his gonads while you're at it.
I thought it was gonna be about the money.
I was so sure of it.
But it wasn't.
Adam Revill, the journalist, he's been blogging about Peterson and fracking.
Oh, thank Christ.
Oh, for goodness sake.
Get over yourselves.
It'll be fine.
Easy for you to say.
They're not going to come after the money.
They don't know it's missing.
Good you're so confident, Sonya.
The money is currently, on their books, invested offshore.
Nearly a million dollars! They don't look at anything under a million.
You really think no one will notice? You do realise how big that fund is? No.
Well, what I took is a drop in a very large bucket.
And, if there's no other business, I have unpacking to do.
Nice place.
Actually, there is other business.
I have a friend who needs our help.
And how does your friend know that we can offer him help? They don't, and he's a she.
What? Nothing.
Don't stereotype me! As what? Someone who can't get a girlfriend.
We're not doing that, Ganesh.
I have no feelings at all for Pip, apart from that it rips me apart that someone as awesome as her is getting reamed by a scumbag.
She needs help.
Can I just say I really think we should be lying low right now? I'm with my cautious friend here.
I didn't do what I did to lie low.
What, your bonkers rush of blood to the head? Not bonkers.
And if Ganesh's friend needs our help, that's what Rose would have wanted.
Enough of the emotional blackmail.
I'm just hanging in there at work if that's OK.
But, yes, we have an agreement.
Aaah! Ooh! You know you just got the snot kicked out of you by a girl? I'm new at kendo.
I don't think that's your only problem.
If we're gonna run around chasing murderers, I figured I should learn self-defence.
So if someone attacks you, you'll say 'hold on' and go get your stick and helmet? Do you want to meet Pip or not? Oh.
Hey, Pip.
Sorry if I was a bit rough on you.
Oh, that's OK.
Serves you right for kicking my arse at StarCraft last night.
Unh! You know how I said I might have some friends who could help you with your problem? This is Linda, and this is Elizabeth.
- Hey.
- Hello.
Last person who offered me help stole everything I had.
If you've got nothing left, then it can't hurt to talk to us.
App development is a bitch.
Know what I mean? Not really.
Games for your phone.
Pip creates them.
The thing is, when you find one that really works one you know people are gonna go nuts for - sometimes this leads to a loss of judgment, which is where a bastard like Justin Lockhart comes in.
And he is? The arsehole who promised to get Sheep Shagger out there, and then he did sweet FA, and now he says he owns it and has the contract to prove it.
I'm sorry, 'Sheep Shagger'? Only the best touch-screen game since Angry Birds.
I thought you said this guy had stolen everything you own.
I design apps.
That's everything I own.
A game about shagging sheep? It's genius.
I can get you a copy.
The Finnish dudes who launched Angry Birds, their company is worth, like, $1.
2 billion.
Happy Birds.
This arsehole stole my future.
You say there's a contract? Can we have a look at it? Why? How else are we gonna help? I'm not paying you any money.
Trust me, that is the last thing that we're after.
Then why help? Cos we're good like that.
Oh, you're here about time.
I thought I was early.
You weren't one of the lucky ones who got the 5am call.
What's going on? We're still hunting the traitor and gunning for Revill.
Fortunately I do some of my finest work on limited seep.
Have you finished that yet? Proofing it now.
When you're ready! What's Revill done now? Another blog about how Peterson's screwing the iwi.
Jane, I need 20 or so copies of this.
And what the client wants, the client gets.
We need to go across town.
Jane's not up to speed.
I can go, if you like.
Thanks, Krystle I'm sure I can fill Jane in in the car.
Fill you in.
That sounds saucy.
Peterson's one of those who do their best work under cover of darkness.
Bloody 4:30 when he woke me up.
Oh, nice! Show of force he wants; show of force we'll give him.
So, who was the leak? Not us is it? I wouldn't have thought so.
I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the confidentiality clause in your contracts.
But, in the light of recent events, Mr Peterson feels it's worth reminding you that, should anyone here be proven to have discussed company business with anyone outside these walls, not only will your employment be terminated; you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for any damages the company has suffered.
Are we all clear on this? Plus I will personally rip your nuts off.
If you don't possess nuts, I'll sew some on so I can rip them off.
Mr Peterson has had us prepare a document for you to sign, assuring that you had nothing to do with the leak to Adam Revill or any other journalist.
Failure to sign will be regarded as instant grounds for termination of employment.
Ranting and getting them to sign some pointless document that'd be laughed out of court is not gonna stop the leaks.
Might fire a couple of them, just to send a message.
It would make me feel better.
It would make me feel worse especially when we end up before the employment authority.
Well, did they all sign? Or didn't they? Come on, girl! This person did sign, but they also wrote, 'Stick it up your arse'.
Nah, I like him.
He can stay.
I hope you'll give your mob a better rark-up than you gave them.
- The leaks did not come from Mosely and Loveridge.
- You know that? I trust my people.
That's a turn-up a lawyer trusting anyone.
You can pay for lunch.
Bit busy for lunch, Derek.
No, you are busy pleasing your biggest client by buying him lunch.
Amy, get your Les Mills-toned arse in here.
Yes? We're going to lunch.
Call 'em and tell 'em we're on our way.
Table for two? Nah, four.
You and Jenny here can come so I don't have to look at his ugly face all the time.
It's Jane.
As you wish.
You like oysters? Not so much.
You will once you've got a couple in you.
I have to get back to work.
I thought she was your contact.
Where have you been? We aren't all office drones, Ganesh.
Did you bring a copy of the contract? I still have no idea why you'd help for nothing.
It's what we do.
Why? Do you want our help or not? There are plenty of others who might show a little gratitude.
We're like this secret society, helping little people in their fight against injustice.
Ganesh, the definition of 'secret'? Awesome.
If fighting injustice means obliterating this prick, then go for it.
When are people gonna let it go? It would help if you kept a low profile, as we've discussed at length.
I'm the poster boy for everything wrong, but how is it my fault that the global economy went tits up? You did lose a lot of people a lot of money.
I lost money too.
Oh, no, don't stop now, Jane.
Say what you want.
We're all equals here.
People trusted you, and they lost everything.
There's that word again - 'trust'.
But let me correct you.
They did not trust me.
They invested in Lancaster.
They had money they wanted more; they lost.
You can't cry foul at the end of a horse race because your horse didn't win, and you have to be in to win or lose.
Don't bite your tongue.
Your boss isn't gonna fire you for speaking your mind are you, Simon? Maybe she just wants to enjoy her lunch without you picking a fight.
It's not a fight.
I am teaching this child the way of the world.
You led people to believe that their money was safe.
Now you're taking issue with the advertising industry those lotions and potions Amy buys because the ads say they'll make her more beautiful; more desirable.
If people want safe, they can leave it in the bank, earning diddly-squat.
Still haven't got back to me about that interview request.
Amy is useless at passing on stuff like that must fire her one of these days.
You read my piece today? Someone told me you'd had another go.
Maybe I'll read it later, when I'm taking a shit.
You're all class, Derek! Mosely and Loveridge must be very proud of their star client, Simon? All our clients are important.
Adam Revill.
This is Jane.
She works for Mi and L.
Good to meet you.
Seriously, Derek, I would love to interview you for my book.
I'm writing a book all about you getting your secrets out in the open.
Do they know that you're incapable of writing more than 800 words at a time? Well, like I say, if you want to tell your side of things, I am all ears.
And, of course Amy, go find a way to find to send a bottle of the most expensive champagne.
Are you sure that's a wise idea? If I want your pathetic opinion, I'll ask for it.
Just do it.
She does have a point, Derek.
Winding them up won't help.
I'm not afraid of some jumped-up civil servants.
They're lawyers from the Serious Fraud Office.
What are they doing eating here? If I was a taxpayer, I'd be outraged.
Excuse me.
She's as tasty as the last one.
You bent her over the desk yet? And you wonder why people don't like you.
I put it down to jealousy.
We need more wine.
You OK? I'm fine.
I suppose you think I should tell him where to get off.
Well yes.
Easy for you to say working for Mr Perfect Gentleman.
I've worked for other people.
Were any of them like Derek Peterson? No.
But you cannot let him treat you like this.
It's rude and disrespecful.
I know.
You have to stand up for yourself.
You can't let him take you for granted.
And if there's anything I can do There's not, but thanks.
This is it? Home, sweet home.
You're welcome, and I am sorry.
For what? Forcing you to spend the afternoon with the most odious man on the planet.
There was free food and wine.
As long as you can see an upside.
Go home and face the music.
Whenever I arrive home in a taxi, Felicity always suspects I've been drinking usually because I have.
You could get out around the corner and pretend you walked home.
That would be even more suspicious.
See you tomorrow Goodnight, Simon.
Goodnight, Jane.
She's here.
Oh, at last! How long have they been here? Long enough to drink the last of my beer.
I tried calling you.
I turned my phone off.
I rang your work, and someone called Krystle said you were out for lunch.
I bet she did.
So you won't be wanting dinner, then.
How was lunch with the boss? And Peterson.
How did you? I hear and see everything.
Krystle? Yeah, OK.
Forget her.
Anything useful? You mean did either of them confess to murder? No.
But Peterson has bad table manners.
And I feel sorry for Amy.
Who is Amy? His PA.
Why are you all here? Read this.
Is this Philippa person Ganesh's friend? She is my friend.
And 'Sheep Shagger'? Only the most addictive game ever.
How does it work? The sheep are hiding behind things like rocks and trees, and they're really hard to land on.
And not all the sheep are sheep they are rams.
And, trust me, you do not want to land on a ram.
Argh! Right.
Ganesh, you need to marry this twisted genius of a woman.
I don't want to marry her.
I'm right in thinking Pip still owns the game not this Lockhart person? The underlying rights reverted to her when the development agreement lapsed.
So he has no claim over the idea? Oh, no, he has a huge claim if she develops anything with key elements, ie sheep or shagging, then he can claim 50% of the profits, plus full reimbursement of any development expenses.
Your friend was an idiot for signing this contract.
But it's not fair.
But she signed it, so this guy has her screwed.
Can you all go home now? I'm really tired.
That'd be the long lunch.
I don't think your boyfriend warmed to us.
Maybe he sees you as a threat! All these jokes at my expense.
Oh, go get your stick and whack her.
Peterson's PA is she gonna be useful? It had crossed my mind.
I'm sorry I missed your calls.
It's all right.
Well, it's not otherwise you wouldn't be sulking.
I'm not sulking.
I think you are.
I was worried about you.
I was at work.
At lunch with your boss.
Well I'm here now, aren't I? Safe and sound.
Nice lunch yesterday? The food was excellent, thank you, Krystle Mm.
Nice for some.
Simon Frost's office Jane speaking.
Hi, Jane it's Amy.
It wasn't until I got home last night I realised how much wine we drank.
Derek is stomping around like a bear with a sore head.
I'm sorry to hear that.
It's OK.
Hey, um, thanks for yesterday.
Honestly, I'm not a doormat all of the time.
Do you wanna meet up some time, grab some lunch? Hey.
Elizabeth? Just call me.
Please, have a seat.
How can I help? It's it's about Philippa Braithwaite.
What about her? The contract you had with her.
She feels it's unfair.
She's made that clear, don't you worry in quite colourful language.
Well, what I'm looking to do here is to renegotiate the contract to something fairer.
Are you a lawyer? No, but I represent Pip in this matter.
As what? Someone who expects you to do the right thing.
Do you have any idea what I even do? You're a venture capitalist in the information technology area.
I ventured her capital, and it came to nothing.
And now you're holding her idea to ransom.
It's a stupid game.
There's no market for it.
Well, give it back to her.
Hmm? For a fair price.
She signed a contract, so too bad.
And that's your final word on the matter? Of course.
Well, thank you for your time.
I can't believe you bailed on London.
London's not all it's cracked up to be, and I had to come back for my parents.
Are they not well? They were going through a bad patch.
But they're fine now.
My mum's alive and well; driving me crazy wanting to know when I'll get married.
And? I'm one of those tragic people whose work is her life.
You are dedicated.
Go on.
say it.
Say what? 'How could you work for a prick like Peterson?' It's what my friends say.
Well, he is a prick to you.
That's just his way.
He has to keep his public persona going, and sometimes I'm the one that ends up wearing it.
Most of the time I don't mind.
But he's making you cry.
In public it can hurt.
But he apologised back at the office.
And that's the side people don't see how hard he works; how much he's sacrificed.
To them he's just this monster.
If they knew the man that I know He's so much more than that.
Yeah, OK.
She loves her boss.
Big deal! But what kind of boss slut is she? Um There's the dopey spaniel kind, in it to feel special; and then there's the skanky, banging-it-after-hours kind.
I don't know.
Thought you said you were on to this.
Oh, shit.
I have to go now.
- Yes? - Adam Revill.
We met briefly yesterday.
And I think we've spoken before you called me.
I don't think so.
Well, you didn't give a name, but I called you back.
There was a greeting from a Jane asked me to leave a message, so I did.
I left a few, actually.
Look, if there's anything you want to tell me about Derek Peterson, it I have nothing to say.
You seem like a nice person which Peterson isn't, by the way, but I suspect you know that.
I really have to Look, you can't think that it's OK that Peterson gets away with bullying, corruption raping the east coast, fleecing Sorry.
You hung up on me I'm coming in.
I have to get back to work.
Car park corner of Oberfeld.
Yes, I hung up, but you do that to me all the time.
Arse! So, what was going on? You know that journalist I almost went to? Uh-huh.
He knows who I am and where I work How did that happen? Because NZ is actually the smallest village on the planet.
What does he want? To know why I wanted to talk to him in the first place.
And what did you tell him? Nothing.
Having a journalist on our side might be a good thing.
Journalists are never on anyone's side.
Do you actually know anything about journalism? You can't say anything.
Sonya will dismember you, for starters.
So what do I do if he calls me? Harden up is what you do.
Now, how are we going with Peterson's PA? Not much advance.
Well, keep on it, and get out.
I need to go to work.
Well, thank you, Linda, so very very much! There was this smug smirkiness about him it was infuriating.
I want to crush him.
I don't like it when you speak like this.
Why not? It leads to you doing rash things, like stealing a lot of money.
Oh, no, it's when I go quiet I do that.
It still scares me.
I want you to hack into Lockhart's computer.
You don't understand.
Just because I work with computers does not mean I can hack into any computer system anywhere to steal the launch codes or whatever.
I am not a hacker.
I don't hack.
Are you finished? Yes.
Well, Justin works with computers, and so do you and Pip.
So I thought there might be something you and Pip could do together computer-wise to get at him.
I suppose we could put our heads together.
I'd better get busy.
You're loving this.
It is rather fun quite social.
I'll never mention hacking again.
God, Mel.
I thought you were gonna break up with him.
Yeah, we should get together so I can get the whole story.
But if you've got a minute right now, there's something I need to ask you.
The name's Lockhart first name Justin.
I don't want to put you under any pressure, Lucy, but it's so great that you understand my niece's position.
Yeah, of course I would love a copy of anything you can find.
Kat, you're amazing.
God, tell me it's wine o'clock.
Go if you have to.
I am now appointing you my new boss.
Drink? Simon Frost's office.
It's Adam again.
Look, I don't want to stalk you, but Hold on.
I have to take this.
You kill me again.
Um, sorry, Simon's in a meeting, I'm afraid.
Simon Frost is never gonna talk to me.
I'm sorry Hey, I understand why people are scared of Peterson, given his past, but do you believe everything should be shut down because of power? I do understand.
- Well, I hoped you might.
- What's going on? No, thanks.
No, thanks.
Thanks for your call, but we're fine.
I thought it could be Revill.
He called for you earlier.
It is not me, OK? I am not the leak.
He probably wouldn't be leaving you messages if you were.
He doesn't seem like a bad person.
He's still the enemy.
But shouldn't someone be out there asking the questions? Our job is to protect our client, no matter what.
Right, wrong it's all relative.
There's got to be a line somewhere, though, doesn't there? Enough of this.
Get out of here before I find something for you to do.
Is there a meeting or something? I'm here for other reasons emotional counselling and alcohol.
Are you OK? Teensy bit not.
Work over, Jane.
Leave Amy alone.
Come on.
Let's go.
Um, we're just going for a drink.
Would you like to come? You don't mind if Jane joins us? Always happy to have Jane along.
Yeah, I'd love to.
Do you think this is one child-porn reference too many? When Sonya Elizabeth suggested you do something to get back at Lockhart, I don't think defacing his Facebook page is what she had in mind.
But he deserves it.
- Yes.
- And it's fun.
But will it get you what you want? You got a better suggestion? I do, actually.
And that is? The truth.
What do you mean? Well, this guy, he, like, preys on people like you, people with awesome ideas, cos he's got none of his own.
So if all the ideas people avoid him, he will starve.
At least that's my theory.
I love your theory.
I thought about what you said a whole lot.
What she said? About not being taken for granted.
And I did it.
You quit? No, but You were right.
Aw, babe.
I gave him the ultimatum, and he was gonna tell her.
But then he said he can't do it right now, because of the timing.
Because of Revill? And the cat is sick.
The cat? It might have to be put down.
His wife's all upset about that.
The lying, stalling prick.
Hang in there, hon.
You will get him in the end.
I'm sorry, but it doesn't sound like he's ever going to leave his wife.
How is that meant to help? I know I know I'm stupid, but I really love him.
She's done too much time to give up now.
Amy is a smart woman.
Why does she need Peterson to leave his wife? Because he's rich and she can't marry him otherwise.
And she can't make her own way? As a PA? God! What kind of fairy-tale world do you live in? Amy is clever.
She could do more.
Or she could marry the guy shes hooked, who's a multimillionaire.
I'm sorry, but didn't husband-hunting de out as a sport in the 1950s? This isn't a sport.
It's a life plan.
Hang in there, babe.
She's a bitch.
She's old.
He will come to his senses.
But he won't be nearly as rich, because a lot of his assets are in her name.
- Really? - It's true.
If you really think he loves you enough to walk away from his houses and flash cars, then good on you.
But you are bigger than that.
Excuse me.
I need to go.
You just had to go there, didn't you? It's OK.
Don't worry.
I didn't mean to be a bitch.
You're not.
You're telling the truth.
But you are way too bright and far too nice to be Peterson's mistress or his trophy wife.
Bright, am I? He doesn't even realise how much I know, what I'm capable of.
What do you mean? Who knows everything about every detail of his business; his deals? You talked to Revill? No.
Not me.
No way.
Nah, it'll be some pen pusher at the Ministry of Energy or bloody DOC.
I told Derek to get his PR on to it.
They're useless.
But you're not.
The things I've helped Derek bury; the trusts I've kept secret.
Like what? And all the time I get older; he gets richer.
And you're right he's never gonna leave her.
You can move on.
Get a new job.
It's OK.
I know exactly how to deal with Derek.
What are you gonna do? Let him know exactly what I'm capable of.
You probably want to be a bit careful here.
It's OK.
I'm fine.
But thanks for the advice.
Night, Jane.
She obviously knows shit, but will she talk? I'm more worried about what she's gonna do to Peterson.
Why would you worry about that? Because of what he might do to her in return.
She made her bed; she can lie in it.
You know, that's one of those things people say that isn't very helpful.
Keep on at her.
We need to know what she knows.
As long as she doesn't end up dead.
Do not joke about that.
I wasn't.
I had you pegged as one of those 'loyal to the death types.
Let's just say I'm Catholic and I don't like the idea of purgatory.
Shall we go somewhere to chat? Here's fine.
You've heard the rumours about Peterson? Which particular ones? About Wellington how he got the money to buy the first of his properties.
Yeah, I have heard those.
Is this real? 'Course.
This never made it to the public eye? Why do you think I'm giving it to you now? I mean, why hasn't it? Read it again the name of the arresting officer.
It's what you've been waiting for, isn't it? Where'd you get this? Derek has an ego, as you may have noticed.
He likes to keep souvenirs.
Anything you want in return? Just the same thing you want to nail his cock to the wall.
I know what you women are like how you like to discuss everything.
Always struck me as a sign of weakness, your need to talk about every bloody thing, when anyone with an ounce of common sense knows there are times when you keep your mouth shut.
But, no, you lot blab on, blah, blah, blah, sharing your secrets; offering advice to your esters in need.
But if you know what is good for you, you will never interfere in my business ever again.
And if you do, you will answer to me, and you will not enjoy it.
Ladies first.
- 'Circle the wagons' time.
- What's happening? Revill has returned with a vengeance.
Apparently Peterson's rise to power was funded by Colombia's finest.
Cocaine? Is this true? And I thought Peterson was bulletproof.
Hello, Derek Peterson's office.
Is Amy there? Uh, no, she's not here any more.
Do you know how I can contact her? Sorry, uh, I'm just a temp.
Thank you.
Thank you for agreeing to see us.
It's one time only.
I presume it was you who fraped my Facebook.
No idea what you're talking about.
Real grown-up behaviour, Pip! Really gonna help your cause! Perhaps we can move on.
To what? If you've had the chance to reconsider renegotiating your contract with Pip.
Why would I want to do that? I can give you a few reasons, if you like.
Now, there are numerous government agencies who appear to be somewhat confused as to your whereabouts, as you seem to have had quite an array of addresses over the last few years.
As a result, various and numerous traffic fines you've accumulated seem to have gone unpaid.
They're starting to mount up, Justin, as you can see.
Is this some kind of blackmail? No, not at all.
I simply like to know who I'm dealing with.
I don't give in to threats not for a few lousy grand.
Oh, it's a little more than that, isn't it? When you take into account child maintenance owing and your ooh, quite frankly shameful tax arrears.
Significantly more than a few lousy grand.
How did you get this? I have contacts.
This is confidential information.
My sources are untraceable, while you, fortunately, are right here.
And the answer to your next questions are, no, I haven't blown the whistle, and, yes, I will, if we don't walk out of here with a deal.
It's like dealing with the mafia in a cardie.
And in case you think you can get away with trying the same trick on someone else I thought about how you sweet-talked me, ripped me off.
So I wrote it all down - the truth about who you are, what you do, how you do it.
If you don't treat me fair, I will send it out into cyberspace and make damn sure anyone and everyone developing apps will avoid you like the plague.
Come on, Justin.
After all, it's only What did you call it? A stupid game? Yes, yes, yes! You total twisted genius! Mwah! - Oh.
- Suck on that, douchebag! Let's not get carried away.
You do have to pay him back the money he invested.
But my game is mine again.
When you pay him the money.
Hey, Aroha.
I have Adam Revill to see Simon.
- Yeah? - Adam Revill to see you.
Bring him through to the boardroom.
And I'll need you to take notes.
Mr Revill, come on through.
Certainly, Jane.
The house of cards, it begins to fall.
All these lawyers in one place that can't be good.
You mind if I record this? Sure.
My assistant will be taking notes, which will be forwarded to you.
Your blog this morning.
I contacted your office, Derek, for a comment.
They said you were unavailable.
The document around which you based your story.
The police have also declined to comment.
I'm not surprised, given it was news to them this document existed.
You dumb fuck.
Given the way they dropped the case, then hushed it up, I'm not surprised either.
How'd you manage that one, Derek? There was no hush-up, Mr Revill, because there was no case.
The document is a fake.
It is literally a joke.
This is the document your anonymous source provided you, which you then published in your blog this morning? Yeah official police document.
The arresting officer, as noted in your blog, was Detective Inspector Wayne Harkness.
Later Deputy Commissioner Harkness.
A well-known mate of Derek till he died.
Indeed he was.
But before his tragic passing, it was as a friend that he came to fill in this document and present it to Mr Peterson at his birthday party.
It was a joke, you moron.
DI Harkness was aware false rumours were floating around about my client in short, that he dealt cocaine.
Hence him presenting a bogus arrest document to Mr Peterson at a private party on the 8th of August 2006.
If you had a copy of the original document, you would see on the reverse certain parties signed their names.
You will see those that signed include a future High Court judge, a Cabinet minister in the current government, two ex-All Backs, many prominent businessmen and Oscar Kightley.
My client is instigating defamation proceedings against you and the publishers of your blog for the damage done to his good name and reputation.
I can see how this is gonna go.
Try writing that book now.
Try finding a publisher that'll come within a million miles.
Good luck there, shithead.
Leave it, Derek.
You have a good name? You know, that's the biggest joke of all.
Mr Revill? Thanks.
Crush him.
Crush him until all that's left is dust.
Revill is history, and I can't get hold of Amy.
I've tried her maybe five times no response.
It's not your fault, Jane.
I was the one that told her 'do something'.
I never meant for it to go like this.
All you can do is keep trying her.
And then what? Go to the cops? On the more positive front, we have a little good news about Ganesh's friend.
Oh, you did it? Yes! And now we, Blue Rose Investments, are the proud owners of 1% of the profits from Sheep Shagger in return for development financing.
1%? That's all? If it's half as successful as Angry Birds, it'll do us fine.
Does this mean you can put the money back? As I told you, they don't know it's missing.
Well, I hope Ganesh gets a root out of it.
I told you, she's not my girlfriend.
Oh, I think I know why she kissed me today.
Pip's not gay.
She kisses everyone when she's happy.
or drunk.
She's not my girlfriend, because she already has a boyfriend.
Poor Ganesh.
I'm dealing with it in my own way.
Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Oh! That looked better, eh? No.
But thanks.
StarCraft tomorrow? Sure.
Don't worry, Ganesh.
There's someone for you out there.
You coming? In a minute.
Hello? Amy! It's Jane.
Are you all right? I'm fine.
How are you? Uh, I tried calling you at your office today, but they said you didn't work there any more.
I've kind of moved on.
You left? I have a new job; a new outlook.
Doing what? PR.
That's great.
Uh, I was a bit worried about you.
Why? After last night and what happened today with Revill.
You mean when he finally got shown up for what he is a hack with a grudge and no idea on how things really work? But it's all sorted, and I finally got recognised for what I'm worth.
I have to go now, but thanks for calling, Jane Bye.
Was I right, or was I right? You were.
And I said I would reward you accordingly.
And you have.
And are we happy with our new position and new abode? Very.
Well, you could show your appreciation by getting naked.
Oh, you sneaky, sneaky bitch.
Huge thanks to everyone who donated.

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