The Calling (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

The Hand of Diligent

My father was murdered.
Tell me you got sleep.
I think a parent planted the bomb.
Who's your suspect?
Elisabeth Serra.
Her husband Paul was the one who told
Janine the bomb was fake.
My money is on the Holts.
Brad took a drive this morning.
You're never gonna guess where
he decided to pull over and rest.
Hey, captain, we might have a problem.
- What the hell, man?
Marcie might have something to say
about her husband's infidelity.
Question is whether she
knows who he's having it with.
Can I help you?
John Wentworth.
What makes you think I need your help?
Did you find Elisabeth?
Oh, now we can agree that she's missing?
Mind if we make this quick?
There's a 5K bonus in it
if I get done by Friday.
It seems that the Serras
had serious financial problems.
Where was the money going?
Some kind of crypto play.
It means we have more than one case
the bombing and
Elisabeth's disappearance.
Elisabeth must have turned heads.
The most persistent was Peter Hanney.
Hanney who owns half of New York?
We were set to sail away on my yacht.
She didn't show.
Haven't heard from her since.
She would never have abandoned her sons.
Elisabeth Serra isn't missing.
She's dead.
Mom is coming home.
My first dad is bringing her,
and you're gonna have to leave.

Why are you still awake, sweet boy?
You have school tomorrow.
Are you listening to your teachers?
I love you, Mama.
And I love you, baby.
Are you coming back?
I am never leaving again.
I promise.

Second dad is.
Hey, buddy.
When are you coming home?
Soon, honey, as soon
as I'm done working.
Dad, there's something
I want to tell you.
What's wrong?
I had a nightmare.
Oh, okay.
You okay now?
Mm-hmm. I'm okay.
Okay. Your brother sleeping?
All right, you go to bed too.
I'll come in and give you
a kiss when I get there.
I love you.
Love you too.

First the bomb at her daycare,
then the threats, and now this?
And I didn't do shit but judge her.
It's possible this was a random act.
Every day now people are being attacked
in the city for no reason.
Oh, cut the shit, Avi.
We both know that this isn't random.
This is connected to the bomb threats.
We suspect it. We don't know it.
Well, we both know that Anna
was holding something back,
and I never believed a word coming out
- of Brad Holt's mouth, did you?
- No.
But at this point, the facts support
several interpretations.
Holt and Anna lie to us. Why?
Because they were trying
to hide the affair
because they didn't want
to destroy Holt's marriage.
Well, I don't blame them.
I interviewed Mrs. Holt.
Maybe she found out about
the affair before we did
and she's the one who attacked Anna.
- Maybe.
- Yeah.
Don't punish yourself.
You aren't to blame.
So buddy, can you tell me more
about this nightmare that you had?
Was it about your mom?
But it wasn't a nightmare.
She was here in the apartment.
She was gonna surprise you,
but you got home too late
and she had to leave.
Okay. I, um
guys, I probably should have
talked to you about this before.
Eric, can you just
look at me for a second?
Nothing is for certain,
but there's a chance
that Mom isn't coming home.
I know.
What else did she say?
She's with my first dad, and
she's really, really happy,
just like she used to be here.

What's wrong?
You're my whole life.
You and Gabrielle are all that matters.
What's wrong?
Nothing if I have you, baby.
Nothing else matters.
I'm here for you, Brad.
I always have been.
If you just tell me what's happening,
we can figure this out.
The fucking police came after me again.
I'm innocent, Marcie.
I'm totally innocent,
but they just don't care.
Marcie, please help me.
I need you.
Stay with me on this,
for Gabrielle,
for our family, please.
Come here, baby.

So Danny talking about
first dad versus second dad,
do you think that could be more
than just a coping mechanism?
- I don't know yet.
- What are you doing?
Trying to find evidence
of who attacked Anna.
- Yeah, but
- I'm closing one eye,
and what I lose in depth perception
I gain in clarity of detail and focus.
Okay. Well, what do you see?
Anna was struck mid-stride,
going down precisely where she was hit.
She never saw it coming.
Never had a chance to react.
Why did you bring me coffee?
It's just a nice thing to do.
You're a very nice person,
but you've never done this before.
Why now?
Okay, most people would just say
thank you for the coffee and not be
such a jerk about it.
Thank you for the coffee.
You're welcome.
The concern on your face
you're worried about me.
Wow. What an ego.
Avi, everybody isn't thinking
about you all the time.
And I'm not worried.
That's just my thinking face.
It makes me look
worried about everything.
I see.
Davies warned you about me,
that I'm getting too
deeply involved in the case.
What she calls my, uh, manic phase,
which isn't a nice thing to say
and most certainly not true.
Okay, yes, Davies did call me,
and yes, she's concerned that
you're losing perspective.
Here's the thing you don't know, Avi.
You need me.
Yo, guys.
I didn't expect to see him.
What do you think it means?
He's drawn here either out of guilt,
or he genuinely wants
to help us find his wife.
Okay, so how do you want to play this?
You be hostile. I'll be placating.
Accuse him. I'll save him.
- Yeah?
- Why not?
You can be hostile, right?

Look, I told you, all
this first father stuff
is in his head, all right?
It's it's nothing.
He makes things up.
Do you believe that
your son actually saw
- your wife in the apartment?
- No.
I mean, I don't know
what I believe anymore.
The therapist says
that it's just fantasy,
but also that it's significant.
Yes, because his
imagination is accelerating.
It's the first time Danny
had a vision of his mother.
Exactly, and it started
when you talked to him.
Um, I never meant to upset your son.
I'm very sorry if I did.
All we've ever tried to
do is to find your wife.
And I told you she's in Mexico.
So why haven't you gone and checked?
Oh, we have been checking,
but we haven't been able
to contact her at any of
- the numbers that you provided
- Well, then, where is she?
Why don't you tell us?
Look, what is wrong with you people?
This isn't that fucking hard to follow.
All right, she told me she was going
to Mexico to visit her folks.
If she's not there, then I don't know
- where the fuck she is.
- So you say.
What does that mean?
Please, Janine.
Look, we're not
accusing you of anything.
You came down here to
help us, by yourself.
We appreciate it.
Did Dr. Sands have an opinion
why Danny's fantasy world is expanding?

She thinks that he is
starting to accept the fact
that she's not coming back.
What about you?
Are you starting to accept
that she's not coming back?
I mean, at a certain point,
what does she have to do?
Draw you a map? She's gone, Mr. Serra.
- What is this?
- Just face it.
Stop it, Janine, please.
My partner can be a little brusque.
- Yeah, especially with liars.
- Hey!
Hey, there's no need for that.
May we search your computer?
Will you consent to that?
Wh wh-what? Why?
Oh, because when a woman's
a victim of a crime,
the guilty party is often
the boyfriend or the husband.
Oh, how fucking dare you?
- This is insane.
- No. No.
No, no, no, we have no evidence
a crime has been committed
against Elisabeth Serra, none.
She's an adult woman.
She's allowed to go wherever she wants,
and her husband has every
right to look for her.
We don't think you've done
anything wrong, Mr. Serra.
The reason I ask about your computer
is because of the bomb
threats, not your wife.
In your work, you
you must draw designs
of what you intend to build.
I guess you do it by hand, right?
In contrast, any design
research, parts, equipment,
you do it by computer?
I guess.
So what we want to see
is if you've researched
how to make a bomb.
It's a standard procedure.
We're asking all the parents.
You understand?
Sure, sure.
Yeah, you can have a look.
You're not gonna find anything.
I've got nothing to hide.

Three crimes out of one daycare.
They have nothing to
do with one another.
Do we buy that?
Well, everyone's guilty
of something, right?
Look under a rock,
you're gonna find worms.
Look under people's public lives,
you're gonna find some
crazy shit, and crimes.
It doesn't prove a pattern.
Our minds like to find
connections and conspiracies
even if they don't exist.
"From the crooked timber
of humanity, no"
- Avi.
- "Straight thing is ever made."
What do we know? What
do we think we know?
And what do we know we don't know?
If you think that Brad Holt did it,
why don't you go after him?
'Cause I can't prove it, and
it might have been Marcie.
Why would the wife do it?
She admitted she hated
Anna because of the way
she treated her daughter,
which gives her the exact same motive
Elisabeth Serra had
for planting the bomb at the daycare.
Yeah, and Elisabeth Serra
is not around, but Marcie is.
Add to that the fact that her husband
is having an affair with Anna,
now you got jealousy as a motive.
Well, only if Marcie
knows about the affair.
The wife always knows.
- That's not true.
- Yes, it is.
Even if they don't
want to know, they know.
Hell hath no fury and whatnot, right?
Oh, my God, I hate that expression.
It makes women sound
vindictive and crazy.
And it's also wrong.
There's nothing more wrathful than a man
who finds out that his
wife was cheating on him.
Man or woman, to lash out in such
a violent, poorly planned out attack
is an act of rage, insanity even.
If anybody could be
justified in their rage,
it would be Marcie Holt.
True. Go.

Okay, let's go.
Oh, damn it, the neighbor
said the kid was gonna
be with the grandparents.
So what do we do?
Just follow them until
they drop her off somewhere?
- Too late.
- Yeah.
What the hell is this?
Mrs. Holt, Mr. Holt, we just have
a couple of follow-up questions.
We have not done anything wrong.
There's no need to raise your voice.
Shut up, Brad.
Mrs. Holt, the last thing we want
is to cause any upset to
you or your family, please.
- Hey.
- Don't touch me.
I just want to speak to you.

Mr. Holt, just take
care of your child, okay?
Don't make me tackle you again.
Let me talk to you about the other day.
How long has that been going on?
We're not here to arrest anyone.
- We just want to talk.
- About what?
About you, your husband,
and Anna.

Avi got her to come in voluntarily.
She doesn't seem real happy about it.
Last thing we need is
two angry people in here.
I confirmed it.
She's clean, not even a parking ticket.
She wouldn't be the first spouse
to lose it over an affair.
Sometimes I think it's
the law-abiding ones
that go the craziest.
Come on, captain, let me do this.
Come on, I already interviewed her.
She and I, we've built up a rapport.
A good rapport?
It's not a bad one.
Nah, I know you, Earl.
You blame yourself over
what happened to Anna.
That's not a good place.
Go tell Avi to handle
the interrogation, please.
I used to have anger issues.
I don't anymore.
And you treat me like
I still got a problem?
All due respect, kind of fucked up.
You're not helping your case.
Well, what about atonement, huh?
What about getting better?
You've been talking to Avi.
It's like you don't
trust me or something.
Earl, if I didn't trust
you, you wouldn't be here.
The fact is, not only do I trust you,
I rely on you.
Nobody, I mean, nobody
handles the day-to-day grind
better than you, Earl.
I mean that.
But it's my job to help you be
the best Earl that you can be.

How long am I gonna
be treated like this?
- Forever?
- Yeah, Earl, forever.

I need to know if you pay reward
money for preventing a crime.
Depends on what kind of crime.
What I know will save lives.
Come inside, John.
No, no, no, it has to be worth it
for me to put myself out there.
How much do you want
for this information?
No, no, I'm not looking to
take advantage, detective.
I just need enough to rent
a room, get some clothes,
and just give myself a chance.
- Is that too much to ask?
- No, it's not.
I'll talk to the captain,
see what I can get you.
- All right.
- If the information is good.
Oh, it's good.
Oh, it's very good.
Where can I find you?
I'll find you.

I haven't done anything
wrong, so how dare you
May I stop you for a moment, please.
This is a very unique situation for me.
Usually I let suspects talk.
It makes them feel better
to explain, to justify,
but the results are always the same.
They end up incriminating themselves,
basically talking
themselves into a conviction.
I'd rather you not do that to yourself.
What is he doing?
- He's setting her up.
- For what?
If you don't want me to
talk, then why am I here?
Did you know your
husband and Anna Harvey
were having an affair?

- That.
- What the fuck?
He just went into it just like that?
He goes where he has to go.
Detective Malzone
walked in on your husband
and Anna having sex yesterday.
What people do in private
is of no interest to us.
It's certainly no crime,
but lying to us is.
So let me ask you again
did you know about the affair?

Are you fucking kidding me?
She didn't know.
She knows now.

You didn't know?
I didn't know.
You think I'd stay with that asshole
if I knew that he was cheating on me?

Someone attacked Anna.
She's in the hospital
with very serious injuries.

Do you know where your
husband was last night?
Do you think it's possible
he attacked Anna Harvey?
You told Detective Malzone you think
your husband doesn't like conflict,
that he runs from confrontation.
I know what I told
the other detective
but that was when I
thought I knew my husband.
Clearly, I don't know him at all.
I can only imagine how
upsetting this must all be for
- You can't possibly know.
- You're right.
I'm sorry.
Now that you know the
truth about your husband,
is there anything else
you want to tell me?
Did he leave the bomb
outside the daycare?
If I knew, I'd tell you.
Believe me.

I'm done.
Would you let us search your cell phone,
your computer, your apartment?
Go ahead.
I got nothing to hide.

You know why the world is
going to shit right now?
Because nobody follows
the rules anymore.
Why can't people just
follow the fucking rules?

- Hey.
- Hey.
You did well in there.
You always do well. [CHUCKLES]
You know I respect you
more than any other cop
I've ever worked with, right?
- You do?
- I do.
'Cause you're never afraid
to tell me the truth, right?
Am I
Am I a good cop?
You're a good cop.
When you think, when you're in control,
not when you're emotional,
and definitely not when you're angry.
I know. I know. I'm trying.
God created the world so
we would have a choice,
to try and not to try.
The effort is everything.
Maybe for you 'cause
you got faith, you know?
It's it's not about faith.
- No?
- It's about survival.
If we don't adapt and
do better, we perish.
If nothing ever changes,
nothing ever changes.
You're not the same cop I partnered with
when we were on patrol.
Hey, captain, so we
checked Marcie's computer,
and we didn't find
anything that suggests
that she knew about the affair.
Anything about making bombs,
leaving them outside daycares?
Actually, yes, there is.
It's a DIY plan for a
pressure-cooker bomb.
It's like the ones from
the Boston Marathon.
That's not the type we found.
I know that, but
this one is.
He switched to a simpler type of bomb.
It's like the one we found.
And he tried to clear
his search history,
but he did not know what he was doing.
The techies found it
in, like, under a minute.
You keep saying "he."
Why do you think Brad
did it, not Marcie?
Well, Marcie never would have given us
her computer without a warrant
if she knew what was there.
Unless she wanted us to find it.
Pretty good way to get back
at your cheating spouse;
hand over the evidence, get
him convicted of a crime.
Yeah, but the techies
also said that the searches
for bomb materials were
made after someone logged in
with Brad's password, not Marcie's.
Got it. Go find Earl.
Anna Harvey just regained consciousness.
You're okay. They say
you're gonna be okay.
I'm just grateful to be alive.
Yeah, well, don't feel any
pressure to answer anything.
- You've been through a lot.
- No, I want to help.
Okay, good. Um
did you see who attacked you?
What do you remember about
yesterday or the day before?
I remember everything
right up to walking away from my car,
and then it's just blank.
And what about the Holts?
What do you remember about them?
A famous rabbi once said
the truth shall set you free.
That rabbi was Jesus Christ.
Truth is truth.
Hiding the truth has
already cost you too much.
Secrets enslave us.
It's time you set yourself free.

Marcie's a very jealous woman.
She took their daughter
out of my daycare
because she didn't like
the way Brad looked at me.
And if she ever found out
about the affair, I'd be dead.
So I broke it off with Brad,
or at least I tried,
and he went crazy.
He started to stalk me.
He was always around
the daycare, every day.
I could just feel him there.
When I walked in on the two of you
He was going to ruin my business
and humiliate me.
I went to the warehouse to
tell him to leave me alone.
And he said he would if I had
sex with him one more time.
So it may have looked like
we were having a good time.
We weren't.
I was glad when you
came through that door.
And then I told him it was over,
like really over.
And that's truth.
But not the whole truth.
You knew he was violent.
You knew he was obsessed with you.
So you had sex with him
because you were afraid
of what he would do to you,
but more than that, you were terrified
of what he would do to the children.

Because he's the one who
left the bomb at the daycare.

Finally the truth.
You're free.


I got probable cause to arrest Holt,
and that's what I'm gonna do.
- We'll go with you.
- I got this.
You can't execute an arrest on your own.
It's against procedure.
Look, if you want to come, then come,
but don't talk to me about procedure.
Everybody's so fucking obsessed
with procedure around here
that we stopped protecting people.
That shit ends right now.
Let me and Janine go.
Avi's right. You're
way too close to this.
And you're the youngest member
of the arresting team,
which means you're
supposed to stay down here.
You want to talk about procedure?
That's procedure.
You sure you're safe to go?
What are you talking about?
This guy, he likes to threaten kids
and hit women from behind.
I'm gonna be fine.
You're not safe, not
because what he'll do to you,
but because of what you might do to him.
I won't do anything but arrest him.
Please, let me do my job.

Looks like he's going somewhere.
We're coming in.




Holt said you attacked him.
Once we knocked and
announced our presence,
we were fully justified
to enter the apartment,
whereupon we found
Holt attempting to flee.
And then you hit him.
No, Holt started it by throwing on Avi
and then he hit me,
a-and that's when I hit him back,
to defend myself and Avi.
That's true.
I didn't ask you.
I I I used reasonable force.
Okay? I have a right to use force
when defending myself
and my partners and to
effectuate a valid arrest,
which this was.
What'd you see?
Oh, I was outside.
from where I was standing, uh,
I just saw the last
part when Earl hit Holt.
I'm telling you, Captain, if
this wasn't reasonable force,
nothing is, honest to God.
He's right.
Holt's been charged
with terrorist threats
and attempted murder for
the attack on Anna Harvey.
We still have no idea what
happened to Elisabeth Serra.
It's not the case we started with,
but it's the one we have left.
Find out what happened to her.
Shut the door.

What's the deal with Earl?
Come in.
When I saw his face through that window,
I saw rage,
like he was gonna kill Holt,
like he wanted to kill Holt.
I know that face from the street,
and I do not like it.
Is Earl a bad cop?
It's a sin to slander a person,
especially one who
worked hard to be better.
Your question itself is
Is Earl a bad cop?
He and I were on patrol together.
I was a rookie.
He had a few years in.
There was an encounter,
it led to an arrest.
Earl was accused of
using excessive force.
Did he do it?
You wear a uniform just
like the rest of us,
you know what happens on the street.
Yeah, I know what's supposed to happen.
I'm asking did he do it.
If you're so interested in
details, you should ask Earl.
I will, but right now
I'm asking you, Avi.
Internal Affairs cleared
Earl of all wrongdoing.
You can read the report for yourself.
What a full-throated
denial of his guilt.
If he were guilty, he
wouldn't be my colleague.
The hardest part of
being a police officer
- is also being a human being.
- Oh.
Earl is a good man.
- He's not a perfect man.
- What does that mean?
Can I trust him or can I not trust him?
Because I will not cover
up for anybody ever.
I never have and I never will.
Are we clear?

Good night.

You're late.
I had time to get a coffee.
Actually, I'm right on time.
Well, in my book,
that means you're late.
Being 10 minutes early
means you're on time.
So noted.
- Uh, does he know we're here?
- No.
I thought you'd want to see his
expression when we walked in.
You're right.


Look at this.
I heard you guys caught the guy
who planted the bomb at the daycare.
Good news travels fast.
I mean, yeah, when
the kids are involved.
So thank you. That's a huge weight off.
You've made a lot of progress
in a short period of time.
Yeah, I like to get it done and move on.
I admire your skill.
It's such a sacred act
to fashion useful things.
There's a beauty in it.
The hand of the diligent shall rule.
Does this bring you joy, Mr. Serra?
Does what bring me joy?
This, your job.
Maybe it's an indulgence
for your clients,
but does the applying of your skill
bring you satisfaction?
yeah, sure, I guess.
And what about Elisabeth?
Was she equally satisfied in her work?
What do you mean was?
Well, she quit her
job about a month ago.
Did you know that?
She didn't talk to you about that?
I just said no.
Why why why
would she quit her job?
She loved working at that club.
I don't understand why
she loved it, though.
What was there to love about
planning expensive events
- for the ultra-rich?
- I don't know.
She loved being around those
those people, that world,
money, you know?
How it gets made,
what people do with it.
It interested her.
Who handled your family's
finances, Mr. Serra?
- You or Elisabeth?
- She did.
The banking, the taxes, all of it.
She's the one who bought the crypto?
Yeah, I don't know anything about that.
But you do know that she
lost a lot of money on it?
I mean, she she made
a lot of money first
till it all went to shit.
But, you know, I don't
care about any of that.
But Elisabeth cared, no?
She must have been
devastated by the loss.
Yeah, she was.
She even she even talked
about killing herself.
I said, come on, don't be stupid.

I never blamed her for what happened.
It wasn't her fault.

So they have different
thoughts on money, right?
That's normal.
The number one thing that
couples fight about is finances.
He didn't say they fought about it.
He said Elisabeth felt responsible,
blamed herself for the
losses, and became suicidal.
Well, yeah, if she became suicidal.
How do we know that Paul is
telling the truth about that
- or about anything else?
- We don't.

From the little house in Canarsie
to a yacht is no small journey.
You must be very proud and grateful.
Is this where I'm supposed
to say I got lucky?
Luck had nothing to do with it.
Survival of the fittest, right?
Your hard work and your
talent got you here?
Well, you're being
sarcastic, but this country
went to hell when we
stopped encouraging people
to strive for success.
I'm not going to apologize
for what I've earned.
We think Elisabeth Serra killed herself.
Never. Not in a million years.
She had too much left to do.
She blamed herself for
losing an enormous amount
of the family's money,
thereby failing her sons.
Who told you this? Her husband?
Apparently some kind of
bad crypto investment.
Is there any other kind
of crypto investment?
Paul Serra knows jack shit about crypto
or any other kind of investment.
The guy's a fucking
loser selfish, too.
He held her down.
And don't tell me what
a great dad he was.
If Paul really cared, he would have
let Elisabeth leave with me.
I offered to take care of
her boys, and I meant it.
Can you imagine what I
could have done for them?
Still, it's strange to me that you
dismissed the notion of suicide.
How can any of us know what the reaction
of another human being will be
in the face of guilt and shame?
I knew Elisabeth like I know myself.
We were that similar.
She loved life, had
dreams, talent, hope,
but she was a thoroughbred
running in a dog race.
What a fucking tragedy.
If Elisabeth is dead,
she didn't do it herself.
Paul killed her.
Do you ever get tired
of people lying to you?
You think Hanney is lying?
Yeah, the only person
that guy loves is himself.
I don't fully dismiss
Hanney or anyone else
of being involved in
Elisabeth's disappearance,
but if Hanney was responsible,
he would have embraced
the suicide notion.
He didn't. He blamed Paul Serra.
Yeah, because Paul is a threat.
He keeps Hanney from winning.
I know guys like Hanney.
They're the fathers of my friends,
and they just think that the
rules don't apply to them.
You don't like rich people?
Sometimes they get away with murder.
Biggest lie of all is that
no one is above the law.
It's bullshit.
Only thing that matters
is the golden rule.
Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
And guys like Hanney think they can take
whatever they want, no problem.
Somebody's business, somebody's wife.
What is it?
If a woman says she's
gonna run off with you
and then she just doesn't show up,
how do you not at least
check to see what happened?
Especially a crazy egotist like Hanney.
Maybe you were right to begin with
that he didn't really love her,
or maybe he didn't
want to know the truth.
Some people don't, or can't face it.
Like you with your father's case?
What happened to Elisabeth Serra?
I think that Hanney
begged her to go with him,
and she thought about it,
and then she said no.
He loses his shit,
and then he killed her,
and he dumped her body in the ocean.
And now he's blaming Paul Serra?
These people always shift
the blame on someone else.


I don't think she's out in the ocean.
Then where is she?

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