The Creature Cases (2022) s01e02 Episode Script
The Riddle of Raging Rhinos/The Trouble in the Tundra
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Riddle of the Raging Rhinos.
-[indistinct party sounds]
-[upbeat music plays]
Rita! Rick! Thanks for coming out.
[all grunt]
[laughs] Hey, Reggie.
Love it when we all get together
like this, Reggie.
No fightin', no feudin',
everybody's relaxed, and--
-What's gotten into you?
-[tense music plays]
-[camera clicks]
-[music fades]
[Kit yawns] What a long day.
By long, you must mean amazing.
We cracked the Case of the Cunning Cougar!
We solved
the Secret of the Slimy Salamander.
And I just beat
my all-time high score! Top that!
I'm ready to get a good night's sleep.
-[Sam] Bedtime will have to wait.
The CLADE crest! The Director's got
a new Creature Case for us!
Director Scratch?
Oh.span style="style1" Hi, agents.
Just brushing my teeth before bed.
-Chickens don't have teeth--
-[Scratch squawks]
[spits, clears throat]
Agents, there's a major mystery
at the Watering Hole Club.
The Mice Squad took this footage earlier.
Whoa. Those rhinos are going wild.
We call it "Rhino Rage."
Your mission
is to figure out what's causing it
before anyone gets hurt.
Looks serious.
We'll investigate!
Good luck, agents.
CLADE is counting on you.
-Well, better turn around.
R.O.N., set course for the Watering Hole.
[upbeat music plays]
span style="style2"Now arriving at destination biome,
-African Grasslands.
span style="style1"-[Sam] Thanks, R.O.N.
Hm. Local wildlife includes zebras,
warthogs, leopards…
Don't see any raging rhinos though.
They must all be inside the club.
We'd better go--
Oh! Uh…
[gasps] Oops.
A genet!
I'm real sorry.
I was just chasing after that bug.
Genets eat just about anything,
but they love to eat bugs.
Good bugs out tonight?
-They're okay.
-[club music plays]
[swallows] I guess. [chuckles]
All the best bugs
are inside the Watering Hole,
but they're only letting
rhinos in tonight.
See ya!
Only rhinos?
[club music continues]
We'll see about that.
Evening, sir. We're here to--
[bouncer] Sorry, pal.
Private party tonight.
We already had enough trouble.
-Rhinos only.
Step aside, Sam.
[both grunt]
You two ain't rhinos,
but you seem all right.
[club music continues]
Have a nice time.
Kit, how did you--
Rubbing noses is how rhinos say hello.
Kinda like a secret rhino handshake.
Come on!
Let's see what the trouble's about!
[club music continues]
[sniffs] Hm…
[Sam] Only one entrance, heavily guarded.
Clu-Bots, take a look around.
Ew! So many bugs.
Forget the bugs. Look at all the rhinos.
Don't often see them
all together like this.
They usually hang out alone.
That's why these rhino nights
are so special.
Name's Reggie.
I organized all this.
And trust me,
we were all having a real nice time,
but then folks just started freaking out.
Rest assured, CLADE is on the case.
Agent Sam Snow.
And Kit Casey.
[both] Animal Detectives.
[yelps] Oh! Get it off!
-Get it off!
-Get it off!
Rhino Rage!
Keep out of her way!
Sam! Over here!
Clu-Bots, show me
what's going on out there.
It's a 9.7 on the Rhino-Rage meter!
[Kit] 9.7? I've never seen it that high.
Something made her really mad.
[tone lowers]
[Sam] The Rhino-Rage meter is dropping.
It's safe again.
Oh, phew! [sighs]
[sighs, inhales sharply]
Is it gone?
Is what gone?
I don't know what it was,
but it jumped onto my back outta nowhere.
I was attacked, I tell ya.
Attacked? Maybe that's why
the Rhinos are acting so strange.
But who would attack a full-grown rhino?
Beats me.
And it's only us rhinos here tonight.
Except for you two.
[all] Hm…
Uh, not exactly.
There's also a bunch of bugs in here, and…
An oxpecker bird!
Aw, that's just Paulie. He keeps me clean.
Yeah. Don't bring me into this.
I didn't start any trouble.
[Kit] Easy, Paulie.
We just wanna know if you saw anything.
I didn't see nothin'.
It all happened too fast.
And I was distracted by all these bugs.
Come on, Paulie.
I'm thirsty.
[Sam] Wait!
Check it out.
-Four muddy paw prints!
Whoever jumped
on Rita's back left them behind.
Told you it wasn't me.
See? One, two.
Two feet,
no mud.
[Kit] He's right.
Whoever's causing
all the Rhino Rage has four muddy feet.
-[Kit] Hm…
-[Reggie babbles]
Here we go again!
Reggie! Not you too!
[Reggie grunting]
[both] Whoa!
-[both grunt]
Sorry. My bad.
Everybody okay?
[indistinct agreement]
[groans] Could be better!
[Sam] Hm.
Kit, how does it feel to be
in the presence of a master detective?
Why? You see one around?
I mean me.
I've noticed another clue.
Look at where we're standing.
Under a tree?
Exactly! All the Rhino Rages
started under trees!
Show her, Clu-Bots.
[Kit] Well, ain't that something.
So there's a four-pawed critter
on the loose,
jumping out of trees
and scaring the rhinos.
I think I saw it runnin' away.
You did? What'd it look like, Reggie?
Well, it was small, almost like a cat,
with a pointy face and dark spots.
Uh, like this?
Yeah! That's it, but without the go-kart.
Eh, I just like drawing go-karts.
A spotted cat creature.
Sounds like a leopard to me.
[Rita] A leopard?
You better be pulling my horn.
There's a leopard on the loose?
Not so fast, Sam.
This was no leopard. Look.
The spots don't match, see?
[Reggie] We can't risk it.
If there's even a chance
a leopard is attacking folks,
I gotta shut down the Watering Hole.
[all] Aw…
Hold up, Reggie.
You might be able to keep the party going.
-If we can just figure out…
The bugs!
Whiskers, that's it!
What's it?
Kit, I know who's jumping on the rhinos!
And I know how to catch her too.
Sam, this decoy look pretty real.
There's even bugs buzzing around it.
Just like a real rhino.
But what's the plan here?
Isn't it obvious? We're setting a trap!
Someone with four muddy paws is jumping
out of trees and onto the rhinos
to eat the bugs.
Of course! It must have been--
-[both exclaim]
-[Kit] The genet we met earlier!
There she goes!
-[both panting]
[genet exclaims]
[Sam] Quick! She's getting away!
Oh no, she's not!
[genet exclaims]
Goin' somewhere?
This is who's been sneaking
in here and scaring everybody?
Sure is.
This little genet has four muddy paws,
jumps out of trees,
and she loves to eat bugs.
Oops. [chuckles nervously]
I didn't mean to cause trouble.
There's just so many tasty bugs in here.
And I can reach 'em better
when I jump on your backs.
Sorry. Rhinos only tonight.
You gotta scram.
I do?
-[Kit] Maybe not.
I've got an idea.
[party commotion]
[club music plays]
[male rhino] Glad things
are back to normal.
And hey, those bugs are gone too.
Yeah. All thanks
to our new official bug-eater.
[snickers nervously]
Do you mind if I hop up?
-Sure thing, doll.
[Reggie] She's gonna go far
in this business.
Great idea, guys.
Don't mention it, Reg.
Just glad to have
another Creature Case closed.
[Sam snores]
Look who's sleepy now.
[snores, gulps]
Hey! That's my job!
[all laugh]
[party music fades]
span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[R.O.N.] Status?
-Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Rhinos.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Rhinos don't really throw parties
span style="style2"in nightclubs.
[Jill] span style="style2"But sometimes they get together
span style="style2"at watering holes at night.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Rhinos sometimes
span style="style2"rub their snouts together.
[Bill] span style="style2"It's like a friendly rhino hello.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Animals called genets are known
span style="style2"to hop on rhinos' backs to eat bugs.
[Jill] span style="style2"Giving the rhinos
span style="style2"a big surprise.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Trouble in the Tundra.
Do you have a mind for animal mysteries?
If so, consider a career with CLADE,
the Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
you'll test your sleuthing skills
in our high-tech training facilities…
[escalating beeps]
…crack cases with the Stinkwell Brothers'
advanced technology,
and you'll work alongside
our ace surveillance team, the Mice Squad.
[upbeat music plays]
This is the part! Turn it up!
You were right!
This new Mice Squad song is amazing!
Yeah! I can't get enough of it.
Hey, where are those guys?
Yeah, good question.
We haven't heard
from Bill and Jill in a while.
-Uh, is this part of the video?
-[repeated beeping]
Don't think so.
Director Scratch wants to see us.
Hey, Director. Got a new case for us?
I'm afraid not, agents,
and that's the problem.
-I'm not sure I understand,
Director Scratch.
Agents, we've got a mystery
that involves two of our own.
-The Mice Squad are missing.
[both gasp] Bill and Jill!
They were working in the Arctic
when we received this distress call.
[Jill] span style="style2"Come get us. I repeat, come get us.
Whoa. That didn't sound too good.
No, it doesn't.
That's why I need you to head
to the Arctic and find them fast.
You can count on us, Director.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome…
[chimes] span style="style2"…Arctic Tundra.
All right, this is it.
The Mice Squad's last known location.
Kit, would you stop humming
and help me look for them?
I'm only humming to keep warm.
[shudders] Not all of us
like the cold as much as you.
Including the Mice Squad.
Which is why we better find them fast.
Can't argue with that. Come on!
-[tranquil music plays]
-[wind blows]
No sign of them. Or their van.
No sign of much of anything.
[smashing sound]
[Sam] What was that?
[menacing music plays]
Over there! A herd of musk oxen!
Maybe they've seen
Bill and Jill. Let's go!
Go, go, go!
[Sam] What are they doing?
-Don't worry about it, Sam.
Butting heads is what musk oxen do.
Hello, there!
I don't suppose you've seen--
-A wolf!
-[both gasp]
Protect the children!
[all grunt]
[menacing music plays]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, folks.
I'm not a wolf. I'm a snow leopard.
And I'm a fox.
Well, that isn't much better.
Who are you, and what do you want?
We were just wondering
if you had seen our friends?
No, we haven't.
Unless your friends are wolves…
[all] Wolves?
…then we haven't seen anyone here.
Are you sure?
Maybe you've heard them
playing their music or seen their van?
She said we haven't seen 'em.
We musk oxen keep to our herd,
and we don't mess with outsiders.
[female ox]
We don't have time for anybody else.
If we get
even the slightest bit distracted,
it could put our calves in danger.
But maybe--
You'd better move along,
before we move you along.
[chuckles nervously]
Talk about a cold shoulder.
Well, if we can't get any information
out of the musk oxen,
maybe we should track down
the wolves they mentioned.
Good idea, Kit.
Scanning for wolf prints.
[electronic tones]
Ah-ha! There.
The wolves are heading that way.
I see 'em.
[wolves howling]
Whoa! They're moving pretty fast.
We've gotta catch up with them. But how?
[both] The Stinkwells!
-Hello, Kit.
-Hello, Sam.
[both] Hey, Stinkwells.
We are so worried about Bill span style="style1"und Jill.
Have you found them yet?
Not yet. But we're tracking some wolves
who might have some clues.
And we need to go fast!
We had a feeling this might happen.
That's why we packed
some special vehicles for you in R.O.N.
We'll send them to you now.
Sorry. He does that when he's worried.
[Harold] span style="style2"Ah, there they are.
[Kit] Snow Cycles!
They're beautiful! Thanks, Stinkwells!
[Harold] span style="style2"You're welcome. Good luck.
[engine powers up]
Come on! Let's catch up with those wolves!
[upbeat music plays]
Sam, look out for that ice.
-[Kit exclaims]
Whoa! Oh!
Whoa! Come on! Come on!
-[Sam] Whoa!
-[Kit] Woo-hoo!
[slow motion] Whoa!
[Sam grunts]
-Phew! Huh?
-[wolves howling]
Look! We've almost caught up with them!
[Kit] Hey, wolves! We need to talk to you!
They can't hear us.
We gotta get closer.
[engine accelerates]
[wolves exclaim]
[wolves howl]
[Kit] Hey. Where did they go?
[menacing music plays]
Why are you following us?
[Kit] Easy, now.
We're just looking for our friends.
Uh, I don't suppose
you've seen the Mice Squad?
-The Mice Squad?!
-[music stops]
The Mice Squad are here?
Oh. You've heard of them.
Heard of 'em?
We're, like, their biggest fans!
I still can't get over
how amazing their new song is!
[upbeat song plays]
[song ends]
We haven't seen 'em,
but let us know if you find 'em.
I'd love to get their autograph.
Later, dudes.
-[wolves howl excitedly]
-Huh. Well, that was unexpected.
So the wolves haven't seen them either.
I'm afraid this case has gone cold.
[sighs] I'll say.
The temperature's dropping.
We gotta find Bill and Jill
before they freeze out there.
-All we have is their distress call.
[Jill] span style="style2"Come get us. I repeat, come get us.
Maybe there's some clue we missed.
Don't think we missed anything. All I hear
is that great beat in the background.
Well, it's good, yes,
but I wouldn't call it great just yet.
Listen. It's offbeat.
[beat plays]
-Did ya hear it?
-[beat plays]
-You're right.
Those drums span style="style2"are all messed up.
They might not be drums at all! Listen!
[smashing sound]
It almost sounds like…
The musk oxen headbutting!
Bill and Jill must've been near them!
So the musk oxen span style="style2"are mixed up in this!
But how?
We'd better go back and ask 'em,
whether they like it or not. Come on!
[engines fire up]
-[Sam] Look! There they are!
-[Kit] Hey!
Musk oxen! Wait up!
I thought we already warned you
not to come back here!
We're standing on a frozen lake!
[male ox] Get back to the shore!
[worried chatter]
Oh no! My babies!
[Kit] This is bad, Sam.
Musk oxen are not good swimmers.
-Come on!
-[Sam] We've gotta get them back to shore!
Those ice floes…
-If we…
On it, Kit.
Clu-Bot, go!
Wait for it.
Wait for it…
This way, everybody.
Just one more.
Whoa! Woo!
Uh! There you go.
Our babies! You saved them!
Just doing our jobs, ma'am.
You might wanna consider
getting this little guy a haircut, though.
-He can barely see where he's going.
Not mine.
Uh, did I say something wrong?
This strange-looking fellow
doesn't belong to any of us.
He doesn't?
Actually, I don't think
this is a calf at all.
[gasps] Is it a wolf in oxen's clothing?
This is no wolf!
-It's the Mice Squad!
-[upbeat music plays]
They've been here all along!
Oh, hey, guys.
Bill! Jill! We got your distress call.
[Jill] span style="style2"Come get us. I repeat, come get us.
Are you okay?
Distress call? You mean this?
[Jill] span style="style2"We're doing undercover work
span style="style2"in the tundra.
No need to come get us.
I repeat, no need to come get us.
The cold weather
must have scrambled it. Weird.
But why were you undercover?
That's why.
We wanted to record
that sound for our new track.
We didn't even see you guys
under all this fur.
We're just glad you're okay.
Everyone at CLADE will be so relieved.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
So, you were recording our headbutting
to use in your song?
Can we hear it?
[song plays]
[all howl]
All this dancing is warming me up.
Oh yeah? Just wait
till you see my cool moves!
Uh… Whoa…
[chuckles, sighs]
You're looking pretty cool, all right.
[song fades]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[R.O.N.] Status?
-Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Musk oxen.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Musk oxen are pretty shy
span style="style2"and mostly stick with their herd.
[Jill] span style="style2"When threatened,
span style="style2"they form a ring to protect their young.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They live where it's cold.
[Jill] span style="style2"But watch out for thin ice.
span style="style2"They can't swim well.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Male musk oxen sometimes
span style="style2"ram their heads together. Bam!
[Jill] span style="style2"It's so loud,
span style="style2"you can hear it from far away.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Riddle of the Raging Rhinos.
-[indistinct party sounds]
-[upbeat music plays]
Rita! Rick! Thanks for coming out.
[all grunt]
[laughs] Hey, Reggie.
Love it when we all get together
like this, Reggie.
No fightin', no feudin',
everybody's relaxed, and--
-What's gotten into you?
-[tense music plays]
-[camera clicks]
-[music fades]
[Kit yawns] What a long day.
By long, you must mean amazing.
We cracked the Case of the Cunning Cougar!
We solved
the Secret of the Slimy Salamander.
And I just beat
my all-time high score! Top that!
I'm ready to get a good night's sleep.
-[Sam] Bedtime will have to wait.
The CLADE crest! The Director's got
a new Creature Case for us!
Director Scratch?
Oh.span style="style1" Hi, agents.
Just brushing my teeth before bed.
-Chickens don't have teeth--
-[Scratch squawks]
[spits, clears throat]
Agents, there's a major mystery
at the Watering Hole Club.
The Mice Squad took this footage earlier.
Whoa. Those rhinos are going wild.
We call it "Rhino Rage."
Your mission
is to figure out what's causing it
before anyone gets hurt.
Looks serious.
We'll investigate!
Good luck, agents.
CLADE is counting on you.
-Well, better turn around.
R.O.N., set course for the Watering Hole.
[upbeat music plays]
span style="style2"Now arriving at destination biome,
-African Grasslands.
span style="style1"-[Sam] Thanks, R.O.N.
Hm. Local wildlife includes zebras,
warthogs, leopards…
Don't see any raging rhinos though.
They must all be inside the club.
We'd better go--
Oh! Uh…
[gasps] Oops.
A genet!
I'm real sorry.
I was just chasing after that bug.
Genets eat just about anything,
but they love to eat bugs.
Good bugs out tonight?
-They're okay.
-[club music plays]
[swallows] I guess. [chuckles]
All the best bugs
are inside the Watering Hole,
but they're only letting
rhinos in tonight.
See ya!
Only rhinos?
[club music continues]
We'll see about that.
Evening, sir. We're here to--
[bouncer] Sorry, pal.
Private party tonight.
We already had enough trouble.
-Rhinos only.
Step aside, Sam.
[both grunt]
You two ain't rhinos,
but you seem all right.
[club music continues]
Have a nice time.
Kit, how did you--
Rubbing noses is how rhinos say hello.
Kinda like a secret rhino handshake.
Come on!
Let's see what the trouble's about!
[club music continues]
[sniffs] Hm…
[Sam] Only one entrance, heavily guarded.
Clu-Bots, take a look around.
Ew! So many bugs.
Forget the bugs. Look at all the rhinos.
Don't often see them
all together like this.
They usually hang out alone.
That's why these rhino nights
are so special.
Name's Reggie.
I organized all this.
And trust me,
we were all having a real nice time,
but then folks just started freaking out.
Rest assured, CLADE is on the case.
Agent Sam Snow.
And Kit Casey.
[both] Animal Detectives.
[yelps] Oh! Get it off!
-Get it off!
-Get it off!
Rhino Rage!
Keep out of her way!
Sam! Over here!
Clu-Bots, show me
what's going on out there.
It's a 9.7 on the Rhino-Rage meter!
[Kit] 9.7? I've never seen it that high.
Something made her really mad.
[tone lowers]
[Sam] The Rhino-Rage meter is dropping.
It's safe again.
Oh, phew! [sighs]
[sighs, inhales sharply]
Is it gone?
Is what gone?
I don't know what it was,
but it jumped onto my back outta nowhere.
I was attacked, I tell ya.
Attacked? Maybe that's why
the Rhinos are acting so strange.
But who would attack a full-grown rhino?
Beats me.
And it's only us rhinos here tonight.
Except for you two.
[all] Hm…
Uh, not exactly.
There's also a bunch of bugs in here, and…
An oxpecker bird!
Aw, that's just Paulie. He keeps me clean.
Yeah. Don't bring me into this.
I didn't start any trouble.
[Kit] Easy, Paulie.
We just wanna know if you saw anything.
I didn't see nothin'.
It all happened too fast.
And I was distracted by all these bugs.
Come on, Paulie.
I'm thirsty.
[Sam] Wait!
Check it out.
-Four muddy paw prints!
Whoever jumped
on Rita's back left them behind.
Told you it wasn't me.
See? One, two.
Two feet,
no mud.
[Kit] He's right.
Whoever's causing
all the Rhino Rage has four muddy feet.
-[Kit] Hm…
-[Reggie babbles]
Here we go again!
Reggie! Not you too!
[Reggie grunting]
[both] Whoa!
-[both grunt]
Sorry. My bad.
Everybody okay?
[indistinct agreement]
[groans] Could be better!
[Sam] Hm.
Kit, how does it feel to be
in the presence of a master detective?
Why? You see one around?
I mean me.
I've noticed another clue.
Look at where we're standing.
Under a tree?
Exactly! All the Rhino Rages
started under trees!
Show her, Clu-Bots.
[Kit] Well, ain't that something.
So there's a four-pawed critter
on the loose,
jumping out of trees
and scaring the rhinos.
I think I saw it runnin' away.
You did? What'd it look like, Reggie?
Well, it was small, almost like a cat,
with a pointy face and dark spots.
Uh, like this?
Yeah! That's it, but without the go-kart.
Eh, I just like drawing go-karts.
A spotted cat creature.
Sounds like a leopard to me.
[Rita] A leopard?
You better be pulling my horn.
There's a leopard on the loose?
Not so fast, Sam.
This was no leopard. Look.
The spots don't match, see?
[Reggie] We can't risk it.
If there's even a chance
a leopard is attacking folks,
I gotta shut down the Watering Hole.
[all] Aw…
Hold up, Reggie.
You might be able to keep the party going.
-If we can just figure out…
The bugs!
Whiskers, that's it!
What's it?
Kit, I know who's jumping on the rhinos!
And I know how to catch her too.
Sam, this decoy look pretty real.
There's even bugs buzzing around it.
Just like a real rhino.
But what's the plan here?
Isn't it obvious? We're setting a trap!
Someone with four muddy paws is jumping
out of trees and onto the rhinos
to eat the bugs.
Of course! It must have been--
-[both exclaim]
-[Kit] The genet we met earlier!
There she goes!
-[both panting]
[genet exclaims]
[Sam] Quick! She's getting away!
Oh no, she's not!
[genet exclaims]
Goin' somewhere?
This is who's been sneaking
in here and scaring everybody?
Sure is.
This little genet has four muddy paws,
jumps out of trees,
and she loves to eat bugs.
Oops. [chuckles nervously]
I didn't mean to cause trouble.
There's just so many tasty bugs in here.
And I can reach 'em better
when I jump on your backs.
Sorry. Rhinos only tonight.
You gotta scram.
I do?
-[Kit] Maybe not.
I've got an idea.
[party commotion]
[club music plays]
[male rhino] Glad things
are back to normal.
And hey, those bugs are gone too.
Yeah. All thanks
to our new official bug-eater.
[snickers nervously]
Do you mind if I hop up?
-Sure thing, doll.
[Reggie] She's gonna go far
in this business.
Great idea, guys.
Don't mention it, Reg.
Just glad to have
another Creature Case closed.
[Sam snores]
Look who's sleepy now.
[snores, gulps]
Hey! That's my job!
[all laugh]
[party music fades]
span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[R.O.N.] Status?
-Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Rhinos.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Rhinos don't really throw parties
span style="style2"in nightclubs.
[Jill] span style="style2"But sometimes they get together
span style="style2"at watering holes at night.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Rhinos sometimes
span style="style2"rub their snouts together.
[Bill] span style="style2"It's like a friendly rhino hello.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Animals called genets are known
span style="style2"to hop on rhinos' backs to eat bugs.
[Jill] span style="style2"Giving the rhinos
span style="style2"a big surprise.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Trouble in the Tundra.
Do you have a mind for animal mysteries?
If so, consider a career with CLADE,
the Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
you'll test your sleuthing skills
in our high-tech training facilities…
[escalating beeps]
…crack cases with the Stinkwell Brothers'
advanced technology,
and you'll work alongside
our ace surveillance team, the Mice Squad.
[upbeat music plays]
This is the part! Turn it up!
You were right!
This new Mice Squad song is amazing!
Yeah! I can't get enough of it.
Hey, where are those guys?
Yeah, good question.
We haven't heard
from Bill and Jill in a while.
-Uh, is this part of the video?
-[repeated beeping]
Don't think so.
Director Scratch wants to see us.
Hey, Director. Got a new case for us?
I'm afraid not, agents,
and that's the problem.
-I'm not sure I understand,
Director Scratch.
Agents, we've got a mystery
that involves two of our own.
-The Mice Squad are missing.
[both gasp] Bill and Jill!
They were working in the Arctic
when we received this distress call.
[Jill] span style="style2"Come get us. I repeat, come get us.
Whoa. That didn't sound too good.
No, it doesn't.
That's why I need you to head
to the Arctic and find them fast.
You can count on us, Director.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome…
[chimes] span style="style2"…Arctic Tundra.
All right, this is it.
The Mice Squad's last known location.
Kit, would you stop humming
and help me look for them?
I'm only humming to keep warm.
[shudders] Not all of us
like the cold as much as you.
Including the Mice Squad.
Which is why we better find them fast.
Can't argue with that. Come on!
-[tranquil music plays]
-[wind blows]
No sign of them. Or their van.
No sign of much of anything.
[smashing sound]
[Sam] What was that?
[menacing music plays]
Over there! A herd of musk oxen!
Maybe they've seen
Bill and Jill. Let's go!
Go, go, go!
[Sam] What are they doing?
-Don't worry about it, Sam.
Butting heads is what musk oxen do.
Hello, there!
I don't suppose you've seen--
-A wolf!
-[both gasp]
Protect the children!
[all grunt]
[menacing music plays]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, folks.
I'm not a wolf. I'm a snow leopard.
And I'm a fox.
Well, that isn't much better.
Who are you, and what do you want?
We were just wondering
if you had seen our friends?
No, we haven't.
Unless your friends are wolves…
[all] Wolves?
…then we haven't seen anyone here.
Are you sure?
Maybe you've heard them
playing their music or seen their van?
She said we haven't seen 'em.
We musk oxen keep to our herd,
and we don't mess with outsiders.
[female ox]
We don't have time for anybody else.
If we get
even the slightest bit distracted,
it could put our calves in danger.
But maybe--
You'd better move along,
before we move you along.
[chuckles nervously]
Talk about a cold shoulder.
Well, if we can't get any information
out of the musk oxen,
maybe we should track down
the wolves they mentioned.
Good idea, Kit.
Scanning for wolf prints.
[electronic tones]
Ah-ha! There.
The wolves are heading that way.
I see 'em.
[wolves howling]
Whoa! They're moving pretty fast.
We've gotta catch up with them. But how?
[both] The Stinkwells!
-Hello, Kit.
-Hello, Sam.
[both] Hey, Stinkwells.
We are so worried about Bill span style="style1"und Jill.
Have you found them yet?
Not yet. But we're tracking some wolves
who might have some clues.
And we need to go fast!
We had a feeling this might happen.
That's why we packed
some special vehicles for you in R.O.N.
We'll send them to you now.
Sorry. He does that when he's worried.
[Harold] span style="style2"Ah, there they are.
[Kit] Snow Cycles!
They're beautiful! Thanks, Stinkwells!
[Harold] span style="style2"You're welcome. Good luck.
[engine powers up]
Come on! Let's catch up with those wolves!
[upbeat music plays]
Sam, look out for that ice.
-[Kit exclaims]
Whoa! Oh!
Whoa! Come on! Come on!
-[Sam] Whoa!
-[Kit] Woo-hoo!
[slow motion] Whoa!
[Sam grunts]
-Phew! Huh?
-[wolves howling]
Look! We've almost caught up with them!
[Kit] Hey, wolves! We need to talk to you!
They can't hear us.
We gotta get closer.
[engine accelerates]
[wolves exclaim]
[wolves howl]
[Kit] Hey. Where did they go?
[menacing music plays]
Why are you following us?
[Kit] Easy, now.
We're just looking for our friends.
Uh, I don't suppose
you've seen the Mice Squad?
-The Mice Squad?!
-[music stops]
The Mice Squad are here?
Oh. You've heard of them.
Heard of 'em?
We're, like, their biggest fans!
I still can't get over
how amazing their new song is!
[upbeat song plays]
[song ends]
We haven't seen 'em,
but let us know if you find 'em.
I'd love to get their autograph.
Later, dudes.
-[wolves howl excitedly]
-Huh. Well, that was unexpected.
So the wolves haven't seen them either.
I'm afraid this case has gone cold.
[sighs] I'll say.
The temperature's dropping.
We gotta find Bill and Jill
before they freeze out there.
-All we have is their distress call.
[Jill] span style="style2"Come get us. I repeat, come get us.
Maybe there's some clue we missed.
Don't think we missed anything. All I hear
is that great beat in the background.
Well, it's good, yes,
but I wouldn't call it great just yet.
Listen. It's offbeat.
[beat plays]
-Did ya hear it?
-[beat plays]
-You're right.
Those drums span style="style2"are all messed up.
They might not be drums at all! Listen!
[smashing sound]
It almost sounds like…
The musk oxen headbutting!
Bill and Jill must've been near them!
So the musk oxen span style="style2"are mixed up in this!
But how?
We'd better go back and ask 'em,
whether they like it or not. Come on!
[engines fire up]
-[Sam] Look! There they are!
-[Kit] Hey!
Musk oxen! Wait up!
I thought we already warned you
not to come back here!
We're standing on a frozen lake!
[male ox] Get back to the shore!
[worried chatter]
Oh no! My babies!
[Kit] This is bad, Sam.
Musk oxen are not good swimmers.
-Come on!
-[Sam] We've gotta get them back to shore!
Those ice floes…
-If we…
On it, Kit.
Clu-Bot, go!
Wait for it.
Wait for it…
This way, everybody.
Just one more.
Whoa! Woo!
Uh! There you go.
Our babies! You saved them!
Just doing our jobs, ma'am.
You might wanna consider
getting this little guy a haircut, though.
-He can barely see where he's going.
Not mine.
Uh, did I say something wrong?
This strange-looking fellow
doesn't belong to any of us.
He doesn't?
Actually, I don't think
this is a calf at all.
[gasps] Is it a wolf in oxen's clothing?
This is no wolf!
-It's the Mice Squad!
-[upbeat music plays]
They've been here all along!
Oh, hey, guys.
Bill! Jill! We got your distress call.
[Jill] span style="style2"Come get us. I repeat, come get us.
Are you okay?
Distress call? You mean this?
[Jill] span style="style2"We're doing undercover work
span style="style2"in the tundra.
No need to come get us.
I repeat, no need to come get us.
The cold weather
must have scrambled it. Weird.
But why were you undercover?
That's why.
We wanted to record
that sound for our new track.
We didn't even see you guys
under all this fur.
We're just glad you're okay.
Everyone at CLADE will be so relieved.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
So, you were recording our headbutting
to use in your song?
Can we hear it?
[song plays]
[all howl]
All this dancing is warming me up.
Oh yeah? Just wait
till you see my cool moves!
Uh… Whoa…
[chuckles, sighs]
You're looking pretty cool, all right.
[song fades]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[R.O.N.] Status?
-Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Musk oxen.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Musk oxen are pretty shy
span style="style2"and mostly stick with their herd.
[Jill] span style="style2"When threatened,
span style="style2"they form a ring to protect their young.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They live where it's cold.
[Jill] span style="style2"But watch out for thin ice.
span style="style2"They can't swim well.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Male musk oxen sometimes
span style="style2"ram their heads together. Bam!
[Jill] span style="style2"It's so loud,
span style="style2"you can hear it from far away.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]