The Crow Girl (2025) s01e06 Episode Script
I'll See You There
My main area of work
is trauma patients,
dissociative identities, PTSD.
-Did Andrea try to hurt us?
-No, no.
[Mike] I've got a witness.
He said there's a police officer
I think it's Lou.
It started off him
looking out for me
and then we started
sleeping together.
If you can nail him, nail him.
[Jeanette] I found out he's been
having sex with a victim.
You can't stop now
because it's Lou.
[Sophia] Why do you think
she hates you?
[Mary] Because I have a
normal life.
She won't be happy
until I'm dead.
[Sophia] I didn't realize how
much I needed company
until I sent that text.
-[Jeanette] Are you okay?
-[Sophia] A dear client.
-She died, suicide.
-I'm sorry.
If these boys were involved
in very brutal fights,
then they were, in fact,
fighting to the death.
[Jeanette] Victoria Burkeman,
what happened to her?
[Sophia] She was alluring,
terrifying. She vanished.
[Jeanette] Some people are
trying to do the right thing,
even if it hurts.
I know what he does to you.
He did it to me, too.
Are you abusing your younger
daughter now, Mr. Burkeman?
Leave Madeleine out of this!
Meet me here tomorrow morning.
We'll go away together.
[Ben] I won't let you leave.
Victoria isn't just your sister.
She's your mother, too.
[dramatic music]
[wind blowing]
[Victoria] Martin?
[branch snaps]
[whispers] Martin?
Victoria, come inside.
I can't find Martin.
If I take you to him,
will you be a good girl
and come inside?
[ominous music]
[water burbling]
[crow cawing]
You can't look for Martin
[dramatic music]
You hurt him
because you loved him.
-Nobody will believe you.
You did a bad thing.
You remember now,
my love for you is
as endless as the sea.
If you're lost, my love will
show you the way home.
But if you refuse, if you run,
or if you hide,
my love will find you.
No matter where you go.
No matter how big you grow.
You'll always be my baby,
mine alone.
And I will love you
whether you like it or not.
D'you hear?
Whether you like it or not.
Say goodbye now.
His feet are dirty.
He doesn't like it.
Can I wash them?
[eerie music]
[waves breaking]
[phone ringing]
[Ben] Hello, Victoria.
She's not coming.
She will always be my baby.
Mine alone.
[line beeps]
[intensifying music]
Rock-a-bye, baby
on the tree top, ♪
When the wind blows
the cradle will rock ♪
When the bough breaks
the cradle will fall ♪
It will fall ♪
And down will come baby
cradle and all ♪
Hush little baby ♪
Don't you weep ♪
[pigs squealing]
Guys, can we please stop
watching each other
watch each other?
Joe-Joe, come on.
Eat your cereal.
-I have.
-Have you?
All right, clever.
Did you get a break in the case?
Still clear as mud.
Oh, any particular reason
why the psychiatrist came round
the other night?
She wanted to talk about stuff.
Just asking.
It was quite late.
Do you have a moment to talk
about our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ, Hallelujah!
Lou, what are you doing here?
The car's fixed.
Yeah, I know,
but I was close by,
and I figured I'd come
and pick you up,
but mainly, I wanted to give
the big man this!
Thank you, Uncle Lou.
Thank you.
Can't have him going shirtless
for the big match tomorrow.
I asked you if I could take him
to the game.
-[Joe] Really?
-[Lou] Yesterday.
-You said yes.
-Yes, thank you, Uncle Lou.
-Did I-- Forgot about that.
-[Joe] Please, Mum, please?
Jesus, have I just walked in
on a proper domestic?
Oh, fuck off, Lou.
Um, I had a really shit
night's sleep last night.
-I'm sorry.
-Perfectly all right, Jeanette.
No, I am.
I'm sorry.
I'm very sorry.
Women are mysterious creatures,
Jeanette, I just teed you up.
[Jeanette] Right. Where is that?
Where is that wallet?
Joe-Joe, have you seen
Mama's wallet?
Where's the last place
you had it?
-I had it in your car last.
-Hey, come on.
[tense music]
One, two, three.
Fuck me.
[Lou] Fortune, all for you.
Told you.
By the way, there's a distinct
lack of toast in this house
this morning.
Terrible service.
Right. Joe-Joe say bye
to your Uncle Lou.
-Bye, Uncle Lou.
Come on.
Go brush your teeth, please.
Come on.
Go, go, go, go.
Thank you.
Okay, um, and by the way,
she came round to talk.
She's having trouble
with her partner
and she wanted some
friendly advice.
What did you tell her?
I gotta go.
See you later.
[creepy music]
[locks click]
-What are you doing?
-Talk to me.
About what?
Why don't you want me to take
Joe-Joe to the football?
I never said that.
When did I say that?
Well, you've got your knickers
in a twist about something.
Well, I'm sorry.
-Alex and me are--
-There you go.
There you go.
Alex and you, not me.
-Nothing to do with the job?
Right. Well,
I haven't done anything to you.
I've got your back, pal.
So there's no need, all right?
Yeah. All right.
For what it's worth,
I'm sorry about Alex.
[soft music]
[eerie music]
[door opens]
[door opens]
[Ben] You mustn't sit up.
You'll hurt yourself.
Her name's Madeleine.
Can I see her?
She's dead, sweetheart.
You dropped her, remember?
You pushed her out
and you wanted to hold her.
And you were all confused.
And you dropped her
on her little head.
She didn't cry.
She was a good girl when you
cracked her head like an egg.
She's dead because I loved her.
[Ben] Yes.
Like Martin?
[somber music]
[sobbing loudly]
[metal scraping]
[ominous music]
[door opens]
[Ben] I wouldn't.
If I were you, Victoria.
This wouldn't have happened
if you'd stayed away.
[dramatic music]
So, no mess.
No histrionics.
Just read him his rights
and get him out of there.
Don't make a scene.
[Singh] DI Newton will be here
and I can step in if necessary.
Is that okay with you?
[Verity] Yes.
[tense music]
Hey, Lou.
Your round.
Flat white.
-Come with me for a second.
-So then-- Why? What's wrong?
Just come and have a word
with me for a second. Come on.
Detective Inspector
Louis Stanley?
I'm Detective Inspector Newton
from Anti-Corruption.
And this is my colleague,
Detective Chief Inspector Singh.
You're here for me?
Is that why you--
You knew.
You fucking knew and you let me
come into work this morning?
Let's just go outside and have
a chat with them, shall we?
No, I'm staying here.
I'm not going outside
to talk to anyone!
We're doing this here and now.
You can all--
All you can fucking watch!
There's no need for this,
We just need to discuss some
findings with you
and go to another room.
Findings? You--
You've been snooping on me,
have you?
Come on. Let's go and talk
about this together.
I am dying to hear what it is
that you found out about me,
you miserable bitch!
Well, come on then.
Let me hear say it.
Come on!
Let me hear it.
Say it, sweetheart!
Christ, she's young, isn't she?
Must be the first you've said,
isn't it?
Detective Inspector
Louis Stanley,
I'm arresting you on the offense
of misconduct in public office.
I must caution you and inform
you that you do not have to say
anything that may harm
your defense.
If you do not mention,
when questioned,
something you later rely on
in court.
Anything you do say may be given
in evidence.
Well done, you.
Excellent delivery.
Do you wanna cuff me as well?
Not if you cooperate.
Let's go.
[dramatic music]
-Get in.
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
[knocking on door]
DCI Kilburn.
DCI Kilburn, open the door.
-You gonna get that?
-Shut up!
Give me two seconds, please.
Just two seconds.
DCI Kilburn, don't do this.
Open the door.
You're on your own, Jeanette.
I'm not fucking doing this.
You need to tell me
what you've done.
-You owe me that.
-I don't owe you shit!
Another officer has brought it
to my attention--
Oh, fucking Mike.
Fucking Mike that
little shitbag.
Nice job protecting your source.
Three dead boys all brutally
killed in fights,
and you run a boxing club.
I've got nothing to do
with those deaths.
I'm investigating them
same way as you are!
I didn't know they were linked
to the gym.
You must've.
Don't lie!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Now, you tell me how me teaching
a bunch of kids who can't even
speak English the difference
between a cross and a jab equals
them being dumped in bags?
What are you saying?
The hostel manager, she knows
you by fucking name, Lou.
-Wait a minute--
-Are you involved in this?
Are you--Are you saying that
I've been deliberately passing
boys over to what?
To-to-to fight to the death?
Why? Why would I do that?
I know that you're taking money.
I know that.
I found it in your gym bag.
I fucking knew you hadn't lost
your wallet.
-You're such a piece of--
-What's the money for?
Oh, for Christ's sake, Jeanette,
I help them!
Help them?
What's that even mean?
Explain what that means.
I help them by placing them
with people that I know will
personally look after them.
Money, purpose and security!
And that's a damn sight more
than they're getting
from anyone else.
So you've got them doing what?
You've got them beating
each other to death for cash?
No. Fuckin' no.
I don't know anything
about that.
Those people are fuckin'
What then?
-What are these boys doing?
I set them up selling drugs.
You're profiteering from this.
It's just a wee kickback.
It's what I'm owed.
You're a fucking criminal.
Oh, come on, Jeanette!
I'm doing it for them.
I have seen firsthand
how the law works in favor
of those who do not
fucking deserve it.
Huh? You know how I feel about
protecting vulnerable people.
-Don't shit the bed now.
-Are you serious?
I help people.
That is what I fucking do.
And sometimes, sometimes the law
just gets in the way.
Is that what happened
with Ursula?
Don't you fucking
mention her name!
Don't you fucking mention
her name!
Or what?
I helped her.
I helped her.
I swear to God,
you should have seen her.
You should have seen her
after they were done with her.
I couldn't bear the thought of
her going through all that.
And so
I rescued her.
By fucking her?
You are so fucking--
My God, you're a police officer.
There's no way she didn't
feel pressure to comply.
It was consensual,
for fuck's sake.
Yeah. As soon as she seen
what you did to her rapist.
Yeah, it's a complete--It's a
total abuse of power, Lou.
He's lucky I only smashed
his teeth in.
The fucking pedo.
That poor girl.
That poor, poor girl.
She went from Carl Lowry
and his mates
and all those bastards to you.
You fucked everything for me.
You've really fucked this
for us.
You're my partner.
You're the godfather to my son
who worships the ground
you walk on.
You know, I prayed your car
would never get fixed
because your house
in the morning,
the chaos and the shit,
and the energy
I fucking love that.
See, I don't have an Alex
or a Joe-Joe or a family.
In fact, I have nothing.
You can't put that on me, Lou.
Oh, I can, love.
[loud knock on door]
Jeanette, this is an extreme
lapse in judgment,
and I am ordering you to leave
this office at once.
You got anything else to tell me
before I lose you?
[sad music]
[Newton] Hands behind your back,
[door closes]
[eerie music]
This is what happens
when you love someone.
Imagine, Martin.
Imagine my baby, Madeleine.
You murdered all those boys
with that game you play.
No, no, no, no.
You murdered a part of me.
You and all your friends.
And now,
you've murdered yourself.
This is what happens
when you love someone
just like you taught me.
People get hurt.
And if you refuse.
If you run.
Or if you hide.
My love will find you.
No matter where you go.
You'll always be my daddy.
Mine alone.
And I will love you.
Whether you like it or not.
[dramatic music]
[crows cawing]
-For what it's worth--
-I genuinely
don't want to hear it.
You'll have to tell the
disciplinary panel anyway.
And I'd rather you didn't use
this as a dry run.
The anecdotes we choose
to tell about ourselves
and the narratives we use
to frame the justification
for our actions are important,
I understand you feel betrayed.
I don't know that you do,
Lou was my family.
As betrayals go, it's--
It's certainly considerable.
Shopped in my best mate in the
name of doing the right thing.
Only you didn't
because not a word
of your little chat
will be admissible.
[sighs] Fuck.
In your opinion,
is there hard evidence
that he is connected to
the deaths of those boys?
Technically, no.
He says he didn't know about
the fights and
I believe him.
Everything else,
he's admitted to.
Placing the boys in gangs
and selling drugs.
Yeah, well, the less said
about that, the better.
I have no choice but
to inform the IOPC.
He'll lose his badge,
that's certain.
But the CPS will likely throw
most, if not all of it out
due to this morning's
Go home, Jeanette.
[somber music]
Sorry, I didn't think
you'd be home so early.
I haven't had a chance to
I'm so, so sorry.
How am I going to tell Joe?
Tell Joe what?
About Lou
or us?
I think
I think you think what I think.
I can't do two life changing
things in one day.
It's now or never, right?
I think we need
to give us a chance.
Not us, us,
but as people, as
as individuals.
And I think the more we both try
in our own ways to fight
for this, we're making it worse.
[sad music]
There's a world in which we
pretend this conversation
never happened,
and we both live secure lives.
I never want to resent you,
I love you.
And I love you, Alex.
-Yeah, but.
Forever the butt guy.
But in all seriousness,
I think that we uh,
we need more.
[sighs] More
Yeah, look.
We don't have to
put a clock on this.
All right.
We don't have to tell Joe
right away.
Let's just figure out
all that stuff and
Focus on the fact that we love
each other and--
[phone ringing]
Oh, sorry.
I've gotta take this.
-[Mike] Where are you?
What do you mean where am I?
Verity sent me home.
Come back.
There's a fire.
A fire?
[Mike] The Burkeman's farm has
gone up in flames.
Two confirmed dead.
I'm heading there now.
Fuck. Okay.
I'll be there straightaway.
I'm sorry.
I've gotta go.
Alex, uh, something really major
has come up.
-I'm sorry.
-[Alex] Yeah, it's fine.
What do you want for dinner?
Whatever you fancy.
Let's celebrate.
To us.
To us.
Okay, let's celebrate.
[door closes]
-What have you got?
-The first body's inside.
Male, late 60s.
Most likely Ben Burkeman.
Most likely?
He's not visually identifiable.
It's a dental records job.
From what we could gather
it looks like he was tied down
to a chair and set alight,
-which is new.
-And grim.
Looks like the fire then spread
through the living room.
Who called it in?
[Mike] Anymous 999 call.
We're tracing it now.
-Female voice, apparently.
-Yeah, no shit.
So there's one body in there.
Where's the other one?
Come with me.
[ominous music]
It's Madeleine Burkeman.
-Are you sure?
I saw her a few days ago.
I spoke to her.
-Where's her mother?
-Mary Burkeman?
-Unaccounted for.
We've combed through the house.
Haven't turned up anything yet.
Passports, wallets, keys,
everything's still
in the property.
She's just vanished.
[tense music]
-Yeah. Okay.
[phone ringing]
[Man] Yes?
Ben's dead.
Carl's dead.
[Man] She'll be coming for us
next unless you--
It can't be done.
[Man] Does she know?
Where is she?
I've no idea.
[dramatic music]
[door opens]
Any update on those poor boys?
We're currently tracking the
locations for next of kin.
Then we can update the coroner,
so hopefully we can get
the bodies released
once the investigation's over.
Of course.
Daniel Rexha, Faisal Qureshi,
Samuel Osman.
There are more.
There could be a fight happening
now for all we know.
I know this is the last thing
you're gonna wanna hear, Mike,
but you are a bloody
brilliant detective.
[scoffs] I think
I don't know.
I am sorry about today.
And what happened to Lou.
But if felt good
knowing he's gonna lose his
badge for what he's done.
We're all the same, you know?
We all want justice.
It's just
Justice looks different
to everyone, doesn't it?
I should, um, head back down
with these.
I'll be staring
at the incident board.
I'm serious.
[door closes]
[phone ringing]
I'm so glad you called.
Look, I'm really sorry I came
over the other night.
-It was so inappropriate.
-Can I come over?
Uh, yeah, sure.
[Jeanette] I'll explain, but,
It's been a crazy day.
I could ask you a few questions
over the phone, but, um--
But I'd prefer to ask them
over a bottle of wine.
-That kind of day.
-Just a shit show.
No less than three insane things
happened today.
[Sophia] Well, I'll put a bottle
in the fridge.
I'll see you then.
[dramatic music]
I never would have come round
if I'd have thought that you--
No, no, no, no, no.
I think, um--
I think it was a long time
coming with Alex.
You're really brave.
I'm not brave.
I'm impatient.
No, you are.
You are.
Most people would have stayed.
This is--
This is really lovely.
Oh, God.
Yeah, if you define a rogue
deli selection as lovely,
you've come to the right place.
So, yeah, all considered,
today has been horrific.
On the phone,
you said it was three things.
So that's your colleague,
and Alex.
What else?
Have you heard from
Victoria Burkeman?
I've not been able to find her.
Trail's gone cold.
There was a fire at her parents'
house today.
We suspect Victoria
might be behind it.
Two dead.
Both parents?
Uh, the dad, Ben Burkeman
and, uh,
the daughter,
Madeleine Burkeman.
It was extremely strange.
But I don't think Victoria
killed Madeleine.
But she most certainly
positioned her.
Now, I need to find her.
Oh, shit.
Do you need another drink?
I do.
I really do.
And uh,
I need to call Alex first.
Tell him I can't make this
break-up dinner.
[line ringing]
-[Alex] Hi.
-Hi. Uh, look, I'm really sorry.
[Alex] What's up?
Um, can we take a raincheck
on tonight?
[Alex] Sure.
Everything okay?
[Jeanette] Yeah.
Something's come up.
[Alex] Right.
We'll chat in the morning, okay?
-[Alex] Yeah.
I thought we could open a bottle
of something a bit nicer.
You're really beautiful.
[soft music]
So are you.
I've never done this before.
[soft music]
[ominous music]
[Victoria] A question I used
to ask myself.
When will it be time?
As the years washed away,
so did my immediate need.
It never left, but shifted.
Became a quieter beast.
Dangerous, but caged.
Until one day,
there it is.
The enormity of it.
A wrong that must be righted.
[eerie music]
And where there was a need
is now a plan.
It's no good telling the
little girl from before
that everything
will be all right.
Because that's a lie.
[Ben] I wouldn't.
[dramatic music]
If I were you, Victoria.
If you were me?
You're too weak to live
in my body.
[crow caws]
I watched the three of you
playing happy families.
[dramatic music]
What does it feel like to kill a
child with your bare hands?
Is it different to watching them
fight one another to death
for sport?
How I imagine you feel
knowing you led Martin
directly to his death.
-What are you doing?
[Ben] But powerful.
Maybe even the same feeling she
felt when the light left her.
[eerie music]
This wouldn't have happened
if you'd stayed away.
[Ben] Don't worry.
I made sure to tell her
that you were her mother.
This is what happens when you
love someone, Victoria!
[dramatic music]
Thank you, Victoria.
[dramatic music]
[Victoria] Did you know
that crows can talk?
When I was a little girl,
I found a crow.
And I thought I was helping it.
But because I loved it,
it got hurt.
[eerie music]
In this world there are truths
and there are lies.
And a truth is that bad things
happen to little girls
and bad things happen
to little boys.
Either you're made to fight
or you're made to fuck.
Your light is snuffed out.
[dramatic music]
I wish I were a crow.
Jet black and invisible.
Clever and canny.
I'd never forget.
It would finally be my turn.
[dramatic music]
Hush little baby ♪
Don't you leave ♪
Rest your head now ♪
And go to sleep ♪
is trauma patients,
dissociative identities, PTSD.
-Did Andrea try to hurt us?
-No, no.
[Mike] I've got a witness.
He said there's a police officer
I think it's Lou.
It started off him
looking out for me
and then we started
sleeping together.
If you can nail him, nail him.
[Jeanette] I found out he's been
having sex with a victim.
You can't stop now
because it's Lou.
[Sophia] Why do you think
she hates you?
[Mary] Because I have a
normal life.
She won't be happy
until I'm dead.
[Sophia] I didn't realize how
much I needed company
until I sent that text.
-[Jeanette] Are you okay?
-[Sophia] A dear client.
-She died, suicide.
-I'm sorry.
If these boys were involved
in very brutal fights,
then they were, in fact,
fighting to the death.
[Jeanette] Victoria Burkeman,
what happened to her?
[Sophia] She was alluring,
terrifying. She vanished.
[Jeanette] Some people are
trying to do the right thing,
even if it hurts.
I know what he does to you.
He did it to me, too.
Are you abusing your younger
daughter now, Mr. Burkeman?
Leave Madeleine out of this!
Meet me here tomorrow morning.
We'll go away together.
[Ben] I won't let you leave.
Victoria isn't just your sister.
She's your mother, too.
[dramatic music]
[wind blowing]
[Victoria] Martin?
[branch snaps]
[whispers] Martin?
Victoria, come inside.
I can't find Martin.
If I take you to him,
will you be a good girl
and come inside?
[ominous music]
[water burbling]
[crow cawing]
You can't look for Martin
[dramatic music]
You hurt him
because you loved him.
-Nobody will believe you.
You did a bad thing.
You remember now,
my love for you is
as endless as the sea.
If you're lost, my love will
show you the way home.
But if you refuse, if you run,
or if you hide,
my love will find you.
No matter where you go.
No matter how big you grow.
You'll always be my baby,
mine alone.
And I will love you
whether you like it or not.
D'you hear?
Whether you like it or not.
Say goodbye now.
His feet are dirty.
He doesn't like it.
Can I wash them?
[eerie music]
[waves breaking]
[phone ringing]
[Ben] Hello, Victoria.
She's not coming.
She will always be my baby.
Mine alone.
[line beeps]
[intensifying music]
Rock-a-bye, baby
on the tree top, ♪
When the wind blows
the cradle will rock ♪
When the bough breaks
the cradle will fall ♪
It will fall ♪
And down will come baby
cradle and all ♪
Hush little baby ♪
Don't you weep ♪
[pigs squealing]
Guys, can we please stop
watching each other
watch each other?
Joe-Joe, come on.
Eat your cereal.
-I have.
-Have you?
All right, clever.
Did you get a break in the case?
Still clear as mud.
Oh, any particular reason
why the psychiatrist came round
the other night?
She wanted to talk about stuff.
Just asking.
It was quite late.
Do you have a moment to talk
about our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ, Hallelujah!
Lou, what are you doing here?
The car's fixed.
Yeah, I know,
but I was close by,
and I figured I'd come
and pick you up,
but mainly, I wanted to give
the big man this!
Thank you, Uncle Lou.
Thank you.
Can't have him going shirtless
for the big match tomorrow.
I asked you if I could take him
to the game.
-[Joe] Really?
-[Lou] Yesterday.
-You said yes.
-Yes, thank you, Uncle Lou.
-Did I-- Forgot about that.
-[Joe] Please, Mum, please?
Jesus, have I just walked in
on a proper domestic?
Oh, fuck off, Lou.
Um, I had a really shit
night's sleep last night.
-I'm sorry.
-Perfectly all right, Jeanette.
No, I am.
I'm sorry.
I'm very sorry.
Women are mysterious creatures,
Jeanette, I just teed you up.
[Jeanette] Right. Where is that?
Where is that wallet?
Joe-Joe, have you seen
Mama's wallet?
Where's the last place
you had it?
-I had it in your car last.
-Hey, come on.
[tense music]
One, two, three.
Fuck me.
[Lou] Fortune, all for you.
Told you.
By the way, there's a distinct
lack of toast in this house
this morning.
Terrible service.
Right. Joe-Joe say bye
to your Uncle Lou.
-Bye, Uncle Lou.
Come on.
Go brush your teeth, please.
Come on.
Go, go, go, go.
Thank you.
Okay, um, and by the way,
she came round to talk.
She's having trouble
with her partner
and she wanted some
friendly advice.
What did you tell her?
I gotta go.
See you later.
[creepy music]
[locks click]
-What are you doing?
-Talk to me.
About what?
Why don't you want me to take
Joe-Joe to the football?
I never said that.
When did I say that?
Well, you've got your knickers
in a twist about something.
Well, I'm sorry.
-Alex and me are--
-There you go.
There you go.
Alex and you, not me.
-Nothing to do with the job?
Right. Well,
I haven't done anything to you.
I've got your back, pal.
So there's no need, all right?
Yeah. All right.
For what it's worth,
I'm sorry about Alex.
[soft music]
[eerie music]
[door opens]
[door opens]
[Ben] You mustn't sit up.
You'll hurt yourself.
Her name's Madeleine.
Can I see her?
She's dead, sweetheart.
You dropped her, remember?
You pushed her out
and you wanted to hold her.
And you were all confused.
And you dropped her
on her little head.
She didn't cry.
She was a good girl when you
cracked her head like an egg.
She's dead because I loved her.
[Ben] Yes.
Like Martin?
[somber music]
[sobbing loudly]
[metal scraping]
[ominous music]
[door opens]
[Ben] I wouldn't.
If I were you, Victoria.
This wouldn't have happened
if you'd stayed away.
[dramatic music]
So, no mess.
No histrionics.
Just read him his rights
and get him out of there.
Don't make a scene.
[Singh] DI Newton will be here
and I can step in if necessary.
Is that okay with you?
[Verity] Yes.
[tense music]
Hey, Lou.
Your round.
Flat white.
-Come with me for a second.
-So then-- Why? What's wrong?
Just come and have a word
with me for a second. Come on.
Detective Inspector
Louis Stanley?
I'm Detective Inspector Newton
from Anti-Corruption.
And this is my colleague,
Detective Chief Inspector Singh.
You're here for me?
Is that why you--
You knew.
You fucking knew and you let me
come into work this morning?
Let's just go outside and have
a chat with them, shall we?
No, I'm staying here.
I'm not going outside
to talk to anyone!
We're doing this here and now.
You can all--
All you can fucking watch!
There's no need for this,
We just need to discuss some
findings with you
and go to another room.
Findings? You--
You've been snooping on me,
have you?
Come on. Let's go and talk
about this together.
I am dying to hear what it is
that you found out about me,
you miserable bitch!
Well, come on then.
Let me hear say it.
Come on!
Let me hear it.
Say it, sweetheart!
Christ, she's young, isn't she?
Must be the first you've said,
isn't it?
Detective Inspector
Louis Stanley,
I'm arresting you on the offense
of misconduct in public office.
I must caution you and inform
you that you do not have to say
anything that may harm
your defense.
If you do not mention,
when questioned,
something you later rely on
in court.
Anything you do say may be given
in evidence.
Well done, you.
Excellent delivery.
Do you wanna cuff me as well?
Not if you cooperate.
Let's go.
[dramatic music]
-Get in.
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
[knocking on door]
DCI Kilburn.
DCI Kilburn, open the door.
-You gonna get that?
-Shut up!
Give me two seconds, please.
Just two seconds.
DCI Kilburn, don't do this.
Open the door.
You're on your own, Jeanette.
I'm not fucking doing this.
You need to tell me
what you've done.
-You owe me that.
-I don't owe you shit!
Another officer has brought it
to my attention--
Oh, fucking Mike.
Fucking Mike that
little shitbag.
Nice job protecting your source.
Three dead boys all brutally
killed in fights,
and you run a boxing club.
I've got nothing to do
with those deaths.
I'm investigating them
same way as you are!
I didn't know they were linked
to the gym.
You must've.
Don't lie!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Now, you tell me how me teaching
a bunch of kids who can't even
speak English the difference
between a cross and a jab equals
them being dumped in bags?
What are you saying?
The hostel manager, she knows
you by fucking name, Lou.
-Wait a minute--
-Are you involved in this?
Are you--Are you saying that
I've been deliberately passing
boys over to what?
To-to-to fight to the death?
Why? Why would I do that?
I know that you're taking money.
I know that.
I found it in your gym bag.
I fucking knew you hadn't lost
your wallet.
-You're such a piece of--
-What's the money for?
Oh, for Christ's sake, Jeanette,
I help them!
Help them?
What's that even mean?
Explain what that means.
I help them by placing them
with people that I know will
personally look after them.
Money, purpose and security!
And that's a damn sight more
than they're getting
from anyone else.
So you've got them doing what?
You've got them beating
each other to death for cash?
No. Fuckin' no.
I don't know anything
about that.
Those people are fuckin'
What then?
-What are these boys doing?
I set them up selling drugs.
You're profiteering from this.
It's just a wee kickback.
It's what I'm owed.
You're a fucking criminal.
Oh, come on, Jeanette!
I'm doing it for them.
I have seen firsthand
how the law works in favor
of those who do not
fucking deserve it.
Huh? You know how I feel about
protecting vulnerable people.
-Don't shit the bed now.
-Are you serious?
I help people.
That is what I fucking do.
And sometimes, sometimes the law
just gets in the way.
Is that what happened
with Ursula?
Don't you fucking
mention her name!
Don't you fucking mention
her name!
Or what?
I helped her.
I helped her.
I swear to God,
you should have seen her.
You should have seen her
after they were done with her.
I couldn't bear the thought of
her going through all that.
And so
I rescued her.
By fucking her?
You are so fucking--
My God, you're a police officer.
There's no way she didn't
feel pressure to comply.
It was consensual,
for fuck's sake.
Yeah. As soon as she seen
what you did to her rapist.
Yeah, it's a complete--It's a
total abuse of power, Lou.
He's lucky I only smashed
his teeth in.
The fucking pedo.
That poor girl.
That poor, poor girl.
She went from Carl Lowry
and his mates
and all those bastards to you.
You fucked everything for me.
You've really fucked this
for us.
You're my partner.
You're the godfather to my son
who worships the ground
you walk on.
You know, I prayed your car
would never get fixed
because your house
in the morning,
the chaos and the shit,
and the energy
I fucking love that.
See, I don't have an Alex
or a Joe-Joe or a family.
In fact, I have nothing.
You can't put that on me, Lou.
Oh, I can, love.
[loud knock on door]
Jeanette, this is an extreme
lapse in judgment,
and I am ordering you to leave
this office at once.
You got anything else to tell me
before I lose you?
[sad music]
[Newton] Hands behind your back,
[door closes]
[eerie music]
This is what happens
when you love someone.
Imagine, Martin.
Imagine my baby, Madeleine.
You murdered all those boys
with that game you play.
No, no, no, no.
You murdered a part of me.
You and all your friends.
And now,
you've murdered yourself.
This is what happens
when you love someone
just like you taught me.
People get hurt.
And if you refuse.
If you run.
Or if you hide.
My love will find you.
No matter where you go.
You'll always be my daddy.
Mine alone.
And I will love you.
Whether you like it or not.
[dramatic music]
[crows cawing]
-For what it's worth--
-I genuinely
don't want to hear it.
You'll have to tell the
disciplinary panel anyway.
And I'd rather you didn't use
this as a dry run.
The anecdotes we choose
to tell about ourselves
and the narratives we use
to frame the justification
for our actions are important,
I understand you feel betrayed.
I don't know that you do,
Lou was my family.
As betrayals go, it's--
It's certainly considerable.
Shopped in my best mate in the
name of doing the right thing.
Only you didn't
because not a word
of your little chat
will be admissible.
[sighs] Fuck.
In your opinion,
is there hard evidence
that he is connected to
the deaths of those boys?
Technically, no.
He says he didn't know about
the fights and
I believe him.
Everything else,
he's admitted to.
Placing the boys in gangs
and selling drugs.
Yeah, well, the less said
about that, the better.
I have no choice but
to inform the IOPC.
He'll lose his badge,
that's certain.
But the CPS will likely throw
most, if not all of it out
due to this morning's
Go home, Jeanette.
[somber music]
Sorry, I didn't think
you'd be home so early.
I haven't had a chance to
I'm so, so sorry.
How am I going to tell Joe?
Tell Joe what?
About Lou
or us?
I think
I think you think what I think.
I can't do two life changing
things in one day.
It's now or never, right?
I think we need
to give us a chance.
Not us, us,
but as people, as
as individuals.
And I think the more we both try
in our own ways to fight
for this, we're making it worse.
[sad music]
There's a world in which we
pretend this conversation
never happened,
and we both live secure lives.
I never want to resent you,
I love you.
And I love you, Alex.
-Yeah, but.
Forever the butt guy.
But in all seriousness,
I think that we uh,
we need more.
[sighs] More
Yeah, look.
We don't have to
put a clock on this.
All right.
We don't have to tell Joe
right away.
Let's just figure out
all that stuff and
Focus on the fact that we love
each other and--
[phone ringing]
Oh, sorry.
I've gotta take this.
-[Mike] Where are you?
What do you mean where am I?
Verity sent me home.
Come back.
There's a fire.
A fire?
[Mike] The Burkeman's farm has
gone up in flames.
Two confirmed dead.
I'm heading there now.
Fuck. Okay.
I'll be there straightaway.
I'm sorry.
I've gotta go.
Alex, uh, something really major
has come up.
-I'm sorry.
-[Alex] Yeah, it's fine.
What do you want for dinner?
Whatever you fancy.
Let's celebrate.
To us.
To us.
Okay, let's celebrate.
[door closes]
-What have you got?
-The first body's inside.
Male, late 60s.
Most likely Ben Burkeman.
Most likely?
He's not visually identifiable.
It's a dental records job.
From what we could gather
it looks like he was tied down
to a chair and set alight,
-which is new.
-And grim.
Looks like the fire then spread
through the living room.
Who called it in?
[Mike] Anymous 999 call.
We're tracing it now.
-Female voice, apparently.
-Yeah, no shit.
So there's one body in there.
Where's the other one?
Come with me.
[ominous music]
It's Madeleine Burkeman.
-Are you sure?
I saw her a few days ago.
I spoke to her.
-Where's her mother?
-Mary Burkeman?
-Unaccounted for.
We've combed through the house.
Haven't turned up anything yet.
Passports, wallets, keys,
everything's still
in the property.
She's just vanished.
[tense music]
-Yeah. Okay.
[phone ringing]
[Man] Yes?
Ben's dead.
Carl's dead.
[Man] She'll be coming for us
next unless you--
It can't be done.
[Man] Does she know?
Where is she?
I've no idea.
[dramatic music]
[door opens]
Any update on those poor boys?
We're currently tracking the
locations for next of kin.
Then we can update the coroner,
so hopefully we can get
the bodies released
once the investigation's over.
Of course.
Daniel Rexha, Faisal Qureshi,
Samuel Osman.
There are more.
There could be a fight happening
now for all we know.
I know this is the last thing
you're gonna wanna hear, Mike,
but you are a bloody
brilliant detective.
[scoffs] I think
I don't know.
I am sorry about today.
And what happened to Lou.
But if felt good
knowing he's gonna lose his
badge for what he's done.
We're all the same, you know?
We all want justice.
It's just
Justice looks different
to everyone, doesn't it?
I should, um, head back down
with these.
I'll be staring
at the incident board.
I'm serious.
[door closes]
[phone ringing]
I'm so glad you called.
Look, I'm really sorry I came
over the other night.
-It was so inappropriate.
-Can I come over?
Uh, yeah, sure.
[Jeanette] I'll explain, but,
It's been a crazy day.
I could ask you a few questions
over the phone, but, um--
But I'd prefer to ask them
over a bottle of wine.
-That kind of day.
-Just a shit show.
No less than three insane things
happened today.
[Sophia] Well, I'll put a bottle
in the fridge.
I'll see you then.
[dramatic music]
I never would have come round
if I'd have thought that you--
No, no, no, no, no.
I think, um--
I think it was a long time
coming with Alex.
You're really brave.
I'm not brave.
I'm impatient.
No, you are.
You are.
Most people would have stayed.
This is--
This is really lovely.
Oh, God.
Yeah, if you define a rogue
deli selection as lovely,
you've come to the right place.
So, yeah, all considered,
today has been horrific.
On the phone,
you said it was three things.
So that's your colleague,
and Alex.
What else?
Have you heard from
Victoria Burkeman?
I've not been able to find her.
Trail's gone cold.
There was a fire at her parents'
house today.
We suspect Victoria
might be behind it.
Two dead.
Both parents?
Uh, the dad, Ben Burkeman
and, uh,
the daughter,
Madeleine Burkeman.
It was extremely strange.
But I don't think Victoria
killed Madeleine.
But she most certainly
positioned her.
Now, I need to find her.
Oh, shit.
Do you need another drink?
I do.
I really do.
And uh,
I need to call Alex first.
Tell him I can't make this
break-up dinner.
[line ringing]
-[Alex] Hi.
-Hi. Uh, look, I'm really sorry.
[Alex] What's up?
Um, can we take a raincheck
on tonight?
[Alex] Sure.
Everything okay?
[Jeanette] Yeah.
Something's come up.
[Alex] Right.
We'll chat in the morning, okay?
-[Alex] Yeah.
I thought we could open a bottle
of something a bit nicer.
You're really beautiful.
[soft music]
So are you.
I've never done this before.
[soft music]
[ominous music]
[Victoria] A question I used
to ask myself.
When will it be time?
As the years washed away,
so did my immediate need.
It never left, but shifted.
Became a quieter beast.
Dangerous, but caged.
Until one day,
there it is.
The enormity of it.
A wrong that must be righted.
[eerie music]
And where there was a need
is now a plan.
It's no good telling the
little girl from before
that everything
will be all right.
Because that's a lie.
[Ben] I wouldn't.
[dramatic music]
If I were you, Victoria.
If you were me?
You're too weak to live
in my body.
[crow caws]
I watched the three of you
playing happy families.
[dramatic music]
What does it feel like to kill a
child with your bare hands?
Is it different to watching them
fight one another to death
for sport?
How I imagine you feel
knowing you led Martin
directly to his death.
-What are you doing?
[Ben] But powerful.
Maybe even the same feeling she
felt when the light left her.
[eerie music]
This wouldn't have happened
if you'd stayed away.
[Ben] Don't worry.
I made sure to tell her
that you were her mother.
This is what happens when you
love someone, Victoria!
[dramatic music]
Thank you, Victoria.
[dramatic music]
[Victoria] Did you know
that crows can talk?
When I was a little girl,
I found a crow.
And I thought I was helping it.
But because I loved it,
it got hurt.
[eerie music]
In this world there are truths
and there are lies.
And a truth is that bad things
happen to little girls
and bad things happen
to little boys.
Either you're made to fight
or you're made to fuck.
Your light is snuffed out.
[dramatic music]
I wish I were a crow.
Jet black and invisible.
Clever and canny.
I'd never forget.
It would finally be my turn.
[dramatic music]
Hush little baby ♪
Don't you leave ♪
Rest your head now ♪
And go to sleep ♪