The Crown (2016) s02e08 Episode Script
Dear Mrs Kennedy
- [MAN.]
Friends Friends We meet here today not as Ghanaians, Guineans, Moroccans, Algerians, Senegalese or Malians, - but as Africans - [CHATTERING.]
tired of being disrespected and abused [BIRDS SQUAWKING.]
by the corrupt and imperial powers of the past.
The time has come to forge new alliances.
Those who understand the strategic importance of Africa and are willing to treat us as equals.
Not as subordinates! And not as slaves! This is our time.
We must choose our own destiny! [GOAT BLEATS.]
A socialist Africa! [CHATTERING.]
For Africans! [APPLAUSE.]
It's definitely seen better days, ma'am.
We'll send in the foresters at the end of the season, cut it back.
- The old oak, she's still hanging on.
- [MAN.]
Just about.
- Oh, but she looks so old.
Well, she will have to be felled in due course.
What a shame.
- Looks like it's set in for the day.
You remember my grandson, Daniel, ma'am? [ELIZABETH.]
Yes, of course.
I was at his christening.
That's right.
We ought to head back, ma'am.
Get you out of this rain.
I'll go get the jump leads; The engine's packed in.
What, again? - [DOGS WHIMPER.]
Can I help, ma'am? - Oh.
Thank you.
Pull! Pull! [GROANING.]
Oh! Aah! - Sorry, you all right, ma'am? - Yes, fine, thank you.
The ceremonial guard awaited Mr.
Kennedy's arrival.
It has pleased the French that he came to Paris before going to Vienna to meet Mr.
Khrushchev When is it, do you think, if one's committed to a life of honesty, that one must start calling oneself "middle-aged"? Oh, stop it.
You're still a young girl! I caught sight of myself in a mirror today.
I looked like an old woman.
You haven't even finished having children yet.
So, finish your family, let the first one go to school, and then let's talk about being middle-aged.
That won't be middle-aged, that'll be ancient.
Here he is arriving in Paris - [STATIC NOISE.]
Oh no, no! - [QUEEN MOTHER.]
Oh, not again! - [ELIZABETH SIGHS.]
- Mummy! Be careful.
- President No, stop it! It's rented.
Oh no, yes, you've got it.
Well done.
- This macaroni and cheese is heavenly.
to visit the faculty of medicine in Paris.
This whole weekend has been heavenly.
It will be the first meeting Sadly, I have to leave in the morning.
- Whatever for? - They're coming to dinner.
The Kennedys? After Vienna with Khrushchev, then Paris, they're coming to London.
So we're having an informal dinner at Buckingham Palace.
During the brief stay in Paris [QUEEN MOTHER.]
She's so young.
I always thought she was the same age as you.
She is.
a banquet at the Ãlysée Palace.
- Oh No! Thank you.
Oh, no, look, there she is.
was talking about the charm and elegance of Mr.
Kennedy's wife Jackie.
Jackie, in fact, often stole the picture.
Oh, she is pretty, isn't she? Yes.
One overriding item on the agenda today, ma'am.
And our continued concern for Nkrumah's growing hostility to the West.
You feel that he's drifting from the Commonwealth? Not so much drifting as bolting for the door.
Into whose arms? The Russians', ma'am.
Yesterday, he received Brezhnev in Accra.
Brezhnev? The chairman of the Soviet Presidium, who flew to Ghana for talks about Nkrumah's precious dam project? - The Volta Dam.
- Yes, ma'am.
But I thought Nkrumah had been talking to the Americans about that.
He had been, but Russia sees this as an opportunity to outbid the Americans, get a foothold in Africa, in an attempt to turn the whole continent red.
Well, shouldn't we ask the Americans to improve their offer? I will certainly speak to President Kennedy - as soon as he arrives in London.
- Oh, good.
- Following his great triumph in Paris.
I thought de Gaulle didn't care for Mr.
Oh, he doesn't! Personally or politically.
- So what turned it all around? - The First Lady, ma'am.
- Why? What did she do? - Dazzled le tout Paris.
Had President de Gaulle eating out of her hand.
- How on earth did she do that? - By speaking French fluently.
Yes, we can all do that.
And by debating with local philosophers and intellectuals until all anti-American sentiment simply evaporated.
I suppose she is pretty.
And they are French.
She's also a formidably bright woman in her own right, having studied at the Sorbonne and the prestigious Ãcole Libre des Sciences Politiques.
"The most glamorous and intelligent woman on earth.
- So they say.
And now she's coming to London, so we'd better put our best foot forward, hadn't we, Prime Minister? Your Majesty.
Always important, I think, when choosing a gown is to ask oneself what precisely one wants to feel when wearing it.
I just think that one doesn't want to feel second best.
Especially if one is very much the senior of the two individuals.
- Now, now.
- In terms of rank, ma'am, not age.
To that end I have something quite specific in mind.
Kennedy may have dazzled in Paris, but let's not forget France is a republic.
This is a monarchy.
And if you've got it, flaunt it, I say.
- [CLAPS.]
I had a look at the seating plan for dinner and I couldn't help noticing - [BOBO.]
Breathe in, ma'am.
Just a bit more.
You gave Mrs.
Kennedy to Uncle Dickie.
- [BOBO.]
- Yes, I did.
At his request.
He's been badgering me for weeks.
As, incidentally, has your brother-in-law.
- Berthold? - Yes.
The rascal.
Not to mention our own Prime Minister and the American ambassador.
Well, well, well.
All desperate to sit next to the First Lady.
I could let it out a bit, ma'am.
- No.
What if I'm requesting her too? - [ELIZABETH.]
I put you next to Theodora.
- She's my sister.
Yes, whom you haven't seen in years.
No, she's still my sister and this is, oh, you know No.
I don't know.
Her! Anyway, in terms of protocol, isn't it my right, as your husband, to sit next to the most senior female there? It's true.
At a state dinner you could've expected to sit next to the most senior female guest, but on this occasion, Downing Street have asked us begged us, not to make it a state dinner.
Why? So as not to put French noses out of joint.
What's it got to do with the bloody French? Well, apparently de Gaulle will resist us joining the EEC if he thinks we're too close to the Americans.
- So it's a small, informal dinner.
Well, fine.
- Then it's a free-for-all seating-wise.
Yes, I suppose it is.
In which case, I could move Dickie next to my sister and put myself next to the First Lady.
If you must.
Oh, well.
I must.
Thank you, gentlemen.
The President and First Lady are arriving, ma'am.
There you are.
Is it possible to think you could be marginally less excited? No.
Thank you very much.
Porchey, what on earth is going on? They've all gone mad.
Here they come! [EXCITED CHATTER.]
Madam First Lady, welcome to Buckingham Palace.
Thank you.
- [MAN.]
Her Majesty's waiting for you in the Blue Drawing Room.
- There's a brief reception before dinner.
- [JFK.]
It's mass hysteria.
What extraordinary behavior.
Quite extraordinary.
- Ma'am.
- Thank you.
Darling! For goodness' sake.
- Come on, it's like royalty.
- Oh.
Very funny.
President first, President first.
Your Majesty.
- No curtsy.
- No curtsy.
- Mrs.
- Your Grace.
- [TUTS.]
Your Royal Highness.
- Mrs.
Good evening, Your Royal Majesty.
Oh, dear.
Oh, for goodness' sake.
- Mr.
- Your Grace.
- Did they not get the protocol sheet? - Yes! He obviously didn't read it.
Yes, well.
Shall we? Uh Jackie.
- Where do you think she's going? - Lord knows.
I believe you know our Prime Minister [SIGHS.]
I feel like that went wrong in about 10,000 different ways.
I've seen worse.
Though I'm not sure when.
Drink? - Please.
- [SIGHS.]
Sorry, sir.
- Bloody shambles.
My heart goes out to him.
The word is that, behind closed doors in Vienna, Khrushchev humiliated him, ran rings round him, treated him like a little boy.
No wonder the Cold War - [JACKIE GIGGLES.]
Sensuality We won't go there! [LAUGHS.]
No, we won't.
Oh, stop it.
- Ah.
- So, how was she? Oh, terrific.
She's divine.
- Is she? - And frightfully clever.
What are you doing? - She wants a tour of the place.
- Does she? - Well, then I'll do it.
- No, it's all right, she asked me.
It's my house.
So I'll do it.
Are you OK there? I hope my wife isn't, uh, causing too much trouble.
You do know you're the luckiest man on earth? Yes.
Although people keep telling me the same thing.
Where are they going? I've absolutely no idea.
Now, this is the Throne Room.
In the early years of Queen Victoria's reign, various balls and concerts were held here, but now it's principally used for receptions, investitures and the taking of royal wedding photographs.
Shall we? [ELIZABETH.]
Now, this is the Picture Gallery.
This is my great-great-great-great-grandfather, George III, and he bought Buckingham House in 1761 for his wife, Queen Charlotte.
Who's this? [ELIZABETH.]
That's one of the Pitts.
The Younger.
Known for something that's always rather endeared me to him: Crippling shyness.
Apparently, he could barely look people in the eye.
And yet he became our prime minister.
I quite understand.
I'm also a shy person by nature.
This leads to our private apartments.
It's a shortcut.
This is about as private as it gets in this place.
It's where one feels most comfortable.
Oh, I quite understand.
You have to have somewhere to escape to.
I've often wondered how someone who hates attention as much as I do ended up in a goldfish bowl like the White House.
But I realize there's actually a perverse logic to a cripplingly shy person ending up in this position.
Oh, you'll have to explain that one to me.
Well, a shy person will seek out someone strong to protect them.
I'm with you so far.
And a strong character's often one who enjoys public life.
Who thrives on it.
And then, before you know it, the very person you've turned to in order to protect you is the very reason you are exposed.
Jack's idea of heaven is a crowd.
Campaigning, fund-raising, speechmaking.
That's when he comes alive.
He'd far sooner speak to 10,000 people under the glare of spotlights than be alone with me.
And what's your idea of heaven? I like my own company.
And to be alone in the countryside.
And where do you go? A farm, Glen Ora, about an hour from Washington.
Maryland? - Virginia.
Oh, yes.
- Hello, Stuart.
- Ma'am.
- [GASPS.]
They're eating.
- Yes, ma'am.
Oh, goodness! [LAUGHS.]
- Hello, puppies.
Hello, what's your name? - [DOG WHINES.]
- Well, that's Sugar.
And these are her puppies.
Come here, come here, little one.
- Whiskey and Sherry.
- Oh, you're very clever to be cautious.
Oh, it's really one of the great paradoxes of being in a position where I have to talk to a great many people, but deep down, I'm happiest with animals.
That makes two of us.
I always think my sister would've made, if not the better, the more natural First Lady.
- Oh, mine too.
A born queen.
And the greatest of British queens.
In her own mind, anyway.
No, I liked her very much.
And I'd been all set to loathe her.
But in the end, I was utterly charmed.
- It's a timely reminder.
- Of what? Well, that people are so rarely what they seem.
Well, then I don't know what Patrick was talking about.
- Patrick? - Plunket.
- I saw him last night at Tartuffe.
- Oh, is that a restaurant? [LAUGHS.]
It's a play, dear.
A very famous French play.
- Oh, I knew that.
- Did you? - [ELIZABETH.]
Yes, it's a classic tragedy.
By Pissarro.
- Molière.
- Oh.
- Pissarro was a painter! When was the last time you even went to the theater? - Or a gallery? - [SIGHS.]
Or even read a book? Oh, you're a savage.
Oh, thank you.
What about Patrick? Well, Patrick had dinner at the Radziwills' last week, where your new best friend, Mrs.
Kennedy, was also a guest.
He called me this morning to tell me some of the things - he'd overheard her say at dinner.
Oh, what did she say? You'd have to ask Patrick.
I must say, it did seem a little unkind.
You know how reported speech gets twisted in the re-telling.
I'm quite sure it was nothing.
General salute! - Present arms! - [GUNS CLICKING.]
Shoulder arms! Order arms! [DOG WHINES.]
About turn! [DOG WHINES.]
- Your Majesty.
It's so kind of you to come.
- It's really not far.
- Are you still just round the corner? - At Wellington Barracks? - I am.
And are you still traveling up and down the country, recruiting for all the regiments from the top schools? - That's me.
I gather you saw the First Lady at dinner recently.
- Who? - Mrs.
- Margaret mentioned it.
- Did she? Yes.
So how was that? Pleasant enough.
- You know how it is at the Radziwills'.
- No, I don't.
Well, the food's always good.
Yes, well, I wasn't asking about the food.
I'd like to know what was said.
Patrick, we grew up together and we've always had a very frank and a very open relationship.
- Yes, ma'am.
Yes, so Let's not break the habit of a lifetime.
All right.
What I overheard the First Lady say [STUTTERS.]
and I should mention, I was several places along the table.
- It's possible that I misheard.
- Yes.
Was that she found Buckingham Palace second-rate, dilapidated and sad.
Like a neglected provincial hotel.
And that one came away with a sense of a tired institution without a place in the modern world.
I see.
And did she have anything to say about me? - Oh, Lilibet.
- Patrick! I was at the other end of the table, I But the words I think I overheard were that in our head of state, we had a middle-aged woman so incurious, unintelligent and unremarkable that Britain's new reduced place in the world was not a surprise, but an inevitability.
Well We must have her again soon.
Bad news, I'm afraid.
Worse than bad.
Regarding Nkrumah's Volta Dam project.
President Kennedy's pulled out.
Why? American involvement was conditional upon Ghana having severed all ties with the Russians.
Turns out Nkrumah was in Moscow yesterday to receive the Order of Lenin, highest military honor.
From Khrushchev himself.
- And what's the next step? - I wish I knew.
I wish I had an ace up my sleeve.
The way President Kennedy had his First Lady in Paris? Why don't you send me? Where? To Ghana.
On what would be seen as a personal trip.
Absolutely not.
That would be out of the question, ma'am.
Why? A visit from the Crown to Ghana would be seen as a huge compliment.
Too great a compliment.
It would be singling out Ghana as a preferred nation.
And doing so, we risk alienating Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanganyika.
But surely, by singling out Ghana, that might be just the thing to keep Nkrumah away from the Russians and in the Commonwealth.
Perhaps, but as queen, you cannot be seen to be engaging in the dirty business of politics! But as head of the Commonwealth, can I not be permitted just once to defend it? [MACMILLAN.]
Your Majesty.
It would be unsafe.
It would be provocative.
It would be, in my view, a profound misjudgment to get on that plane.
"The trip is impossible to justify from any angle.
It is unethical, unconstitutional, and indefensible that the Queen should be going at all.
Well, what would you have me do? Nothing? [PHILIP.]
I certainly wouldn't have you get into a chess match - with a wily operator like Nkrumah.
You're just being cynical.
And you're being naive! When you last met him, Nkrumah was just Nkrumah.
Now he's The Lion of Africa, playing the Soviets off against the Americans, and you're a lamb the lion will have for lunch.
The best thing you can do is stay at home - and be what you're supposed to be.
- A puppet? - A constitutional monarch! - A puppet.
- If you like.
Well, that's the whole point.
I don't like.
Sir? She's here.
Thank you.
They're lovely.
Shall we, ma'am? - Stop.
- Stop.
Uh, one moment, please, ma'am.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! [SPEAKING IN AKAN.]
Ghana welcomes you.
- We're very happy to be here.
- Of course.
Back, back, back, back, back.
Back! Ready? - Thank you, Your Majesty.
Thank you.
Well, you've given him the photo he wanted.
That'll be on the front page of every African newspaper, making every other African leader choke with jealousy.
Yes, well, as long as it does the trick.
Adeane here.
Put him through.
- I have a secure line to Ghana.
- [WOMAN.]
Yes, sir.
I thought he'd agreed to suspend all contact with the Soviets.
- [MAN 1.]
Apparently not.
- [MAN 2.]
Ready for you, sir.
[MAN 2.]
Gentlemen? Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello? Your Majesty.
Prime Minister.
I've just received confirmation that a team of international engineers has arrived in Ghana to begin work on Nkrumah's dam.
Well I'd say that's good news, isn't it? We encouraged the Americans to go back to Nkrumah.
Soviet engineers, ma'am.
It appears Nkrumah has been playing us - all off against one another.
- What? - Leading us a merry dance.
I'm afraid you've been used, ma'am.
Just as we'd feared.
Elizabeth! What's happened? Evening, sir.
Ah! Ah! Ah! I wouldn't, if I were you.
Sir? [PHILIP.]
She's asked to be alone.
She says she's thinking.
What's going on? What are you doing? [PHILIP.]
Yes, this is Colonel Charteris.
We have Martin Charteris on the telephone.
A situation is developing in Ghana.
What are you doing? Elizabeth? I think we both understand the significance of this moment.
But do we understand the terms? They appear to be in some kind of negotiation.
- What kind of negotiation? - Get her out of there! [NKRUMAH LAUGHS.]
Your Majesty? [CROWD GASPS.]
Oh, Lord! What's going on? He's taken her hand.
Two, three, four! [MUSIC PLAYS.]
They're dancing.
Our Queen is dancing, sir.
With an African.
What? Was this agreed? [BISHOP.]
Was this agreed? This was definitely not agreed.
- What are they doing? - What are they doing? Hard to say.
I believe it's the foxtrot.
The foxtrot, sir.
Ladies and gentlemen, the man I am proud to call the 35th President of the United States, but even more proud to call my brother, John F.
Thank you, Bobby.
What is it to be an American today? Prosperous, powerful, privileged.
And yet, it is also troubling.
I look around me and find our people divided as never before.
Indeed, as at no time since our Civil War.
There has been a change, a slippage, in our moral and our intellectual strength.
Blight has descended on our regulatory agencies and a dry rot, beginning in Washington, is seeping into every corner of America.
Too many of us have lost our way, our will and our sense of historic purpose.
It is time for a renewal, a new generation of leadership, healing leadership, but we cannot do it alone, and so I am asking each of you to be pioneers in this renewal, in this healing, in the reclaiming of great American values: Freedom, tolerance and equality of opportunity.
Then we can claim our position and responsibilities as leaders of a truly free world.
God bless you all, and God bless the United States of America! - [APPLAUSE.]
Thank you.
Thank you.
- [MAN.]
Thank you, sir.
- [BOBBY.]
You've made this evening worthwhile.
- Ladies, if you'd like to step over here.
- Sure.
When the British royal family visits a former colony, it doesn't normally make news in the US.
But when Queen Elizabeth dances with a former subject What's up, honey? a white monarch with an African leader, the world pays attention.
And so too did Ghanaian leader President Nkrumah himself.
Awed by the gesture, Nkrumah I'm going to Glen Ora with the kids in the morning.
- It's not the weekend yet.
- that he was fast becoming allies It's Wednesday.
It's weekend enough for me.
Don't be like that.
Don't you take away my dignity and then tell me how to be.
I just wanted to thank you, that's all.
For the second time in recent weeks, you've been instrumental in changing a significant matter of foreign policy.
And an African state that was fast running into the arms of the Communists has been turned around and kept in the West.
- Oh.
What does that have to do with me? - [EXHALES.]
Dreary Queen Thick-Ankles? - [JACKIE.]
What? - Her Majestic Dullness? The Incurious Crown? Apparently, just some of the things you said about her at a dinner in London, which then got back to Queen Elizabeth and, it seems, spurred her on.
Without those insults, she wouldn't have defied a Cabinet, risked her reputation and gone to Ghana, against all advice, to bring President Nkrumah back on side, but she did.
Pulled off some incredible stunt with a dance.
- And it's all thanks to you.
- They're ready for you.
It's not like you'll run into her in Glen Ora.
Not Glen Ora, no.
But I am due back in London on my way back from India and Pakistan.
Then my advice would be don't go to Buckingham Palace.
- Sorry.
"The provincial hotel.
- [BOBBY.]
It's not so easy.
Her sister set up a lunch last time we were in town.
Oh? Oh, that should be fun.
Catfight! I'll look forward to a full report.
Come on, Bobby.
We will shortly be reaching a cruising altitude of 25,000 feet and I'm pleased to say that we anticipate clear and calm conditions for the rest of our flight to London.
Your Majesty, some more international reactions to the Ghana trip.
- Positive or negative? - Overwhelmingly positive, ma'am.
Well, just a quick look, then.
So The New York Times calls it "shrewd strategic maneuvering, an example of impeccable political brinkmanship.
" The Australian papers are very impressed with your commitment to the Commonwealth and The Illustrated London News call it "an outstanding personal success.
Gloating doesn't suit you.
The Ghanaian press are calling you a socialist.
Hmm! - Goodness! - [MICHAEL LAUGHS.]
One more thing.
First Lady Mrs.
What about her? [MICHAEL.]
Um Her office has written requesting a private audience with Your Majesty prior to lunch on the 28th of March.
Whatever for? Um, they didn't say.
- Where's the lunch? - Buckingham Palace, ma'am.
Well, let's make the audience Windsor Castle.
Sometimes only a fortress will do.
Windsor Castle.
Eyes front! - [HORSE WHINNIES.]
Hold your line! [COMMANDER.]
On the right, march! Make way for the Queen's Guard! [GATES CREAKING.]
Left, right, left Good afternoon, Mrs.
This way, please.
Left, right, left, right This way, Mrs.
This way, please.
Kennedy, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Thank you for seeing me.
Do sit down.
Thank you.
Shall we have tea? [TEAPOTS CLINKING.]
I asked to speak to you in private ahead of our lunch on Friday because I owe you an apology.
Whatever for? I think we both know the answer to that question.
Thank you.
At a social occasion, shortly after our last visit, I I made some comments, some foolish comments which I believe got back to you.
There really is no need for this.
Reports that you'd said certain things did get back to me.
And I'll confess to being momentarily surprised, since they in no way reflected what I understood to be the spirit of our meeting.
But in this job, I've learned, as I'm sure you have too, not to take things too seriously.
People say things for all sorts of reasons, which get misquoted or misunderstood and, before you know it, those words have turned into something quite different and everyone's upset or up in arms.
I'm quite sure that you meant no harm, nor disrespect.
After all, why would you? We barely know one another.
Still, it was inexcusable so I can't offer an excuse but, if you'll allow me, I'd like to offer an explanation.
Yes, of course.
Last time we were in London, Jack and I probably seemed, at least from the outside, to be riding on a high.
Yes, I should say so.
The most celebrated and most famous couple in the world.
The truth is that I was still suffering from post-natal problems after the birth of our son, and Jack had his own health issues.
To say we were strained would be an understatement.
So, when we got to Paris [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS.]
I don't mind telling you, I took some pleasure in shining there.
Then, at the Ãlysée Palace I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris [LAUGHING.]
I enjoyed it.
Jack didn't appreciate being upstaged.
- Behind closed doors - I can imagine.
There were other factors, too.
Our doctor.
Dr Jacobson routinely administers us his "cocktails" before major trips.
But other substances too.
To help pep us up or calm us down.
On the occasion of that dinner, he had given me something.
A little booster.
- There were these beautiful paintings.
- I told him I needed cheering up.
But I guess it loosened my tongue.
And then I heard some of these terrible things got back to you and - [CORK POPS.]
I can't tell you how much distress it's caused me.
The idea that I might've upset someone I admire so much.
That's very kind of you to say.
It's true.
The way you do your job, the way you cope with the pressure, the personal sacrifices you've made, not to mention your composure and dignity.
As a woman, it's so inspiring.
And what you just did in Ghana.
It was just extraordinary.
What I should've said was that I didn't do very much in Ghana.
I got on a plane and I went.
And the only reason I went was because I felt utterly useless in comparison to you.
And I was trying to compete.
And if anything, I owe you a huge debt of gratitude.
But I didn't.
I just sat there.
And I let her say her piece.
And savored your victory.
- Yes.
And what do you want from me now? A ticking-off? [ELIZABETH.]
Well, don't you think I'm deserving of one? - [PHILIP.]
- But she was so broken.
And fragile and lost.
You did exactly the right thing.
She insulted you, all of us, and you're not a saint.
- No.
- We know that already.
There's ice in those veins when there needs to be.
Well, three cheers to that.
Last one, ma'am, but she's a big heavy one.
- [MAN.]
Right, pick up the slack.
That's it, you got it.
Daniel! - [ELIZABETH.]
No, it's caught.
- [MAN.]
Keep going up the hill.
- Ma'am.
- What is it? You're needed back at the house.
What's going on? - I dunno, lad.
Something's happened.
There was absolute pandemonium around the scene.
People screamed and lay down on the ground as shots were heard.
Reporters saw President Kennedy lying flat on his face on the seat of his car.
Men and women were screaming.
He saw blood on the President's head.
This is all we have here in Washington at this moment.
And for the moment, I return you to Radio Newsreel in London.
Hello, London.
I've just heard from Dallas that the President is still alive but in critical condition.
He was apparently shot in the head and the Governor of Texas, Governor Connally, was shot in the chest.
Kennedy was weeping, trying to hold up her husband's head, when the reporters reached the car as it dashed toward the hospital.
Vice President Lyndon Johnson was in the car behind the President.
Blood transfusions are being given to President Kennedy.
However, one of the two priests called into the room has administered the Last Sacrament of the Church to President Kennedy.
Kennedy and Mrs.
Connally are stunned, but they are at the bedsides of their husbands.
He's dead.
Late yesterday afternoon Didn't you say how unhappy she was? In the marriage? - Yes.
- accompanied the fallen President, - her clothes still - That's the thing about unhappiness.
of this most unthinkable and senseless crime All it takes is for something worse to come along taken in a gray naval ambulance and you realize it was actually happiness after all.
conveyed into the hospital in plain sight of thousands of waiting mourners as disbelieving and shaken, tonight, as our entire nation.
She's still wearing the same clothes! Couldn't they have found her something else? The President's casket was transferred [QUEEN MOTHER.]
She's covered in her husband's blood.
Relatives and loved ones joined the grieving Mrs.
Kennedy - for a private mass in the East Room - No, I think it's deliberate.
before the body is moved to the Rotunda of the Capitol.
The last day in the life of the first Catholic President of the United States.
Where are you going? Lyndon Johnson, sworn in on Air Force One, less than 100 minutes after the official death of President Kennedy [DOOR SLAMS.]
He begins his work as the 36th President - Your Majesty.
I'd like everyone in the royal household to observe a full week of court mourning.
And I would like the bell rung at Westminster Abbey.
Ma'am, custom dictates that the bell only be rung When a member of the royal family dies.
I know.
But I would like it to be rung every minute, for an hour, from eleven o'clock until midday.
Yes, ma'am.
join President Johnson in his prayer for God's help.
May we all find some light and hope in the darkness of the days that lie ahead.
- [MAN.]
Friends Friends We meet here today not as Ghanaians, Guineans, Moroccans, Algerians, Senegalese or Malians, - but as Africans - [CHATTERING.]
tired of being disrespected and abused [BIRDS SQUAWKING.]
by the corrupt and imperial powers of the past.
The time has come to forge new alliances.
Those who understand the strategic importance of Africa and are willing to treat us as equals.
Not as subordinates! And not as slaves! This is our time.
We must choose our own destiny! [GOAT BLEATS.]
A socialist Africa! [CHATTERING.]
For Africans! [APPLAUSE.]
It's definitely seen better days, ma'am.
We'll send in the foresters at the end of the season, cut it back.
- The old oak, she's still hanging on.
- [MAN.]
Just about.
- Oh, but she looks so old.
Well, she will have to be felled in due course.
What a shame.
- Looks like it's set in for the day.
You remember my grandson, Daniel, ma'am? [ELIZABETH.]
Yes, of course.
I was at his christening.
That's right.
We ought to head back, ma'am.
Get you out of this rain.
I'll go get the jump leads; The engine's packed in.
What, again? - [DOGS WHIMPER.]
Can I help, ma'am? - Oh.
Thank you.
Pull! Pull! [GROANING.]
Oh! Aah! - Sorry, you all right, ma'am? - Yes, fine, thank you.
The ceremonial guard awaited Mr.
Kennedy's arrival.
It has pleased the French that he came to Paris before going to Vienna to meet Mr.
Khrushchev When is it, do you think, if one's committed to a life of honesty, that one must start calling oneself "middle-aged"? Oh, stop it.
You're still a young girl! I caught sight of myself in a mirror today.
I looked like an old woman.
You haven't even finished having children yet.
So, finish your family, let the first one go to school, and then let's talk about being middle-aged.
That won't be middle-aged, that'll be ancient.
Here he is arriving in Paris - [STATIC NOISE.]
Oh no, no! - [QUEEN MOTHER.]
Oh, not again! - [ELIZABETH SIGHS.]
- Mummy! Be careful.
- President No, stop it! It's rented.
Oh no, yes, you've got it.
Well done.
- This macaroni and cheese is heavenly.
to visit the faculty of medicine in Paris.
This whole weekend has been heavenly.
It will be the first meeting Sadly, I have to leave in the morning.
- Whatever for? - They're coming to dinner.
The Kennedys? After Vienna with Khrushchev, then Paris, they're coming to London.
So we're having an informal dinner at Buckingham Palace.
During the brief stay in Paris [QUEEN MOTHER.]
She's so young.
I always thought she was the same age as you.
She is.
a banquet at the Ãlysée Palace.
- Oh No! Thank you.
Oh, no, look, there she is.
was talking about the charm and elegance of Mr.
Kennedy's wife Jackie.
Jackie, in fact, often stole the picture.
Oh, she is pretty, isn't she? Yes.
One overriding item on the agenda today, ma'am.
And our continued concern for Nkrumah's growing hostility to the West.
You feel that he's drifting from the Commonwealth? Not so much drifting as bolting for the door.
Into whose arms? The Russians', ma'am.
Yesterday, he received Brezhnev in Accra.
Brezhnev? The chairman of the Soviet Presidium, who flew to Ghana for talks about Nkrumah's precious dam project? - The Volta Dam.
- Yes, ma'am.
But I thought Nkrumah had been talking to the Americans about that.
He had been, but Russia sees this as an opportunity to outbid the Americans, get a foothold in Africa, in an attempt to turn the whole continent red.
Well, shouldn't we ask the Americans to improve their offer? I will certainly speak to President Kennedy - as soon as he arrives in London.
- Oh, good.
- Following his great triumph in Paris.
I thought de Gaulle didn't care for Mr.
Oh, he doesn't! Personally or politically.
- So what turned it all around? - The First Lady, ma'am.
- Why? What did she do? - Dazzled le tout Paris.
Had President de Gaulle eating out of her hand.
- How on earth did she do that? - By speaking French fluently.
Yes, we can all do that.
And by debating with local philosophers and intellectuals until all anti-American sentiment simply evaporated.
I suppose she is pretty.
And they are French.
She's also a formidably bright woman in her own right, having studied at the Sorbonne and the prestigious Ãcole Libre des Sciences Politiques.
"The most glamorous and intelligent woman on earth.
- So they say.
And now she's coming to London, so we'd better put our best foot forward, hadn't we, Prime Minister? Your Majesty.
Always important, I think, when choosing a gown is to ask oneself what precisely one wants to feel when wearing it.
I just think that one doesn't want to feel second best.
Especially if one is very much the senior of the two individuals.
- Now, now.
- In terms of rank, ma'am, not age.
To that end I have something quite specific in mind.
Kennedy may have dazzled in Paris, but let's not forget France is a republic.
This is a monarchy.
And if you've got it, flaunt it, I say.
- [CLAPS.]
I had a look at the seating plan for dinner and I couldn't help noticing - [BOBO.]
Breathe in, ma'am.
Just a bit more.
You gave Mrs.
Kennedy to Uncle Dickie.
- [BOBO.]
- Yes, I did.
At his request.
He's been badgering me for weeks.
As, incidentally, has your brother-in-law.
- Berthold? - Yes.
The rascal.
Not to mention our own Prime Minister and the American ambassador.
Well, well, well.
All desperate to sit next to the First Lady.
I could let it out a bit, ma'am.
- No.
What if I'm requesting her too? - [ELIZABETH.]
I put you next to Theodora.
- She's my sister.
Yes, whom you haven't seen in years.
No, she's still my sister and this is, oh, you know No.
I don't know.
Her! Anyway, in terms of protocol, isn't it my right, as your husband, to sit next to the most senior female there? It's true.
At a state dinner you could've expected to sit next to the most senior female guest, but on this occasion, Downing Street have asked us begged us, not to make it a state dinner.
Why? So as not to put French noses out of joint.
What's it got to do with the bloody French? Well, apparently de Gaulle will resist us joining the EEC if he thinks we're too close to the Americans.
- So it's a small, informal dinner.
Well, fine.
- Then it's a free-for-all seating-wise.
Yes, I suppose it is.
In which case, I could move Dickie next to my sister and put myself next to the First Lady.
If you must.
Oh, well.
I must.
Thank you, gentlemen.
The President and First Lady are arriving, ma'am.
There you are.
Is it possible to think you could be marginally less excited? No.
Thank you very much.
Porchey, what on earth is going on? They've all gone mad.
Here they come! [EXCITED CHATTER.]
Madam First Lady, welcome to Buckingham Palace.
Thank you.
- [MAN.]
Her Majesty's waiting for you in the Blue Drawing Room.
- There's a brief reception before dinner.
- [JFK.]
It's mass hysteria.
What extraordinary behavior.
Quite extraordinary.
- Ma'am.
- Thank you.
Darling! For goodness' sake.
- Come on, it's like royalty.
- Oh.
Very funny.
President first, President first.
Your Majesty.
- No curtsy.
- No curtsy.
- Mrs.
- Your Grace.
- [TUTS.]
Your Royal Highness.
- Mrs.
Good evening, Your Royal Majesty.
Oh, dear.
Oh, for goodness' sake.
- Mr.
- Your Grace.
- Did they not get the protocol sheet? - Yes! He obviously didn't read it.
Yes, well.
Shall we? Uh Jackie.
- Where do you think she's going? - Lord knows.
I believe you know our Prime Minister [SIGHS.]
I feel like that went wrong in about 10,000 different ways.
I've seen worse.
Though I'm not sure when.
Drink? - Please.
- [SIGHS.]
Sorry, sir.
- Bloody shambles.
My heart goes out to him.
The word is that, behind closed doors in Vienna, Khrushchev humiliated him, ran rings round him, treated him like a little boy.
No wonder the Cold War - [JACKIE GIGGLES.]
Sensuality We won't go there! [LAUGHS.]
No, we won't.
Oh, stop it.
- Ah.
- So, how was she? Oh, terrific.
She's divine.
- Is she? - And frightfully clever.
What are you doing? - She wants a tour of the place.
- Does she? - Well, then I'll do it.
- No, it's all right, she asked me.
It's my house.
So I'll do it.
Are you OK there? I hope my wife isn't, uh, causing too much trouble.
You do know you're the luckiest man on earth? Yes.
Although people keep telling me the same thing.
Where are they going? I've absolutely no idea.
Now, this is the Throne Room.
In the early years of Queen Victoria's reign, various balls and concerts were held here, but now it's principally used for receptions, investitures and the taking of royal wedding photographs.
Shall we? [ELIZABETH.]
Now, this is the Picture Gallery.
This is my great-great-great-great-grandfather, George III, and he bought Buckingham House in 1761 for his wife, Queen Charlotte.
Who's this? [ELIZABETH.]
That's one of the Pitts.
The Younger.
Known for something that's always rather endeared me to him: Crippling shyness.
Apparently, he could barely look people in the eye.
And yet he became our prime minister.
I quite understand.
I'm also a shy person by nature.
This leads to our private apartments.
It's a shortcut.
This is about as private as it gets in this place.
It's where one feels most comfortable.
Oh, I quite understand.
You have to have somewhere to escape to.
I've often wondered how someone who hates attention as much as I do ended up in a goldfish bowl like the White House.
But I realize there's actually a perverse logic to a cripplingly shy person ending up in this position.
Oh, you'll have to explain that one to me.
Well, a shy person will seek out someone strong to protect them.
I'm with you so far.
And a strong character's often one who enjoys public life.
Who thrives on it.
And then, before you know it, the very person you've turned to in order to protect you is the very reason you are exposed.
Jack's idea of heaven is a crowd.
Campaigning, fund-raising, speechmaking.
That's when he comes alive.
He'd far sooner speak to 10,000 people under the glare of spotlights than be alone with me.
And what's your idea of heaven? I like my own company.
And to be alone in the countryside.
And where do you go? A farm, Glen Ora, about an hour from Washington.
Maryland? - Virginia.
Oh, yes.
- Hello, Stuart.
- Ma'am.
- [GASPS.]
They're eating.
- Yes, ma'am.
Oh, goodness! [LAUGHS.]
- Hello, puppies.
Hello, what's your name? - [DOG WHINES.]
- Well, that's Sugar.
And these are her puppies.
Come here, come here, little one.
- Whiskey and Sherry.
- Oh, you're very clever to be cautious.
Oh, it's really one of the great paradoxes of being in a position where I have to talk to a great many people, but deep down, I'm happiest with animals.
That makes two of us.
I always think my sister would've made, if not the better, the more natural First Lady.
- Oh, mine too.
A born queen.
And the greatest of British queens.
In her own mind, anyway.
No, I liked her very much.
And I'd been all set to loathe her.
But in the end, I was utterly charmed.
- It's a timely reminder.
- Of what? Well, that people are so rarely what they seem.
Well, then I don't know what Patrick was talking about.
- Patrick? - Plunket.
- I saw him last night at Tartuffe.
- Oh, is that a restaurant? [LAUGHS.]
It's a play, dear.
A very famous French play.
- Oh, I knew that.
- Did you? - [ELIZABETH.]
Yes, it's a classic tragedy.
By Pissarro.
- Molière.
- Oh.
- Pissarro was a painter! When was the last time you even went to the theater? - Or a gallery? - [SIGHS.]
Or even read a book? Oh, you're a savage.
Oh, thank you.
What about Patrick? Well, Patrick had dinner at the Radziwills' last week, where your new best friend, Mrs.
Kennedy, was also a guest.
He called me this morning to tell me some of the things - he'd overheard her say at dinner.
Oh, what did she say? You'd have to ask Patrick.
I must say, it did seem a little unkind.
You know how reported speech gets twisted in the re-telling.
I'm quite sure it was nothing.
General salute! - Present arms! - [GUNS CLICKING.]
Shoulder arms! Order arms! [DOG WHINES.]
About turn! [DOG WHINES.]
- Your Majesty.
It's so kind of you to come.
- It's really not far.
- Are you still just round the corner? - At Wellington Barracks? - I am.
And are you still traveling up and down the country, recruiting for all the regiments from the top schools? - That's me.
I gather you saw the First Lady at dinner recently.
- Who? - Mrs.
- Margaret mentioned it.
- Did she? Yes.
So how was that? Pleasant enough.
- You know how it is at the Radziwills'.
- No, I don't.
Well, the food's always good.
Yes, well, I wasn't asking about the food.
I'd like to know what was said.
Patrick, we grew up together and we've always had a very frank and a very open relationship.
- Yes, ma'am.
Yes, so Let's not break the habit of a lifetime.
All right.
What I overheard the First Lady say [STUTTERS.]
and I should mention, I was several places along the table.
- It's possible that I misheard.
- Yes.
Was that she found Buckingham Palace second-rate, dilapidated and sad.
Like a neglected provincial hotel.
And that one came away with a sense of a tired institution without a place in the modern world.
I see.
And did she have anything to say about me? - Oh, Lilibet.
- Patrick! I was at the other end of the table, I But the words I think I overheard were that in our head of state, we had a middle-aged woman so incurious, unintelligent and unremarkable that Britain's new reduced place in the world was not a surprise, but an inevitability.
Well We must have her again soon.
Bad news, I'm afraid.
Worse than bad.
Regarding Nkrumah's Volta Dam project.
President Kennedy's pulled out.
Why? American involvement was conditional upon Ghana having severed all ties with the Russians.
Turns out Nkrumah was in Moscow yesterday to receive the Order of Lenin, highest military honor.
From Khrushchev himself.
- And what's the next step? - I wish I knew.
I wish I had an ace up my sleeve.
The way President Kennedy had his First Lady in Paris? Why don't you send me? Where? To Ghana.
On what would be seen as a personal trip.
Absolutely not.
That would be out of the question, ma'am.
Why? A visit from the Crown to Ghana would be seen as a huge compliment.
Too great a compliment.
It would be singling out Ghana as a preferred nation.
And doing so, we risk alienating Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanganyika.
But surely, by singling out Ghana, that might be just the thing to keep Nkrumah away from the Russians and in the Commonwealth.
Perhaps, but as queen, you cannot be seen to be engaging in the dirty business of politics! But as head of the Commonwealth, can I not be permitted just once to defend it? [MACMILLAN.]
Your Majesty.
It would be unsafe.
It would be provocative.
It would be, in my view, a profound misjudgment to get on that plane.
"The trip is impossible to justify from any angle.
It is unethical, unconstitutional, and indefensible that the Queen should be going at all.
Well, what would you have me do? Nothing? [PHILIP.]
I certainly wouldn't have you get into a chess match - with a wily operator like Nkrumah.
You're just being cynical.
And you're being naive! When you last met him, Nkrumah was just Nkrumah.
Now he's The Lion of Africa, playing the Soviets off against the Americans, and you're a lamb the lion will have for lunch.
The best thing you can do is stay at home - and be what you're supposed to be.
- A puppet? - A constitutional monarch! - A puppet.
- If you like.
Well, that's the whole point.
I don't like.
Sir? She's here.
Thank you.
They're lovely.
Shall we, ma'am? - Stop.
- Stop.
Uh, one moment, please, ma'am.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! [SPEAKING IN AKAN.]
Ghana welcomes you.
- We're very happy to be here.
- Of course.
Back, back, back, back, back.
Back! Ready? - Thank you, Your Majesty.
Thank you.
Well, you've given him the photo he wanted.
That'll be on the front page of every African newspaper, making every other African leader choke with jealousy.
Yes, well, as long as it does the trick.
Adeane here.
Put him through.
- I have a secure line to Ghana.
- [WOMAN.]
Yes, sir.
I thought he'd agreed to suspend all contact with the Soviets.
- [MAN 1.]
Apparently not.
- [MAN 2.]
Ready for you, sir.
[MAN 2.]
Gentlemen? Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello? Your Majesty.
Prime Minister.
I've just received confirmation that a team of international engineers has arrived in Ghana to begin work on Nkrumah's dam.
Well I'd say that's good news, isn't it? We encouraged the Americans to go back to Nkrumah.
Soviet engineers, ma'am.
It appears Nkrumah has been playing us - all off against one another.
- What? - Leading us a merry dance.
I'm afraid you've been used, ma'am.
Just as we'd feared.
Elizabeth! What's happened? Evening, sir.
Ah! Ah! Ah! I wouldn't, if I were you.
Sir? [PHILIP.]
She's asked to be alone.
She says she's thinking.
What's going on? What are you doing? [PHILIP.]
Yes, this is Colonel Charteris.
We have Martin Charteris on the telephone.
A situation is developing in Ghana.
What are you doing? Elizabeth? I think we both understand the significance of this moment.
But do we understand the terms? They appear to be in some kind of negotiation.
- What kind of negotiation? - Get her out of there! [NKRUMAH LAUGHS.]
Your Majesty? [CROWD GASPS.]
Oh, Lord! What's going on? He's taken her hand.
Two, three, four! [MUSIC PLAYS.]
They're dancing.
Our Queen is dancing, sir.
With an African.
What? Was this agreed? [BISHOP.]
Was this agreed? This was definitely not agreed.
- What are they doing? - What are they doing? Hard to say.
I believe it's the foxtrot.
The foxtrot, sir.
Ladies and gentlemen, the man I am proud to call the 35th President of the United States, but even more proud to call my brother, John F.
Thank you, Bobby.
What is it to be an American today? Prosperous, powerful, privileged.
And yet, it is also troubling.
I look around me and find our people divided as never before.
Indeed, as at no time since our Civil War.
There has been a change, a slippage, in our moral and our intellectual strength.
Blight has descended on our regulatory agencies and a dry rot, beginning in Washington, is seeping into every corner of America.
Too many of us have lost our way, our will and our sense of historic purpose.
It is time for a renewal, a new generation of leadership, healing leadership, but we cannot do it alone, and so I am asking each of you to be pioneers in this renewal, in this healing, in the reclaiming of great American values: Freedom, tolerance and equality of opportunity.
Then we can claim our position and responsibilities as leaders of a truly free world.
God bless you all, and God bless the United States of America! - [APPLAUSE.]
Thank you.
Thank you.
- [MAN.]
Thank you, sir.
- [BOBBY.]
You've made this evening worthwhile.
- Ladies, if you'd like to step over here.
- Sure.
When the British royal family visits a former colony, it doesn't normally make news in the US.
But when Queen Elizabeth dances with a former subject What's up, honey? a white monarch with an African leader, the world pays attention.
And so too did Ghanaian leader President Nkrumah himself.
Awed by the gesture, Nkrumah I'm going to Glen Ora with the kids in the morning.
- It's not the weekend yet.
- that he was fast becoming allies It's Wednesday.
It's weekend enough for me.
Don't be like that.
Don't you take away my dignity and then tell me how to be.
I just wanted to thank you, that's all.
For the second time in recent weeks, you've been instrumental in changing a significant matter of foreign policy.
And an African state that was fast running into the arms of the Communists has been turned around and kept in the West.
- Oh.
What does that have to do with me? - [EXHALES.]
Dreary Queen Thick-Ankles? - [JACKIE.]
What? - Her Majestic Dullness? The Incurious Crown? Apparently, just some of the things you said about her at a dinner in London, which then got back to Queen Elizabeth and, it seems, spurred her on.
Without those insults, she wouldn't have defied a Cabinet, risked her reputation and gone to Ghana, against all advice, to bring President Nkrumah back on side, but she did.
Pulled off some incredible stunt with a dance.
- And it's all thanks to you.
- They're ready for you.
It's not like you'll run into her in Glen Ora.
Not Glen Ora, no.
But I am due back in London on my way back from India and Pakistan.
Then my advice would be don't go to Buckingham Palace.
- Sorry.
"The provincial hotel.
- [BOBBY.]
It's not so easy.
Her sister set up a lunch last time we were in town.
Oh? Oh, that should be fun.
Catfight! I'll look forward to a full report.
Come on, Bobby.
We will shortly be reaching a cruising altitude of 25,000 feet and I'm pleased to say that we anticipate clear and calm conditions for the rest of our flight to London.
Your Majesty, some more international reactions to the Ghana trip.
- Positive or negative? - Overwhelmingly positive, ma'am.
Well, just a quick look, then.
So The New York Times calls it "shrewd strategic maneuvering, an example of impeccable political brinkmanship.
" The Australian papers are very impressed with your commitment to the Commonwealth and The Illustrated London News call it "an outstanding personal success.
Gloating doesn't suit you.
The Ghanaian press are calling you a socialist.
Hmm! - Goodness! - [MICHAEL LAUGHS.]
One more thing.
First Lady Mrs.
What about her? [MICHAEL.]
Um Her office has written requesting a private audience with Your Majesty prior to lunch on the 28th of March.
Whatever for? Um, they didn't say.
- Where's the lunch? - Buckingham Palace, ma'am.
Well, let's make the audience Windsor Castle.
Sometimes only a fortress will do.
Windsor Castle.
Eyes front! - [HORSE WHINNIES.]
Hold your line! [COMMANDER.]
On the right, march! Make way for the Queen's Guard! [GATES CREAKING.]
Left, right, left Good afternoon, Mrs.
This way, please.
Left, right, left, right This way, Mrs.
This way, please.
Kennedy, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Thank you for seeing me.
Do sit down.
Thank you.
Shall we have tea? [TEAPOTS CLINKING.]
I asked to speak to you in private ahead of our lunch on Friday because I owe you an apology.
Whatever for? I think we both know the answer to that question.
Thank you.
At a social occasion, shortly after our last visit, I I made some comments, some foolish comments which I believe got back to you.
There really is no need for this.
Reports that you'd said certain things did get back to me.
And I'll confess to being momentarily surprised, since they in no way reflected what I understood to be the spirit of our meeting.
But in this job, I've learned, as I'm sure you have too, not to take things too seriously.
People say things for all sorts of reasons, which get misquoted or misunderstood and, before you know it, those words have turned into something quite different and everyone's upset or up in arms.
I'm quite sure that you meant no harm, nor disrespect.
After all, why would you? We barely know one another.
Still, it was inexcusable so I can't offer an excuse but, if you'll allow me, I'd like to offer an explanation.
Yes, of course.
Last time we were in London, Jack and I probably seemed, at least from the outside, to be riding on a high.
Yes, I should say so.
The most celebrated and most famous couple in the world.
The truth is that I was still suffering from post-natal problems after the birth of our son, and Jack had his own health issues.
To say we were strained would be an understatement.
So, when we got to Paris [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS.]
I don't mind telling you, I took some pleasure in shining there.
Then, at the Ãlysée Palace I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris [LAUGHING.]
I enjoyed it.
Jack didn't appreciate being upstaged.
- Behind closed doors - I can imagine.
There were other factors, too.
Our doctor.
Dr Jacobson routinely administers us his "cocktails" before major trips.
But other substances too.
To help pep us up or calm us down.
On the occasion of that dinner, he had given me something.
A little booster.
- There were these beautiful paintings.
- I told him I needed cheering up.
But I guess it loosened my tongue.
And then I heard some of these terrible things got back to you and - [CORK POPS.]
I can't tell you how much distress it's caused me.
The idea that I might've upset someone I admire so much.
That's very kind of you to say.
It's true.
The way you do your job, the way you cope with the pressure, the personal sacrifices you've made, not to mention your composure and dignity.
As a woman, it's so inspiring.
And what you just did in Ghana.
It was just extraordinary.
What I should've said was that I didn't do very much in Ghana.
I got on a plane and I went.
And the only reason I went was because I felt utterly useless in comparison to you.
And I was trying to compete.
And if anything, I owe you a huge debt of gratitude.
But I didn't.
I just sat there.
And I let her say her piece.
And savored your victory.
- Yes.
And what do you want from me now? A ticking-off? [ELIZABETH.]
Well, don't you think I'm deserving of one? - [PHILIP.]
- But she was so broken.
And fragile and lost.
You did exactly the right thing.
She insulted you, all of us, and you're not a saint.
- No.
- We know that already.
There's ice in those veins when there needs to be.
Well, three cheers to that.
Last one, ma'am, but she's a big heavy one.
- [MAN.]
Right, pick up the slack.
That's it, you got it.
Daniel! - [ELIZABETH.]
No, it's caught.
- [MAN.]
Keep going up the hill.
- Ma'am.
- What is it? You're needed back at the house.
What's going on? - I dunno, lad.
Something's happened.
There was absolute pandemonium around the scene.
People screamed and lay down on the ground as shots were heard.
Reporters saw President Kennedy lying flat on his face on the seat of his car.
Men and women were screaming.
He saw blood on the President's head.
This is all we have here in Washington at this moment.
And for the moment, I return you to Radio Newsreel in London.
Hello, London.
I've just heard from Dallas that the President is still alive but in critical condition.
He was apparently shot in the head and the Governor of Texas, Governor Connally, was shot in the chest.
Kennedy was weeping, trying to hold up her husband's head, when the reporters reached the car as it dashed toward the hospital.
Vice President Lyndon Johnson was in the car behind the President.
Blood transfusions are being given to President Kennedy.
However, one of the two priests called into the room has administered the Last Sacrament of the Church to President Kennedy.
Kennedy and Mrs.
Connally are stunned, but they are at the bedsides of their husbands.
He's dead.
Late yesterday afternoon Didn't you say how unhappy she was? In the marriage? - Yes.
- accompanied the fallen President, - her clothes still - That's the thing about unhappiness.
of this most unthinkable and senseless crime All it takes is for something worse to come along taken in a gray naval ambulance and you realize it was actually happiness after all.
conveyed into the hospital in plain sight of thousands of waiting mourners as disbelieving and shaken, tonight, as our entire nation.
She's still wearing the same clothes! Couldn't they have found her something else? The President's casket was transferred [QUEEN MOTHER.]
She's covered in her husband's blood.
Relatives and loved ones joined the grieving Mrs.
Kennedy - for a private mass in the East Room - No, I think it's deliberate.
before the body is moved to the Rotunda of the Capitol.
The last day in the life of the first Catholic President of the United States.
Where are you going? Lyndon Johnson, sworn in on Air Force One, less than 100 minutes after the official death of President Kennedy [DOOR SLAMS.]
He begins his work as the 36th President - Your Majesty.
I'd like everyone in the royal household to observe a full week of court mourning.
And I would like the bell rung at Westminster Abbey.
Ma'am, custom dictates that the bell only be rung When a member of the royal family dies.
I know.
But I would like it to be rung every minute, for an hour, from eleven o'clock until midday.
Yes, ma'am.
join President Johnson in his prayer for God's help.
May we all find some light and hope in the darkness of the days that lie ahead.