The Dead Files (2011) s01e03 Episode Script

Terror In The Shadows - Acampo, CA

I feel like I'm being watched.
Somebody smothering me, putting their hand on my face.
It grabbed me by the back of my head and, like Somebody's holding her down, choking her.
I am seeing, shadow figures.
I'd wake up to a shadowy figure, right at the foot of my bed.
He was speaking in Tongues.
Sounds like something out of The Exorcist.
I hate this house, I hate it.
Get out! - I'm scared.
- It's frightening.
Got to be something in here doing it.
I don't know what's happening.
My name is Amy Allan.
There's something down there.
I see dead people.
He doesn't want me back there.
I speak to dead people She's pissed.
And they speak to me She doesn't like the people who live here.
But there's only one way to know if my findings are real.
Someone did hang themselves here.
- Where? - There.
I rely on my partner.
I'm Steve Dischiavi.
I'm a retired New York City homicide Detective Did you want to kill him? And I know every person, every house has secrets.
She did die in this house.
It's my job to reveal them.
Would you be surprised if there were bodies in this basement? No.
But Steve and I never speak We never communicated during an investigation Until the very end Not good.
When we uncover if it's safe for you to stay Will it get worse? Or time to get out.
- Oh, yes.
- Whew.
Steve will dig into the history of a location, and he'll interview the people involved.
He'll gather all the facts so that later when we come together, we can see if our research has drawn any significant conclusions.
I'm headed to a small town in California called Acampo.
We've got an elderly woman that lives in a farmhouse alone.
She raised her children there, and her children actually reached out to us.
They're concerned for her because as they were growing up, they were tormented by a black smoky figure they're convinced was a spirit.
They say she's not afraid, but that she should be.
So I'm gonna go meet with the mom now and see what I can find out.
Before I enter a location, Matt will do what we call a cleaning.
He'll remove any personal items, photos, or any other information that could possibly influence my findings.
And then I do my walk.
The second I step onto this property, I can feel that something's wrong.
There's a powerful presence in this house, and it's evil.
It's really evil.
I see two big hands trying to pull me in.
Let me just wander a bit.
Like, I feel like it comes In and out of the closets.
There's something darker.
I want to hide.
This is, like, so bizarre.
Like, I don't even want to open this closet.
It's like the physical doorway.
That's where they're coming from.
- Lorraine? - Hi.
Come on in.
Well, let me just cut to the chase, your kids called, they're a little concerned about the stuff that goes on in this house.
And I figured I'd start with you since you live here alone, right? Yes, I do.
Your husband's been deceased for about almost eight years.
- Eight years? - Mm hmm.
And did he have any experiences? He had an experience himself several times, and he was telling me about it, but I didn't really take it I don't take things seriously.
- I laughed it off.
- Are you shutting it out? More or less, yes.
Lorraine seems to think that by ignoring the problem, it will go away.
Now I understand why her kids are concerned for her safety.
Maybe people have seen something you know, out of the corner of their eye.
You kind of look up, and you kind of see something.
Little movements, little things at first, but then it got not so good.
I don't know what's happening.
Maybe you could just tell me some of the things you've seen in the house.
I've seen a few shadows, you know, but I've not seen what my children have seen, so Okay, but you have experienced seeing shadows.
Shadows, yeah.
But it just passes, and it's gone.
Where do you see them? Sometimes if you're sitting down watching TV, all of a sudden, you see something go by, or you know, with your eye or - Okay.
- And it just quickly - I've seen it in my bedroom.
- In your bedroom? - Mm hmm.
- And how often do you see these? Not all the time.
It's just every so often.
- And it doesn't frighten you? - No.
I feel like there's more kind of going on in this area.
Wait a minute.
I am seeing, like, shadow figures.
Not our shadows, other like, shadow beings.
Which makes me un-com-fort-able.
I do not like those things.
When was the first time anybody experienced anything unusual in the house? I think my daughter Laura was the first.
She was playing with her sister, and they were running down the stairs, and she went down into my room, going into it.
And she had experienced something going across, like a dark I don't know how to explain it.
There's this evilness, these shadow beings.
Shadow people, we don't know much about them.
We don't know where they come from.
They're just bad.
They're very, very bad.
- Now your youngest is Joe.
- Mm hmm.
Did he start experiencing anything? Yes, when he was probably around 4.
I guess he'd have a bad dream or something was bothering him while he was sleeping, and then he'd get up and be on the edge of his bed and sitting there, and he'd have his eyes, like, going up, and he'd go You know, like that? Like, just not making sense, what he was trying to say.
So what was actually coming out of his mouth? He was speaking in Tongues, he was just going on - You know, rolling his tongue and just - Okay so With his eyes rolled back like somebody was You know, talking to him, I guess, I don't know.
I don't know why he was doing it, but I guess he was seeing whatever he was seeing.
Lorraine, that sounds like something out of The Exorcist.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
He wasn't himself, you know? Yeah, he was possessed.
- You okay? - Hmm, not really.
I'm kind of uncomfortable here.
The first time I encountered shadow people, I was 4 years old, and they tried to kill me.
They convinced me that they were my friends.
And that I could go with them if I bit the electrical cord in my bedroom.
And I did.
I don't really like the information I'm getting.
All I know is that there's frickin' shadow people here.
So, frankly, I hate this house.
There's this evilness, these shadow beings.
Shadow people, we don't much about them.
We don't know where they come from.
They're just bad.
They're very, very bad.
Shadow people are a mystery.
We don't know if they were once living people or not.
What we do know is that they can literally drain the life from a living person.
Bad with the closets.
The closets are just bad here.
This is where they go.
Someone here tries to protect this room from these things.
This is a female.
She's trying to protect this room.
Stay out, get out, get out, stay out, get out.
As long as a spirit is not hurting me, I don't take things seriously.
Obviously, Lorraine has not been tormented by these shadows.
But the kids were, so I need to speak with them.
Right in here is my mom and dad's room.
All right, this is where you had your first experience, you said? Yeah.
My sister Joanna was babysitting me and my brother Joey.
And I was upstairs, and she was chasing after me, and I was bolting for this room because I wanted to run and shut the door.
And instead, as I ran, all of a sudden, I just stopped like this.
Then she was coming right behind me.
She stopped, too.
And from this point, this thing just Went like this in front of us Like not fast, not slow, but just like at a perfect speed.
Laura, did this mass have any kind of a shape? No.
It was cold, and it was thick black.
- Okay.
- It made us stop.
So it could pass in front of us.
I feel like there's something in here.
That has walked through the room, in and out of the room Around the bed a lot.
There's been arguments with this entity, this black shadow being.
I feel like there's been words exchanged.
So this is my room that I grew up in, and, um, this is the room that's terrified me to the point where I don't even come in here anymore when I visit.
- Really? - Yeah.
At night, when I would try to go to bed, I would always try to cover myself up because if I had any part of me exposed, something would touch me, or if my face was exposed, I'd feel somebody breathing or something on top of me.
Then I couldn't move, and I couldn't talk.
I couldn't do anything.
You literally couldn't move.
My body was just dead weight.
I would wish it away, um, pray, do whatever I could to get this thing to leave me alone.
How old were you when this was happening? Around like 11 to 13 and then on because I stayed in this room up until I was probably like 19.
This happened to you as you got older? - Yeah.
- And you understood it? Mm-hmm.
And it wasn't a small-child fear anymore.
I'm getting somebody waking up in the middle of the night freaking out.
Can't breathe, being pushed on.
And it's these shadow beings, these shadow people.
I hear somebody screaming.
I'm hearing a female screaming.
Something physical happened to this female.
Somebody putting their hand over her mouth and her nose, holding her down and, like, choking her.
It came one night when I was in here and I'd fallen asleep.
All of a sudden, I see this, like, black thing Like a smoky black thing on this side right here.
- All right.
- It shoots up the wall like this Like a snake kind of thing, and it goes up to there, and then it goes up there, and then it goes along there.
And then it goes over here, and then right where my head is over here.
It goes down, and then, like, I heard this loud noise.
It kind of grabbed me by the back of my head and, like, starting hitting my head like this.
So I am frozen, and I'm lying here, and I Finally, like, get myself out of it, and I jump up, and I ran across the room, slid open the door, and ran to the balcony.
And I look down and I'm like, dad, I can't take it anymore.
There's a ghost in my room, I'm going crazy, you know, I can't deal with this anymore.
And he goes, your little brother was up sleepwalking towards the basement saying "Leave me alone.
Go away, leave me alone".
And I had to get him and grab him and shake him, and he woke up.
And then I put him back to sleep, and then you just came out five minutes later.
I just feel like the Somebody's shaking me and yelling at me, and I'm small And I can't do anything, and they're shaking the breath out of me.
And I'm being yelled at by this older male.
And it seems like you, your brother, and your father all have this, connection as far as - Mm hmm.
- Things happening to you.
I come to find out it happened to, like, my sisters, as well.
But we never really talked about it because we were all kind of embarrassed.
My little brother was the one who was actively, talking and seeing the actual figures.
He was really little when all this stuff was happening.
I feel like I'm being, like, watched by These shadow people.
Like, they're just watching right now.
- So they're present? - I feel like they're present now.
Like, in here.
I feel like they're in here and they're being they're, like Watching, um Which I don't like.
I feel like I'm being, like, watched by These shadow people.
Are they influencing in any way, or Mm.
They just kill people.
They just kill kids, and they kill the elderly.
That's what the shadow people do.
These beings kill children by luring them into dangerous situations.
Like they did to me.
They can prey on the elderly, by slowly draining the life out of them as they sleep.
- So what are they doing in this case? - They're sucking someone's life out.
But it seems like slowly they're doing it to this person.
And they're like just tormenting people, and there's a lot of 'em, and I'm freaked out.
Both Laura and her mother say that Laura's brother Joe, was most violently affected by the shadowy figures.
So I need to speak with him next.
When I was a kid, I used to see a lot of crazy stuff.
A lot of it happened upstairs in my old bedroom.
Some nights, when I was around 6 or And it was always the same spot, it was right at the entrance of my room.
And right at the foot of my bed.
The only thing I could really make out of it was, it looked like a man wearing a hat, top hat.
And whenever I woke up and saw this figure or the shadow, I couldn't move.
And I just had a chill to my body and was just frightened, really frightened.
Did you get woken up by anything, like a touch or anything like that? On different occasions, yes, but not all the time.
Sometimes I would wake up to a feeling that someone was grabbing my feet or screwing with my toes.
- How often did this happen? - Quite often as a kid.
Now, when this happened, it happened when you said you were younger, about 7? Correct.
Okay, and how long did it last? Till how old? It carried on throughout my my youth.
It it really slowed down when I was at the age of 11 or 12.
Because then I started sleeping downstairs in this living room.
I couldn't sleep in my room anymore.
I was that scared.
That room is really bad.
That room's horrid.
I hate it.
- I hate that room.
- Why? I think a lot of bad things happened in there.
And I feel like there's been shadow people in there.
I can't [Bleep.]
Now you seem like you were pretty close with your father.
Could you get into detail about what you and your father experienced together? We never really said anything about it, we just kind of look at each other, and we knew that we both kind of saw the same thing.
Okay, but you guys never discussed it.
Never discussed it.
Did your father ever talk to you about stuff that he saw? At this time, I was pretty young, and I think that they, uh, didn't want to talk to me about it because maybe it would have made it worse.
I hear, like, Soul Reaper.
It's eking out the person's life.
Sucking out the person's life.
And I'm getting a male that's being kind of slowly killed.
By this thing, this black entity, this black shadow being.
Did mom have any experiences here? - If she did, she wouldn't tell us.
- She wouldn't? Yeah, she holds her cards pretty close to her chest.
Why is that? I'm not sure.
I think my mom's had a lot of stuff go on in her life that Forced her to build a brick wall around it.
And, uh, you know, she deals with things internally.
Just lots of icky things going I just I can't even do this.
Just knowing that there's a bunch of shadow people here.
Is like, freaking me the hell out.
- You need to take a minute? - Yeah.
I've never walked away from an investigation out of fear.
But this house is unlike anything I've ever encountered.
It's taking everything I've got to stop myself from running out the door.
This is just a really negative, scary place.
I seriously feel like somebody's strangling the [Bleep.]
out of me.
Like somebody's smothering me, putting their hand on my face.
Wow, this is, like, not cool, man.
I just feel really frickin' nauseous there from all the energy in that In the house.
It's, like, going through my body, like, physically pushing on my body.
And it was hurting me.
I'm, like I'm just in shock right now.
You got blindsided.
The other thing I did get was a poltergeist.
Coming from a living agent in the house.
After I got outside and away from the shadow people, I also felt the presence of a poltergeist.
What most people don't know, is that poltergeists are created by the living, not the dead.
When someone with psychic abilities represses trauma or negative emotions.
That negativity can materialize into a poltergeist, which can cause serious harm to people.
Is there anybody that you can help as far as all this going on? Well, I mean, the first thing that I have to try to figure out is if it's the current residents that are doing this.
If they're the culprits, then we've got a big [Bleep.]
Because with that They could be bringing it on themselves.
The other thing I did get was a poltergeist.
So the first thing that I have to try to figure out is if it's the current residents that are doing this.
If they're the culprits, then we've got a big [Bleep.]
Everyone in this family has the exact same story, and I'm convinced they're all telling me the truth.
Now I got to find out if the problem existed before the family moved in.
So I asked the last owner of the property to meet with me.
- How are you? I'm Steve.
- Nice to meet you, Steve.
I understand you used to live here.
You actually grew up in this house? Yeah, born and raised here.
- And you lived here till how old? - Twenty one.
When you lived here, did you ever experience any strange things in the house? No, not really, no.
My sister and I, neither one.
- Okay, so you lived here with your sister? - Yeah.
- And your parents, obviously.
- Yes.
- Did they ever mention anything to you? - Nothing, absolutely nothing.
Do you know the family that lives here now? Yes, we sold them the property.
You don't think they're crazy or anything? No, not that I know.
Okay, so to you, they're just a normal American family.
- Far as I know, yes.
- Okay.
I can't exactly investigate shadows.
I need something concrete, so I look into the house, and there's not much in its 70-year history.
There are only two deaths that I can find The father of the previous owner, who died in 1963.
And Laura and Joe's father, who died of a heart condition in 2003.
But neither of these deaths even happened in the house.
Well, I feel like somebody died in here.
Someone committed suicide.
Somebody, like, gassed themselves.
This is a male, but I also see a little boy on a on the car seat.
They're both white, he has short brown hair And it's wavy.
Its summer.
It's a long time ago.
My heart's pounding.
They're both dead.
I widen my search to include the neighbor's farmland close to the house.
And then I find something from 1962.
Oh, my God.
- Oh, God.
- What's wrong? I just felt dizzy in my head.
It's my ears.
Just Death, uh, dying.
My head, like, really Feels bad.
That's it.
That's it.
I know nothing about the residents in this house, and I never want to contaminate an investigation.
But in this case, I really need to speak with Steve.
Someone who lives here is either creating this poltergeist, or is in danger of being harmed by it.
Steve agrees to arrange a private meeting.
Have you had any experiences in this location? Since my husband passed, I've seen, like A shadow or something, but just catches your eye.
It doesn't stay there.
It just goes away.
It doesn't it doesn't bother me.
What about your husband? Did he ever have any experiences that you know of? Well, I guess he's seen what my kids seen.
- Really? Okay.
- Some of it, yeah.
I felt that the residents of this house were seeing the same shadow people that I saw.
Which tells me that they could all have abilities, and any one of them is capable of creating a poltergeist.
Now I need to figure out who's suppressing their emotional pain.
And creating the poltergeist that resides here.
Did you ever have any, uh, traumatic incidents growing up? Well, my mom had passed away during my senior year.
- Oh, wow.
- To me, that was yeah.
- That was a - Going on 18, I don't know.
- I can't remember.
- Okay, all right.
She had a brain tumor, and she died just like that.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Yeah.
- Is your father currently living, or - No.
- Okay.
- He committed suicide.
Oh, okay.
I'm sorry.
Hung himself.
- So that was also traumatic for you.
- Yeah.
I didn't know that, um, there was a lot of problems there.
I thought maybe if I'd have known, I could've probably saved him, but he passed.
Wow, so that's that's very traumatizing.
That's, you know, you get over it, though.
You just got to keep going on.
Lorraine has endured some very traumatic losses.
And it seems to me she's dealt with them by repressing her emotions.
You're obviously concerned about your children, and how these experiences are affecting them.
Yeah, because I never seen Laura look like that, you know? And Joe, I didn't think he would be that bad.
That's There's got to be something in here doing it, I don't know.
Sometimes it's only about understanding what's going on, and then knowing what you can do about it.
And then you can actually be proactive and take care of the situation.
So that's what hopefully we'll be able to do here.
Do you feel that it can be resolved? How do they resolve it? Well, there's techniques that they can learn - Mm hmm.
Mm hmm.
- To kind of shut it down.
How do you feel that you protect yourself? I don't believe in it.
You know, I may I'd have to really have to I just don't I won't let I won't believe it.
Well, I've always been thankful, you know, that my kids were always healthy.
I felt like God blessed me, you know, not to, take away anything away from me again, because I miss my mother and father, you know? So Right.
That's why I feel I was blessed because the thing was really seriously wrong with it.
Lorraine has seen these things with her own eyes.
But she's still in denial about their existence.
And that's the problem.
Repressed emotions are not going to eliminate poltergeists or shadow people from her home.
It could make them stronger.
I did not want to go back into this house, but I really need to find out what Steve has uncovered.
I also need to sit face-to-face with Lorraine's kids, and only her kids.
I don't think Lorraine's ready to hear what I have to say.
Well, hi, guys.
It's good to see you again.
I want to introduce you to Amy.
Amy, this is Laura, and this is Joseph.
They were both born and raised in this house, and they called us in to Try to give them some answers as to what's going on here.
What I'd like to do is start by having Amy talk about her walk.
The first thing I want to talk about is in the garage area.
It seemed to be either a double suicide or a murder/suicide.
Well, I feel like somebody died in here.
Someone committed suicide.
Somebody, like, gassed themselves.
This is a male, but I also see a little boy on a on the car seat.
They're both dead.
There was gas involved.
He gassed himself.
See, the thing is with Amy, she picks things up and she'll say something, and I'll remember an article or some interview I've done.
That'll bring clarity to the information that she gets.
I actually I have an article when I was doing my research back in August of '62.
It's summer.
It's a long time ago.
My heart's pounding.
A guy killed himself and his 6-year-old son by, uh, asphyxiation in the truck.
He hooked up the gas pipe into the cab of the truck, killed himself and his son.
Death, uh, dying.
My head, like, really Feels bad.
This happened within the area right here, very close to where we are.
I guess that's probably what you picked up.
And, Amy, you found this outside in the garage when you did your walk? Yes.
Normally, I would feel validated by the article that Steve found, but I'm focused on the bigger issue right now.
I want to make sure that Laura and Joe get the answers they are looking for.
This case is unlike any of the other cases we've done.
So I just want to make sure you still want to go forward with the information we're gonna give you because it's very sensitive, and it's very scary.
- Yeah, I think so.
- Okay.
Amy, if you can continue about your walk So I came into the house.
And upstairs, in the bedroom areas I encountered five different shadow people.
- So they're present? - I feel like they're present now.
They're, like Watching Which I don't like.
They were coming and going through the closets.
They interacted with people who were in the household.
Typically when they would be in bed at night.
And they were basically causing harm to the individuals here.
In a location, I've only ever encountered one, so to be in a household where there were five really disturbed me.
I'm actually terrified of these things.
And I've had my own experience with them when I was a child.
It was actually my first memory of an experience Was with shadow people.
And they actually tried to kill me.
They influenced me to bite my electrical cord, and I was electrocuted.
That's when I also kind of figured out that they were not good.
Because initially, they tried to say that they were good and they wanted me to come with them.
So I do find these entities very horrifying.
I'd like Laura and Joseph to tell you what happened to them when they were kids.
I spent the majority of my childhood in this room up here.
Every night, before I'd go to bed, I'd always feel something on me.
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
And I've actually seen this black smoke in my room go up the wall.
I would always feel like, um, I couldn't breathe.
I was just paralyzed where I couldn't move.
I mean, it's fascinating that you're saying that there's actually these figures because I've seen them.
I've had very similar situations happen to me very frequently as a kid, and it started as soon as I could remember.
Even before I could remember, I was told that I would sleepwalk, I would speak in Tongues.
And it was all driving from when I was sleeping in my room upstairs.
Sleepwalking and sleep-talking, that's typically them interacting with us while we're asleep.
So where do these shadow people come from? Were they in the house here already, or did they come from somewhere else? Well, unfortunately, there's not a lot known about where they come from.
We think that they are attracted to locations of people who have abilities.
Of people who are vulnerable And that there's some type of negativity, that's attracting them to that location.
They usually go after young children.
Or elderly people or people who are sick and vulnerable.
And they absolutely were encountering people in this household and messing with them.
And I think, in fact, one person in the household may have been Killed by them.
The person that I saw was a male, an older male.
He was sleeping when I saw him.
And one of the beings was sucking out his breath.
So I was thinking chest issues, breathing issues, heart issues Things of that nature, that this thing, over a long term, was doing to this person.
I hear Soul Reaper.
I feel like it's sucking out the person's life.
From everything that I've seen on my walk and heard from this family, I believe I was seeing their father.
But it's not my place to say.
I think Joe and Laura will talk about it when they're ready.
When I did the walk of the upstairs I'm sorry, it really bothers me.
It's okay.
Do you feel them right now? A little bit.
When I did the walk of the upstairs I'm sorry, it really bothers me.
Do you feel them right now? A little bit.
Where exactly are you picking up the energy? From over in this location.
I was feeling like they were on the landing.
I kind of wanted to leave.
I just still have a lot of issues of my own with that from my childhood.
Joe, what's on your mind? A lot's on my mind.
I mean, really, it's a lot to take in, you know? It's frightening.
It's it's crazy.
So basically, what you're telling us, it ain't safe upstairs for Kids, for elderly, for anybody that's maybe vulnerable or have some kind of - Illness.
- Weakness or illness.
- It's not safe up there.
- No, it's not safe upstairs.
- And it's not safe downstairs.
- Downstairs? - The whole downstairs and the basement? - Yeah, not safe.
To have five in one household is just like, boggled my mind.
Like I've never seen that before.
I think that they were attracted Probably to the family because it seems that you all have abilities.
And then, you were young children, vulnerable, they're attracted to that.
So it was kind of like the perfect storm.
Even though Joe and Laura have encountered these shadow people personally.
It's still seems hard for them to accept.
This makes me concerned about what I have to tell them next.
So the next thing that I encountered was a poltergeist entity.
And the thing about poltergeists is that it's not Like the movie poltergeist.
A poltergeist stems from a living agent.
So it's somebody who resides at the location.
And what happens is Typically, it's an individual who has repressed their emotions.
They tend to keep it bottled up and pushed down.
And what can end up happening is that that emotion that's been bottled up Comes out in a manner of affecting their physical surroundings.
Via this electricity or this energy that can come from the body.
That's basically what a poltergeist is, from a living person.
I did speak to your mother yesterday.
I did interview her.
I know where that's going.
I'm sorry, I - No, it's okay.
It's okay.
- I can see It's something that's subconscious.
It's not something that the person is aware they're doing.
It's not something that the person wants to do.
It's just simply something that happens to someone who has gone through emotional traumas, who has learned to repress their emotions, as a safety.
It's just something that can be a natural occurrence.
So basically anybody can carry this kind of energy? Not anybody um, it's usually people with ability's.
I try to help people by telling them what I see.
But I can't always make things better.
Sometimes they have to do that for themselves.
Obviously mom's not here with us tonight.
But I'm just curious, are you guys going to share any of this information with her? I think I will, I'll try to explain what a poltergeist can be.
But I don't think it's her, I think it could be, something else.
I don't think it could be her.
We're just coming in here to give you what we found out.
Basically on this case mostly what Amy found out.
We wouldn't be doing our jobs if we didn't tell you everything.
- Of course, I understand that.
- Right.
It can't be easy for Joe and Laura to process my findings.
But the most important part of my job, no matter how difficult it may be is to be honest with them.
You know if it is possible that that's the case.
What are some things we can do to remedy that situation? The best thing is just for her to talk.
You know really talk out her emotions.
And talk out that energy, and for her to release verbally, or in writing The things that she's been through, things that she's experienced, and have that emotional outlet.
In a safe way.
This a lot of information for you guys to absorb in a couple of hours, so I mean what do you think Joe? Well, if anything it's validating for me.
People probably think I'm still a little off.
But you know once you experience something this, it open's your eyes, and you see something.
I mean it's hard to deny something that's happened so many times to me.
Amy always tells our clients the same thing.
- You have to take control.
- Big time.
Obviously as a family we have a lot of things we need to consider, and think about for the future here.
But it's defiantly stuff that we've heard.
We're gonna have that conversation, we're going to move forward here, we're a strong family and we're going to work through this.
No one knows where shadow people come from, so no one knows how to get rid of them.
But we do know that they're drawn to negative emotions.
Lorraine has experienced a lot of tragedy in her life.
And I hope that Joe's right, that as a family they can pull together, and create a more positive environment for Lorraine.
But personally, I would leave this house and never come back.

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