The Dead Files (2011) s04e18 Episode Script

Revisited - Betrayed & A Banshees Cry

Oh, my God.
Narrator: Tonight on Dead Files Revisited He wants to slit my throat.
A second look at some of Amy and Steve's most terrifying cases.
That's no way to live.
New information I actually started thinking that I was nuts.
Narrator: Startling revelations.
Why are you picking on my kids? Come after me.
Narrator: First A return to Egg Harbor, New Jersey The kids are completely freaked out.
Where a savage monster It scared the living crap out of me.
Unleashes hell.
His goal is vengeance.
Then we travel back to Carmel, New York I turned around, and whoom! I got tossed.
Where a local restaurant I see pools of blood.
Possesses a deadly threat.
That person's gonna die.
Did they listen to Amy? Are you gonna take her advice? Or are they cursed for life? Amy: Spirits be gone.
Leave this family.
They're being watched.
My name is Amy Allan.
This thing likes death.
I see dead people.
This thing's, like, a monster.
I speak to dead people.
And he's pissed off now.
And they speak to me.
His head was cracked.
But there's only one way to know if my findings are real.
This guy was murdered.
I rely on my partner.
I'm Steve Di Schiavi.
I'm a retired New York City homicide Detective.
I cannot help you unless I know the whole story.
And I know every person, every house has secrets.
You saw her? It's my job to reveal them.
Why would you stay here? But Steve and I never speak We never communicate during an investigation.
Until the very end.
Stop it.
We uncover if it's safe for you to stay Woman: I want to know the truth.
I want to know what's happening.
Or time to get out.
I told you there were ghosts in this house.
Di Schiavi: When the call came in from a young couple in Egg Harbor, New Jersey, they were at the end of their rope.
They said ghosts were taking over, and they were convinced something in the house was making their daughter sick.
And even I didn't know at that time that things were a whole lot worse than they had imagined.
All right, Jess, so, tell me about what's going on.
The kids are starting to see things shadow figures.
My husband is completely freaked out.
And it's just escalating.
Jessee: It's one thing for me that my husband would be experiencing things.
But once the kids started to, like, see things, it became more alarming.
Now, the kids what's going on with them? My son he will not go into his room for any reason.
He doesn't sleep in there, nothing.
He just says he just doesn't like it, like there's just someone in there with him.
What about the other kids? My daughter she's been sick for over two years, and nobody knows why.
It's heartbreaking, and that's why we called you guys.
I felt, like, this huge Being behind me.
And I thought it was a big shadow person.
I've been battling shadow people my entire life, so I'm always on edge when I think I see one.
But when I looked, I knew that it was just a guy.
But I could only breathe easy for a second before that man gave me a vicious warning.
He, wants to Slit my throat.
I had a dream that there was a kid standing in my closet.
I followed him out of the bedroom, into the kitchen.
He stopped at the basement door, went like this for me to follow him, so I did.
I woke up from my dream.
I was standing on the landing.
Like, I physically got out of bed and followed this kid in my sleep.
Jessee: With all of the activity in the house, I was losing my mind because for the first five years, no one else had experienced it besides me.
And then when my husband finally started to see things, it validated my experiences because I knew, there was something legitimately going on in the house.
It's got to be tough for you to sleep in here, then.
And there was a time where, for a straight year, I slept on the couch.
- That's no way to live.
- No.
Anderson: What are you looking at? They kind of look like little, tiny jellyfishes.
With, like, the long tentacles.
They're on the ceiling.
They're always moving.
They're always around.
They're trying to organize themselves to become a being.
To this day, even I can't believe I saw those strange creatures.
But despite my doubts, I couldn't deny their heinous intentions.
What sort of things can they do to people? They are aggravating.
They would cause stress, a sense of unease.
Uh Insomnia.
Are they dangerous? Yes, they are.
Di Schiavi: The instant I met Jessee's husband, I thought I had him pegged as a tough guy, but he threw me for a loop.
For a husband to admit he's more scared than his wife, something screwed-up had to be in that house.
We were coming back from a barbecue, walking up to the house.
We came up on the front porch, and I seen a shadowy figure appear through the curtain.
- Okay.
- It scared the living crap out of me.
Now, you don't look like you scare easy.
It scared me enough where I had to call my 4'9 wife to come up to the front porch and go inside the house.
Really? Fred: Nobody wants to believe that you have ghosts or spirits or, anything in your house.
So I really didn't want to believe what Jessee had to say.
But when I had finally seen something for myself, it really freaked me out because I really thought somebody was in my house.
Was this the first time you saw something like that? Actually, two nights ago, I had a dream.
And in that dream, in the corner of the bedroom, there was a black shadowy figure.
And it just kind of went for me, and I woke up at the same time.
I had the chills from head to toe.
Allan: Uh, there's a sickness here.
It just keeps feeling like I'm getting punched in the stomach by this male Who initially I thought was a shadow person.
It's like, get the [Bleep.]
Like, get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
The dead man who threatened to cut my throat did everything in his power to get me out of that house.
Looking back, I think he didn't want me figuring out his cruel plan.
He feels like he was ripped off and betrayed.
And the crawly things in the room I know he wants them to be here, and he wants them to Come together and form a being.
Anderson: Are you talking about the jellyfish creatures? Yes.
And they're not good, these things.
They're not.
He's not.
Narrator: Next Sounds like he got screwed over.
Deception leads to revenge.
They're cursed, really.
They're cursed.
Narrator: And in our second investigation I took off like a bat out of hell.
A vengeful spirit releases her wrath.
She really hates living people.
Di Schiavi: It didn't take long to track down the previous owner of Jessee and Fred's house.
The time that woman had spent there was heartbreaking.
And by the end of our interview, I couldn't help but feel her pain.
Di Schiavi: So, Linda, I understand you grew up in the house I'm investigating.
Linda: Yes.
It was my mother, my father, my brother, Louis, and myself.
Now, you had mentioned on the phone there was some tragedy at home when you were living there.
- What happened? - My brother had died.
He had committed suicide.
He had hung himself - In the basement.
- Geez.
- How old was he? - 14.
It was 1970.
- Who found him? - My mother.
She found him there.
And she yelled and asked me to bring a knife down Because she had to cut him down.
Oh, geez.
How did your father deal with that? After that, everything went downhill.
He said he was hearing voices and there was people in his house.
He was diagnosed with psychosis.
When your father died, how old was he? He was like an empty shell.
The man I knew he just he wasn't there.
Allan: There is, like, this old man that's bopping around, too.
He's like 80.
And he wanders mostly Uh, he's confused.
When I see a dead person, it can be at any given point in their life.
Typically, they have control over this.
But this old man had somehow become a prisoner of his mentally ill state.
He does have moments of clarity where He knows that there's people here.
But then he gets even more confused.
There is activity in the closet because he goes in there.
They look all cute and harmless, and then they're crazy.
Di Schiavi: My talk with Linda moved me.
That house was clearly marked with tragedy, and the more I dug, the worse it got.
After speaking to a local genealogist, it seemed like every family associated with that property ended up suffering.
Di Schiavi: So, Bob, what were you able to find out? I was able to take the title back to the mid-1850s.
When a group of wealthy German financiers Acquired 38,000 acres of land.
And wanted to develop a town.
So, who wound up settling on the land? There were two brothers an Ignatz and Louis Roesch.
They were German immigrants who came over here expecting the land of opportunity.
Okay, so, what did they find when they got here? A little stark reality.
I think it was woods and mesquites.
They were met with very difficult conditions.
Louis had a total of six children, three of which died.
If they would have had the hospitals and the proper medical attention, they could have done something different.
- Sounds like he got screwed over.
- Yes.
I can't imagine this is the life he dreamt of when he left his home country.
Allan: This man who I thought was a shadow person There was something with money and him and even his family.
I don't know.
Anderson: Do you have any idea when this was? Probably, like, 1850s.
I don't even know if it's in this freaking country.
He felt betrayed, he felt Double-crossed.
Every time I encountered that man, I would get a clearer picture of why he wanted to torture the living.
But the extremes he took were so dangerous, it seemed like he didn't care that he was also putting himself in harm's way.
Why would he haunt? And be trying to get revenge? They're cursed, really.
They're cursed.
Narrator: Up next And is it safe for your children in this house? What happened after the investigation? Jessee: I felt like I was gonna hyperventilate because I had no idea what was in my house.
Spirits be gone.
You are not wanted here.
Pass through.
You are over.
Di Schiavi: This is Fred and Jessee.
Jessee: The night of the reveal, I was so nervous.
I felt like I was gonna hyperventilate because I had no idea what she was gonna tell me was in my house.
What's most disturbing is they got three small children, and two of them are starting to have experiences.
When I walked in the house, I felt illnesses were in the living room.
Then when I went in the pink room, I felt it really strongly.
That's my daughter's room.
She's been sick for two years now.
And they just couldn't find anything wrong with her.
Fred: I don't want to think that something in our home would hurt my child.
And it's not that I don't believe Amy.
It's just I don't want to believe that.
Di Schiavi: What else did you see? I saw an old man in the house.
He's just, like, confused, his favorite spot Is in the closet in the back bedroom.
He hides in there.
That's my son's room.
He's 6.
He's never slept a full night in his bed.
It validates everything he says to me.
Well, there was a guy that lived here for 51 years.
His name was Louis Brunk.
At the end, he psychologically wasn't right.
And he would say, there's people here.
They're bothering me, they're talking to me.
I did a sketch of a man I think you're going to want to see.
He's probably about 80 Very sick, very, very frail.
Di Schiavi: You guys tell me.
That's crazy.
I think it's him.
When we first saw the picture of Louis.
It was heartbreaking because he just looks so sad, and he looks hopeless.
And it also validated why we always just got a bad feeling from all of the closets.
Di Schiavi: His 14-year-old son hung himself in the basement here.
Oh, my God.
That's who I saw in my dream.
Jessee: The second I saw that picture, I knew immediately that it was him.
As a mother, it affected me more because I could never fathom the idea of something like that happening to one of my own children.
And then not being able to pass over.
When I got here, behind me Was what I initially thought Was a shadow person.
And then I realized that it was just a male who was hiding.
This guy is very capable of inflicting pain.
He was from another country.
And he felt Like He had been double-crossed.
And he became extremely vengeful.
Di Schiavi: The guy Amy was describing sounded just like Louis Roesch, a German immigrant who got screwed over in a land deal.
Basically, he was betrayed by the people he gave his money to.
Our findings matched up perfectly, but the next thing Amy found was definitely out of my realm of expertise.
When I went into the Master Bedroom.
What I saw in there was these Things on the ceiling.
And they had, like, little kind of tentacles.
And they become very, very active at night.
They're shattered aspects of the people who lived and died here.
It's kind of hard to visualize what I'm talking about so, the sketch artist did draw it.
Take a look at that.
Oh, my God.
Does it remind you of a dream you had? That's exactly where it was.
That whole shape.
Absolutely, To the T.
, that's how I felt afterwards.
Exact placement.
Fred: When I seen the sketch, I was so tripped out, it was unbelievable.
I'm like, man, this is real.
This guy Louis, the one from Germany Wants these things to become an entity.
So he'd get more powerful.
He would be able to control them and also feed off of their energy.
Honestly, I don't even know what to do with this.
What he did was he actually cursed this land.
But when he did this curse, he actually cursed himself.
He can't get out.
But since he can't get out, he's gonna continue to create problems or illness or misery.
Fred: If you're gonna pick on somebody, why are you picking on my daughter? Why are you picking on my kids? Come after me.
It pissed me off.
It was bad.
Di Schiavi: The pressing question is, is it safe for you to raise your children in this house? You have a lot of dead around this location.
What I feel needs to be done here is to Contact a local Wiccan.
Wiccans are, like, a natural witch.
Will the Wiccan take care of the bad Louis, this fractured stuff, and our poor guy here? Yes.
And it'll protect them from his Vengeful curse.
Are you gonna take her advice? [Vane creaking.]
Jessee: Fred was immediately ready to bring the Wiccan into the house.
I, on the other hand, was a little hesitant.
Fred: It didn't go with our religion.
I mean, it really upset a lot of people in my family That we're Catholic and we don't believe in what was presented to us.
But if that's what Amy told me, I was doing it.
Spirits be gone.
You are not wanted here.
Leave this family.
Leave this home.
This is not your house.
Fred: When she came in, I was really hoping that, this is it.
This is the end.
Death has become of you.
You need to relieve.
It's a very surreal feeling to have a Wiccan in the middle of your living room Pass through.
You are over.
And burning Sage around your entire house Wiccan: Guardians of the East, bless us with your presence.
Jessee: And blessing the backyard and the whole property.
Help us bless this house and rid it of evil spirits.
Jessee: Since the Wiccan has been here, everything is calmer and it's quieter.
And we haven't had any more experiences.
My children are feeling much better.
They've all started to sleep in their own rooms.
And my daughter's health is great, and she's doing great.
I am still a little bit leery that there's something lurking because it just seems too good to be true.
Allan: Although I'm hopeful that the curse has been lifted, I completely understand Jessee's apprehension.
After what she's been through, it'll take time for her to finally feel safe in her own home.
Di Schiavi: When I got the call from Anthony, the bouncer at Smalley's Inn in Carmel, New York, he sounded terrified.
He'd had some rough paranormal encounters, and the owner, Tony, wasn't doing much about it.
Looking back, I'm not only shocked at what Amy and I uncovered, but blown away by how it all turned out for the two tough guys at the center of it all.
What's going on here? A lot of things are happening here.
I've seen apparitions.
I've seen things getting pushed off a table.
I've been shoved from behind.
- You're kidding.
- Swear to God.
I hate to say that I'm scared, but, yeah.
I grew up in the streets of the Bronx, and I had a gun pointed at my head, but it's when you can't see the stuff that will drive you crazy.
You don't want to walk through the door to come to work.
Anthony: When somebody says a place is haunted, people say, ah, get out of here.
You're imagining it.
Oh, you're a lunatic.
I honestly started thinking that I was nuts, but meeting Steve, it was like going back to the block again.
And I knew he wouldn't think that I was lying and that I'm not nuts.
So this is actually hurting your income.
Yes, I need to support my wife and three kids.
I can't afford to lose this job.
Allan: Before I arrived at the location, I was already feeling on edge.
I saw This female, and I've seen her before.
At home, she was, like, white and transparent.
She's here.
That dead woman had visited me days before my walk, and as soon as I saw her there, I knew I was in danger.
She really hates me.
She seems to cause Death.
Whoom! I got tossed.
- Narrator: Next - She's happy causing chaos.
A dark presence lurks underground.
She really hates living people.
I see pools of blood.
Di Schiavi: When the bouncer at Smalley's Inn started telling me about his paranormal encounters.
My first instinct was to tell him to get the hell out of there and never come back.
But he needed that job.
And the case was just getting started.
All right, so, what happened to you down here? I came down here, and a woman that was very, like, proper, whispered something in my ear.
I turned around, and whoom! I got tossed.
I mean, God, I'm a big guy.
Yeah, I mean, I go 210.
You got to be at least 275, 280, right? Easy.
This thing threw me like I was light as a feather.
Any time I go into the basement, I feel nervous.
That it's gonna happen again to me that I'm gonna get thrown again.
Describe the way the woman looked.
She was dressed like an 1800s look, and I could see through her.
What did you do? I took off like a bat out of hell.
She cries.
Really nasty.
She is What People would call a Banshee.
Seeing a Banshee is a rare and terrifying encounter.
To look one in the eye can be an omen of death.
So when I caught a glimpse, I thought I was in trouble.
She's happy causing chaos.
She really hates living people.
It's really strange.
I think she's here.
Anderson: Where? [Door creaks.]
Well, what else have you see down here? I've seen a male apparition, and the same [Bleep.]
I came down here to get some liquor, and I almost bumped into him.
Like, I thought it was a customer.
Can you describe the guy to me? Yes.
Curly white hair, jacket Ruffles in the shirt.
And I'm ready to pop him.
I'm ready to smash this guy.
And he went that way.
I went after him.
If that happened to me, I don't know if I could even come back down in the basement.
Well, I don't.
And there goes my pay, and there goes putting food on the table.
[Wood creaking.]
There's a man in uniform down here.
What kind of uniform? He's wearing, like, a poufy outfit with a rifle, with a, uh Can cut kill you.
- Like a knife on the end? - Mm hmm.
But I don't feel good about it.
It feels like maybe the basement's his area or something.
The amount of activity in that basement was out of control.
And whenever that many dominant entities gather in one place, the living are in serious trouble.
He follows people.
He likes to intimidate.
It's all, like, sneak attacks, though, for him.
He gives off panic and confusion.
Makes me feel Scared.
Di Schiavi: Anthony said he wasn't the only one frightened to work at the restaurant.
So I decided the only way to find out how bad things really were Was to go straight to the top.
Tony: People have gotten tugged on their sleeves, pulled on their aprons, tapped on the shoulder.
Tony: Whenever I'm hiring staff members, I have to tell them that the place is haunted, and "Are you okay with that"? And a lot of them will want to come to work and, they're usually the ones that leave because they had an incident.
People are quitting on me left and right.
A girl, she noticed a soldier standing there looking at her.
So, did she describe what she saw? A blue uniform with a yellow stripe going down the side of the pants.
So a Civil War or an older army uniform.
The girl quit that night.
Allan: I just got, like, this really angry male.
Very intimidating.
I don't know.
He came up behind me and was, like, trying to grab my back.
It feels like this soldier guy Or Captain, whatever he is, is hiding.
- Hmm.
- Anderson: Do you know where he went? No.
It feels very claustrophobic, like you can't see your way out to escape.
He had a mortuary underneath the Inn.
Narrator: Next And, like, someone's digging a bullet out of somebody.
Amy unearths a dark secret.
It's gross and dirty and disgusting.
[Birds chirping.]
Di Schiavi: According to our clients, Smalley's Inn was a hotbed of violent paranormal activity.
But nothing they gave me translated into a solid lead.
So I found someone who could tell me about the man whose name was written all over the building.
Di Schiavi: As you know, I'm doing the investigation on Smalley's Inn.
James Smalley bought the building in 1852.
And he turned it into an inn, a tavern, and a restaurant.
By all accounts, he was quite active in the community Town Supervisor, Sheriff, Treasurer, Assemblyman.
He even recruited soldiers for The Civil War.
So, did James Smalley have a family? Yes.
His first wife was named Harriett, but she died in 1850.
And then he married Harriet's sister, Emily.
Do we know when he died? He died in 1867 in the building itself.
He was about 54.
One morning, he woke up, had a heart attack, and that was it.
I also get this guy.
I don't know if he worked here or owned the place, but he was very much in charge and was here all the time.
And he also is more, like, residual.
But he died here.
When I encounter a residual haunting, it's rarely a cause for concern.
Instead of being interactive, it's more like watching a scene from an old movie In this case, a very sad, heartbreaking movie.
And how did he die? I think he had a heart attack.
Di Schiavi: When Linda told me about John Smalley's involvement in The Civil War, a light went off.
An ex-employee at the restaurant claimed she'd seen a ghost in a Civil War uniform.
With that in mind, I found a military expert to see if any of this tied together.
I learned that James Smalley was pretty active during The Civil War.
Oh, he was extremely active in The Civil War.
He handled the draft boards, got the young people from the County to enlist.
Okay, so his role was to actually get the men to go off and fight.
Did Smalley actually serve in the war? He was too old to serve in the war.
So, Rich, did he serve any other way? Yes, he did.
He actually had a mortuary underneath the Inn.
Now, that was in the basement? Yes.
Soldiers that died of their wounds in hospitals who were shipped home for burial were put up temporarily in his Morgue beneath the Inn.
Again, just getting this, like, loud people yelling.
This is a long time ago.
It is weird, though, because I do see, like, pools of blood.
- Where? - On the floor.
The blood on the floor is, like, an indicator of how many people died here.
As if that restaurant couldn't have gotten any worse, now blood was streaming towards my feet.
But unlike other cases where it's from a senseless killing, that blood was caused by something else.
And someone's talking about something medical.
What do you mean? Hmm.
I'm seeing tables here.
There's a lot of people here, and there's Oh, my God! They're bringing in these men.
People are freaking out, and they've been injured.
And, like, someone's digging a bullet out of somebody.
It's gross and dirty and disgusting.
Narrator: Coming up next She's there.
The danger becomes real.
She hates all living people.
She's pissed off.
But did they listen to Amy? I was looking to get out of Carmel as fast as possible.
Anthony here works Security for the restaurant.
- Mm hmm.
- He's a tough kid.
But he's pretty frightened by some of the things that have happened to him here.
Anthony: The night that I met Amy, I was nervous because she sees dead people, for Christ's sake.
But I was praying to God that she actually did find something That I'm not a lunatic and that I don't need to go to a mental hospital.
Tony owns the place.
He's concerned about maybe losing customers because of what's going on here.
So, with that, Amy will start and tell us about her walk.
Well, there was something I encountered before the walk.
I was at home, and the female showed up.
And I get here And she's there.
And she wants me dead, and So you're saying she's here.
- Oh, geez.
- And I'm like, oh, okay.
She hates all living people.
She's pissed off.
And I could see through her, which is really weird.
[Exhales shakily.]
Have you ever heard of a Banshee? I've heard the term.
A Banshee is, like A Grim Reaper.
If somebody sees them, that person's gonna die.
If somebody hears them, someone close to that person is going to die very soon.
And she'll go around the area.
It's not just here.
She's affecting other locations around here.
So that's good.
I could take this woman to my house with my kids, right? Yes, you can.
I was nervous as all hell, because I could bring it home to my children.
And that's the only thing in this whole world that I really care about, is my babies.
You know, I was looking to get out of Carmel as fast as possible.
Well, actually, I sketched her.
Oh, my God.
It's not really like a sketch I've seen you do before.
Well, she was transparent.
The woman I saw downstairs was transparent.
I could see through her.
I went nuts when I saw that sketch because that's the woman I saw in the basement.
I wanted to run out of there like I was Secretariat at the Belmont.
It was that scary.
Her eyes were just all white.
You're almost, like, describing a witch.
That's a scary-looking picture.
Tony: When I first saw the sketch it was, like something you would see in a horror movie.
And it was all kind of hitting me at the point where, I was afraid to look over my shoulder, thinking that This Banshee was gonna be sitting behind me.
Di Schiavi: What else did you see on your walk? I encountered a big guy who had dark hair.
And I got that he was an owner of this place.
And he had a heart attack.
- You saw that? - Yeah.
And then I saw these men were brought in.
They were bloody, messed up.
The room was disgusting.
It sounds like one of the original owners, who this place is named after James Smalley.
He died of what they called a sudden morning heart attack.
During The Civil War, the basement acted as the Morgue for the soldiers that were getting ready for burial.
Now, his first wife died, and he wound up marrying her sister, Emily.
I heard and seen this lady.
You saw her? I saw her downstairs.
Di Schiavi: One of the reasons we're here He was in the basement, and he got shoved.
I got flung like it was nothing.
Well, I felt, when I saw this photo, that it was her.
Allan: I breathed a sigh of relief because now I knew we weren't dealing with a Banshee.
It was only a projection created by that woman.
But that didn't make her any less dangerous.
Di Schiavi: Well, Anthony, Tony, there's obviously stuff going on here.
The question is, is it safe for you to be here? She is your first priority to deal with.
And it's not gonna be easy.
Find a priest, and you need a medium at the same time.
The medium is basically Going to ask her to leave.
The priest is gonna do a blessing.
And that's going to help with him to leave.
Well, are you guys gonna listen to Amy's advice? Anthony: After the investigation, I didn't come back here for a month or two.
I still didn't think it was safe to work here.
Tony: After Amy had left, paranormal activity did increase.
But so did business.
[Cash register dings.]
So I can't complain.
Anthony: I need this job to support my three kids and my wife.
I need to pay my bills, but I cut back my hours big-time.
I only work fridays now.
And it's because I'm not gonna have myself thrown downstairs.
Tony: These ghosts have become, like, our trademark here.
And people know us as the haunted restaurant in Carmel.
So do I want to get rid of them? No.
All: Cheers.
Anthony: Tony's one of my best friends, but does he care about his business more than our friendship? Sure, he does.
It's a restaurant.
This is his livelihood.
Tony: People will come up to me and tell me I have to get rid of the ghosts because something bad's gonna happen.
Anthony: I'm worried about people's safety when they come in here.
These ghosts are here for a reason.
They were here before us.
This is their territory.
And they're gonna lash out, and they're gonna harm somebody.
Until that time, I'm gonna do it my way.
Allan: I'm disappointed in Tony for deciding that making money is more important than his staff and customers' safety.
And that Anthony continues to put himself at risk because he needs the job.
I warned Tony that he was dealing with something dangerous, and my guess is that one day, I'll hear from him again.

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