The Dragon Prince (2018) s07e01 Episode Script

Death Alive

Pa-pum ♪
[mysterious music playing]
[Kosmo] Death Alive
In darkness thrives
They wither and writhe
In Sun's true light
But the Fallen One brings
Eternal Night
[Astrid] Kosmo.
Hello? Anybody in there?
Wake up!
You were faraway in a trance,
dreaming again.
You were saying that scary poem.
It's not a dream, Astrid.
It's what's coming.
It's what is to be.
What does it all mean?
Death alive? Eternal night?
It means the Fallen One has returned.
No someone has to do something!
They can't. They won't. They don't know.
They don't know.
[exhales loudly]
The dragons, and the elves,
all the arrogant fools
blinded by the searing light
of their own self-righteousness.
They stand high, and they will fall hard.
[ominous music builds]
[theme music playing]
[wistful music playing]
[moonshadow elf] Ethari?
I'm terribly sorry to bother you so early.
There's something
there's something you should see.
[sword clatters softly]
[moonshadow elf 2]
It's his, isn't it? His lotus.
Somehow Runaan must be alive.
No. It's not possible.
The enchantment has weakened,
and now the lotus floats.
He is gone.
[bird cawing]
I do not wish to rest.
[sighs] You've only been back
in this world a short time.
You need to gather your strength.
What I need is to return
to the Silvergrove immediately.
- To Ethari.
- Soon, Runaan, I promise.
But Lujanne is right.
Please, just try.
An elf needs his rest.
[Runaan crying out]
Don't wait for us, Callum.
I know you're worried about Katolis.
There's a lot of smoke.
So much that you can smell the fire
all the way up here.
- I'm afraid something terrible happened.
- I know.
- That's why you need to go.
- [sighs]
I guess I'm also worried that
you'll go back
to the Silvergrove without me.
I don't want to be separated again.
Oh, Callum. You're stuck with me now.
Stuck, I say.
Like two adoraburrs
cuddling on a cold day.
You go ahead. I won't leave without you.
As soon as Runaan is better,
we'll come and find you in Katolis.
I promise.
[Callum] Manus Pluma Volantis!
[Terry] Okay. [chuckles]
Well, you're back in the world,
Claudia fulfilled her promise to you
Perhaps it's time we go on our way.
You look quite capable.
I'm sure you've got it from here.
You owe me nothing.
But I owe you, Claudia,
my eternal gratitude.
I sense you have a question?
I have to ask you
He's gone, but is he gone-gone?
My father,
you helped me bring him back before.
Can't we just do it again?
Even if it's just for 30 days?
Last time, we were able to preserve
his body in a nebula-chrysalis.
It's too late for that now.
[Claudia sobs]
[Aaravos] But there is one thing.
When anyone dies with great trauma
and with unfinished business,
they can become caught in a place
between life and death.
A place called the In-Between.
[Claudia] What are you saying? Do you
Do you do you think my dad's there?
[Aaravos] It's possible.
Wait, why are you doing this?
Getting her hopes up?
I merely answered her question.
Claudia, when your dad left us,
he was a changed man.
He found peace.
He found his truth.
It's hard to lose him, but he's passed on,
and it's time to let him go.
It's time to grieve.
But what if he's caught there,
in the In-Between?
Shouldn't we check?
Shouldn't we make sure?
[sinister music playing]
[pensive music playing]
[Sneezles chitters]
[Callum gasps in horror]
How can this be?
Oh, my
[breathing heavily]
I'm so sorry.
I, I I tried to protect our home
everyone's home,
but there was
Soren, what happened?
But there was nothing I could
there was nothing I could do.
There was nothing
The In-Between can be entered
through the Moon Nexus.
There are ways to create a portal in,
but getting a lost spirit out
is a bit trickier.
We need a moon primal stone.
Finding one could take us a hundred years.
Or we can make one.
Let's do the plan
that doesn't take a hundred years.
It requires an exceedingly rare ingredient
that can only be found at a place
where unicorns once roamed,
the Garden of Innocents.
Wait, I've been there.
As a child.
I had a magical map.
Babe, you never cease to amaze me.
I kept the map in an abandoned house
that once belonged to my father's teacher.
A creepy old mansion
called the Puzzle House.
Then we will find this map.
We will get what we need
to make a primal stone
and then we will invert
the Moon Nexus itself.
[ominous music swells]
[sneezes, then chitters]
[grunting nearby]
[hopeful music playing]
[chuckles] When I heard about the attack,
I was afraid you were dead.
[laughs] No way, man.
I'd have definitely told you
if I was dead.
No, you wouldn't have.
Oh, right. Right! Because I'd be dead!
What what happened?
[Astrid] Go on, you need to tell him
about your predictions.
They're not predictions,
but rather realities yet to pass in time.
[Astrid] The Fallen One has returned.
He is in this world,
and he intends to release the dead
into the world of the living.
No one will stop him.
But you said yourself,
it's because they don't know.
We have to warn the mage and the warrior.
We have to tell them.
No. I forbid it.
Even if events could be changed,
it is not our place,
it is not our culture as Celestial elves.
[Astrid] Not our place?
Didn't you hear
what Kosmo and I just told you?
We are watchers. Observers.
The heavens reveal their secrets to us
only because we make a sacred promise
that we will never interfere.
I never promised.
[bird cawing]
[Soren] Hey, look what I found.
It's a little singed, but other than that,
fit for a King. [chuckles]
[Ezran] King of what?
King of ashes?
Sorry, I was just trying to stay positive.
No, no, you're right.
[ethereal music playing]
[music fades to silence]
[majestic music playing]
Thank you, Soren.
[Aanya] Forgive me for asking this
while you all carry the immense weight
of pain and grief,
but who is responsible for this?
[Soren] A dragon.
It was a cloudy day
and suddenly this
this great golden terror
was raining fire down on all of us.
[Callum] It must be Sol Regem.
He was King of the Dragons
a long time ago,
and he is so bitter and angry.
He hates humans.
We have to find Sol Regem
and destroy him!
There were sightings that he landed
at the Valley of the Graves.
And after that? Where did he go?
I don't know.
Well, I'm going to find him.
I know you're angry,
but let's not rush into danger
until we know more.
King Ezran, allow me to go
to the Valley of the Graves
and gather evidence,
figure out where he went next.
Callum, you go with Corvus.
We have to do something.
King Ezran.
I am so sad and heartbroken for you,
and for your people.
I want you to know that as you
lead your kingdom back to safety and hope,
you have my support.
Thank you, Queen Aanya.
[Aaravos] Traveling at this size
may introduce unnecessary risks.
What risks?
You're huge.
And I thought you were immortal.
In this world, there is only one threat
to my mortal vessel
an Archdragon's bite.
In time, we will draw the attention
of my old foes.
But for now, it will be better
to be a bit less conspicuous.
[sinister music playing]
[Aaravos] Over here.
Startouch may be too dazzling,
don't you think?
Perhaps an alternative form.
Skywing? Feathers are fabulous.
Moonshadow? So dark and brooding.
Tidebound elves have a certain
nautical panache.
Sunfire, always hot.
Or Earthblood?
I know you like Earthblood, Claudia.
[Rayla] Runaan!
I'm leaving.
It's been two years
since I have seen Ethari.
[Rayla sighs]
I made a promise to the elf I love
that I would return to him,
and I will not keep him waiting
one minute longer.
But you at least have to eat something
before we go.
[sighs] I know.
Don't worry,
Lujanne should be here any moment
to cast an illusion spell on the grubs.
Think of a food you miss,
because she can make them taste
like anything you want.
[Stella chitters]
Not. One. Minute. Longer.
Um, we need to stop on our way
and find Callum in Katolis.
Is is that necessary?
Yes! I made a promise to the human I love.
I [sighs]
[Corvus] I expected to be looking
for some very subtle clues
to figure out where this dragon went next.
But he didn't go anywhere next.
[sighs] He's gone.
But there is something strange, Callum.
That island
that island wasn't here before.
Uh, are you sure?
I'm pretty sure that island was here.
[chuckles] Right?
Callum, I notice the tiniest details.
I can tell if a fly's leg is broken.
Or merely sprained.
There was no island,
and now there's an island.
- Well, what could that mean?
- [man] Help help me.
Oh, such a kind young man.
Are you all right?
How'd you get stuck here?
I came to see the fallen dragon
to see him dead.
That wicked monster ruined our lives.
- Killed my daughter.
- Oh, no, I'm so sorry.
Is there anything I can do to help you?
Can can we take you back
to the rest of your family?
No, I can make it from here.
But perhaps you will allow me
to repay your kindness?
It's not much,
but it's all I have to offer, Callum.
Wait, he never told you his name.
No, he didn't.
Why would he need to?
This is the High Mage of Katolis.
We all know his name.
You keep the apple.
I'm so sorry about your daughter.
[sinister music building]
[Ezran] So he's dead? You're sure of it?
There's no mistaking what we found.
Sol Regem is gone,
and he's never coming back, Ez.
[sighs] Very well.
Then there is nothing else
to be done here.
We'll make camp tonight.
Send word that tomorrow
we will journey to the Banther Lodge,
and make that our temporary headquarters.
We will find a way to move forward.
[startles awake]
Um Hi, Rayla.
- [Rayla] Oh, I'm so sorry.
- Me too.
But we're strong.
- We'll rebuild.
- I know. And I'll help.
- [Rayla] Hey.
- Huh?
- Hey, wake up, sleepyhead.
- [chitters]
- We're here.
- [yawns]
[exhales sharply] I'm glad you're here.
Runaan is doing okay.
He's still a little shaky,
but he's determined
to get back to the Silvergrove.
[Ezran] You!
It's you! This is all your fault!
Ezran, he's been gone for two years.
Everything changed the day you came.
You killed my father!
Ez, wait, please just calm down,
try to take a breath.
A breath?
Soren, arrest him!
Ezran, please! I'm begging you.
Let's talk about this.
I'm sorry, why is everyone
so okay with this?
Why is there any question at all,
any moral confusion?
Are you not the elf who killed my father,
the King of Katolis?
[exhales sharply]
I am.
[tense music playing]
[metal creaks]
Sister? What are you doing here?
Don't you already know?
I thought you know everything.
That's not how it works, exactly.
It's not enough for me to watch the world.
I want to make a difference.
I love you, brother.
[mystical music playing]
[Astrid grunts] It's so bright.
- [moans]
- Astrid.
I am going to find the mage
and the warrior,
and I am going to warn them.
I'm going to Katolis.
Wait. Before you go,
I will tell you everything I know.
- Everything I have seen.
- [Astrid gasps]
[majestic music swells]
[closing theme music playing]
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