The Dragon Prince (2018) s07e07 Episode Script
The Titan and the King
Pa-pum ♪
Previously on The Dragon Prince
[Terry] Claudia and Aaravos
will going to invert the Moon Nexus
and release all of the beings
from the In-Between.
Claudia, you know what must come next?
What I need you to do?
[Ezran] Open fire, now!
We are not afraid of you.
[Dark Callum] If you love them
Rayla, Ezran, all of them
you'll do anything to save them.
There has to be another way.
Another way, without you.
I have a plan.
[theme music playing]
[ethereal music playing gently]
[Callum] Dear Ezran.
A few days ago,
I started writing you a letter
about how sorry I am that I hurt you.
About how sad I am
that there's a rift between us.
And about how certain I am that somehow
we'll find a way to repair things
But this is not that letter.
Because yesterday I found out
that my worst fear has come true
Aaravos is back.
He's unleashed the spirits
of the dead into the living world.
The spirits can't survive in daylight,
but Aaravos has a plan for that.
He wants to bring about eternal night.
Aaravos isn't the only one with a plan.
New friends and old friends
are working together
to help us stop him.
[hooting, screeching]
Aaravos needs the Sun Orb in Lux Aurea
so he can corrupt the sun itself.
So first, we're warning
Queen Janai and Aunt Amaya.
They'll have to protect the orb,
at any cost.
Step two, we need another Colossal Pearl.
I'm gonna ask Archmage Akiyu
to create a new one.
And then we'll have to fight Aaravos
face to face.
For that, we need big help.
So step three,
we're gathering the archdragons.
Domina Profundis from the ocean's depths
Rex Igneous from his lair in Umber Tor
And Zubeia if she's well enough.
That's where I need your help, Ezran.
Go get Zubeia, and meet us in Lux Aurea.
[caring whine]
If the archdragons can hold Aaravos down
for just a few seconds,
I can use ocean magic to imprison him
in the new Pearl forever.
[Ezran] We don't need to hold him down
for a few seconds.
We already captured Aaravos.
Callum would know this if he hadn't left.
[Soren] Hello!
King Ezran!
So that's Callum's plan.
To imprison Aaravos in another Pearl
with the help of the archdragons.
Whew! That's a doozy.
But you've got Aaravos
tied up here already.
Looks like we're halfway done.
He's at our mercy,
thanks to Corvus and Aanya.
Aaravos may be trapped,
but we should help Callum.
But I can't leave,
not with Aaravos trapped here.
Soren you and Corvus will go to Zubeia.
[Soren] It's just like the old saying.
"The way to what you seek
is lined with mushrooms."
[Corvus] Not a saying.
- It totally is. It's a classic.
- [sighs]
King Ezran! What'll you do?
With you know, Aaravos?
I'll keep him busy until you return
with Callum and the Pearl.
We'll be here and we'll be ready for you.
[ominous music playing]
A visit from the king himself?
- You honor me.
- [Ezran] Wrong.
I'm here to judge you.
Your crimes cannot be counted, Aaravos,
but they are remembered
by your victims throughout Xadia.
It seems
you have already decided on my guilt.
Guilty or not,
a king must look into the faces
and hear the words of those he judges.
Aaravos, what do you have
to say for yourself?
I am innocent.
[Astrid] Excuse me, are you Aunt Amaya?
Oh, well, nice to meet you anyway!
Are you Aunt Amaya? No?
How about you?
Well, I-I love your shirt.
Hello! Are you
Aunt Amaya? No.
It's "Queen" Amaya, actually.
But I take it you know my nephews.
[Astrid] So that's Aaravos' plan.
He's coming here to take the Sun Orb and
Kill the Sun.
But Callum said you could stop him!
[Gren] Stop him?
We can fight him, but will it be enough?
No, it won't be enough.
No army can stand up to a Startouch titan.
We can't protect the Sun Orb from Aaravos.
But maybe we can destroy it.
The spell is delicate and dangerous.
Only the most powerful Fire Mage
could hope to perform it.
Only one person
among all the Sunfire elves can do this.
Absolutely not.
You sentence me to death,
and now you dare to ask me for a favor!
I will never destroy the Orb
while there is even the slightest hope
that it might be restored.
- Not even to save a life?
- Whose life?
My own?
No, the Sun herself.
And you are the only one who can save her.
[pensive music plays]
[Ethari] Greetings.
I seek an audience with Rex
[Terbium] Oh [blubbers nervously]
I'm afraid that's impossible.
Uh, um, sadly,
Rex has not been seen in months.
Um, are you certain?
I'm pretty sure
I just saw someone in there
Oh, quite certain!
Ah, he's not in there.
We wouldn't even know where to find him.
Oh, how we miss him.
Hm. Goodbye then!
Please try again in a decade or so.
Ah, what a shame.
I brought a delicious gift.
A treat that has never left
the Silvergrove before today.
[Rex Igneous roars]
[stone guardians grumbling]
I see that word has gotten out
about my deepest vulnerability
my sweet tooth.
What is your request,
elf of the Silvergrove?
Try this first, great dragon.
Then we'll talk.
[cheerful moonberry music playing]
- [magical twinkle]
- [moonberry squeals]
You can't believe that.
It is only the truth.
You call me your enemy
when I am your greatest ally.
Look where you stand.
Sol Regem destroyed your city,
and he died by my design.
I have allies already:
the elves and the dragons,
fellow victims of your evil.
Elves and dragons
make poor allies, I'm afraid.
I watched through the centuries
as they enforced their order,
keeping humans degraded and oppressed.
You mean
the elves and dragons you betrayed?
I betrayed them, yes,
by sharing the gift of magic.
Is this not proof of my innocence?
What I did, I did for humanity.
For you.
[suspenseful music playing]
[mechanism whirs]
[nautilus blares]
You seem to know my history,
so you also must know my tragedy.
How my Leola was destroyed by your allies
for kindly sharing magic with humans.
I carried on her work,
empowering humanity
to throw off the yoke of Xadia.
Which they did.
You know, you're very good
at telling most of the truth.
What truths have I left out?
What you taught those people
was dark magic.
You didn't save them.
You corrupted them.
[Aaravos] You call it corruption.
I call it compromise.
It is the nature of children to think
the world must be one way or another.
With maturity, we learn that most of life
is lived in the space between.
I merely helped humanity mature,
so they could be free.
Wasn't that worth some compromise?
How remarkable you are, Ezran.
Kind, courageous, wise.
A new era is coming to Xadia.
I think you know this,
and it frightens you.
[chains clanging]
[soldiers screaming]
[Aaravos] Don't be scared.
Accept it.
Join me.
You have the power to transform
what could be a tragedy into a triumph.
To make the coming age
a glorious new dawn for humanity.
But only if you can move past
your childish hesitation.
Only if you can compromise
and allow me to help you.
- [Mushpals yelling happily, chattering]
- [Terry] Ha, uh. H-hi!
Trees to meet you, trees to meet you
Oh wow, there's lots.
I'm very sorry,
but the Dragon Queen's healing
is not complete.
But we need her help to stop Aaravos!
How long will it take
for her to get better?
This corruption magic
is some of the most powerful evil
I have ever seen.
It's strong enough
to turn even the greatest being
into a monster of pure darkness.
So you're saying
that if Zubeia leaves now
the corruption will be irreversible?
[laughs] No, no, no, no!
Just have her back here in a week or two.
I'll reapply the salves
and she'll be fine!
- [sighs]
- [Mushpals chittering]
[chuckles] Okay, guys.
You guys are really cute, but I-I kinda
I kinda have to go back.
- Oh!
- [thuds]
- Guys. Guys!
- [Mukho laughs]
[Ezran] You're right, Aaravos.
I will lead the world into a new era.
But not by compromising with you.
Go on.
You say I should believe you
because you are great and ancient,
that I'm too young to see clearly.
I think it's the other way around.
You've spent so long
seeing the world through a lens of hate
that you can't see any other way
to get what you want.
But I can.
Ah, now it is you
who are leaving out part of the truth.
Humanity can only be seen clearly
through the lens of history.
So if I may,
I will tell you your history, Ezran,
the parts you haven't been taught.
Three thousand years ago,
the archdragon Shiruakh
battled the Startouch elf Laurelion.
Shiruakh delivered the fatal bite,
but in the cosmic storm
of the Great One's death throes,
the dragon perished as well.
One of her great fangs
was forged into a weapon,
the weapon, that can kill a Startouch elf.
It is known as the Novablade.
This has nothing to do with me.
Doesn't it?
The Novablade came to your ancestor,
a young woman
who played a vital role in my undoing.
She could have used the blade
to destroy me,
but chose instead to help imprison me.
To spare me.
Why do you think that is?
When your ancestor died,
the blade was lost to history.
She took its secret to her grave.
Then I'll follow in her footsteps.
[foreboding music playing]
You will be imprisoned again, Aaravos.
And this time, you will never escape.
Imprisoned by whom?
Your brother?
[serious music playing]
I don't understand
What happened here?
Was this some kind of storm?
Nothing from nature could kill
every living thing on this beach.
This was an attack.
The tidepools, I believe
they aren't just warm.
They've been boiled.
Akiyu! She's in danger!
[Ezran] Don't talk about Callum.
There is great affinity
between your brother and I.
Callum sees the world as I do,
understands the need for compromise.
Very soon,
your brother will embrace dark magic
- to the save those he loves.
- [growls]
[Ezran] Oh?
I suppose you've seen that
written in the stars?
No, no.
I have seen it written in his eyes.
You're lying! Callum would never do that.
I never lie, Ezran.
In your heart, you know this already.
Callum will walk down that dark road.
But you don't have
to let him walk it alone.
You can join him.
[somber music playing]
I enjoyed our conversation, young king.
But I have lingered here long enough.
Look, the sun has set.
[suspenseful music playing]
[specters growling]
- [gasps]
- [specters roar, growl]
[Aaravos laughing]
No! No, no, no!
[somber music playing]
Akiyu no, no
What what happened?
We are not alone.
I know it's you. Come out!
Stop hiding!
[Claudia's voice echoing] Oh, Callum.
I was hiding,
but not for the reason you think.
Oh? Is it because
you've done something terrible?
Because you're afraid
to face the consequences?
[Claudia] No
It's because I didn't want
to have to kill you too.
[both grunting]
[suspenseful music playing]
[groans, grunts]
[Claudia] You're impressive, Callum.
Somehow you learned primal magic.
But dark magic will always have the edge.
[gasping] Please Claudia
What am I supposed to do?
Come on, Callum.
I don't hate you.
- [gasps]
- I don't want you dead!
You're leaving me no choice!
Don't move.
[somber music playing]
Now drop the staff.
Throw it out of reach!
I mean, how am I supposed
to throw the staff without moving?
You said don't move.
[gasping, panting]
Do it now!
[gasping rapidly]
Now what?
Now, we wait for Callum
to catch his breath.
And then, he will decide
whether you live or die.
[gasps deeply]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[foreboding music playing]
She's gone.
This is all my fault.
I should have known.
Without Akiyu, there's no Pearl
and we can't beat Aaravos.
There's no time to blame yourself.
Is there anyone else, any other mage
who can create another prison?
No. There's no one else.
[ominous music plays]
But there might be another way.
Runaan, I'm gonna have to ask you
to do something.
[soldiers screaming, shrieking]
[growling, hissing]
- [growling]
- [grunting]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Aaravos] Come to me, you hungry shadows,
spirits furious and fell.
- [growling]
- [screaming]
[thundering footsteps]
[dreadful music playing]
Time to go!
[soldier screaming]
[somber music playing]
[Aaravos] Remember, Ezran.
I never lie.
Children of the night,
rejoice in this darkness!
Soon, you will never
have to fear the dawn.
[laughs evilly]
[necromage chanting]
[heart beating]
Your Majesty.
[terrifying screech]
[closing theme music playing]
Pa-pum ♪
Previously on The Dragon Prince
[Terry] Claudia and Aaravos
will going to invert the Moon Nexus
and release all of the beings
from the In-Between.
Claudia, you know what must come next?
What I need you to do?
[Ezran] Open fire, now!
We are not afraid of you.
[Dark Callum] If you love them
Rayla, Ezran, all of them
you'll do anything to save them.
There has to be another way.
Another way, without you.
I have a plan.
[theme music playing]
[ethereal music playing gently]
[Callum] Dear Ezran.
A few days ago,
I started writing you a letter
about how sorry I am that I hurt you.
About how sad I am
that there's a rift between us.
And about how certain I am that somehow
we'll find a way to repair things
But this is not that letter.
Because yesterday I found out
that my worst fear has come true
Aaravos is back.
He's unleashed the spirits
of the dead into the living world.
The spirits can't survive in daylight,
but Aaravos has a plan for that.
He wants to bring about eternal night.
Aaravos isn't the only one with a plan.
New friends and old friends
are working together
to help us stop him.
[hooting, screeching]
Aaravos needs the Sun Orb in Lux Aurea
so he can corrupt the sun itself.
So first, we're warning
Queen Janai and Aunt Amaya.
They'll have to protect the orb,
at any cost.
Step two, we need another Colossal Pearl.
I'm gonna ask Archmage Akiyu
to create a new one.
And then we'll have to fight Aaravos
face to face.
For that, we need big help.
So step three,
we're gathering the archdragons.
Domina Profundis from the ocean's depths
Rex Igneous from his lair in Umber Tor
And Zubeia if she's well enough.
That's where I need your help, Ezran.
Go get Zubeia, and meet us in Lux Aurea.
[caring whine]
If the archdragons can hold Aaravos down
for just a few seconds,
I can use ocean magic to imprison him
in the new Pearl forever.
[Ezran] We don't need to hold him down
for a few seconds.
We already captured Aaravos.
Callum would know this if he hadn't left.
[Soren] Hello!
King Ezran!
So that's Callum's plan.
To imprison Aaravos in another Pearl
with the help of the archdragons.
Whew! That's a doozy.
But you've got Aaravos
tied up here already.
Looks like we're halfway done.
He's at our mercy,
thanks to Corvus and Aanya.
Aaravos may be trapped,
but we should help Callum.
But I can't leave,
not with Aaravos trapped here.
Soren you and Corvus will go to Zubeia.
[Soren] It's just like the old saying.
"The way to what you seek
is lined with mushrooms."
[Corvus] Not a saying.
- It totally is. It's a classic.
- [sighs]
King Ezran! What'll you do?
With you know, Aaravos?
I'll keep him busy until you return
with Callum and the Pearl.
We'll be here and we'll be ready for you.
[ominous music playing]
A visit from the king himself?
- You honor me.
- [Ezran] Wrong.
I'm here to judge you.
Your crimes cannot be counted, Aaravos,
but they are remembered
by your victims throughout Xadia.
It seems
you have already decided on my guilt.
Guilty or not,
a king must look into the faces
and hear the words of those he judges.
Aaravos, what do you have
to say for yourself?
I am innocent.
[Astrid] Excuse me, are you Aunt Amaya?
Oh, well, nice to meet you anyway!
Are you Aunt Amaya? No?
How about you?
Well, I-I love your shirt.
Hello! Are you
Aunt Amaya? No.
It's "Queen" Amaya, actually.
But I take it you know my nephews.
[Astrid] So that's Aaravos' plan.
He's coming here to take the Sun Orb and
Kill the Sun.
But Callum said you could stop him!
[Gren] Stop him?
We can fight him, but will it be enough?
No, it won't be enough.
No army can stand up to a Startouch titan.
We can't protect the Sun Orb from Aaravos.
But maybe we can destroy it.
The spell is delicate and dangerous.
Only the most powerful Fire Mage
could hope to perform it.
Only one person
among all the Sunfire elves can do this.
Absolutely not.
You sentence me to death,
and now you dare to ask me for a favor!
I will never destroy the Orb
while there is even the slightest hope
that it might be restored.
- Not even to save a life?
- Whose life?
My own?
No, the Sun herself.
And you are the only one who can save her.
[pensive music plays]
[Ethari] Greetings.
I seek an audience with Rex
[Terbium] Oh [blubbers nervously]
I'm afraid that's impossible.
Uh, um, sadly,
Rex has not been seen in months.
Um, are you certain?
I'm pretty sure
I just saw someone in there
Oh, quite certain!
Ah, he's not in there.
We wouldn't even know where to find him.
Oh, how we miss him.
Hm. Goodbye then!
Please try again in a decade or so.
Ah, what a shame.
I brought a delicious gift.
A treat that has never left
the Silvergrove before today.
[Rex Igneous roars]
[stone guardians grumbling]
I see that word has gotten out
about my deepest vulnerability
my sweet tooth.
What is your request,
elf of the Silvergrove?
Try this first, great dragon.
Then we'll talk.
[cheerful moonberry music playing]
- [magical twinkle]
- [moonberry squeals]
You can't believe that.
It is only the truth.
You call me your enemy
when I am your greatest ally.
Look where you stand.
Sol Regem destroyed your city,
and he died by my design.
I have allies already:
the elves and the dragons,
fellow victims of your evil.
Elves and dragons
make poor allies, I'm afraid.
I watched through the centuries
as they enforced their order,
keeping humans degraded and oppressed.
You mean
the elves and dragons you betrayed?
I betrayed them, yes,
by sharing the gift of magic.
Is this not proof of my innocence?
What I did, I did for humanity.
For you.
[suspenseful music playing]
[mechanism whirs]
[nautilus blares]
You seem to know my history,
so you also must know my tragedy.
How my Leola was destroyed by your allies
for kindly sharing magic with humans.
I carried on her work,
empowering humanity
to throw off the yoke of Xadia.
Which they did.
You know, you're very good
at telling most of the truth.
What truths have I left out?
What you taught those people
was dark magic.
You didn't save them.
You corrupted them.
[Aaravos] You call it corruption.
I call it compromise.
It is the nature of children to think
the world must be one way or another.
With maturity, we learn that most of life
is lived in the space between.
I merely helped humanity mature,
so they could be free.
Wasn't that worth some compromise?
How remarkable you are, Ezran.
Kind, courageous, wise.
A new era is coming to Xadia.
I think you know this,
and it frightens you.
[chains clanging]
[soldiers screaming]
[Aaravos] Don't be scared.
Accept it.
Join me.
You have the power to transform
what could be a tragedy into a triumph.
To make the coming age
a glorious new dawn for humanity.
But only if you can move past
your childish hesitation.
Only if you can compromise
and allow me to help you.
- [Mushpals yelling happily, chattering]
- [Terry] Ha, uh. H-hi!
Trees to meet you, trees to meet you
Oh wow, there's lots.
I'm very sorry,
but the Dragon Queen's healing
is not complete.
But we need her help to stop Aaravos!
How long will it take
for her to get better?
This corruption magic
is some of the most powerful evil
I have ever seen.
It's strong enough
to turn even the greatest being
into a monster of pure darkness.
So you're saying
that if Zubeia leaves now
the corruption will be irreversible?
[laughs] No, no, no, no!
Just have her back here in a week or two.
I'll reapply the salves
and she'll be fine!
- [sighs]
- [Mushpals chittering]
[chuckles] Okay, guys.
You guys are really cute, but I-I kinda
I kinda have to go back.
- Oh!
- [thuds]
- Guys. Guys!
- [Mukho laughs]
[Ezran] You're right, Aaravos.
I will lead the world into a new era.
But not by compromising with you.
Go on.
You say I should believe you
because you are great and ancient,
that I'm too young to see clearly.
I think it's the other way around.
You've spent so long
seeing the world through a lens of hate
that you can't see any other way
to get what you want.
But I can.
Ah, now it is you
who are leaving out part of the truth.
Humanity can only be seen clearly
through the lens of history.
So if I may,
I will tell you your history, Ezran,
the parts you haven't been taught.
Three thousand years ago,
the archdragon Shiruakh
battled the Startouch elf Laurelion.
Shiruakh delivered the fatal bite,
but in the cosmic storm
of the Great One's death throes,
the dragon perished as well.
One of her great fangs
was forged into a weapon,
the weapon, that can kill a Startouch elf.
It is known as the Novablade.
This has nothing to do with me.
Doesn't it?
The Novablade came to your ancestor,
a young woman
who played a vital role in my undoing.
She could have used the blade
to destroy me,
but chose instead to help imprison me.
To spare me.
Why do you think that is?
When your ancestor died,
the blade was lost to history.
She took its secret to her grave.
Then I'll follow in her footsteps.
[foreboding music playing]
You will be imprisoned again, Aaravos.
And this time, you will never escape.
Imprisoned by whom?
Your brother?
[serious music playing]
I don't understand
What happened here?
Was this some kind of storm?
Nothing from nature could kill
every living thing on this beach.
This was an attack.
The tidepools, I believe
they aren't just warm.
They've been boiled.
Akiyu! She's in danger!
[Ezran] Don't talk about Callum.
There is great affinity
between your brother and I.
Callum sees the world as I do,
understands the need for compromise.
Very soon,
your brother will embrace dark magic
- to the save those he loves.
- [growls]
[Ezran] Oh?
I suppose you've seen that
written in the stars?
No, no.
I have seen it written in his eyes.
You're lying! Callum would never do that.
I never lie, Ezran.
In your heart, you know this already.
Callum will walk down that dark road.
But you don't have
to let him walk it alone.
You can join him.
[somber music playing]
I enjoyed our conversation, young king.
But I have lingered here long enough.
Look, the sun has set.
[suspenseful music playing]
[specters growling]
- [gasps]
- [specters roar, growl]
[Aaravos laughing]
No! No, no, no!
[somber music playing]
Akiyu no, no
What what happened?
We are not alone.
I know it's you. Come out!
Stop hiding!
[Claudia's voice echoing] Oh, Callum.
I was hiding,
but not for the reason you think.
Oh? Is it because
you've done something terrible?
Because you're afraid
to face the consequences?
[Claudia] No
It's because I didn't want
to have to kill you too.
[both grunting]
[suspenseful music playing]
[groans, grunts]
[Claudia] You're impressive, Callum.
Somehow you learned primal magic.
But dark magic will always have the edge.
[gasping] Please Claudia
What am I supposed to do?
Come on, Callum.
I don't hate you.
- [gasps]
- I don't want you dead!
You're leaving me no choice!
Don't move.
[somber music playing]
Now drop the staff.
Throw it out of reach!
I mean, how am I supposed
to throw the staff without moving?
You said don't move.
[gasping, panting]
Do it now!
[gasping rapidly]
Now what?
Now, we wait for Callum
to catch his breath.
And then, he will decide
whether you live or die.
[gasps deeply]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[foreboding music playing]
She's gone.
This is all my fault.
I should have known.
Without Akiyu, there's no Pearl
and we can't beat Aaravos.
There's no time to blame yourself.
Is there anyone else, any other mage
who can create another prison?
No. There's no one else.
[ominous music plays]
But there might be another way.
Runaan, I'm gonna have to ask you
to do something.
[soldiers screaming, shrieking]
[growling, hissing]
- [growling]
- [grunting]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Aaravos] Come to me, you hungry shadows,
spirits furious and fell.
- [growling]
- [screaming]
[thundering footsteps]
[dreadful music playing]
Time to go!
[soldier screaming]
[somber music playing]
[Aaravos] Remember, Ezran.
I never lie.
Children of the night,
rejoice in this darkness!
Soon, you will never
have to fear the dawn.
[laughs evilly]
[necromage chanting]
[heart beating]
Your Majesty.
[terrifying screech]
[closing theme music playing]