The Equalizer (2014) s01e06 Episode Script

The Confirmation Day

FRANKIE: You wanna send Anthony to a good school? Who'd come around to help? Who? You, Frankie, it's always you.
You were stupid, Louie, to trust your best friend, who is now dead.
Who controls this end of town? We do.
You want to make moves around this neighborhood, you come to me first.
I don't wanna have to do business with this guy.
(MAN GROANS) (TlRES SCREECHlNG) (BABY CRYlNG) (TlRES SCREECHlNG) (SlNGlNG) Come, Holy Ghost Creator blest And in our hearts take up your rest Come with thy grace BOY: Pass it on.
And heavenly aid To fill the hearts Which thou has made To fill the hearts TEACHER: All right, Ganucci, you're out of here.
(CHlLDREN SNlGGERlNG) Why are you always picking on me? I didn't Out, Ganucci, come on, come on, come on.
Let's go, I mean now.
What I don't understand, Louie, is I know you need the money.
I don't wanna do nothing crooked, Frankie.
What crooked? You've got your chauffeur's license? You walk out of your house down the block, you jump in a rig, you drive to the river.
Fifteen-minute trip, 1,500 bucks.
Oh, come on, Louie.
You've been doing this nickel-and-dime job, driving a truck for the fruit market.
You got hurt on the job, there's no compensation.
Huh? What? I got to take another physical, that's all.
That's what I'm saying.
I laid this out for you like a silver platter.
Because we're best friends for 20 years.
What? LOUlE: Anthony.
Ain't you supposed to be in choir practice? They let me out early today.
Come on, that's an old story.
Cut it out.
Don't you know your father's got eyes in the back of his head? What is it with you, huh? Come on, get in there.
ANTHONY: The guy hates me.
What am I supposed to Watch it, he hates you, he hates you.
Go ahead, sing.
That's my godson up there.
I got to look out for his future.
He sings like an angel, that kid.
What you gonna do next year? You want to send him to Bishop Rice? Who's gonna pay the tuition? Look, Frankie, I know you're doing the right thing but It's a job.
Louie, it's all under Vanessi's protection.
Would I lie to you? You know you're talking right in front of the church? Would I lie to you? It's a piece of cake.
Hey, look.
Dad, I don't need one.
Come here.
Confirmation needs a new suit.
It's good luck.
I don't need one.
Confirmation blue for this guy? No, but I got here, I got a gray one.
It's just as nice.
You can wear this for confirmation.
How much? Hundred bucks.
Give him the suit.
I'll see you in a couple of weeks, Vinnie.
Now, come on, no CODs.
Vinnie, you know me, huh? Come on, I'm good for it.
Yeah, I know you, I know you.
You're a deadbeat.
VlNNlE: Hey, come on, enough! ANTHONY: It's not worth it.
I don't need your stinking suit anyways.
Then take a walk, take a walk.
I don't need a suit, Dad.
Louie, come on, move it.
Get in the car.
Start it up.
I'm gonna lock the tailgate.
(GROANlNG) I'm hit.
Move it.
Purcell! FRANKlE: You know, Louie, I always had to tell you what to do.
Even when we was kids, remember? Who'd come around to help? Who? You, Frankie, it's always you.
Thickheaded you was.
(PANTlNG) Even a job like this, a piece of cake.
That's funny, huh? (CHUCKLES) Louie, I gotta lay down.
Get me to someplace.
Hey, I'm gonna come around and get you.
Louie, don't hold nothing against me, huh? Please.
What's the matter with you? Frankie, we're friends forever.
I'll get some help tonight.
Gotta get rid of this truck.
Get you out now, Frankie.
Frankie? Frankie! Frankie.
Frankie, I gotta leave you in the weeds.
I gotta leave you in the mud here, Frankie.
I don't wanna leave you here.
I don't know what to do.
FATHER ANTONELLl: Henrietta Fields.
Do you know the name? Yes, musical comedy star, wasn't she? She was a great talent, a great beauty.
They say she stopped the show every night.
Now look at her.
She says she comes here for sanctuary.
It's the only place she feels safe.
From whom? Her own private nightmare creatures.
The woman is hopelessly deluded, McCall.
She thinks she's being followed, threatened, plotted against.
It's all in her mind.
Well, Father Antonelli, it is hard to be old and poor in these streets, is it not? Oh, yes.
Father Antonelli told me there was a man He wants to kill me.
I know he's just waiting for his chance.
He stands there every night, just waiting for his chance.
Well, now, you say that you've never seen him Watch yourself there.
You ever heard him? I feel him.
I know he's there.
Have you told the police? They think I'm a crazy old fool.
They'll wait until I'm found dead.
And then they'll say, "She was right, poor old woman.
" And no one will shed a tear.
I mean, it wasn't just feeling I couldn't sleep.
I just I didn't hear breathing at all.
I had my ear to the door.
(HENRlETTA GlGGLES) It's a scary, scary feeling.
Fields, you have my number, so when you leave this apartment, you call me.
And then when you come back, if you can remember, call me, just check in.
And then if you feel this man's presence, call me, and I will be here.
You believe me? Of course I do.
I'll see you soon.
Sleep well.
LOUlE: Yeah, I'm in trouble.
MARlE: I'll call Frankie.
Don't call Frankie.
Yes, I will call him.
He'll tell us what we need to do.
Baby, Frankie is dead.
What? What are you gonna do? I don't know.
(DOOR OPENlNG) (DOOR CLOSlNG) MARlE: Anthony, come back here.
Ma Sit down.
Is this you? That's me.
How much do you get? How much do l Oh, you mean, how much do I charge for my services? Well, the going rate for kids.
And how much is that? Well, for kids, it's on the house.
Look, nobody works for nothing, all right? All right, all right.
I'll take half of everything you have.
I got like two bucks saved up.
Then I'll take $1.
Do we have a deal? Yeah.
All right.
Who are you? You come from a newspaper ad, and you ask me to pack up, take my son, go someplace with you, without telling my husband? If you stay in this house, you are also in danger, and so is your son.
These men who are after your husband will also come after you.
How do you know this? How do you know that they are after him? Ma, I saw Pop walking with Uncle Frankie yesterday.
Uncle Frankie is dead now.
If I'm here looking after you, how can I look after your husband? Anthony, do you trust this man? (SlGHS) We gotta trust him, Ma.
He's our only chance.
Well, here we are.
May not be a mansion, but it has a beautiful river view.
Mind you, you have to climb over a lot of broken glass.
It was designed originally to accommodate rougher, somewhat desperate characters.
You have a gourmet oven, the latest in food refrigeration.
Queen-size beds.
Oh, it's a A mess.
Hello, Jeff.
You know, Robert, this one takes the cake.
This lady, Mrs.
Fields, she has made more appearances on the police blotter than public enemy number one.
In every week, for the last five years, a complaint.
Peeping Tom, and in that kind of apartment, that's pretty hard.
She has Russian spies following her, you know? Yeah.
And the ghost of her second husband, he rattles the dishes at night so she can't sleep.
I mean, the lady is a nut, McCall.
I give her a year, she's in an institution.
(SlGHS) It's another little New York tragedy, but this is not police business.
No, Jeff, I think maybe Mrs.
Fields might be telling the truth this time.
Might be.
Anyway, I would consider it a great favor, if every now and then, one of your officers could just pass by, as it were, you know Oh, well, no problem.
Perhaps I can get you something from the bar, sir? No, no Anything else? Yes, there is.
Who controls this end of town? We do.
Oh, yes, yes, of course, of course.
But when you have your backs turned, who controls it then? You mean the wise guy.
Eddie Vanessi.
He is the boss.
Anything crooked goes down, he knows about it.
Where do I find him? Why would you want to? For a client.
Who is? Who is a 14-year-old boy.
I see.
(lN BRlTlSH ACCENT) You know, Commander, I do so enjoy our little talks.
(GROANlNG) Where are the goods? Gentleman, gentleman, please.
New York has such a bad reputation in some circles.
Let us not add to it.
(MAN GROANS) You are Mr.
Ganucci? How do you do, sir? My name is Robert McCall.
Do you care to come with me, sir? Leave him alone.
Now! How do you do, sir? Hello, sir.
(GROANS) Who are you? A friend of your son's, Mr.
The truck was filled with antiques.
What do you want from me? Why would they go to such lengths for a small load of antiques? We were stealing it.
I don't know what they do around where you are, but this neighborhood, when you steal, you better be good.
You better not be a loser.
Don't keep calling yourself a loser, Louie.
Yeah, I let my best friend con me into this heist.
That don't make me a rocket scientist.
This means you trusted your best friend.
Smart guys don't trust nobody.
They keep it all inside themselves.
Frankie was smart, Louie.
Frankie was very, very smart, Louie.
Now, you better start trusting me, just for a while, until we get you out of this mess.
How are you gonna do it? Why did you take that load of antiques down to a junkyard? I guess it was because there's a cement operation that Vanessi owns down there.
So, Vanessi is involved in this? I think so, yeah.
Did he talk to you about it? Yeah, we had this great big discussion.
We have lunch every day down at the club.
You're wasting your time, buddy.
You just don't know how things go around here.
All right.
Perhaps Mr.
Vanessi might enlighten me.
I wouldn't butt heads with Eddie Vanessi.
You're stepping way up in class.
Louie is right, Mr.
Whoa! Are you lost, buddy, huh? No, no, no, I'm just wandering around.
Well, why don't you wander out here in the street? There's a bus leaving for the Statue of Liberty in about two minutes.
(CHUCKLlNG) I'd like to see Mr.
He's not on the tourist map.
Oh, such humor, such finesse from such a jerk.
Tell Mr.
Vanessi that I would like to sell him some antiques.
My name is Robert McCall.
Check this guy out, Ray.
Go ahead.
Oh, that's Big Ray.
Yes, yes, I know.
Thank you.
Very interesting group of people.
What's the attraction? Thank you.
I give very good advice.
Oh, good, good.
But perhaps you could advise me.
I'm sure I can.
I'm trying to help a friend of mine out of a rather ticklish situation.
Ticklish, huh? What's his problem? Well, he's taken something that doesn't belong to him.
Oh, he shouldn't have done that.
No, no, well, of course.
And he knows that now, and he is trying to give it back.
Now, you tell me how I can be of assistance.
Well, the people who own this thing apparently want to kill him.
Oh, we can't allow that.
You just tell him to return this thing, return it to me, and I see that it gets to its proper owners.
Oh, that's how it's done? Yes, that's how it's done.
Oh, what did you say the name of your friend was? I didn't say his name, at least I hope I didn't say his name.
Because I didn't want to let it slip, you see? I want to keep it a secret.
For now.
Well, thank you very much for your help.
I'll be in touch soon.
But did you tell me something about antiques? Antiques? No, no.
What an extraordinary idea.
(SPEAKlNG lTALlAN) (SPEAKlNG lTALlAN) Whoa, whoa, you must have what it takes, huh, big man? (LAUGHlNG) I do admire your tailor.
You're a funny man.
Hey you, gavone.
Hey, what's going on over here? Tell me, what is Stay with him.
Breathe on him a little.
You find the goods.
I don't wanna have to do business with this guy.
Yes, sir.
There's always time for that kind of thing.
Come on, let's go.
Vanessi's waiting for us.
Unfortunately, Mrs.
Fields, I can't be here as often as I would wish.
That's all right.
I don't need any more people in my life, Mr.
Would you like a cup of tea? Not just at the moment.
I would like to show you how this works.
Now, there is a relay attached, electronically speaking, to a beeper.
That is the relay and this is the beeper.
Now, should anyone try to get into this apartment without using a key, a message will be sent to my beeper.
(BEEPlNG) And then I will be here as soon as possible.
It's a fancy burglar alarm.
Yes, yes, that's what it is.
A fancy burglar alarm, yeah.
He'll break the door down.
No, no, he It's not quite as easy as that, Mrs.
You see Oh, Mr.
He's a devil.
He has the power of a devil.
But, Mrs.
Fields, there is a policeman downstairs.
What kind of a man would hurt an old woman, Mr.
McCall? Only a devil.
Yes, yes, I don't quite know how the New York police force is trained to deal with devils.
Four years that play ran and he was at the stage door every night with the biggest bunch of gardenias.
Now, I don't know what he told his wife.
Look, why don't I introduce you now to Officer Kalb? I don't like policemen.
They think I'm a nuisance.
You see, policemen don't understand what they don't see or hear.
They don't know about spirits and evil.
You know? You do know.
Yes, yes, of course.
Oh, I'm gonna go in now, because l I don't wanna leave my treasure unguarded.
No, no, no, you don't.
Yes, of course.
Now, you be careful, Mrs.
I'll come and see you soon.
What're you? Social worker? Shrink? No.
Get her the hell out of here, will you? She's making everybody crazy.
Yes, I can imagine that.
Is everybody nuts on this block? No, not everybody.
Certainly not the man who is following me.
He is very, very sane.
Are you crazy, too? No, I mean it.
Tall man, grey hair, grey suit.
You wanna bet the minute I walk away he'll follow me? JEFFERSON: Do we know who he is? OFFlCER: I think his name is Frank Corso, Lieutenant.
Okay, I'm gonna take a look.
All right, take him away.
Yes, sir.
Who found his body? We received an anonymous phone call.
JEFFERSON: Send me the autopsy report right away.
(LAUGHlNG) I can't believe it.
My whole world's been blown apart and all you can think about is food.
It's just on my head so much, I guess I wanted to think about something else just for a minute.
There's nothing else to think about because nothing else matters.
I was stupid to listen to you, Marie.
And you It was stupid of me to come here in the first place.
Louie, just a minute, just a minute.
You were stupid, Louie, to trust your best friend, who is now dead.
You were stupid to believe that money and only money could help your family.
In fact, you know, the only sensible thing you've done lately is come here.
What makes you such an expert on me? Well, maybe I'm an expert on you because I know what it feels like to disappoint your only son.
I know that is the worst feeling a father can have.
I also know when you have the edge, which apparently you do.
What kind of edge? I'm tied for last.
You have a lot of stuff that certain people want.
They want it a lot.
You know where it is, they don't know where it is.
That gives you the edge.
That means that that is your way of getting out.
And in order to get out, Louie, you trust me.
Why? Why? You're son has already said why.
I'm the only chance you have.
LOUlE: Stay out of it.
I'll handle it myself.
(SlGHS) JEFFERSON: We've got some very nice shots of you leaving.
McCALL: I walked right into the middle of a stakeout, eh? JEFFERSON: That, you did.
Combined task force operations.
Feds, DEA, you name it, right on down to us lowly beat cops.
Everybody wants a piece of Vanessi.
Now everybody wants to talk to me.
No one recognized you but me.
And I didn't give you up.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Now tell me, what business did you have with Vanessi? Investigation on behalf of a client.
Same one? The 14-year-old boy.
The 14-year-old boy, yeah.
Jefferson, I never lied to you, you know that.
Yeah, you've never told me a hell of lot either.
No, no, no, that's because I'm a shy, retiring sort of fellow.
I'll tell you one thing, Jefferson.
You give me one whole day and I will give you Vanessi.
I will think about it.
MARlE: (SOBBlNG) He's gone to Vanessi.
I know it.
McCALL: Don't worry, I'll find out.
They give that weasel the power of life and death.
Why? Well, there is something magical about power.
Men like Vanessi think they can do anything.
They become heroes.
Louie is the real hero.
He took Anthony and me in when my husband died.
He made us feel loved and wanted.
Made us a family.
Well, there we are.
That is the real magic, isn't it? Pity he doesn't know he has it.
Louie Ganucci is at the door.
(WHlSPERlNG) You must be a mind reader.
We were just talking about you.
I'm not breaking in? Come, Vanessi wants to talk to you.
VANESSl: Louie.
Just the man I want to see.
Sit down, I say.
I know you're very busy, Mr.
Don't worry about it.
You want a cup of coffee? Sal First of all, Louie, you don't make a move in this neighborhood without talking to somebody first.
But Frankie said that Frankie.
Dead men don't talk sense, Lou.
But we wipe this away.
I get these bums off your back, okay? You tell me where the goods are, go home, case closed, you're safe.
Easy as that? Sure, for what? Worthless pile of junk? It ain't that worthless, Mr.
One guy got killed over it already.
Guys die for a lot less.
Yeah, well, maybe I'll just hold on to it.
For an edge.
Oh, Louie.
VANESSl: Louie, are you gonna tell us where the goods are? I'm not stupid, I'm not telling you nothing.
If he won't cooperate, throw him off the roof.
We'll get it out of the boy.
McCALL: No, you won't, so leave him alone.
I happen to have your swag.
Don't tell him nothing.
Don't trust him.
You like getting a beating, huh? Shut up! Hey, let him kill me.
I deserve to be shot for trusting this guy.
McCALL: Louie, don't take it so personally.
This is business.
Absolutely right.
I have certain things you want, if you'll kindly let my friend go now.
I'll see about getting them back to you.
We wouldn't want anything to happen to your friend, would we, Mr.
McCall? So, you give us the swag, and we give you your friend.
Yes, well, I think perhaps a little arranged swap is in order, don't you? You're gonna like the way I do business.
I'll like it when you get my goods back.
You'll get your goods, you're gonna get a partner, too, you understand? You want to make moves around this neighborhood, you come to me first.
I'm involved with some very powerful people myself.
Well, they'll come to see me, too, if they're smart.
I'm partners with everybody.
That's the way it is down here.
So let's get your goods back.
Hey, Mr.
Vanessi, why don't you untie me? See where we go from here.
Shut the bum up, huh? MAN 1: Come on, get up, get up.
MAN 2: Get up, come on.
MAN 1: Come on, you big shot.
MAN 2: Wise guy, huh? LOUlE: Hey, Vanessi, what would you be without these goons? Louie, shut up! Do as you're told.
Here's what we're gonna do.
You put the goods in front of the truck, we put Louie in front of the truck, then we exchange.
That's not practical.
Louie goes to the end of the pier.
Now, you can see him all the time.
There's nowhere he can go.
You send your men to unload the truck.
I fetch Louie, put him in the cab, and then we go.
Take him over there.
If he blinks his eye, push him in the drink.
BlG RAY: Come on, move it, move it.
Now, you clear your men away from him.
I leave one of my men for insurance, just in case you get a little tricky.
From now on, we do this my way or there's no deal.
All right.
Take your men in.
(CLlCKS BUTTON) MAN: Hey, open the door! Hey! All right, Mr.
Vanessi, I've sprung your trap for you, as we arranged.
Vanessi, what is going on here? Jump, Louie! Get them out of there.
Trust me, jump! (GUN FlRES) (SlRENS BLARlNG) MAN: Here come the cops! Move! Let's go, boss.
Vanessi, you (GROANS) Get him down, get him down.
Get down.
Get down.
McCall! Sorry about that, Louie.
McCALL: Thank you very much, Officers.
So, these were the things Louie nearly died for.
Yeah, Noble was running the guns and Vanessi wanted a piece of the action.
Little more greed.
Oh, come on, Jeff.
Surely handcuffs aren't necessary.
Well, believe it or not, Robert, we do have procedure.
There's nothing of value here.
She's an old lady! What does she need money for? She is also a poor lady.
She has nothing.
I'll kill her! Now, stay there.
Fields, may I take the treasure for a moment? No, no.
Just for a moment.
I'll bring it straight back, I promise you.
It'll be all right.
Thank you.
It's junk.
Just nothing but junk! HENRlETTA: You see, you see.
You'll have to stay with me now.
Everybody wants my treasure.
No, no, they don't.
They don't.
They're not gonna touch it.
I promise you.
I promise you.
No, no, no, no, no.
(SlNGlNG) Nobody ever takes your memories away They stay, they stay locked forever in your heart Remember that one? Do you remember? I'm sure you sang it.
Yes, yes.
You sang it beautifully.
(SlNGlNG) Nobody ever takes your memories away They stay, they stay locked forever in your heart (ORGAN PLAYlNG) (CHOlR SlNGlNG) You do realize, Louie, you're gonna have to go before a grand jury? I figured.
Well, you tell the truth.
Don't be afraid, you'll make it.
LOUlE: lt'll be okay.
You know, I kind of feel good about life.
I think my luck is gonna change.
Change? I don't see how your luck could get any better.
The kid seems like an angel, don't he?
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