The Good Guys s01e04 Episode Script

The Dim Knight

The case reminds me of how much I love dogs.
You know who had a great dog? - Let me guess, was it Frank? - Frank had a great dog.
Bulldog named Bullit.
Cutest little slobbery guy you ever saw.
I do love a dog that drools.
That, you do.
Got kicked off the corpse-sniffing squad 'cause he kept bringing us To people who were still a little bit alive.
That's a fascinating story.
He had this really deep bark.
Almost blew the doors off my trailer.
It sounded kind of like -- Well, maybe not that loud.
What are you doing here? Oh, well, I-I got you something you might like -- Some murders, some robberies, assaults.
Of course, they're not my cases.
But you were on my way, so I thought I'd drop them off.
Well, I am in a fantastic mood, so I will just say thank you.
"fantastic mood"? That sounds good.
What's going on? I just have a, uh, a date night with Kyle.
We're going to a concert this week.
That sounds like fun For you And also for Kyle.
What are you seeing? Uh, Ryan Adams.
Ryan Adams? I remember when we saw Ryan Adams.
We had a really good time.
I remember turning you on to Ryan Adams.
Glad that took.
Yeah, it should be Profoundly melodic.
Okay, well, uh, I'm gonna go.
I got a pretty big case -- a string of poisonings.
Oh, that sounds serious.
It is.
It is very Serious.
Medic says this is the fourth victim this month.
Son of a bitch.
I want to shoot somebody! I don't think I've ever seen you This upset for a human victim.
You show me one human being That was as loyal as that dog there.
I mean, what kind of a sick bastard The landscaper uses pet-safe fertilizer, And it's been eight months since an exterminator's sprayed.
I'd say this is deliberate.
Damn straight.
We should start checking this neighborhood for dungeons.
Maybe we should collect some evidence Before we jump straight to "serial killer," huh? We should canvass the neighborhood, go door-to-door.
It's a waste of time.
The sickos always start with dogs.
Squirrels, little furry things, chinchillas and whatnot.
They work their way up to cannibal.
You were a good dog! You watch -- This case is gonna bring us face-to-face with a sociopath.
What did he say? He would like two more of those And 350 hollow-point rounds.
yeah, okay, then.
Hollow points.
What line of work y'all in? Hey, can I get you guys anything else? Girls? Cars? Dope? UhYou know, I know where you can get a tiger, if you want one.
What did -- what did he say? M-m-my employer has a sore throat And prefers not to answer questions.
Well, good luck with whatever it is you're doing.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! you've been saying Xianxing chemicals sells bad merchandise.
Do no speak ill of xianxing chemicals, Or my employer will, uh -- All I know is I brought them back from the warehouse, Used the same recipe I always use, and boom.
Excuse me, sir! It would be very helpful if you could speak more slowly And carefully, huh? I'm supposed to deliver Now I can't, because your chemicals blew up my lab! We're just canvassing the neighborhood To see if anybody's seen anything suspicious.
I'm sorry.
I wish I did know something.
I-I heard about the dog poisonings.
It's just -- it's awful.
Listen, I'm the head Of the Valleyheart homeowners association, so -- Oh.
Take a pen.
I don't like writing.
So, if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know.
Thanks, Mr.
If you see anything out of the ordinary, give us a call.
You bet.
Don't look now, but you see that car behind us? You just told me not to look.
El camino.
That guy's been sitting behind the wheel for a while, Lurkin'.
Okay, well, Dan, uh, maybe he's a, uh, you know, A delivery guy, a gardener.
The hell he is.
Frank and I once busted a guy in a car like that.
You do not want to know what we found under the seat.
Y-you're right.
I don't want to know.
There's some smells you can not un-smell.
Dan, we got a lot of houses we got to get to.
I'm going in.
When you're finished smelling the car, Meet me at the next house.
Hey! Jack! You all right?! did you see the Pickup on that thing? Must have one of them souped-up engines.
Yeah, that's probably why you didn't catch up to him.
Yeah, I think I might have gotten A couple of the license numbers.
There was an "i" and maybe a "2.
" I don't know.
While you were trying to outrun the car, I wrote down the full plate number.
Good thinking.
I think we found ourselves a serial killer.
This is definitely the address On the el camino's registration.
The place belongs to a "Steven Maxson," But it doesn't look like anybody's home.
It's much easier to find stuff when people aren't around.
I-I'm just gonna say some things, And you just tell me if they ring a bell, all right? "probable cause.
" "illegal search.
" come on! The place has "psycho" written all over it.
Yeah, well, we need more than a creepy house In order to get a warrant.
We should go back to the station, Start digging through reports that involve animal abuse.
Maybe we can place the car at one of the crime scenes.
Let me ask you something -- If this was open here a crack -- this garage door -- Could we look in there? Yeah.
Oh! Have you lost your mind?! All right? Y-you're shooting at a house! I did? I'm sorry.
So? So?! It's gonna be a whole lot harder To convince Ruiz that the house shot first.
Wait! No! No! Dan! I think we found our psycho.
Dan, we blew up a house.
I'll give you one guess why Ruiz wants to see us.
Five bucks says she's just gonna thank us For finding the canine killer so fast.
Yeah, well, when that doesn't happen, We're gonna need to make the case for probable cause.
When that el camino fled, we could legally search it.
I'm gonna try to stretch that p.
To the garage.
That's actually a good idea.
We'll call that our backup.
Dan, what did you do? It is a banner day for the department, gentlemen.
$100,000 in damages for a dog, And a police report written by Dan stark -- An item so rare, I-I Think I want to frame it.
A report? Yeah, the one you just asked me to write up 'cause you're so tired of doing all the paperwork.
"detective Bailey smelled a suspicious chemical-y smell.
"we saw the smoke Coming from the garaje" -- spelled with a "j" -- "and suspected there was aFur-- A fee--" what is it? "fire.
" or is it "fi-re"? "fi-r"? "e.
" "I shot off the lock so we could put it out.
"the burning-chemical smell Turned out to be burning chemicals.
" Very nice.
So, what I need to know is, is this how it really happened? Yeah.
It's all right there in our report.
No, no.
I'm not asking you.
I'm asking you.
The events in the report did happen.
All right.
What next? What is n-- what is next? W-we take the guy's driver's-license photo Around the neighborhood, See if anybody recognizes it.
And we should find out Where this guy's been buying the murder weapons.
Uh, t-the chemicals that have been poisoning the dogs.
I did some research.
There's only around 20 stores in the area That sell that sort of thing -- pool-cleaning business-- Ehh, s-- s-- s-- s-- I don't need to know all of that.
So, just go do it.
Nice work, gentlemen.
Now all we got to do is find this sick bastard.
I didn't think I'd see you back so soon.
My supplies ran low Unexpectedly.
It's $258.
There's the money.
Exact change.
Did you need something else? Do you know of a good motel nearby? I can't go home right now, And I needPrivacy.
There's one down the street.
Okay, I am not paying you five dollars.
You lied in a police report and you made me cover for you.
I didn't lie.
Everything in that report was true.
It just didn't necessarily happen in that order.
How is that different from lying? Well, come on.
She did say "nice work.
" Jack.
Did you have one second? Uh, yeah.
A-are you okay? Yeah.
Um, hey, did you have any interest in seeing That Ryan Adams concert? Uh Wha-- what happened to your big date night? Kyle, he -- he double-booked a client And had to cancel, So I just thought you could take someone.
U-uh, yeah.
Um, yeah, I'd love to Take someone, Maybe a beautiful lady, perhaps.
Well, that sounds great.
I-it will be -- for me and for her.
For whoever she may be.
Have fun, then.
You look like you could use some foghat.
No, thank you.
Come on, king.
You still got your stones.
Let's go bust some punks.
He's a psychopath! He shot a man in cold blood! What have you gotten me into, cousin?! I'll never make it back to China If he kills me before he pays me -- Ah.
We're questioning a citizen, not raiding an arms dealer.
Back again? Sorry to bother you, Mr.
We just have a few follow-up questions for you.
You recognize this guy? He was spotted in the area Yesterday.
Right outside your house, in fact.
He was drivin' A creepy el camino.
And he was also Lurking.
I don't think so.
I-is he the dog poisoner? Uh, no, he's just a-a person of interest right now.
Are you sure you haven't seen him around the neighborhood? I'm sure.
But I'll be sure to notify the neighborhood watch.
Well, uh, thanks again for your time.
Sorry to disturb.
Of course.
You still have our cards? I sure do.
A-and let me just say, I really appreciate The efforts you guys are making to keep this neighborhood safe.
Remember that face.
I will.
Neuter your pet.
Did you sort out this little problem? This batch is off, too.
I'm telling you, there's something wrong With the chemicals you bought.
I bought the chemicals from the same damn place I always buy them.
Smell it.
I don't want to smell it, all right? I don't need to smell it.
I got a very big, very empty truck Coming in two hours to take a shipment to des moines.
E-e-enough, all right? Enough with the smelling! Uh-oh.
What? Everybody out! Go! Go! Go! Go! Now! Bulldog named Bullitt.
Cutest little slobbery guy you ever saw.
Got kicked off the corpse-sniffing squad 'cause he kept bringing us To people who were still a little bit alive.
That's a fascinating story.
How you doing? Fine.
Thanks for asking.
The CSI's took some samples.
Runoff from the meth lab was seeping into the ground -- Highly toxic stuff.
So if a noble canine happens to wander by, Just doing his business Good night, fido.
Oh, my God.
He also found some chemicals You don't want mixed with your crystal meth.
Some kind of trichloro-something.
Trichlorolethylene? That's the exact same thing We found in Steve Maxson's garage.
So our dog poisoner isn't a dog poisoner.
He's a meth-lab-exploder man.
Two meth labs exploded last week in Lancaster.
How much you want to bet Steve Maxson's behind both of those, too? Wow.
I am impressed, gentlemen.
Uncharacteristically good work.
Thank you? Right, so, I need you to come back And debrief narcotics as soon as possible.
Oh! What the hell?! Narcotics?! Those guys take half the drugs they find! Lieutenant, I've read every report on organized drug crime In the past six months.
I probably know narcotics' cases better than they do.
If this guy is trying to take over The South Dallas drug trade, right, There's no one better prepared to handle it than me.
And also Dan.
Well, I-I think we've earned this! Okay.
The case is yours for now.
But I swear to you, If you burn me on this, I will share the pain.
Tell him nobody is touching his chemicals! We just store and deliver! That's it! Those barrels never get opened here.
I swear to God.
Why aren't you translating?! Please, sir.
You have to help me.
You want me to help you?! I'm being tortured by your boss.
I'm a translator.
I just met him.
If I try to leave, he will kill me.
I beg you -- after we go, call the police.
Do you know how many labs I supply?! So, a couple of them blew up.
They're illegal meth labs! It happens.
It was just a coincidence.
He wants a list of the labs you supply.
Help me.
If it is only these two, we will leave.
Help me.
If not, he will, uh Shoot me in the throat.
I picked up on that part.
Y-you look so familiar to me.
Do I? Yeah.
Do you ride a mechanical bull? One time.
You got the chassis for her.
You know what the key is? Modulate your buzz and just let go.
Enjoy the ride.
right now I want you to take a look at something.
We've had some canine fatalities And some bombin's.
This character -- you seen him around? I haven't seen him.
Is he dangerous? Beautiful woman like you, out here all alone all day -- Could be extremely dangerous.
But you don't have to worry.
I'm gonna have him off the streets by nightfall.
Give me your hand, there.
This is my phone number.
It's my direct line.
You see him, you call me Or even if you just want to talk.
Detective Dan stark.
I'm at your service.
I will call you Detective stark Whether I see him or not.
She seems nice.
How do you do that? T-t-that woman -- sh-she was practically hypnotized.
It's easy -- women are like kittens.
They just want to be taken care of.
You just got to let them know That you're willing to be their man, mama.
Okay, hypothetically speaking, What if a woman is in a bad relationship But doesn't know it? I mean, how do you say something like that? Hypothetically speaking, If the woman was a lady-D.
ex of mine, I wouldn't say a damn thing.
Liz and I are friends.
I don't see what the big deal is Telling a friend I think she deserves better.
Look, I don't care how much of a jerk this guy is.
You know who the real jerk is? The jerk who tells her what a jerk the jerk is.
Well, I can't argue with that Because I don't really understand it.
That's 'cause you don't know how to talk to women.
let's go to the next chemical-y place.
Oh, yeah.
He comes in here all the time.
Did he, like, do something? Right now we just want to ask him a few questions.
When's the last time he was in here? Uh, yesterday.
Yesterday? Bingo.
You wouldn't happen to know where he was headed Or where he might be staying.
The motel down the street.
Man, I wasn't sure you got out before the lab exploded.
Well, I did.
Why don't you sit down.
Listen, w-we got big problems.
No, we don't have anything anymore.
You know what I did for that lab? I got elected to the freakin' homeowners' association, Bought off the private security patrol, Got pens made up! I baked butterscotch frickin' blondies So we could get away with whatever the hell We wanted out there, and what did you do?! you blew it up.
Listen to me.
I talked to some people.
Other labs are blowing up.
So what? So, somebody's messing with everybody's stuff.
It's like a hostile takeover.
Who? Nobody knows.
All right, somebody big enough to take us all on, though.
It's too heavy, man.
I-I'm gonna go back to Austin.
You're not going anywhere.
You make some calls.
We're gonna find who's doing this.
We're gonna pay them a visit.
That's Maxson's car.
We should call for backup.
He knows cops are onto him.
He's not sticking around.
It's now or never.
Well, listen.
He's taking on every single meth dealer in the metroplex area.
You don't think he's ready for a couple of cops? Ready or not, we got to do this thing now.
And you know it.
Oh! Okay.
That's it.
Before we go in there, I just -- I want you to know I respect you.
Oh! Yeah.
M-me too.
Thank you, my brother.
On three.
One, two Police! Don't move! Get those hands up! Don't move! Get 'em up!! Are -- are you guys gonna shoot me? This is the most dangerous man in Dallas? Gimme that cereal.
Cross your legsCitizen.
Thank you.
She was always a good kid.
Straight a's in school Well, b's in history.
B-minus? No.
And Spanish, it was never really one of her -- We understand, Mr.
Your daughter was a fine student.
Above average.
We get it.
Then she got hooked on meth.
Then she became a different person.
First it was the tattoos, And then staying out all night.
And then, finally, not coming home, Except -- except -- except -- Except to what, Mr.
Maxson? except to steal my stuff.
She stole my wallet! She stole my cd's! She stole my pysanky.
Your puh-what? The ukrainian Easter egg collection.
Well, I mean, I guess it comes to a point Where it's a kind of a "shame on me" type of thing, Where I should have locked everything up, But -- but this was my little girl! I tried to make sure that I did the right thing.
I called the cops.
I got her dealer arrested.
Well, that was useless.
He was out in two days.
And now she's d-- She's dating a drummer! Okay.
Okay, Steve Uncle.
We get it.
All right? It's awful, what drugs did to your daughter.
Dating a drummer? That's disgusting.
But, Steve, it's no excuse To go around blowing up meth labs.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
"blowing up"? No, the stuff I used Was just supposed to neutralize the chemicals So they couldn't make any more meth.
I read about it in the worldwide web.
Is that not what happened? Now, the solvent he normally mixed in With the ephedrine would make it inert.
The problem is, the tweakers cooking this stuff up, They just keep adding More and more red phosphorus in, until Kaboom.
Okay, so your "kingpin," The guy who was about to take down the South Dallas meth trade, Was actually A concerned father.
Who cries a lot.
A lot.
I mean, how did maxson even get access To the meth-lab chemical supply? Here about the job.
Delivery-truck-driver job? Pays $8.
50 an hour.
You drive stick? yeah, I can learn.
You're hired.
Now, Steve's agreed to wear a wire for us, Get his boss, Joey, talking about the meth labs he supplies.
Yeah, if we can get this "joey" And all the guys he supplies, We can take out a lot of bad guys.
I can't believe I'm about to say this twice in one week -- Nice work, gentlemen.
You're welcome.
We should set this up for today.
You go get his deal in place, And I'll get you some backup.
Uh, wait, wait -- uh, lieutenant, Maxson feels like he's been burned by the police before.
Now, I'm concerned that if we have a lot of cops there, It's gonna make this guy nervous.
Yeah, he's not exactly grace under pressure.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
You are not doing a surveillance operation Without any backup -- it's too risky.
If it helps, they can hang back a few blocks.
But the instant anything happens, you call them in.
Is that understood? Absolutely.
Listen, I am putting a lot of faith in you guys.
And if If all goes well, I think you can expect to see Some bigger cases in the next few weeks.
All right.
Go get me this "joey.
" Ahh! Stop! Just stop! That stuff is getting everywhere.
Can you just beat me instead? oh! Okay! Okay! I'll tell you the same as I told those chinese freaks -- I'm not messing with your chemicals! I swear on my mother! I'm pretty sure I can find your mother, too.
I swear! Then why did my batch explode? Wild guess -- you were high? Aah! No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
All I know is, from the time those barrels come in, The only two people who touch 'em Are me and my delivery driver.
Driver? Yeah.
But that guy's a moron.
He's not gonna be prying open any barrels.
He can hardly open his locker.
What locker? It's the second one over.
I know that guy.
The cops were looking for him.
They said he was lurking around my house.
What time does this "maxson" come in? Mr.
Maxson, in exchange for your cooperation, The charges against you Will be dropped to reckless endangerment, Carrying an 18-month sentence.
Do you understand the terms of this agreement? Yeah, I think so.
It's, uh, it's -- it's long.
Come on! This deal blows! This guy shouldn't be going to jail! He tried to keep drugs off the street! He's one of the good guys! Dan, this deal is Christmas come early.
It cuts his sentence in half.
Come on, even half a sentence -- this guy's gonna have A sharpened toothbrush stickin' out of his kidney.
Look at his face! It's got, "yeah, sure, I'll be the wife," Written all over it.
I mean -- no offense, Steve.
She's right.
I broke the law.
I deserve to go to jail.
My shift starts in an hour.
I want you to wire me up with the wires.
I want to get the bad guys.
Let's roll.
Let's roll! Not here.
Not here.
Uh, hey, you all right? yeah.
Why? Do I not look okay? I don't know.
It's just, uh You seem pretty, uh, bummed That Kyle bailed on the, uh, Ryan Adams concert.
I seem bummed, or I should have seemed bummed? You're right.
I shouldn't have said anything.
Actually, no.
You want to know what? I am gonna say something.
If Kyle cannot cancel one meeting To take you to a concert, I don't think he deserves to be with you.
Oh, my God.
I'm the jerk.
I became the jerk.
I'm "that guy.
" No.
You're not a jerk.
You're right.
I am? Don't gloat about it.
It's ungentlemanly.
You think he's gonna be all right wearing that wire? He looked like a deer in headlights to me.
He'll be fine.
It's just him and his boss in a big warehouse.
How bad could that be? Where the hell is this maxson? I thought you said his shift was about to start.
He's not the kind of guy who usually shows up early.
Does he carry a piece? I don't think the guy even knows what a gun looks like.
It'll be fine.
Better be.
I don't want any surprises.
Is Steve wired up? Yeah, I'm just giving him a minute To, you know, cry it out.
You know, I just had a conversation with Ruiz.
She patted me on the back and told me I was doing a good job.
I mean, that's happened Well, it's never happened before.
Yeah, it's disorientin'.
I know.
Don't let it throw you off your game.
I mean, you do realize what this means, right? Bigger cases.
Department resource.
I mean, my code for the copy machine might work.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Oh, I-I'm not.
I-it's just that this Is everything that I've -- that we've worked for.
I ever tell you about the time I almost made lieutenant? You almost made lieutenant? Back when me and Frank saved the governor's kid And they made the tv movie out of it.
Frank and me were so excited.
We decided to go out and celebrate.
At the end of the night, They found us trapped in a city garbage truck Buck naked.
We did not make lieutenant.
Okay, Dan, what's the point? The point is, it's not about Ruiz Or us getting a pat on the back.
Our job is to get Steve out of this alive And to bust some bad guys.
Okay, Steve.
We've been over this.
Now, remember, all we need to prove Is that Joey is knowingly aiding In the illicit production of methamphetamine.
What? Just get Joey to talk about meth.
I-I-I don't think I can do this.
I-I'm just worried that he's gonna look at me And be able to tell that I'm wearing a wire.
Come on, Steve, you think Bruce Wayne walks around Worried that people are gonna know he's Batman? Hell, no! He walks around going, "I'm Bruce Wayne, damn it! Deal with it!" But Bruce Wayne was a comic-book character.
I'm real.
Are you, Steve? Are you? Uh, Mr.
Maxson, uh, you have nothing to worry about.
We're gonna be listening on the wire the whole time.
Right here in the batmobile.
In this vehicle.
Go fight crime, Batman.
Ugh! Caught your cape.
You all right? All right.
You're a crime fighter! Geez Louise.
So I had a little chat with Liz earlier.
You just couldn't help yourself, could you? As a matter of fact, no.
I told her she deserved better Than the way Kyle's been treating her, and guess what? She smacked you? I believe her exact words were, "you're right.
" So, yes, she smacked me.
With praise.
I guess you don't know as much about women as you thought.
Oh, please.
I know more about women in my little finger Than you know in your -- shh! He's in.
All right.
We're on.
Joey? Joey.
You must be Mr.
Who -- who are y-- who are you? Who is that? I'm the dude Whose meth lab you blew up, you son of a bitch.
Well, I can't help but notice that you're all h-holding guns.
Was that a shotgun being cocked? Yes.
let's move! Here's the thing, Steve.
I don't like people blowing up my meth labs.
It puts me in a bad mood! I-I didn't mean to do that.
I just -- I just wanted the meth t-t-to stop working.
You actually did it?! You lousy bastard! I trusted you! I taught you how to drive a stick! Is it locked? It's locked! The door is locked.
Wh-- Oh, no.
You don't think -- Our informant just got shot? Yes, Dan.
Yes, I do! You lousy bastard! I trusted you! I taught you how to drive a stick! Put a slug in Steve now! Wait! That truck has sentimental value.
Can we do it somewhere else? Shut up.
It's those chinese freaks! Aah! Aah! I see him.
He's alive.
He's still alive.
Is he crying? Batman needs a tissue.
How are we gonna get Sally Struthers out of there? I don't know, but he's not gonna last much longer.
D-don't you have, like, a Frank and Dan story That might help us out here? No, but I got a Jack and Dan story that might.
See, uh, one day me and my partner, Jack, Came to a garage that was locked.
I tried to shoot the lock off it, But I hit a container of chemicals instead.
Nice thinking.
I-I'll stand back here.
Ready? Yeah.
Set that out! Let's go in there.
Nice shot! This is the police! Get your hands where we can see them! I think that's everybody.
Then where the hell is Steve? Guess that wasn't everybody.
Drop the guns behind you, nice and slow.
I can't have cops poking around this place.
Okay, Joey You don't want to do this, all right? I got backup flying in any second.
Well, then I guess I better get this done quickly.
aah! Found Steve.
Joey's gonna need an ambulance.
You did it, Batman! Take it down.
Take it down.
Take it down.
Take it down.
well, it seems kind of wrong Sending him to jail after all this, don't you think? What choice do we have? We already made a deal with the assistant d.
I made a promise to the lady.
A deal -- we se-- we send him off to the joint, He's gonna get eaten alive by -- by hardened criminals.
it's a hell of a deal.
No, you be strong.
Be strong? Be strong! Look, I-I can't believe I'm doing this.
All right, now, you take this.
You go to a bus station, and you get out of town.
Do you understand me? Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Here, let me -- You know what? My wallet's in the car.
Front me.
Front me.
Front me.
Front me.
That's from me.
How do we get him out of here? There's a door out the back.
You mean to tell me there's a back door to this place?! Yeah, it's right over there.
Okay, I -- just go, and don't blow anything else up.
Hey, Steve, you ever need cops, You come straight to property crimes.
You're a good dude! And Ruiz was so happy With the work we were doing on this case.
Stark and Bailey! Ah, there you are.
Hey, ladies.
I just want to get this straight.
Steve maxson, this guy right here, Who, "cried so hard in the interrogation room, He threw up in a garbage can," Overpowered two trained police officers and escaped? Right, lieutenant.
He kicked our asses pretty good.
No, no, no, no.
I'm not asking you.
I'm asking Mr.
Jack-in-the-box back there! The guy was a whole lot stronger than he looked.
Like Batman.
Doin' all right? Well, Ruiz probably won't be Sending me any big cases anytime soon, so Been better.
If it's any consolation, Joey's already given us a bunch of meth labs From his hospital bed, so Silver lining.
It's good.
Hey, uh, it took a lot of guts For you to give it to me straight the other day, And I appreciate it.
Oh, a lot of girls would have thought You were just being a jealous ex.
Well, you are not a lot of girls, Liz.
Thank you.
Um So, I talked to Kyle.
And, uh I told him, you know, That it hurt my feelings When he canceled the show and everything.
And, uh We had a long talk, you know, And -- and he made it right.
Matter of fact, date night's back on.
He's taking me out tonight, soThank you.
That's good.
Good for you.
Wait a minute -- speaking of tonight, Why don't you take these two tickets back? No.
Oh, no, I -- No.
I insist.
I'm not gonna find anyone else.
Uh, to go with me on such short notice.
Thank you, Jack.
Have fun.
Next time I give you advice about women, I suggest you take it.
I will.
Is there bourbon in that coffee? Absolutely not.

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