The Good Guys s01e08 Episode Script

Silvio's Way

Let's hear it for the Sermonson High School marching band.
Woman: Whoo! Good job.
Great job.
It is my sincere hope that this center will become a beacon of academic excellence in an underserved community for years to come.
Clara, would you do the honors, please? Of course.
Thank you, Mrs.
Musso, for your friendship and generosity.
You're welcome, governor.
Governor: Thank you, ladies.
For many years, and I speak to you today not as a politician but along with my wife as parents.
Public education in America has been in peril.
You know the refrain lack of funds, underqualified teachers, negligent parents.
And to this I say, no more excuses.
[Crowd chanting "no more excuses, no more excuses, no more excuses".]
The guy in the denim jacket do we know him? Governor:Vote for accountability.
Cast your vote for Denim jacket.
Vote for this great state of Virginia.
Governor, your car's waiting.
Thank you, kind voters of Virginia.
[Crowd cheering.]
[Marching band playing upbeat tune.]
Thanks very much for coming out.
Appreciate the support.
Thank you.
Thanks very much for your help.
Thanks very much for your support.
It's nice to see you today.
Great to see you.
Thanks very much for your support.
Let's go get them.
Let's get out and vote, huh? Thanks for your support.
Thank you for the support.
Thanks for coming today.
[Crowd screaming.]
The governor's down.
He's hit.
There's no such thing as an "assassin's gaze.
" All right.
So I can report back that you can't tell if Duane Corey was acting alone.
Lightman: Didn't say that.
No, he had an accomplice.
It was the governor.
What? Come on.
I know.
It turns your stomach, doesn't it? Foster: The governor knew Michelle daly.
Of course he knew her.
She was a staffer.
No, he "knew" knew her.
Know what I mean? Foster: Flirtatious, flared nostrils, admiring look.
Lightman: Yeah, she really fancied him.
Reynolds: The FBI is paying you to find out if the governor was acting alone, not dig into the governor's personal life.
No, the FBI's paying me to poke around and, you know, find the truth.
I'm not a glorified cop, Ben.
Foster, show Reynolds the situation.
The governor's in a tight race.
Too close to call.
A staffer who was clearly more than that was shot dead.
Lightman: Now the man's back up in the polls.
You can't ignore the possibility that the girl was just a victim of a 9-point bullet bump.
Clara: Where are you going? To see the governor.
Cal, listen.
Brooks isn't just any old governor.
I know.
He's a close and personal friend of yours.
I appreciate this must be difficult for you.
As the majority stakeholder in this firm see, I bet that you regret saying that already.
Just go easy on him.
Ok? Ý respect this man a lot.
Someday he could be president.
Not with this girl's blood on his hands, he won't.
a™ª dream, send me a sign a™ª a™ª turn back the clock, give me some time a™ª a™ª I need to break out and make a new name a™ª a™ª let's open our eyes a™ª a™ª to the brand new day a™ª Brooks: The Democratic process is no stranger to hardship and suffering, but the death of Michelle daly is especially cruel and incomprehensible.
Or may I call you Gillian? I see Clara Musso called to give you a heads-up.
Which is why my will to win this race is only strengthened by all our desires, each and every one of us, to stand strong in the face of adversity.
So I invite all of you to join my staff, my family, and me, in our prayers for the family of Michelle daly in the wake of this terrible tragedy.
Which is why the governor here has decided to retain the Lightman group to get to the truth behind all of this.
Lightman, I've read all your books.
Big fan.
That's cobblers.
Try and change the subject.
All right? Not with me.
Man: Ladies and gentlemen, the governor would like to invite you all to warm up your coffees and grab some more pie before he continues the question and answer segment of today's visit.
Help yourselves.
I'm not sure I follow.
Well, do your best, governor, you know, for the dead girl in the morgue.
I beg your pardon? No, don't beg.
See, look, it frightens the voters.
Governor? Not a good idea.
This is Lightman being discreet.
If Michelle daly's not enough to haunt the governor for the truth, Lightman is.
What do you want from me? Well, a 9-point bump in the polls because a girl took a bullet for you.
I want a little bit more than coffee and pie.
Know what I mean? My place or yours? If it were a choice between losing the election and having Michelle back with us, I'd gladly choose the latter.
My place, then.
Let's keep it official.
Clear his schedule this afternoon.
No more excuses, governor.
Brooks is a dog that needs to be taken out back and put down.
[Shotgun clicks.]
That guy's a lone wolf.
No way he's gonna help Corey.
Oh, well, you know, don't lose hope.
We still have 42 more videos of guys who claim [Computer chimes.]
That they want Brooks dead.
Are you chatting online while I'm over here looking for an assassin? What? You have a new girlfriend? No.
No, no, no, no.
Just a friend who happens to be a Emily Lightman? Please try not to judge.
You're cyberfriends with Emily? Judgment all over your face.
Look, she friended me.
She's the boss's daughter.
What am I supposed to do? Hit "ignore.
" Look, she's going to musicfest this weekend.
Yeah, as are half the kids in dc.
So? So it's a breeding ground for negative group behavior.
Drinking, drugs.
Loker, I've been to musicfest.
You're blowing it way out of proportion.
Well, you're not 16 years old.
Last year, 3 girls got roofied and raped.
You should read some of the things that her so-called friends are writing about doing there.
I meanIf she were my daughter, I would you know, I should give Lightman a heads-up.
How many friends does Emily have on that site? Exactly.
She probably barely knows the kids who are writing all this stuff on her site, if at all.
Oh, God.
What'd you do? Nothing.
Told her I might be going to musicfest, too.
What is wrong with you? We got a confession.
Out of who? Duane Corey.
You know, the guy that security grabbed after the shooting.
Well, his cellmate came forward about an hour ago.
Says that Corey was bragging about trying to kill the governor.
Gave up his whole plan weapon cache, location, everything.
An inmate with nothing but incentive to lie about Corey's confession.
Yeah, well, Lightman thinks I should bring you two to come check this guy out with me, so, let's go.
Lightman: I love politicians.
I do.
I really do.
Are you comfortable? Can we get on with this? Governor, try to answer our questions with as much accuracy as you can.
Yes, I am comfortable in this glass box.
A man in your position.
Up in the polls.
Survivor of an assassination attempt.
I would never exploit a tragedy like this for a Bullet bump.
See, now I said it, so you don't have to.
You're way off base, Dr.
So, I have to ask, why all the guilt, governor? A girl died.
Looks more like fear to me.
What you frightened of, eh? Someone tried to kill me at that rally.
Yeah, but a girl died instead.
What was her name? Michelle.
Separation of first and last name.
The personal with the formal.
So, she wasn't just any old girl to you, was she, governor, and don't tell me that all depends on what my definition of "was' is.
She was one of our college volunteers.
It was no secret she knew me.
How well would you say you knew her? Ahh.
Hardly at all.
We might've made small talk.
Lightman: Might've? And it could've been more than just small talk.
It wasn't.
You wanted to make sure it was never more than just small talk.
You sure it wasn't pillow talk? Absolutely not.
Foster: Clarifying language.
There was a misunderstanding that could've been misconstrued.
Wires were crossed.
Governor, man to man, right, and foster here.
Michelle was a beautiful woman.
Now, I know what it's like to work with beautiful women.
He's talking about your friend Clara Musso.
Yeah, and her, yeah.
We both know that there are women out there that are naturally attracted to power.
So, governor, out with it.
There was one night a few months ago.
I had just won the primary.
Alcohol was flowing and I'd had a few drinks.
It had been a rough campaign.
My wife had headed home early.
That seems like the night in question.
Michelle and I wound up smoking a cigarette together.
Shared it.
She complimented me on my win.
We talked for a long time.
Stealing away like that It made me feel young.
It was innocent.
But not to Michelle.
She was confused that my wife had left early and here was the governor enjoying the taste of a young woman's lipstick on the filter of a cigarette.
We both know that this isn't about a confusion of a young woman anymore, don't we? You had sex with her.
That night.
Admit it.
It was one of those moments.
Everyone celebrating, schmoozing, and here she is, showing me such simple, sure yeah, yeah, yeah.
You took advantage of her, didn't you? Nothing happened.
Yet you were ashamed.
Why is that? Trevor Addison walked in before I could do anything I'd regret.
If he hadn't He and I decided then to distance Michelle from me.
He reassigned her.
Why keep her around at all? I wasn't about to cut a promising career short just because I almost Could have Crossed the line.
Your future president's more lucky than good.
He didn't cheat, and he had no reason to have her killed.
Could we just leave him alone now? He's explained his actions but not the others who work on his behalf.
He's a governor, Gillian, not a mob boss.
Oh, that sounds like a much better campaign slogan than "no more excuses.
" I didn't do it.
Corey, come on, man.
They found your gun right there on the scene when they took you down.
You were caught red-handed.
I'm telling you, it's not mine.
Torres: So, what are you saying? Well, it's a conspiracy.
To frame you for the murder of Michelle daly.
I didn't kill her.
Reynolds: You didn't mean to kill her, because you were aiming for the governor, right? There.
Right there.
What you just did with your nostrils, that tells me that you want governor Brooks dead.
I didn't shoot that girl, and that gun is not mine.
Reynolds: Stop lying.
I'm not.
I'm innocent.
I believe him.
That's fear.
Of this place.
Same as his.
What? Corey didn't do this.
Don't you understand? He already said that he did, though.
Yeah, to his cellmate, which, by the way, why did you say that, Corey? They think twice about raping cold-blooded killers in here.
And you really believe that he didn't do this? I know he didn't.
Foster: Take us back to the night of the primary.
Addison: No messenger on that.
Take it over in person.
Get a signature.
Thank you.
The night of the primary.
Foster: When you found the governor celebrating privately with Michelle.
Yeah, that night of the primary.
Addison: I handled the situation.
I spoke with Michelle and found her a more suitable position.
So, one chat with you and she was out of the inner circle.
It's my job to insulate the governor.
Very smooth.
Hence the strut.
Lightman: Or is that just like a side effect of being around all this office Totty? Eh? [Addison chuckles.]
So, how long did it take you to get Michelle in the sack, then? I'm a single man, Dr.
I work 100-hour weeks.
Michelle was a beautiful, young woman.
What, you mean to tell me that neither of you have ever been tempted to mix business with pleasure? Excuse me, but the woman you were sleeping with was killed on your campaign trail.
You don't seem too shaken up by that.
I cut Michelle's family a check for funeral expenses.
Oh, that's nice of you.
To get through the terrible days ahead.
Now, if you don't mind see that clock over there? open and counting.
I've got a question for you.
You know the man that was arrested for the shooting, right? How does a nutter like that get through your security? I like a man who can own up to his own mistakes, don't you? He cut a check.
Now you think Addison had Michelle killed? Well, you know, he used to be a lobbyist for security contractors.
Ok, so Addison's sleeping with Michelle, and let's say, for whatever reason, he wanted to have her killed.
Why do it in such a public way? Well, it's two birds with one bullet.
Michelle's a goner and Brooks is a winner.
He gets one of his black ops buddies to do the job.
No one's the wiser.
It's absurd, Cal.
He's not that kind of man.
So, what kind of a man is he, exactly? He's tried it on with you, hasn't he? Please.
Eyes front, Clara.
This is important.
Hasn't he? Well, I can't say as I blame him, really.
Excuse me? That was supposed to be a compliment.
That's funny.
It felt more like an insult.
He's a player.
Women like Michelle are just a number to him.
You mean women like Michelle and me.
No, because you turned him down, right? See? Ý told you I was good at this.
Now, I don't think that Michelle was the only woman that he was polling on the campaign trail.
The Brooks campaign has tons of women working for it.
Let's not start a witch hunt.
Witch hunt.
Is that what you call them? [Telephones ringing.]
Oy! Lemmings.
All right.
Who here, apart from Michelle daly, has been shagging the chief of staff? Bingo.
Lady in pink.
Foster: What made you suspect that Michelle and Addison were also having an affair? She went from part-time volunteer to paid staff.
Came out of nowhere.
So, you see the advantage of sleeping with Addison, right? You know how the game's played? But Michelle wasn't a game player, was she? Michelle was wholesome.
What? Meaning she was naive and innocent? She wore a promise ring.
Planned on saving herself for whatever.
"Whatever," said with an edge of contempt.
She was a good person.
See, you had to control every muscle in your body from your head to your toes to pull that one off.
It's true.
I don't doubt it.
I'm talking about the anger you feel for her.
As if she's to blame for you being here in the hot seat with us.
How does Addison get a promise ring off a girl like that, eh? We all partied just as hard as we worked.
She wanted to fit in.
She started off with just the occasional small glass of wine.
And then the wine turns to spirits.
It's ok.
We all make mistakes.
Michelle was a grown woman.
An adult.
I did not make her drink.
I did not steer her towards trevor addison.
You're doing everything you can to avoid the elephant in the room, aren't you? Elephant in the room why a promising young woman was murdered.
They were shooting at the governor.
Oh, you're a cop now, are you? They had to shoot past the governor to get to Michelle.
Let's treat it as murder for now.
See, there it is again.
And anger.
I mean, I'd feel the same way if I felt I was being forced into a lie.
I haven't lied.
True, too, technically.
Because you know how to steer a conversation and you know how to lie by omission.
I smell a cover-up.
I've been there.
I've done that.
I'm not involved.
I mean, I hear things, but I I didn't do anything.
Now what you're doing is stonewalling.
You've gone from gossip to accomplice.
After Michelle started sleeping with Addison, she started drinking even more.
At the commonwealth fundraiser last month, she got totally bombed.
And she threatened to go public with the affair.
Addison sent her home before she could make a scene and she drove up a curb where a man was collecting bottles and cans.
Said she didn't even realize she hit someone at first.
So, it was a hit and run? Addison made her turn herself in and then it just and I have no direct knowledge of a cover-up, but I'm guessing Addison got the incident swept under the rug.
And the man she hit? He died after a few days.
A drunk staffer kills someone leading up to election, you want to make it go away.
In a close election, you want more than that.
You want the girl to go away, right? Reynolds: You know, a couple of my agents found your little hideout.
The guns.
Plus, the crosshairs you drew on Brooks's photo speaks to malicious intent.
I bought those to protect the governor.
Brooks was in danger.
Reynolds: Yeah, well, I'd have to agree with you on that.
You don't understand.
I sent those e-mails so the staffers would tighten up security.
They're not real.
Brooks he needs a guardian.
Someone like me.
Right, right.
Duane, let me explain something to you.
You can try and play crazy for the jury.
That's not gonna fly in here.
From your collection.
What the hell? He doesn't even recognize the murder weapon.
Hey! This should be in an evidence room.
Can you playback? Yeah.
Instant genuine surprise.
He's never seen it before.
Because it ain't mine.
Does he want Brooks dead? Yes.
Is he dangerous? You bet? All right, so then he's delusional.
He thinks he's got a special relationship with the governor.
The gun's a throwaway.
It's not that hard to file numbers off a handgun, and anybody could have just planted it near Corey the day of the shooting.
The guy's a patsy.
Yeah, well, he's gonna be in here on gun charges.
So, regardless, he's gonna have to sit tight till we can figure this thing out.
So, whoever killed Michelle could have known about Corey's threats, made sure he had a clear path to Brooks on the day of the shooting so they could pin it on a wacko.
[Doorbell rings.]
Just a minute! Oh, hang on.
So, did he send you over here to appeal to my better judgment? No, he didn't.
That's good,'cause I've done everything.
That's what I told him.
You hungry? Oh, you cook, too? Oh, yeah.
There's chicken masala.
Mmm! So, be warned.
Do you want a beer? Sure.
You know, I told the governor that I owe my freedom to your bull-headed, obnoxious, no-holds-barred way of doing things.
Up yours.
Right now? Ooh, I say.
So, how's he doing, then? The governor, I mean.
You know, behind closed doors.
He's distraught.
We all are for Michelle and her family, not just for his political career.
Oh, yeah.
He's not broken up enough to pull out of the race, though, is he? Oh, come on.
A life of service is all Brooks has ever believed in.
Ought to clean house.
You're talking about Trevor Addison, the campaign manager, on the eve of an election.
No, I'm not.
I'm talking about the governor doing right by that girl's family, you know, and by the voters.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
Well, I'm here to tell you that he wants you to find the truth, no matter what.
Oh, what, so you appealed to his better judgment, then, did you? Like you, he hasn't sp too hot for you? It's good.
It's good.
Would you like another beer? Are you trying to get me drunk? Who, me? Mmm.
Absolutely not.
[Bottles clatter to floor.]
I couldn't find a recycling bin.
We know about Michelle's hit and run.
That man's death was an awful tragedy.
Yes, kind of tragedy that could kill a political career, unless your name's Kennedy, of course.
I'm paid to manage situations, Dr.
By squeezing the D.
who's looking for the governor's endorsement? It was an accident, and I tried to minimize the damage.
William Freeman.
That's the damage.
The dead man, in case you were interested.
I know his name.
After the accident, there was nothing I could do for him.
He was hit near a stop sign.
It was very hard to see at night.
That almost looks like genuine remorse.
I'm sorry the man is dead.
Must be a pain in the I mean cover-ups.
Managing them, you know.
Look, Michelle was a kid at the beginning of her career.
I wasn't gonna let her go to prison over a youthful indiscretion.
Or let the press find out.
All right.
Full disclosure.
Check's in the mail.
You don't look fat in that dress.
Robin spoke with me about your conversation yesterday.
I was gonna head to your office after the polls close.
With something that might help you.
After the polls closed.
What I'm trying to tell you is Let Michelle daly speak for herself.
After my car hit the curb, I just I just took off, 'cause I didn't know what to do.
And I didn't know that I had hit someone.
I really didn't.
I was drunk.
Unusually matter of fact for someone on the heels of a traumatic event.
No sadness.
No remorse at all.
Yeah, I don't doubt that she was drunk that night, but I don't think she was driving that car.
Her confession is pure fiction.
She's covering up for somebody.
Sad part is that whoever it was had her convinced she was doing the right thing.
Hey! Eli, what's up? Hey! I was just thinking about you.
You were? Yeah, and music fest.
Yeah, I'm really excited for p-funk.
Yeah, well, you're an old soul.
You're a very funky old soul.
I'm also a p-funk fan.
Really? Sure.
So you're coming? Yes, if your dad lets me off work in time.
You can meet my friends.
Yeah, your friends.
Sure, why not.
Hey, listen to this.
They haven't even released it yet.
That's great.
Look, Em, sometimes at these festivals, there can be a diffusion of responsibility.
You know, you must not be that big of a p-funk fan 'cause you do want to hear this.
I just mean that sometimes inhibitions can go down.
And something that may not have normally happened could happen.
Or, you know, maybe maybe it would.
All right, these guys.
Bad idea.
Keep your distance.
Eli, I barely know them.
Then your distance will be kept because from what I'm reading, these guys are bringing an entire pharmacy to the concert.
EcstasySpeed Roofies? And you're worried something might happen to me? Well, I care about you, Em.
You're sweet.
And I care about you, too.
So, you'll be careful.
So careful.
Just relax.
Em, God, no, no.
I'm I'm sorry.
I just you kept IMing me and never mind.
I was IMing you back to be polite.
No, Em, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it like I'm so fired.
This a bit previous, isn't it? Polls haven't even closed yet.
If you're looking for my husband, he's at a press op for the next few hours.
Is that the one where they go in the little booth and they vote for themselves? That's the one.
Something I said? We don't believe Addison's story about the hit and run.
What hit and run? What was that? What? What was that between you just now? What was that? Nothing.
You should really leave the lying to the politician's wife.
She's had a lot more practice than you have.
We believe that Michelle took the fall in order to cover for someone else.
Someone else? How much did the governor have to drink the night of the fundraiser? What? No, no,'cause I can see he likes to drink.
I can see that much.
I won't stand here while you throw darts in the dark, indict my friends and my husband with your pseudo-science.
Look, Mrs.
Michelle Bailey admitted to a hit and run that she had absolutely nothing to do with.
And now she's dead.
And you are a bully, digging through a decent man's trash.
No one's perfect.
You'll find lies wherever you look.
How about you, darling? Hmm? How'd you get home that night? 'Cause you were there, weren't you? Yes, that was the night I spilled wine on my dress.
Red wine.
What vintage? Nothing special.
You see, like I said, we should really leave the lying to her, 'cause she's much better at it than you are.
Actually, Jenna and I left together.
I dropped her off at her house.
Janet's using Clara.
You're incredible.
Or the other way around, you know.
Incredible how? You know.
Oh, Clara.
It's that obvious, is it? Was it that good? Honestly? No.
'Cause that's what they were doing when we showed up.
They were getting their stories straight.
The pinot noir.
Yeah, I mean, do they even make that in Argentina? Alfredo Roca, 2007.
Not just a pretty face, are you? Back to you and Clara.
Really? Well, she's up to something, and I want to make sure you're not compromised.
No, no, it was just a bit of fun between us.
It was a little bit more than that.
Were you there? I'm talking about from her perspective.
You don't read faces, do you? Did I say incredible? I meant impossible.
Thank you very much.
Let's say that Clara was driving the car and she ran over the homeless guy.
Are you accusing Clara? No, it's just theory.
I'm just posing a theory.
The Brooks campaign might feel obligated to help cover it up.
She is their biggest campaign donor.
I need to talk to you in private.
Yeah, what is it? So, it started Emily, she friended me on this website.
Hurry up,'cause I haven't got much time.
I was worried about these drugs, these boys excuse me? Uh I just felt that somebody should be looking out for her.
Oh, really? I I just think Emily kissed me.
Follow me.
So, you kissed my daughter.
She put her headphones on me in the lab.
I wanted to show her you kissed my daughter.
No, I was trying to help, and she kissed me.
How was it for you? What? How was it for you? Was it good? Did it feel good? No.
I mean, I just was trying to help her out.
Oh! [Cell phone rings.]
Enough said.
What, Reynolds? Woman: I guess Addison won't be around to see the governor be re-elected.
All right, guys, come on.
Everybody out.
Let's go.
He's not the suicide type.
Yeah, well, he wrote the suicide note.
He e-mailed everyone on the governor's staff.
He admits to covering up Michelle's hit and run and that he hired the shooter to kill her before she could talk.
Now we have to figure out who wrote this.
Yeah,'cause he didn't.
Hey, you seen Lightner? He's in his office waiting for Clara.
Still fighting that fight, huh? Don't let him fool you.
He loves it.
Let me ask you something.
How can you tell if this thing is fake if it's been typed? Word choice, repetition.
The use of passive or active voice can tell you a lot about the person who wrote this.
Let me show you.
"A person of my stature", "someone in my position", "with regards to a subordinate" this is a person who is preoccupied with power and status.
Power and status, huh? That sounds like the Trevor Addison you were describing earlier.
It's all about the pronouns.
We use a lot more pronouns when we write.
"I", "she," "they.
" Men will typically name the person or thing they're talking about.
So a woman preoccupied with power and status wrote this.
Why? Why, it's all there.
He covered up for the hit and runs.
You don't believe that, do you? Another thing or two about suicides slippery sorts like Addison, they don't kill themselves.
What, you think he was murdered? Michelle and Addison, they both knew something that got them killed.
I just hope to hell that you don't know what they knew, love.
You already know I do, don't you? You didn't drive Janet home that night.
You weren't even in the bloody car.
Janet killed that homeless man.
She was alone.
It was an accident.
She was drunk.
Addison made Michelle take the blame, and then he pulled some strings to make it go away.
All except Michelle, and that let loose.
That got taken care of yesterday, didn't it? Janet and I go way back.
If she knew anything about Michelle's death, I would you'd know? She'd tell you, right? Even though you're the major stakeholder in this firm? That suicide note was written by a woman.
You lied to me.
You covered up for the governor's wife at the 11th hour.
I want my firm back.
She picked me earlier today.
She just needed a little more time.
Shake his hand.
I'll be your witness.
You know, these people they don't deserve your loyalty.
I think you're better than that.
I want to give you a chance to prove it.
[People talking indistinctly.]
What are you doing here? I told them.
Addison left too many loose ends.
I don't want to be involved anymore.
Honey, no one's going to take Clara's word over yours.
Addison forced Michelle to keep his secret.
When she wouldn't, he had her killed.
She's lying.
Can you prove it? Yes.
The night of the fundraiser.
Addison rode home in my limo.
You can ask my driver.
Governor Brooks, Michelle wasn't driving the car that was involved in the hit and run.
She took the fall for someone else.
Well, it wasn't Addison, and it certainly wasn't me.
Addison's suicide note was written by a woman.
It was a fake.
Well, it could have been Clara.
Where were you the night of the hit and run, Mrs.
Brooks? Well, Clara gave me a ride home from the fundraiser.
See, even he doesn't believe that one.
[Crowd cheering.]
Congratulations, governor.
Charles, we have to leave now.
Even you can't be that stupid.
You must have sensed that something was going wrong.
They said it was nothing.
The FBI are going through your phone records and personal hard drives.
Are they gonna find something about the shooter? The shooter was a crazed, lone gunman.
Is it the same one that you hired to take care of Addison in the tub? I mean, are we gonna find him sitting on the beach somewhere counting your money? [Crowd cheering.]
Janet, is there any truth to what they're saying? Crowd: Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Janet, what did you do? I was the one holding it all together.
I always have been.
You always said I was your rock.
Oh, God.
I was your rock, Charles.
No! I didn't ask for this.
Yeah, you did, actually, when you stopped asking questions.
[Crowd cheering.]
Crowd: Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! What can I do to make this right? Well, you could step down for starters.
Personal reasons, whatever.
I don't care.
Your public's waiting for you, governor.
[Crowd cheering.]
Crowd: Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! [Crowd cheering.]
We could be a good team.
I got all the team I need.
I know you respect the work we do here, Clara, but sign.
It's a pleasure doing business with you.
Oh, that's an assassin's gaze, if ever I saw one.
You said there was no such thing.
Looking for this? What flavor is it? Pineapple.
Yeah, it is here.
So, you hit him? You kissed him.
Now he'll never meddle again.
I mean, he may sue you, but at least he'll never meddle.
So, what were you thinking? I don't know.
Oh, that rings true.
Maybe kissing him was a little extreme.
Oh, you reckon, do you? Yeah, but that makes me the apple that didn't fall far from the tree.
Oh, so, it's my fault, then, is it? Yeah.
It's good you admit this.
No, no, no, no.
My point is that it's not Loker's fault, right? What? [Doorbell rings.]
You didn't.
You did, didn't you? Hi.
I know you were just trying to look out for her, right? And I shouldn't have hit you.
I was wrong.
Physical violence Right is very very wrong.
Apology accepted.
Dad, come on.
Don't blow the apology.
I'm sorry.
Probably should have seen it coming.
What, the kiss? No, the punch.
You're emotional wildfire where Emily's concerned.
Bit of ice cream? It's pineapple.
I like beer.
Go in.
Help yourself.
First on the left.
What if I hadn't apologized? Ooh! Good girl.
Good girl.

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