The Handmaid's Tale (2017) s05e08 Episode Script


Previously on The Handmaid's Tale
Everything we want
to know about Hannah
- Dump 'im.
- it's just there.
- No, no, no. No, we stay toge
- What?
No, no! Where are you taking him? Luke!
June! June, no!
I pray that my daughters
live a life of peace.
To think such a impulsive act
could have such huge
political implications.
You of course understand
that your plans for
New Bethlehem are dead.
It's what's best for Gilead.
Are you in fucking labor?
You can do this.
The family that I've been staying with?
I can't let them get
their hands on my baby.
You're his mother.
And he belongs with you.
Thank you.
Serena Waterford?
We are Canadian Immigration.
You are being detained.
You called them?
She gave up her diplomatic visa
when she left that
little Visitors Center.
What about my baby?
The detention facility
has no infant care.
No, please! Please, wait, wait!
- Justice. Right?
- June, help me!
Please don't let them
take him from me! Please!
Please help me, June!
June, please!
- I wanna get it.
- Okay, you do it.
This is gonna be my pancake.
All right, this is your pancake.
- That is so chocolatey.
- That's good.
Is that good? Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- It looks like a lot, honey.
Can I make one?
Just let me get these
chocolate chips in.
As if there's not enough in there?
Are they coming or going?
Sounds like they're coming
by more frequently now.
I'll just tune 'em out.
I don't even hear 'em anymore.
Who is that?
It is the Immigration Detention.
Serena, again. Can I ignore it, again?
She's called me a dozen times.
I just stopped picking up
after the first.
You talk to her?
Not since the hospital.
She still think you guys are buddies?
She's desperate.
Yeah. Good.
Do you know, I don't even know
why she thinks you guys would
advocate for her to get out anyway.
She did not deserve
your help in the first place.
It wasn't about what she deserved.
It wasn't about her at all.
I didn't think that her newborn
deserved to die in the woods.
Those assholes are
getting fuckin' louder.
Go home Americans! Canada for Canadians!
Go home!
- So many more of 'em now.
- Is this ever gonna end?
It's only gonna get worse.
This country is for Canadians!
Can't we all agree, gentlemen,
that it's embarrassing
to be running a country
from which people are
constantly trying to escape?
It weakens our nation,
complicates our relationship
with Canada.
Which Commander Lawrence
has worked so hard to foster.
Canada's sick of our refugees,
and they sure as hell don't want
to keep paying for them.
And that's why I have brought you here,
to New Bethlehem.
A modernized,
strategically liberalized island,
where Gilead refugees can
come home with amnesty
and the promise of reuniting
with long-lost family and friends.
I must wonder if it shows
weakness on our part
to beg for the return of heretics.
They'll be begging us for a chance
to reunite with their loved ones.
Drain the population
of their pathetic
little outpost in Toronto.
There's no little America
without little Americans.
But how will our people
react in Gilead proper?
Won't some of them try
to defect to this place?
Well, they won't know for a while.
I don't know if you're aware,
we don't have a free press in Gilead.
And the traitors among us,
they're already trying to get to Canada.
Think of it as our Hong Kong.
One country, two systems.
Gentlemen, I believe
that Gilead will replace
the United States at the United Nations.
But until that day,
the greatest threat to our regime
is the persistent fantasy
of democratic values
in the world it almost destroyed.
New Bethlehem neutralizes that threat.
And yet, I still get a vote, don't I?
It's time for us to grow up.
It's time for Gilead
to project to the world
our maturity, our confidence,
and, above all, our moral fortitude.
Moral fortitude is exactly what
Commander Putnam was lacking.
I'll be, uh, going to Toronto
to talk to some families.
I'd like to start with about 100.
I can see now that you're right.
Forgive me for hearing
the deceased Putnam in my ear.
I forgive you, Commander.
I heard you demanded that
I collect the milk in person.
Oh, uh, thank you for coming.
Thank you for fostering Noah
while I'm stuck in here.
- How's he doing?
- Fine.
I wanted to explain.
Um, I didn't mean to hurt Ezra.
I knew that he was wearing
a bulletproof vest
He'll live. You're lucky
you were in No Man's Land.
Even so, I know I acted brashly.
And it was just
the pressure, and,
um, and the pregnancy.
That's right. The hormones,
they'll make you crazy.
Which is why we should
be looking after Noah,
and you need to get yourself together.
Well, I appreciate the concern,
but I promise you I'm doing fine.
Life with a newborn is chaos.
It would only set you back.
I mean, Noah has turned
the house upside down.
Has he?
How so?
Stubborn little creature
cries all day and all night.
He refuses to eat.
We've been doing the
"cry it out" method for weeks,
and he just continues to resist.
Well, maybe he just
needs to be held. He
He needs to be hugged.
So that he knows that
somebody is there for him.
That's not how
"cry it out" works, Serena.
It requires a certain amount
of mental toughness.
Mental toughness, huh?
I have overthrown a country.
And I have, against all odds,
given birth to a very healthy baby.
And not once have I lacked
for mental toughness.
Are you angry with me, Serena?
Noah is one month old.
He is far too young
to be "crying it out".
That sentimentality is further proof
that you are not equipped
for motherhood right now.
Not with your mental
and emotional issues.
I know in my heart
what is best for my child.
That child came from me.
That is my baby.
You're in here, and I'm not.
Just worry about yourself.
I'll look after Noah.
Y'all are better at this than me.
I've done it before.
They used to make us scrub
blood off the Wall in Gilead.
Not that different.
Hey! Check it out.
We don't want you here!
We couldn't tell.
Go home!
Go home. Fuck off.
When we first got here, they
welcomed us with open arms.
Naw, you see, you got here before I did.
When I showed up,
they were still polite,
but they were starting to get annoyed.
It was nothing like this though.
Hey! Fuck off!
What the fuck?
Should we get outta here?
Yeah, okay.
No, I, I mean Toronto. Canada.
Go where?
I don't know. Alaska, Hawaii?
I don't know, Europe?
It's further from Hannah.
Yeah, I, no, I'm
Lovely weather
in Toronto this time of year.
Got a minute?
America is dying.
It's an idea that has
outlived its usefulness.
You said you had news about Hannah.
First, hear me out.
You need to understand
that everything you value,
all the things you're clinging to,
democracy, liberty, justice,
all that feel-good crap
defined by a bunch of slave owners
talking about how all men
are created equal.
All of that collapsed
under the weight of late-term capitalism
and rampant consumerism.
It broke our pretty little planet,
almost ended the human race.
And Gilead, for all of our faults,
we fixed that particular problem.
We're having babies again.
Unfortunately, I had
to use religious nut-jobs
as a delivery system,
and I underestimated their depravity,
but, uh, it was triage, and it worked.
So now, with our success,
we can afford to let up a little.
Are you gonna let Hannah out?
No, I can't. But I can let you in.
- What?
- To New Bethlehem.
A new island settlement.
No Handmaids, no hangings.
Hell, you can read a novel,
you can keep a diary if you want.
A place where refugees can get amnesty
and return to the Motherland.
Uh, are you fucking serious?
Where one might visit
their grown children
running their own houses.
Are you talking about Hannah?
I am.
When she becomes head
of her own household
Is she getting married?
Do you know something?
It's Gilead, June.
Eventually, they all do.
I can bring her to New Bethlehem.
I can reunite you there.
You can bring your family,
you can live a life.
June, I can make it happen.
You're saying I can be with my daughter?
Yes, yes, yes.
How many ways do I have to say it?
I think being in Canada
has dulled your wits.
You can be with Hannah again.
How are you gonna keep us safe?
I have been grooming Nick,
not sexually, but he is helping me.
He's fully on board, and
he's always had your back.
You know that.
Look, I know.
I know that it's, it's a lot.
So you can use this to call me.
Think about it.
Yeah. No.
We're not gonna go and live in Gilead.
I know, I know. I know how
I know how fucking crazy
- it sounds, okay?
- I don't trust Lawrence.
I sure as hell don't
fucking trust Gilead.
He said that the eyes
of the world would be on us,
so that we would be safe.
He said he was trying to use this
to get them admitted to the UN.
Who, who the fuck cares?
June, I But I just don't
I don't understand why you didn't
just turn him down right away.
Because he said "Hannah".
Because he said "Hannah".
- Well, I don't believe him.
- Because he said
this would give us the
opportunity to be closer to her.
- I don't believe it, so
- I know.
I don't know if I believe it either.
But I would risk anything
to be with her.
- Wouldn't you?
- Well, of course.
Of course I would. June,
what kind of question
They are monsters
who wanna take our 12-year-old daughter
and marry her off.
She's gonna have some old man
No. Look, I, I can't. I, I just
Luke, Luke.
That's why, that is exactly why
we need to be close to her.
No, June. That is why
we need to get her out.
How, huh?
What, do you think Tuello's
gonna come through for us?
What has the American
government done for us?
They haven't brought us
one step closer to her all of this time.
So you trust Lawrence, yeah? The Nazi?
- Lawrence
- Yeah?
has come through for me, okay?
He got Nichole out, he got Emily out.
He let Mayday into his home.
He helped me with Angels' Flight.
He even helped deliver Fred.
He has put his neck on the line
over and over and over.
And it has not benefited him at all.
He has been my friend.
- Your friend?
- Yes!
The, the "architect of Gilead"
is what they call him,
and you just
You believe him, you forgive
- I'm not forgiving anyone.
- You forgive them.
Serena tortured you,
she abused you, raped you.
She kidnapped our child
She has nothing to do with this.
And, and you just wanna save her life!
- This has nothing
- I fucking hate
what they've done to our family!
I hate what they've done to you!
I don't understand.
Look, I understand
I understand wanting
to get Hannah, okay?
I get I fucking get that.
But I, I promise you
you're letting your emotions
cloud your judgment.
- Oh, God.
- I don't I'm not
Of course you don't
understand how I feel.
Of course you don't understand.
Look what you did
to Serena and her baby.
I, I did that for you,
to keep her away from you.
I never asked you to do that.
- All right, fine.
- I never
Just let me protect you sometimes, okay?
The thing is, I don't
need your protection.
I don't need it.
Hannah does.
Congratulations on little Noah.
He's a cute kid.
Are you getting me out of here?
I've got the Canadian government
to release you into Gilead custody.
It took you long enough.
Well, there's some things
you have to ask in person.
You've gotta get Noah back to me.
You're making a lot of demands
for someone who's behaved so badly
and caused so much trouble, Serena.
You have to help me with the Wheelers.
I have.
I got them to let you return
to a room in their house.
- Serena
- No, absolutely not.
Serena, you're a smart woman,
so you know why Gilead needs a picture
of our heralded new mother
living in a harmonious household
led by a wealthy couple
in a gorgeous mansion.
You don't understand.
They are trying to steal Noah from me.
Well, wouldn't that be hard to do
while he's attached to your breast,
which is the only reason
they're letting you back,
is to nurse him and reduce the crying.
And now I'm done
talking about your breasts.
I'm not gonna be used by you,
or Gilead, or the Wheelers.
Who have, need I remind you,
legal status to care for your baby.
Which you, Serena,
on the other hand, do not.
It's the only way.
Come on, Serena.
You wanna be with your baby?
Serena, come on.
Where's the maternal instinct?
Do you want to be with little Noah?
I'm not gonna live in the same house
as my child's kidnappers.
Do you have an irony deficiency?
I don't give a damn.
I'm not a Handmaid.
Hey, baby, it's okay.
Did those mean people wake you up?
Okay, all right.
Oh, come here.
What's that? It's okay,
honey. Here you go.
I know. I'm sorry.
They're being so loud.
Hopefully they'll go soon. Okay?
I know.
You know what we do
when the people outside
start to get us down?
We sing.
Let's sing a song, huh?
Here we go.
You know, I used to sing
this song to your big sister.
And she used to love it so much.
She's gotten so big, you know?
You would like her a lot.
I'll be your mirror ♪
Reflect what you are
in case you don't know ♪
I'll be the wind ♪
The rain and the sunset ♪
The light on your door ♪
To show that you're home ♪
'Cause when you think
the night has seen your mind ♪
That inside you're
twisted and unkind ♪
Let me stand to show
that you are blind ♪
Please put down your hands ♪
- 'Cause I see you ♪
- 'Cause I see you ♪
I see you.
I find it hard to believe ♪
I want you to know her.
I want you to know your big sister.
She has
the biggest heart.
She would love you so much.
She would love you so much.
Good morning. I know it's early.
Thanks for seeing me.
All right. So what do you want?
Lawrence is holding meetings
with large groups of Americans.
Why are they even talking to him?
He promises them information
about family members.
Once he gets them in the door,
he shows them pictures of New Bethlehem.
I can't I can't even believe anyone
would even consider going back.
Unfortunately, they are.
Where's Nichole?
She's at music class with Moira.
- Did you call him?
- No, I came on my own.
I understand you got
a tempting proposal from Lawrence.
He's been talking
to other families, too.
Well, it looks like you're
gonna have a busy morning.
You're my first stop.
Lawrence's goal is to kill off America,
once and for all.
And you're a get for them.
You're a symbol to the Resistance.
You're a domino.
If you go back, others will follow.
They'll think it's safe.
It is not fair to put that on me.
Even if Lawrence is a Gorbachev
trying to open the country up,
he'll be succeeded by Putins.
You could be trapped there.
Undermining Mayday,
America, uh, democracy.
How can you not understand
that none of that matters to me
without my daughter?
You don't feel like you owe
your country anything?
We got captured trying to get
information for you.
Have you done anything with it?
- We are doing something.
- What?
It's classified.
No. You do not say that to me.
We're launching a military action.
We've been preparing
for it for a long time.
What, like a raid?
I've said all I can say.
And what does that have to do with us?
What about the information
we gave you on the Wife Schools?
Have you found out where Hannah is?
No, not yet. I'm sorry.
So you came all of this way
to tell us nothing.
There is nothing you can do for us.
And Lawrence is offering us Hannah.
If there was something more
I could tell you, I would.
I just can't right now.
I'm asking you to just trust us.
Please just trust in your country.
What country?
Luke thinks I'm crazy
for even thinking about it,
which is making me feel crazy.
Am I?
It's a crazy situation.
So what would you do?
It's not for me to say.
- Rita.
- I don't want to interfere.
I'm asking you.
I'm moving forward with my life here.
I would never go back there.
Right. Okay.
But I don't have a child there.
What if you did?
If there were a world
where my son isn't dead?
I would do anything to see him again.
I would travel to the ends of the earth.
You came.
He's been developing
New Bethlehem for many years.
He's been pitching it
since the beginning.
He seems to have more power than ever.
So he can do it.
I don't know.
I don't have a lot of clarity
on Gilead politics right now.
I'm trying to move on without them,
which is why I wanted to talk to you.
I just need help finding an advocate.
I need a lawyer
or, um, a Canadian citizen
to sponsor me.
We're not
We're not friends, Serena.
But you forgave me.
I can never forgive you.
Then why did you save my life?
You saved my life and
you saved my child's life.
He hadn't done anything wrong.
Look, you can dismiss it all you want,
but you were there with me in that barn.
You and I, we have a bond.
We have been through so much together.
I turned the other cheek.
Turns out, after all this, I
I guess I'm a better Christian than you.
What am I supposed to do now?
go back to the Wheelers.
How do you go and live in a house
with a woman who's
trying to steal your baby?
Are you seriously asking me that?
How did you ever
How did you ever live with me?
Here's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna go back in there,
and you are gonna act like a Handmaid.
But the entire time,
you will be plotting against them
and planning your revenge.
Is that what you did?
Look at what happened to Fred.
And look at you now.
What would you do if you were me?
Listen to me.
You cannot help your child
if you're not with them.
I would go back.
She's okay.
See how I make everything
work out for you?
Luke does not trust you.
But you do.
What can I do to persuade
the reluctant husband?
He's got proof of life.
Stop them from marrying off Hannah.
I think that's That's outta my hands.
But if I do what you want me to do,
could you stop it?
Gilead's gonna Gilead.
You could be with her, June.
Wouldn't that make you happy?
While she's being raped
by someone twice her age?
Bah, it's an arranged marriage.
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
All the girls, all the women
raped, tortured, abused
in a world that you created,
you sick fuck!
You think I don't know?
You think I don't know
the misery that I've caused?
You think
You think I'm unaware?
I was trying to save humanity.
And, you know, I did.
I fucking did it.
Then it got away, away from me.
It went septic.
You think I wouldn't take it back?
I would take it all back.
I'd let the whole fucking
human race just die out,
just so I wouldn't have
have Gilead on my conscience.
So do something.
I am! I am!
That is what New Bethlehem is, June.
It's, it's a better place.
It's the place we wrestle
a better future
out of an unchangeable past.
A, a place without the, the sham trials,
and the torture, without child brides.
Hannah's going to be a child bride.
But Nichole will not!
By the time she comes of age
in New Bethlehem, don't you
How? How is that going
Countries modernize.
Countries can get better. I've seen it.
We start in New Bethlehem.
And with those reforms and success,
five years, ten years,
all of Gilead could be like that.
A place that doesn't trample
on human rights
a place that will let you leave.
Singapore of yore, with any luck.
June, I need you.
Come help me fix it.
Come to New Bethlehem,
come be with your daughter.
Come help me make more
of a difference in Gilead
than Mayday ever will.
You really believe you can fix it?
I have to. I have to believe it.
I have no choice.
It's either that or, or yeah
kill myself, like Eleanor, y'know.
One or the other.
You got a package.
- Do you see it?
- Yeah.
Oh, my God, it's her.
Play it again.
She needs us.
She needs us.
We have to go.
We have to go be with her,
wherever she is.
She needs us.
We have to go before
something worse happens to her.
Okay. Listen.
- There, all right?
- 'Kay.
All right, look, I want that.
All right? You know that, right?
I wanna go, but I can't let you go.
June, what is to say
the moment you cross that border
that they don't just put
you on the fucking Wall?
Then what are we going to do?
What are we going to do about
I don't know. We're
trying to figure it out.
What are you gonna do?
Are you just gonna do
the same thing you've done
for the last seven years?
Fucking nothing?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
That wasn't what I meant.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't.
- It's fine.
- I'm trying to
You know, I have this feeling
that you're gonna go
and you're never gonna come back?
But we can go as a family.
No, we're not gonna take
Nichole to Gilead.
- We're not gonna do that.
- Then I'm gonna
have to go without you.
I'm gonna have to go.
I know it's crazy. I know.
We're never gonna be
enough for you, are we?
You and Nichole, you will be fine.
You'll be okay.
And she needs me.
She needs me, and I just left her there.
I left her behind.
- It was
- You stayed, June.
- You stayed for so many years.
- It was the one thing
I promised I would never do.
You stayed for so many years, June.
- I cannot be here.
- Just stay.
I was never supposed to leave her.
I, I abandoned her.
I left her behind,
- and I have to go back to her.
- No, no.
I have to go back to her.
I have to. I have to.
I have to go back for her. Okay?
I have to.
I left her. I left her behind.
I left my baby.
Reminds me of those
old coffee table books.
Picturesque Villages
of Vintage New England.
You really did it after all this time.
Well, first came
the lifting of sanctions.
That was point one.
Next will come political reforms.
Smart, limited, but reforms nonetheless.
That's Let's see.
Yeah, that's point four
of my 400-point plan.
Which way is June leaning?
I think we're getting her to a yes.
If I had to put money on it,
I'd say June and Nichole
will be here in the next year or two.
Do you really think so?
I do.
So, what do you think?
You like?
I could see you and Rose here.
Pushing Junior in a swing.
Could you now?
New Bethlehem is gonna be
one of our most important
new settlements,
and I will need a close
ally as Commander.
Interesting proposal.
It's full of risks.
Your baby could have a sibling.
You could be with both of your children.
You could be with both
of the women you love.
You know what?
Think about it.
So, what do you think?
You think we can use it
to find Hannah's location?
I hope so.
Thank you for bringing this to us.
It could be very helpful.
And if you do find her, then what?
What can you do?
Whatever we can to keep you here.
Look, we cannot afford to lose
more American citizens.
That is an existential issue for us.
So, believe me when I tell you
that we are going to throw
everything we have at this.
I get why you don't want
to give us your faith.
I get that. But, just, please,
um, give us some time.
You may speak.
Uh, I'm very sorry for my actions.
I was rude and ungrateful.
Everything that happened
was, was my fault
and my fault alone.
Well, I'm glad that
you can see that now.
Thank you for letting me back
to nurse the baby.
You can do that part,
but I will do all of the rest.
All the duties of motherhood.
Thank you.
You must agree that you aren't fit
to be a full-fledged mother.
Not yet.
Possibly not ever.
- Praise be.
- Praise be.
Right this way.
I'm sorry. May I?
Oh, you're here.
- Can I have him, please?
- Of course, dear.
Oh, my baby.
- Oh!
- He's been waiting for you.
Thank you.
I missed you so much.
Oh, my baby.
It's Rita.
No, no news.
We've just been checking in
with Mark every day.
But, uh, he just keeps
on telling us to wait.
Yeah. Feels like forever.
She's, she's not. I don't
know. Maybe there's
- You okay. You all right?
- Um, yeah, yeah.
I'm gonna go
I'm gonna go take a walk.
You're in the middle of eating.
Yeah, but Nichole needs apples.
We're out of apples.
So just tell Luke I'm gonna
go down to the corner
to the grocer and get the apples.
- Because she
- She needs apples.
Yeah, she needs the apples, yeah.
Sure. Um
Hey, can, can I come with?
No, no, no. You're good, you're good.
You just keep, uh, eating.
- Well done.
- Thank you again.
Appreciate it.
June, I don't have time to talk,
but we figured it out.
We found her.
- What?
- We found Hannah.
We found her Wives School.
We know where she is.
June, we found her.
There are a lot of moving parts,
and we're still
formulating a plan, okay?
June, the metadata on your
video helped tremendously.
Okay. I understand.
We're going to raid her school
and get her out.
Thank you.
Okay. Put these here. Oh, shit. Oh.
- Shit. Sorry!
- 'Kay, 'kay? Are you okay?
- I'm sorry, yes.
- No, no, it's all right.
- I'm so sorry, sir.
- Don't worry about it.
- Okay. I'm sorry.
- No, no, no, it's okay.
Ooh! Whoa!
- It's okay. Okay.
- 'Kay. Thank you.
- It's all right.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Here. Thank you.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Luke.
- What?
- Moira?
- What?
They're going to get Hannah.
- What?
- Mark called.
- They found her.
- Oh, my God.
And they're gonna
do a raid of her school,
and they're gonna go get her.
They're gonna bring her back to us.
- Oh, God!
- Do you hear me?
They're gonna bring her back to us.
- Are you serious?
- Yes, yes, yes.
We helped them, and they found Hannah.
And so they're gonna go get her.
Oh, my God!
They're gonna go get her!
I'm fucking serious! Yes!
Oh, my God!
It's okay. I know, I know.
I know. I know. We did it.
Come here.
I fucking love Mark Tuello.
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