The Imperfects (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Destroy All Monsters

Oh, shit.
God. Tilda.
No, you don't deserve this.
No one deserves this.
I wish I could say this wasn't your fault
but what were you expecting
when you sided with Sarkov?
We knew he was a selfish prick.
It wasn't like
you were magically gonna make him
a better person.
Only you would lecture a corpse.
Holy shit.
This isn't your first resurrection.
It doesn't make this any easier.
Hey, help me up.
Come on, chop-chop.
Looks like we got
some of that immortality DNA.
Not necessarily,
otherwise Maxwell would still be alive.
That's a good point.
I can't believe that fucker shot me.
Yeah, such a surprise.
I destroyed his precious nanobots
After you gave them to him.
Oh, my God.
I do not have time
for your shit right now!
My shit?
Are you fucking kidding me?
- This whole mess is because of your shit.
- Abbi
Your grief for PJ
does not give you the right
to turn the human race
into lab rats for Sarkov.
- Abbi
- No. Listen to me.
You may have given up on getting cured,
but I still want it, Juan needs it,
and Dr. Burke also needs it or she'll die.
- There's still everyone in the program.
- I wasn't talking to you.
Come on out, asshole.
Oh, my God.
We do not have time
for your shit right now.
We can talk or fight.
We talk, your friend might survive.
What the fuck is he talking about?
Finch took Juan.
She wants Sarkov to experiment on him.
And don't hit me.
You tell me now?
I was distracted by you being dead!
What's it gonna be?
I've been shot once today.
It didn't take.
Both of you, stop posturing.
If he wanted us dead, he would've shot us.
- Fair.
- And you.
You probably haven't killed us yet
because you want something else.
Sound deduction.
Okay. You wanna talk? Let's talk.
After you stop waving that gun in my face.
I've pulled triggers for Flux
for over 20 years.
The job has always been the same.
Put the monsters down.
That all changed after Portland.
Your Portland dicks
got what they deserved.
They're not our dicks.
I heard them.
They were gonna sell
Sarkov's stem cells to you.
Crain sent me to Portland to investigate
a lead on possible bio-hackers.
I found the research and the dead fishman.
That's how we learned about you.
After Portland,
Crain wanted you caught instead of killed.
Despite the obvious threat
to public safety.
And then she took Burke into custody.
Why would she do that?
Crain accepted Burke's deal,
her science for our safety.
We don't make deals.
Well, apparently Crain does.
What if Crain is working with Sarkov?
It would explain a lot.
It would explain everything.
Look at this place.
How can one scientist afford all this?
I need you to look into what Crain
and Sarkov are up to.
Oh. You're not making this our problem.
It already is.
If we find out the connection
between Flux and Sarkov, what do we get?
To live.
Careful, you'll chafe your hands.
Now you develop a sense of empathy.
Great timing.
If you wanna list each other's failings,
let's discuss why you'd suppress
your own breakthrough.
I didn't have a breakthrough.
Finch is lying.
Well, that is unfortunate.
I would much rather ensure
your permanence than hers.
Backstabbing motherfucker.
Don't be so surprised.
- About what?
- Not you. Finch.
She's mad
that you're willing to double-cross her.
She's the one trading your science.
You're the one blackmailing me for it.
Blackmail, double-crossing.
You make it sound so unsavory.
Alex, you're driving around Seattle
with a hostage.
Two, if you count Finch.
Got Juan in the back.
Look, when we first met I thought,
"Here's someone who gets it." You know?
Someone who understands the real science
the pure science,
must exist in an ethical vacuum.
What happened to you?
If we were friends because you think
I'm as unprincipled as you are,
I am happy to disappoint you.
I'm not unprincipled. I'm undaunted.
When this is all over,
you and I will have a talk
about honoring your word.
You're lucky you have something I want.
Something I now want in advance.
Ugh. Fuck, this is fun.
Yeah, it's not great.
I'll be your whatever you want ♪
The bong in this reggae song ♪
I told you to wait over there.
You also said your bionic nose
filtered out my pheromones.
That doesn't mean I wanna cuddle.
Why do you hate us so much?
Let's start with your complete disregard
for human safety.
We don't completely disregard it.
Seems like you don't understand.
And I'll be damned if I ever let
one of you close to my family again.
What happened?
The drone tracked Sarkov and Burke
back to the old clinic.
You're what happened.
You're a monster too, aren't you?
- They've got your friend with them.
- Who experimented on you? Flux?
What did they do to you?
None of your damn business.
Take a good look, Abbi.
This is you if you never come
to terms with your pheromones.
You're finally ready to go.
How far would we get with me looking
like a community theater Carrie?
Not far.
Let's go. Shotgun.
No. You all find your own ride.
Fine. We'll take Al's rental.
No, you won't.
Call me as soon as you secure Sarkov.
Stay off your phone until then.
And what are you doing
while we do your job?
Keeping Flux off your trail.
Thank you.
Wait, the stem cells.
I'll destroy them.
He's not lying. You can trust him.
You can tell when people are lying?
- Pretty much.
- Why do you get all the good stuff?
You're awake.
Holy shit.
Wait. All right. Okay.
Why am I chained to a gurney this time?
Because of you,
Tilda destroyed my nanobots.
Fortunately, Ms. Finch holds knowledge
that renders my need for them obsolete.
So, why is she strapped to a gurney too?
Sarkov's a motherfucker.
I know that already.
I prefer the term "cautious."
If you transform back into Sydney,
who knows what I'll have to do
to defend myself.
Sydney's not the one
you need to worry about.
Unfortunately for you,
Finch will only give me that knowledge
in exchange for permanence.
I can't risk experimenting on her.
That leaves me no other option but to
transform you into
a kind of constant Chupacabra.
You You can't do this.
Yes, I can.
- I think he meant morally.
- Oh.
Yes, I can.
Well, then you better hurry up.
Because as soon as Tilda
and Abbi get here
I wouldn't expect your friends
to come rescue you anytime soon.
They'll just never find us in time.
I'm sorry about this, Juan.
You were always my favorite.
That's not saying much.
Shh, shh, shh
I was dead an hour ago.
How about pheromoning someone
into lending us their car?
I'm not using my powers
against an innocent person, Tilda.
You are such a fucking hypocrite
when it comes to those pheromones.
I know.
Okay? I know.
Oh. Well, good.
I needed help in the lab
after you and Juan abandoned me.
I wanted to focus on the cure.
Juan wanted to destroy the nanobots.
- He was really looking for me.
- He was totally looking for you.
I tried to get Sarkov
to make good on his deal
and leave us the bots, but he refused.
There was nothing you could do
to change his mind?
It'll be easier to save Juan
if we're not at each other's throats.
You really don't wanna get fixed?
- You know what Sarkov's cure will make us?
- Human.
- Weak. I'm not gonna feel weak again.
- Right.
When has Tilda Weber ever felt weak?
My whole life.
PJ always wondered
why I was such a control freak.
It's because I was raised
with zero agency over my life.
My dad chose my schools,
my extracurriculars, my boyfriends.
I wasn't raised, Abbi. I was bullied.
So you don't wanna get fixed
because you have daddy issues?
Wow, that's reductive.
Being human does not make you weak, Tilda.
And losing our side effects
does not mean we're human, Abbi.
Let's just get to the clinic.
Isn't Hannah's coffee shop around here?
Pretty sure it is.
Two blocks away.
- Maybe she could give us a ride.
- No. Tilda. I don't wanna see her.
Benning. Sponson.
I found Burke.
She's at the Larson Brewing Building
in Fremont.
Sarkov is here as well,
I think they're planning something big.
We'll need everything.
When we got there,
the experiment had been destroyed,
and Burke and Sarkov
were nowhere in sight.
And Agent Sponson?
He's missing.
We believe he may be dead.
But you're not sure?
The big pool of blood on the floor
was one clue.
There's also this.
Any idea what Burke was up to?
One of your top people is missing,
and that's your focus?
I think it's terrible that Jim is missing.
And if what you're telling me is true,
then our top priority
is terminating Dr. Sydney Burke.
And Dr. Alex Sarkov.
If you can prove that Burke
and Sarkov are working together,
then we'll modify the termination notice.
Oh, trust me.
We'll prove it.
Juan. Juan, we're here.
How you feeling?
I feel like ass.
I think it could be worse.
How are you feeling?
About the same.
Buddy, I'm so sorry about all this.
Which part?
The abduction?
The experimentation?
Some other horrible thing
that I don't know about yet?
I just keep remembering
that day in the lobby.
God, how scared and angry
and betrayed you all looked
when I told you that your medication
wasn't gonna work anymore.
It was like
the day I told you about your
AGDS diagnosis, all over again.
You were in hell.
And all I could think about
was maybe you could help me find Alex.
Because you were in hell too.
I knew the risks.
My science ruined your lives,
and you never saw it coming.
Because of your science,
my parents didn't have to mourn my death.
So, thank you.
Don't thank me.
I was being selfish.
There's no such thing
as a truly selfless act.
That's not a bad thing.
You do something for somebody else,
you should be allowed
to feel good about yourself.
Wise words.
Sugar Skull Number 10.
Juan, I No.
Juan, there's something
I need to tell you.
It's about Tilda.
- Tilda's
- Tilda's what?
Dr. Burke.
Dr. Burke.
Tilda's not coming for you.
I really don't like you.
But you're my favorite.
I'll let you off at the corner
of First and Denver.
- Clinic's two blocks from there.
- I'm not your fucking Igor.
Thanks for the ride, I guess.
I know I'm the last person
you wanted to see,
but thank you for giving us a ride.
It wouldn't be fair to Juan if I said no.
No, I guess it wouldn't.
- And again, I'm
- You're sorry.
She knows. I know.
The dozen people at the coffee shop
when you walked in know.
I'll keep saying it
until she doesn't hate me.
I don't hate you, Abbi.
I want to big time, but
I don't.
I don't wanna be your enemy.
We're not enemies.
What are we?
I want to be friends.
- We are friends
- How could you do that to me?
I don't know.
When Ben told me
my mom might have cancer, I
And you didn't help her? Wow.
I felt alone and scared.
You were the only person
that could take those feelings away.
I wish you led with that,
instead of your pheromones.
So do I.
I suppose
I can take you all the way there.
- Thank you.
- I'm doing it for Juan.
Ready when you are, Ms. Finch.
You sadistic son of a bitch.
You'd really let Sydney die over this?
Sacrifice one life to ensure
the survival of an entire species?
Yes. I think we know that answer.
I don't think you should tell him.
You focused on retroviral vectors.
Sydney used a lentiviral vector.
Which one? Wait. Let me guess.
Equine infectious anemia?
Jembrana disease?
Caprine arthritis encephalitis.
Now a deal's a deal.
Give him the stem cells.
As soon as he turns into a Chupacabra.
Not a chance.
Tilda's dead, and it's all your fault.
You're one cold motherfucker.
Science requires an emotional detachment.
You're welcome!
I need to go rescue Juan,
and convince Sarkov
to give me a blood sample,
and solve the mystery about Flux,
and cure us all
Abbi. Come on.
But after that,
maybe we could grab a coffee.
- No.
- Come on, I'm waiting.
- I work at a coffee shop.
- Abbi, I'm waiting.
- Right.
- Abbi.
What about a drink instead?
- Maybe.
- Abbi.
Abbi. Abbi. Abbi.
- Abbi.
- I'm coming.
- What is wrong with you?
- Lots of things.
Sorry about your mom.
Now remember,
we need Sarkov's blood to fix us.
Don't worry. There will be blood.
You couldn't check
to see if it was unlocked first?
- You're too late to stop it.
- Shut up, Finch.
They worked.
The stem cells worked.
No, it's not over yet.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'm so glad you're not dead.
You're gonna be all right.
Hey, guys.
If I become the Chupacabra permanently,
do me a favor.
Anything, buddy.
Kill me.
Fight it. Fight it.
Come on, come on, come on.
He's human.
No. No.
You can't kill me, you know.
I'll always be a part of her.
- Oh, my
- Seriously, shut the fuck up, Finch.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Abbi said you should rest.
I'm feeling restless.
Nothing's happening. You're cured.
How can you be so sure?
Whenever you turned into the Chupacabra,
your body made some pretty hideous noises.
Like, twisting, snapping bone
kind of hideous.
You never told me about that.
It was hard to listen to.
I didn't like thinking about you
in so much pain.
Thank you for destroying the nanobots.
You know it's not gonna stop Sarkov.
Nothing's going to stop him.
One thing will.
I can't do that.
Why not?
Because I'm not a monster anymore.
You know killing Sarkov
wouldn't make you a monster.
It wouldn't make me a hero either.
You're a hero.
You're never gonna take the cure
are you?
I wanna explore what I've become.
You're not a monster either.
Yes, I am.
And that's not a bad thing.
In case you haven't noticed,
there's a little monster in all of us.
How are you feeling?
Any homicidal urges towards me or?
No more than usual.
Then in my professional opinion,
you are cured.
And you're welcome.
I knew we could do it, Sydney.
You really expect me to believe
that you planned to save me all along?
I risked my neck for you.
No, you didn't.
You held out for the viral vectors.
Why would I do that?
We both know that no single virus
can deliver the appropriate amount
of gene edits
in the same way
our synthetic stem cells could.
Unless you were
to design a delivery system
using multiple viral vectors
working in tandem.
That was your solution, wasn't it?
That is practically genius.
This is why we need to work together.
No, it's not.
When I realize how dangerous something is,
I will shelve it.
- You would actually try this.
- Oh, I'm definitely gonna try this.
Part of you wants to try it too.
- I know that because I met that part.
- Yep.
She tried to kill you.
- Sydney.
- Goodbye, Alex.
Okay, well,
I'm still gonna call about this.
How you feeling?
Better than I've felt in a long time.
Thank you, guys.
We've still got a lot of work.
And here they are.
Where is he?
Lie detector, come with me.
Oh, yeah. Tilda's a lie detector now.
She gets all the cool stuff.
Dominique Crain?
She wishes I worked with her.
He's telling the truth.
There has to be a connection.
Let me try.
- That'll never work on me.
- Oh, yeah? Why is that?
Because even without
my pheromone nullifier, I am immune.
Thanks to my advanced analytical mind,
I can
overpower my
emotional reactions.
Thus, rendering your pheromones
Good for you.
Why don't you answer
Agent Sponson's questions?
Because they're so boring.
But for you, all right.
Dominique Crain.
Well, that is not a question.
That is barely a sentence.
What's your connection?
I told you, there isn't one.
You're looking radiant today.
Absolutely killing it.
If he says there's no connection,
there's no connection.
It's not our fault his honesty
doesn't fit your narrative.
The deal is off.
Touch that gun and you're dead.
Both of you, stop.
There has to be a connection.
Collusion is the only thing
that makes sense.
Why else would Crain let Sarkov slip away?
Well, that's easy.
To perpetuate her existence.
Your job is to hunt down rogue scientists
and their creations, yeah?
Well, what would happen
when there's no one left to hunt?
You really think Crain is underwriting
rogue scientists just to stay in business?
I bet if you dig deep enough,
you will find a connection between Crain,
those bio-hackers from Portland,
and probably Dr. Monday.
And you?
Hardly. All my money came from a grant
from the Helix Institute.
I need you to look into something for me.
Well, how was I supposed to know
the Helix Institute is a shell company?
When someone offers you money,
do you ask where it's from?
Or how much you can have?
And, Sydney,
no matter what you think of me,
I want you to know
I never intended to cure Finch.
Ask Tilda! She'll tell you
whether I'm being honest or not.
I don't need Tilda to know if you lying.
Let's go.
If you want to apologize or anything,
now's your chance.
I'm good.
Oh, and you three.
You suck.
What about Crain?
She's been detained for questioning.
Is that legal?
It's legal enough.
I guess this is it.
No. Not yet.
Let's get you fixed.
Preferably somewhere with wine.
Tilda, are you sure you?
She's sure.
Next stop, Oxford.
That's a shift.
I don't think I have the fortitude
to be a scientist anymore.
Well, too late.
You, I'm afraid, already are one.
Thank you, Dr. Burke.
You're welcome.
Little pinch.
Oh, that wasn't so bad.
She's awake. And she is fixed.
- Abbi. You're cured.
- You're cured.
I don't have to eat human flesh.
- Oh, unless you want to.
- No, I really don't want to.
It's just
- I can't believe it's over.
- Over? It's only just starting.
I still need to tell Hannah
that the fix is ready.
And all the other guys
from the wellness program. Zoe
Who knows what other nightmares
might need our help?
Guys. Seriously?
Give it a rest.
- But, Dr. Burke
- No buts. I am exhausted.
- I feel like I could sleep for a month.
- Then we'll get started.
Look, you have your lives back.
Now, go live them.
Doctor's orders.
Do you think Tilda was right,
that night at the motel?
Did we only become friends
because of the circumstances
we found ourselves in?
I think she was right.
But we did become friends.
Yeah, we did.
I'll see you around.
You know we're going the same direction.
Oh. Right.
That wasn't awkward.
I think it's kind of nice.
Are you there?
Sarkov was right about one thing.
I'm no hero.
If anything,
I'm a wee bit of a narcissist.
Hell, I thought my music
could change the world.
It can't.
At least, not in the way I wanted.
Hey. I told you to stay out of here.
You freak.
I'm not doing anything wrong.
Yeah, you are. You're breathing.
I can help you with that.
But there is one thing
Pick on someone your own species, asshole.
Why don't you wait your turn? Bitch.
Don't die.
Music really is magic.
- When did this happen to you?
- A few weeks ago.
I signed up
for an allergy medication study.
Then this happened.
Call Dr. Sydney Burke,
and she'll help you.
You're her, aren't you?
You're Banshee Girl.
I'm feelin' rough, I'm feelin' raw
I'm in the prime of my life ♪
You know why super heroes are so popular?
It's because we all want to be the hero.
We want to save the day,
But you know the one thing they don't
tell you about being a hero?
No, I don't.
It's that it's really, really scary.
And there are
monsters and mad scientists
and evil clowns
just all coming out to get you.
That's when I realized that
you're not a hero for the things you do.
You're a hero for the things you overcome.
Like what?
Like fear.
And selfishness.
- And you know
- Juan.
Alejandro's on his way home.
Well, it's time for me to go.
You be good.
Thanks for everything.
And tell Alejandro that
Just tell him, I said hello.
I will.
It's nice to see you.
Yeah. You too.
I miss Chupi.
You don't have to miss him.
He's right here.
There's one thing I learned
after this nightmare was finally over.
You'll never know what really matters
until it's been taken from you.
I thought it was the science I'd miss.
But it was my family and myfriends
Icouldn't live without.
Got you, you nanobot-infested jerk.
And yet, you're still doing science.
I couldn't let the nanobots free.
But you could let Flux handle it
instead of building
your own nanobot sensor
and spending months
hunting for Tilda's zombie rat.
It's a robot zombie rat.
And I've seen the way Flux handles things.
My point being, this doesn't have
to be your fight anymore.
Then whose is it?
I have to get to the coffee shop.
I hate Saturday inventory.
Oh, don't forget.
Dinner at your mom's tonight.
What are you gonna do with that?
I'll figure something out.
Have a good day.
You too.
What am I gonna do with you?
You try to make the world a better place,
and this is the thanks you get.
Now I can only dream
of what might've been.
An end to disease, the death of weakness,
the rise of a homo superior
more than capable
to face the challenges
of an uncertain future.
Yes, because when has dabbling
in eugenics ever gone wrong?
I'll take it from here, agent.
There was a job opening.
And Flux offered
a generous compensation package.
There's an upside
when one of their employees
tries to kill you.
I'll keep that in mind.
I take it a congratulations is in order.
I could say the same to you.
You changed the world.
Just not in the way you planned.
Good for me.
How did I manage that?
Well, Crain saw
how your synthetic stem cells
could flood the world with monsters.
And so long as there are monsters,
there's Flux.
Wow, the things people will do
for a little bit of job security.
You weren't the only scientist
Crain underwrote.
She funneled Flux's funding
to rogue scientists for years.
There is a big mess out there to clean up.
"Clean up." Is that why I'm here?
You don't expect me to help you
stifle scientific advancements.
Crain's actions helped me
convince the board
that Flux needs
to rethink their philosophy.
I mean, after all,
scientists are always gonna science.
Defeat your enemies
by making them your allies.
Something like that.
And in exchange?
You will receive immunity
for your previous infractions.
I also want one of those science platforms
you mentioned. Like a big one.
Top of the line.
I'm sure we can work something out.
Look at us, the old band's back together.
I knew you couldn't stay mad at me.
Oh, I fucking hate you for what you did.
But a deal's a deal.
We're done here.
I look forward to working with you.
It's so cool that someone
turned you into a comic book.
Mind if I keep this?
Mind if I
steal his wallet?
Thanks for the comic.
Breaking news now
out of Denver, Colorado, this hour
as social media explodes
with reports of a monster virus
sweeping the city.
Local authorities believe the claims
are nothing more
than a well-orchestrated hoax.
But residents are advised to stay home
with their doors and windows locked
for their own safety.
We'll have more on this developing story
as details come into the news room.
This is a bad idea.
Is everything all right?
You really need to get going.
I'll be out in a minute.
Abbi. Have you seen the news?
He accepted the offer?
He did, sir.
We move him to the platform tomorrow.
Give him the leaky one. Number seven.
You're sure hedoesn'tsuspect anything?
As far as he's concerned,
he is Dr. Alex Sarkov, super genius.
He has no idea
he was the product of an experiment.
He's the biggest mistake I ever made.
You're being too hard on yourself,
Dr. Hallenbeck.
Genetically engineering
a super-intellect was
Is the only way
to resolve the impending crisis.
What good is that super-intellect
if he refuses to focus
on the problem at hand?
We will get him there.
The fact that he was torn
between his ambition and our friendship
is a huge sign of improvement.
Sydney, what have I always told you
about experiments?
Never incorporate your genetic code?
Ha ha.
Never form attachments.
Take that to heart, Sydney.
I will, sir.
And I promise you, this time
we will get him to fix the problem.
We'd better.
For all our sakes.
Reach out, touch faith ♪
Your own personal Jesus ♪
Someone to hear your prayers ♪
Someone who cares ♪
Your own personal Jesus ♪
Someone to hear your prayers ♪
Someone who's there ♪
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone ♪
Flesh and bone
By the telephone ♪
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer ♪
Take second best
Put me to the test ♪
Things on your chest
You need to confess ♪
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