The Incredible Hulk (1978) s03e09 Episode Script

The Snare

It's my move, David.
You see, I became bored with hunting animals.
That's why I prefer to hunt men.
I saw that beast you turned into, David.
Unbelievable! Dr.
David Banner, physician, scientist.
Searching for a way to tap into the hidden strengths that all humans have.
Then, an accidental overdose of gamma radiation alters his body chemistry.
And now, when David Banner grows angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs.
The creature is driven by rage and pursued by an investigative reporter.
McGee, don't make me angry.
You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
The creature is wanted for a murder he didn't commit.
David Banner is believed to be dead.
And he must let the world think that he is dead until he can find a way to control the raging spirit that dwells within him.
Wheeler Bay control, this is Sutton Industries Jet One.
Request emergency landing for repairs.
Sutton Industries Jet, this is Wheeler Bay control.
You are cleared for landing.
Runway one-six, altimeter two-niner-niner-eight.
Winds one-five-zero and 10 knots.
That's a roger, Wheeler Bay.
Roll out the carpet.
Attention Miami-bound passengers.
If you would like to have a rental car waiting when you arrive, please talk to your flight attendant.
You're gonna lose.
What? You're making the wrong move.
I know what he'll do tomorrow.
That editor is painfully predictable.
You play a lot of chess, do you? Oh, I always carry a set with me.
Listen, why don't you forget the column and let's play ourselves? If it's okay with you.
Oh, it's more than okay.
I've read every newspaper in this place twice.
My name's Michael Sutton.
David Bennet.
You're waiting for the flight to Miami, huh? If it ever gets here, yes.
Well, even if it doesn't, you may get out of here before I do.
That damned engine on that monster of mine out there sounds sick.
But as long as I'm playing chess, I don't mind waiting.
You're really excellent.
A few good years in the stock market can change a man's life.
So, I bought an island and got out.
Now I have nothing but time to work on my chess.
Your own island.
I prefer being alone.
And what could be better than an island? I'm headed to the island now.
That's a very good strategy, Mr.
Thank you.
Attention all passengers for flight 31 to Miami.
Due to tropical storm conditions, the flight has been canceled.
The next flight to Miami will be tomorrow morning at 11:15.
Hey, what do you mean the flight Listen, Bennet, I've got plenty of room at my house on the island.
So why don't you be my guest overnight, and tomorrow I can have my man fly you to Miami.
I couldn't impose, really.
Oh, nonsense.
A man who plays chess as well as you is the best kind of company.
Uh All right, well, look.
Supposing I at least cash in my ticket and pay you for the flight.
Absolutely not.
You're my guest.
Sutton, we're about ready to take off.
All right.
Perhaps you'd like to call ahead to whomever is waiting.
No need.
Used to be a presidential retreat in the '30s.
I bought the whole thing just as it was and restored it.
I'll show you around as far as the roads go.
It's your own private world.
That's why the animals I import here can survive.
Anywhere else, other hunters would get them.
The best shore fishing in the whole world is right down there.
That dock's been there ever since the house was built.
And it's just as sound.
And past that bend, you're into the open sea.
Great for marlin fishing.
You see that cliff? I killed a 15-foot grizzly there last year.
He cornered me.
Well, it doesn't look like you had many directions to go.
No, I didn't.
It took three arrows and then right over the edge.
Oh, he's just going for supplies.
He'll be back by morning.
When you're 30 miles from the mainland, you can't just run down to the corner market.
I take it hunting is not your game.
I'm just taking them all in.
Better than the other way around, huh? Well, I don't know about you, but all of that moving around has made me hungry.
Shall I prepare us a meal? Thank you.
I don't believe I have ever tasted chicken like this before.
I'm not surprised.
There's no way that you could have.
You see, it's rattlesnake.
My own recipe, but I think I may have put in a bit too much curry tonight.
I'm partial to curry.
Would you like some more wine? Yes, I would, please.
I think I'll open us a nice Pouilly-Fuissé, hmm? Well, why don't you take a seat? I'll get the wine, and then we can finish this championship match.
What are we tied at now? Is it two-two? That's right, and you won the last game, ergo you have the first move.
Thank you.
Then I do this.
Don't you have any help? Oh, sure.
There's a couple that comes over once a week to whip the place into shape.
But other than that, I don't need much help.
That's one of the hazards of retirement.
There's plenty of time to do it yourself.
And what do you do for a living, Bennet? David, please.
Oh, thank you.
I'm just sort of traveling for now.
I work my way along.
Must be tough on your family.
I'm pretty much on my own.
Thank you.
What's the special occasion? Well, I rarely get visitors.
I just like to keep a memento of each one.
All right, then.
Let us have at it, sir.
But first of all, your health.
Now, what to do, what to do.
You don't let me get away with many mistakes.
You don't make many.
Would you like another? Are you all right? David, do you It's my move, David.
Good morning, David.
You're still on the island, quite a distance from the house.
As you can guess from your hangover, I drugged you last night.
But I hope you're well rested.
You'll be needing every bit of energy you have.
Now, in your grave, you'll find a bag with food and flint.
As to the rules, David, there are none.
You see, I became bored with hunting animals.
That's why I prefer to hunt men.
You have an intellect.
That's what makes you a challenge.
Oh, and David, if it helps, think of chess.
Like in chess, think twice about everything you do because unlike chess, when this game is over, the board can't be set up again.
Very new.
You overslept.
Can you swim, David? Hope you can! Hope you'll keep your footing! A long drop down there, David! A very long drop! Next one will be much closer, so keep moving! That's the boy, keep moving! Bravo, David.
You're passing my first test admirably.
You've fallen for the obvious, Bennet.
Very good.
Considering that you're part animal, you've come far.
You have my admiration.
As you see, it won't be quite as easy to get out as it was to get in.
But you might like to know that so far, you've behaved just like any other animal.
You headed straight for food.
Now, there are a few things you should know about this room.
For instance, hidden amid the items you need to survive is a key to the window at the right of the giraffe.
Needless to say, there are also several traps you'll have to avoid in order to get that key.
But everything you need is somewhere in this room.
Clothing, food and weapons.
And one last thing.
Here, as in competition chess, you'll have a limited amount of time to make your moves.
At the end of five minutes, I shall enter for a most literal end game.
So consider this a perfect chance to see how well you work under pressure.
Good luck.
And begin.
You've now three minutes left.
And so you won't accuse me of being unsportsmanlike, here's a clue.
When it comes to chess, I could write the book, and I've based my strategy always on the rook.
You've now two minutes left.
When it comes to chess, I could write the book.
45 seconds left.
40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
And here I come, ready or not.
I saw that beast you turned into, David! Unbelievable! What was it? How do you do it? It was magnificent, David, magnificent! Make it come back! You hear me, David? Make it come back! Make it Make it come back and fight.
White for the hunt, and black for the kill.
I'm right behind you, David! You've no right to call yourself a hunter, Sutton.
A real hunter plays a fair game.
You're a coward.
You're afraid of a fair game.
You only care about winning.
That's all you want out of life, isn't it, Sutton? To win.
Can't you hear me, Sutton? Much better, David! You must have enjoyed the view from here! David? Why does it happen to you, David? Are you like an animal? I know what makes an animal attack.
You get past his fear zone so he won't run away, and then you enter his attack zone so he'll stay and fight.
But what does it take to push you, David? Is it fear? Pain? What? David! All right, the game's gone on long enough.
It's over.
Oh, no.
No, no! Not quite yet.
You haven't turned into that beast.
That's what I'm after now.
I saw it happen in the pit, David.
Let me kill it.
Make it happen again.
No? Then I'll make it happen.
I'll find it, your animal.
I don't think it's fear that makes it happen.
Then how about pain? Fantastic.
Oh! Check and mate.
You've won.
Unfortunately, I can't congratulate you in person.
My defeat, no doubt, was total.
But rest assured, there are no ill feelings.
I wish you always good hunting.

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