The Irrational (2023) s02e11 Episode Script

Ghost Ship



Dad called me about a case he thought
would be perfect for me.
Well, is he right?
The Coast Guard found
an unmanned ship floating
toward the port in Norfolk.
Any idea what happened to the crew?
No one knows.
As of now, they're unaccounted for,
except for the captain,
who's fighting for his life.
Assault at sea? That's FBI jurisdiction.
Maybe I can help?
Well, Dad told the local Coast Guard
that he's bringing in
the big guns from D.C.
He wants us both to come
down there and check it out.
They're calling it a ghost ship.
A spooky boat in my hometown
and I'm stuck decrypting malware?
Guess I'll be a big gun some other time.
You okay?
Going to see your dad?
Why wouldn't I be?
Because you get into it
with him over everything
sports, politics, potato chips.
It was never about potato chips.
But it did escalate into an hour-long
Lincoln-Douglas debate.
It's always tit-for-tat with you two.
- You remember the welcome mat?
- Girl, how can I forget?
That thing was a trip hazard.
BOTH: And an accident waiting to happen.
So what?
Me and Dad fall out from time to time.
I study behavioral science for a living.
I can handle both the case and Dad.
Do you think you can clear your
schedule for a couple days?
I'm in.
'Cause you two are gonna need a referee.
Give Dad a hug for me.
Thanks so much for making the trip.
Your dad's a bit of
a legend around here.
Talks about you all the time.
Happy to help. You mind filling us in?
Yeah ship's captain's name
is Lawrence Andrews.
He's a local, pretty
well-known around here.
Needed emergency surgery
for a punctured lung,
internal bleeding.
Doctors at the hospital
are keeping us updated.
What about the rest of the crew?
- How many are missing?
- All of them.
Ships this size usually carry
about 20 men
5 to run her, 15 to work the nets.
We got helicopters combing the waters
working off the last-known
GPS coordinates.
Can we step aboard, take a look around?
Yeah, yeah, of course.
I'll let my team know.
They're just keeping watch.
Glad to have you both with us.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Alec, is that you?
Cindy O'Brien?
[BOTH LAUGH] How have you been?
Oh, you know, better days, but
Marisa, you remember Cindy.
We go way back to Glenfield High.
Of course.
You're here to see your dad?
Actually, me and Marisa
are helping the Coast Guard
- investigate the ghost ship.
- Good.
Maybe you can figure out what
the hell happened out there.
- This your boat?
- Yeah, yeah. She's my baby.
I put everything I had into her.
They won't tell me anything.
Alls I know is, Captain Andrews
isn't doing well
and his crew is missing.
Doesn't make any sense.
Look, I hate to ask, but do you
think there's any way
that you can help me get access?
I I need to unload the shipment
or the fish are gonna go bad.
I'm gonna be out thousands of dollars.
Sorry, but this ship is still
an active investigation site.
I promise to keep you in the
loop if anything changes, okay?

No distress call, no damage to the boat,
no signs of a struggle.
Maybe it was a mutiny.
Why subdue the captain
in that abandoned ship
when you finally gain control?
Maybe they were running?
From what? And who?

Hey, is this supposed to be warm?
It depends.
It gets hot if someone
vents a room down below
to let out steam and get fresh air.
Could there be someone
hiding down below?

FBI, hands up!
Would you like some water?
We can't help you
if you don't talk to us.
So I'm gonna ask you again,
what happened out there?
Why were you hiding?
You know him.
Can you tell me what happened to him?
We tried English and Vietnamese.
He didn't ask for a lawyer.
Well, maybe he's got
a hearing impediment.
You know, some sort of brain damage
from whatever happened on the ship.
Body language says
that he was understanding
everything you were saying.
Good bet he can speak English too.
Selective mutism can happen
in response to trauma.
He may want to respond,
but due to the catastrophe
he'd experienced, he may not be able to.
Maybe, but you saw how
he reacted when I showed him
that photo of Captain Andrews.
Right now, we're treating him
like a witness.
What if he's our lead suspect?
Well, I say we give him the night,
let his mind catch up with his body.
Look, the longer
those guys are out there,
the more likely it is
they don't make it.
Putting pressure on him is only
gonna make that situation worse.
Place hasn't changed a bit.
Smart Alec!
Is that you?
I'll be damned.
- Get over here!
- Dad.
[LAUGHS] Marisa!
Alec was a fool to let you get away.
I'm glad you called me, Dad.
Abandoned boat?
Missing crew?
Half-dead captain?
Felt right up your alley.
- How you doing, man?
- Good.
- It's been a minute.
- Yeah. Way too long.
Alec Mercer.
Fancy professor by day,
Inspector Gadget by night.
What's the next adventure?
I was thinking of
becoming a ship mechanic,
but I'd hate to put you out of a job.
Okay, uh, the job's all yours
as long as I can take your
lovely ex-wife on a date.
Oh, you can try, Sawyer, but I am armed.
Are you still seeing that
woman you told me about?
That woman has a name, Dad,
and I already told you, it's Rose.
All right, well, that's my cue.
Eli, I will be by this week
- and take care of that truck.
- Thanks.
All right, good to see y'all.
Dad, you wanna get a table?
Oh, no need.
I love this place,
but it can't hold a candle
to my home-cooked food.
- You don't cook.
- Well, I do now.
And I wanna show you my new skills.
You don't have to. We're here already.
Don't be ridiculous. I wanna
It'll be nice to have you back home.
And I won't take no for an answer.
Yes, sir.
Dad, when'd you put out
all these photos?
Ah, a couple of months ago.
I cleaned the garage,
and I found a box of photos
your mama had taken
with one of my old cameras.
I thought I'd put up a few.
Brings back memories.
Good ones, I hope.
Well, tonight, we are making new ones.
Who is ready for some
vegan mac and cheese?
Since when?
Oh, doctor said my cholesterol was high.
I had to change my diet.
Come on, dig in, please!
You two know how long
you're gonna be in town?
Not yet. We will know more tomorrow.
Well, if you need any help, just ask.
Thanks, I think we got it.
All right.
But nobody knows the docks
better than me.
Alec, can you get me some soda, please?
Those greens smell good.
With smoked tempeh bacon.
It's not as good as the real thing.
But I figure if I could swear off booze,
I can swear off bacon.
But I do think about sneaking
a little every now and then.
Sneaking the bacon or the beer?
I already know where
you're going with this.
It's for guests.
- Dad.
- It's a six-pack.
Spare me the lecture, professor.
I got this.
Can we eat, before it gets cold?

What happened back there?
We were having a nice dinner.
Till I asked a simple question
and he snapped at me.
Maybe he doesn't like being
interrogated by his son.
Do you think he's drinking again?
He could be.
His defensiveness is
a classic reaction formation.
But he seems really serious
about his health.
Why would he drink? It makes no sense.
Addiction is irrational, Marisa.
I've been there too.
And you recovered.
Give your dad some credit.
He's been in the program for years now.
And Kylie says that
he's making a real effort.
It was easier for her.
She was so young when he got sober.
My history with him
is different than hers.
But it's still history,
which means it's in the past.
What's it gonna take
for you to leave it there?
What is it?
Captain Andrews regained consciousness.
He's ready to talk.
Captain Andrews,
I know this may be difficult,
but we need to ask you some questions.
Can you tell us what happened out there?
Where the rest of the crew might be?
It was the middle of the night.
I didn't even see their boat pull up,
but the next thing I know,
these men are on my ship.
What did they want?
Anything and everything we had.
My crew tried their best,
but we couldn't fight them off.
They took the lifeboats and ran.
But you stayed?
A captain never abandons his ship.
Someone attacked me.
He must've knocked me out cold.
I don't remember anything else.
Do you recognize this man?
Was he a part of your crew?
Hell no.
That's the guy who attacked me!
Did you get him?
That bastard tried to kill me!
He said thieves,
but what he meant was pirates.
But nothing was stolen.
That ship had a hold full of
fish worth 100 grand at least.
Pirate attacks in the EEZ
are basically non-existent.
Our silent survivor had all the signs
of a victim, not a criminal
nervous demeanor, inability to speak,
avoiding eye contact.
Maybe there's something
Andrews isn't telling us.
Well, he's the only one
with a story right now,
but nothing that gives us a
clue about where the crew is.
Yeah, well, we're gonna need
to get answers
on one of them soon.
I mean, those crew members
are on borrowed time.
They would have run out
of water two days ago.
Most people can only survive
without water for three days.
Which means we have roughly
24 hours to find these men,
or they die.
He's still not talking.
Any other ideas?
[SIGHS] We need to figure out a way
to reduce his stress
and gain his trust again.
We did an experiment
on this last semester.
We told a group of participants
we were going to pay them
to respond to a questionnaire.
When you're done with the
survey, you will be paid $50.
But after they took the test
Thanks so much for
finishing the questionnaire.
You can come up to receive your $10.
Sorry, there were more of you
than we anticipated,
so we lowered the payment.
She betrayed them to put them
in a position of distrust.
The next day we tested three conditions
to see which condition
would gain their trust back
the most effectively.
The control group was
placed with the same host
in the same environment.
Let's try this again.
The second group was placed
with a new host.
A third group was placed with a new host
in a different environment.
We made this environment friendlier.
Everybody good here?
Where the host was trusted
by someone else in the room.
What really made the
difference was placing the host
in an environment where someone
could informally vouch for him.
So what does that mean?
It means I have an idea
how to get Quan to talk,
but I'll need some help.
So Alec said he wanted to do something
- educational but impactful.
- Dad.
So he does a science project
on the importance of organ donation.
You were educating sixth graders
on the benefits of organ donation?
Really, Alec?
I won first place.
Well, he always has been
sharper than a pruning saw.
So he's standing up there in
front of the entire auditorium,
and they hand him a trophy
the size of the Eiffel Tower.
I mean, his mother is already in tears.
So anyway, his mother has this
giant camera that she just has
to bring to the science fair.
It was huge!
It was like wearing
a microwave around my neck.
Did I just hear a laugh?
I think so.
I like a bia lanh with a good laugh.
Ban có muon uong bia không?
I asked if he wanted a beer.
You're a vegan chef
and you can speak Vietnamese?
Ah, there are people
from all over the world
in the port these days.
I picked up a phrase or two.
It's very cold.
You're talking.
That's good.
Can you tell us your name?
Look, Quan, you don't have to talk
right now if you don't want to.
Enjoy your beer
until you're comfortable.
No, I want to talk.
Quan, I know this must be tough,
but we need to know
what happened on that boat.
Captain Andrews said that
you and some other fishermen
mobbed the boat
and attacked him and his crew?
That's not true!
How did you end up on that boat?
We work for Captain Andrew.
He make us fish, but he never pay us.
Are you saying that Captain
Andrews was using forced labor?
I just arrived from Vietnam.
You and who else?
My brothers, Bao and Hieu.
Andrew offer us a job, but he trick us.
He make us work 18 hour a day.
Never let us off the boat.
Quan, were you abused?
His crew hit us
when we couldn't keep up.
He lock us below deck.
The only time we see outside
is when we work.
We couldn't take it anymore.
So we try to escape.
Everything happen so fast.
I couldn't get the lifeboat.
And that's when you
encountered Captain Andrews?
He sent his crew to chase the other.
Catch them.
And then he tried to stab me.
I had to fight or he's going to kill me.
But he deserved much worse
after what he do to me and my brothers.
Have you found them?
Not yet.
The Coast Guard is retracing your route.
Do you remember anything about
the area when you escaped?

Quan, sometimes a sense memory helps.
You mind closing your eyes?
[SIGHS] It must have been cold.
Remember the sting
of the salt in your eyes.
The smell of the ocean.
White with yellow base.
A lot of them.
Could be talking about
the Coastal Virginia Offshore Winds.
They're about 25 miles off Cape Henry,
but it doesn't make any sense.
They're hundreds of miles off
Captain Andrews' original route.
Could Andrews have
manipulated the boat's signal
to give a false location?
That's possible; sometimes fishermen
use GPS spoofing apps if they
plan on poaching in illegal waters.
You might be searching the wrong area.
We need to talk to Andrews.

Time for my CT scan already?
Please, you don't have to do this.

Now that this is a murder investigation,
I've gotta get more agents on this.
It's best we keep it small.
We don't wanna scare anyone in town.
I'll keep a low profile.
Andrews abused all of those fishermen.
Several people
could have wanted him dead.
It's possible that
someone made it to shore
and took their revenge.
That crew was way out to sea.
If anyone did make it
back to shore somehow,
they would be in no shape
to find Andrews
and carry out his murder.
Could be someone in cahoots with Andrews
on this forced labor scheme
killed him to cover their tracks.
If someone is covering up
Andrews' crimes,
- we need to warn Quan.
- I'm way ahead of you.
- Dad, I need to talk to Quan.
- He's gone.
What do you mean he's gone?
Why would you let him leave?
I didn't let him do anything.
He left with some lawyer.
She said she was taking him to a judge.
Even gave me her card.
You can talk to her yourself.
It's like I told you on the phone.
I'm with Legal Aid.
Some donors from the immigrant community
raised money for Quan's legal expenses,
and they called you?
They sent money
and the address of a motel
to put him up.
It's not all that unusual around here.
Members of the community
tend to help each other out.
So you picked him up,
dropped him at a motel,
and then he runs?
The motel wasn't
in the best part of town.
Maybe he got scared.
Well, he'd have reason to be.
Whoever came after Andrews
was probably trying
to cover up the forced labor scheme.
And I'd be happy to help him sue.
I've got a petition
waiting to see a judge
when and if he's found, but I don't know
where he is right now.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
Whoever hired Ana
wanted Quan to disappear
and had the means to do it.
I hate to say this, Alec,
because she's a family friend,
but Cindy called that boat her baby.
You really think she doesn't
know what's happening on there?
I'd like to think she
wouldn't be involved in this,
but we can't rule her out.
Look, hauling her in to talk to the FBI
will cause her grief in this town.
I'd like to avoid
embarrassing her if I can.
My father is gonna be
out of the house tonight
for his weekly poker game with Sawyer
and some of the other guys
from the dock.
We could ask her to come over here.
I was mostly hands-off.
I didn't I didn't ask a lot
of questions, to be honest.
I wish I had.
I can assume that's how Captain Andrews
charged 25¢ less per pound.
You told us what you
were doing last night,
but I don't quite remember.
Am I a suspect?
Do you think I murdered him?
I know you volunteered at
the hospital since high school.
You would have had access.
Why would I kill Andrews?
Why don't you talk to my husband?
I was home last night,
cooking us dinner.
- Always good to see you.
- Eli.
Dad, what happened to poker night?
One of the guys got sick.
He bailed on us at the last minute.
What's going on?
I'm doing some work right now.
Or interrogating
a family friend in my house?
It's okay, Eli. I can handle it.
We have to rule out
any possible suspects.
We thought it would be best
if it was done privately.
And we didn't wanna
get the town gossiping
by dragging you to the station.
Well, I appreciate that, at least.
I don't like this.
Not one bit.
Dad, please.
You can question me all you like.
I'm not a murderer.
I take pride in my business.
I've poured everything
I have into my ship.
I just spent thousands
updating the living quarters.
I upgraded the lifeboats
to twice the horsepower.
Why would I spend all that money
to make things better for my crew
if I'm just gonna turn around
and enslave them?
Wait, you said you
upgraded the lifeboats?
Twice the horsepower
means a lot more speed.
Those fishermen could
be a lot further away
than y'all originally thought.

Marisa says
Copetti's expanding the search.
That's good.
Dad, we we shouldn't have
brought Cindy here
without your permission, I'm sorry.
You were doing your job.
I can admit, I overreacted.
Still, going behind your back
was a mistake.
Well, I've made my share of those,
but all we can do is be better, right?
I think the trick is
to try to make up for the past
without reliving it.
I mean, who needs
to drag up painful memories?
You can't avoid painful memories, Dad.
Well, some things aren't worth reliving.
Like what you went through.
Well, you never had a problem
speaking your mind before.
How do you know what I went through?
I'm I'm talking about the bombing.
Your burns.
You don't know what it was like
because you were never there, Dad!
If you wanna make up for the past,
start by answering for it.
I was laying in that
hospital bed month after month.
Kylie was there.
Mama was there.
Where were you, Dad?
You're right, Alec.
I wasn't there.
If we were conducting an experiment
on addressing painful memories,
we'd fail.

Sounds like things got a little tense.
I thought I was past all this,
but when I saw those beers,
thinking about him
possibly drinking again,
everything came back.
I still hold a lot of
suppressed anger towards him.
And you're just realizing this now?
20 years of behavioral science research
and I can't figure out a way
to be in the same room
with my own dad.
He shouldn't be my Mount Everest.
I gotta do better.
But you can't because your difficulty
relating to Dad is messing up
your decision-making
when it comes to Dad.
Are you saying I'm suffering
from intrapersonal empathy gap?
Yeah. Real bad.
Using my own science against me?
I created a little monster.
have you asked Dad what he thinks?
You know, about you getting
the surgery for your scars?
No, because I know what he's gonna say.
"Why wouldn't you do something
to get rid of your scars?"
Because he has no idea what it entails.
Alec, you've gotta let that go.
Copetti called. We found them.

When we escaped, the captain
made his crew chase us.
Did he threaten to hurt them too?
No. They just listen to him.
Captain Andrews was murdered last night,
and we're afraid that
the person who did it
might be after Quan too.
Do you know where Quan might be hiding?
We don't know the local area.
All we know is the boat.
Please, if you know anything at all,
it could help us save your brother.
A few night before we escape,
Andrew went way off course,
not our usual route.
He told us to stop working
and anchor the boat.
He never did that.
Lock us below deck for hours.
That's when we decided to escape.
And you don't know
why Andrews might have
taken this unusual detour?
I wish I knew more.

Whatever Captain Andrews was up to
during that change of plans
may have gotten him killed.
Bao and Hieu didn't know
what the captain was doing,
but maybe Quan did.
Any luck finding him?
I got agents and officers
spread over a 25-mile radius.
- So far, nothing.
- He couldn't have run far.
He was desperate
to see his brothers, so he
he'd probably stay somewhere familiar,
somewhere where they might find him.
There is somebody that
knows the Hampton Roads
like the back of his hand.
Probably even knows where
immigrants go to congregate.
You're talking about my father.
We need his help, Alec.
He invited Quan to dinner,
got him to open up.
He could help us.
And I know he would want to.
[LAUGHS] Good to see you.
I see Dad got you working.
Yeah. How you doing?
- How you doing?
Yeah, his old truck had an oil leak,
so I told him that
I'd fix the crank seal,
you know, in exchange
for one of those meals
- he's been cooking.
I'm glad to know
you're looking out for him.
Of course, of course.
Hey, I heard you guys found
those missing fisherman.
I mean, I thought you and Marisa
would be out of town by now.
Oh, we're still working a bit.
Well, in that case,
maybe you and I could
go fishing before you go.
Ocean View Pier, just like old times.
Old time's sakes, baby.
Hey, I'm all done here.
You have a new crank seal, Mr. Mercer.
Appreciate it.
I'll let y'all get to it.
Gonna make me a plate.
Dad, it's about Quan.
Marisa thinks he's hiding
somewhere near the port.
And we could use your help finding him.
Want one?
Maybe later.
That was the longest order
I've ever seen,
and I heard more than
a phrase or two of Vietnamese.
All right, all right.
I've been taking some courses
at Tidewater Community College,
one of them being Vietnamese.
I read in one of your books
that learning
a language late in life
helps with neuroplasticity.
- You read my books?
- Of course.
Take your advice too.
Gotta keep the mind sharp.
Hey, sorry to interrupt.
Did the vendor tell you
anything about Quan?
Well, she claims not to know anything,
but my gut tells me she's lying
to keep Quan out of trouble.
I still think
he's around here somewhere.
Unless this is the wrong spot.
Quan will probably be in a location
that fits his hierarchy of needs
shelter, access to food
and water, privacy.
He'd probably be isolated so no
one can ID him and turn him in.
I have an idea.

No sign of life.
Maybe I am wrong about this.
No, there's signs of something.
It was here.
Found him!
Quan, are you all right? Who did this?

He's been shot!
Paramedic says
he's in critical condition.
Whoever got to Andrews got to him too.
The last thing Quan said
was "ca" or "ga."
Something like that.
I think he was trying to say
something important.
I'm pretty sure he said "fish."
I don't know.
Nothing about these sea bass
raised any suspicion
with the grounds crew.
Doesn't look like he was poaching,
and everything appears
to be a legal catch.
No endangered species.
Maybe he said something else
other than "fish."
I just spoke to the translator.
She said that "ca"
could also mean "chief."
Maybe he was talking about Andrews?
My father seemed sure.
Maybe not these fish, but these fish.

That's fentanyl.
The only reason no one's
come back to get it
is because the boat's been under guard.
So that no one would
tamper with the evidence.
There's one simple solution.
Un-guard it.

Hold it right there!
Put your weapons down! Now!
- Drop your weapons!
- Hands!
- Let me see your hands!
- Drop the weapons!
- Hands behind your back!

I don't even know what to say.
I didn't mean for this to happen.
I swear.
Dock work was slowing down.
And with retirement
right around the corner,
I couldn't turn them down.
Couldn't turn who down?
They offered me a nice chunk of change
so long as I helped them
bring in their cargo.
And that's where
Captain Andrews came in?
- You blackmailed him.
- Come on.
That guy was no saint.
You threatened to expose him
unless he helped you with the deal.
How could you do that?
No one was supposed to get hurt.
No one except the forced
laborers on Andrews' boat.
Nah. See, that was all Andrews.
You knew about it, and you said nothing!
They said they would kill me
if I didn't help them get this stuff.
So you killed Andrews
and attempted to kill Quan
so the Coast Guard wouldn't
find out about the fentanyl?
I had no choice.
You could have helped those men.
You could have said no to the smugglers,
walked away from the beginning.
Always so judgmental.
You have no idea
what it's like living here,
work our entire lives
just to break even.
You got out.
Alec, the overachiever.
Books, consultant work.
You a regular rock star,
this town's pride and joy.
Your dad is so proud of you.
He calls you "The Professor."
Leave my dad out of this.
'Cause that's what you always do, right?
You can judge me all you want,
but there's so many people
who would kill for just a slice
of what that man gave you,
and you don't even see it.
If it weren't for him and the
opportunities he gave you
Who knows?
Maybe you would be
just like me.

Any word about
the rest of Andrews' crew?
I just got a call from
an agent in South Carolina.
They found them at a motel by the beach.
They're in custody now,
and I heard they're cooperating.
So what's gonna happen
with Quan and his brothers?
Well, because they were
victims of human trafficking,
I was able to secure them a T visa.
Quan's assault charges got dropped.
The DA agreed it was self-defense.
They are safe now,
and they're going to get
the justice they deserve.
When things settle down,
I know someone that can
give them safe and secure work.
- Mm.
- On land.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
Just can't stop thinking about Sawyer.
It's crushing to be betrayed by someone
you've known most of your life.
Tell me about it.
You know, you could
actually talk to your dad.
Have a real conversation?
We don't have real conversations.
Well, there's no time like the present.
What's my favorite color?
And yours is navy blue.
When is the first time you saw me cry?
At the movies.
What is this about?
We know each other, Alec.
Better than anyone.
I was your wife for 15 years.
If I'm gonna be your friend for 15 more,
you should listen to me sometimes.
Home again, home again ♪

One day I know ♪
We couldn't have done this without you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You asked where I was after the bombing.
Yeah, I shouldn't have
sprung that on you like that.
I was drunk.
I was too ashamed to tell you before.
You relapsed?
I had been five years sober
on the day I got the call.
But when they told me
what happened to you,
I couldn't handle it.
The thought of you suffering broke me.
Damn, Dad.
You were in there
fighting for your life.
And I was out here trying
to drink myself to death.

So what was rock bottom?
What happened?
The cops pulled me out of the gutter.
Took me to detox.
I never drank again.
I never told a soul.
Until now.
You don't have to hide anything from me.
Not anymore, okay?
I'll try to remember that.

Hey, Pop, I got a question.
If you had scars like I do
and you could get rid of them,
would you do it?
I think you should do
whatever makes you happy, son.
But I heard the people
with the most scars
have the biggest hearts.
I like that.
I like that a lot.
So I close my eyes, look behind ♪
Moving on ♪
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