The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) s01e08 Episode Script


Whose dagger was it, Galadriel?
My brother. He was killed
by servants of Sauron.
After Morgoth's defeat,
the one you call Sauron,
he sought to craft a power not
of the flesh, but over flesh.
I killed Sauron.
I don't believe you.
Á kuita!
Dilly, get back!
I'm all
But despite our every effort,
our decline has only quickened.
This mithril It is our only salvation.
Nothing diminishes its light.
- King Durin
- Enough!
I will not risk Dwarven lives
to help the Elves cheat death.
I'm going to Middle-earth.
All that awaits you there is darkness.
Take shelter!
Where is my son?
Adar! Adar!
Let us put this land behind our sails.
- Fighting at your side, I felt
- I felt it, too.
This wound needs Elvish medicine.
Strength to the king!
Where are you goin'?
- Warn him what's comin'.
- Alone?
She won't be alone.
You're not a peril.
You're good.
We come to serve you,
Lord Sauron.
Gil-galad arrives tomorrow,
expecting to be presented with
a means of saving all Elvendom.
And we have none.
If only there was some way
of doing more with less.
The Sun itself began as something
no bigger than the palm of my hand.
And how could we possibly match
the powers that wrought the Sun?
We're out of time, Celebrimbor.
We must inform the High
King of our failure.
Then the Elves must prepare to
abandon these shores. Forever.
What has happened?
Enemy lance. Six days ago.
We rode without rest.
Can you help him?
Á tulë koivienna
King of the Southlands?
How is it your path crossed with his?
How is it you are here?
How is it you are here?
Come. We have much to discuss.
I should never have
set you on that ship.
I should have trusted you. It is
a mistake I will not make again.
I leapt from that ship
Because I believed in my heart
I was not yet worthy of it.
I knew that, somehow, my task
here was not yet complete.
And when I surfaced,
all I could do was swim,
and pray I had chosen wisely.
I did not cross that bitter ocean
Only to drown now.
And nor will I let you.
I have missed you.
What are we to do?
The only thing we can do.
Who's there?
Who's there? Reveal yourself.
Is Galadriel here?
Shouldn't you be resting?
What is this place?
This was the workshop of Celebrimbor.
The Celebrimbor?
He's not here, is he?
Well As a matter of fact, he is.
The master I apprenticed to
used to speak of the
wonders of your craft.
I never dreamed that I'd ever get
the chance to see them in person.
Are you a smith?
Well Nothing like your artistry.
These gemstones, I've never
seen anything like them.
What do you plan to use them for?
Fëanor's jewelcraft managed to
capture the essence of Valinor.
I had hoped to do the
same for Middle-earth.
This is a peculiar ore.
What is it?
Not enough.
Enough for what?
Have you tried combining it with
other ores? To better stretch it out?
That wouldn't be suitable for this ore.
- Why not?
- Because in the amounts we need,
it would too greatly
dilute its unique qualities.
Forgive me, but, uh, at
the risk of sounding a fool,
couldn't the right alloy
also amplify those qualities?
Uh Amplify?
Where I came up, precious metals
were scarce as hens' teeth.
So we learnt to combine them
to harness strengths and hide flaws.
I've seen a trace of nickel added to iron
to make a blade lighter and stronger.
Might there not be some alloy to
amplify the qualities of your ore?
Well, that is
an intriguing suggestion.
Call it
a gift.
Soon, he will travel that road
which makes an end of
every man who walks it.
Black flags will fill our harbor.
It will be our duty to
forge for him a tomb,
granting him the immortality in stone
that no man,
not even a king, can attain in life.
Draftsmen from across Númenor have
been summoned to capture his visage,
so they can propose a design.
Of all the apprentices,
you have been chosen
to propose one as well.
In the coming days,
each of you will be granted
one hour with the king.
Use it well.
I know what you have been
doing in the dark of night
- when you thought all eyes were asleep.
- I'm sorry.
Your handmaid will be
back in a moment, my king.
Then there is still time.
Time for what?
To warn you, young Míriel.
- You're mistaken. I'm not
- Queen yet? No.
But you will be. So know this,
if the old ways of our
people are not soon restored,
our island will fall.
It's the king! Help!
Come. You must go up.
But don't do as I did.
I looked for too long.
And now, I cannot separate
what is from what was,
what was from what will be.
One object. For all Middle-earth.
I know it sounds strange, High King.
But surely, we should exhaust
every possible solution.
Precisely what manner of object?
It would be smaller
than previously imagined.
Something that could be carried
- A scepter perhaps.
- A sword?
Or perhaps A crown.
Why a crown?
A circular form will be ideal.
Allowing the light to arc back
upon itself in one unbroken round,
building to a power that
is all but unbounded.
And you would place all that
power upon the brow of one being?
Not just any one being, High King. You.
Perilous are these whisperings
Sometimes the perilous
path is the only path.
I wouldn't be standing here otherwise.
You should not be standing here at all.
High King, we ask only
for the time needed
to gather the Elven-smiths and
test Celebrimbor's theory
Our time runs short.
- Yes, that is why
- Shorter than you know.
Since the mountain of fire's eruption,
the Great Tree is all
but bleeding leaves.
Soon, the last will fall.
And unless our people leave
these shores, so shall we.
There is no Elf in Middle-earth
who wanted a solution more than I.
But if this was to be our salvation,
I'm afraid we needed it sooner.
But I almost had it sooner.
It was only in speaking with the
Southlander that I realized
The low man? This idea was his?
His suggestions were but the
key that unlocked the dam.
We are on the cusp of
crafting a new kind of power.
Not of strength, but of spirit.
Not of the flesh, but over flesh.
This is
This is a power of the Unseen World.
I am sorry, Lord Celebrimbor.
You are hereby commanded
to disband the city
and return to Lindon immediately.
All of you.
Those words, "a power over flesh."
Where did you hear them?
I was conferring with
my smiths. I think I
- I believe those are my words.
- Was Halbrand with you?
What does it matter? It's over.
High King, wait!
- I am sorry
- Grant me three months.
I am owed that much.
You are owed nothing.
Then do it not out of recompense.
Do it because I asked you.
It is a fool's hope, Elrond.
Merely that. Nothing more.
"Hope is never mere. Not
even when it is meager."
Or have you forgotten your own counsel?
I need royal lineages, bloodlines.
Anything you can find on the Southlands.
Our records are limited
concerning the mortal kingdoms.
I'll have to scour the
catacombs for that information.
- Come.
- Three weeks
Three weeks for a labor that
could take three centuries.
Constraint can be the very
progenitor of invention.
Go. Speak of this to no one.
Don't be afraid.
Celebrimbor will find a
way. I'm certain of it.
All of a sudden, the two
of you seem quite familiar.
I'm just offering
whatever humble aid I can.
To tell you the truth, I
can still hardly believe it.
Someone like me, here,
working with the
Elven-smiths of Eregion.
Thank you, Galadriel.
For bringing you here?
For saving my life.
As you saved mine. Our
scales are balanced.
No, you've done far
more than that for me.
I'd all but given up.
But you, you believed in me.
You saw strength in me.
You pushed me to heights
that no one else could have.
I will never forget that.
And I'll see to it that no
one else does either.
Do not be afraid, master.
The more your powers awaken,
the more the veil will weaken.
The one placed upon your mind
by those who cast you down.
But we have come here to welcome you in.
To bring you to our lands.
Your lands?
You know them already.
The stars.
It is called the Hermit's Hat.
A pattern visible in but one place.
Far to the east, where
the stars are strange.
The lands of Rhûn.
- Rhûn
- Yes.
Where you will be known at
last, for who you truly are.
You fell from the stars, yet
you are greater than they.
For fire obeys your will.
You fell below the dust, yet dust fears you.
For it trembles when you are wroth.
The winds and waters, the heat and cold.
In Rhûn, you shall learn
to command them all.
And every being that walks
or crawls shall be your slave.
For you are Lord Sauron.
In time, he will learn to control his powers.
For now, bind him.
What is it?
Well, in the grand tradition of bad ideas,
this might well be the worst yet.
Well, have you got a better notion?
Third one's gone.
Where'd the third one go?
Better two than three. Now's our chance.
Brandyfoot! Run!
Master, calm yourself.
Nori. Nori, let's go!
Come on!
Make him see.
Take it.
We need you. Please, just take it.
Get away from me. Or I wi
I will hurt you. Again.
What? What have they done to you?
They showed me what I am.
Only you can show what you are.
You choose by what you do.
You're here to help.
I know it.
Close your eyes.
It'll only hurt but a moment.
From shadow you came.
To shadow I bid you return!
- He is not Sauron.
- He is the other. The Istar. He is
I'm good.
Hold still. We'll find
a way to carry you back.
Sorry, good lady.
I'm afraid I'm about to
go a' wandering off-trail.
Mr. Burrows
It's all right, Proudfellow.
The missus will be waitin'.
Now, if you don't mind, I'd
just like to sit a while,
watch the Sun come up.
One, two, three,
four, five, six,
seven, eight
It's nine
Stairs to main-post.
You're doing well.
Patronize me like that again,
Captain, I'll have your ship.
Come then.
I have you.
And who has you?
Given your loss,
I would understand
it if upon our return,
you wish to take a leave of duty.
You once asked me why I
pulled Galadriel from the sea.
I claimed to have had little choice.
But the truth is, I
could have left her there.
Could've refused to
follow her to Middle-earth.
Or stopped my son from doing so.
Yet at every turn, I made
the choices I did because
Why, Elendil?
Because "Elendil" does not merely
mean "one who loves the stars."
I just never imagined
it would lead here.
My father once told me
that the way of The Faithful
is committing to pay the price
Even if the cost cannot be known.
And trusting that, in the
end, it will be worth it.
Sometimes the cost is dear.
It is.
We have little choice
then but to keep serving.
And I, for one, will see to it that
we make the end worth the price.
Come what may?
Come what may.
Captain. Númenor is in sight.
My Queen.
Elendil, what is it? What's wrong?
What is it?
What do you see?
What has happened?
The mithril is proud.
It refuses every effort to
bond it with lesser ores.
Tapping into the powers of
the Seen and Unseen World
seemed to soften the
boundaries between the two.
Doesn't make any sense.
We used enough pressure to
fuse the heavens with earth.
- It should have held this time!
- Patience. This is a journey.
Not every step we take will
be forward. It may take time.
- Time? We don't We don't have time.
- Time
Perhaps that is enough for today.
Perhaps we've been
pushing ourselves too hard.
"Pushing ourselves too hard."
Supposing that's the trouble.
Supposing we've been
using too much force?
Meaning what?
Meaning that the metals
shouldn't be forced to join
But more drawn or coaxed together.
Now, if that's true, we've been
we've been doing it all inside out.
Quickly. Dismantle this. We start again.
My lady.
We found it.
I don't know how we missed it before.
It's too much power for one object.
We need two.
We're making two.
- Two crowns?
- Not exactly.
It'll need to be something
Come, see for yourself.
Not until you tell me who you are.
You know who I am.
Who you really are.
Galadriel, I'm afraid I don't
There is no King of the Southlands.
The line was broken.
The last man to bear your crest
died over a thousand years ago.
He had no heir.
I told you I found it on a dead man.
No, on the raft, you saved me
On the raft, you saved me.
You convinced Míriel to
save the Men of Middle-earth.
You convinced her. I wanted
to remain in Númenor.
You fought beside me.
Against your enemy. And mine.
Tell me your name.
I have been awake since before
the breaking of the first silence.
In that time I have had many names.
Lose your footing again, sister?
It was just a little tumble, is all.
On your feet now.
Get out of my mind.
Please, sister.
Look at me.
My old dagger.
You've kept it safe all this time.
You have been very brave.
You have fought so
hard. For so many years.
To complete the task that I could not.
Your task was hunting Sauron.
My task was to ensure peace.
But I learned that was
Sauron's task as well.
No, you died.
Along with countless
others, because of him.
No, Galadriel.
He was seeking a power not
to destroy Middle-earth,
but to heal it.
Just as your fellow Elves are
seeking to do this very moment.
You needn't lie to them.
Simply let the work proceed.
Do you remember what I whispered
to you under this very tree?
Touch the darkness once more.
My brother is dead. Because of you.
Galadriel. Why would you say that?
Why would you say such a thing?
Galadriel. Come back to me.
Look at me!
Galadriel. Look at me.
You know who I am.
I am your friend.
You are a friend of Morgoth's.
When Morgoth was defeated,
it was as if a great, clenched fist
had released its grasp from my neck.
And in the stillness
of that first sunrise,
at last, I felt the
light of The One again.
And I knew if ever I
was to be forgiven
That I had to heal everything
that I had helped ruin.
No penance could ever erase
the evil you have done.
- That is not what you believe.
- Do not tell me what I believe.
No. You told me.
After our victory, you said
that whatever I'd done before
I could be free of it now.
- You deceived me.
- I told you the truth.
I told you that I had done
evil, and you did not care.
Because you knew that
our past meant nothing,
weighed against our future.
There is no such future.
Isn't there?
All others look on you with doubt.
I alone can see your greatness.
I alone can see your light.
You would make me a tyrant.
I would make you a queen.
Fair as the sea and the Sun.
Stronger than the
foundations of the earth.
And you. My king.
The Dark Lord.
No. Not dark.
Not with you at my side.
You told me once, that we were
brought together for a purpose.
This is it.
You bind me to the light.
And I bind you to power.
Together, we can save this Middle-earth.
Or rule?
I see no difference.
And that is why I will
never be at your side.
You have no choice.
Without me, your people will fade.
And the shadow will spread and
darken to cover all the world.
- You need me.
- I should have left you on the sea.
A sea you were on because
the Elves cast you out.
They cast you out for deigning to
beg them for a few petty soldiers.
What will they do when you
tell them that you were my ally?
When you tell them
that Sauron lives because of you?
And you will die because of me.
Galadriel, stop! Elrond. It's Elrond.
Prove it.
Where did we first meet?
Seaside. When I was first orphaned.
I was alone. A young, half-elven
boy, without friend or kin.
You gave me water.
Á cuith tessë, Galadriel.
Celebrimbor. Where is he?
Workshop. He'll almost
be finished by now.
Galadriel! Galadriel! What has happened?
Is it done?
Galadriel. You're as
wet as a river rock.
Because I pulled her from
the waters of Glanduin.
The Glanduin? What happened?
Where is Halbrand?
He is gone. And I doubt he will return.
And should he ever, none of
us are to treat with him again.
What happened by that stream?
You spoke to me once of a mistake.
One you said you would not make again.
You're making that promise
very difficult to keep.
Were it easy, it would
not require trust.
So, do we proceed?
We must make three.
Three? Why three?
One will always
corrupt. Two will divide.
But with three, there is balance.
The powers we forge today
must be for the Elves alone.
Untouched by other hands.
Galadriel, I have
determined that the purity
of the lesser ores in
the alloy is crucial.
I need gold and silver of
the most exquisite quality.
I need gold and silver from Valinor.
True creation requires sacrifice.
Do you remember anything more yet?
Fragments. Impressions.
More has come. But to discover the
rest, I know I must go to Rhûn.
They were wrong about your name.
What if they're wrong about
that, too? Or lying, or
What they said, I knew
to be true with a
a certainty that I can't explain.
They, um
They called you something else. "Istar."
Is that your kind?
In your tongue, that means "wise one."
You're really not
coming with us, are ya?
Betimes, our paths are laid before
us by powers greater than our own.
In those moments, it's our
task to make our feet go
where our hearts wish not to tread.
No matter the perils
awaiting us on the way.
- Sounds a bit like an adventure.
- Oh.
Alone, it's just a journey.
Now adventures, they must be shared.
Think I've had about as much adventure
as any Harfoot could ever hope for.
Says here, if we go north-ways,
we have thirty days of clear trail.
All fresh grass and no trolls.
Hey, hey, hey!
- All downhill, look like
- You're holding it upside down.
Sorry, Malva. Nothing but steep slopes
and brickle-brambles for weeks.
Well, if you're so quick and wise,
why don't you do the trail-finding?
Watch out for little
ones and stragglers.
Nobody goes off-trail!
And nobody walks alone!
Sounded better when Sadoc said it.
Wish the old goat were still with us.
He is.
Go on.
You're a part of something bigger now.
He needs ya.
And you belong out there.
Good-bye, Nori!
- Good-bye
- Be careful!
Be well.
- Did you pack your lantern?
- Of course.
Right. Here's snails for the big fella.
You know how hungry he gets.
And an extra blanket in
case you get cold. Right.
Let's see ya.
Some father.
Here you're heading into the big beyond
and I haven't taught
you a bloomin' thing.
Oh. Hey. Sure you have.
Always quench your fire
with water and earth.
Don't squat by a river. Never know
when you'll need a drink downstream.
And a Harfoot without manners is as like
to get far in life as a square wheel.
Square wheel
I was listening to all of it, Father.
Find where the river runs. Where
the sparrows learn their songs.
I will, Mother.
And I'll be careful.
You'll be bold.
Oh, go on. Go on.
Go on. Before you lose your nerve.
Or we lose ours.
Wait! Nori!
Why does everyone I love the
most always have to go away?
'Cause I think if we didn't, then
we'd never learn anything new.
You'll come back? Promise?
You promise to look after everyone?
Course I will, ankle-head.
You're my best friend in
this whole wide, wild world.
I'd do anything for ya.
The world's not that wide, Poppy.
It's just that we're so bleedin' small.
Stick close to that tall fella.
He's a good friend in a spot.
Not so good as you.
- Are you certain?
- More than ever.
Well, they're all waving at you.
If I turn around, I won't
ever be able to leave.
Well, then perhaps it would
be best if you lead off.
Uh, now that it comes to it,
my feet feel heavy as iron.
Not to mention, I haven't
an inkling which way to go.
- Hmm.
- Mmm.
There it is.
Are you sure?
Not entirely.
There's a sweet smell
on the air this way.
When in doubt, Elanor Brandyfoot
always follow your nose.
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