The Mill (2013) s02e05 Episode Script

Series 2, Episode 5

Oh, that's gorgeous.
(Screaming) Is it supposed to hurt this much? It's a boy.
Vernon did not flog your grandfather to death.
- You weren't there.
- I'll contact Dr Bremner.
He can get you the documentation.
Got your eye on anyone? Who takes home the best wages at Quarry Bank? James Windell.
He's clever, a bit serious, but he's old.
Wouldn't have to wait long for the money.
(Giggling) I'll never raise my hand to you again.
I promise.
In difficult and trying times, we need to remember that salvation is to be found in honest labour.
Hard work is good for the soul.
Hard work brings us closer to God.
We are reminded in Colossians, "Servants, obey your earthly masters in everything.
Do it not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favour, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
" Before our final hymn, let us all offer up a prayer for Hannah Greg.
Borrowed time now.
It's very sad.
(They pray silently) Amen.
?? Amazing grace ?? How sweet the sound ?? That saved a wretch like me You were very good today.
So many of us poor wretches owe our salvation to the kindness of the Greg family.
You look very smart, Mr Windell.
It's important to make an effort.
I've had no money off you lately.
I haven't had any work lately.
You know I've had to pawn my shoes? How's Miriam? Missing her family.
Well, I'm sure paid employment is of some small consolation.
(Marching footsteps) We've tries rallies.
We've tried petitions.
They just ignore us.
It's time to take action, to make them listen.
I can't even get my missus to do as she's told.
Our only power is our labour.
- All we have to do is withdraw it.
- Yeah, and those troops will draw their guns.
- It was only a handful.
- He wants to take on the Army! Greg probably arranged for them to intimidate us.
It worked.
- Matthew, are you in or out? - Stop your gawping.
- You've more chance of tupping the Queen! - She only goes for German sausage.
I tried to look my best but he didn't even notice me.
A ribbon in your hair.
How could he resist? What else am I supposed to do? Be patient.
You have to chase a man till he catches you.
You live in the same house.
Let him see your diddies! - Ah.
- You want to get that seen to.
- It'll go away.
- The time for talking, for asking politely, is over.
- Now it's time for the Sacred Month.
- What's the Sacred Month? - This is the worst possible time for a strike.
- We can't afford it.
- They're cutting rates at other mills.
- We'll be next! The masters think we're powerless to stop it.
But if every single working man, woman and child in the land walks out one day and refuses to return to work until we've won the Charter, - then we'll see who's powerless.
- They won't know what's hit 'em.
Forget it, Dan.
You're flogging a dead horse.
The unemployed, they'd jump at the chance to take our positions.
- He's got a point.
- You're taking us out on strike for a month? This is a union meeting! - It's men only! - Who let you in? - Don't think you're dragging me out for a month! - It won't last that long.
If every worker in Britain comes out, we'll win in a week.
Yeah, it's all right for you to say, money you're on.
- How am I meant to feed my baby? - It's about your baby, Esther! It's about making a fairer world for him to grow up in.
By my calculations, if we cut ten per cent on twist, five per cent on weft, if we finish an hour earlier each day, it's manageable.
They've decided on 25 per cent at Stalybridge and Ashton.
You want to give my competitors an advantage in the worst downturn of a generation? You'll be seen as the better man.
By your workforce.
I'm not seeking election.
I have warehouses full of cloth, a river that's so low I'm spending a fortune on coal, a crippling overdraft.
The country's on the brink.
There's talk of a strike.
It won't happen here.
The troops have been mobilised.
You can push people too far.
It's a question of degree.
I know it's a difficult time, what with your mother and - I'm sorry.
- Her personal accounts need attending to.
- Will you handle it? - Of course.
I'm perfectly fine.
It's best to be on the safe side.
She's very attentive.
She's a fussy little Abigail but her heart's in the right place.
She nursed her mother in the workhouse, you know.
I can't help thinking we could have done more, Samuel and I.
More? To help others.
Those less fortunate.
If there's a kinder, more Christian person in this country, I've yet to meet them.
- Mrs Greg? - Peter.
I'm sorry to intrude.
I heard you're not well.
If there's anything I can do.
Oh, that's very kind of you, Peter.
If I may ask, did you ever hear back from Dr Bremner? - It's been a couple of months.
- I did (She coughs) I did write to Dr Bremner.
And? And we must be patient with the new penny postal service.
God bless you, Mrs Greg.
You're shovelling it faster than they can mine it.
If you were on piecework, you'd be a wealthy man.
No rain, no water no water, no wheel.
Mill can't run without the engine, engine can't run without me.
That's right.
We can bring this place to a stop all on our own.
So it's true? You're making everyone go on strike for a month? I can't make them.
Come to the meeting tomorrow if you wanna have a say.
I don't go to alehouses.
I made a promise.
I've got Miriam's address, if you wanna write to her.
I know you're missing her.
She's a pretty girl.
She won't be short of attention over there.
I hope she finds the man who's right for her.
Turn off the engine.
We're finishing early again.
Maybe Mrs Greg's popped her clogs? Aw, I hope it doesn't mean a day off.
I can't afford it.
See old man Carson.
He pulls teeth.
Yeah, he'll want paying, though.
Unfortunately, owing to the downturn and the iniquitous effects of the Corn Law - Here it comes.
everyone, myself included, is going to have to accept a wage reduction.
- How much? - This hasn't been an easy decision.
How much? 25 per cent beginning next week.
I can't live on whatever that leaves me.
I just can't! None of us can! It's an outrage! This is t'third cut in four year! - We are all in this together.
- We're already on short time! Not long ago you were demanding a ten-hour day.
A ten-hour day and a living wage! Regular hours and an income you can bring a family up on.
Is that too much to expect? - Look, I am trying to protect your employment! - Ohh Economies have to be found or we will go out of business.
I could shut two of the four mule rooms.
Would you prefer that? Master's right.
We've got no choice.
Yeah! What else could he do? Ignore this lickspittle! We have to fight this.
- We have to fight this! - Three quarters of wage is better than nothing.
Miss Price.
Always a pleasure.
You say the nicest things.
I love that about you.
I was only saying to the girls just the other day, "George Windell is one of the loveliest men you're ever likely to meet.
" I can't give you credit.
Have you got anything for toothache? Eh, would you mind taking nine pence instead of a shilling from next week? I know he's a guzzle guts and probably taking far more than a shilling out, but - We can manage.
- It won't come to that, though, will it? People are going to strike.
Ooh, didn't see your lips move then.
Just because I don't work in the mill doesn't mean I haven't got an opinion.
I'm not saying no.
Let's see what happens.
(Baby grizzles) (Door closes) You're the one who wants us to fight the cuts.
Or doesn't that apply to your wife? I'll need her on side to get the girls out.
She's more likely to be on side if she can't rely on me to make up the shortfall.
The wage cuts make no difference to me.
I don't get paid.
Aw, no-one's gonna strike.
It's just men jabbering.
(She spits out tooth) What happened? Get Daniel Bate.
"Blessed are the shoemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
" Mind you I might be wrong about that.
It's a long time since I've been in Sunday school.
It's a long time since I've made any shoes, come to that.
You're quiet.
Cat got your tongue? I'm going out.
I won't be long.
(Door closes) It just needed greasing.
Howlett! Birley Mill's been attacked three times.
The Home Secretary's sending more troops from London, but most of them are just boys.
I wouldn't trust them with a catapult.
What's the mood here, Howlett? They're losing a quarter of their wages, sir.
Over a day's work a week.
But most of them understand it's unavoidable.
They'll remain loyal.
And Bate? Is he still agitating? What can you expect from a pig but a grunt? I'm planning for the worst.
I'm asking a few good men to become special constables.
I'd like you to lead them.
I'll not let you down.
(Door bell ringing) - It's for Mrs Greg.
Can I take it up? - No.
Let her rest.
She asked me to tell you to have the spare bedrooms aired and cleaned for her visitors.
They'll be arriving today.
(Coughing) (Horse whinnies) How do you think they're coping with the wage cuts? - Who's that? - Another Greg, by the looks of it.
They'll be coming from all over to say their final goodbyes.
How do you play it, Mr Windell? It's not a musical instrument.
It's a calculating machine.
Oh, I love numbers.
They're great.
So many of them.
Did you want something? Well, Mrs Greg's not teaching any more and I'm falling behind.
Could you give me lessons? I'd be a good pupil.
I'd not waste your time.
Is it my imagination or is that girl sweet on me? I I wish your visit was in better circumstances.
Robert and Thomas will be arriving soon.
And Bessie and the children.
I know.
We should get some protection.
We've always looked after our workers.
- They know that.
- They're running amok elsewhere.
And this kind of contagion can travel.
What's the matter? I was hoping for a visit from Dr Bremner.
Is he not coming? He's died.
This is from his widow.
ESTHER: Where'd you get it? It doesn't matter, does it? Tell me.
I pawned my tools.
Thank you.
Thank you.
(She giggles) What am I, eh? A bit of muslin? You throw me a few bob and now you want to tup me? How much do you normally charge? (She laughs) (Baby cries) I hope you got a good price.
It's just till trade picks up.
Is this all? Those tools were first rate.
You've given some of it to her, haven't you? It's bad enough you don't pay your way any more.
A Howlett faces up to his responsibilities.
Isn't that what you're always saying? Business is bad, John.
- What would you have him do? - I wouldn't have him piss it away.
- That's what she'll be doing.
- They cut her wages.
She's got a child to feed - my child! And we got six mouths to feed! - Or didn't you think on them? - Timothy's of age now.
Why don't you send him off to war? John! No! How dare you? How dare you use Job's death like that? (He sobs) (Glass smashes) (Door bell ringing) - I have some papers for Mrs Greg to sign.
- She's in the drawing room.
(He knocks softly) Mrs Greg? Mrs Greg? We've sent for the doctor, and Master William and his brother.
Peter was right.
About what? I need to see him.
- I need to see Peter.
- I'll fetch him right away, ma'am.
(Children laughing) Short hours has its advantages.
When they grow up, their opinions will count.
And their children will have time to play and learn.
They'll grow up well-fed and healthy and warm.
We'll make sure of it.
When I was that age, I used to sleep under my dad's big coat.
In the morning, he'd sneak in and try and take it without waking us.
But when it was really cold, permanent ice on the windows he'd leave it.
Went to work in his shirt.
ESTHER: Help! He's choking! He's choking! - Help me, please.
Please help me.
- Give him here.
He'll be fine.
Give him here.
Give him here.
Don't worry.
Come on, Billy.
(Billy wheezes and coughs) (Billy cries) What brought it on? He's fine.
I had to give him tea.
I'm dry as a bone.
Is there something wrong with it? - Iron filings! - I'm really sorry! - My baby could have died! - Keep her away from me! - You've only yourself to blame! - I'm doing as much as I can! I gave her a shilling for those old shoes.
I shelled out for cobbler's tools I'll never sell! Wage cuts and shorter hours means my sales are down.
And I lost nearly half my 'prentice house salary when the boys left.
There's gonna be a strike to stop all this.
People will depend on you for credit.
- My hands are tied.
- Yeah, then untie them, George! I nearly lost him for the sake of a few pennies.
That's why we have to fight back.
But punching shopkeepers won't make a difference.
We have to strike at the men in power.
All of us, not just cotton workers.
All trades.
Every mill, factory and coalfield in the country.
Not just for our children but for our grandchildren.
A big change is coming, Esther.
Come to the Horseshoe later.
- We're gonna vote to join the strike.
- Well, I won't keep quiet.
He doesn't want you to.
(Pounding on door) - Mrs Greg wants to see me.
- She's taken a turn for the worse.
- Where is she? - What's going on? It's all right, Mr Greg.
I'll deal with this.
- Who's that? What's his name? - Mrs Greg's son, John.
- Is Mrs Greg upstairs? - She can't be disturbed.
I'm sorry for wasting your time.
- What in God's name are you doing? - Is she dead? - Is she? - She's been sedated.
- I need to speak to her.
- Out of the question.
- Mrs Greg, it's Peter.
- Get out! (Shouting) Let's go downstairs.
We've something to discuss.
Mrs Greg has told me everything.
You know Mrs Greg cares about you deeply? She's asked me to tell you something.
She wants you to know that you're mistaken.
Your grandfather died of natural causes brought on by drinking.
Where is proof? - She promised me proof! - Just take her word for it.
- Let me speak to her, then.
- I'm sorry, that's really not possible.
Why would she summon me here now, to be told something I already heard? Mrs Greg's dying wish is for you to find some peace.
Peace? On the day my grandfather died, 20 slaves marched off the plantation.
They walked ten miles and demanded to see the Governor of Dominica.
They refused to go back to work until their massa had been arrested.
Why would they do this? Why would they risk their lives because an old man died naturally? Peter, put the past behind you and you can have a future.
Mrs Greg has given you a new life.
Embrace it.
My new life is worth nothing without the truth.
- (She shrieks) - No, no, no, no, no, no.
- You scared the life out of me.
- I'm sorry.
Shall we get started? Where's Master James? Otherwise engaged.
Is that for me? I hope you didn't steal it.
You could get into a lot of trouble.
Don't worry.
I'll dispose of the evidence.
It's very simple.
Are you doing anything right now? I just wanted to say sorry.
What for? How I've been treating you.
(Baby gurgles) I'm off to the pub.
Don't worry.
It'll be worth the wait.
Colliers are out in Staffordshire.
Every mill in Stalybridge has stopped.
1500 people marched from there to Hyde and turned out every mill on the way.
- 1500? - That sounds like cock and bull to me.
- Again.
- It's true.
No-one's coming back until the People's Charter is law.
Bollocks to the People's Charter.
It's about wages.
It's about power! Because we have no voice.
The masters cut our wages, make us work when they want, for as long as they want, at the rate they want.
And they dismiss us when it suits them.
"Free labour", they call it.
We'd be better off as slaves.
If we were their property, they'd look after us.
Free labour.
If you can't earn enough to feed yourself, it's your problem.
Tomorrow, we seize power.
When the turnouts arrive at the gate, we walk out and we don't come back until our voice is heard.
?? Amazing Grace ?? How sweet the sound ?? That saved a wretch like me Peter, we're having a meeting! ?? I once was lost but now ?? Am found - Shut up.
?? Was blind, but now I see - Peter, enough.
- What is it, white man? What ails you? Let go of me.
Let go.
Peter, you're drunk.
- Go home.
- Is this about Miriam? One day my grandfather was too ill to work and he was flogged to death.
My father raised his voice and they cut off his head.
They stuck it on a pike in the market square.
They dragged his body back to the plantation.
Hung in chains.
My mother had to walk past him to get to work the next day.
What are your stories in comparison? We're not comparing.
We can't compare.
But it's still us against them.
Masters riding roughshod, thinking they can get away with it.
They keep getting away with it cos they got the power.
I was wrong.
We do need this charter.
Peter, join us.
I fight no battles but my own.
The masters think they can do what they like.
- Not after tomorrow.
- Night, then.
Where are you going? Told you it'd be worth the wait.
I thought you were just saying that to get what you wanted.
You are what I want.
Come here.
(She giggles) Ooh! When the turnouts arrive, I'll pull the plug and stop the engine.
Do you think everyone will walk out? They said so.
But it's easy to get fired up with a belly full of ale.
At least Esther's on side now.
They're scared.
I'm scared.
I'm leading everyone out into battle tomorrow and Hey, you've picked a fine time to be doubting yourself.
I just wish I knew if it would all be worth it.
I'm hardly ever here.
And when I am, my head's someplace else.
Do you ever wish I hadn't stopped that cart? Your whole life's been building up to this.
You want to change the world.
It's what drives you.
It's what I love about you.
(Crunching) She's a bright lass.
And she does have a certain aptitude.
(Crunching) Do you have to eat that now, George? Can I seek your counsel? I know there are strict rules about relations with apprentices.
A man must practise self-restraint.
In all things - personal and professional.
You're a cold fish, James.
Have you never let your feelings get the better of you over a woman? Once.
- When? - Before you were born.
- I was weak back then.
- What happened? Who was she? Go to sleep, George.
(Crunching) (Horse whinnies) (Bells ringing) You see that plug? Without that, the engine can't run.
The strikers have been taking them when they walk out.
If the turnouts arrive, drop everything.
Do not let Daniel Bate get to that plug.
Leave Bate to me.
Why are you here? The strike's futile.
I can easily get labour elsewhere.
- Not if everyone's out.
- Then they'll be facing the workhouse.
- Is that what you want? - What I want What we all want is a say in Parliament.
And what's that got to do with me? Cos I don't have the power to grant you that.
This isn't just about you.
It's happening all over the country.
You can't stop this, Howlett.
A clod-hopper like you should know which way the wind's blowing.
This isn't about Parliament.
It's about you bringing up another man's child.
Hey, do you really think they'll come? Oh, there'll be hundreds.
They're marching from Stalybridge to Oldham, Rochdale.
More marching to Stockport.
They're bringing out all the mills and factories.
- It's spreading like wildfire.
- Hundreds? Thousands.
If you can't get your chimney swept in the next few days, I'd think about blocking it up! Anyone steps foot outside this room today will have me to answer to! Nobody said anything about weapons.
A mob's only as strong as its weakest link.
Take down the first few, and the other cowards will back off soon enough.
There'll be an extra couple of shillings at the end of the week.
- They don't fill me with a lot of confidence.
- They'll stand their ground.
I'll see to that.
If I had ten more like you, John Windell, my brother John has returned to Lancaster to attend to his own mill.
The minute we get the word that the rabble are here, I want you at the house to protect my family.
- I'm a book-keeper.
- The mill on Oxford Road's been gutted.
People have been shot dead in Preston.
We're practically at war, man.
Follow me.
Does Miriam know what happened to your family? My tongue was mastered by drink last night.
A suffering man seeks solace in a jug once in a while.
You can't be blamed for that.
What about the Gregs? Do they know? BOON: I won't be taking any prisoners.
Look! Over there! (Chanting) Equal rights and equal pay! Equal rights and equal pay! They're here, Mr Greg! They've arrived! PROTESTORS: Equal rights and equal pay! Equal rights and equal pay! Equal rights and equal pay! Equal rights and equal pay! Come and join us.
Come and join us, brother.
Come and join us.
You said there'd be hundreds.
Back to work, girls! Please come and join us.
Come and join us.
Come and join us, brother.
Please come and join us.
Equal rights and equal pay.
That's all we want.
Please come and join us.
Which way's the wind blowing now, huh? I don't want to fight you.
I'm fighting for you.
We're not enemies.
We're working men trying to look after our families.
Aargh! 20 lazy bastards walk off the job and march down the road and you think that's gonna change anything? It's over.
You've lost.
No! (Steam hissing) Look lively! There'll be no-one turning out here today.
My machines don't stop unless I say they stop! (Machinery slows and stops) - Everyone out! Come on, let's go! - Return to your machine! - Return to your machines! - Ignore him! - I won't forget this, Price.
- Neither will I.
- Come on.
- How are we gonna get out? This is absurd! A mob of giddy little children being whipped up into a frenzy! - There'll be consequences! - Get back to work! - Get back to work now! - Make your mind up once and for all, Boon.
- Which side are you on? - Nobody will be paid for today! - Come on! - (Shouting) No! You'll be all tippling in pothouses before the day's out! - Jack! Timothy! - (Laughter) (Cheering) Today is a great day.
But there's to be no violence, no law-breaking, and stay out of the pub! - (Laughter) - Let's show them we're serious.
He's a hero! You don't need good peepers to see what's going on here.
The world's turned upside down.
- What happened? - Come on, let's get inside.
(Laughter) No, stop it! That's a crime! I'm writing your name down.
I'll write your names down! Hey, that's (Shouting) No.
- Stop it! - Eh, they're mine! - They're mine.
- Put it back! Don't give them any excuse for another Peterloo! Stop! This is what they want.
Put it back.
I want to see my sister.
- Let's go to the workhouse! - (Cheering) Now would be the worst possible time to inflame Peter.
Troops and special constables are all that stand between civilised society and mob rule.
I need to tell him the truth.
Is that wise? What happened over there, it must have been a truly terrible thing, but the island was in the middle of a violent Negro rebellion and covering it up may have been most sensible.
I need to make it right.
The man responsible left the island.
He returned to England and he came to work here.
How do you know this? Go to the office, Mr Windell.
Search the contracts of employment for 1814 and see if you can find any trace of a man called Vernon.
I'm under strict instructions to remain at the house.
I can't go to my grave with this on my conscience.
(Shouting) Let 'em out! Let 'em out! Being poor's not a crime! Come on, lads! Come on! Molly? Molly? Mary-Ann? Tommy? Tommy! Tommy! Tommy.
Eh Eh, you're free.
Tommy, we're all free and there's nothing they can do.
Yeah! Yeah! If he wants a war, he's got one.
Let us pass or we break through.
- Never! - Your choice! All I ask is that you leave the man who worries more about every pauper in the country than he does about his own family.
No! No! Stop! Don't give them the excuse!
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