The Newsreader (2021) s02e03 Episode Script

Greed and Fear

You assured me that you go through
every story with a fine-tooth comb.
Who signed off on that footage?
That's Dennis Tibb's
responsibility, I'm sorry to say.
Who would you say is the best
news director working today?
Some would say Vincent Callahan.
With Kay back from London, I'll
be doing all the favourites.
Rob and I are together.
Yep. You're a producer now, Noelene.
Stop dressing like a schoolgirl.
Be assertive and stand your ground.
LINDSAY: Complaints about
our coverage! Too confronting!
But mostly they're complaints about you.
Too uncaring, too
abrasive, too cold! You!
The whole country is on the
brink of a colossal change,
and it is our job to report it.
Charlie Tate wants you off the desk.
Then I'll recalibrate.
But I can't do that sitting at home.
I need to be on the desk.
In the future, if any directive
of mine rubs you the wrong way, uh,
my door is always open.
You strike me as a bit
open to possibilities.
Wait. What does that mean?
I am.
DALE: Whoa. How much is he on?
Probably about four times as much as us.
Renegotiates every year and is a man.
- Right.
GERRY: Hello. Hello. Hello.
- (LAUGHS) Hello.
- Hi.
Can you handle an
overexcited dog? I'm sorry.
We do actually show him affection.
- You'd never know it.
- So lovely to see you.
You too. Thank you for the invite.
- Nice to see you. Mwah!
- You as well. And these are for you.
- He loves you.
- Oh, they're gorgeous! Thank you.
- GERRY: Hey! So you like Dale, yeah?
- Hi, Dale. Nice to meet you.
- You too.
- GERRY: Dog loves you, Dale.
- Dale's a country boy. (LAUGHS)
- Really?
- Well, Bendigo.
- Oh. Gerry is a farm boy.
Well, from a family of horse breeders.
Carla might as well have been born
on the cocktail bar at the Hilton,
God bless her, but
somehow we managed to
find things in common.
CARLA: Look, I appreciate
the country, you know,
just from the window
of a 5-star hotel room.
- Who doesn't? Come in! Champagne?
- Come in. Why are we standing around?
After you. Speaking of champagne,
we've got one open and ready.
- Oh. Great.
- Get in there.
- The guests are here!
- CARLA: Helen, Dale, this is Alison.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Hi. Hi. Hi. I'm Helen.
- Hi.
- Alison.
- Hello.
- She absolutely adores you both.
- Obsessed.
- Ah!
Oh! Don't you? She used to want
to be a teacher, now a newsreader.
Practises every day
in front of the mirror.
- I did that once.
- Twice.
- Once.
- Well.
Well, you should come and visit
the news desk one day, Alison.
- Have a go at the autocue.
- Oh, that'd be amazing.
You know, Helen's a very good teacher.
She would love that.
- You would love that, wouldn't you?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'd love that.
- Say, "Yes, thank you."
- Yes. Yes, thank you.
- Now, drinks. Come on.
- And a vase.
GERRY: Let's get started.
So, how did you two meet?
Uh, I was singing on a cruise ship.
Carla came on board and
I thought she was the most
dazzling person I'd ever met.
I spent an entire South Pacific
cruise trying to impress her.
Well, you succeeded, clearly.
Once we docked in Sydney,
we were basically married.
Carla told me
Australian audiences are very
receptive to Irish charm, so
I just tried my chances here.
Carla set up meetings,
introduced me to people.
It all kind of just happened.
Yeah, she's always seen who I could be.
And she's always known who I was.
In case you were wondering.
You need to improve
your poker face, Dale.
I think I would kill Gerry
if I had to work with him every day.
Oh, um, I mean, we
have our moments, but
I mean, it must be difficult for YOU,
having Gerry home so late every night.
Oh. No, honestly, it suits me.
You know, I'm at the magazine by seven,
and he's with Alison in the mornings,
and then I'm home by 5:30.
Do you want kids?
Oh. Um
- Not sure.
- Not sure.
- Mmm.
- Yeah. I wasn't sure.
Gerry was. He's one of nine.
I really
struggled at first.
- Mmm.
- You know, the whole first year, really.
- I mean, the birth
- Mmm.
split vagina right
to the anus, and
yeah, but Gerry really
took to it, you know.
He was just, like
(IRISH ACCENT) "Just hold
on. Things will get better."
And he was right.
And I healed down there.
- So
Oh, Gerry, can you
help with the canapes?
GERRY: Oh, yes. Absolutely.
Yes. Let's do it. Just a tick.
How you faring?
HELEN: I mean, look.
We haven't even had lunch.
I know. I'm starving.
Now, if I could ask you to
place your keys in the bowl.
- Oh. (LAUGHS)
No, no, no. He's he's serious.
Keys in the bowl.
- We're kidding! (LAUGHS)
- We're kidding! (LAUGHS) Kidding!
- We're thrilled you're here. Cheers.
- We don't do that.
- Cheers. Good health.
Say nighty-night and kiss me ♪
- Night-night, darling.
- Night-night.
Just hold me tight
and tell me you'll miss me ♪
While I'm alone and blue as can be ♪
Dream a little dream of me ♪
MAN: (ON TV) Well, I think
everyone's waiting to see
what Wall Street does tonight.
If it's down again then, could
be a nervous day tomorrow.
VOICEOVER: Behind the
frenzy of activity,
all the analysts are
asking the same question.
- Is this just another correction
- FRANK: We're back, in five, four
or the crash
everyone's been predicting?
Today's weather
clear with a top of 18 degrees.
We'll be back with all the latest
news and analysis
from the stock exchange
as well as the day's other top stories
tonight at six.
FRANK: And we're out.
Hey, what where's the
reference to Charles Tate?
- Don't know.
- In the original, there was
a reference to Charles Tate.
I mean, he lost almost
as much as Holmes a Court,
more than John Elliott.
Well, we don't want to bite the
hand that feeds us, do we, Helen?
Now, I need you upstairs
for a phone call now.
- With who?
- That trollop from the Sun,
Donna Gillies, the gossip woman.
She's got something going to
print, she wants a response,
and Bev is having kittens.
There's, uh
nothing salacious I
need to know, is there?
Well, you know, no kiddie
fiddlers, sheep shaggers,
Nazi war criminals in
the extended family?
- Not that I know of, no.
- Good.
Listen, I'd like Dale
on that call too, please.
Of course.
- Hello, Donna. Are you there?
- DONNA: Yes, I'm here.
I'm here with Helen now
as well as Dale Jennings
and news director Lindsay Cunningham.
- You want to discuss a column?
- DONNA: Uh, it's not a column.
It's a feature, actually.
Uh, Helen, thank you so
much for speaking with me.
I just want to get your
comments on a few things.
Firstly, is it true that your
legal name is actually Helen Karcic
and that Norville is
your mother's maiden name?
- (BEEP)
- We can decline to comment, yeah?
- I don't care. We don't care.
- Sure.
Uh Donna, that's not
really much of a story.
Um look, I'm not pregnant.
- Oh. (LAUGHS)
- HELEN: Is there anything else?
Uh, no, I actually have
a few more questions.
Um, is it true that you've
been estranged from your family
for nearly two decades now?
- Oh. That's a no.
- No comment.
DONNA: And, uh, is it true
that you were committed
to the Larundel psychiatric facility,
uh, when you were 16 and
treated for schizophrenia?
We've got her.
Is there any truth to that?
- We need legal advice right now.
- Jean, upstairs.
- What are you doing?
- (BEEP)
- DONNA: It's Donna Gillies again.
- Donna, that's completely inaccurate.
If you print any of my
personal medical history,
then we WILL be suing.
Listen, I understand this
is a very sensitive issue,
but I do have a couple more questions.
Is it true that you didn't attend
your father's funeral last year?
- No comment.
- Do you realise that your sister has
approached News at Six several times?
HELEN: I have no comment.
If you even think about
approaching my family
DONNA: And they've already
declined to comment.
I'm assuming that you're
also declining to comment?
LINDSAY: She's not gonna comment.
This is a bullshit story,
and it's not going to print!
Oh. Well, actually, it's
already been through legals.
And I've got sources dating all
the way back to Thornbury High
in the '60s.
So, um, Helen, if you
do change your mind,
Bev's got my number,
and, uh, this is gonna go to print
probably tomorrow, otherwise Wednesday.
- OK. Thank you.
Well, we need to seek
some form of injunction.
I'll try and find an
advance copy of the article.
- There's nothing worse, is there?
- You need to call Charlie Tate.
- No. We don't want to involve him.
- He would know the owner of the Sun.
He's got his hands full,
getting gutted in the markets!
You go do the bulletin.
I'll do the lawyers.
Legals are in a meeting. I've
asked for them to be notified.
If a hospital worker leaked this,
then legally, this cannot be printed.
Hey, Dale.
So this is not a
beat-up? This is all true?
Just stop it going to print.
GEOFF: How long do you think
until it regains the value
lost this morning, Morris?
MORRIS: I'd say end of this week.
End of the week.
MORRIS: This might actually
be good for Australian stock.
If the situation worsens overseas,
more and more international
investors will start buying here.
One moment, Morris.
That's absurdly optimistic.
They expect another 5% drop on
Wall Street tomorrow, if not more!
Let's wait and see
what happens overnight.
Oh! By then, it'll be too late!
Let's sell half.
Where are you off to?
Oh. Kay needs to sell too.
And she's not answering.
That little batch of birthday shares?
Well, those birthday shares
are now valued at over $15,000.
And she needs it.
- Morris.
- MORRIS: Yep.
Decided to have a bet each way. (SIGHS)
Kay, if you're there, please.
It's about your shares, darling,
and it's really quite crucial.
FRANK: And in six,
five, four
Tonight, share prices
drop around the world.
And stock markets are
gripped by frantic selling.
Good evening. I'm Helen Norville.
And I'm Dale Jennings.
A dramatic sell-off on
Wall Street on Friday
has resulted in $10 billion being
stripped from the Australian market
in just one day.
The world is now looking to Wall
Street, dearly hoping for a rally.
But if the fall continues overnight,
analysts fear very dark times
ahead for the global economy
after years of unprecedented growth.
VOICEOVER: After the
sensational collapse
of share prices across the
board on Wall Street on Friday,
everyone was expecting a drop on
the Australian Stock Exchange today.
The question was not would
prices fall but by how much?
And brokers didn't have
to wait long to find out.
- Within only 15 minutes of trading
- And we're back, in five, four
the All Ordinaries index
had dropped by 29 points.
DALE: Mark Elliott reporting
from the Melbourne Stock Exchange.
Hi. We're wanting to get one of
you on the market floor tomorrow
for the opening of trading,
maybe even a live cross.
Hey, Noelene, can we
discuss this in a bit?
LINDSAY: Uh well, I can
tell you that our legal team
is about as useful as a
glass door in the dunny.
- DALE: What are they gonna do?
- Oh, they reckon they can't do
anything till they see the article.
- DALE: Well, surely Bev's got a copy.
- LINDSAY: She is working on it,
but it's likely we're
gonna see it when it's printed.
- So we just have to wait?
JEAN: It seems so.
LINDSAY: Listen, do you have any
idea who Donna's sources might be?
She claims they're
not from the hospital.
Could you give us a
minute, please, Jean?
I think someone from the
office is leaking information.
Well, Jean's a steel trap.
Look, Donna Gillies relies on
having access to network talent.
Gerry and Carla Carroll, they're
in the social pages every weekend.
I could ask him to (SIGHS)
Look, we
we could make her feel like if she
publishes this article,
she'll be boycotted.
You know, actually, that is what
we should be asking Charlie to do.
He should go to the CEO directly.
Well, we are still on shaky
ground with little Chuck, Helen,
and I don't think hearing
that the lead newsreader's been
in the loony bin will help us.
If they manage to get an advance copy,
would you like it faxed
to your home or?
I don't want you to have
- anything to do with it whatsoever.
- Pardon?
You were the only one who
had all that information.
If you're suggesting I
played any part in this
If I were inclined to leak gossip,
I promise you it'd be worse than that.
Dale, that's a good idea.
Why don't you go downstairs
and see your mate Gerry?
DENNIS: Vincent.
Surprised Lindsay let
you out this early.
Oh, well. He's got me back in at 6am.
(SIGHS) So you, uh
you heard from Charlie yet?
Yes, I got a message from
Charles Tate this morning
asking for a meeting tomorrow at 11.
Right. That's good.
Lindsay's in trouble, is he?
Does he know that?
I'm surprised you suggested me.
- Why?
- Well, we're the same age.
No-one knows that
newsroom better than you.
Why didn't you go for the job yourself?
Oh, mate, no-one that looks
like me is gonna get that job.
Well, you know I'd love
to work with you again.
- OK.
- But I'm on a pretty good wicket where I am.
Right. Well, Charles Tate
would let you name your price.
And I can tell you absolutely
everything he wants to hear, if
you can guarantee me
at least a 25% pay rise.
Now it makes sense.
Come on, mate. 20.
What do I need to know?
Great. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. So
Charles is absolutely
obsessed with branding.
And for him, the network
brand is, don't laugh,
backyard barbecue. (SIGHS)
- WOMAN: Kick, kick.
GERRY: Do these moves have any
relationship to the sun at all?
WOMAN: Of course they
do. It's choreography.
GERRY: Danielle, these are
the same moves we've done
- for the last eight numbers.
- They FEEL like the same.
- Um
- They're slightly diff
- What?!
- Sorry. Someone here for you.
Dale, just just give me five minutes.
- Just working something out.
- Sure.
Just over there.
They DO feel the same.
They DO feel the same.
- They're slightly different.
- Danielle, if you're not hearing me,
if you're not seeing the problem
- Gerry
- that's the problem.
- Gerry. Gerry.
- Yeah?
Look, let let's
just take 15, Danielle.
OK. Right.
- GERRY: Is Helen OK?
Not really.
Look, Donna might seem like
a a bubbly gossip columnist.
- She's absolutely strategic.
- Great.
Do you think you could
have a word with her?
She seems to fawn over you and Carla.
You must have some
sort of sway with her.
(SIGHS) It's it's
the other way round.
Uh, uh, a couple of
years ago, someone was
was keen to sell a
story to her about me.
- Right.
- We we managed
to persuade her not to pursue it,
but she needed compensation,
so now we go to her
for every birthday, every announcement.
We changed the date of our anniversary
to accommodate her schedule.
My advice? Meet her in person,
kill her with kindness,
and have something to offer her.
Hey, guys. How is everyone?
You ready for tonight?
- I need to speak with Charles Tate.
- Uh, that won't be possible tonight.
HELEN: It's alright. I'm gonna tell
him that you did all that you could.
No, I can schedule. I'm sorry. No.
CHARLES: Yeah, we were hoping
for a stabilisation midweek.
There might be a bit of a
dip tomorrow, but there
I'm terribly sorry for barging
in, but I need your help.
I need help pulling an
article from the Sun.
It's it's a very invasive piece,
and if it if it's published,
it's gonna be very bad for me
and very bad for your network.
Just um, Ian, let
me call you back, mate.
Yeah, I did explain.
- Just give us a minute, Di.
- DI: Yeah.
You said your door
was always open, so
You do realise that
the Sun is not my paper?
No, I know, but you spend an
awful lot of advertising in it.
- Does not give me editorial control, Helen.
- But it could give you leverage?
Sounds to me like you're
talking about gossiping.
- People do not care about what's
- It's more than a gossip column.
What's the name of this journalist?
Erm, her name is Donna Gillies.
- It'll be printed when?
- Tomorrow or the next day.
The Sun is Astley's paper.
Astley's my father's generation.
I don't really have any
relationship with him.
Don't like my chances of
getting through to him either.
Not right now. It's
fuckin' chaos out there.
Alright. Well, maybe you
could ask your father.
(LAUGHS) I don't like my chances of
getting through to my father ever.
Let me see what I can do.
What time?
EVELYN: I came by at 11
and again at two.
And I rang several times during the day.
KAY: Did you leave a note?
Under your door.
Could we
could we try and ring
Morris now, please?
It's not like he's gonna be asleep.
Oh! It's too late!
GEOFF: Darling. We can put in a call.
By the time the share market opens,
we'll be at the mercy of
whatever's happened overseas.
KAY: You told me that shares were
the safest place for my savings.
- GEOFF: Those shares were a gift.
- KAY: They started as a gift.
But I added to them.
Any money I had, I put in there.
EVELYN: Geoff?
A hand, please.
I last spoke to Morris at 4pm
just to see if there was any
way to authorise the sale.
He told me Kay sold those
shares several months ago.
GEOFF: She's upset. She's
lost thousands of dollars.
EVELYN: She hasn't lost anything!
She's lying to our faces.
And it's not the first time.
I don't know what more I can do.
I need you to address it.
Not tonight.
Look at your daughter!
She's not herself. You
need to say something.
Say what?
Nothing, darling.
If you had troubles of
any description
- you would tell us?
Now, wouldn't you?
I do.
My savings (SIGHS)
that I was relying on, that I put
exactly where you told me to, Dad
they've been decimated!
- It's alright.
It's alright.
I think you should stay here tonight.
- Oh
- Yes.
We'll call Morris first thing
and discuss our next steps.
Come on.
It'll be alright.
OK, it's not in today's paper.
This is good.
This is good. It gives us more time.
So Gerry felt our best option
was to see Donna face to face.
We'll just speak to her
Um, I've I've said everything
that I want to say to her.
Yeah, but if we take a less
confrontational approach,
appeal to her, get her to empathise
HELEN: I'm not gonna grovel to her.
I can't even believe that
you would suggest that.
Just trying to help.
She nearly ready?
- NOELENE: Coming!
- Ah.
(LAUGHS) Wait till you see her.
You're gonna love it. (LAUGHS)
- (GASPS) Oh!
Noels, what are you wearing?
I've got to go to the stock exchange.
It's a big story. London's plummeted.
The Dow's dropped 500 points.
New Zealand's about to open.
But, hey, you're still gonna
wear your skirts, though?
Aren't you?
- Jen, can you give us a minute?
- Yes.
(LAUGHS) Alright.
What's brought this on?
I'm trying something new.
I tell you what, I do like those shoes.
Let's just go.
- Morning.
- Noelene!
You look great.
New Zealand's opened
and they've crashed too.
The drop on the Dow is
double the Great Depression.
There's already unconfirmed
reports of suicides on Wall Street.
We're wanting to get one of
you out on the market floor
- for the opening of trading.
- (KNOCKS) Hi.
Um, do you have a minute?
Sorry. If we want to make opening,
we really need to leave soon.
It's just five minutes.
Yeah, sure. Come in.
Take a take a seat.
Is everything alright?
I know there's been some personal
details about you that
have spread, and
there's a chance they
might have come from me.
Not on purpose. I'm not a gossip.
Um, but um, there
there was a moment
where I wasn't thinking and
I might have told someone
about your surname.
Evelyn Walters.
Mrs Walters, um, she would
book me for special
events, just sometimes,
and and she'd make me drinks,
and and we'd talk, and I
I stopped going because
I I realised that sh
she might not be that trustworthy.
What exactly did you say?
well, once, she was asking, um,
whether your families would
want you to get engaged,
and I didn't think anything
of it, so I just said,
"Helen's not that
close with her family."
And then I, um
yeah, said about your last
name and your sister
Cheryl, can you call Evelyn Walters
right now and explain to her what
I'm gonna go talk to her myself.
Sorry, but if we don't leave
pretty much right now
- You're gonna have to take a reporter.
- No!
- The other reporters have gone.
- I'm really sorry.
Ooh! Someone's been shopping
at DJs. Very fancy, Noelene.
We should get some interviews here
while they're all heading to
and from the trading floor.
- ROB: They all brokers? Bit young, aren't they?
- Most of them.
Yeah. They're really young.
That's part of the story.
These men have only ever known
the market to go up and up.
Excuse me! If I could just ask
you for a minute of your time.
We're from News at S
Sir. Could I just ask
you for two minutes?
- We are int
- Mate. Mate. Uh, Rob Rickards.
News at Six.
Are we good?
Um, are are you worried about
what's gonna happen today?
Nah. I think the, uh, panic's
a bit overblown, to be honest.
Overblown? So you're not nervous
after what's happened on Wall Street?
Oh, look, our fundamentals are
way better than Wall Street.
If I was an overseas investor,
I'd be wanting to buy Australian
gold right now, so, uh
I think we're gonna
see a huge day for gold.
Yeah, I've got a lot
of sell calls already,
so I do think it's
gonna be a choppy day.
And for a young bloke, such as yourself,
you haven't ever really seen a crash.
Oh, I've seen my share of ups and downs.
Um, and I'm pretty sure we're
gonna end today on an up.
- MAN: And there.
The commencement of trading
on what stands to be the
most consequential day
on the Australian Stock Exchange
possibly since the 1920s.
- (COMMOTION ON RADIO) As you can hear,
- there is an immediate frenzy on the floor.
- Oh. I'll go.
Stockbrokers are reporting
that most of their buying
orders have been cancelled
and instead the move is to sell.
HELEN: Evelyn.
You are a fucking bitch.
- Helen.
- I mean, I knew that you were low.
But I didn't think even
you would stoop this low.
I didn't think that even
you were capable of that.
I'm sorry. I don't know
what you're referring to.
HELEN: You know exactly
what I'm referring to!
Your wife has taken the most
intimate and private details,
my psychiatric history, and she has
leaked them to a gossip columnist!
- That's absurd.
- HELEN: Deliberately.
You have done nothing with your life
except stand in the shadows
and try and tear everyone down,
and the fact that you both
stand on this moral high ground,
looking down your nose
and judging everyone!
I want you to know that I
know exactly who you are,
and I know exactly
what you both stand for.
If people are questioning
your psychiatric state, Helen,
it's hardly a surprise!
I'm I'm sure you can
appreciate it's a very
- Now, Dale
- distressing situation.
it's time for you to remove
yourself from our property
and to control that
clearly unwell woman.
EVELYN: Thank you.
I've got one last idea.
I think we should go see Donna alone.
Gerry said if we promise to
prioritise her for future stories
I I don't want her
in our lives, Dale.
But we could offer her a major story.
What if we offer her
an engagement?
What about an exclusive
on our engagement?
Was that was that
was that your proposal?
it's not this is not how
I wanted it to go, but
we could offer her
something really valuable.
Dale, there are some things that
I just would never want to trade.
ROB: (ON TV) Although the crisis
affects everyone on this floor,
it's the small investors who
claim they'll suffer the most.
MAN: (ON TV) The brokers
are too worried about
looking after their big
institutional clients that
who wants to buy MY
small amount of shares?
ROB: From a very demoralised
stock market trading floor
- And we're back in five
- this has been Rob Rickards
- four
- News at Six.
Internationally, it's already
being called Black Monday
as the catastrophic losses spread
from New York to London to Tokyo.
- Steve Aldridge reports.
- Yep. (LAUGHS)
STEVE: Today's action
began last night in London.
- STEVE: The FT index fell to 2
How's little Chuck doing?
Oh, mate. It's worse than yesterday.
It's obliterated.
Him, Holmes a Court, John Elliott.
Highest-profile loser so far.
Oh, fuck.
He's demanding a call.
- When?
- Now.
- Both of us?
- No, mate. Just with me.
(SIGHS) Dennis, it's grim.
(SCOFFS) Lindsay, you
don't know that, mate.
That means he's either gonna cut the
budget or he's gonna sack someone.
Thanks, Jean.
STEVE: the 1920s that
triggered the Great Depression.
HELEN: The news team will
continue to bring you full coverage
of the unfolding crisis
with regular updates
and detailed analysis.
And we're out!
They want you to head
right back to the newsroom.
And, Helen, you've had a
phone call from Charlie Tate.
Is there a phone call for me?
Charles Tate rang about
half an hour ago. No message.
- He's at his office.
- Thank you.
I'd wait. Mr Tate's on the
phone to Lindsay right now.
How long's he been on the phone?
23 minutes.
Jean, um,
I'd like to apologise
for the insinuation that
that you had been indiscreet.
I'd say it was more than an insinuation.
Well, I'm very sorry.
LINDSAY: Dennis!
That call had nothing to
do with our reporting today.
Little Chuck is sunk.
He's lost the banks.
He was calling to say
they're all abandoning ship.
The banks are gonna take
back the network! (LAUGHS)
Are we are we are
we in administration?
They haven't pulled the pin yet,
mate, but they will, because
Little Chuck, little
Chuck, little Chuck is fucked ♪
Little Chuck, little
Chuck, little Chuck is sunk ♪
Little Chuck, little
Chuck, little Chuck is fucked ♪
He's fucked
He's fucked, fucked, fucked! ♪
Fuck off, backyard barbecues! He's dead!
did he mention the article?
- Sorry?
- From the Sun.
- The article from the Sun.
- No, it didn't come up.
Are there gonna be, like,
cuts or something, Lindsay?
Yes, mate, we're gonna have
to say farewell to a few mates,
but that's OK, because you're
gonna put a tie and a jacket on,
and I'm taking you to Florentino's.
My shout!
We're gonna spend
what's left of his money.
(LAUGHS) Mate!
Noelene, tomorrow, I want
you to do a very thorough,
a very detailed, story
on just how fucked little Chuck is.
Here he is!
Dale Jennings!
What did he say?
He did he just left a message.
- I'm gonna go in to his office.
- DALE: Well, I'll drive you.
No, I am going to go.
- Hey. Yep.
- MAN 3: Alright.
- Ta-ta, fellas.
- No, everything's
Well, no, don't do that. No.
No, let
Carl. See what see what
the trend is on Thursday.
Right. Yes.
I agree. But there's got to be
some degree of bounce, right?
You c
Yeah, alright. I appreciate that.
- Am I interrupting?
So now we're being polite?
It's interesting.
Is all this as bad as it seems?
For me personally or for the world?
HELEN: For you personally.
half my backers have deserted me.
The other half (SIGHS)
I'm promising there's gonna
be a rebound, which is bullshit,
and they know it.
And are you still my boss?
I believe I am, maybe for
the next 48 hours or so.
I don't know. Maybe less.
Oh, I did get hold of Astley for you.
He doesn't like to intervene
editorially, but what he HAS said is
essentially, he's gonna
make a couple of calls,
and that's all I can get for you now.
I actually think that my
What would you call it, my decimation?
My decimation sort
of, uh, helped things
- you know?
The only reason that Astley
called me back was 'cause, uh
I'm fucked.
Well, I appreciate it. (LAUGHS)
Well, we'll know soon after midnight.
That's when the first
print run lands. (SIGHS)
Help yourself to a drink.
Probably be reclaimed in
a couple of days anyhow.
You might want to fix me one too.
CHERYL: I'm definitely more
a a Material Girl person
- GERRY: No!
- than a Live to Tell person.
GERRY: Live to Tell's a
better-structured song.
No, but I do yeah, but I think
it's a better album than the last.
- (LAUGHS) No.
- I
What do you think? (LAUGHS)
Erm, Cheryl, could
you just give us five?
- Oh, yes.
- Yeah. Thank you.
- Did you get onto Donna?
- Well yeah, I suggested it to Helen,
but it's not the strategy
that she went with.
Look, if you want me to
put in a call, I I can.
It's too late.
Are you OK?
Today wasn't my finest hour with Helen.
We need you in two minutes, Gerry.
Can I give you a call later?
You're heading home, right?
- I don't know what I'm doing.
Well, why don't you come see the show?
GEOFF: Darling?
We know it's late.
We got through to Morris.
I'm afraid it's not good
news. We need to discuss it.
Goodness sake! This is ridiculous!
We own the place.
- Kay, darling?
Darling, I'm coming in.
Call an ambulance.
Darling. Call an ambulance!
Oh, no, no, no.
No! No, no.
Darling. Darling! Kay!
Kay, it's Daddy.
It's Daddy, darling.
Come on, darling. Come on.
Come on.
- Come on.
- EVELYN: Uh, ambulance.
(EMOTIONALLY) Uh, it's my daughter.
I think she might have overdosed.
Open your eyes. Open your eyes.
Look at me. Look, look, look, look.
How much do you think you'll have left?
Oh, I think you're gonna be fine.
Yeah, you too.
Well, you don't know
what the story's about.
Yeah, that's true.
You never asked.
You were the only one who didn't.
Well, if history's
taught us anything, Helen,
if you got something to say,
you do not wait for an invitation.
Do you want me to ask?
I think it's gonna say
I was in
a mental institution.
And I was treated for schizophrenia.
Well, full credit to Donna.
I'd buy that paper.
Yeah, me too.
Is it true?
I was treated for schizophrenia.
I'm not schizophrenic.
I was treated for manic depression.
I was just
stuck in this borderland
of neurosis and psychosis.
(SIGHS) Fuck me.
What 16-year-old isn't?
It's still two hours.
I just checked too.
GERRY: Marriage ever
been discussed before?
Not specifically, no.
Does Helen want to get married?
Doesn't everyone?
- Do you?
- Yeah.
Of course.
Well, I highly recommend it.
I love being married.
But you're not in a
you don't
Spit it out.
Your marriage is not conventional.
It's not a
No, but it's much better for us.
I don't think marriage
should ever stop a person
exploring who they are.
Luckily, Carla thinks the same, so
She doesn't take issue
with you sleeping with men?
Carla makes the most
out of this situation.
Don't you worry about that.
Helen and I are
it's just us.
Ye yeah. I I
kind of got that, yeah.
- But
- Yeah?
last year
oh, something did happen
with a cameraman at work.
It was very brief, but
Did you want it to be more?
I wanted to be with Helen.
You think I'm deluding myself.
No. I see how much you love her.
I feel like the way I love
doesn't fit in anywhere.
I've been ashamed of that
for a really long time.
But I love Helen.
And I think that's all that matters.
But maybe if things were different
maybe if I'd never met her (SIGHS)
it would be someone else.
But so much of what I feel
comes from how I feel about her,
so I don't know.
- I'm probably not making any sense.
- No, no, you're making perfect sense.
And if that's how you feel, I think
you need to correct
that God-awful proposal.
Apart from anything else, I make a
fantastic wedding MC if you need it.
I'm sorry.
CHARLES: OK. Page five.
Six and seven.
Very comprehensive. (LAUGHS)
Thank you.
JOHN FARNHAM: Take hold of
the wheels and turn them around ♪
Take the pressure down ♪
- Someone turned ♪
The pressure on ♪
I called your name and you were gone ♪
And you were gone
And I was trapped like a
prisoner in this lonely town ♪
I'm gonna let things slide ♪
Until the pressure comes ♪
It's not there.
That's good.
Sorry I'm so late.
Come on. Let's go to bed.
I am so sorry,
for bringing up
marriage today like it was a fix.
I know we have our complexities.
Maybe we're not like
everyone else.
(SIGHS) but I love you.
I do love you too.
HELEN: Let's enjoy the world
premiere of Australia's year.
We are a young nation,
a nation that typically shies
away from grand gestures.
Australia is not a nation!
It's a crime scene!
HELEN: I'd like to give you
a dedicated interview.
MAN: I should have told you.
You're not the only one here
that finds me, uh urgent?
Hi, Helen.
Dale, Tim is here.
Feel like everything
that I do is insignificant
and you're both ashamed of me.
The disease of the modern world,
casting themselves as victims.
Do you know where Gran's
engagement ring is?
I know exactly where it is,
darling. I can come first thing.
I just wasn't sure
this was gonna happen.
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