The O.C. (2003) s03e06 Episode Script

The Swells

Previously on The O.
: I'm doing the right thing, closing down the Newport Group.
You're putting the past behind you.
- How much? - If you need help with the payment I'm not destitute, Kirsten.
I'm discerning.
- You bought me a condo.
- Julie, I don't want anything from you.
- It's all yours.
- I don't have any friends.
I don't trust people and so I try to control them which then drives them away ergo, no friends.
What's wrong? What did you do to her? Nothing.
I'm fine.
See your girl, talking to a guy you don't know, could happen to anyone.
My life just doesn't work without you.
And it always goes so smooth when we're together.
My life just doesn't work without you.
- Get off of me! - He's my brother! Trey, get off of him, please! You're killing him! - Yeah.
- Hey, it's me.
- You okay? - No.
I mean, yes, but I had a dream.
Trey was there, and so were you, and it was happening all over.
Look, I'm sorry to wake you up, okay? I'm just scared.
I know, I know, but you don't have to be.
Trey's gone.
Everything's fine.
Why don't you go back to sleep.
I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Okay.
Nightmares, huh? You know, at first I thought you were just a sweaty sleeper.
Didn't want to say anything, but I guess I thought if I slept with you, they'd go away.
You talk to Ryan about it? I tried.
But I mean, you know how he is.
Not much with words.
And he went through it with me.
He should understand.
I know.
Well, I'm here.
What? I just wish that Ryan knew that that was all he had to say.
- So you have your new class schedule? - Right here.
- You got all your supplies? - In the bag.
He's been to school.
He knows how to do it.
- We're just glad you're back at Harbor.
- Make sure nothing goes wrong.
- Dr.
Kim was very clear.
- I know, I know.
I can't get in any trouble, and I won't.
Don't worry.
- Just you and me.
- How about another cup of coffee? Don't mind if I do.
You and me and the house to ourselves? - I could get used to this.
- If I never set foot in an office again Hopefully you won't have to.
I found a buyer for the Newport Group.
Music to my ears.
Well, if the meeting goes well tomorrow I'll sign the papers.
- Then sayonara, Newport Group.
- Are you okay with that? - With what? Walking away from the company that your father built? You spent 15 years there.
And it took me that long to realize I hated it.
Oh, Sandy, I'm ready to let it go.
Ryan and Marissa haven't broken up in weeks.
It's gotta be a new record.
Well, but I feel a breakup coming.
I have a sixth sense about those two.
They break up, they get back together.
It's a natural cycle, it has to do with the tide.
It's different now.
If they break up, Marissa could disappear.
She could get swallowed by Newport Union.
It's like the Bermuda Triangle.
It's a school.
It's two miles away.
Look, I don't care.
Those two need to log in some serious couple time or our little foursome's gonna shrink to about half.
Hey, man, how's it feel being back? - We're gonna go get coffee.
- Excellent.
It's good, you know, I've got a lot of work to do.
Yeah, I gotta study all weekend.
Well, you can't study all weekend, we got plans.
- We do? - Yeah, Cohen invited Marissa and I over for dinner.
You can't hide from us in your own home.
I should back off for a while.
Having me back in school can't be easy for Marissa.
At least I can give her some space.
Space? No, who needs space? Marissa, she likes a short leash.
Listen, dinner tonight at my house.
I'm sure my mom's cooking something disgusting.
- Hi, can we have three coffees, please? - Sure.
- Thank you.
- All right, fine.
Oh, God, incoming.
Hey, guys, have you heard about the lock-in tomorrow night? The entire senior class is gonna spend the night in the gym.
- Yes! - Oh, we can't make it.
I'm taking off my arm with a hacksaw.
Oh, well, that's a shame, you're gonna have to miss that.
Lock-in's mandatory, counts as a class.
And I know you can't afford any cuts.
- We'll be there.
- Super.
It's gonna be a blast.
We're even gonna make S'mores.
We're using Bunsen burners to simulate camp fires.
It's just a little idea I came up with.
Oh, my God.
That's genius.
Well, remember, all you need to bring is a sleeping bag and an open mind.
There goes our Saturday night.
Oh, I almost forgot, I'm gonna need a few guys to help me set up tomorrow night, so Seth and Ryan Figured you'd both be up for it.
I mean, I did pretty much get you back into school.
So I'll see you tomorrow at 2.
And there goes the rest of our weekend.
- Hey, guys.
- Marissa! - Hey, you ready for this weekend? - I don't know, what's this weekend? The swells are coming from Antarctica which means we're gonna get some height.
- Okay, I have no idea what that means.
- I forgot.
Born and raised in Newport, never surfed a wave.
- That's me.
- It means, after the flattest season ever we're getting some waves.
We like to welcome these swells with an ancient ritual known as Dawn Patrol.
Does that mean you stay up and party before you surf? - She's not hopeless.
- You should come with us.
Some of us are gonna hang out tonight, though festivities start tomorrow.
Maybe we'll even teach you a few moves.
Or I'll just sit on the sand and watch? Come on, Chili, we have physics.
Dawn Patrol, tonight.
Grande awesomeness.
- You got a free period too? - Yeah.
You okay? You look a little tired.
Gee, thanks.
No, it's okay.
I haven't really been sleeping at all.
- Too much coffee? - No, I don't think it's that.
Bad dreams? Maybe, something like that.
Come on.
Let's hit the vending machines, my treat.
How could I say no? - Hey.
- Hey.
Good news.
The movers showed up with my stuff.
- Our place is almost livable.
- Wonderful, we should celebrate.
In fact, I should throw you a housewarming.
Oh, well, thanks, but you've already done enough favors for me.
- It's getting creepy.
- Oh, come on I'm gonna be going to Aspen.
Marissa's gonna move in, and you two will forget all about me.
Let me throw a party before I go.
I don't know, I'm a little low on the friends these days.
Everybody bailed when you lost your money.
You should see them in Cardio Barre.
They don't even look me in the eye.
I used to rule that class.
Same thing happened when I got out of rehab.
All the New York women just iced me.
- How did you deal? - Well, I thought about leaving.
But instead I threw a party.
A black tie benefit.
It was the smartest thing I could have done.
It raised a lot of money for a good cause, and I got my life back.
Yeah, well, I can't throw those anymore.
I don't have the cash or the clout.
Well, I can help you.
Of course, we'd need Kirsten, but It would really be good for you, Julie.
I think you should think about it.
- Hey.
- Hey, you up for dinner tonight? - The Cohens wanna have us over.
- Sure.
But I'm gonna have to meet you there.
I told Johnny I'd hang with him.
Again with the Johnny.
Casey and Chili are gonna be there too.
I guess these swells are coming in, and if you're a surfer, it's like Christmas.
You should come by tomorrow.
Check it out.
You know, I would.
I have to be imprisoned in the gym and forced to eat S'mores.
Yeah, I wish I was kidding.
Wow, that sounds like a Taylor Townsend event.
Some days, I really don't miss life at Harbor.
- So I guess I'll see you at the Cohens'.
- Okay.
See you.
Wouldn't wanna be you.
Hey, where is everyone? Casey's on her way.
Chili's still out there.
See in the distance that kid wiping out? - You caught me on a break.
Wanna sit? - Sure.
It's so beautiful out here.
It almost makes me wish I surfed.
Yeah, I'm telling you it helped me.
You know, with my sleep.
With everything, really.
You wanna talk about it? I don't know about you, but I'm freezing.
I'm gonna grab a sweatshirt.
You wanna come? Sure.
Let me just call Summer.
Do you have to go? No.
No, it's okay.
What are you making? - Beef stew.
- Can't we order out like normal people? We are normal people.
Normal people cook.
I wonder if my poor mouth will ever taste pizza again.
Probably not, because we are very abusive parents, cooking for you like this.
- Hey.
- Hey, Summer! - You're just in time.
I hope you like stew.
- Oh, it's my favorite.
- Where's Marissa? - She can't make it.
- She's busy.
- Is she studying? I've been known to get her to blow off some homework.
She's not studying.
She's at the beach with Johnny.
- Ryan, try not to punch Summer.
- I'm just the messenger.
It's all right.
I mean, she's with her friend.
- She has to hang out with him.
- Probably got held up.
Well, I guess there'll be more beef stew for everyone.
- You want one? - Yeah, sure.
Central Varsity Baseball.
I didn't know you played.
I don't.
Not anymore.
Quit everything when I moved here.
New town, new sports.
I just wanna start over.
What? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
It was my dad.
We had a fight.
I haven't seen him since.
And when was that? I don't know, like three years ago.
- Four.
- Have you tried calling him or contacting him? It's not that easy.
He was a drunk.
He used to always go after my mom.
You mean? One night I just snapped.
Came home from baseball practice there he was.
Had her up against the wall his hands around her neck I just lost it.
Lost it? I took my baseball bat I guess I just started beating him.
I don't remember any of it.
But when I came to he was unconscious.
I was covered in his blood.
Oh, God.
You know, when I think back on that night I don't even know who I was how I could've done that.
I know what you mean.
Johnny, I'm sorry.
You wanna hear something crazy? You're the first person I've told.
Wake up.
Oh, my God.
Let me sleep.
Sorry, can't let you do that.
I waited up till like a million o'clock.
- Where were you? - I - I was with Johnny.
- Yeah.
While I had fun explaining that you couldn't make dinner because you were off romping on the beach with some surfer guy.
Oh, I know.
I'm sorry I missed it.
- I meant to be there.
- Yeah, well, you weren't.
And now I'm finding just suspicious articles of clothing lying around the room belonging to strange men.
I've seen Unfaithful, Coop.
- I know the signs.
- Summer, I would never cheat on Ryan.
- Ever.
- Okay.
I knew that, I just needed to hear you say it.
Why are you blowing off your boyfriend to hang out with some random guy? - He needed to talk.
- That's what his girlfriend's for.
- He needed to talk to me.
- Because he likes you.
He doesn't like me.
We just have stuff in common.
Yeah, he's a surfer, you're a shopper.
Totally make the connection.
He went through something.
Something like I went through, and, I don't know, he just gets me.
Okay, so, Johnny gets you, and what, Ryan doesn't? I didn't say that.
He doesn't have a crush on me, has a girlfriend.
And if you don't believe me then why don't you come to the beach with us later? Fine.
I can go before the lock-in.
But you have to find your boyfriend and apologize to him for last night.
- So have you talked to Marissa yet? - I got a message from her late last night.
No explanation, just says she's sorry.
She's gonna stop by later today.
Right on cue.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'm sorry about last night.
You must be mad at me.
No, I'm just curious.
Where were you? I was talking to Johnny.
- About? - It's personal.
I know how bad that sounds, it's just Trust me, there's nothing between me and him.
No, no, I believe you, I just I just wanna make sure you're all right.
What's up? Well, I'm still dealing with all of this stuff with Trey.
We're on the clock here.
It's okay.
I'll see you later.
Cohen, Kurt Williams.
It's nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- My associate, Matt Ramsey.
- A rising star in our company.
- Good to meet you.
Come on in, gentlemen, have a seat.
- All right.
- Thank you.
Cohen Matt and I are thrilled at the prospect of taking over the Newport Group.
Well, I'm thrilled to sell it to you.
- But I do have a condition.
Only one.
- Of course.
The Martinson Complex.
They're low-income properties down by the water.
You've done your homework.
I fought my late father-in-law tooth and nail to get those up.
And now I I gotta know they won't be destroyed.
Even if they don't bring in much revenue.
I totally agree, Mr.
It's properties like those that are the heart of a company.
Cohen, I'd like to assure you that I intend to keep Caleb Nichol's legacy in place.
You're not gonna knock them and build a shop? You have my word.
All right.
I made these myself.
They should keep us psyched into the wee hours.
Yeah, you're talented.
- Taylor.
- Okay, I'll put them up.
- Mom, hi.
- Hurry, I'm running late.
I have your party favors in the car.
These your prisoners? They look like they wanna be here just about as much as I do.
Tape would be a good idea.
Taylor, do we have any? I mean, really, Taylor.
locking in a bunch of kids so you don't spend Saturday night alone? - Mom, that's not why I'm doing it.
- Baloney.
You're doing it because you're lonely.
If you'd just loosen up a little, you would- I would be one of the popular girls.
I know, Mom.
I'm off to the club.
If you need me, I'll be on my cell.
Taylor, un-tuck your shirt.
Your ass is so not made for low-riders.
Got it.
So they're, like, really into surfing here, huh? Yup.
It seems to be kind of a Newport Union obsession.
- Marissa! - Hey, everyone.
- This is Summer.
- Hey.
Oh, man, I should have known.
- Hot chicks always travel in packs.
- Like wolves? - That's Chili.
- Hi.
Don't listen to anything that he says.
We think he was dropped on his head.
It makes sense.
Well, it's nice to meet you guys.
- You too.
- Hey, Johnny.
I see you found yourself a couple of new groupies.
Summer, Marissa, this is Volchok.
He likes to think he owns the waves.
- He's gotta be better than you.
- Yeah.
I saw you go for a cutback out there and wipe.
- It was nice.
- Whatever, man.
No, I'm just saying, you're gonna have to do better if you wanna get on the PacWest tour.
- Was that the tour you tanked last year? - Because there were a few.
- Chili, it's cool.
Come on.
Let me show you where we can get drinks.
- Okay.
- Hey, Casey, hold up a second.
I thought you were dating Harper.
- I am.
- This year should be better Doesn't look like it.
Casey, come on, let's go.
No, it's been great.
Except for Julie leaving her wet towels all over the house.
- Life without a maid is an adjustment.
I can't believe you two living together.
- You must be having so much fun.
- We are.
We both know how lucky we are to have survived the last few months so we've been talking about finding a way to give back.
We wanna throw a charity event.
Black tie, whole nine yards.
For underprivileged women so they can go to rehab and have a chance to heal.
Well, it sounds like a wonderful cause.
So you'll help us throw it? Well, actually, I told myself I'd wait a while before I jumped back into all that.
You know those Newpsies.
Make you wanna drink.
Excuse me.
I'll handle this.
Look, Kiki, you know I am all for you taking your recovery slowly but I'm just worried about Julie.
If she's ever gonna get on her feet, she needs a way into society.
I understand, but you two don't need me for this.
Of course we do, nobody in this town knows me.
And Julie couldn't get arrested.
Your name on the invitation would be a huge draw.
I don't know.
Do it for your friend.
She needs you.
What are you guys talking about in here? I was just telling Charlotte how I'd love to help.
Really? You would? I'm in.
Yeah, what's up? Welcome to my casa.
Hey, Summer.
Why don't I give you a little tour, show you my lair? You're a dweeb.
- Show me where to drop my stuff? - Sure.
Follow me.
Where's his girlfriend? I don't know.
Dawn Patrol! You know what I'm talking about.
So I think this will officially make you the first girl in Chili's room.
What an honor.
Oh, my God, is this you and Chili? - I forgot he had that.
- Let me see that.
- Sorry.
You can't.
- That's hysterical! - Come on, please? - Come on, you look cute.
- Really.
- It's not.
A bowl cut Power Rangers underwear.
Not cute.
- Yes, it is.
Please? I promise.
What if I promise I won't laugh? Okay? - You lied! You liar! - That's really funny.
- Quit.
Come on, no, stop! Come on.
- Please.
- Stop! - Stop being all sensitive.
- It's embarrassing.
- We can laugh about it.
No, we can't, no.
- Hello.
- Hey, it's me.
Where are you? I don't know, Chili's house, at the end of Dune Road or something? Okay, are you not aware that lock-in's mandatory? I don't care about lock-in.
I just need Ryan to get here.
- It's an emergency.
- Why? What's the problem? - I can't get into it right now, but- - Sorry.
All cell phones must be surrendered at the door.
The lock-in hasn't even started yet.
Yes, but you're in the gym.
Believe me, by making you exist in a world where we don't depend on technology to communicate with one another I'm doing you a very serious favor.
- What was that about? - I don't know.
Summer said something about you getting to some house on Dune Road.
- Some emergency.
- Is it Marissa? I don't know.
My cell phone was confiscated which is a violation of my civil liberties.
Yeah, I gotta go.
Where do you think you're going, Ryan Atwood? If you're not back here by the time the doors lock at 9 p.
M you're in very serious trouble.
Yeah, I gotta go.
I don't get it.
Why don't you like me? I'm already dating a dork.
- Yeah.
- That kinda gives me inspiration.
I'm wearing you down.
- There you are.
- Yeah, I just needed a little disco nap.
- You okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm gonna go get myself a refill.
I'm fine.
It's okay.
Oh, crap.
This is Seth, it's 2005, you know how these things work.
Oh, why am I getting your voicemail? Cohen, look, about Ryan, abort mission.
I repeat, abort mission.
Or not.
Atwood! Hey.
- You move quickly.
- Yeah, Seth said Marissa's in trouble? False alarm.
You should get back to the lock-in.
- You don't want to miss the S'mores.
- Why'd you call me? Well, I I was just worried about Johnny and Marissa.
Johnny? You mean, that Johnny, "Hanging With His Girlfriend" Johnny? I have a hair trigger.
Go, before Marissa sees you.
Ryan? What are you doing here? - I was just checking up on- - Me.
He wanted to make sure that I had a ride to the lock-in.
She's low on gas.
Hey, Ryan, glad you could make it.
Come here, let me show you where you can get a drink.
I'd love to.
- Matt, thanks for coming.
- Sure.
Is there a problem with the sale, or Well, I was hoping you could tell me about that.
Let's talk about your boss.
Well, he's a brilliant businessman.
But I shouldn't trust him, should I? That handshake, that smile Oh, I've met his type before.
This town is full of them.
This is about the Martinson Complex, isn't it? Yes.
I need to know those people won't be displaced.
I'd love to tell you otherwise, but Williams is gonna tear down whatever's not making him a bundle.
- Simple as that.
- I appreciate your honesty.
Honesty's not a valued commodity in this business.
Well to me it is.
Then don't sell to Williams.
Hang on to the company.
I'll help you.
I don't know about that.
I'm no businessman.
And you don't look much older than my son.
I'm 26.
I graduated magna cum laude from Berkeley.
- Berkeley? - I got my MBA in one year at Kellogg.
The last 14 months I spent under Williams.
Well, that's an impressive rêsumê.
But there's no substitute for life experience.
That's what you'll bring to the table.
Me, I'll crunch the numbers, I'll do all the boring stuff.
Look if you give me this opportunity, I will work my ass off for you.
I promise.
I've been dodging this business for the last 20 years.
The change you could bring to this community if you had control of a million-dollar company.
Well, I'm gonna have to think about that.
You know what that means, don't you? - I gotta ask my wife.
- Of course.
Look, all I'm asking for is a shot.
Six months.
- I was thinking, five grand a person? - That sounds fair.
- We'll have three courses.
- Fair price.
One sec, it's my dad again.
Did you need anything else? Can you hang on a sec? My friend is treating.
Actually, just a sec, here.
I'm not sure which one she wants to use.
You know why don't I just give you cash.
So look, I just want you to know I'm only here because Summer called me.
Not because you're freaked out about Johnny? Well, I wasn't, but I'm starting to think I should be.
- What's going on with you guys? - I- I don't know.
I just I can talk to him.
- About what? - About About Trey, I guess.
- You can't talk to me about it? - I try.
- I tried the other night.
- At 4 in the morning.
Yeah, and you told me to go back to sleep.
- It's like you pretend it didn't happen.
- Yeah, well, what do you want me to do? I mean, I can't fix this.
I can't make it go away.
How's it going? Great.
Look, I gotta get to the lock-in.
See you.
- Hello.
- Hey, Ryan, where are you? - Where's Summer? Get over here.
- I'm leaving.
- See you in a minute.
- Okay, well, hurry up.
All right, I'm freaking out right now.
I'm using a pay phone and God knows what ancient strain of lip herpes I'm contracting.
That's disgusting.
I'll be there as soon as possible.
Wait up.
I'm sorry, I overreacted.
I meddled.
- Oh, my God, I'm Seth.
- It's okay.
Look, I just get nervous that we're gonna lose her, you know? I cannot sleep tonight if you guys don't make up.
Please go back and talk to her? Where's Ryan? He's gone.
We had an argument.
You should call him.
You'll feel better if you talk to him.
Is there somewhere I could go? Somewhere quiet? Yeah.
Come with me.
You can use Chili's room.
You get my sponsorship, I got your girl.
Seems fair to me.
How you doing? Good? I'm gonna kick Volchok's ass, man.
I mean, I know the dude's crazy.
He could probably break me with his bare hands.
But you know what? It's worth it.
Hey, are you okay? I know where he is too.
By the dunes.
You know he's there with his bros.
Johnny, look, if we can do anything, just let us know, okay? Thanks, guys.
I think I just need to be alone.
I'll get it.
- Casey.
- Is he here? Yeah, sure.
Look, just so you know, I'm not a terrible person.
I could just see where all this was headed.
- What do you mean? - The way he's looking at you.
All your long, secret talks.
- It's not even like that.
- Wake up, Marissa.
He may not know it yet, but he's falling in love with you.
And I'm not gonna sit around and watch that happen.
Johnny's gone.
He went after Volchok.
So you wanna stop and get a movie on the way home? Sounds good.
Just answer me one teensy question: Who the hell are you? - What? - You heard me.
I just saw what's in your purse, half a dozen credit cards all with different names? You and I've had a little misunderstanding.
There is not a lie in the world I haven't heard or told, so just give it straight.
It'll save us a lot of time.
- I was never gonna hurt you, Julie.
- Right.
You were just gonna scam me into throwing a fake charity and leave me to pick up the pieces so you could skip town.
Well, what if you help me? - Are you drinking again? - Hear me out.
We'll raise a couple hundred grand, split it, and I disappear.
You're rich again.
Everyone sleeps better, they think they've helped a good cause.
I'm not a criminal.
You haven't had to be yet.
How are you gonna support your family? You don't have a man to bail you out.
If you're smart, you'll take matters into your own hands.
- I thought you loathed corporate America.
- Oh, I do.
I loathe it all.
Greed, Republicans, navy suits.
So why are you considering this? After your father died, I shut down my law practice to deal with Newport Group.
This might be a way to make it all mean something.
Your work and mine.
Well, if this is something that you want you know I'll support you.
- What about you? If my taking over the company threatens any of the progress you've made I'm out of the woods now.
It's time for you to get back to making yourself happy.
Okay, if we could just move it over to the bleachers that would be great, great.
Everyone, can you make your way over to the bleachers, please? - Hey, Taylor, Taylor.
How's it going? So far, this lock-in, it's awesome.
- Not happening, Seth.
- What? What's not happening? - Kissing ass so I let in Ryan and Summer.
- No, it turns out they got held up.
If you could just cut them some slack, that'd be great.
Seth, what I'm doing here is creating an atmosphere of trust.
Now if I give your friends preferential treatment well, then I've muddled the message, haven't I? - What? - Those doors will lock in 20 minutes.
And if Ryan and Summer aren't here You can't save people, Seth.
They need to save themselves.
- Thank you for your help.
- Go sit down.
Go on.
Okay, everybody? Hi.
So lock-in hasn't officially started yet but, hey, we can still start the fun, right? Who's in the mood for trust falls? Nobody! So if you could each find a buddy preferably someone who you don't know very well or even someone of a different race.
You're a loser.
- Sit down! - What are you doing? - I am going to help you.
- I don't need your help.
- Get off my stage, geek.
- Okay, okay.
Okay, well, maybe we'll just work up to trust falls.
Why don't we turn to the person next to us and tell them something about ourselves that they may not already know.
Taylor Townsend sucks! You gotta watch out for those.
Hi, everybody, my name is Seth Cohen, of the West Coast Cohens.
I was feeling like we should all play a game of capture the flag.
- Bite me! - Now I should warn all of you I'm very talented at this game.
Yeah, I was all-camp capture the flag, so- You were all-geek at Camp Geek! Seth, why are you doing this? - I can take it, I'm used to it.
- Cohen's a tool.
- Thank you.
- Now, listen everyone to my right, you're the red team.
Everyone to my left, you're gonna be the blue team - I'm so faded.
- Pass that herb, yo.
Hey, check it out.
It's Harper.
He's come to whoop Volchok's ass.
- Kevin, we need to talk, man.
- Oh, yeah? What are you going to do? How could you do that to me? - How could you do that to me? - Back off! You little bitch! You want more? - You want some more of that? - Back off! Come on, come on.
No, no, no.
- Don't worry.
Don't worry about it.
- Yeah, watch it.
- Get that bitch out of here.
- You know what? Hold on.
I forgot to do something.
Let's get him.
Stay away from him.
Come on.
- Come on.
- Let's just kill them.
Not tonight, guy.
I think some drinks are in order.
Bartender, two shots of Patrôn.
Oh, I haven't had tequila in forever.
Then we should have a whole bottle.
Game on, man.
Well, what's next, a frat party at SC? No, I just wanted to celebrate.
Listen, I expect you to take this job seriously.
I'm not gonna be out drinking with you every night after work.
Weekends, maybe.
And tonight.
Game on, Matt.
Game on, boss.
Hi, Seth.
- Are you okay? - I'm trapped in the gym with everybody but my only two friends in the school, so other than this being my worst nightmare ever, yeah, I'm okay.
So I just wanted to say thank you, for before.
- I really appreciate it.
- Yeah, it's no problem.
After 12 years I'm immune to mockery, so And about the sign-in sheet, we could work something out.
- You mean it? - Sure.
So do you mind if I join you for some pizza? No.
Go ahead.
I guess Ryan's gonna miss the lock-in.
It's better he stayed with Johnny.
It'll keep him from going after Volchok.
At this rate, we both might miss it.
- Wait here, okay? - Okay.
Can anyone hear me? - Who is it? - Taylor, it's Summer! Open up! Taylor! Taylor? Sorry.
I can't hear you.
What do you mean, you can't-? You're responding! Taylor! - Sorry.
- What? What? Taylor! And I'll take a cheeseburger.
Extra fries.
Dinner's on me, man.
I'm really sorry about the fight.
Although I gotta say, watching Volchok get his ass kicked was pretty awesome.
Glad I could be of service.
Hey, man, where'd you learn how to fight like that? You know, Chino's pretty good training ground.
Actually, I never won a fight till I got to Newport.
Cohen is gonna kill me.
I'm sorry, I feel like it's my fault you missed the lock-in.
Actually, I kind of feel like everything's my fault.
What, you mean Johnny and Casey? - Not what I was referring to, thanks.
- I'm sorry, Coop.
It's obvious, though.
She saw him falling for you.
She hurt him before he hurt her.
It's a classic girl move.
- I know what everyone thinks, but- - He likes you.
And sooner or later, you're gonna have to deal with it.
I really wish everything would just slow down.
Well No such luck.
Yeah, Coop, this shouldn't be a problem for you at all.

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