The Orville (2017) s01e12 Episode Script

Mad Idolatry

- Hey, man.
- Oh, hey, Ed.
What's up? Hey, it's after shift.
I was gonna see if you want to get a beer.
Oh, I-I totally would, but I'm all jammed up here.
Oh, all good.
Just figured I'd check.
Jammed up.
Like, I'm in my jammies.
Yeah, no, I-I got it.
- Just making sure.
- All right, cool.
- Have a good sleep.
- Will do, brother.
- All right.
Hey, Captain, what's up? Hey, John, I was just seeing what you were up to.
I was thinking about grabbing a drink in the mess hall.
Well, man, that-that's really nice of you, but right now is not-not the best time.
Oh, that's all good.
No worries.
John, who is it? [COUGHS.]
Oh, Captain.
Ensign Turco, hey.
Uh, listen, I'm sorry to bother you guys.
Hey no, it's all right.
It's all good.
Do you want to come in and have a drink with us? You know, I just remembered I have an early morning tomorrow, so I - Oh, dang, that's a shame.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Hmm.
-Yeah, dang.
- Hey, get those Zs, though.
- I will.
- Okay.
All right.
- Okay.
-I will.
- Good night.
- Yeah.
Is there a problem? Oh, there's no problem.
I was just seeing what you're up to.
Am I suspected of some misdeed? [LAUGHS.]
: No, Bortus, for God's sake, this is a social call.
I-I just wanted to see if you wanted to have a drink.
Klyden and I have just put Topa to bed.
You are welcome to join us for a glass of Opsadda.
Whatever that is, sounds great.
It is aged nine years.
The perfect duration for good Opsadda.
Man, if it, uh, looks like this going in, I'm afraid of what it looks like coming out.
Opsadda does not come out.
It grows into a parasite within the body.
The sensation is intensely pleasurable.
That's excellent.
So, um what do Moclans do for fun off duty? Do you guys play, like, board games or anything like that? There is a popular Moclan game called Latchkum that we play from time to time.
Oh, well, break it out.
Show me.
I do not believe you would enjoy it.
- It is not for humans.
- Come on.
You know what? There's so much I don't know about your culture.
I-I want to I want to learn.
I will pass the Latchkum to you, then you pass it to whomever you wish as quickly as possible.
All right.
So, what, does this just go on until somebody [SCREAMS.]
- Latchkum! - Latchkum! [ED CRYING.]
You awake, too? Yeah.
Can't sleep.
They were wrong about the Opsadda.
It does come out.
- What? - Nothing.
My God, what happened to your hand? Oh, this.
I was playing a Moclan game with Bortus.
What's insane is apparently I won.
You should go down to sickbay and get that fixed.
The explanation for how this happened is not something I want on file.
I was gonna ask you to borrow a dermoscanner from Claire tomorrow and smuggle it to me.
No problem.
Hey, do you feel like going down to the mess hall for a late one? Sure.
Oh, God.
That is a lot better than Bortus' poo drink.
Oh The mess hall on a weeknight.
It's actually really pretty when it's empty like this.
Yeah, it is.
You know, I've been doing a lot of thinking since Darulio was on board.
So have I.
You have? Yeah.
I mean, he basically implied that it was the Retepsian pheromone that made you - I know.
- Right? And so that means maybe it wasn't really your fault.
I guess we'll never know for sure, but that's generous of you to say.
No, it's not.
My motives are completely selfish.
Really? I, um I miss you.
And, you know, I was lying in my quarters tonight, and I was thinking to myself, "Man, I have been lonely this past year.
" And I-I had just gotten so used to putting you out of my mind that I just never even considered getting back together.
And then that happened.
Do you want to get back together? What do you say we do a date this week? Like a like a real date, like we used to do.
I think that's a wonderful idea.
So do I.
We're moving into uncharted space tomorrow.
You don't want to be hungover.
Call it a celebratory drink.
All right.
Screw it.
Let's do this.
I'll never get used to that sight.
An uncharted star that's just waiting for us to come along and discover it.
It's amazing, isn't it? - It's really bright.
- [SIGHS.]
Isaac, can you reduce the illumination on the viewer? Reducing illumination by 20%.
- BORTUS: Captain, I am picking up some unusual readings.
It is a distortion of some kind.
Coming from the star? ISAAC: Negative.
It appears to be emanating from beyond the star's photosphere in open space.
C-Could you Do you mind shutting off that beeping, please? Oh.
Yeah, sorry.
Oh, thank you.
ISAAC: These readings are most unusual.
It appears to be a spatial anomaly, but scanners cannot clearly process it.
Captain, I would like to take a shuttle to investigate at closer range.
: Or we could just come back tomorrow and see if it's still here.
ISAAC: This could be a find of some importance.
It would be foolish to squander the opportunity.
It's fine.
I'll go with you.
Gordon, you're with us.
Uh, Bortus, have Chief Lamarr take the helm.
Kelly, no unnecessary risks.
- All right? Give it a wide berth.
- Don't worry.
We'll make it quick.
Approaching the coordinates of the anomaly.
Okay, slow us down.
Aye, sir.
Commander, these readings - do not make any logical sense.
- What do you mean? It is almost as if the fabric of space itself is Lieutenant, what is it? Commander, this can't be right.
It's atmosphere.
That's impossible.
We're in space.
Not anymore.
ED: My God.
What is that? It is a planet.
I know it's a planet.
Where the hell did it come from? - It just appeared.
Out of thin air.
- Captain, I'm picking up a signal from the shuttle.
- Audio only.
- Put 'em on.
: Shuttle to Orville.
We've lost partial helm control.
Unable to stabilize.
We're gonna try to set down somewhere if we can.
Where the hell are we? [GROANS.]
This is not the day for a hangover.
: Orville to shuttle.
- You guys okay? - Uh, yeah.
We're a little banged up, but we're okay.
- What happened? - Captain, it appears the instantaneous transition from vacuum to atmosphere caused an overload in the engine core.
I believe Lieutenant Malloy and I can repair it within the hour.
: You're sure? - Yes, Captain.
All right.
We'll keep this channel open just in case.
Bortus, begin multispectral scans.
I want to know everything there is to know about that planet and where it came from.
Aye, sir.
I'm gonna take a look around.
Don't leave without me, huh? - We'll be here.
Oh, hey, Commander - What? Please don't tell anybody how much I screamed when I thought we were gonna crash.
Grayson to shuttle.
: Malloy here.
There are life-forms on this planet.
I see a village in the distance.
You're kidding.
It looks like Bronze Age-level development, but it's hard to tell.
I'm gonna try to get a closer look.
Commander, I remind you to use caution.
Any contact with a culture - that primitive - Yeah, I know.
Cultural contamination.
I don't need you to remind me of the rules.
I am merely attempting to be helpful, Commander.
There is no need to be What does Captain Mercer call it? Pissy.
I won't let them see me.
Grayson out.
Oh, my God.
Are you okay? Can you hear me? Are you okay? Hey.
Can you hear me? Are you okay? Wait! Please, wait.
I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise.
My name is Kelly.
I want to help.
That's a pretty nasty cut you have there.
Will you let me fix it? I can use this to make it better.
That's right.
It's okay.
Come on.
See? It's nothing scary.
It's okay.
See? All better.
Oh, crap.
Feel better, honey.
Time for me to go.
Kel-ly Well, we've got one hell of a mystery on our hands here.
How do you want us to handle this? You'll remain in orbit another 72 hours to continue scanning.
If we're still in the dark after that, we'll send a science vessel to relieve you.
All right.
Thanks, Admiral.
Ozawa out.
Why didn't you tell her? You helped out a kid, that's all.
And cultural contamination of a society that undeveloped is a serious charge.
I just don't want to have to come visit you in prison.
Really? You wouldn't want to visit a women's prison? You're right, I'll call her back.
You didn't have to do that.
What I did was stupid and careless.
And you shouldn't have to cover for me.
Look, Union policy would've had you leave that kid to die.
Just to avoid cultural contamination.
I think you did the right thing.
And you got out of there as quick as you could.
I just forgot to include it in my report.
Well, I owe you one.
We still owe each other a date.
Okay, it's officially been 12 hours.
Isaac, you have to have something.
Negative, Captain.
There is still nothing in the scans to offer insight into the planet's origin.
We should get, like, a Monopoly game going or something.
Is this too many people? I will fetch the Latchkum.
No! No, no.
We-We'll-we'll just sit here.
Captain! The planet just disappeared.
What the hell is going on here? Sir, I may have a theory.
I believe what we have encountered is a planet locked in a multiphasic orbit.
Okay, let's pretend I don't know what that is.
- Do you know what that is? - I do not.
- So we could just say that.
- Thanks, buddy.
Isaac, what is it? A multiphasic orbit has only been hypothetical up until this point.
A planet orbits a star, but its orbit is divided between two universes, ours and another.
- Well, that's trippy.
- What about the star? The star itself, or one closely comparable, would need to exist in both universes for the planet to retain a stable environment.
Since there are humanoid life-forms there, we can assume that is the case.
Well, so what now? I mean, how do we follow the trail? We could wait for the planet - to re-enter our universe.
- How long will that take? The planet is circling in a tight orbit around the star.
Based on the mass of the star and the geometry of the orbit, about 11 days.
Well, then looks like we wait.
Just sit in orbit for 11 days? What are we supposed to do? Mmm.
Oh, my God.
I forgot what a terrible cook you are.
- It's awful, isn't it? - [LAUGHING.]
: Yeah.
It's terrible.
See, you know, I was afraid of that and I didn't want to use synthesized food tonight, so I made a backup.
Peanut butter and jelly is impossible to screw up.
- What are we, 12? - Yes, we're 12.
And afterward, I'm gonna pull your hair and call you fat and that's how you'll know I like you.
I think on Bortus' planet that's foreplay.
- I think you're right.
Oh, my God.
This is so much better.
You know, this is surreal.
I was just thinking that.
You know, these jobs we've chosen, they condition you to be okay being by yourself.
And after a while, you start to think that giving yourself over to someone else is some kind of weakness.
Even though it's exactly what you need.
You want to keep your independence, but you're frightened of loneliness.
This is just jelly.
This is peanut butter.
Okay, see, I figured you might not want to kiss me, and I know how much you like peanut butter and jelly, and I thought maybe if you were hungry enough Plus, I'm a terrible cook, and so I didn't want to mix 'em together because I'd probably screw up the portions, and I don't have a measuring cup, so it's a You're a much better cook than I am.
How much time, Isaac? ISAAC: Any moment now, Captain.
Getting anomalous readings.
Here it comes.
- ISAAC: Captain, this is most unusual.
- What is it? My scans of the planet's surface - are showing radical alterations.
- In what way? It is my understanding that you described the civilization on the planet as comparable in development - to Earth's Bronze Age.
- I did.
Scans are now showing much more extensive architecture, and a profound increase in the number of life-forms on the surface.
But that is impossible.
How could that happen in 11 days? Drugs? Gordon.
Prep a shuttle.
Alara, you're with us.
Engaging cloak.
This can't be.
That city, none of it was there.
It's all changed.
- Mercer to Isaac.
- Isaac here, Captain.
We've reached the coordinates where Kelly saw the village.
But what we're seeing looks like a 14th-century city.
ISAAC: Indeed.
Captain, I believe I have made a rather profound discovery about this planet, which your description appears to support.
What do you mean? Scans have revealed a temporal inconsistency indicating that when the planet moves out of our universe and into the other, its time constant undergoes an acceleration.
Can you translate that for dumb guys who might also be a little drunk? 11 days have passed for us.
But for the planet, approximately 700 years - have elapsed.
- Wait.
You're telling me that seven centuries have passed since I was here before? ISAAC: That is correct, Commander.
All right, Union Central's gonna want whatever we can give them, so let's take a look around.
Isaac, focus a tight scanning beam on the city.
Got to know what these people are wearing, if we're gonna - synthesize the proper clothing.
- JOHN: Captain.
There might be a faster way.
So we travel hundreds of light-years from Earth - to steal somebody's laundry.
- ED: We'll give it back later.
Just keep it quiet.
Oh, crap.
We're the fashion police.
And these outfits have got to go.
- [GASPS.]
- Come on, let's get out of here.
: Please, wait.
Will you bless my son? - What? - Please.
I beg of you.
I'm a simple farmer, not worthy of your favor, but please, I implore you.
Bless my child.
- Ma'am, I'm sorry, I don't know what - Please.
Oh, please, bless him.
Um I hope your kid grows up and, uh does a lot of good stuff.
And um And doesn't get any girls pregnant.
And doesn't get any girls pregnant.
- Stay in school.
- Amen.
: Oh, thank you.
I don't like this.
Come on, let's go.
GORDON: These clothes are gonna give me dysentery, I just know it.
JOHN: Looks like we're about three miles outside the city.
KELLY: Ed, you've been silent for the last 20 minutes.
What are you thinking? I'm not thinking anything.
Yes, you are.
What is it? I just We need more information.
Captain, look.
My God.
Good day to you, travelers.
Excuse me.
We were wondering if you could tell us who these people are.
Who they were.
It's a shame.
Some people never see the light.
Did they commit some crime? Indeed, the very worst.
They are deniers, put on display as a lesson to others, who would consider foresaking the word.
What word? Why, the Word of Kelly.
There you are, Dalen.
What did I say to you? - I don't know.
- I said don't run off.
What happens if you disobey your mother? - Kelly will get me.
- That's right.
Kelly's watching you.
All the time.
She knows when you've been bad, and she'll punish you.
Now, come on.
- Let go of that.
- Ed, this is a nightmare.
- Bring out the accused.
These three are accused of theft.
They will now be judged.
: Hey, hey, whatever you're thinking, don't.
Oh, great and mighty Kelly, we present to you these three accused, so that you may, in your infinite wisdom, reveal to us their innocence or their guilt.
If they be honest and true, we ask you to heal them now.
- No, Kel-Kelly, no.
- Ed, I have to stop this.
- If I tell them to stop, they will.
- Think for a second, okay? You're gonna go up there and do what issue a commandment? That is quite possibly the worst thing you could do right now.
Captain, there's a large central structure just to the north of here.
Let's go.
Oh, yeah, we're in a lot of trouble.
Why the hell didn't you include this in your initial report, Ed? Look, Admiral, I apologize.
I just didn't think it was of consequence.
One of your officers has direct contact with a primitive alien civilization and you don't think that's of consequence? - Well, I - A religion has developed around your first officer.
Look, I know this is really bad, all right? But it wasn't Kelly's fault, all right? The shuttle never intended to go down there in the first place.
I am aware of the circumstances, Captain.
It's the only reason you still have bars on your shoulder.
BUT HEAR THIS LOUD AND CLEAR: If you ever again edit a report to protect one of your officers, you'll find yourself scrubbing toilets at Union Point.
Do you understand me? - Yes, sir.
- I'm putting a letter of reprimand in your permanent file.
What do you want us to do about the planet? A culture that progresses 700 years every 11 days is bound to achieve space travel in less than a month.
Let them come to you.
You're not to return to the surface before then.
That's an order.
But, Admiral, maybe we could convince them That's an order.
- "That's an order.
" - What? Oh, my God, I'm sorry, I thought you hung up.
I'm s Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
Please, Admiral, have mercy, please.
Thank you.
Okay, bye.
Look Kel, I'm sorry, but you can't blame yourself for any of this.
I watched three people murdered in my name.
Five others already dead.
And a mother telling her child that if he misbehaved, "Kelly will get him.
" You're damn right I blame myself.
And now I'm forbidden to even try and fix it.
I mean, how many more people are gonna die down there in the name of Kelly? Thousands? Millions? If there's anything at all I can do No.
Just I want to be alone.
Come in.
Get dressed.
We're going back.
: Isaac to Captain Mercer.
- Go ahead, Isaac.
- You have 31 minutes until the planet phases out of our universe.
Mercer out.
Forgive me for interrupting your refreshment.
This boy was caught eating fruit from a tree on church lands.
- Is this true? - Your Grace, I beg your forgiveness.
My family's poor, and my mother is ill.
I would not have taken the fruit, but we've not eaten in days.
Were there witnesses to this act? - Yes, Your Grace.
- Very well.
Take him to the square and cut him.
If he speaks the truth, - Kelly will heal his wound.
- No! Your Grace, please.
Be merciful.
Kelly is merciful, my young one.
No! Please.
Who are you? The Valondis does not see peasants.
Remove them at once.
We are not peasants.
- [GASPS.]
- [GASPS.]
Oh, merciful Kelly.
It's it's you.
Valondis, is it? - Get up.
- I am not worthy.
You're worth more than you think.
Now get up.
I have waited my entire life for the blessing of your arrival, and now you are here in all your magnificence.
Look, there's been a little misunderstanding.
I'm not who you think I am.
VALONDIS: But you are.
Healer of men.
Divine hand of the heavens.
God of all creation.
Man, this guy'd be the perfect boyfriend.
Listen to me.
I'm not any of those things.
I'm a living, mortal being, - exactly like you.
- That's right, and she's God, so you know she's telling the truth.
Yeah, that-that's not helping.
But our sacred scrolls tell clearly of the first time you descended from above.
What exactly do your scrolls say? They tell of a young girl who was injured.
You came down from your mountaintop domain and healed her with your touch.
Okay, first of all, I would never live on a mountaintop.
I'm not an outdoorsy person.
Second of all, I didn't heal that girl with my touch.
I used a tool.
Like you would use a garden hoe or a-a hammer.
It's just a little more advanced, that's all.
Okay, pay attention.
I'm gonna show you exactly how I did it.
But you bleed.
Now watch.
Oh, blessed be the heavens.
We have witnessed the miracle.
No, it's not a miracle.
It's just a machine.
Like a plow you might use in one of your fields.
Here, you try it.
Push that button right there and run this over your hand.
But I did this? Exactly.
You did that, not me.
Because it's the machine that heals.
But the Great Healing was 700 years ago.
Surely, you are immortal.
Time just moves differently for my people than it does for you.
For every 700 years that pass for you, only 11 days pass for us.
Isaac to Captain Mercer.
- Go ahead.
- The planet will begin its dimensional shift in approximately nine minutes.
We got to go.
Valondis, I'm a traveler from a faraway place who has impacted your world in a way that my people try to avoid at all costs.
But I am not a god.
Do you believe me? I have seen you bleed.
A god does not bleed.
We are living mortals, just like you.
Kelly, we really have to go, or we're gonna be trapped here.
Please, spread the word far and wide to your people.
Kelly does not deserve their worship.
Will you do that? For me? I wish you good journeys, Kelly the Traveler.
Valondis? May I ask what you plan to do? I do not know.
But this cannot be kept from the people.
They must know what has happened.
Surely that would be a mistake.
How so? The belief in Kelly is not merely a source of comfort for the people.
They fear her, as well.
And as the guardians of the Word of Kelly, they fear us.
Should that fear come into doubt, our ability to govern may be compromised.
But the truth must never be compromised.
The people must decide for themselves.
As you wish.
- [GASPS.]
Captain, scans indicate the planet is about to reemerge into our universe.
I am detecting artificial satellites in orbit.
There are indications of computer technology, industrial pollution and wide-range broadcast signals.
Scan broadcast signals for any mention of Kelly.
749,682 results.
Let's see what you've got.
And the Word of Kelly was spoken unto them, and they did marvel at her glory! And she said to them, "You shall be healed.
" A depiction of the First Healing in a publicly-funded educational facility is inappropriate.
PUNDIT: How is a depiction of our collective - theological heritage inappropriate? - Some people don't believe Kelly has a place in secular education.
Then they can enroll their child in a different facility.
REPORTER: The bloodshed continues in outer Jakora today as dissidents launched an attack on the Temple of Kelly in the city of Uravah.
More than 36 people were killed - Isaac, turn it off.
- When a series of detonations rocked the ancient city.
What went wrong? I thought you convinced them.
It's time.
There just wasn't enough time.
If I had a week or a month down there, I might be able to see it through, but What if we left something there? A message of some kind that could remain after we lose the planet? Or someone.
What? What are you saying? I'm saying what if I stayed behind? To help guide them out of the mess that I got them into.
- Kelly, you'll die there.
- I know.
- No.
That's not an option.
- Ed, people are still getting killed.
That's not an option.
Look, you want to spend your retirement years on an alien planet with no way to get back? And keep in mind, this is now a society in the computer age.
All right, what if what if they don't believe you're really their god? What if they lock you up in an asylum? Captain, I could go.
- You? - Yes, sir.
My artificial construct is capable of enduring for millions of years.
And I do not process the passage of time - in the way you do.
- JOHN: Isaac, you'd be there for seven centuries.
I am aware of this, Chief Lamarr.
Well, how would you do it? Just walk in and say, "Hi.
I'm from another planet.
I'm here to fix you"? I would not put it so artlessly, but yes.
Isaac, it's 700 years.
700 seconds to me, Captain.
GORDON: Shuttle to Orville.
Go ahead, Gordon.
Isaac is on the surface.
I'm on my way back.
Isaac, can you hear me? Yes, Captain.
I have arrived safely.
Isaac I'll never be able to repay you for what you're doing.
ISAAC: Recompense is unnecessary, Commander.
Captain, I believe the planet is beginning to phase.
We will not be able to communicate much longer We'll see you soon.
: Mercer to Grayson.
Yes, Captain? I thought you'd want to know the planet is about to reemerge.
I'm on my way.
BORTUS: Captain, scans are detecting the planet.
You okay? Yes.
It is reemerging.
ALARA: My God.
Look at it.
Captain, there is a vessel approaching.
ALARA: Sir, the alien ship is hailing us.
They're asking permission to come aboard.
Greetings, Captain Mercer.
Commander Grayson.
We thought it was about time we returned your artificial life-form to you.
Isaac, how did you do it? It was quite fascinating to be able to study the evolution of a society from the computer era to the age of quantum drive in real time.
But I did not have to do anything.
I don't understand.
FADOLIN: Commander, Isaac has been a part of our world for centuries.
When he arrived 700 years ago, it shook the planet, but we quickly became used to his presence, and our world advanced just as it would have without him.
But you no longer believe in Kelly.
Only in the sense that she's a human aboard a Union starship.
I am so very, very sorry for all of the trouble that I've caused.
Don't be.
We've been waiting for the phasing to occur again so we could meet you.
Our society has become a spacefaring culture with ships spread out across the galaxy.
In our home universe, that is.
But we wouldn't have gotten where we are without growing pains.
Our planet worshipped you as a deity for many centuries.
But had it not been you, the mythology would have found another face.
It's a part of every culture's evolution.
It's one of the stages of learning.
And eventually, it brought us here.
So you see, Commander, you didn't poison our culture with false faith.
We flourish.
You must have faith in reason, in discovery and in the endurance of the logical mind.
It won't be long before you advance millennia past us.
Perhaps then, we will study you.
We'd be honored.
You don't exactly look ready to relax.
I'm not.
Do you still want to get drunk? Ed this isn't gonna work.
You mean us.
None of this should have happened.
You defied an admiral's orders to protect me, and it sent our science officer into a 700-year exile.
You and I, together it jeopardizes your command.
It jeopardizes the smooth operation of this ship, and it jeopardizes our friendship.
It can't happen.
When I'm really honest with myself, I know that you're right.
But that doesn't change the way I feel.
I know.
But for now, those are feelings we need to forget.
Dismissed, Captain? Dismissed, Commander.
Captioned by Media Access
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