The Orville (2017) s02e03 Episode Script


There he is.
Let's go.
Oh, yeah.
Here we go.
Let's do this.
Oh, come on, you guys, I'm eating here.
Oh, Alara, this is now an official Friday night tradition.
- You cannot deprive us.
- Isaac, get your shiny butt over here.
It's go time.
ISAAC: I still fail to comprehend the purpose of this ritual.
We're circus animals, Isaac.
- I hate to break it to you.
- OLIX: All right.
Come on, everybody.
Place your bets.
Use comscanner code 7-4-9-9-alpha-6.
Hey, what's the score? Alara's won 16, Isaac's at 14.
All right, let's just get this over with.
I have wagered on you, Lieutenant.
Do not fail me.
And go.
- Come on, Alara! - [PEOPLE SHOUTING.]
Bring him down! Isaac! - You are nothing! - MALE: Concentrate! GORDON: You are nothing! You will never amount to anything! [SPEAKS ALIEN LANGUAGE.]
Boom! And it's Isaac for the win.
: God.
What's the matter? - Alara, are you okay? - Call Dr.
I think my arm is broken.
How's that? It's [EXHALES.]
much better, thanks.
Well, it was a clean break, so it should be fine in a half hour or so.
Just don't put too much stress on it before then.
Claire, how did this happen? I mean, I know Isaac and I are evenly matched, but to break my arm? In Earth gravity? I Alara, uh how have you been feeling otherwise? Any unusual soreness or inflammation? Yeah.
I mean, maybe a little, but I've also been working out more lately.
Wh-Why? Well, your muscle mass is down 20%.
And your bone density is down five percent.
Alara, your strength is deteriorating.
Physical deterioration as a result of changes in gravity is nothing new.
It happened to the earliest human astronauts.
Even with extensive physical training while in microgravity, muscle volume and peak power inevitably decrease.
Has it ever happened with a Xelayan? There have been several cases, yes.
But the atrophy seems to be affecting Alara at a faster rate than most, probably because she left home so young.
So, uh, what do I do? The good news is, the effects aren't permanent yet.
If you can reacclimate to Xelayan gravity, there's a 90% chance you'll regain your strength.
How would she reacclimate? She's gonna have to return to her home planet.
Well, for how long? Well, there's no way to know.
There have been documented cases of Xelayans reacclimating within weeks.
- Some took longer.
- How much longer? Well, the longest recovery period on record was about four years.
And there was one subject who never recovered.
He never left Xelayah again.
I'm not trying to scare you.
I'm just giving you the data.
And if I don't go back? In time, your body will adjust fully to Earth normal gravity.
After that, if you tried to go back to Xelayah Crushed like a grape.
Without protection, yes.
When would she have to leave? To maximize her chances? Soon as possible.
- [SIGHS.]
Come in.
When I first got here, I could lift a hundred kilos more than that.
That's still a hell of a lot better than the rest of us.
Look, I have a thought.
Okay? Now, whatever you decide to do, I'm gonna support you.
But if you did decide to stay Then you'd have a security chief who could get beaten up by a high schooler.
Captain, look at me.
We both know the only reason I got this job is because I'm Xelayan.
Alara, your skill set as chief of security covers more than just busting heads.
We could expand your staff, give you as much manpower as you need, but you would still call the shots.
Yeah, like they'd want to take orders from me.
- That's their job.
- They'd never respect me.
And the ones who didn't resent me would just feel sorry for me.
I I don't need charity, Captain.
So what are you gonna do? What else can I do? I'm going home.
Well, who knows? Maybe you'll recover faster than anyone in history and you'll be back here in a week.
What if it's longer? Your job will be waiting for you.
What if it's a lot longer? Just get better, okay? I'll say it again.
Best-looking planet in the Union.
I just I wanted to take one last look at the bridge.
How are you feeling? I'm gonna beat this.
I promise.
And I am going to come back to you tougher than ever.
I know you will.
We're gonna miss you so much.
I'm gonna miss you guys, too.
Now entering atmosphere.
Activating gravity shield.
God, I just can't I mean, look at that.
Nothing like it.
You know, it's places like this where you realize God, I'm trash.
My family is trash.
It's that one, straight ahead.
Can I just park anywhere? Yeah, just park out front.
Open the hatch.
Ah, Alara.
- Honey! - Honey! Are you okay? ALARA [GRUNTS.]
: Yeah.
I'm fine.
It's just the gravity.
Looks like it's more serious than we were told.
Alara, are you sure you're okay? I could have Dr.
Finn sent down.
We have doctors on Xelayah, Captain.
Far superior to any you can provide.
Dad, for God's sake.
Oh, you were always a fragile one.
Poor thing.
ED: Mr.
and Mrs.
Kitan, it's no secret to anyone that Xelayans don't think much of the military.
But you should know that your daughter has distinguished herself beyond all expectations.
She has saved a lot of lives.
Including mine.
ILDIS: Yes, well, thanks for dropping her off.
We'll take it from here.
Thank you.
For everything.
I'll see you soon.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
Come inside, sweetheart.
You can lie down.
It's no wonder she's so hard on herself all the time.
God, I'd like to punch that guy in the face.
All right, come on, let's go.
Hey, hang on.
I've always wanted to try something on this planet.
Brought this with me.
Wow! Oh, man.
Thank God for gravity shields.
- Hi, honey.
- Up and around? Feeling any better? Yes.
Wow, this looks great.
DRENALA: I hope you're hungry.
I know, I'm late.
Hi, sweetie.
Look who's here.
Oh, my God.
- Hi, hon.
- Solana, hi.
Uh, I thought you were out on Jintann 8.
- Jintann 9.
- I was, but the lab's all set up, and they don't technically need me for a few days, so of course I'm gonna come see my baby sister.
Especially if she's sick.
I'm not sick.
I was saying earlier, she already looks healthier than she did on the Orville.
DRENALA: Well, that recycled air wasn't doing you any favors.
They worked you way too hard out there.
You always looked tired.
I don't know how you did it.
Cooped up on that ship all the time? I would lose my mind.
Actually, the Orville's great.
I like working there.
Well, now that you're back, the important thing is to stay busy.
In fact, this could be the perfect time for you to go back to school, get your degree.
I'm not gonna be here that long.
Well, honey, you don't know that.
ILDIS: If you're worried about competing, I've already talked to some of the professors at the university.
They know you're going to need a little extra attention, but they are all up for the challenge.
Oh, thanks.
SOLANA: Is gravity readjustment kind of different for everybody? Because I was reading that some people take a really long time to recover.
You know, it'd be really great if everyone could just stop rooting for me to fail.
I'm I'm sorry.
It's just look, even if I were staying, I'm not going back to school.
Honey, why don't you tell her about you and Terlus? - What is it? - We're getting married.
You are? That's amazing.
Took him long enough to propose.
You'll be my maid of honor, of course.
And now that you're home, who knows? Maybe you'll have some luck in the romance department.
Come in.
Enjoying your old room? It's like a flashback.
You hardly changed anything.
Yes, well, we always knew you'd come back.
- Or at least we hoped.
- Because you missed me? Of course we missed you.
And we want what's best for you.
God, you just can't help yourself, can you? What? Did you ever stop to think that maybe there are people who might possibly prefer a different lifestyle than you? Or is that just completely beyond your ability to imagine? Look, sweetheart you were born with certain disadvantages.
- We both know if you hadn't been slower than the other children, you wouldn't have felt trapped into joining the fleet.
Dad, I was well aware of my intellectual weaknesses.
I had you to remind me every day.
What, was I supposed to lie to you? - You're my daughter.
- Yeah, exactly.
I'm your daughter.
You're supposed to offer me I-I don't know encouragement, support.
Things a father is supposed to do.
Now, hold on, that's not fair.
Your mother and I did the best we could with you.
Oh, the best you could.
I am sorry I was such a project.
We put in a lot of time and a lot of energy.
Do you know why? Because we love you.
It broke our hearts to see you join the military.
Those people inspired me more in a year than anyone on Xelayah did my entire life.
Now, that is the gravity sickness talking.
No, Dad, that's me talking! Open your stupid ears and listen.
All I ever needed to hear from you was, "You can do it.
" That's all.
Just once.
And-and maybe it would've been a lie, but I needed that, Dad.
I really needed it.
And do you know who said it to me instead? Captain Mercer, Commander Grayson and everyone on the Orville, but not my own father.
The doctor doesn't know how long you're going to be in that chair.
Your mother and I have decided that a trip out to the beach house might do us all some good.
Pull the family back together.
Trip to the beach isn't going to fix 20 years.
- SERRIS: Hello, hello.
- DRENALA: Hi, Serris.
I've got the house all set up for you.
Thank you.
Anything we need to know? The island is all yours.
Deserted for the off-season.
I'm headed back to the mainland, but don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything.
Thank you so much.
My best to your family.
Thank you, sir.
Alara! Look! [BOTH CHUCKLE.]
It's so beautiful.
I haven't seen a wild eevek in ages.
- Hi, honey.
- Didn't Serris say we're the only ones on the island right now? Yes.
I saw a light on in one of the houses down the beach.
Well, maybe someone else wanted to take advantage of the off-season.
It's so peaceful here when it isn't crowded.
: I can hardly blame them.
So what do we think? - Bedtime? - Absolutely.
I'm exhausted.
So, short-term request for a DNA specialist in medical, staff reviews in armory and communications.
Anything new in engineering? Nothing departmental, but Yaphit's six-month evaluation was last week, and he asked what our parental leave policy is.
Why? Is he thinking of splitting in half? We can't legally ask him that.
- Come in.
Captain, the interim security chief has arrived.
- Okay.
Send him in.
- Aye, sir.
You miss her, don't you? I just hope she's okay.
- Come in.
Lieutenant Tharl reporting for duty.
Tharl, come on in.
This ship is totally sick, man.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
I was checking it out on the way up here.
I'm like, "Man, this is bitchin'.
" I like all the carpets.
Your references are terrific.
You come very highly recommended.
Yeah, my last captain had a total boner for me.
Not a boner-boner; a professional boner.
Um, we only have standard-issue uniforms on board, so if you need something specific No, it's all good.
I got a few of these.
So can I take my station? Yes.
I'll show you to the bridge.
Hey, what is that? Uh, Kermit the Frog.
No, don't help me.
I'm not.
I'm here just in case.
Alara, you're doing great.
Not great enough.
That was so much better than yesterday.
May I help you? Yes.
I'm Cambis Borrin, and this is my wife, Floratta.
We own the gray house just up the beach, the one with the silver railings.
Oh, yes.
That's a beautiful home.
- Thank you.
- Come on in.
- Thank you.
- I'm Drenala, and these are my daughters, Solana and Alara.
We're so sorry to bother you.
We just arrived this morning, and we think someone's been in our house.
So we were wondering if you'd noticed - anyone or anything unusual.
- Someone broke into your house? Well, we don't know for sure, but we think so.
Was there any sign of forced entry? No.
No, not that we saw, but when we got inside, it looked as if several items had been moved around, like someone was looking for something.
- Was anything missing? - Well, not that we could see.
Did you call the police? Oh, of course.
They came right away.
Did they scan for DNA? I'm actually not sure.
Alara was a security officer on board a Union starship.
Not was.
I know that it's the off-season, but do you know if there's anyone else on the island? Our caretaker was here yesterday, but he already left for the mainland.
Forgive me for asking, but how well do you know him? Serris? He's been with us for years.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to imply anything.
We're just, uh, a little bit rattled.
No, it's fine.
I mean, I'm happy to call.
Thank you.
No answer.
Why don't I go check his cottage? Oh, honey, no.
Not in your condition.
Mom, it's what I do.
I can go with her.
Hey, you know, Tharl, you can, uh, take a break if you want, go eat in the mess hall.
Oh, yeah, I'm good.
I like to work through lunch.
May I ask, what is that? This? It's stew.
No, your appendage.
Oh, yeah.
This is my esophagus.
My species has a crazy high metabolism, so we evolved two esophaguses one on the inside, one on the outside so we can just pound food.
Just pound it.
Taking the tube to Tummy Town.
Captain, Commander, we have an idea.
- About what? - It's about Alara.
We may have figured out a way to help her.
Now, there are no guarantees, but can you come to Simulator 3? Bortus, you have the conn.
So any cute guys on that ship? Some, yeah.
Your life must be pretty interesting out there.
You could say that.
You know, I kind of envy you.
You envy me? Yeah.
I mean, I know we haven't talked that much in the past year, but every time we did, you always had some crazy, wild story about something you'd seen or some new place you'd been.
Well, there's a lot to tell.
- I mean, two-dimensional space? - [CHUCKLES.]
I can't even imagine what that must have been like.
I thought you guys hated the military.
I have a theory.
I think the soldiers and the intellectuals all secretly want what the other has.
The muscle wants the brains, and the brains wish they had what it takes to clobber the barroom drunk who gets out of line.
Why can't a person have both? I guess a lot of us look at people like you, and we think that we're better, more evolved.
But you know I'm proud of you, sis.
What is all this? It's all of Serris's stuff.
He never left.
He must still be on the island.
Ildis, how much longer is this gonna take? We're starving.
Trivalve sauce is a delicate thing.
You can't eat it before it's completely boiled.
- He thinks he's a celebrity chef.
Drenala, thank you again for this.
Oh, please, I wouldn't want to go back to that house tonight, either.
Well, we're gonna head across to the mainland tomorrow.
Do you think Serris could've done something? Well, if we don't hear from him by morning, - I'm calling the police.
- At least it's the off-season.
If they do need to search for him, they'll have an easier time.
That is true.
The high season always so crowded.
You can actually see sand and water now - instead of umbrellas and towels.
FLORATTA: Oh, I do like the crowds sometimes.
Our house is usually just the two of us.
It can get a little lonely.
Do you have children? We do a son.
He's so busy, though, he can't usually can't find the time - to join us out here.
- ILDIS: How old is he? FLORATTA: Oh, he just turned 30.
He had a birthday last week.
Oh, that's great.
Did you do anything fun? No, no, no.
Galdus isn't a birthday kind of guy.
Very serious.
Doesn't really like when he's the center of attention.
Except when he's teaching, of course.
Oh, where does he teach? He is an associate professor at the University of Xenara Medical School.
Really? I've done a few stints as a visiting lecturer there over the years.
- Lovely campus.
- FLORATTA: It is.
It's beautiful.
Galdus loves it.
CAMBIS: Yes, he started teaching there when he was just 21.
- Bit of a prodigy.
- Mm-hmm.
Not to brag or anything.
Oh, please, brag away.
Talking about Solana's PhD is our favorite topic.
- SOLANA: Come on, Mom.
- DRENALA: It's true.
Oh, yes, there we go.
The sauce is ready.
Oh, finally.
CAMBIS: I can't wait to try it.
Here, give me your plate.
You'll have to let me know if it's spicy enough.
- Is that ladle clean? - Yes, of course it is.
It looks a little dirty.
No, it's fine, I promise.
Just the same, maybe you could use something else.
Okay, uh, I'm sure I must have a spoon around here somewhere.
Why don't you use your hand? [LAUGHTER.]
- Right.
- I mean it.
What are you talking about? It's boiling hot.
Use your hand.
What the hell is this? Okay, what is going on, and who are you? I'm a hungry man asking my host to serve him some trivalve sauce with his hand.
- Ildis.
- Mom, sit down.
Better do as you're told.
Oh, I would say that is indeed spicy enough.
FLORATTA: Look what I found.
Frizzian champagne? Oh, Ildis, you've been holding out on us.
Saving this for higher-class company? Listen, whatever it is you want Shut up, Ildis.
I propose a toast, sweetie.
To Galdus's birthday.
Happy birthday to our little boy.
It's too bad Galdus can't share this wonderful champagne, but he died last year.
But you were just talking about him earlier.
FLORATTA: I can see how that would be misleading.
We talk about Galdus often.
I'm so sorry about your son.
That must be terrible, to lose a child.
It is.
The worst pain a parent could ever imagine.
He held on for a while, as long as he could, a few years, actually, after you destroyed his career, destroyed his life.
I don't understand what you're talking about.
Professor Ildis Kitan.
Author of a paper first published in the Xelayan Journal of Science, "The Mellara Vaccine and Its Effects on the Risk of Torin's Syndrome: A Formal Dispute.
" Galdus Harona.
Ah, it all comes back to him.
Dad, who is he? A medical researcher, a very outspoken opponent of the Mellara vaccine.
Galdus's research revealed that the vaccine was putting children at risk of Torin's Syndrome.
He published his findings, was on the verge of becoming a household name for exposing the dangers, for protecting the children.
Please listen to me very carefully.
I never set out to deliberately ruin your son.
It wasn't personal.
It was about the science.
His methodology was flawed.
Every credible researcher in the field knew it.
He needed more peer review.
He was wrong about No, no, no.
You were wrong.
And you are going to admit that you were wrong.
Your son was a very smart man.
Too smart to rush publication of his research without You are going to renounce your position.
Thousands of people would've died without that vaccine.
You are going to tell the world that you lied.
He was right.
You were wrong.
And you can't live with the guilt anymore.
- Sweetie.
- ILDIS: This is insane.
I will not go on record declaring a vaccine is dangerous when it isn't.
All right all right.
I-I'll do it.
Dad, the second you make that retraction, they'll have no reason to keep any of us alive.
All right.
That does create a bit of a stalemate, yes.
Sweetie, it seems we need a less absolute incentive.
I have an idea.
Ildis, I noticed you have a lovely garden.
- Solana, your hand, please.
- No, no, please.
- Please don't.
I - Your hand or your head.
Which one, sweetie? Don't do this.
I'll make the statement.
- I'll say what - I know you will, Ildis, but I do want you to have a small taste of what it feels like to watch your child suffer.
Let's start with the little one.
It's a Union shuttle.
What have you done? - Nothing.
I swear.
- Who is it? - I swear, I don't know.
- The point is, they're here.
If I were you, I'd make a break for it while you still can.
Come here.
Come here.
Get rid of them.
Nobody makes a sound.
Professor Kitan, I'm sorry to just drop in unannounced like this, but your comm seems to be down.
Yes, we've been having some trouble with it.
- Should be repaired by tomorrow.
- I need to speak to Alara.
Uh, she's resting right now.
The gravity's been getting to her, but we'll let her know you were here.
- She'll call you tomorrow.
- It's very important that I talk to her.
I promise you she's gonna want to hear what I have to say.
I'm sorry, it's not a good time.
Look, Ildis, I know you don't think much of me or the fleet, but please believe me when I tell you that I care about your daughter just as much as you do.
Now, I need to speak to her right away, and I'm not leaving until I do.
Everyone get upstairs and lock the doors.
- Alara, what-what - Dad, get them upstairs now! [GRUNTS IN FRUSTRATION.]
Ed! Ed, can you hear me? Yeah.
I can't move.
Contact the Orville.
Ed, I'm reading a problem with your gravity field.
Check your gauge.
Power's low.
It must have been overloaded by the shot.
Malloy to Orville.
Ed's gravity field is malfunctioning.
He's got about three minutes until the Xelayan gravity gets through.
Dad, I can take this guy, but I need you to go help Ed.
- What? - You have to go over the balcony and get him inside the shuttle.
What - What is it? - Can't you go? My legs are about to give out on me.
I won't make it.
Dad, you can do this.
Okay? You can do it.
Let's go.
Little further, a little further.
Come on.
A little further, a little further, come on! [BONES CRACK.]
Ed, are you okay? He's unconscious but stable.
You'll have to get him back to your ship, but he'll be all right.
Are you gonna be all right? Alara took care of it.
She always does.
ILDIS: Alara? Are you okay? - I'm fine.
How's Ed? - A few broken bones, - but he'll make it.
- Good.
Alara, you we would all have been You don't have to say it.
Dad, it's my job.
It's what I've been trying to tell you for years.
They would have killed us.
All of us.
I don't know you.
I never even tried to know you.
I wanted you to know me, Dad.
All I ever wanted was for you to be proud of me.
I am so proud.
So very proud that you are my daughter.
And I'm so sorry that you got me for a father.
We've managed to create a finite area of stabilized synthetic graviton particles in the simulator.
And you're sure this will work? Two hours a week of high-gravity treatments, and you'll be able to maintain your strength aboard the Orville.
Sounds so simple.
Not entirely.
The gravity is amplified, even from what you're used to on Xelayah.
The treatments will be painful at first, very painful.
But you'll be able to keep your posting.
You're our chief of security as long as you want to be.
- Come in.
How you feeling? Not bad.
Claire said you're scheduled for your first treatment this afternoon.
That's actually what I came to talk to you about.
Uh, Captain What's wrong? I've decided not to do the treatments.
Claire said they were painful, but I didn't think that No, it's not that.
It's Sir, I joined the fleet because I never really had a family.
And I wanted to belong to something larger than myself.
Captain, the Orville has been so much more than I ever could've wished for.
It was warm.
It was welcoming.
I was needed.
You were my family.
You and this entire crew, but I found something on Xelayah.
Something I'd only ever seen from afar.
I always thought it was just for other people, but not for me.
And now I have a chance to experience it for myself.
I've already missed out on so much time.
I I don't want to miss out anymore.
You're going back.
I need to be with my family.
That's two goodbyes so close together.
I won't forget this place.
I promise.
We won't forget you.
And if you ever decide that you miss that little chair on the bridge [CHUCKLES.]
it'll be there for you.
This is for you.
It's been a pleasure serving with you, Lieutenant.
Likewise, Captain.

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