The Outer Limits (1995) s03e03 Episode Script


1 Four year old male, contusion, posterior skull, He fell down the stairs, unconscious when we arrived, Hustle, get him to Ward Three, stat! Everything's gonna be all right, Justin, Sorry, sir, you have to wait outside, I don't want to wait outside, that's my son, You can't help us in there, We'll do everything we can, Let's go, (CHATTERING) Excuse me, can you help me? My son Justin, ,, MAN: (OVER PA) Paging Dr, White, Dr, White, Graham, Graham! Where's Justin? Is he all right? Can I see him? Rebecca, I'm sorry, No, MAN: (OVER PA) Dr, Palmer, please report to the emergency desk, (FLATLINING) Oh, God, Justin, DOCTOR: Flatline on all monitors, (SOBBING) (THUNDER RUMBLING) (RAIN FALLING) Thank you for coming by, Father, REPORTER: There he is! FEMALE REPORTER: Can you make a statement? Mr, Highfield, will this affect your run for office? MALE REPORTER: How do you answer the charges you're trying to buy the election? REPORTER: Can you give us a statement, sir? I don't think the press needs a statement today, Graham, You're absolutely right, (CAMERAS CLICKING) GUARD: Keep back, What were you going to tell them? I was going to tell them to go away, Yes, It's a PR dream, Go for the sympathy vote, Rebecca, that's cruel, You know, I would never use our tragedy for political gain, You must know that, I don't know that, I don't know anything anymore, We're gonna be alone forever now, aren't we? No, We don't have to be, That's what I've been trying to tell you, I don't know if I can go through that again, It took us so long to get pregnant the first time, Rebecca, come with me to the lab, I want to show you something, Please, Graham, can't this wait? Honestly, Rebecca, no, Rebecca, this is Dr, Lucy Cole, Hello, Mrs, Highfield, I'm so very sorry, Thank you, This must seem like an inexcusable intrusion, but your husband thought it was very important, Is it ready? Yes, sir, It's right over here, Take a look, (BEEPING) What is it? It's called a blastocyst, Mrs, Highfield, It's the first few cells of a human embryo, they're used for making clones, After insemination, the resulting embryo regrows into an identical copy of the original organism, (SIGHS) Well, I still don't understand what I'm doing here, Thank you, Yes, sir, Excuse me, Rebecca, please understand, I did what I did out of love, After Justin died, I asked Dr, Cole to harvest cells from his brain and his spinal cord to begin the procedure, That's our son, Bec, It's Justin, That's not possible, CONTROL VOICE: There is nothing wrong with your television, Do not attempt to adjust the picture, We are now controlling the transmission, We control the horizontal and the vertical, We can deluge you with a thousand channels or expand one single image to crystal clarity and beyond, We can shape your vision to anything our imagination can conceive, For the next hour, we will control all that you see and hear, You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the deepest inner mind to The Outer Limits, Humans appear to be the only animals aware of their own mortality, When death comes, we console ourselves with its inevitability, But when the unthinkable happens, and a child dies before a parent, the natural order is turned upside down as are the lives left behind, My God, Graham, we just buried our son this morning, I can't talk about this right now, I need more time, Rebecca, please, We don't have more time, I wish we did, but you heard what Dr, Cole said, These cells will only be viable for another 48 hours, If we're gonna do the implantation, we have to do it now, You expect me to make a decision like this in two days? I realize it's hard to absorb all at once, especially with how devastated you are, Apparently more devastated than you, (SIGHS) That's not fair, You think I don't get nightmares of Justin falling over and over again? I know, (SIGHS) Rebecca, please, Dr, Cole has taken a handful of nerve cells and turned them into a living embryo, That's never been done before, Do you realize how lucky we are? Lucky? How can you say that? Our son is dead, Rebecca, everything Justin was, is in those cells, We can make him live again, You make it sound as if our goldfish died, And all we've to do is, just go to the pet store and get a replacement for it, and then everything's gonna be the same, I know it can never be the same, but maybe we've been given a chance to make things even better than they were before, (TOY SIREN WAILING) Hi, Mom, Rebecca, I guess I don't have to ask how you're doing, Maybe this will help lift your spirits, It's from Dr, Cole, It's something you need to see, (BEEPS) I'm not ready to make any kind of decision, Rebecca, (TYPING) GRAHAM: Dr, Cole has created a genetic development simulation, a computer model that can predict how our cloned embryos will develop, (SIGHS) I really don't want to see this, Look, Rebecca, Look, That's Justin, Just like the day he was born, Oh, my God, (SIGHS) It really is Justin, The simulation can extrapolate how the new child will look as it grows and ages, Watch, (TYPING) That's Justin at 20, He's 20? (CHUCKLES) Already an inch taller than his dad, He'll have such a long life ahead of him, Rebecca, Doesn't he deserve that? (HEART MONITOR BEEPING) NURSE: Stable, all signs are normal, Okay, now, Mrs, Highfield, you're going to feel a little bit of pressure, but no pain, I can promise you that, All right, take a deep breath, Here we go, That's it, easy, (SIGHING) Easy, Easy, good, That's good, Okay now, Mrs, Highfield, nice deep breaths, GRAHAM: Honey, I've got to get going, You don't keep the governor waiting, The governor? Don't you remember? I got a call last night, He wants to see me this morning, maybe to endorse my candidacy for the Senate, Of course, That's wonderful, All these years of blood and sweat, building a company, making it a success, it was all about this moment, It's all within reach, Bec, It's finally within reach, I am so proud of you, You know that, don't you? Maybe you should come with me, You and me and the governor, it would make a great photo op, (CHUCKLES) Our first new family photo, You and me, and Justin, I told you to stop that, It's sick, This baby deserves its own name, Of course, We'll choose a name for him tonight, Okay? (DOOR OPENING) (DOOR CLOSING) Graham, wait, What is it? I think this baby deserves to know who he really is and who he was, I don't think that's such a good idea, Why not? This baby is going to look exactly like Justin, and we're in the public eye, and people are going to say things to him, It's okay, it's a family resemblance, There are a lot of pictures of Justin in that house, and this baby's going to see them and he's gonna know that something's, ,, Rebecca, Rebecca, listen to me, sweetheart, No one will ever replace Justin, He'll always be special in our hearts, And our new boy, even though he looks like Justin, he's going to be his own man, and loving him doesn't mean we're dishonoring Justin's memory, I promise you, Do you think you can stop worrying? I'm gonna try, Good, good, I'll see you soon, okay? Hi, Mommy, REBECCA: How's my little man, huh? (TOY SIREN WAILING) You're gonna be a good little boy? Yes, Mommy, My good little boy, How's my little man? Good little boy? (TOY SIREN WAILING) Be a good boy for Daddy, Oh, my God, Be a good little boy, I love you, sweetie, (SIREN STOPPING) (GASPING) It's going to be okay, It's gonna be okay, We're going to be okay, (HEART BEATING) You're a very lucky woman, Mrs, Highfield, There aren't many men like your husband, He personally funded an entire wing at Mercy Hospital, and then refused to have his name put on it, I don't think I've ever met a more giving man, Is there something, you're avoiding telling me? No, not at all, Your blood pressure's fine, just like rest of your vital signs, Then what is happening to me? You're pregnant, I know that, (CHUCKLES) Your body is going through tremendous changes, Your hormone balance is fluctuating practically every day, There is nothing physically wrong with you, You had a few dizzy spells and that was all, No, this is not a dizzy spell, This is more like a, a wave of emotion, I was in Justin's room, and I was remembering the last time I saw him, He was playing with his toys and, and then suddenly everything switched, and for a moment, it was as if I was seeing things, but through someone else's eyes, They were Justin's eyes, It was as if he was remembering it, Mrs, Highfield, you lost a child, I think this is probably nothing more than a very vivid daydream, a manifestation of your wish that Justin was still alive, You know, I think you should consider talking to someone, a therapist or a grief counselor, No, no, no this is not about grief, This was as if I was getting flashes from someone else, and the more I think about this and the more I talk about it, I know that it wasn't coming from me, I think it was coming from the baby, That's not possible, Well, not long ago, you would have said turning nerve cells into an embryo was impossible, Apart from the way that we obtained the embryo, you went through an absolutely routine artificial insemination, The procedure's performed thousands of times every year, It does not give you memories or experiences, All it gives you is a baby, I think you should try to accept the possibility that what you felt was simply in your mind, Oh, you're busy today, (GASPING) (HEART BEATING) Oh, sweetie, please, I know that you're eager to get out, but we've got a couple of months yet, (GASPING) Oh, honey, please, please, Oh, just take it easy, okay? For Mommy's sake? (SIGHING) Oh, thank you, You're a good listener, (HEART MONITOR BEEPING) LUCY: Hear that heartbeat? Mm-hmm, It's good and strong, He's doing just fine, I'm sure there is nothing for you to worry about, Just bear with me, okay, Lucy? Can you see him yet? Yes, I can see him, in fact, that's a pretty good picture of him, Uh-huh, Everything looks normal, There's his head and his arms, His legs, He doesn't appear to be awake right now, He will be, Now watch this, Justin? Justin? (BEEPING) Wake up, sweetheart, (HEART BEATING) Wake up, (SIGHS) He's moving his shoulder, LUCY: Uh, yes, There appears to be some movement, How did you know he was going to wake? I told him to, Mrs, Highfield, at this stage of development, all babies are constantly waking up, they're constantly moving around and falling back to sleep for all sorts of reasons, Just say hello to the nice lady, Justin, You tell me, Lucy, do all unborn babies wave hello? This might explain what's going on, This is your umbilical cord, It's usually a very simple structure, two arteries and a vein bound together by some connective tissue, What do you mean by "usually?" Well, in this case, it isn't quite as simple, Now, these two strands here, those are the arteries, This one coming up in blue, that's the vein, But you said that there were only three blood vessels, that looks like a fourth, That's not a blood vessel, It's a bundle of nerve fibers, And it's not supposed to be there, You see, I think, that's how you're managing to communicate with the fetus, So you believe me? Yeah, (SIGHS) Look, the EEG Confirmed it, Every time you said the two of you were communicating, the graph clearly shows two sets of brain waves, Oh, at least I know I'm not going crazy, Yeah, well, maybe I am, As far as I can see, there can only be one logical explanation, I took brain and spinal cord cells from Justin to create the embryo, Now, unlike other cells, nerve cells, they don't regenerate, They're like a blank slate, which is why I can insert instruction into their DNA, to revert them back to their embryonic state, But Justin's cells, they weren't clean slates, were they? Apparently not, Justin's old cells must have retained some kind of a blueprint as to where they came from, Justin's mind and his memories are slowly being reconstructed piece by piece, You see, this baby is not just a clone, In more ways than we imagined, this baby really is Justin, Justin? GRAHAM: Rebecca, sweetheart? Honey? Oh, honey, I'm sorry, honey, I didn't hear you, I was so wrapped up in this, Rearranging the furniture? Yes, Well, you know, Justin, he always liked to be by the window, so he can see the stars, and he couldn't do that over there, You just called him Justin, Yes, I did, (GASPS) Are you all right? Yeah, It's just, oh, our little guy is kicking a lot tonight, (HUFFING) So, how did everything go with the governor? I was right, He wants to endorse me, Oh, I never doubted it, He says he's impressed with what I've accomplished in the community, and how I built Highfield Industries up from nothing, how I have the perfect, beautiful wife, Hmm, Who's as fat as a cow right now, (CHUCKLES) And how being pregnant is a good, wholesome image, Yes and the fact that we lost a child six months ago, that should help with the sympathy vote, Honey, please, You, I and our son are going to Washington, It's everything we ever dreamed of, It's everything you ever dreamed of, I'm gonna shower and jump into bed, Going to join me? Yeah, I'll be there in a minute, (SIGHS) (HEART BEATING) (TOY SIREN WAILING) (HUFFING) Daddy, look, Daddy, look, Dad! Justin, Mommy! (SIGHS) Oh, Justin, it's okay, It's okay, baby, Mommy's here, Rebecca? (REBECCA MAKING TOY ENGINE NOISES) Rebecca, what are you doing? I couldn't sleep, I mean, Justin couldn't sleep, I thought he might enjoy playing with some of his toys, Bec, are you all right? Listen, Graham, I've been getting these thoughts in my head, They're coming from the baby, They're Justin's thoughts, This baby is Justin, I think we should see Dr, Cole in the morning, No, I saw Lucy today, She did a bunch of tests to confirm it, She says that Justin's mind is actually rebuilding itself, and there's an extra nerve strand, It's connected to my umbilical cord and it lets us communicate, (LAUGHS) You're serious? (BANGING) (GASPING) Sometimes there are so many thoughts, with such intensity, it's like a physical force, This is incredible, Rebecca, You could teach him things while he's still in the womb, Yes, Will you tell him something for me? Tell him his father says, "Hello," He loves him and he's proud of him, I will, (BANGING) What is it, Rebecca? (GASPING) Mommy, Mommy! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, What's wrong? Rebecca? Dad! Oh! Mommy! Rebecca, My God, Rebecca, can you hear me? Rebecca? (GASPING) LUCY: I can't understand it, I mean, all of her vital signs are fine, (SIGHS) I'm right here, sweetheart, It's all right, You're going to be all right, Where am I? In the hospital, You were unconscious for about six hours, You had some kind of seizure, you just suddenly collapsed, There's a small tear in your placenta, but, ,, BOTH: The baby's fine, Yes, he is, and as far as we can tell, so are you, We ran some neurological tests, Everything came up clean, There doesn't appear to be anything physically wrong with you, Can you remember what happened? I was, um, I was in the attic, and I was, I was playing with Justin's toys, and then Graham came up, and we started talking, and then suddenly he started lashing out, Do have any idea why? I don't know, maybe he was mad because we stopped playing, Are you saying he had a fit? I suppose I am, LUCY: Mrs, Highfield, I'm going to keep you under observation for a little while longer, Now if everything looks good, you can go home tomorrow, but after that it's minimal activity and lots bed-rest until delivery, As of right now, this pregnancy is officially high risk, That's three months in bed, Well, I'm afraid that any other alternative would be just too dangerous, I'm sorry, honey, there goes your photo ops, To hell with the photo ops, It's what's best for the baby, Now the next order of business, is to help you get your strength back, You hungry? Oh, yes, now that you mention it, Well, I am starved, You're in luck, Unless you want the food, (LAUGHS) I'll get you something from the cafeteria, Thanks, honey, LUCY: Oh, actually, I, uh, I should be going as well, I will definitely check in on you later, Lucy, could you just stay for just a minute, please? Sure, I'll be right back, Lucy, Justin didn't have a tantrum, I was telling him how much his father was looking forward to seeing him, and I got this sharp pain, It was as if he was trying to get away, I see, Are you sure, you're not just projecting your feelings? I mean, why didn't you tell me about this before? Because I didn't want to hurt Graham's feelings, I don't know, it seems every time I try to tell Justin about Graham, he gets really upset, Mrs, Highfield, I'm sure you know Graham a lot better than I do, but I've seen him with other children, and I cannot imagine a more caring father, It's not that, Graham always expected so much from him, He drove him sometimes a little too hard to be the best in everything, I have to let him know how much his father loves him, MAN ON TV: You must be tired after your journey, Perhaps we can get you a brandy, WOMAN ON TV: I'm sorry, there's nothing like that left in the house, MAN ON TV: My apologies, (TV SHUTS OFF) You know what, sweetie? We had enough of this in the hospital, I'm going for a walk, Oh, it's okay, sweetie, What's the matter? You always liked, ,, (GASPING) Being in your Daddy's study, There's nothing to be afraid of, I'm going to show you, You see? You remember this, honey? This is Daddy's desk, and over here is the fireplace, Remember, this is where we used to warm you up, (GASPING) It's okay, sweetheart, It's okay, It's okay, Justin! Look, Daddy, It won't turn off, Daddy, When will you learn to do what you're told? (GASPING) When will you learn to do what you're told? Daddy, look! Justin, Look, Daddy, look, Justin, please, Look, Daddy, look, When the hell are you gonna learn to do what you're told? Ahhh! Mommy! (GASPS) (WEEPING) Oh, sweetie, My baby, It's all right, He will never go near you again, He will never go near you again, No, No, GRAHAM: Rebecca? Sweetheart? Honey, how was, ,, What are you doing? I'm leaving, What's wrong? Do you need to go to the hospital? Let me help you, I know what happened, Justin showed me, It was your fault, But if Justin showed you, then you know it was an accident, Our son is dead, Our son is alive, inside of you, No, I'm leaving, Rebecca, Rebecca, no, Calm down so we can discuss this, We have nothing to discuss, All I want is a second chance to be a good father to our child, You don't get a second chance, Let go of me, Dad! Rebecca, please stop, Rebecca! Dad! Rebecca, Please don't destroy our lives, everything we've worked for, Are you gonna let me go or not? You want to go? Go, Rebecca, You're going to push me down the stairs, I've had dizzy spells, You're going to make this look like an accident, No! Rebecca, you're not making any sense, No! Rebecca, (GASPING) (GRUNTS) Rebecca, (GRUNTS) (PANTING) Here, Mommy, No, There are no bullets, Under here, Mommy, Under here, Mommy, (GRUNTS) Honey, I can't hide underneath, I need this to open, No, I need the key, Here, Mommy, Yes, sweetheart, oh, thank you, Try to show me where it is, (THUDDING) No, Rebecca, Rebecca, please stop this nonsense, Rebecca, You have no reason to be afraid of me, (GASPS) Oh, Rebecca, I would never hurt you, Stay where you are, And I would never hurt our child, (PANTING) Don't come any closer, You must know that, I have paid such a price for that one moment of anger and frustration, Stay where you are, I'll be living with that nightmare for the rest of my life, JUSTIN: Daddy, I didn't mean it! Mommy! Rebecca, put down the gun, Dad! WOMAN: (OVER PA) Paging Dr, Sademan, Please thank Dr, Spencer for me, Sure, I was a little bit worried about the fever, No problem, So the doctor just thinks it's a slight cold, Otherwise he's in perfect health, Thank you, I'll see you at our next check-up, Sure, Bye now, (GROANING) LUCY: Graham, quiet, please, Shh, it's okay, It's okay, Graham, it's all right, They've gone away, Shh, that's it, CONTROL VOICE: The will to live is part of our biology, It exists in every cell, in our very DNA, Of course, sheer will can't keep us alive forever, But sometimes, it can give us
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