The Recruit (2022) s01e08 Episode Script


Previously on The Recruit:
- Do you know who gatekeeper is yet?
- Lev Orlova.
It's the Council member
who I need to bribe to welcome me back.
Can you unsanction a Swiss bank account?
Welcome to Geneva.
I'll be your operational support here.
We go to the Bank of Geneva,
access one of Max's sanctioned accounts.
Once the money is secure,
Max will reach out to Lev Orlova
and set a meeting so she can buy her way
out of the Russian mafia doghouse.
This is a uniquely dangerous moment, Owen.
- We can only rely on each other.
- You think they're sleeping together?
- How's it going?
- Better.
- Owen.
- Marta.
- Cheers.
- Skál.
Who is this?
A killer.
He can't save you
if I decide to end your life.
Then you will never find out
who slept with Stasia.
I have pictures.
The bounty, is it still 2 million euros?
Pay her.
No, send it to Lev.
I am so dead.
- Shit.
- Fuck. That's Xander.
Do you think Max killed him? Or Hendricks?
That's not what's important right now.
I'm going up.
With any luck, cops haven't figured out
which room he came from.
- You try to track down Owen.
- Are you insane?
Nyland was clear. Protect the agency.
That means scrub the room.
Please call me and just tell me
what's going on, okay? Please.
All right, this is bad.
If you really did see Owen
and he was running away
I mean, did he?
- Is that guy dead because?
- No. No way.
I mean, not on purpose.
Linus says the CIA staffers
are attached to embassies
for their covers overseas.
- That's where we should go, right?
- Think I wanna hang around here?
The cops are on their way.
I tried texting you, you didn't answer.
- What's happening?
- You don't need to know.
- Any luck connecting with our guy?
- No, his phone keeps going to voicemail.
If he's smart, he dumped it. Last thing
he wants is somebody tracking him.
Yeah. We need to get to the consulate.
You got a CIA officer killed.
I didn't. His dick did.
You signed his death warrant
when you handed over the photos.
I can't believe I bought your spiel.
How we'd be safer if operational support
didn't know where we were.
You didn't wanna be standing
next to Xander
- when they threw him out of a window.
- I did what I had to do.
It was my only path back to Belarus
since you fucked up getting my money.
Okay, if your plan was to kill Xander
- why are we on the run?
- Kirill is fast, but not that fast.
What do you mean?
There is a possibility
Xander wasn't the target.
That the assassin was there
to kill me or us,
that he was just wrong place, wrong time.
Do you really think I saw Hannah?
Outside the hotel?
- Well, you better hope not.
- Why?
Because people are being killed.
- Pridurok, your phone.
- Wait.
Wait, wait, wait. No
Your phone is a tracking device.
Do you want the person who killed Xander
to be able to find us?
Let me answer that for you. No.
That is why I left my phone in Geneva.
You didn't have to throw it out.
We are radio silent until I say otherwise.
Do you understand?
What kind of minor league operation
are you running?
I slip off to Florida to catch a marlin
or two, everything goes to hell?
This was a simple supply run
before the asset was placed in country.
What happened to Xander Goi
is a tragedy, but
It's a fucking fiasco. What were
so many of your lawyers doing there?
This phase involved
sanctioned bank accounts.
So I sent Kitchens and Ebner to help.
Did any of them happen to see
who killed my guy?
That would have been helpful.
Sir, we have no evidence yet
that points to who took out our CO.
Hendricks and the asset
were clear of the location at the time.
Or the asset killed Goi
and we'll find the new kid in a ditch.
My money's on that.
I made certain there was nothing in the
asset's room to identify the occupants.
I'm in the process of pulling security
footage from in and around the hotel.
Still no contact
from Hendricks or the asset?
No. They may have gone quiet until they
can contact us from a secure location.
Since we got lawyers all over this,
tell me what's our legal exposure?
Ebner, you're handling the media scrub
from the consulate?
That's right, sir.
How Goi was papered, there's no reason
an agency connection would be made.
Okay, um
Gilbane, shut down your op.
Focus on finding your asset.
Sir, that's not necessary.
Not necessary?
Your eyes and ears are dead.
For all you know, your asset tipped
her hand and now your op is blown.
Or my asset is still in play
and Goi's death is unrelated,
which means there's no need to terminate.
Before we pull the plug,
we need to do everything
to save this operation.
This asset has unique access
to General Kuznetsov.
If we land her back in his orbit,
it will be the biggest
Russian intelligence coup in 40 years.
- How much time do you need?
- Twenty-four hours.
If I don't have the asset by then,
we'll dump the op, go into cleanup mode.
You have a day,
but you're down a field operative.
I'm putting Kitchens on operations duty
until this is over.
Mr. Kitchens can't take off his lawyer hat
when it's convenient.
I'm certain Lester understands
that in this time of crisis
the agency needs him to be a CO regardless
of whether it jeopardizes his new career.
Isn't that right, Kitchens?
Don't do it.
Yes, sir.
Good. Everyone who isn't Kitchens
or Gilbane, meeting's over.
- Sir
- That includes General Counsel.
I agree that Kuznetsov
is a priority one target.
We need to get an asset
next to the general.
If it's not one of yours,
we need to move on.
If it comes down
to losing this opportunity altogether
or cutting our losses and starting over,
burn the current players, understood?
Now someone do me a favor,
who the fuck is Owen Hendricks?
- Owen?
- What? What?
We're clear to call in.
Get the nun's phone.
Get the nun's phone.
You don't think we have enough bad luck?
We'll rob a nun now?
Just get it.
- Hello.
- Did I wake you?
- I take it you cleared the border?
- We did.
We're ready to come home. Is it safe?
It is.
You remember the address?
I do, if it's where we debriefed
during Butcher.
Can't wait to see you.
Hey. Sorry.
Um, I gotta use the
I'll return the phone.
- So you don't go to hell when you die?
- Better safe than sorry.
It's me.
- You're in trouble. I'm hanging up.
- Hold on. I got an offer you can't refuse.
Something that could save you, us.
What is it?
I have in my possession
high-level Russian intelligence.
I stole a notebook
from Max's safe deposit box,
but there's a chance
I won't be able to hold onto it.
I'm about to e-mail you pictures of it.
No, don't. Don't. Otherwise,
they could be found during discovery.
Okay, I'm gonna save the pictures
to my Instagram draft folder.
You'll get into my account,
download them, then delete them.
- My password is 123LFG.
- Of course it is.
There has got to be some way
for you to use these
to muddy the waters on our scandal.
Holy shit, I think I know what to do.
It's the end of the line.
We've gotta go steal a car.
- Yeah.
- I didn't hear that.
Yes, he was, in fact,
one of ours.
I need you to confirm to the Swiss police
that he was a Commerce Department attaché,
which is what it says
on the ID they found.
Hey, there you are.
I'm busy doing lawyer things,
I'll let you know
if I need anything extracted.
Next action item.
You'll insist the Swiss authorities
run any leads or suspects by you,
i.e., me, first.
There are two American citizens here
who need emergency assistance.
What's the emergency?
They say their friend was at a hotel
where someone was murdered.
- Does this friend have a name?
- Yes, Owen something.
Good morning. Can you tell me
how you're associated with Mr. Hendricks?
He's our roommate in D.C.
Have you been in Geneva long?
- Nope, we basically just got here.
- Oh.
- You came out here to meet Mr. Hendricks?
- No, he didn't know we were coming.
But I don't see how that matters.
Someone was murdered,
and now we can't find him.
So what brought you out here?
I think you're missing the point.
This isn't about us.
Our friend is missing
and you don't seem to be alarmed.
Is there a supervisor we can talk to?
There are hundreds of guests at the hotel.
So why do you think
your friend is in trouble?
Because he works for the CIA.
So do I.
- With Owen, in fact.
- Why didn't you just say that?
Why did you follow a CIA officer
around the world?
Like I said, we were concerned.
You were concerned before the incident
at the hotel? That's interesting.
Did he tell you
about what he was doing here
or what he does on his work trips
or what he does at the agency?
- He never talks about work.
- Why are you worried about this trip
when you haven't been worried
about others?
Was there something
about what he was doing here?
Like I said, he doesn't tell us anything.
Who besides me knows you're here?
My mother, who's got half of D.C.
on speed dial, including your boss.
How about giving us answers
instead of interrogating us?
I wish I had answers for you.
But at the moment,
we don't know where Owen is either.
Which is why I was asking the questions.
But I'd be happy to reach out
if I find out anything.
- Please do.
- That mean we're free to go?
Of course.
But some advice.
Go home.
The agency is all over this.
You can blame me for coming here.
We were questioned by the CIA.
It feels like
you're not understanding that.
Our names are now in a file.
- We didn't do anything wrong.
- It doesn't matter.
Need I remind you, you and I
are not in the same position
when viewed by authorities.
I'm sorry. You're right.
Look, we have to face the facts that
Owen, he might be in some real trouble.
And instead of helping,
we've unintentionally created more.
- Who are you calling?
- My mother.
So do you understand?
Print the pages I sent you and plant them.
How does a bunch of Russki scribbles
help with our rocket situation?
You know Havana Syndrome?
Pulsed radio frequency attacks
giving our diplomats concussions in Cuba,
China, Vietnam and Australia?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
The scribbles from the notebook pages
confirmed they are courtesy
of Russian military intelligence.
Here's what you're gonna do.
Find these pages at the
Nigerian compound you're about to raid.
Now, I want it on helmet cam,
I want you to find them tucked
in some crevice like the Holy Grail.
Copy that. Mission is the pages.
Exactly. And then, amazing coinkidink,
you also find the anti-tank rockets
you lost in the same place,
and you destroy them
because they're unstable.
- We blow up the notebook pages too?
- No. No! No. You bring me the pages.
I wave them around,
an incredible intelligence coup,
and nobody gives two shits why our rockets
ended up in the hands of Boko Haram.
God help me,
you'll be a fucking hero.
Copy that. Where did you find
the notebook pages anyway?
Fuck you! I didn't.
You did, at the compound.
Copy that.
Oh, fuck.
- Mom, please.
- I still don't understand.
You think Owen's been arrested,
hurt, or what?
He's not answering his phone,
and he disappeared.
I told you what happened at the consulate.
Can you just use some of your contacts
and make phone calls
to find out where he is, if he's okay?
Honey, people who have that clearance
take it seriously.
No one wants to wind up
like Scooter Libby.
Scooter Libby
is playing golf at Mar-a-Lago.
Please. Okay, just make a few phone calls.
Owen doesn't matter to anyone except me.
Okay. I will look into this
on one condition.
You will move out of that apartment.
- I don't want you involved in Owen's life.
- Mom!
No. I'm tired
of him constantly derailing you.
This is non-negotiable.
Also, I'm buying two tickets for you
and Terence to come home. Coach.
Consider it your punishment
for being so reckless.
- I'm going to tell you Dawn's secret.
- What? Why?
If the agency thinks Xander's death has
compromised putting me back in Belarus,
then I become useless to them
and Dawn kills me.
But if I tell you her secret,
then she will have to kill us both.
- Yeah. No, I'm good. Thank you.
- Owen
On the list of things I don't wanna know,
shit that gets me killed is at the top.
Stop being a child.
- I'm not being a child.
- Dawn
No, don't Stop
Dawn is running ghost assets
and pocketing the money.
I don't know what that means.
I'm still in the dark.
Every asset gets paid depending
on the level of intelligence they provide.
Dawn created high-level fake assets
and stole the money the CIA sent for them.
- That is super illegal.
- Yes.
And now I have a legal responsibility
to inform my boss.
You didn't inform your boss
of all the illegal shit you and I did.
As long as Dawn plays nice,
we keep her secret.
Sir, the White House chief of staff
is here.
- You mean on the phone?
- No, sir.
- He's here.
- Shit.
Kevin. Nice surprise.
Why the hell am I getting calls
about Owen Hendricks?
I don't Calls from who?
From a lobbyist
who says a CIA operation in Geneva
has gone sideways
and a CIA lawyer's gone missing.
What kind of leaky ship
are you running here?
First, I resent the implication
that whatever issue D.O. might be having
is somehow my fault.
Secondly, do you really wanna be briefed?
Of course not.
But my previous conversations with
Hendricks about a certain former asset
leaves me a little pregnant.
There was an operation in Geneva.
The first phase,
returning a former asset into the field.
Things went wrong.
Case officer was killed,
Hendricks and the asset are missing.
Who was the case officer?
Xander Goi.
You keep this away from me.
No reason to believe it'll get near you,
unless there's something
you're not telling me.
Not telling each other shit
is literally in our job description.
My contact with Hendricks was incidental.
It doesn't ever need to be mentioned.
Are we clear?
- Kevin?
- Are we clear?
- Yes.
- Great.
I was never here.
What's with the guns?
Till we know what happened to Goi,
we have to treat you as hostiles.
No hard feelings.
What the fuck? Hey. Yo.
Ow! Shit. Fuck!
I know you.
- Yeah, what's up, buddy?
- Shit.
I'm telling Nyland about this.
You're way out of line.
Park him in darkness
till I'm ready for him.
Oh, fuck. Come on, man.
You can't be this stupid.
Maybe nobody gives a shit about Meladze,
but I work at the OGC.
Relax, hotshot.
As long as you're not a problem,
this will all work out.
Can't be a coincidence that you're here.
Dawn made a request
since you and I go way back.
Plus, this op has extra hazard pay,
which is sweet since you made me
sign away half my fucking salary.
That money goes to your wife and kids.
And I'm not sure
the rugrats are even mine.
Do we really need all this drama?
Can't you come cut me loose?
We can open a bottle,
talk about what happened.
I like the drama.
And I don't trust you.
Fair enough.
Then let's get into it.
Xander Goi's death had nothing
to do with me or our operation.
He was killed
for fucking the wrong man's wife.
I'd love to believe that. Why should I?
Because the person
whose wife he was fucking
is a high-level Russian mobster
who runs Geneva.
And yesterday,
I gave him photos of Xander in the act.
That's cold, Max.
Even for you.
I don't see you weeping.
Why did you do it?
The lawyer fucked my money.
It was the only thing I had worth enough
to get me that meeting with Lev.
You just confessed to being responsible
for a CIA officer's death.
How does that help save our op?
Because you're going
to leave that part out.
Why would I do that?
Because you want to become
Moscow station chief.
And the only way that happens
is if this operation is a success.
Otherwise, you've run a failed mission,
got a fellow case officer killed,
which means
you'll be lucky if they give you a desk
in some forgotten CIA basement.
What does the lawyer know?
That keeping his mouth shut
is in his best interest.
You have dirt on him too?
I'm starting to get
a real sense of déjà vu.
Yeah, me too.
That mean we can skip the conversation
where I tell you not to make a thing
of a standard mission safety protocol?
Is that what you call zip-tying
and assaulting an agency lawyer?
It's what I call doing what was necessary
to protect an agency operation.
Now, if you're done being delicate,
can I tell you the good news?
You decided to retire
with the other replicants.
We are about to get
on a call with Langley,
where we will recommend to the director
that our operation should proceed
because Goi's death was unconnected.
Is that what you believe,
or what you wanna believe?
It's what we both believe,
unless you plan not to back me up.
Mr. Hendricks.
You had people very worried.
Yes, sir. I apologize.
Given the death of the asset's handler,
I felt it was prudent to go dark
until we knew if we were compromised.
Are you saying Goi's death
wasn't connected to your operation?
That is the working theory.
I'm sorry to say we have HUMIN
that Goi was killed for having an affair
with the wife of a Russian criminal.
Sir, I can confirm that.
I managed to pull security footage
from the hotel and surrounding streets.
Facial recognition pinged
this woman, Nichka Lashin.
Intel pegs her
as a Russian mafia enforcer.
I saw her outside our hotel
before we left.
Nyland, what do you think?
- It's your call.
- Way to hedge your bets with the boss.
Okay, I am satisfied
the op can proceed as planned.
What are our next steps?
We go to Prague with the asset
to make the buy-in.
In success,
my team clears the path of obstacles,
then we return her to Belarus.
Try to avoid any more fuck-ups.
Yes, sir.
Okay, my turn.
Salazar, Hendricks stay here.
Everybody else, go away.
I got a very unwelcome visit today
from the White House chief of staff.
- Someone called him about you.
- Sir
This person, a lobbyist,
wanted to know if you were safe.
Seemed to know things
had gone badly where you are.
I take it from your reaction
you know who called?
Hannah's mom.
Hannah's my
My roommate.
I'm pretty sure that she came to Geneva
- because she was worried about me.
- I can confirm she was concerned.
I went to Owen's apartment
to help with the sanction SNAFU.
When this is over,
you're both gonna take a refresher course
in keeping your damn mouths shut.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Do I need to tell you
to remain radio silent
- until this operation is complete?
- No, sir.
And if I hear about any more calls
being made on your behalf
you're fired.
Is that understood?
Yes, sir.
Owen is fine.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
I got it from the chief of staff himself.
Owen is in the middle
of something sensitive,
which is why he's not calling you back.
Now, get your ass on the plane.
Owen's fine.
Thank God.
Now, let's go.
You're not coming, are you?
I mean, I can't.
If I'm this unhappy now,
where am I gonna be in five years?
Or how much harder will it be
to make a change then?
I could think of a lot worse places
to have a quarter-life crisis.
Privilege has its privileges.
Well, if you're gonna do
this emotional audit, don't stop halfway.
You need to figure out
how you really feel about Owen.
Because you can't move forward
until you do. Come here.
You got this.
Be safe.
Oh, this is sick.
Don't touch anything.
This is our mobile ops center.
You'll ride in this
while we drive to Prague
for the meeting with Lev.
- What's this?
- That is an RQ-4 Global Hawk drone
currently taking off
from Ramstein Air Base.
It's being piloted by a kid
sitting in a bunker
underneath the Las Vegas Strip.
It'll provide tactical surveillance
for Max's meeting with Lev
while my team
provides boots-on-the-ground security.
JAG1, RAQ4 is on site.
I see you landing at the staging area.
We're gonna move into position.
When I give the "all clear,"
you're gonna get into the car,
drive to your meeting with Lev.
We will provide overwatch.
When the deal is done,
you'll get out of there.
- Give me a gun.
- They're gonna take it away.
Then give me two.
I'll put the first where they can find it.
The goal is to not shoot anyone.
Bullets start flying
and we came all this way for nothing.
Put this in your pocket. There's a mic.
It's active
so we can listen in on what's going on.
If things go badly,
you're gonna come rescue me.
Of course.
Hey. What am I doing?
You're with me.
- Seriously?
- No, you stay in the fucking truck.
Let's go!
You nervous?
No. I'm terrified.
There's even odds Lev will kill me
once I give him the money,
but there's no other way home, so
We're in position. You're a go.
I'll see you on the other side.
Okay. Yeah.
Kirill sent me your bounty.
There's 7 million more in that case.
That's serious money.
Well, I'm serious about making amends.
You know, there are some that
won't let you come home
no matter how much money you give them.
Well, that's my problem to deal with.
And what if they've already paid me
to leave your body out in the snow?
Then I'd already be out there.
So shall we talk terms?
Oh, jeez.
JAG1, I'm having a software glitch.
You're flying solo while I reboot.
Roger that. Eyes peeled.
Eye of God closed.
Yeah, I knew you were trouble
When you walked in, yeah ♪
And now I'm lying
On the cold, hard ground, what? ♪
Who the fuck are these guys?
Overwatch One. Come in, Overwatch One.
Overwatch, we got a problem. Do you copy?
Stay off this channel.
We have a serious problem.
Do you not hear me?
That's why you never bring a lawyer
on an op.
What the fuck is this?
I knew I couldn't trust you.
Learn to lie, learn to cheat ♪
Razor blades, hard to eat ♪
Hear my voice, scream my name ♪
Tried the punch
But I don't like the taste ♪
Read my lips, nod your head ♪
Can't pretend like
You know what I said ♪
Over and over again ♪
Over and over and over again ♪
I need you on-site now.
Yeah. Hi, I could use some help.
Where are you?
Down here!
What the shit are you doing down there?
JAG2, we got a friendly to protect.
You're weapons free.
Let's fucking go!
Over and over and over again ♪
Over and over again ♪
Over and over again ♪
You're sleep walkin' ♪
Just sleep talkin' ♪
Over and over and over again ♪
You got shot.
Yeah, no shit.
I killed someone.
Oh, shit.
Oh, God.
I didn't do this.
I didn't betray you.
you'll never believe that,
which means if you live
then I don't get to go home.
Max, no.
And I'm going home.
Let's go.
What was happening?
Who was shooting at the compound?
- Who was shooting at the compound?
- Nichka.
- Nichka?
- Yeah.
- How do you know her?
- I met her in Geneva.
She was outside the hotel
that Xander got killed at.
She was the one
who pushed the Council to kill me.
I don't feel so good.
Because you're in shock.
Just lie down for a minute.
Close your eyes.
Just rest and breathe.
Just breathe.
- Stop the car, Max.
- I'm not stopping the car.
Stop the fucking car, Max.
Stop the fucking car, Max! Fuck!
What the fuck are you doing?
I can't do this anymore.
Look, I get it.
Your first time, it's upsetting.
Max, I pulled a trigger and a guy's head
came apart, and I can't stop seeing it.
- That will pass.
- It's not the right answer.
- That is what a psychopath says.
- Or a survivor.
Same thing.
- Just get in the car.
- No!
I quit. I'm through with you
and I'm through with the agency.
Owen, stop.
I said, stop.
Oh, I have been so stupid.
I thought I could save you.
I thought
underneath this whole psychokiller
that there was someone that
had actually suffered loss and tragedy,
that was desperately alone and just,
I don't know, needed someone
to fucking care about them.
I thought that I could help you.
I thought if I helped you,
then you could change.
But you can't change.
Max, you have dug yourself
in so fucking deep, there's no way out.
You are a prisoner
of this incessant need to survive.
Just like I'm a prisoner
of my own self-sabotaging bullshit.
Dead dad, fucking manic mom,
as if that's an excuse to be so selfish,
to hurt the people
that actually care about me. I
I need you.
To get back home.
After what just happened
I can't.
Max, if I don't get out now,
I'm gonna be lost forever. And you
Nobody can save you.
- Hello?
- Hannah.
Oh, my God.
- Are you okay?
- Uh
I'm not sure.
I mean, nobody's shooting at me,
so that's good.
I have made so many fucking bad choices.
Like, every decision I made
since I started working this job
has been the wrong one,
including not listening when you said
that I was making bad choices.
Are you still in Prague?
- How do you know I'm in Prague?
- I'm here too.
I'm right near the war memorial.
- I'll go there. Just come find me.
- Okay.
Is this real?
Because, I swear, I'm so fucking tired.
I feel like I could be dreaming.
It's real. I'm right here.
It's gonna be okay.
- We have a problem.
- No shit. We're in full runaway mode.
The lawyer is the problem.
Are you with him?
No. But I can track him
on the watch I gave him.
Good. I'm tracking you
through the phone I gave you.
See you in a minute.
I'm a rabbit in your headlights ♪
Scared of the spotlight ♪
You don't come to visit ♪
I'm stuck in this bed ♪
Thin rubber gloves ♪
She laughs when she's cryin' ♪
That was fast.
She cries when she's laughin' ♪
Fat bloody fingers ♪
Are suckin' your soul ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
What the?
Away ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
Where are we?
- I don't know.
- Who has us?
Away ♪
Who are you?
And what the fuck are you doing
running around with my mother?
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