The Recruit (2022) s02e02 Episode Script


[Owen] Previously on The Recruit
Nan Hee's being held
at the most dangerous place in Russia.
In order to rescue
your damsel in distress,
we're gonna need some intel
about where she's being held.
[Owen] Luckily, we have an asset
that can track her down.
- [Jang Kyun] Who are they?
- Agency peeps that tried to kill us.
So they have operational expertise.
You want me to green-light
a covert mission into Russia?
No. I already have a tactical team
in place led by Dawn Gilbane.
- Get it done.
- [beep]
We have to get out of Korea right now.
[Owen] I know someone with a boat.
Let's go get your wife back.
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades out]
[radio static crackling]
[static ends]
["Gift Horse" by IDLES plays]
Sinew exploding from chrome hooves
Where we're going, we don't ♪
This, this is the Bigwang.
Okay, I got it. I got it. I got it.
He looks a little long
In the gold tooth ♪
- Watch-watch my steed ♪
- [indistinct chatter]
Go-go far-far ♪
Watch-watch my-my ♪
Heads up. Coast guard's incoming.
Watch-watch my-my steed-steed
Go-go far-far ♪
Watch my steed go far ♪
Go! ♪
Look at him go ♪
- Look at him go ♪
- [keypad beeping]
Look at him go ♪
- [cell phone ringing]
- [Owen] Ah, fuck.
- What are you doing?
- It's Nichka. Shut up.
Hey, now is not a great time.
I am here,
heading for the Yakuza compound.
Fucking great. We're in the harbor.
Holler back when you make contact.
- "Holler back"?
- I don't know.
[music continues]
- [in Korean] Good morning, sir.
- [music ends]
Do you speak Korean?
[gulls calling]
[in broken English] Uh English?
Da English.
What is the purpose
of your business in Russia?
[in broken English]
Uh, we are part of, uh
a small Korean fishing, uh, collective
to to make expand, uh market.
And how will you be covering my fee?
Uh American dollar.
[briefcase clasps clack]
[whispers] Give me some money.
- Give me one more. One more.
- [mouths inaudibly]
[mutters in Korean]
[in English] We pay.
Thank you.
[chuckles, in Korean] Let's go.
[in English] Shit.
[tense music playing]
[water bubbling]
[music ends]
Hey, thanks for doing this.
What up? I'm Owen.
[Dodge] No names.
All right, I'm gonna call you Beef Stew,
that's Dimples,
Miss Thang, and Little Red Corvette.
What? I'm working on it.
Don't touch.
I hope you brought enough for everyone.
If this turns into a shooting war,
we lose.
Success will depend
on stealth and speed.
In and out
before they even know we were here.
As long as Nichka comes through
with a quality recon,
we might actually pull this thing off.
They are going to die ugly.
We need to protect ourselves
and the Agency when they do.
Which is why Ms. Salazar
is going to non-paper us.
"These are the facts
as of the date above."
"Owen Hendricks and Lester Kitchens
were authorized
to look into a personnel matter
in the Republic of Korea."
"Communication was lost 24 hours ago,
and those actors have gone rogue."
"Therefore, any actions
after yesterday's date are, in our view,
not sanctioned
by the Central Intelligence Agency."
[suspenseful music playing]
[paper shuffles]
[music continues]
[clicks tongue]
[in Korean] Now that
we are legally covered
[music fades]
what are you doing
to contain this nightmare?
Sir, I am working diligently
to ascertain the whereabouts
of Officer Kim and the American agents.
Deputy Director Cho, don't bullshit me.
Officer Kim and the Americans have run
a covert operation under our nose,
and you've allowed this to happen.
Yes, sir. And I am making progress with
the Agency lawyer we have in custody.
Make it fast.
The CIA has sent another lawyer
to bring him home.
We need a path to success
before that happens.
Do you understand, Deputy Director Cho?
I won't let you down.
See that you don't.
If you don't have this under control
until we have to let that lawyer go,
you'll be the one occupying that cell.
Do you understand?
[tense music playing]
[garage door clattering]
[guns cocking]
- [gun cocks]
- [music fades]
[in English] Who are you?
Oh, my name is not yours to know.
But my job is.
I am Krysha. You know what this means?
Russian Mafia enforcer.
The same Mafia that allows you
to operate inside of our country.
I have been sent by the Obshchak
to yell at your boss.
So unless you want my people
to turn your clubhouse into a crater,
you will take me to him.
This is all a misunderstanding.
I informed our local contact
So you say, but even if true,
he kept that news to himself,
and now he rests in pieces.
And I have been given his territory,
including a share
of the Korean aid workers
that you kidnapped on Russian soil.
And for your sins, I will be
taking an extra 10% of the cut.
That is unreasonable.
We didn't kidnap her for ransom.
She learned of a pending drug shipment.
We needed to keep her quiet.
And is that deal now complete?
[Kenta] Yes.
Then take me to her so I can see
if she is still worth anything.
[lock clacking]
- [man groaning]
- [unsettling music playing]
[somber music playing]
[door buzzes]
These conditions are deplorable.
I mean, there's barely any banchan. Uh,
where's the kongjaban, for God's sake?
You can have all the
side dishes you like
if you give me
just an ounce of cooperation.
[Janus chuckles] Mm-hmm.
Look, I like you, Grace,
despite the current drama.
In another life, I would've made
a series of grand romantic gestures,
which you would have entertained
but ultimately rejected.
And I would've been forced to make peace
with that so we could be besties.
But we can't be besties
in this life, Grace.
And I would love to give you a nugget
of useful but harmless information
to make up for all the subterfuge,
but I can't,
because the second
the handcuffs went on,
I switched to input-only mode.
Otherwise, I end up in a cell back home.
So kindly add some more side dishes
to my input for the next meal.
Actually, that's pretty good.
- [munching]
- [chopsticks clink]
- [door buzzes]
- [Dawn] It's Mission Prep 101.
No civilians.
Tough shit. It's her boat.
And she's got skin in the game,
so if she wants to stay she stays.
Or we lock your side piece in
the bathroom until all this is over.
- Fuck you.
- [Lester] Whoa, whoa, okay.
Let's turn it down a notch, all right?
There is nothing about this operation
that is by the book.
- So we just need to roll with it.
- [cell phone vibrates]
There's not even anything
we can really game-plan.
- Not until
- Nichka calls.
What up, blondie?
You have problems.
- Did you find Nan Hee?
- [Nichka] Yes, but it is a fortress.
The only way you could get in
to rescue her
is with light armor
and an infantry division.
Is she all right?
[Nichka] No. Her cell is a coffin,
and they have clearly beaten her.
The trauma will never leave,
but I saw no lasting physical injuries.
[tense music playing]
Be more specific, uh, about the location.
There has to be a way to get to her.
There isn't.
Uh, it is a fortified building
in a marina that they control.
I counted 30 men, but I would assume
there are twice that many.
Even if you could get inside,
it is a maze of staircases and hallways.
You would get bogged
down in a firefight.
- [Lester] Are they suspicious of you?
- No.
I jacked them up
for a piece of the ransom,
but they claim you shot down their ask?
Well, yeah, they asked
for a crazy amount. We
It doesn't matter now.
Our only play is to go back to them
as the K&R guys
and say that we got the company
to come up with more cash.
- But we can make them bring her to us.
- [Lester] Hmm.
International law prohibits K&R companies
from doing any business on Russian soil.
- It's American sanctions.
- [Lester] He's right.
You get the Yakuza on the water
with a reduced force,
we sneak on board,
drop the bad guys, and get the hostage.
- At which point, we head out to open sea.
- Nichka, can you hang back with them?
Give us a heads-up
if things start popping off?
As long as my money is real.
- Yeah, it is.
- [Nichka] Then make the call.
[tense music continues]
[keypad clicking]
[Owen] Kenta, my man.
It's Mike Fisk from the K&R company.
Boy, do I have good news for you.
[music fades]
Tell you what
I wish this swap was tonight.
Daylight increases the risk factor
by a hundred.
It is what it is.
We gonna talk about what happens next,
if we actually manage to survive this?
You mean because of the whole
trying-to-kill-me thing?
Here's what I'll say.
You help me secure my future,
I won't have to worry so much
about my past.
Fair enough.
But [clears throat]
if you ever
try that again,
I'll cut your fucking head off.
Also fair.
Are you scared?
Yeah, of course I'm scared.
I'm way out of my comfort zone here.
I'm a lawyer, for fuck's sake.
[sighs] I'm not buying it, Owen.
Chaos and peril has always been
your comfort zone,
especially after your dad died.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean
I'm not scared.
It's better that than
["In My Breath" by MASA playing]
Been a while ♪
Oh, it′s been a while ♪
I still see you on my ceiling ♪
A wise person once said
that grief is all the unspent love
we carry for those we've lost.
It's enough to steal me away ♪
It's okay to be sad.
It′s been a while ♪
- It's enough to ♪
- Steal me away ♪
Oh, whoa, oh ♪
- It′s been a while ♪
- Oh, whoa, oh ♪
- [Yoo Jin gasps]
- [music lifts]
[Owen chuckles]
- [Owen gasps]
- [music ends]
- [distant harbor bell rings]
- [water lapping]
- [Owen grunts, sighs]
- [Yoo Jin] I'm here. You're safe.
What if I fail?
I've been so desperate to find redemption
in Jang Kyun's love story, but
what if it's just another selfish quest
that hurts everyone around me?
Better to fight for
love than abandon it.
[gull calling]
Couldn't sleep?
Yeah, that's a stupid question.
Look, I can't imagine
what you're going through.
But as your friend, I
Correction, as a lawyer for the agency
that you're blackmailing to help them
and, you know,
who's kind of become your friend
[Jang Kyun scoffs]
I think that you should stay here.
The rescue needs to be clinical,
not emotional.
We can say that you got sick.
We can say that you missed your flight.
You'd have to kill me to stop me
from going to get my wife back.
Yeah, I I figured you would say that,
but if she gives you up
She won't.
I'm not your friend, Owen.
I would kill you to save her
in a heartbeat.
Yeah, I know.
But you wouldn't admit that
unless we were buds.
As much as I appreciate you helping me,
the only person I trust
to bring her home is me.
I will save her or die trying.
[soft, suspenseful music playing]
[music continues]
This is a non-conversation.
Our people at the place
did not just send word
of a one-hour countdown
to the non-operation.
Understood I think.
I'm getting a little bit lost
in all the negatives.
[Nyland] Mm.
Since it's not happening,
operational oversight will be absent.
But there might be a video link
in SCIF-13B,
which is closed for maintenance.
I appreciate the heads-up, sir,
but, um, I'm through
being dragged by that undertow.
I have a lot of work I need to focus on.
Probably for the best.
[door opens]
[suspenseful music continues]
[sighs softly]
- [dramatic music playing]
- [Nan Hee grunts]
[Lester] Waste of time.
As soon as they open that briefcase,
it all goes to shit.
Then you better show
up before I have to.
Press this when you see the hostage.
We'll be there in 45 seconds.
Copy that.
[distant ship horn blares]
- I'll see you on the other side?
- Oh, you better.
Although, the tragic death
of my first love
at the hands of the Yakuza
would make a kick-ass origin story.
That's the spirit.
All right, Corvette, don't fuck this up.
[ship horn blares]
[drone whirring]
["Me and the Devil" by Soap&Skin plays]
[door closes]
Early this morning ♪
When you knocked upon my door ♪
Early this morning ♪
When you knocked upon my door ♪
And I said, "Hello, Satan, I" ♪
"I believe it is time to go" ♪
Me and the devil ♪
Howdy, boys.
- No need for the hardware.
- Walking side by side ♪
[Owen chuckles]
All right.
[music continues]
Oh, whoa, whoa.
No money till we see the hostage.
By the highway side ♪
So my old evil spirit ♪
Can Greyhound bus that ride ♪
So my old evil spirit ♪
Can Greyhound bus that ride ♪
- [music ends]
- [Owen] Kenta.
Happy that we could make this work.
You gonna introduce me to your friend?
- Let me see the money.
- Let's see the woman first.
[Nan Hee whimpering]
[watch beeps]
Here we go.
Aid worker Kim, I am Jung Si-Woo.
We have come to pay for your release.
[Kenta in English] English.
[tense music playing]
I'm just telling her
that we're here to buy her release.
[music intensifies]
[mutters inaudibly]
Abort. Abort. Abort.
[Lester] Oh shit.
- [Yoo Jin] She can't stop now.
- Huh?
She has to. We can't get into a
firefight in front of the Russians.
We'll be KIA, or worse, captured alive,
tried for espionage,
and tortured the rest of our lives.
No. We can't abandon Owen.
Hey, no, we can't launch now.
In two minutes, it's gonna be too late.
[tense music continues]
- [Yoo Jin] I won't leave him. [grunts]
- [Lester] No. [grunts]
- [Yoo Jin] Let me go! [screams]
- [Lester grunts]
[lock clacks]
- [Dawn] Mission's blown.
- I know. I know.
I sent Dodge and the others
to the exfil boat.
- We have to get going now.
- [Yoo Jin] What the fuck? [grunts]
[music fades]
[Kenta] You have what you came for.
Give us the money.
Of course.
But first, I would like to extend
our company's sincerest gratitude
that we were able to reach
a peaceful resolution in this matter.
- I believe it was Winston Churchill
- Shut up.
[pulsing, suspenseful music playing]
[Nan Hee breathing heavily]
Give me the woman.
- [tense music playing]
- [briefcase clasps clack]
[music swells]
- [grunting]
- [Nan Hee screams, yelps]
[grunting, groaning]
- [bone cracks]
- [man 1 screams]
- [Jang Kyun grunts]
- [man 1 yells]
[Owen groans, grunts]
- [gunshot]
- [Jang Kyun groans]
- [music intensifies]
- [Nan Hee screaming]
- [Owen grunts]
- [man 2 groans]
- [yells]
- [music fades out]
[muffled gunshots]
[gunshots echo]
There was nothing we could do.
[somber music playing]
[static crackles]
You got played.
My bosses will not be impressed.
Let's go.
[distant ship horn blares]
[tense music playing]
[Yoo Jin] Better to fight for love
than abandon it.
- [music fades]
- [breathes heavily]
- How bad?
- [scoffs] I don't know.
But when the best-case scenario
is they're dead, does it really matter?
Of course it does.
You need to re-paper Owen.
Sir, no. Find someone else.
There is no one else.
Your job right now
is to protect the Agency.
- I won't.
- You will.
[tense music playing]
You followed me here
to secure your future.
[Amelia scoffs]
[Nyland] National security credentials
get you paid.
But that future comes with a price,
and now is when you have to pay it.
So get your ass downstairs
and start expanding Owen's file
to include all the sins
the Agency can use
to hang this failed mission
around his neck.
Then bury it off-registry
so we can tell CEG
it fell between the bureaucratic cracks.
Yes, sir.
I didn't understand
what it would cost coming here.
Now you do.
[music fades]
[train horn blares]
[Owen sputters]
[breathing heavily]
[grunting breathing]
[handle rattles]
[distant train rumbling]
[horn blares]
[ragged breaths]
[train horn blares]
[breathing softens]
[train horn blares]
[Violet] You're basically fucked.
- I'm fucked?
- Mm.
You sent covert personnel into Korea
without declaring them,
under the false cover of being lawyers.
Ah, wrong.
- They are lawyers.
- They recruited one of my people.
Your guy is graymailing us,
and your other guy
kidnapped an American citizen
at the Four Seasons in DC.
- I know nothing about that.
- [Violet] Bullshit.
Come on, Grace. You
have no leverage here.
We both know
the CIA is getting Janus Ferber back
based on 50 years of intelligence law.
But you have two
wild cards in the field.
A rogue case officer
who has his finger on the trigger
and a rich kid
you were forced to put into play
who, uh, couldn't name names fast enough
when we caught him.
[Grace sighs]
What are you proposing?
Who said I had an offer?
Based on the leverage
you think you have,
you wouldn't waste time talking to me
if you didn't.
Well, believe it or not,
I am your best hope at saving your job.
I mean, clearly,
your career is in jeopardy.
The kind that comes
with, uh, prison time.
But if you play ball,
I can help you shape a narrative
that will insulate you from any fallout.
We're gonna help you pin everything
on Owen Hendricks.
- [train horn blares]
- [Owen inhales sharply]
[man speaking indistinctly in Russian]
[Owen gasps]
- [man laughs]
- [Owen] Oh f
[men speaking in Russian]
[door opens]
[chattering continues]
[breathing heavily]
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[music building]
- [Owen grunts]
- [music abates]
- [man 1 grunts]
- [thud]
[muffled soundscape]
[tense music continues]
- [man 2] Nikolai.
- [Owen gasps]
- [panting]
- [train rattling]
[man 2] Nikolai.
["Things to Say to Friendly Policemen"
by Future of the Left playing]
Pull me into your coloring books ♪
[both straining]
Because I'm a salesman
Who stepped on the pavement ♪
And fell on land mine
Instead of his face ♪
- Face ♪
- [man 2 groans]
[Owen groaning]
All big men have a gravity
That draws them to the sun ♪
And gives them their authority
And gives them their control ♪
How soon is not? ♪
- [man 2 groans]
- [music ends]
[ragged breathing, grunts]
[muffled grunt]
- [man 1 pants]
- [spits]
- [huffs]
- [man 1 groaning]
[muffled groaning]
[Owen grunts]
[Lester] We don't have a choice.
We have to make the call.
We don't have all the facts yet.
- [pounding]
- [Yoo Jin] Let me out!
What other facts do we need?
Shit went biblical.
We got to alert Langley.
[cell phone ringing]
It's a Russian number.
- [phone beeps]
- Hello?
So I'm alive.
[sighs] Not gonna lie. Dead would've
made things a whole bunch easier.
Owen! They locked me up!
- Where are you?
- I'm on a houseboat.
A bit up the waterway. Um
Ozernyy Dock 317.
Great. Well, sail that thing outta here,
and let's go home.
I can't do that. Not until I
rescue Jang Kyun and his wife.
Are you crazy? Is he crazy?
How the fuck are you,
a CIA fucking lawyer
with zero fucking operational training
or support,
gonna do what my SOG team couldn't?
I don't know.
But I cannot just leave them here.
- [Lester] Yeah, you can.
- No, I can't.
Even if we're just being mercenary,
we can't leave them
in the hands of Russians.
They're gonna spill all of our secrets.
And on a human level
Fuck a human level.
[Owen] I can't.
I won't.
You and Lester are dead inside.
Whether you started off that way
or this job killed that part of you,
I don't know.
But if I walk away now, then I become
you, and I do not wanna be dead inside.
Okay, Owen
your noble bullshit is naive as fuck.
But if you plan on doing this,
then at least let me send Nichka
to help you on this misguided quest.
- Fucking bonehead, man.
- That's your boy.
- [ship horn blares]
- [ominous music playing]
[Jang Kyun groans]
Please. He needs a doctor. Please!
[in Russian] Thanks
for the show of force.
FSB is here.
Which means I'm gone.
You promised us the American spy.
I can still get him.
Moscow sent a team for the prisoners.
Their plane will be here in four hours.
You have until then
to bring us what you promised.
Or else.
[cell phone vibrating]
- [tense, somber music playing]
- [soundscape fades]
[cell phone vibrating]
[Nan Hee whimpers]
- [Nichka] Da?
- [in English] Where are you?
Getting out of town.
The local FSB is in it now.
Negative. I need you to go grab Owen
and bring him to me.
You know where he is? Where are you?
It doesn't matter where I am
until you have him. Ozernyy Dock 317.
You will need to up my fee.
With the FSB involved,
it has gotten a lot more dangerous.
You bring me Owen
and I'll add a zero to your total.
Now go get me my guy, or so
help me Christ, my last act on Earth
will be to catapult you
through a chain-link fence.
[disconnect tone]
[scoffs] What am I doing?
This is insane. I don't have a plan. I
got no skills. I clearly have no brain.
I don't even know if you speak English,
if you got head trauma.
Maybe it's the sock.
- [grunts]
- [Owen] Hey!
[door closes]
[tense music playing]
[music builds]
[Owen] Jesus.
[music fades]
- You scared the shit out of me.
- Lester sent me to bring you back.
I'm not going back.
Not until I have Jang Kyun and his wife.
[Nichka] That is a terrible idea.
You will die for sure.
And you will get me killed.
Well, you're the only one that can get
me into the compound. They trust you.
Plus, you and I both know
if shit goes sideways,
you'd kill me so I won't rat you out.
So it's settled.
You should kill him.
If he is found or gets free,
he will give you up.
You're safer with him dead.
I'm having a real déjà vu moment.
You and your mom
have similar point of views on
[bullet casing clatters]
What the fuck?
Just because you do not have
the stomach for killing
does not mean it won't get done.
Stop pretending your actions
do not have consequences.
- Now you sound like Lester.
- Let's go.
[in Russian accent] "Let's go."
[in own voice] Fuck.
- [Nichka] Owen.
- What?
[bird cawing]
Get in the trunk.
You sold us out.
[Nichka] Can you blame me?
I told the FSB you tried to recruit me,
but I would become
a double agent for them.
They are flying in to collect you.
In two hours, I trade them an American
and Korean intelligence officer
for a small fortune and a big promotion.
You really are your mother's daughter,
you know that?
But I'm no use to them dead.
Which means
you're not gonna pull that trigger.
[Nichka] Don't do that.
I may not be able to kill you,
but they don't need you with kneecaps.
Or working feet.
Or balls.
I see your point.
Drop the gun,
and get in the fucking trunk.
- [groans]
- [gun clatters]
["PREDATOR" by Yonaka plays]
[Owen grunting]
I'm the predator,
I'm the I'm the ♪
[high-pitched ringing]
- [grunts]
- I'm the predator ♪
I'm the predator
I'm the I'm the predator ♪
[Owen rasps]
[Nichka grunts]
I come fresh with an army ♪
Heard you got the gasoline
Pour a little on me ♪
I spit fire, I ain't
never been sorry ♪
Belly of the beast
This is my damn story ♪
I always win hands down ♪
- [high-pitched ringing]
- [groans]
I only loaded three shells, Owen.
You have one left.
And then what will you do?
[shotgun clacking]
[music continues]
[music intensifies]
I'm the predator ♪
- [Owen grunts]
- [groans]
[music ends]
[Owen grunts]
- [high-pitched ringing]
- [panting]
[keypad clacking]
[line ringing]
[Lester] Are you with Nichka?
Kind of, yeah.
She sold us out to the FSB.
- Fuck! Of course she did.
- Where is she now?
Car trunk.
But there's an FSB team inbound
to collect us from the local airfield.
[Lester] Owen.
[Owen chuckles] I gotta go.
Call you back when I have 'em.
- [Lester] Owen!
- [cell phone beeps]
[cell phone vibrates]
- [Lester grunts]
- [vibrating]
[sighs] Yes, sir?
We cracked the code
on the Korean's dead man's switch.
It's been disabled.
No more threat of exposure.
So cancel his ticket,
and get your asses home.
Uh, that's that's great news, sir.
Uh, problem is,
Jang Kyun's not on board with us.
Where is he?
The Russians captured him.
All right.
All right, listen.
When, not if,
the Russians torture and break this guy,
he's gonna spill every secret
we just busted our nuts to keep secret.
So I'm gonna need one of you
to put a bullet in the Korean
to stop that from happening.
Yeah, unfortunately, sir,
that's just not possible.
Yes, it is.
I'll do it, sir, on one condition.
[West] Like I got options here?
What's my pound of flesh?
I want Moscow Station.
What happened
to helping me secure my future?
And all previous sins forgiven.
- [Nyland] Sir
- Get lost, Walter.
This has to happen.
You want deniability? Get out now.
[tense, intriguing music playing]
- [sighs]
- [card reader trills]
All right, Gilbane,
you got your golden ticket.
Sir, Hendricks is still in the field.
He's trying to get Jang Kyun back.
We don't need him back,
and that lawyer's got enough information
to put us all in prison
if he gets captured.
No loose threads.
- [Dawn] Yes, sir.
- [disconnect tone]
[music continues]
You're a real piece of work.
I am in the get-shit-done business,
And all the leverage just swung to me.
So get on board or get run over.
[tense music continues]
[footsteps departing]
[door buzzes]
[music fades]
- Time to go home.
- What if I don't want to?
What? Get your ass up.
I'm not in the mood for your drama.
All right. All right.
But it's under protest.
- [Violet] I don't give a shit.
- [Janus sighs]
I will always cherish our time together.
You have been banned
from ever returning to Korea.
Yeah, I figured that.
But when this is all over,
and we're both burned out
or bounced out of these jobs,
look me up.
I'd love to buy you dinner.
[unsettling music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[helicopter blades whirring]
[indistinct chatter]
[unsettling music continues]
[plane engine whooshes]
[man speaks Russian]
[tense music playing]
[man speaks Russian]
[dramatic music playing]
[music abates]
- [music fades]
- [Owen breathing heavily]
[distant plane engine whooshes]
- [muffled soundscape]
- [breathing heavily]
[chatter over radio]
[loud whooshing]
[Owen grunts]
- [tires screech]
- [grunts]
[soldiers speaking in Russian]
[suspenseful music playing]
[soldiers chattering]
[distant plane engine whooshes]
[suspenseful music continues]
[music fades]
[distant plane engine whooshes]
- [knocks]
- [Lester] All right, be cool. I gotta pee.
[lock clacks]
[water lapping]
Fuck. Oh shit.
Boss told me to lay low,
make sure there's no survivors.
- So there's no use begging for mercy.
- Like I'm gon' beg like some little bitch.
Okay, I changed my mind on the begging.
Please don't kill me.
- [Yoo Jin grunts]
- [groans]
Oh shit! Oof!
I just about saw Jesus, man.
You are my guardian angel, for real.
- [Yoo Jin grunts]
- [groans]
[Yoo Jin panting]
[dramatic electronic music playing]
[music fades]
[Jang Kyun breathes shakily]
[in Korean] I'm sorry.
It doesn't matter now.
Yes, it does.
I lost my way,
forgot about what truly mattered.
[soft, poignant piano music playing]
The baby.
[Nan Hee] Mm.
Once we get to Moscow
[Nan Hee] Mm?
they'll separate us.
[music continues]
When they realize
you don't know anything valuable
they'll send you to a prison camp.
I'll never see you again.
The future is not set.
Your friends could still come rescue us.
They're not my friends.
[Nan Hee] No.
- [Jang Kyun] No.
- No.
[Jang Kyun] Nobody's coming to save us.
[softly] No.
[Owen in English] Hi.
- [man groans]
- [Owen grunts]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Nan Hee speaks Korean]
[Jang Kyun groans]
- Hi.
- [Nan Hee whimpers, sighs shakily]
Can you walk?
- [Jang Kyun] Uh, yeah.
- Good.
- [Nan Hee sobs]
- Now get up.
It's time to save your wife.
- [Nan Hee weeps]
- [knife flicks]
[both grunt]
[Jang Kyun groans]
[Owen] Nan Hee.
- [in Korean] Nice to meet you.
- Thank you.
[Owen chuckles breathlessly]
[music fades]
[distant train clattering]
[train clattering loudly]
[tense music playing]
[in English] Who do I shoot first?
You can't kill them. They're mine.
[Dawn grunting]
[frenetic electronic music playing]
[Nichka chuckles]
[music building]
[knife thrums]
[both grunting]
Ridin' fast, zooms on the dash
We movin' fast, I had the glass ♪
Soon I'll be flash, we 'bout to crash
ATM, I took out the cash ♪
[both grunt]
[Nichka yelps]
Back it up
Back it up, back it up, ooh ♪
We stack our best
'Cause they makin' us move ♪
I make it pop like I
take the balloon ♪
[yells, grunts]
[both grunting]
[cries out]
[Dawn grunting]
- [Nichka groans]
- [breathing heavily]
[Dawn grunts]
[Nichka groans]
[music abates]
- [frenetic music resumes]
- [both grunting]
[Dawn grunts]
- [music fades]
- [Nichka breathes heavily]
- [squelch]
- [Dawn exhales softly]
[water babbling gently]
[knife thrums]
[water splashes]
[breathing heavily]
[soldiers chattering in Russian]
Hey. Psst.
[plane engine whooshes]
[Jang Kyun grunts]
- [door closes]
- We're just gonna drive outta here
- [engine starts]
- and no one's gonna look at us.
Oh, f Motherfuck! Hang on.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [engine revs]
[in Russian] Hey! Over here!
[tires screech]
- [gunshots]
- [Jang Kyun exclaims]
[heavy gunfire]
[bullets ricocheting]
[soldier shouts]
[bullets ricocheting]
- [in English] Where are we going?
- Get ready to go for a swim.
[grunts] Come on! Come on!
- [gunfire]
- Let's go.
- [Jang Kyun groans]
- [Owen] Go, go, go, go!
- [soldiers shout]
- Come on.
[dramatic music continues]
[soldier shouts]
[in Russian] Call the coast guard
I told you what would happen
if you failed.
- [all gasping]
- [heavy gunfire]
[Owen breathing heavily]
[music fades]
[dramatic music resumes]
[distant heavy gunfire]
[bullets whizzing]
[in English] Come on!
[Petrov in Russian] Coast Guard 3.
Red Alert. East Bay.
- Tell me.
- Stop the Korean vessel.
- On it.
- [gunfire]
[Owen in English] Come on!
[bullets ricocheting]
[Jang Kyun groans]
[both sigh]
- [bullets ricocheting]
- [Owen grunts]
[man in Russian] There they are!
Get after them!
[bullets ricocheting]
[in English] Hey, Les, stay down, okay?
Owen, untie me!
[Lester screams]
Thanks for the rescue.
[dramatic music continues]
[in Russian] I see
the boat. Closing fast.
[music intensifies]
[man] Accelerate. Close the gap.
[in English] Come on, come on, come on!
[man in Russian] Open fire!
- [Nan Hee breathes anxiously]
- [bullets ricocheting]
[in English] Fuck!
- [foreboding music swells]
- [gunfire continues]
[dramatic music continues]
Force Protection Team,
prepare to go topside.
[rousing music playing]
[Yoo Jin laughs]
Yoo! [laughs ecstatically]
[Yoo Jin] Whoo!
Say what's up
to the US Navy, bitches! [grunts]
[man in Russian] Abort, abort!
Get us the hell out of here.
[rousing music continues]
[Petrov over radio] Coast Guard 3,
what is your status?
Coast Guard 3?
- Come on! Yeah!
- [Yoo Jin laughs]
[music ends]
[serene piano music playing]
I really appreciate the assist.
Always fun
scaring the shit out of a Russian.
You mind giving us a minute?
Make it quick. This spot's
about to be a mile underwater.
"Thank you" seems
But I'll take it.
[inhales deeply] So [sighs]
what now?
I mean, I recommend we tell the world you
and Nan Hee were killed in Vladivostok
while the Agency sets you guys up
with new identities
and a healthy bank account in the US.
All it'll cost you
are the secrets in your head.
[intriguing percussive music playing]
You're trying to recruit me.
I guess I am.
What do you say?
You wanna live happily ever after
with your wife
or go back to Korea
and get locked up for treason?
When you put it that way,
I don't really have a choice, do I?
[Owen chuckles softly]
[horn blares]
Uh, we should probably get below.
[intriguing percussive music continues]
[music ends]
[dramatic electronic music playing]
[music fades out]
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