The Rookie (2018) s07e02 Episode Script
The Watcher
- What do you want? ♪
- Stop! Police!
What do you want? ♪
What do you want? ♪
What do you want? ♪
I wanna tell you all
my dirty, little secrets ♪
I wanna give it up,
see if you can keep it ♪
I wanna ♪
Damn it, it's locked.
Suspect went down
the north roof access
stairwell behind a locked door.
Taking the south stairwell
to cut him off at the street.
Anything you like ♪
24 karat doesn't break under spite ♪
You could be the magic
with your name up in lights ♪
All you gotta do is name the price ♪
What do you want? ♪
Well, that's a first.
How do I radio that in?
That's a 415, masked vigilante.
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
I'm gonna win for you ♪
Like I know you want me to do ♪
Are you cleaning or are you
just moving the mess around?
I can't find my keys
because someone keeps
letting our toddler play with them.
I cannot be late for my
meeting with the captain.
Well, maybe it can be
seen as a power play,
making him wait to hear your demands.
They're not demands.
They're respectful requests.
Now, if he doesn't address
them to my satisfaction,
then they become demands.
Hmm, found them.
Keyfob casserole.
She is a culinary
visionary, just like her mom.
Speaking of dinner, uh,
what time will you be home?
I invited a few friends over.
Our friends or your friends?
They're community activists.
In that case, I am busy.
I am filling in on patrol, and,
- cases are just piling up.
- Nyla, come on.
The latest corruption scandal
exposed a lot of dirty cops,
and people want answers.
Isn't that why you are
going to see the captain?
I I am just gonna tell them
the same thing that I am telling you.
We are handling it.
The department is just as motivated
to get bad cops off
the street as you are.
All right, maybe not just
as, but we are working on it.
For now.
Historically, there's always a lot
of talk about accountability,
but the second the press moves on,
it's all swept under the rug.
I think it would help if the
community heard from an officer
who shared their concerns.
Someone like my gorgeous, smart,
funny, talented,
amazing wife.
But, that is just because
you said I was funny,
and not enough people
acknowledge that.
Sunburn, cheap wine ♪
It takes me back ♪
It hurts sometimes to wonder, mm ♪
Do you think of us? ♪
Nights were always endless ♪
It was perfect love ♪
Didn't know how precious yet ♪
It's been a long time ♪
Still know what my address is ♪
Find me somewhere
in Texas, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
The hell are you doing, Boot?
I'm going to work, sir.
Yeah, I'm not blind.
I'm asking why you've
been coming to work
like you're leaving for a
six-month deployment.
What, this old thing?
It's a little cross-training
trick I picked up
from my high school football coach.
Heavy backpack equals easy cardio.
Well, do it on your own time.
Cops don't walk to work.
Oh, I know LA is not a walking city,
but I didn't think y'all
would care so much
how I got myself places.
I care when it's an
officer safety issue.
What, you worried someone's
gonna jump me for my milk money?
No, I'm worried
that some hardcore criminal
pissed at you for locking up his buddy
might sneak up behind
you and slit your throat.
That'll put an abrupt
ending to your easy cardio.
You're a pretty intense
guy, you know that?
What's your point?
Do we know what day it is?
Yo, I can't believe it's
finally Plain Clothes Day.
I mean, it's normal
to be nervous, right?
Yeah, of course.
And listen, Nolan
wouldn't have authorized it
if he wasn't sure you were ready.
Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
I bet your Plain Clothes
Day was a breeze, huh?
Actually, I almost washed out.
But, Nolan's not Tim.
And I don't think he's
gonna mess with your head.
You need to mess with her head.
Only way to make sure she's ready.
Yeah, that's not exactly my style.
Your style is also
being evaluated today.
But Juarez is a good cop.
If she messes up, it's as
much your failure as it is hers.
Wait a minute. Lucy is a great cop,
and you almost washed her out.
I did.
But you're not me.
Everyone knows I'm an exceptional TO.
You, on the other hand,
have yet to prove yourself.
It's the only way to prove
a TO doesn't have to play mind games
in order to train a good rookie.
It's not enough to win.
I have to crush Tim
in this competition.
Wait, so the contest
is just about TO styles?
I mean, what else would it be about?
Uh, nothing.
She thinks it's about the breakup.
And she's not alone.
I am so over the breakup.
We had friendly,
professional competition
long before we dated,
and this is just that.
So back in uniform.
How does it feel?
I am already sweating.
But we are rooting
for you today, Juarez.
Patrol really cannot afford to
lose another body right now.
The boys are obsessed
with this masked vigilante.
[SIGHS] Jack, too.
Whoever he is, he isn't
making my job any easier.
Citizen's arrest is perfectly legal.
But false imprisonment isn't.
And the fuzzy line between
the two is for the jury to decide.
Well, at least he
isn't hurting anyone.
- Mm.
- Yet.
I hope you don't mind,
but the captain wants me to sit in
- on this morning's proceedings.
- Not at all.
Just don't think I'm gonna go
easy because we're friendly.
Of course not.
I'll see you up there.
Wow, look at you.
It reminds me of the first day we met.
I hate it.
I forgot how much these
pants flatten out my ass.
Well, it still looks
pretty good to me.
"Pretty good"?
Uh, I move to have my previous comment
stricken from the record.
Are you ready for your meeting?
The real question is,
are they ready for me?
OK, not one word.
I was just gonna say thank
you both for your sacrifice.
The detectives owe you one.
You've owed me 200
bucks since the Super Bowl.
I want my money.
But seriously, if I need a
crime scene babysat today,
- you guys are my first call.
- Mm-hmm.
- We should go.
- Yeah.
Uh, have a good meeting.
- Thanks. See you tonight.
- Yeah.
Be careful today.
Not a fan of that detective?
Not at liberty to say.
I didn't see your Boot
in the locker room, Chen.
If he's late for roll call,
you'll be in the hole
before the day even starts.
He has a few minutes.
He has 43 seconds.
Hey, uh, have you guys seen Seth?
Damn it.
This is Seth. Leave a message.
All right, everybody. Settle down.
It is 8:00 a.m. on the dot,
which means roll call has started,
and Officer Chen's
Boot is officially
you're late, Boot.
- ALL: Ooh!
- Late!
- Sorry, I I didn't
- Officer Chen,
what's an acceptable excuse
for a rookie to be late to roll call?
- There isn't one.
- That's right.
Which means today, you'll
be starting in the loss column.
Moving on, Lieutenant
Grey is in a meeting
with the captain and
a community activist.
That representative is James Murray.
Look, I know we all had friends
lose their pensions over this mess,
but they made that bed.
They crossed lines we can't cross.
Now it's up to us to regain
the community's trust.
Otherwise, we'll be dealing
with nonsense like this.
Now, I'm sure you've all
heard about this jackass
running around, trying to
be some masked avenger.
He's called The Watcher.
Yeah, I'm not calling him that.
Can't stop till I get enough ♪
He's just an attention-seeking wannabe
desperate for internet fame.
You might be right.
But there has been a
measurable spike in crime
in the neighborhood since
we've been shorthanded.
Look, if the residents start thinking
this clown is more reliable than us,
we have a huge problem.
That's why today,
we're gonna be doing
some good old-fashioned
community policing.
You mean foot patrol?
Yeah, we're not doing that.
Fine, but only to show
up that masked weirdo.
Everyone get out there, shake hands,
kiss some babies,
hand out business cards.
Let the residents feel your presence.
Everyone except Nolan and Juarez,
who will be on Plain Clothes Day.
All right, that's it.
Be safe out there.
Huh, kind of funny.
The one day you guys
are back in uniform,
I get to wear my civvies all shift.
It won't be so funny
if Celina doesn't pass.
Why wouldn't
How much coffee is too much coffee?
Well, how many
fingers am I holding up?
I think two, but they're vibrating.
OK, take a deep breath.
All right.
You got this.
Thank you.
All right, let's go over
how this is gonna go.
Today I am here in a
purely observational capacity.
I will not advise, assist,
or help you in any way.
Every decision will be yours.
If you get into some
trouble that you can't handle,
I will step in.
Just know that that will
affect your final evaluation.
- Understood.
- Mount up.
Now, to help simulate the
experience of riding solo,
this will be the last
time I speak to you
- until the end of shift.
- Finally!
Usually, I can't get you to zip it.
Oh, you were serious.
OK, here we go.
And by we, I mean me,
because I am riding solo.
You are so lucky.
If Sergeant Bradford was your TO,
you'd be spending
the rest of your shift
scrubbing holding cells
with with a toothbrush.
Well, I'm glad that he's not my TO.
Do you want to run alongside the shop
while you reconsider your attitude?
No, ma'am.
Good, 'cause
'Cause I don't want to
be that kind of TO, man.
But you showing up late
for your second-ever roll call,
either you don't respect me,
- or or
- No, of course not.
Or you're not taking your
training seriously, Ridley.
[SIGHS] Officer Chen,
I promise you that is not the case.
I I know it's no excuse,
but I had a doctor's
appointment this morning,
and it ran
It ran late.
So it's not
It's not gonna happen again.
So since I'm making
all the decisions today,
I guess that means
I can do this.
Damn, OK, I thought for sure,
that'd get you to crack.
7-Adam-15, I have an in-progress 211
home invasion at 623 Layden.
RP is homeowner Walter Fields, 82.
Advise RP to lock
himself in the bathroom
and find out if there are
any firearms in the house.
RP has locked himself
in the first floor bathroom
- and is armed with a handgun.
Control responding Code-3.
7-Adam-15, shots fired
inside 2827 Layden.
We are I am Code-6
on scene making entry.
Send backup.
I am inside your house!
Come out with your hands up!
Call it in.
I need an RA to my location.
Teenage female, GSW to the chest.
She is conscious and breathing.
Homeowner, this is the police!
Is there anyone in
that bathroom with you?
Did you find the guy?
I think I got him.
All right, I'm gonna need
you to put that gun down.
Is it down?
- Yeah.
- All right.
I'm gonna need you to open the door.
Come toward me nice and slow
with your hands where I can see them.
Nice and slow. Just
walk towards me, OK?
I'm gopnna have to
put you in handcuffs.
I'm the one who's being robbed.
No, I understand. It's
standard procedure.
It's not up for debate.
- Well, I know, but the
- oh, my God, no.
- No.
No, let me go!
That's my granddaughter!
Let me go!
I heard footsteps in the hall.
There have been a lot of
break-ins around here lately.
So I thought
Listen, I
I need to go to the hospital
to make sure she's OK.
- I'm sorry, sir, but we
- Oh, please. She's only 17.
They have to save her.
They're gonna do everything
they can to help her, OK?
Fill me in.
I hate Plain Clothes Day.
Fine, let's hear it.
Well, victim is the
17-year-old granddaughter
of homeowner, Walter Fields.
An open window in the
laundry room suggests
she may have been
trying to sneak back in
after a night out, and he
mistook her for an intruder.
I'll take it from here.
OK, well, do you need me to
take Walter in for processing?
He's been through enough.
He doesn't need to
see the back of a shop.
I'll handle it.
I, uh
I-I don't expect you to respond
because I know you're not here today,
but I need to say something.
I thought I did a pretty
good job handling that call,
so I don't really understand
why you stepped in to take lead.
You know, besides the fact that
I'm supposed to be making
all the decisions today,
it undermined my authority
with a man who is already
more inclined to trust someone
who looks like you over
someone who looks like me.
Just something to think about.
Community policing
in a city the size of LA
is a lot more complicated
than whatever you're
used to back in Texas.
You mean I can't just
pop down to the bingo hall
and shake hands with
all my cousins right now?
Uh, excuse me, officers?
Yes, ma'am. What can we do you for?
Would you mind helping
me bring my garbage bin in?
- It's so heavy.
- Uh, yes, ma'am.
I'd be happy to.
You know, I would have thought
a woman in as good a shape as yourself
would have no problem
bringing this bin in.
Well, just because a woman
can do something herself
doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy
watching a handsome
young man do it for her.
All right, if there's nothing
else you need from us, ma'am,
we're gonna need to be moving on.
You have a great day, ma'am.
911 is the number
if you need us again.
Let's go.
She knows what 911 is.
Well, you told me to be friendly.
That kind of friendly
will get you sued.
Next time, just focus on professional.
Hey, excuse me, sir. Do
you have a minute to talk?
What about?
Well, this is Officer Chen.
I'm Officer Ridley.
We're introducing ourselves
around the neighborhood.
We're trying to get a
sense of what we can do
to better serve the community.
Son, are you new?
Actually, yes, I-I am.
You're gonna have to forgive me.
I'm still learning.
OK, well, then I'll educate you.
This used to be a nice
neighborhood to raise a family.
And then the gangs started
moving in and the drugs.
And now the only time the
police ever seem to show up
is to make an easy arrest
or to use us as an example
for young officers like yourself.
See The Watcher there?
Now, I don't know if
The Watcher is helping,
hurting, or just plain crazy,
but at least he's here.
And you'd be surprised what
a big difference that makes.
Well, sir, next time
you've got a problem,
you can contact me directly.
And I will personally make
sure that the police respond.
I just might.
That was good.
I would not have agreed to this
if I knew we were doing foot patrol.
Tell me about it.
And James is having
people over for dinner tonight,
so I can't even put my
feet up when I get home.
Thanks for the invite.
Oh, trust me, you do not want one.
It'll be James, a bunch of
angry community members,
and then me answering
for the sins of the LAPD.
- You're right, I'm good.
- Yeah.
How have things been
since the scandal broke?
Tense. [SIGHS]
I mean, I'm just sick of
having the same conversation
over and over again.
God, I remember when Wesley and I
used to get
into it over police procedure.
It was kind of hot,
but also exhausting.
It's much easier now that
he works for the DA's office.
If only I had that option.
My bag!
- Hands behind your back!
Two babies each, and we still got it.
Control, I need transport
at the corner of Cochran and 8th
for a 211 purse snatch suspect.
Copy, show 7-Adam-15 en route.
How's Juarez doing?
She's doing great.
Me, on the other hand,
I'm struggling a little bit.
We had an incident
that got a little dicey, and,
I wound up taking the lead.
she questioned whether I
was making the right call.
Well, unless she was dying or on fire,
you definitely did not.
I didn't even realize I was doing it.
Instinct just kicked in.
You've gotta learn to
control that impulse.
I had no idea being on the TO side of
Plain Clothes Day would be this hard.
Well, of course it's hard.
You've been training her
for the past nine months.
You're invested in her success.
But, the only way she will succeed
is if you give her the room to fail.
What can you tell me about
that guy crossing the street?
Late teens, early 20s,
5'10"- 6' tall, slim build.
His colors and tattoos
suggest that he is affiliated.
Without getting any closer,
I'd say he's a part of
the 6th Street Devils.
And what's our authority
to stop and talk to him?
Well, the standard for
probable cause and detention
states that we need to
have a reasonable belief
that the person in question
has or will commit a crime.
For example, if this was an 11532[a],
loitering for the
purpose of selling drugs,
then we could stop him.
Follow that suspect!
LAPD! Stop!
7-Adam-19, we've got shots fired
in the alleyway off Beverly.
Through their hair
and on their breath ♪
In varied crooked
smiles that stench ♪
In every crack and crevice
lay that histrionic scent ♪
Keep your fingers, thumbs,
and elbows off my table ♪
Sir, the ambulance is on its way.
I'm good, I'm good.
This ain't the first time I been shot.
You're still going to the hospital.
He had a car.
He got away.
Did you get the plate?
The make?
Did where did they go?
What direction did they go?
Control, 7-Adam-15,
vehicle stop on
The registered owner, Arnold King,
has a no-bail out of Long Beach.
Start me another unit, and
be advised that I am riding solo.
Copy, Adam-15.
Additional unit en route.
[SIGHS] Damn it.
What the hell is taking so long?
Sir, I need you to
get back in your car.
You can't just hold me here.
Sir, if you do not get
back in your car now,
you will be in violation of
Penal Code Section 148,
resisting an officer.
You have my permission
to call me a badass.
You are a badass.
You're an embarrassment.
Not only did you fail
to radio in your location
while chasing an armed suspect,
you were unable to provide any details
that might help us
identify his vehicle.
These are the
fundamentals, Officer Ridley.
Things they teach you the
first week at the Academy.
There's no excuse, sir.
You're damn right!
[SIGHS] Step outside.
I need to speak to
Officer Chen for a minute.
Let me be blunt.
Do you think,
Ridley has what it takes
to make it through the FTO program?
I think Officer Ridley
shows a lot of potential.
Very diplomatic.
Now I need your honest opinion.
I think he's smart,
thoughtful, and empathetic,
but he's made some
very basic mistakes,
which I-I understand at
this stage in his training
is to be expected.
I think at this point,
it's too soon to tell.
Every rookie makes mistakes.
But we're under a
microscope right now.
So if you ever start to think
that he might be a liability,
I need you to let me know right away.
Yes, sir.
All right.
- Officer Chen, I'm sorry
- No.
You need to stop apologizing.
All right? Get your head in the game.
Go study your Rook Book.
Yes, ma'am.
Hear the vigilante's
escalated to attempted murder.
Too bad he got away.
Are you seriously here to gloat
about how badly my rookie screwed up?
Of course not.
A little.
Look, being a TO is hard.
Being a good TO is even harder.
First lesson I learned is you
can't let their
failures be your fault,
not at the beginning.
You have to make those
failures a teachable moment.
Well, that's very enlightened of you.
Don't sound so surprised.
How's it going with Officer Texas?
So far, so good.
Still got half a shift left.
Why were you trying to leave the scene
before the ambulance arrived?
I promised my grandma
I'd take her to church.
And you were gonna take her
with a bullet in your shoulder?
She hates missing the homily.
Well, you have been very unhelpful.
I'm a Devil, baby.
Devils take it to the grave.
Wow. What a motto.
You'd think with there
being so many cops
in the neighborhood, The
Watcher would have picked
a different day to escalate
to attempted murder.
Yeah, but it wasn't
just an escalation.
This was a completely different MO.
I mean, everyone else was stopped
while committing a crime.
This doesn't feel like
his other missions.
This one feels personal.
OK, so what do those other
missions have in common?
They're almost all single-perpetrator
robberies or assaults,
all in the neighborhood.
And patrol's long response times
have been giving him a
chance to get to the scenes first.
I might have an idea.
So where exactly do you live?
Must be pretty close to the station.
Over on Stanley.
I can smell the tar
pits from my apartment.
Probably why I got such a good deal.
Hey, what's up?
Harper and I have a plan
to track down the vigilante.
Can you and your Boot back us up?
7-Adam-100, what's your ETA
for that 4-15 in the alley off Fuller?
Still six minutes out.
Be advised, original RP
has called back multiple times
to report screaming from that event.
Copy. We'll be there
as soon as we can.
Hands up!
- Police!
- Show me your hands!
Show me your hands! Search him, Boot.
Keep your hands on your head!
I got a gun in the
holster on my right hip.
It's a 9-millimeter.
Same as the one used to shoot Bicho.
Hold on, hold on. I
didn't shoot anybody.
Thomas Forsythe, you're under
arrest for attempted murder.
I want a lawyer.
Get up.
Looks like you had a pretty eventful
Plain Clothes Day, Officer Juarez.
Yes, sir.
Had a few missteps,
as did Officer Nolan.
But overall,
I'm impressed on how you handled
some tricky calls today.
I mean, does that mean I passed?
Yes, you passed.
- Whoo-hoo.
- Thank you, sir.
- You're welcome.
Now, Officer Nolan,
for a first-time TO,
not terrible,
but definitely room for improvement.
Yes, sir.
All right.
That's all.
Good job.
Explain something to us, Tom.
What makes a middle-aged
guy, a former cop, decide to start
running around his neighborhood
in a mask playing superhero?
My client saw a need in the community
and used his training as a
retired law enforcement officer
to lend a hand.
I just wanted to make
my neighborhood safer.
By shooting gangbangers?
I told you, that wasn't me.
Check my alibi.
We are. But why carry a gun
if you didn't intend to use it?
Come on, you know any cops,
active or retired,
who aren't carrying at all times?
So his alibi checks out.
Which means we've got a copycat.
Whoo! [LAUGHS]
I wasn't sure if you wanted
to go out after your shift,
so I stashed this in
the freezer just in case.
Let me guess, the ice cream
in there was for if I failed?
Yes, but that doesn't
mean we can't still eat it.
- See, now we're talking.
How's it look?
Oh, girl, it looks like
you took on a dude twice
your size, and still won.
Here's to you and
being an absolute badass
and crushing your Plain Clothes Day.
I am quite proud of myself.
As well you should be.
I mean, look how far you've
come in the last nine months,
- how much you've grown.
- Mm.
It's crazy thinking
back to that first shift.
I was in so far over my head.
I can't believe I
didn't get washed out.
How are things going with Seth?
Yeah, he had a pretty crap day.
I don't know what the answer is.
That's why I think we need to
narrow down our action items
and put them in
writing for the captain.
Hey, there she is.
Uh, everyone, this is my wife, Nyla.
- Hello.
- Hey.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Are you here to give
us some real answers?
Because if you're just gonna
parrot the department line,
I'm not interested.
OK, let's just give her a
few minutes to settle in,
OK, George?
Help yourself to some
more food and wine.
I'm so sorry.
It got a little bigger
than I had planned.
You think?
You said a few.
In what version of the
English language is this a few?
I do not appreciate being
ambushed in my own home.
It's not an ambush.
Word got around, OK?
More people wanted to come.
- What was I supposed to say?
- No.
It's a complete sentence, James.
- Where are you going?
- To change.
Ugh, could you get it?
I used up all my steps for the day.
Mm, OK.
It's Nyla.
Everything OK?
Was the dinner a disaster?
If by dinner, you
mean town hall meeting
in my living room with
20 strangers, then yes.
- He didn't.
- Oh, he did.
I'm sure James didn't
mean for it get that big.
He probably
I'm gonna stop talking
and go
Check on the kids.
What did you say to him when you left?
Oh, uh, nothing, 'cause I
climbed out the window.
I am not proud of it.
- Why not?
- I'd be proud of myself
for not burning the house down.
It's James.
Tell James we're doing a spouse swap.
I get you.
He can have Wesley.
[CHUCKLES] That would
solve a lot of problems.
You know it's illegal
to live in
a vehicle parked on the street?
Sweet suffering lord, you
scared the crap out of me.
You're completely exposed.
Not to mention it's against the law,
which you're sworn to uphold.
Of course.
But I can't afford to
rent a place right now.
All right?
I've got some debts to repay.
That doesn't make it better.
Officers in financial trouble
are much easier to corrupt.
What if someone steals your vehicle,
or breaks into it and
steals your service weapon,
or police equipment?
You'd be terminated on the spot,
which is exactly what
I should do right now.
No, wait, don't, don't do that.
I need this.
I screwed up.
All right?
I played football in college,
and I thought I was going pro.
So I spent some money
before I technically had it.
- And
- You blew out your knee,
jumping off the roof at
a frat party like an idiot.
Which is a tragedy,
because you were destined
to be one hell of a running back.
Well, all that's in the past.
And right now, I'm giving you 24 hours
to find yourself a
legal place to live.
Otherwise, you're gonna
have to find yourself
a third career to screw up.
Mr. Fields?
- I'm
- I remember.
Hard to forget the worst
moment of your life.
So, um
How's Chelsea?
10 hours in surgery.
And they say she's
She's gonna need another
one in a couple of days.
Her parents will be here by then.
Hey, tell me, how do families
survive something like this?
I mean, how
How am I supposed to?
Well, it isn't easy.
But it is possible.
It just takes time.
I don't think I have
enough years left in me.
I mean, even if Chelsea
and my daughter
find it in themselves to forgive me,
I'll never forgive myself.
It was an accident.
I don't understand.
When did I get so afraid?
You know, I was
I was the man that
people called in a crisis.
Suddenly my daughter
talks to me like I'm a
A child.
You shouldn't do that.
You know, did you remember to do this?
She begged me to give that gun up.
She said she would
pay for a better security
A better security system.
And I told her no.
I said no.
Come on.
I can take care of myself.
'Cause, you know, giving up
the gun was admitting defeat.
It was like
Acknowledging that you're not the man
that you thought you were.
And that terrified me.
You know?
Her little girl's in
there fighting for her life,
'cause I was too proud to
accept my own limitations.
I was too scared,
of looking feeble.
And then, all that fear.
The second that I saw
Chelsea laying on that floor,
I realized that I didn't
know what fear was.
I I had no idea.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hey, I, uh, got the shop all set up.
I came in early to top
it off with some gas.
I put some air in the tires.
And I even got you a coffee.
Thank you.
You know that doesn't
wipe the slate clean
from yesterday's mistakes, right?
Yes, ma'am.
But actually, I wanted
to talk to you about that.
The reason I came in late yesterday
and, uh, why I took
my eye off the ball
with the vigilante, um
Four years ago, I was
diagnosed with cancer.
And it was aggressive, and
my odds weren't very good.
But I did I did beat it.
But, a week ago, I went in
to get some routine blood work done,
and my results came back as
I'm sorry.
That sounds incredibly stressful.
Seth, you know,
I'm the one that's responsible
for your safety on the job.
And you
You really should have told me.
I know, I know.
It's just
people treat you different
when they know that you're sick.
- Yeah.
- But, there's no excuses.
You're right.
I should have told you.
Well, when do you
get the results back?
Soon, I hope.
- It feels like forever.
- Mm.
Yeah, there's nothing we
can do about that now, right?
What do you say we focus
on other people's problems for today?
- I'd love that.
We have a lead on
the copycat vigilante.
Midnight shift caught a homicide,
a kid from the same gang as
our shooting victim yesterday.
And witnesses saw The
Watcher running from the scene.
We dug in and found that both victims
were persons of interest in
the murder of an 18-year-old girl,
Sienna Sanchez, shot
to death six months ago.
But the DA's office
couldn't convince anyone
to testify against the gang,
and so the case fell apart.
So are you thinking
someone from Sienna's
family is out for vengeance?
It makes sense.
Apparently, our two victims
bragged openly about the murder.
We made a list of all
her family and friends
that need to have
their alibis checked.
We were hoping patrol
would help us knock those out.
Of course.
Whatever you need.
The mother's gonna need
someone with a soft touch.
I'll send Nolan and Juarez.
They'll be sensitive.
Imelda Sanchez, 47, widow.
- Any other kids?
- No, just Sienna.
And to lose her husband and her child
within a few years, I mean,
- that'll break her heart.
And hardened hers.
Lopez just matched Imelda's
car to a traffic cam footage
leaving the area of both shootings.
She's our copycat.
Remember, sympathetic or not,
she's our murder suspect,
considered armed and dangerous.
Copy that.
Looks like the 6th Street Devils
have figured out
Imelda is the killer, too.
Patrol, 7-Adam-15,
I have at least four armed
men outside 2202 Norton.
No sign of Imelda Sanchez, homeowner.
I'm assuming more
armed suspects inside.
Requesting backup and airship, Code-3.
Copy Adam-15, backup
and airship are en route.
What about Imelda?
Let's go see what we can see.
Control, be advised,
7-Adam-15 is Code-6,
approaching the Sanchez
residence from the rear.
Advise responding units
to possible blue on blue.
- Shut up!
- Get off of me!
- Let her go!
- They killed my daughter!
- Back away.
Get behind the fridge.
7-Adam-100, shots
fired at our location.
7-Adam-15, we're
under fire in the foot alley
on the east side of
the detached garage.
Hey, what's your position on
the liberal use of flash-bangs?
Do it.
Chen, we're gonna flash-bang 'em.
Be ready.
They're low on ammo.
Just wait for the reload.
Let's go.
Not a bad hit for a running back.
Jan, take him.
Let's go.
Nolan, we're coming up behind them.
Copy that.
We're in the foot alley.
We have four shooters
posted up behind the Honda.
6th Street Devils, you are
surrounded and outgunned.
You have five seconds
to lay down your guns.
Get on the ground,
arms and legs spread.
Come on.
Get down.
You, down.
Secure Imelda.
Drop the gun!
Do it right now!
Drop it!
Imelda, drop the gun.
Look around.
There's no chance of
you walking out of this alive
unless you do what I say.
I don't care.
They killed my daughter.
They deserve to die,
every last one of them.
But if you don't let them go,
I will be forced to end
your life in order to save his.
Does that sound like justice to you?
I want to die.
But I don't want to
kill a grieving mother
for avenging her daughter's murder.
On your knees.
Three days in.
How you feeling?
Uh, like an imposter.
But there have been
a few moments where
I felt like I was making a difference.
That has made all
those other times worth it.
What about you?
It doesn't really
matter at this point,
unless one of y'all have a
room I can rent out for cheap.
- No.
- Sorry.
No worries.
Well, it was great working
with y'all, no matter
No matter how briefly.
What are you talking about?
Well, Tim's bouncing me.
He found out I was living in my car
and gave me 24 hours
to find a legal residence,
which will be up in a few hours.
So find something.
Well, I can't find a place,
rent it, and move in by tonight.
I might have a solution.
How mad are you?
Been feelin' defeated ♪
- Pretty mad.
- Hmm.
How mad are you?
Well, pretty mad.
Want to just call it even?
I would love to, but
I don't think we should.
What exactly does that mean?
Don't fall down,
baby, don't fall down ♪
Sometimes I worry that
we got married too fast.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait, wait, wait.
Nyla, we've built a
great life together.
We have a beautiful daughter.
- We love each other.
- We do.
I love you, James.
But that does not change
what I do for a living.
Something I also love is in
direct conflict with your work.
Which is equally important to me.
Then, I guess
We have to work at
trying to figure out a
pathway through this.
That's what I'm saying.
But, we can start tomorrow,
'cause mama's tired.
How about I run you a bath
while you kiss the kids goodnight?
Yeah. That sounds good.
Don't fall down,
baby, don't fall down ♪
There is no way we were that clueless.
I mean, I know we were rookies,
but we had some common sense.
No rookie has common sense.
After my first day as a TO,
I wrote Harper a very
long apology letter
and sent her a spa gift certificate.
- Aww.
Forget it.
You made my life hell.
Besides, any amount of gratitude
you might have been owed,
was more than paid
off while we were dating.
- Fair enough.
- Mm-hmm.
All right.
That is it for me.
I'm gonna go home and
soak my entire body in ice.
- All right. Have a good night.
- See you tomorrow.
- Good night.
- Get right up ♪
Things get tough, keep your head up ♪
So, uh,
your Boot handled
himself OK out there today.
Yeah, he's, um
Yeah, we're
We're figuring it out.
How was Texas the rest of the day?
About to find out.
Time's up, Boot.
You find a place to live?
Howdy. I sure did.
Let me introduce you
to my new landlord.
Bradford. Just welcoming
the kid to the neighborhood.
Pass me back to my Boot.
It's only temporary
until I bank enough
money to get my own place.
Yeah, that's what every guy said
when they first moved into that lot.
All right.
I'll see you tomorrow.
You bought yourself another shift.
Don't listen to Bradford.
This place is Shangri-La.
All the beer, barbecue,
and sports you want.
And pants are always optional.
Things are gonna get better ♪
- What do you want? ♪
- Stop! Police!
What do you want? ♪
What do you want? ♪
What do you want? ♪
I wanna tell you all
my dirty, little secrets ♪
I wanna give it up,
see if you can keep it ♪
I wanna ♪
Damn it, it's locked.
Suspect went down
the north roof access
stairwell behind a locked door.
Taking the south stairwell
to cut him off at the street.
Anything you like ♪
24 karat doesn't break under spite ♪
You could be the magic
with your name up in lights ♪
All you gotta do is name the price ♪
What do you want? ♪
Well, that's a first.
How do I radio that in?
That's a 415, masked vigilante.
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
I'm gonna win for you ♪
Like I know you want me to do ♪
Are you cleaning or are you
just moving the mess around?
I can't find my keys
because someone keeps
letting our toddler play with them.
I cannot be late for my
meeting with the captain.
Well, maybe it can be
seen as a power play,
making him wait to hear your demands.
They're not demands.
They're respectful requests.
Now, if he doesn't address
them to my satisfaction,
then they become demands.
Hmm, found them.
Keyfob casserole.
She is a culinary
visionary, just like her mom.
Speaking of dinner, uh,
what time will you be home?
I invited a few friends over.
Our friends or your friends?
They're community activists.
In that case, I am busy.
I am filling in on patrol, and,
- cases are just piling up.
- Nyla, come on.
The latest corruption scandal
exposed a lot of dirty cops,
and people want answers.
Isn't that why you are
going to see the captain?
I I am just gonna tell them
the same thing that I am telling you.
We are handling it.
The department is just as motivated
to get bad cops off
the street as you are.
All right, maybe not just
as, but we are working on it.
For now.
Historically, there's always a lot
of talk about accountability,
but the second the press moves on,
it's all swept under the rug.
I think it would help if the
community heard from an officer
who shared their concerns.
Someone like my gorgeous, smart,
funny, talented,
amazing wife.
But, that is just because
you said I was funny,
and not enough people
acknowledge that.
Sunburn, cheap wine ♪
It takes me back ♪
It hurts sometimes to wonder, mm ♪
Do you think of us? ♪
Nights were always endless ♪
It was perfect love ♪
Didn't know how precious yet ♪
It's been a long time ♪
Still know what my address is ♪
Find me somewhere
in Texas, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
The hell are you doing, Boot?
I'm going to work, sir.
Yeah, I'm not blind.
I'm asking why you've
been coming to work
like you're leaving for a
six-month deployment.
What, this old thing?
It's a little cross-training
trick I picked up
from my high school football coach.
Heavy backpack equals easy cardio.
Well, do it on your own time.
Cops don't walk to work.
Oh, I know LA is not a walking city,
but I didn't think y'all
would care so much
how I got myself places.
I care when it's an
officer safety issue.
What, you worried someone's
gonna jump me for my milk money?
No, I'm worried
that some hardcore criminal
pissed at you for locking up his buddy
might sneak up behind
you and slit your throat.
That'll put an abrupt
ending to your easy cardio.
You're a pretty intense
guy, you know that?
What's your point?
Do we know what day it is?
Yo, I can't believe it's
finally Plain Clothes Day.
I mean, it's normal
to be nervous, right?
Yeah, of course.
And listen, Nolan
wouldn't have authorized it
if he wasn't sure you were ready.
Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
I bet your Plain Clothes
Day was a breeze, huh?
Actually, I almost washed out.
But, Nolan's not Tim.
And I don't think he's
gonna mess with your head.
You need to mess with her head.
Only way to make sure she's ready.
Yeah, that's not exactly my style.
Your style is also
being evaluated today.
But Juarez is a good cop.
If she messes up, it's as
much your failure as it is hers.
Wait a minute. Lucy is a great cop,
and you almost washed her out.
I did.
But you're not me.
Everyone knows I'm an exceptional TO.
You, on the other hand,
have yet to prove yourself.
It's the only way to prove
a TO doesn't have to play mind games
in order to train a good rookie.
It's not enough to win.
I have to crush Tim
in this competition.
Wait, so the contest
is just about TO styles?
I mean, what else would it be about?
Uh, nothing.
She thinks it's about the breakup.
And she's not alone.
I am so over the breakup.
We had friendly,
professional competition
long before we dated,
and this is just that.
So back in uniform.
How does it feel?
I am already sweating.
But we are rooting
for you today, Juarez.
Patrol really cannot afford to
lose another body right now.
The boys are obsessed
with this masked vigilante.
[SIGHS] Jack, too.
Whoever he is, he isn't
making my job any easier.
Citizen's arrest is perfectly legal.
But false imprisonment isn't.
And the fuzzy line between
the two is for the jury to decide.
Well, at least he
isn't hurting anyone.
- Mm.
- Yet.
I hope you don't mind,
but the captain wants me to sit in
- on this morning's proceedings.
- Not at all.
Just don't think I'm gonna go
easy because we're friendly.
Of course not.
I'll see you up there.
Wow, look at you.
It reminds me of the first day we met.
I hate it.
I forgot how much these
pants flatten out my ass.
Well, it still looks
pretty good to me.
"Pretty good"?
Uh, I move to have my previous comment
stricken from the record.
Are you ready for your meeting?
The real question is,
are they ready for me?
OK, not one word.
I was just gonna say thank
you both for your sacrifice.
The detectives owe you one.
You've owed me 200
bucks since the Super Bowl.
I want my money.
But seriously, if I need a
crime scene babysat today,
- you guys are my first call.
- Mm-hmm.
- We should go.
- Yeah.
Uh, have a good meeting.
- Thanks. See you tonight.
- Yeah.
Be careful today.
Not a fan of that detective?
Not at liberty to say.
I didn't see your Boot
in the locker room, Chen.
If he's late for roll call,
you'll be in the hole
before the day even starts.
He has a few minutes.
He has 43 seconds.
Hey, uh, have you guys seen Seth?
Damn it.
This is Seth. Leave a message.
All right, everybody. Settle down.
It is 8:00 a.m. on the dot,
which means roll call has started,
and Officer Chen's
Boot is officially
you're late, Boot.
- ALL: Ooh!
- Late!
- Sorry, I I didn't
- Officer Chen,
what's an acceptable excuse
for a rookie to be late to roll call?
- There isn't one.
- That's right.
Which means today, you'll
be starting in the loss column.
Moving on, Lieutenant
Grey is in a meeting
with the captain and
a community activist.
That representative is James Murray.
Look, I know we all had friends
lose their pensions over this mess,
but they made that bed.
They crossed lines we can't cross.
Now it's up to us to regain
the community's trust.
Otherwise, we'll be dealing
with nonsense like this.
Now, I'm sure you've all
heard about this jackass
running around, trying to
be some masked avenger.
He's called The Watcher.
Yeah, I'm not calling him that.
Can't stop till I get enough ♪
He's just an attention-seeking wannabe
desperate for internet fame.
You might be right.
But there has been a
measurable spike in crime
in the neighborhood since
we've been shorthanded.
Look, if the residents start thinking
this clown is more reliable than us,
we have a huge problem.
That's why today,
we're gonna be doing
some good old-fashioned
community policing.
You mean foot patrol?
Yeah, we're not doing that.
Fine, but only to show
up that masked weirdo.
Everyone get out there, shake hands,
kiss some babies,
hand out business cards.
Let the residents feel your presence.
Everyone except Nolan and Juarez,
who will be on Plain Clothes Day.
All right, that's it.
Be safe out there.
Huh, kind of funny.
The one day you guys
are back in uniform,
I get to wear my civvies all shift.
It won't be so funny
if Celina doesn't pass.
Why wouldn't
How much coffee is too much coffee?
Well, how many
fingers am I holding up?
I think two, but they're vibrating.
OK, take a deep breath.
All right.
You got this.
Thank you.
All right, let's go over
how this is gonna go.
Today I am here in a
purely observational capacity.
I will not advise, assist,
or help you in any way.
Every decision will be yours.
If you get into some
trouble that you can't handle,
I will step in.
Just know that that will
affect your final evaluation.
- Understood.
- Mount up.
Now, to help simulate the
experience of riding solo,
this will be the last
time I speak to you
- until the end of shift.
- Finally!
Usually, I can't get you to zip it.
Oh, you were serious.
OK, here we go.
And by we, I mean me,
because I am riding solo.
You are so lucky.
If Sergeant Bradford was your TO,
you'd be spending
the rest of your shift
scrubbing holding cells
with with a toothbrush.
Well, I'm glad that he's not my TO.
Do you want to run alongside the shop
while you reconsider your attitude?
No, ma'am.
Good, 'cause
'Cause I don't want to
be that kind of TO, man.
But you showing up late
for your second-ever roll call,
either you don't respect me,
- or or
- No, of course not.
Or you're not taking your
training seriously, Ridley.
[SIGHS] Officer Chen,
I promise you that is not the case.
I I know it's no excuse,
but I had a doctor's
appointment this morning,
and it ran
It ran late.
So it's not
It's not gonna happen again.
So since I'm making
all the decisions today,
I guess that means
I can do this.
Damn, OK, I thought for sure,
that'd get you to crack.
7-Adam-15, I have an in-progress 211
home invasion at 623 Layden.
RP is homeowner Walter Fields, 82.
Advise RP to lock
himself in the bathroom
and find out if there are
any firearms in the house.
RP has locked himself
in the first floor bathroom
- and is armed with a handgun.
Control responding Code-3.
7-Adam-15, shots fired
inside 2827 Layden.
We are I am Code-6
on scene making entry.
Send backup.
I am inside your house!
Come out with your hands up!
Call it in.
I need an RA to my location.
Teenage female, GSW to the chest.
She is conscious and breathing.
Homeowner, this is the police!
Is there anyone in
that bathroom with you?
Did you find the guy?
I think I got him.
All right, I'm gonna need
you to put that gun down.
Is it down?
- Yeah.
- All right.
I'm gonna need you to open the door.
Come toward me nice and slow
with your hands where I can see them.
Nice and slow. Just
walk towards me, OK?
I'm gopnna have to
put you in handcuffs.
I'm the one who's being robbed.
No, I understand. It's
standard procedure.
It's not up for debate.
- Well, I know, but the
- oh, my God, no.
- No.
No, let me go!
That's my granddaughter!
Let me go!
I heard footsteps in the hall.
There have been a lot of
break-ins around here lately.
So I thought
Listen, I
I need to go to the hospital
to make sure she's OK.
- I'm sorry, sir, but we
- Oh, please. She's only 17.
They have to save her.
They're gonna do everything
they can to help her, OK?
Fill me in.
I hate Plain Clothes Day.
Fine, let's hear it.
Well, victim is the
17-year-old granddaughter
of homeowner, Walter Fields.
An open window in the
laundry room suggests
she may have been
trying to sneak back in
after a night out, and he
mistook her for an intruder.
I'll take it from here.
OK, well, do you need me to
take Walter in for processing?
He's been through enough.
He doesn't need to
see the back of a shop.
I'll handle it.
I, uh
I-I don't expect you to respond
because I know you're not here today,
but I need to say something.
I thought I did a pretty
good job handling that call,
so I don't really understand
why you stepped in to take lead.
You know, besides the fact that
I'm supposed to be making
all the decisions today,
it undermined my authority
with a man who is already
more inclined to trust someone
who looks like you over
someone who looks like me.
Just something to think about.
Community policing
in a city the size of LA
is a lot more complicated
than whatever you're
used to back in Texas.
You mean I can't just
pop down to the bingo hall
and shake hands with
all my cousins right now?
Uh, excuse me, officers?
Yes, ma'am. What can we do you for?
Would you mind helping
me bring my garbage bin in?
- It's so heavy.
- Uh, yes, ma'am.
I'd be happy to.
You know, I would have thought
a woman in as good a shape as yourself
would have no problem
bringing this bin in.
Well, just because a woman
can do something herself
doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy
watching a handsome
young man do it for her.
All right, if there's nothing
else you need from us, ma'am,
we're gonna need to be moving on.
You have a great day, ma'am.
911 is the number
if you need us again.
Let's go.
She knows what 911 is.
Well, you told me to be friendly.
That kind of friendly
will get you sued.
Next time, just focus on professional.
Hey, excuse me, sir. Do
you have a minute to talk?
What about?
Well, this is Officer Chen.
I'm Officer Ridley.
We're introducing ourselves
around the neighborhood.
We're trying to get a
sense of what we can do
to better serve the community.
Son, are you new?
Actually, yes, I-I am.
You're gonna have to forgive me.
I'm still learning.
OK, well, then I'll educate you.
This used to be a nice
neighborhood to raise a family.
And then the gangs started
moving in and the drugs.
And now the only time the
police ever seem to show up
is to make an easy arrest
or to use us as an example
for young officers like yourself.
See The Watcher there?
Now, I don't know if
The Watcher is helping,
hurting, or just plain crazy,
but at least he's here.
And you'd be surprised what
a big difference that makes.
Well, sir, next time
you've got a problem,
you can contact me directly.
And I will personally make
sure that the police respond.
I just might.
That was good.
I would not have agreed to this
if I knew we were doing foot patrol.
Tell me about it.
And James is having
people over for dinner tonight,
so I can't even put my
feet up when I get home.
Thanks for the invite.
Oh, trust me, you do not want one.
It'll be James, a bunch of
angry community members,
and then me answering
for the sins of the LAPD.
- You're right, I'm good.
- Yeah.
How have things been
since the scandal broke?
Tense. [SIGHS]
I mean, I'm just sick of
having the same conversation
over and over again.
God, I remember when Wesley and I
used to get
into it over police procedure.
It was kind of hot,
but also exhausting.
It's much easier now that
he works for the DA's office.
If only I had that option.
My bag!
- Hands behind your back!
Two babies each, and we still got it.
Control, I need transport
at the corner of Cochran and 8th
for a 211 purse snatch suspect.
Copy, show 7-Adam-15 en route.
How's Juarez doing?
She's doing great.
Me, on the other hand,
I'm struggling a little bit.
We had an incident
that got a little dicey, and,
I wound up taking the lead.
she questioned whether I
was making the right call.
Well, unless she was dying or on fire,
you definitely did not.
I didn't even realize I was doing it.
Instinct just kicked in.
You've gotta learn to
control that impulse.
I had no idea being on the TO side of
Plain Clothes Day would be this hard.
Well, of course it's hard.
You've been training her
for the past nine months.
You're invested in her success.
But, the only way she will succeed
is if you give her the room to fail.
What can you tell me about
that guy crossing the street?
Late teens, early 20s,
5'10"- 6' tall, slim build.
His colors and tattoos
suggest that he is affiliated.
Without getting any closer,
I'd say he's a part of
the 6th Street Devils.
And what's our authority
to stop and talk to him?
Well, the standard for
probable cause and detention
states that we need to
have a reasonable belief
that the person in question
has or will commit a crime.
For example, if this was an 11532[a],
loitering for the
purpose of selling drugs,
then we could stop him.
Follow that suspect!
LAPD! Stop!
7-Adam-19, we've got shots fired
in the alleyway off Beverly.
Through their hair
and on their breath ♪
In varied crooked
smiles that stench ♪
In every crack and crevice
lay that histrionic scent ♪
Keep your fingers, thumbs,
and elbows off my table ♪
Sir, the ambulance is on its way.
I'm good, I'm good.
This ain't the first time I been shot.
You're still going to the hospital.
He had a car.
He got away.
Did you get the plate?
The make?
Did where did they go?
What direction did they go?
Control, 7-Adam-15,
vehicle stop on
The registered owner, Arnold King,
has a no-bail out of Long Beach.
Start me another unit, and
be advised that I am riding solo.
Copy, Adam-15.
Additional unit en route.
[SIGHS] Damn it.
What the hell is taking so long?
Sir, I need you to
get back in your car.
You can't just hold me here.
Sir, if you do not get
back in your car now,
you will be in violation of
Penal Code Section 148,
resisting an officer.
You have my permission
to call me a badass.
You are a badass.
You're an embarrassment.
Not only did you fail
to radio in your location
while chasing an armed suspect,
you were unable to provide any details
that might help us
identify his vehicle.
These are the
fundamentals, Officer Ridley.
Things they teach you the
first week at the Academy.
There's no excuse, sir.
You're damn right!
[SIGHS] Step outside.
I need to speak to
Officer Chen for a minute.
Let me be blunt.
Do you think,
Ridley has what it takes
to make it through the FTO program?
I think Officer Ridley
shows a lot of potential.
Very diplomatic.
Now I need your honest opinion.
I think he's smart,
thoughtful, and empathetic,
but he's made some
very basic mistakes,
which I-I understand at
this stage in his training
is to be expected.
I think at this point,
it's too soon to tell.
Every rookie makes mistakes.
But we're under a
microscope right now.
So if you ever start to think
that he might be a liability,
I need you to let me know right away.
Yes, sir.
All right.
- Officer Chen, I'm sorry
- No.
You need to stop apologizing.
All right? Get your head in the game.
Go study your Rook Book.
Yes, ma'am.
Hear the vigilante's
escalated to attempted murder.
Too bad he got away.
Are you seriously here to gloat
about how badly my rookie screwed up?
Of course not.
A little.
Look, being a TO is hard.
Being a good TO is even harder.
First lesson I learned is you
can't let their
failures be your fault,
not at the beginning.
You have to make those
failures a teachable moment.
Well, that's very enlightened of you.
Don't sound so surprised.
How's it going with Officer Texas?
So far, so good.
Still got half a shift left.
Why were you trying to leave the scene
before the ambulance arrived?
I promised my grandma
I'd take her to church.
And you were gonna take her
with a bullet in your shoulder?
She hates missing the homily.
Well, you have been very unhelpful.
I'm a Devil, baby.
Devils take it to the grave.
Wow. What a motto.
You'd think with there
being so many cops
in the neighborhood, The
Watcher would have picked
a different day to escalate
to attempted murder.
Yeah, but it wasn't
just an escalation.
This was a completely different MO.
I mean, everyone else was stopped
while committing a crime.
This doesn't feel like
his other missions.
This one feels personal.
OK, so what do those other
missions have in common?
They're almost all single-perpetrator
robberies or assaults,
all in the neighborhood.
And patrol's long response times
have been giving him a
chance to get to the scenes first.
I might have an idea.
So where exactly do you live?
Must be pretty close to the station.
Over on Stanley.
I can smell the tar
pits from my apartment.
Probably why I got such a good deal.
Hey, what's up?
Harper and I have a plan
to track down the vigilante.
Can you and your Boot back us up?
7-Adam-100, what's your ETA
for that 4-15 in the alley off Fuller?
Still six minutes out.
Be advised, original RP
has called back multiple times
to report screaming from that event.
Copy. We'll be there
as soon as we can.
Hands up!
- Police!
- Show me your hands!
Show me your hands! Search him, Boot.
Keep your hands on your head!
I got a gun in the
holster on my right hip.
It's a 9-millimeter.
Same as the one used to shoot Bicho.
Hold on, hold on. I
didn't shoot anybody.
Thomas Forsythe, you're under
arrest for attempted murder.
I want a lawyer.
Get up.
Looks like you had a pretty eventful
Plain Clothes Day, Officer Juarez.
Yes, sir.
Had a few missteps,
as did Officer Nolan.
But overall,
I'm impressed on how you handled
some tricky calls today.
I mean, does that mean I passed?
Yes, you passed.
- Whoo-hoo.
- Thank you, sir.
- You're welcome.
Now, Officer Nolan,
for a first-time TO,
not terrible,
but definitely room for improvement.
Yes, sir.
All right.
That's all.
Good job.
Explain something to us, Tom.
What makes a middle-aged
guy, a former cop, decide to start
running around his neighborhood
in a mask playing superhero?
My client saw a need in the community
and used his training as a
retired law enforcement officer
to lend a hand.
I just wanted to make
my neighborhood safer.
By shooting gangbangers?
I told you, that wasn't me.
Check my alibi.
We are. But why carry a gun
if you didn't intend to use it?
Come on, you know any cops,
active or retired,
who aren't carrying at all times?
So his alibi checks out.
Which means we've got a copycat.
Whoo! [LAUGHS]
I wasn't sure if you wanted
to go out after your shift,
so I stashed this in
the freezer just in case.
Let me guess, the ice cream
in there was for if I failed?
Yes, but that doesn't
mean we can't still eat it.
- See, now we're talking.
How's it look?
Oh, girl, it looks like
you took on a dude twice
your size, and still won.
Here's to you and
being an absolute badass
and crushing your Plain Clothes Day.
I am quite proud of myself.
As well you should be.
I mean, look how far you've
come in the last nine months,
- how much you've grown.
- Mm.
It's crazy thinking
back to that first shift.
I was in so far over my head.
I can't believe I
didn't get washed out.
How are things going with Seth?
Yeah, he had a pretty crap day.
I don't know what the answer is.
That's why I think we need to
narrow down our action items
and put them in
writing for the captain.
Hey, there she is.
Uh, everyone, this is my wife, Nyla.
- Hello.
- Hey.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Are you here to give
us some real answers?
Because if you're just gonna
parrot the department line,
I'm not interested.
OK, let's just give her a
few minutes to settle in,
OK, George?
Help yourself to some
more food and wine.
I'm so sorry.
It got a little bigger
than I had planned.
You think?
You said a few.
In what version of the
English language is this a few?
I do not appreciate being
ambushed in my own home.
It's not an ambush.
Word got around, OK?
More people wanted to come.
- What was I supposed to say?
- No.
It's a complete sentence, James.
- Where are you going?
- To change.
Ugh, could you get it?
I used up all my steps for the day.
Mm, OK.
It's Nyla.
Everything OK?
Was the dinner a disaster?
If by dinner, you
mean town hall meeting
in my living room with
20 strangers, then yes.
- He didn't.
- Oh, he did.
I'm sure James didn't
mean for it get that big.
He probably
I'm gonna stop talking
and go
Check on the kids.
What did you say to him when you left?
Oh, uh, nothing, 'cause I
climbed out the window.
I am not proud of it.
- Why not?
- I'd be proud of myself
for not burning the house down.
It's James.
Tell James we're doing a spouse swap.
I get you.
He can have Wesley.
[CHUCKLES] That would
solve a lot of problems.
You know it's illegal
to live in
a vehicle parked on the street?
Sweet suffering lord, you
scared the crap out of me.
You're completely exposed.
Not to mention it's against the law,
which you're sworn to uphold.
Of course.
But I can't afford to
rent a place right now.
All right?
I've got some debts to repay.
That doesn't make it better.
Officers in financial trouble
are much easier to corrupt.
What if someone steals your vehicle,
or breaks into it and
steals your service weapon,
or police equipment?
You'd be terminated on the spot,
which is exactly what
I should do right now.
No, wait, don't, don't do that.
I need this.
I screwed up.
All right?
I played football in college,
and I thought I was going pro.
So I spent some money
before I technically had it.
- And
- You blew out your knee,
jumping off the roof at
a frat party like an idiot.
Which is a tragedy,
because you were destined
to be one hell of a running back.
Well, all that's in the past.
And right now, I'm giving you 24 hours
to find yourself a
legal place to live.
Otherwise, you're gonna
have to find yourself
a third career to screw up.
Mr. Fields?
- I'm
- I remember.
Hard to forget the worst
moment of your life.
So, um
How's Chelsea?
10 hours in surgery.
And they say she's
She's gonna need another
one in a couple of days.
Her parents will be here by then.
Hey, tell me, how do families
survive something like this?
I mean, how
How am I supposed to?
Well, it isn't easy.
But it is possible.
It just takes time.
I don't think I have
enough years left in me.
I mean, even if Chelsea
and my daughter
find it in themselves to forgive me,
I'll never forgive myself.
It was an accident.
I don't understand.
When did I get so afraid?
You know, I was
I was the man that
people called in a crisis.
Suddenly my daughter
talks to me like I'm a
A child.
You shouldn't do that.
You know, did you remember to do this?
She begged me to give that gun up.
She said she would
pay for a better security
A better security system.
And I told her no.
I said no.
Come on.
I can take care of myself.
'Cause, you know, giving up
the gun was admitting defeat.
It was like
Acknowledging that you're not the man
that you thought you were.
And that terrified me.
You know?
Her little girl's in
there fighting for her life,
'cause I was too proud to
accept my own limitations.
I was too scared,
of looking feeble.
And then, all that fear.
The second that I saw
Chelsea laying on that floor,
I realized that I didn't
know what fear was.
I I had no idea.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hey, I, uh, got the shop all set up.
I came in early to top
it off with some gas.
I put some air in the tires.
And I even got you a coffee.
Thank you.
You know that doesn't
wipe the slate clean
from yesterday's mistakes, right?
Yes, ma'am.
But actually, I wanted
to talk to you about that.
The reason I came in late yesterday
and, uh, why I took
my eye off the ball
with the vigilante, um
Four years ago, I was
diagnosed with cancer.
And it was aggressive, and
my odds weren't very good.
But I did I did beat it.
But, a week ago, I went in
to get some routine blood work done,
and my results came back as
I'm sorry.
That sounds incredibly stressful.
Seth, you know,
I'm the one that's responsible
for your safety on the job.
And you
You really should have told me.
I know, I know.
It's just
people treat you different
when they know that you're sick.
- Yeah.
- But, there's no excuses.
You're right.
I should have told you.
Well, when do you
get the results back?
Soon, I hope.
- It feels like forever.
- Mm.
Yeah, there's nothing we
can do about that now, right?
What do you say we focus
on other people's problems for today?
- I'd love that.
We have a lead on
the copycat vigilante.
Midnight shift caught a homicide,
a kid from the same gang as
our shooting victim yesterday.
And witnesses saw The
Watcher running from the scene.
We dug in and found that both victims
were persons of interest in
the murder of an 18-year-old girl,
Sienna Sanchez, shot
to death six months ago.
But the DA's office
couldn't convince anyone
to testify against the gang,
and so the case fell apart.
So are you thinking
someone from Sienna's
family is out for vengeance?
It makes sense.
Apparently, our two victims
bragged openly about the murder.
We made a list of all
her family and friends
that need to have
their alibis checked.
We were hoping patrol
would help us knock those out.
Of course.
Whatever you need.
The mother's gonna need
someone with a soft touch.
I'll send Nolan and Juarez.
They'll be sensitive.
Imelda Sanchez, 47, widow.
- Any other kids?
- No, just Sienna.
And to lose her husband and her child
within a few years, I mean,
- that'll break her heart.
And hardened hers.
Lopez just matched Imelda's
car to a traffic cam footage
leaving the area of both shootings.
She's our copycat.
Remember, sympathetic or not,
she's our murder suspect,
considered armed and dangerous.
Copy that.
Looks like the 6th Street Devils
have figured out
Imelda is the killer, too.
Patrol, 7-Adam-15,
I have at least four armed
men outside 2202 Norton.
No sign of Imelda Sanchez, homeowner.
I'm assuming more
armed suspects inside.
Requesting backup and airship, Code-3.
Copy Adam-15, backup
and airship are en route.
What about Imelda?
Let's go see what we can see.
Control, be advised,
7-Adam-15 is Code-6,
approaching the Sanchez
residence from the rear.
Advise responding units
to possible blue on blue.
- Shut up!
- Get off of me!
- Let her go!
- They killed my daughter!
- Back away.
Get behind the fridge.
7-Adam-100, shots
fired at our location.
7-Adam-15, we're
under fire in the foot alley
on the east side of
the detached garage.
Hey, what's your position on
the liberal use of flash-bangs?
Do it.
Chen, we're gonna flash-bang 'em.
Be ready.
They're low on ammo.
Just wait for the reload.
Let's go.
Not a bad hit for a running back.
Jan, take him.
Let's go.
Nolan, we're coming up behind them.
Copy that.
We're in the foot alley.
We have four shooters
posted up behind the Honda.
6th Street Devils, you are
surrounded and outgunned.
You have five seconds
to lay down your guns.
Get on the ground,
arms and legs spread.
Come on.
Get down.
You, down.
Secure Imelda.
Drop the gun!
Do it right now!
Drop it!
Imelda, drop the gun.
Look around.
There's no chance of
you walking out of this alive
unless you do what I say.
I don't care.
They killed my daughter.
They deserve to die,
every last one of them.
But if you don't let them go,
I will be forced to end
your life in order to save his.
Does that sound like justice to you?
I want to die.
But I don't want to
kill a grieving mother
for avenging her daughter's murder.
On your knees.
Three days in.
How you feeling?
Uh, like an imposter.
But there have been
a few moments where
I felt like I was making a difference.
That has made all
those other times worth it.
What about you?
It doesn't really
matter at this point,
unless one of y'all have a
room I can rent out for cheap.
- No.
- Sorry.
No worries.
Well, it was great working
with y'all, no matter
No matter how briefly.
What are you talking about?
Well, Tim's bouncing me.
He found out I was living in my car
and gave me 24 hours
to find a legal residence,
which will be up in a few hours.
So find something.
Well, I can't find a place,
rent it, and move in by tonight.
I might have a solution.
How mad are you?
Been feelin' defeated ♪
- Pretty mad.
- Hmm.
How mad are you?
Well, pretty mad.
Want to just call it even?
I would love to, but
I don't think we should.
What exactly does that mean?
Don't fall down,
baby, don't fall down ♪
Sometimes I worry that
we got married too fast.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait, wait, wait.
Nyla, we've built a
great life together.
We have a beautiful daughter.
- We love each other.
- We do.
I love you, James.
But that does not change
what I do for a living.
Something I also love is in
direct conflict with your work.
Which is equally important to me.
Then, I guess
We have to work at
trying to figure out a
pathway through this.
That's what I'm saying.
But, we can start tomorrow,
'cause mama's tired.
How about I run you a bath
while you kiss the kids goodnight?
Yeah. That sounds good.
Don't fall down,
baby, don't fall down ♪
There is no way we were that clueless.
I mean, I know we were rookies,
but we had some common sense.
No rookie has common sense.
After my first day as a TO,
I wrote Harper a very
long apology letter
and sent her a spa gift certificate.
- Aww.
Forget it.
You made my life hell.
Besides, any amount of gratitude
you might have been owed,
was more than paid
off while we were dating.
- Fair enough.
- Mm-hmm.
All right.
That is it for me.
I'm gonna go home and
soak my entire body in ice.
- All right. Have a good night.
- See you tomorrow.
- Good night.
- Get right up ♪
Things get tough, keep your head up ♪
So, uh,
your Boot handled
himself OK out there today.
Yeah, he's, um
Yeah, we're
We're figuring it out.
How was Texas the rest of the day?
About to find out.
Time's up, Boot.
You find a place to live?
Howdy. I sure did.
Let me introduce you
to my new landlord.
Bradford. Just welcoming
the kid to the neighborhood.
Pass me back to my Boot.
It's only temporary
until I bank enough
money to get my own place.
Yeah, that's what every guy said
when they first moved into that lot.
All right.
I'll see you tomorrow.
You bought yourself another shift.
Don't listen to Bradford.
This place is Shangri-La.
All the beer, barbecue,
and sports you want.
And pants are always optional.
Things are gonna get better ♪