The Shadow of the Tower (1972) s01e10 Episode Script

The Man Who Never Was

(Laughter) (Gentle music playing) To Your Majesty's first baby.
And when will you have an heir? (Laughter) When I have a wife like you.
What's your excuse? Well, it's not from lack of trying, I assure you! It must be lack of something else, Richard.
I've given you the wife, and you want me to give you the heir as well? Oh, Your Majesty is kindness itself but my wife is your cousin.
- If you weren't so religious - (Laughter) I must congratulate Your Majesty.
Well, are the English being reasonable at last? I meant the bairn, sir.
(Laughs ) Here.
Tell the mother she's the best woman in Scotland.
Well, what do they want this time? Well, here I am.
Will you hand me over? Never, I gave my word I'd protect you, Richard, and protect you I shall.
That is what we told the English commissioner, sir.
Thank you, my Lord.
May I ask you what else they want? Peace.
Well? That's what the King of Spain would welcome too.
They want it so much, Don Ayala, they are prepared to fight if necessary to get it.
That's what they say, it's only to frighten us.
Your Majesty King Henry didn't wait to raise his taxes before raising his army.
In six weeks he'll be over the border.
That is what I hear from London, too, Your Majesty.
Do you mean he'll seriously send troops over the border into Scotland, just because of that little raid of ours last year? That is not the reason at all.
I wish we had a child, Catherine.
Wishing's no good.
You must get a child, not wait for one to come.
Well, don't I do my best? I hope so.
You do too much waiting, Richard.
It's a bad habit.
Is it? Everything comes to him who waits.
Yes, death and heaven or hell, but not kingdoms, not England.
We can't warm ourselves by King James' fire forever, you know.
- Who told you to tell me that? - No one.
I've felt it in the air, haven't you? (Whispering) Be seated, gentlemen.
Well, we should be at a larger table in a greater room before long.
And I shall not be calling you gentlemen but honored Lords.
King Richard IV will not forget his own.
He has known too much of life's bitterness, has suffered in his own person too much of this world's misfortune not to repay with royal generosity all those that truly love him.
Well, is there anything? I don't believe so.
- Nothing from the Duchess of Burgundy? - No.
- Those two ships she sent your Lordship - I must have a navy! But who's to pay the crews? I have to tell you that, in spite of all my efforts, King James' treasurer has still not paid your Lordship's allowance for last month, let alone this.
Look, my friends in Ireland must have transport for their men.
Sir James Ormond promises me a hundred whenever I want them.
Of course I must have a navy.
Is there anything from England? The news continues to be encouraging, my Lord.
There are more and more complaints about the new tax.
I weep for my people in their adversity.
But from their sorrow shall spring our joy.
They will throw off the yoke of the rapacious Tudor and rediscover peace and plenty in our House of York.
Exactly, my Lord, but I do feel that we shouldn't attempt another invasion under the Scottish flag.
Where else can I find an army? Ireland, my Lord, as you've suggested yourself.
The English do not like the Scots and they never will.
It does your cause no good to stay here Look, King James is the only sovereign in Europe who recognizes me for what I am.
Where else would I find such hospitality? The hospitality is indeed excellent, my Lord.
It's two months behind! Well, then see to it.
You're my treasurer.
Be useful for once.
The Spanish Ambassador would like to see you, sir, if you are no busy.
Busy? No, I'm not busy.
Wasting my time talking to Tell him we will be pleased to grant him audience.
Well, our session is over, gentlemen.
We thank you.
You know how much we value your loyalty.
The Spanish Ambassador, sir.
Good morning, my Lord.
- Are you cold? - Always.
I hate this northern imitation of a summer.
Do you? I like it, I find it stimulating.
- Even when it rains? - But today is fine.
Well, I was meant to live further south.
Well, it is a paradox, I know, but things are getting so warm for you here, my Lord, I daresay you very soon will.
What? My Lord, I want to help you.
Oh, I daresay.
The King of France wants to help me, the Emperor wants to help me.
Henry Tudor wants to help me - to a grave.
I shan't go, Ayala.
I shall stay here, whatever the weather.
- Will you? - Why not? You have been here more than a year already, my Lord.
- How long do you want to stay? - Just as long as As long as King James is going on risking his throne for your sake? - Is that what you were going to say? - King James won't betray me.
Whatever he may wish to do, my Lord, it is clear that he will very soon have to make peace.
- And you know King Henry's terms.
- Don't speak to me of King Henry! - Don't you know who I am? - No, my Lord, I do not.
Who are you, my Lord? I am Richard Duke of York.
I am King Richard IV of I don't have to answer to you.
Of course not.
And besides, it doesn't really matter, does it? Not matter that I'm the King of England? No one is king unless he's got a kingdom.
And you know as well as I do that you won't get yours now.
I said I wanted to help you and I do, but you must give it up.
If you don't, you will not only not have your kingdom, - you will not have your life either.
- I am Richard Duke of York.
In any case, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella are prepared to say they believe you.
- King Ferdinand? - They will give you a much warmer sanction than you have here, and a much more generous allowance.
By the way, would you like me to speak to King James about your allowance? I understand it is gravely behind.
- Oh, what does King Ferdinand want from me? - Nothing at all.
That's the beauty of it, my Lord.
He wants peace between King James and King Between Scotland and England.
While you continue to menace the present incumbent of the English throne, King Ferdinand feels that incumbent will never give his full attention to rather more serious matters on the continent.
The French presence in Italy, for instance.
I expect you have been following the developments there, my Lord, - and appreciate their gravity.
- Italy? All King Ferdinand wants for you, my Lord, is a warm and peaceful retirement.
- You speak as though I was a - A mere nuisance? You were something more once, my Lord, but now you have been abandoned by everyone.
By the Emperor, by the King of France, by everyone.
Except the King of Scotland.
- There's the Duchess of Burgundy.
- So there is.
And soon there will be only the Duchess of Burgundy.
And she, as you know, is a powerless old woman.
There is no point in pretence, my Lord, is there? King James will not help you much longer.
It's very warm in Spain, my Lord.
You will think of what I've said, I know.
Boy! Boy! Bring some more logs.
This fire is almost out.
My Lord! My Lord! Is the King here? Yours or mine? Either.
Both! - No.
- Where are they, for God's sake? Hawking.
Letting a man get a bit of peace.
- There's been a rising.
- Where? Where? Not in the Highlands? No, not here, in England.
Oh, Cornwall.
That's about as far away from Scotland as an Englishman can get, isn't it? What? Yes, but what's that got? I don't imagine we're in any danger here, Mr.
But they are marching on London, 25,000 of them! So instead of raising an army against me, he's raised one against himself.
That's Tudor state craft for you.
There are hundreds of them, flocking to join the rebels every hour, this time they're armed! Don't call them rebels, they're your friends.
- Well, I hope so! - Of course they are, man.
Good God, they've no leader of their own, only some blacksmith.
You need to ride into their camp, tell them who you are and they'll carry you to London.
It'll be the quickest capture of a kingdom since the devil first landed in Ireland.
- When do we start? - Tomorrow.
Tonight! - You must get to Cornwall at once.
- Of course.
And what are you going to do? I'll give it ten days, then sweep across the border.
It'll be child's play.
I'll race you to London! It'd be a two-pronged attack, like a Morton's fork.
- Now, how many men can you spare me? - Men? You've more than I'll ever have! - No, I need more.
- Then go to your friends in Ireland on the way but don't linger, Richard, you'll never have a chance like this again.
You won't see me for spray.
You're my good friend, Richard.
My honest, noble friend.
When next we meet, please God, you'll be as good a king as I.
(Both laugh) Now away with you! Come along, come along! Those trunks should be halfway to Ayr by now.
Astelay, will you see that these men are paid up before we leave? Yes, ma'am, of course.
Morning, ma'am.
I'm glad to hear the King took my advice.
- What do you mean? - About paying the Duke's allowance.
- The Duke is much too busy to see you.
- I expect he can spare a moment.
His instructions are that he will not be available to see you under any circumstances whatever.
The excitement is really going to his head, huh? Take this to Mr.
Heron, tell him that - I believe you are extremely busy, my Lord.
- Extremely, you'll excuse me? He just walked in, my Lord.
Then he must know the way out, too.
I only wanted to wish you a most prosperous voyage, my Lord.
You?! You never wished me anything but harm! All right, Astelay, tell Mr.
Heron to see me as soon as possible.
My Lord, I really do wish you well.
Have you been converted? You believe in me at last? You are a man, as I am, and as a man I believe in you completely.
Titles, after all, are the arbitrary addition of society, they mean little to me.
I'm afraid I have no time to listen to insolent metaphysics.
Then I'll be quick and practical.
If you go to Cork, you'll find a man named O'Sullivan.
I want nothing to do with him or you! Should God not smile upon your enterprise, my Lord, O'Sullivan will provide you with a ship to Spain at a moment's notice.
Don Ayala, you stand very high in King James' favor.
After I told King James, however, about your offer I shouldn't do that, my Lord, if I were you.
You never know what may not happen between here and Cornwall.
Were you to mention it, the offer would, of course, be withdrawn.
Bon voyage, my Lord.
Aye, it was hopeless.
- So, you fled to Ireland? - We had no choice.
We only had bows and arrows.
Besides, we had no property to ship.
We were divided among ourselves.
Half our men didn't want to fight.
Then why in the name of God did they march from Cornwall to London? Because they were fools! Because they thought Because they thought if only they could get to see their good, kind king and explain to him why so much disliked to pay their taxes, he'd understand, instantly remit what they owe him, pat them on their loyal heads and send 'em home with half a sovereign each for good behavior.
We made a few converts for us, I can tell you.
Ah I'm glad to hear it wasn't all loss.
By no means.
That's why they sent me to Cork.
To tell you not to lose courage.
(Chuckles ) Butwhat do we tell the Duke? That he must stay in Scotland a little longer and give us a chance to reorganize.
Henry's determined to get him and the best thing is not to give him a chance.
Didn't they tell you, he left Scotland two days ago.
Gone? Well, how very obliging.
In fact that's the first truly obliging thing that Warbeck has ever done for us.
- I hardly see it like that, Your Majesty.
- What's that, Surrey? Why not? There's no further difficulty about the Scottish truce.
Without Warbeck we can make peace at once.
Well, my Lord, we can perhaps, but I don't quite know who with.
King James is marching on Norham Castle - On Bishop Fox? - He's bringing his siege guns.
I see.
Well, how very disobliging.
- Where has Warbeck gone? - Ireland, they think.
And where, I wonder, is the Earl of Kildare? The Lord Deputy is also in Ireland, my Lord.
- I see.
- He's safe enough.
I think he's learnt his lesson by now.
I sincerely hope so.
First Cornwall, then Scotland, now Ireland.
What is the matter with King James? Most people in his position would be glad to be rid of Perkin Warbeck.
I think many of his courtiers will be more pleased than they will dare to show their king.
And how will that help Bishop Fox? There'll not be much enthusiasm for war among the Scottish army.
Not for war, perhaps, but for skirmishing, for stealing cattle.
- Do their stocks need replenishing again? - They're very fond of beef.
They shall not eat it at our expense! They've had enough already.
How many men would you like? I'd like 50,000, Your Majesty.
With that You can have 20.
And I don't simply want Fox relieved, I want King James pushed back across the border and punished.
You can have the men that we levied against the Cornish.
Bray and Daubenay are raising some more in case Warbeck - But he will not, I think.
- No? No, if he were coming, he'd have timed it to coincide with the Scots.
- But where is he? - In Ireland.
Yes, exactly, in the Irish bogs.
They have no sense of strategy, do they? They come at us one by one.
Very well.
That's the way we'll pick them off.
- (Ship creaking) - Are you better? Mm A bit.
- How much longer? - Oh, only an hour or two.
Hey, we're past the Point.
It'll be calm all the way in now.
Oh, Cork's a beautiful place.
Fine harbor, good, loyal people.
You'll like it.
Oh, I'd like anything that didn't go up and down all the time.
I owe everything to Cork.
Oh, this is where it all started.
I came here a clotheshorse, I lefta king.
(Echoing) The Duke of Clarence.
King Richard! The spittin' image.
Bastard son, hidden away.
- The nose.
- The mouth.
It is, I tell you, it is.
It must be, it must be! .
my servant, your Worship, I've known him all my life.
These are not his clothes, they're mine.
Oh, beautiful cloth, your Worship.
Really beautiful! Feel it.
I wish you would.
Try it, your Worship, I beg you.
You can always tell by the earlobes.
The bumps on the head.
- The cheekbones.
- The chin.
The eyebrows.
Look at the eyebrows.
Do you solemnly swear - He is.
- He must be.
He is, he is, he is! (Laughs ) The Duke of York! - The Duke of York! - The Duke of York! The Duke of York! Then he's the King! The rightful King.
Long live King Richard IV.
You mean they simply recognized you? - Mm.
- But how? How did they know? The people recognized their King.
But how, Richard? No, don't go to sleep.
Tell me, I want to know.
Mm, you're so warm.
- But you had our order! - Yes.
But when we heard the news from England, we naturally assumed You shouldn't assume! The Duke wants the troops you promised and he wants them now! We can't wait.
King James will cross the border in five days.
Can't you offer us anything at all? Well, I suppose I could muster 50 or 60 men.
50 or 60? But I need 10,000, now! Oh, where's Sir James Ormond? He promised me a hundred on his own.
I regret to have to tell you, my Lord, that Sir James is dead.
Dead? But how? - What happened? - He was killed in a quarrel.
Over you, my Lord.
- When was this? - Ten days ago.
God rest his soul.
- My Lord, all is not lost, by any means.
- No We marched to London once with only a blacksmith to lead us.
I mean to tell you, my Lord, that with you at our head we'll march to Paris if you ask us.
Will your Cornishmen rise again so soon after their disappointment? The sooner the better.
None of their grievances have been satisfied.
They're worse off now than they were before.
Instead of hanging them, Henry Tudor simply taxed them harder, making them better subjects for you, my Lord.
They'll rise all right.
- What troops he has will all be in the north.
- You'll be unopposed.
We need a vanguard of properly armed men.
Pitchforks are no use against muskets! - Well, I don't know where - The Earl of Kildare will supply us.
We have to postpone a week or two, but My Lord.
The Earl of Kildare is veryambiguous.
These days he swears he supports King Henry.
- King Henry? - That's what he calls him.
Well Kildare's always been ambiguity itself.
But not to me, Walter, you know that.
To me he's not just an ally or a friend.
He loves me.
(Kildare ) So, you're the French lad, are you? It's the best we'll do.
What do you think? I don't know yet.
Come here, French lad.
(Laughs ) Pretty.
Very pretty, huh? Anyone would be prettier than Henry Tudor.
He'll pass for the Duke of York, and that's what matters.
Or a duchess.
- How old is he? - Seventeen.
What's your name, boy? (Laughs ) This won't do, Walter.
The Earl of Kildare is confusing him.
Oh! I'm confusing you, am I? Now, why's that, I wonder? - (Bellows ) What's your name? - What's your name? - What's your name? - What's your name? What's your name? I, by the grace of God, Richard IV, King of England, and of France, Lord of Lord of - Lord of Ireland! - .
Lord of Ireland Prince of Wales, Duke of York.
Very good.
Very good indeed.
(Laughing) You shouldn't have come here, you know.
I shan't help you.
- But you are my friend.
- I am Lord Deputy of Ireland, Richard.
Believe me, he's no friend of yours.
- Well, deputy to who? - To the King of England.
- Well, who am I? - You know very well.
Well, I didn't until you told me.
You shouldn't believe everything you're told.
You said you'd be like a father to me, always.
- Did I? - Should I have disbelieved that, too? - I probably meant it at the time.
- You were a father to me! Perkin Warbeck is no son of mine.
But I am, I am.
If I'm not You and the Earl of Desmond told me.
Oh, Desmond and I fight for King Henry now.
It was six years from Bosworth then, now it's twelve.
Ireland is peaceful and loyal.
- Loyal? - Yes, loyal.
- But not you.
- I am Lord Deputy! I am the loyalest of them all.
And you're a traitor to me.
(Laughs ) I owe you no allegiance.
How could I? No man worships a god he's made himself.
He just makes other people worship him for his own ends.
And I'm afraid, Perkin, I have no more use for you.
But I-I thought I was sure.
- Look, it's my chance - You have no chance! You know that well! - I'll give you 24 hours.
- What? To get out of Ireland.
I should arrest you now, do me a lot of good in England if I did.
- And I will, I promise you, if you stay.
- What, you'll sell me to Henry Tudor? Why not? I bought you, didn't I? Oh, why don't you arrest me now, have done with it? Sentiment.
Old times' sake.
And I like to give the hare a sporting chance.
- There's a man outside called O'Sullivan.
- No! - I should if I were you.
If you go to England - I shall be King.
That's a dream, Perkin.
You've been living in somebody else's dream and he's not dreaming it any longer.
You're a good lad.
Go back to your old trade.
- Selling clothes? - You must have put something by, set up for yourself.
At any rate, don't go back to Pregent Meno.
He's in King Henry's pay.
- He has been for the last three years.
- What? Disappear.
Get yourself another new name.
Go back to the nonentity you came from.
But I can't.
I can't.
Don't you see? I'm not Perkin Warbeck any more, I'm - I'm - Well? Who are you? But why have the ships been sent to Kinsail? Oh, er, purely a precautionary measure, ma'am.
John Walter heard some rumor of treachery by the Earl of Desmond.
- Treachery? - It's probably nothing.
But we can't take any chances.
You know how much the usurper would pay to see the Duke in the Tower of London.
Oh, Catherine.
Catherine Did you get troops, my Lord? I want to see Heron, Skelton, Walter, Tresenny Everyone, Astelay, as soon as possible.
Er, how many men have we here now? A hundred and, er, twenty-odd, my Lord, Is that all? Well, tell them to stand by.
Gladly, my Lord, are we off then? Do what I say, don't ask questions.
Catherine, you're my wife.
- Richard, is something - This is a very uncertain world, and things aren't always what they seem, but one thing I'm sure of is that I love you.
Yes, Richard.
So I must tell you the truth.
We must leave Ireland at once.
But didn't the Earl of Kildare The Earl of Kildare will send us prisoners to England.
Richard! Now, we have a choice.
We can go on to Cornwall - I mean, to England and my right or we can go somewhere else, and, er, going to England would be very dangerous.
- Where is "somewhere else"? - Spain.
King Ferdinand offers us a kind of easy life imprisonment.
Which might not be bad, Catherine.
Might be quite pleasant.
In any case, it'd be better than anything King Henry has to offer.
"King" Henry? Oh, did I say King? Just a slip.
Why do you ask me? I'm not one of your advisers.
Ask Heron or Skelton.
No, it's only fair that you should know what the risks are and whether or not you want to run them.
Nobody's ever consulted me before.
I wasn't even asked whether or not I wanted to marry you.
- Do you regret it? - I do.
When things are held back from me.
I'm holding nothing back from you! If you say, I'll give the whole thing up Can we go back to Scotland? You didn't tell me that before we left.
And would you have come if I had? Things were very happy there, weren't they? Very happy and easy.
I was very happy.
I hope you were too.
Oh, yes.
- And now we're in Ireland.
- Yes.
Well, Richard, where do you want to go? I? Well, I want what you want, Catherine.
Nothing else.
- My Lord! - Hm? My Lord.
The Earl of Desmond is ten miles away.
Well, get our horses ready.
We leave at once.
Aye, my Lord.
I have no friends in the world now, Catherine, save these few and the Cornish.
They've given up everything for you.
You must go with them.
Besides, it's better to be with your friends in adversity than dining with your enemies in Spain.
Thank you, my love.
You must lead them as they expect to be led.
- Yes, I shall.
- Be a king, Richard.
Well, naturally.
That's what I am.
Then you know everything you must do.
Oh It'll be easy.
King James has invaded.
We'll jog home to London like emperors! The Earl of Surrey outnumbers us two to one, sir.
It would be madness to attack.
Well, I will not make peace.
I promised the Duke of York You promised to help him, sir, and you have.
You have diverted a large number of English troops from his invasion.
Not enough to matter! No one could have anticipated King Henry's energy in raising troops, sir.
In all honor, there is nothing to stop us making peace No! I owe it to the Duke to keep Surrey in the field as long as I can.
Then we will have to retreat and if we do that, we open the whole of the lowlands to fire and sword.
If you care to step outside, you'll see what happened to Ayton.
It'll blaze all night.
We have no choice, sir.
We must ask for peace.
I value my honor too highly for that, Angus.
Then what will you do? His Majesty wishes to challenge the Earl of Surrey, to meet him person to person and hand to hand.
And if he wins, you must yield him the town and castle of Berwick as your ransom.
I see.
You will thank His Majesty most heartily for the great honor he has done me in offering to fight so poor an earl body to body.
But I fear that Berwick belongs to my master the King of England, not to me.
I cannot venture it as a stake.
Will you then bring out your army to meet our army in fair fight, my Lord? Your Lordship knows that I'm not in the habit of revealing my plans to the enemy.
Indeed, Your Lordship has good cause to know it.
Well, then my Lord, putting our challenges aside, perhaps it might be better if I had a word with you, not as a herald but as a commissioner of peace.
In that case My dear Angus, how very good to see you again.
My dear Surrey.
Let us hope that this time we make the peace last.
The stumbling block is gone.
We can no longer surrender the Duke of York because we have not got him.
So I believe.
He was last heard of in Ireland, failing to raise an army.
Is that so? Well, for our part, he's gone, and I see nothing else between us and peace.
Nor do I, and nor does my King.
What about yours? Well, as you know, he is a most chivalrous monarch but a knight of chivalry needs a lady and His Majesty has none.
I hear he has a good many.
Those, my Lord, are women.
- Ah! - (Both chuckle ) I believe it is not unknown to the King your master that he has a lady daughter.
- I believe it isn't.
- (Both laugh) Come and have dinner.
( # Fanfare ) Richard, by the grace of God, King of England and of France, Lord of Ireland, Prince of Wales.
To the Earl of Devon, Sir William Courtney, the Mayor and Burgesses of Exeter What's the man blathering about? - He's calling on us to surrender.
- Oh, is that all? Well, don't waste time listening to him, get more carts of stone to the north and east gates.
Yes, my Lord.
- And William.
- My Lord? We're not dealing with an army so much as a figment of the imagination.
I don't expect any of my gates to yield before imaginary forces.
Of course not, my Lord.
The King is on his way with 30,000 men.
It is his wish to demonstrate his superior right over this impostor in person.
30,000? That's what I said, you don't have to repeat my words.
So no one is to go out to fight this rabble beyond the gates, I want that understood.
They are to be left for His Majesty.
Very good, my Lord.
Well, they should have yielded! Why didn't they yield? The Earl of Devon is a loyal supporter of the usurper, my Lord.
And Exeter's a difficult place to attack with the river an' all.
They should have yielded on demand.
They should have recognized me for what I am.
- What instructions for tomorrow, my Lord? - Well, take Exeter.
What will people think if I can't crush the first feeble resistance of my reign? They'd put up a good fight, my Lord.
Don't call me your Lord, I'm your King! Yes, Your Majesty.
Well, we shall renew the assault on the north and east gates at dawn.
We've made a start.
Sieges can't succeed in two hours.
Our men fought bravely, Tresenny, very bravely.
- How many did we lose? - Not many.
Something over a hundred.
Soldiers! Your King! (Soldier) God bless Your Majesty.
What is your name? Penrose, sir.
And where are you from? St.
I am Penrose from St.
- Oh.
- Do you know it, sir? No.
It's just above Fowey, sir, down on the water.
A little creek.
Very well sheltered.
Good water.
Good grazing.
- Is it? - Oh, yes, sir.
Ask anyone.
It's a beautiful place.
Lord knows if I'll see it again.
Please God you will.
If they are ready to die for me, Tresenny Die for me? My Lord, the Duke of York requests There is no Duke of York.
He We request a truce, my Lord.
Had enough already? The Duke We wish to gather our men together and move on to London, my Lord.
- Well, you're quite welcome to do that.
- Thank you, my Lord.
On condition that you in no way approach this city.
Very good, my Lord.
Is that all? Yes, my Lord.
What is your name? Skelton, my Lord.
Well, Skelton.
There's a rope with your name on it when you get to London.
You should not threaten a herald, my Lord.
The rules of war do not apply to rebels.
You can tell Perkin Warbeck I said so and you can also tell him the closer he gets to London, the closer he gets to the Tower.
Now go.
He gives up very easily.
You almost think he wants to have it over and done with.
My Lord, we can have a battle at last.
Lord Daubenay's only 20 miles off.
We need a good victory.
We need to show them what we're made of.
How many men does he have? - About the same as us, it couldn't be better.
- Well, how many is that? Yesterday we had 8,000, how many today? Lord Daubenay is offering a free pardon to every man who will lay down his arms.
We're losing the cowards, that's all.
We should execute a few of 'em, that'd soon put a stop to it.
No Poor beggars, what arms have they got they can lay down? It was our not persisting at Exeter, my Lord, that has led to a certain loss of confidence.
I raised the siege to save their lives! Can't they understand that? And I've advanced, haven't I? Isn't Taunton nearer London than Exeter? I think they would prefer a clear victory, my Lord, even if they have to die for it.
Why? Why would any man rather die than live? Because they believe in your cause, my Lord.
They know it's greater than they are.
They are glad to die for you.
I am moved by their loyalty.
Have it proclaimed, Tresenny, that as soon as I am King, I will coin my own money and distribute it amongst them, and that I will raise no more taxes.
What they earn shall be theirs, I will not take it from them.
And, Tresenny, tell them to be of good heart.
I have a close understanding with many of the highest Lords of the land, all will be well.
It will soon be over, and God bless our undertaking.
And the battle? What am I to say about that, my Lord? Oh, tomorrow.
I shall have to consult with those who know this piece of land, it's all bog and moorland and marsh.
And the bridges have all been cut, we shall have to find ways round them and Oh, tell them I shall give my instructions at dawn.
Very good, my Lord.
Oh, and Tresenny You're Cornish, speak to them from your heart as I do to you.
Tell them Tell them I love them.
- Where's Astelay? - He's gone on ahead with the horses.
- Is there any news from my wife? - Nothing, my Lord.
They will not hang any of these poor men, will they? Some of them, probably.
You cloak, Your Majesty.
You mustn't call me that now, Skelton.
- I'm nobody's King now.
- You're still mine.
You'd do better to abandon me like everyone else.
We've been together too long for that, my Lord.
We might as well see it through together.
We'll get a ship.
We'll get to the Duchess of Burgundy, we'll be all right.
(Astelay ) We'd better go.
What name am I to use? I forget.
Anything you like, my Lord.
So long as it's not Perkin Warbeck.
I wish my wife were here.
- Is there any news from her? - I've sent a message.
- Do you have blood on your hands? - No.
(Quietly) Be better if we did.
Are you speaking the truth? I heard that men were killed at Exeter.
They were all on our side.
- You say nothing.
- I have nothing to say.
You must.
I cannot give you sanctuary unless I know the truth.
Have you killed any man? I would like to make my confession, Father, if you will hear it.
It's not true, he never killed anyone in his life.
All these men are innocent.
All the blood I must confess, please hear me.
Very well.
My Lord, you are tired.
We'll never get away, there are men out for us everywhere, you've seen them.
I must make my peace.
- When you are yourself again.
- Myself? Where is that if not here? I won't run any further to find him, God knows I've run too far already and I'm tired, I'm tired of the whole performance.
Please, leave us.
I shan't ask anything else.
- Father - Who are you? Who do you think? - Are you the Duke of York? - No, never.
Are you Perkin Warbeck? Yes.
What do you want to tell me? Er, I The King's men were here before you.
The King may spare your life No, I must confess! .
if you surrender yourself of your own accord, trusting to his Grace and pardon.
- I must.
- If you tell him the truth, leaving nothing out, nothing at all.
I want to confess, I want to! Then look in your heart, Warbeck.
Tell me what you have done.
I-I can't see anything.
Then you need greater absolution than I can give you.
You must go to the King.
You and your companions will go with this man under escort to the King.
He makes no promises but he's shown himself merciful in the past.
He may spare your lives if you make full confession.
- But there must be no more pretenses.
- No.
Where are this man's proper clothes? Before God, I might have sworn Oh, for God's sake, leave me alone! Can't you see? I'm no one! I'm no one at all! (Murmuring) Your Majesty, I confess to all the many grievous injuries I have done you and throw myself upon your most gracious mercy.
(Henry ) Stand up! We have heard that you call yourself Richard Duke of York.
In this place are some who were companions of that lord when he was young.
Look and see if you can recognize any of them.
- I know none of them.
- You have not looked! There's no need, Your Majesty.
What have you to say? I don't know, Your Majesty.
Who are you? - I - Are you the Duke of York? No.
Where were you born? - I was born in Tournai in Flanders.
- And who were your father and your mother? My father was Jehan Werbecque and my mother was Katherine de Faro.
- And you are? - I am Perkin Warbeck, their son.
And what has been your life? I was in service with a merchant from Brittany called Pregent Meno, and he took me to Ireland, to Cork, to sell his clothes.
And there they told me I was the son of the Duke of Clarence.
And I swore I was not.
Then they told me I was King Richard's bastard son and I said, "No!" Then they said they would make me King of England and call me the Duke of York, King Edward's son.
And I agreed.
And it was not so.
It was a lie from the beginning.
You here too? Then everybody knows, no? Warbeck! You shall have your life, under certain conditions.
- As Your Majesty commands.
- You will live apart from your wife.
She will live in safety and honor under the Queen's protection.
- You will live under mine.
Lord Daubenay? - Your Majesty.
Go with Warbeck and his wife, let them talk together.
Do not intrude on them.
But do not leave them alone.
Is it quite certain that she is not with child? - Quite.
- Then let her remain so.
This kingdom spawns enough pretenders without them spawning for themselves.
- And Devon - Your Majesty.
The Cornishmen do not seem to have appreciated the greatness of our mercy.
We must make it greater.
Double the fines on all rebels and release them, and see that no farthing is remitted.
Your Majesty.
Will Your Majesty enter London in triumph over Warbeck? No, it is no triumph to have defeated a man like that.
He defeated himself.

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