The Sticky (2024) s01e04 Episode Script


[tense percussive music playing]
[Léo] Hey! Rémy!
[Rémy] Hey! Léo!
[Léo] Rémy Bouchard, meet Gary Montour
- What did he say?
- Shit.
[Léo] I got you a security guard.
[Rémy] What a surprise
to see people in here right now.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Gary Montour.
- We gotta go.
- Yeah. Hurry.
[Léo] Don't act so thrilled, man.
You wanted more security,
I got you more security.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no
I am happy.
Uh, this is this is great.
It is. I mean, I asked
for a whole squad but
Gary's top of the line.
Now you can do
all those routes you drew up.
Well, not all of them, but
Although, I guess routes
will be up to Gary now.
Yeah, of course.
Wait, what?
Why will routes be up to Gary?
With his experience, uh
You should see his C.V., man.
- Ah.
- It's killer.
He's gonna be a great boss.
- All right.
- Wait, my boss?
- Permission to come on board, buddy
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
I've worked here for years, man.
It was my idea to hire him.
You asked for more men,
I got you more men.
No, no. Man. A man.
That's it, Rémy!
It's done. Deal with that.
All right?
Come on, man, let's go.
It's so nice to finally have
a real Head of security here.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
[DJ Champion: "No Heaven"]
It's fucking freezing.
And it still smells like shit.
We could've done this at the diner, Ruth.
We're not going back there.
A guard, a mobster
and a well-known pain-in-the-ass
are seen getting pancakes,
who do you think rockets
up the suspect list?
Yeah, well, nice thing
about this place:
people only see one thing.
Hey, guys. Guys.
- Well, team, obviously we have a problem.
- Yeah, gros problème.
Why did they suddenly hire more security?
- Are they on to us?
- No, no, nothing like that.
They hired more security
because I've been asking
- for more security.
- Don't you know how robberies work?
- What is wrong with you?
- I didn't know
they were gonna listen to me
all of a sudden. They never listen.
- [gasps]
- But get this: he's my boss.
Oh God. Really?
Holy shit, did he take your parking spot?
Who the fuck cares, Rémy!
He's a guard, that's the fucking problem.
You've probably never had a real job,
but it's standard practice
to offer a promotion
- to a current employee.
- Rémy, stop saying dumb shit.
Your new pal just cost us 300k.
- Oh, we are not pals.
- We're gonna have to cover our losses
- tonight, somehow.
- Don't look at me.
I can't keep planning around
all this stupid.
I wish he were stupid.
But he's actually really smart.
Smells good too. Bastard.
I don't know how we're going
to sneak the barrels back in,
let alone rob the place.
We should postpone.
Rémy, what did I say about
saying dumb shit?
I am reluctant to suggest this
because of your delicate sensibilities.
But we don't have time for half measures.
Exactly. Get him out of here.
Then hire a new guy, up-and-comer,
nothing flashy, after we rob, right?
Wrong. Here's an idea: we kill him.
You fucking maniac.
- You're not killing anyone.
- I don't wanna hurt anybody,
- but we don't have any time.
- I will go to the cops.
Tying him up, blindfolding him,
any Boy Scout bullshit you come up with,
that only lasts once.
We need three nights, all night long.
Lean on him. Threaten him.
Do scumbag stuff.
We don't have time to get fancy.
This is the only way.
I thought you wanted us
to be a team, Ruth?
- Rémy has been wronged.
- Mm-hmm.
Now it's our job to have his back.
Mike, does your bullshit ever
actually work on people?
Fine. Be a coward.
We could Nancy Kerrigan the guy.
Hmm, Nancy Kerrigan
Now that is a woman.
One or two whacks.
Break a couple bones It could work.
I like it
- I could get behind that.
- Which bones?
- Which bones?
- [Ruth] Yeah, Mike. Which bones?
Looking back over this thing,
I haven't noticed a particular knack
for nuance or restraint.
So when you say bones,
I wanna know which ones?
I don't know, Ruth, the leg bones, legs?
- The tibia, fibia
- Fibula.
Shut up, Rémy. Maybe a couple of ribs.
I don't know the medical term for those.
- No, just ribs.
- Oh my God, Rémy.
You puncture a lung or his spleen,
and then, he's dead,
and Martin wakes up to a wife
who is an accomplice
to a murder. No way.
Oh my God, you make everything
so fucking difficult.
Fine. I break his legs.
Tibia, fibula. That okay for everyone?
- One leg.
- [Mike] One leg.
He'll be out of commission
for several weeks. We can rob tonight.
- Are we good?
- Mm-hmm.
- We're good.
- [Mike] Okay.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
I'd like to enjoy some titty.
[Ruth] I'll be outside.
- What'd she say?
- I don't know.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Hey! Christmas ornament.
Over here.
Let me in.
My nostrils are frozen.
Where'd you put Orval's barrels?
I'll get 'em back in today.
Now? There's workers.
You'll never get them in
without being seen.
- I will.
- How? I's impossible.
- I'll figure it out.
- [Mike] They're in my garage.
Under a tarp.
Don't kill him.
Robbery's at 8 PM. See you then.
[engine starts]
[Teddy] I've been working
on the license plate of our truck.
We assumed it was a local plate,
but when you zoom in
- [Nadeau] Hm.
- [Teddy] That's British Columbia.
I mean, there can't be too many
B.C. plates around here.
- [cell phone vibrates]
- I'm gonna check it out.
Hm Knock yourself out.
Détective Nadeau?
Neovison vison?
I don't know it.
Okay, okay, okay, you mean,
from a, from a coat
or actual vermin?
Okay, thank you.
All right, that was the lab.
Plenty of boring in the Steeks
sugar shack, but
the lab found one interesting lead
and it's covered in the victim's blood.
Tell me everything
you know about mink fur.
- [clears throat]
- [Mike] Okay, uh
They key is to find an isolated spot.
Like back alley
- Yeah.
- Fishing hole, something.
Actually, this is not bad.
Call Gary and invite him here.
A shitty parking lot, it's perfect.
- I don't think he's gonna come.
- Of course he'll come.
Call him, invite him to lunch.
If you invited me, I'd come.
- Call him.
- [Rémy sighs]
Call him. What?
I'm a little nervous. Okay?
Rémy. Hey. Remember how you felt
before you came up to me
- at the restaurant?
- Yeah, I thought I was going to shit.
Yeah, but you did it anyway.
And God's honest truth,
that inspired me.
I looked at you I was like:
That-that, that's a man
That's a man I have to work with.
- So you call that fucker.
- Yeah.
- This guy doesn't respect you.
- Mm-hmm.
He stole your job. Fuck that guy.
- Yeah, fuck that guy.
- Yeah, fuck that guy.
- [line ringing]
- [mouthing] Fuck that guy.
- [Gary] Gary Montour.
- Hey, Gary. Rémy Bouchard.
Thought you might be sleeping.
Takes a bit to get used
to the graveyard shift, eh?
- [Gary] Oh Rémy, from work, right?
- Yeah.
- [Gary] What, are you calling in sick?
- Sick?
Of course not.
Me? I'd work with cancer, ha.
- Any of 'em. Even pancreas.
- [Gary] Hah. Alright, so?
Yeah-yeah, so I was thinking, uh,
we should get lunch.
Eh, compare notes. I can brief you
some of the ins and outs of
[Gary] Oh, I appreciate that, I really do.
Kind of you, but I can't today.
Rain check?
We-we-we-we-well, well
It's pretty crucial stuff here, Gar.
Must-have intel.
Really can't wait.
Could really tighten our ship.
I mean, warehouse.
[Gary] I'd love to. But I'm checking
my traps today. Let's talk at work.
Wait-wait-wait, I-I-I'll come with you.
I love checking traps. Yeah.
I'm a mink man, myself, uh,
but coyote, beaver, rabbit, catch 'em all.
- Then kill 'em.
- [Gary] Okay, sounds like a plan.
The ZEC du Nord parking lot?
Say, an hour?
Yeah-yeah-yeah, an hour.
In the woods, cool.
Yeah, see you, Gar I mean, Gary.
I mean, I mean, bye.
[both] Yeah!
All right. Perfect. Even better.
- The woods.
- Yeah.
- You're a natural, kid.
- I think I am.
Okay. Let's go break
this guy's fucking leg.
[Ruth] I don't think I could convince
Florence of two days in a row
so you're gonna just stick it out alone,
Hmm-hmm. Good.
- [distant clanking]
- Mm-hmm?
What the hell? Josée's moving?
- [exhaling deeply]
- [man on recording] Close your eyes.
Cross your legs.
Rest your hands on your knees.
And let your inner voice resurface.
[Mike] This shit gets you in the zone?
All right. Are we,
are we clear on the plan?
- Yeah, simple.
- [stops recording]
I walk him out into the woods.
You sneak up and whack him with that bat.
- What's that for?
- [gun cocks]
For emergencies.
Better to have and not need
- than the other way around, right?
- [vehicle approaching]
- Oh. That's him?
- Yeah.
- Fuck that guy, right?
- Yeah, fuck that guy.
Fuck him not in a nice way.
His fucking honeymoon.
Fuck that guy.
- Fuck that guy.
- You got this, Rem dog.
[Gary] Hey. Rémy.
Thanks for coming out. Ready for this?
[suspenseful music playing]
[camera clicking]
Now, that's a framer.
[door closes]
- [man] Hmm. Madame
- Eat your egg salad. I know where he is.
Léonard, we need to talk.
I'll call you back.
No, Ruth, you can't go, yeah
[Ruth] What is the meaning of this?
[Léonard] You mean
what do the words mean?
- Do you want me to read them to you?
- $100,000 dollars?
You can't fine me for having fines.
My son sets Association policy.
I'm just an advisor.
Well, yes uh, thanks, Dad,
but it in this particular case
[Ruth] What happened to you?
Remember when you used to work
your own trees
instead of hiring out
and I'd lend you tubes?
[Léonard] I am protecting farmers.
The Association. If there are no fines,
why follow the rules at all?
Yeah, we've all heard the act, Léonard.
You're not fooling anyone.
- My father is
- Oh, except maybe him.
No one cares more about farmers
and their syrup than me.
Really? Because to me
Oh, Léonard, it looks like
you're doing a real shit job.
[Léonard] What are those?
- Are are, are those
- Thousands of dollars of brown,
lying on the ground.
Yes, Maxime, it's Léo.
Can you check the loading dock
Give me that.
Yeah, Léonard
Why are barrels from my National Reserve
in the parking lot?
Bring those back in A.S.A.
- Fucking-P.
You hear me?
I want them back in the building now!
You! Come right back, okay?
Guys, we're not planning on
being here 'til Christmas.
Come on, faster! Jeez!
[Ruth] Yeah, that's great, assholes.
That's good farmer's syrup.
Just Don't listen to her.
Get them in here.
Theodora claims
you're a mink guy, Mr Bouchard.
- I'm a mink guy.
- [Nadeau] Yeah.
Been breeding and, uh,
processing those little critters
- for, uh, oh over 20 years now.
- Hmm.
Uh, this isn't about Orval Steeks, is it?
No-no-no, no, nothing like that.
Just, uh, professional curiosity,
more than anything else.
Uh, Mr Bouchard
What could you tell us
about this little piece here?
Is that a joke?
Did Rémy put you up to this?
The little jokester!
Oh. What do you mean?
I mean, this is Mr Cinnamon.
I'd know him anywhere.
One of our softest.
He loved toast, the little wacko. Hm.
[Nadeau] Excusez-moi.
- Ha. Who is Mr Cinnamon?
- On of our minks.
Member of the family, really.
I made him into mittens
for Rémy's birthday.
- I mean, I can take a
- Are you sure, Mr Bouchard?
Sure, I'm sure.
- Look, the green.
- Yeah?
I dyed him myself.
- But I'm sure Rémy told you all
- Where is he, Maurice? Is he
He texted me actually
just before I came in.
He said he was going to
la ZEC du Nord with a friend.
You're driving.
Next trap is just ahead.
You're looking for something back there?
Oh no, no. Just habit.
Always check your six, huh?
Oh, you served.
Call of Duty.
So, uh, that must-have intel
you wanted to tell me about?
[Rémy] Oh, yeah, well, just the warehouse.
I've been working there a long time.
I know it seems simple, but it's not.
There's no budget, no cameras,
ton of blind spots.
Do you know how much
we're guarding there?
- Uh, eyeball, I'd say 20-30 million?
- [Rémy chuckles]
Try 150, dude.
And that's before Harvest Day.
In a few days,
we lock it all down.
Re-weight every barrel,
take in the new surplus.
Should be 200 before long.
Wow. That's too much for one guy.
Maybe for you.
But I've done it.
For years, I've done it.
Just me. In charge.
And then, one night,
out of the blue, that's it?
I mean, it's kind of standard practice
to promote the exist
Oh you know what? Forget about it.
Where's your fucking stupid next trap?
- [branch cracking]
- Ow.
[Gary] Hey. Hey. Rem, wait up.
[birds chirping]
- [Léo] This way, thank you.
- [Ruth] Get lost, Junior.
Yeah. The last time you were here,
you did thousands of dollars in damages.
So I'll keep an eye on you, thank you.
And who's keeping an eye on you
and old man scumbag?
My father has done nothing
but protect this industry.
You should be thanking him.
Jesus, you really believe
his shit, don't you?
All right, let's go, please.
You know Josée Vallée?
Farm next to mine?
They're moving. Sold in a rush.
- Okay, yeah, so?
- So? So?
Your father was fining them too.
Even worse than me.
Then suddenly some holding company
comes in and offers to buy them out.
Real dogshit offer too.
- What are you saying?
- I'm saying, do what secretaries do:
check the fucking paperwork.
You might learn something.
[door opens, closes]
Hello uh, this is uh,
Léonard Gauthier speaking
from the Association Érable Québec.
I don't mean to cause any trouble,
but, I-I feel compelled
to report a safety concern.
An unwell man, an old friend
in a coma, was left alone today.
Like so many days before.
Yes, I can give you his address.
So? What are you? Military?
Léo said you have an impressive C.V.
- Ah. He's exaggerating.
- Yeah. Probably.
Yeah, a couple of tours.
Some peacekeeping with the U.N.,
but nothing special.
- Shit, okay.
- [Gary] What's your story?
I wanted to enlist. I should have.
But my dad didn't want me to.
After my mom left, I just
[Gary] Oh hey, hey, yeah, it's okay
I mean, your dad needed you.
- That's important, too.
- [Rémy] Yeah.
So I poured my life into this.
Guarding the Association.
- And you've done a fine job.
- [Rémy] I have.
I have.
And then they just
Just what? Who?
[Rémy] The Léonards.
They just hire you and make you my boss.
After all I've done for them.
All I've given them.
- Yeah, that sucks.
- Yeah.
Well, listen, I don't want to come
and piss on your leg.
And believe me,
I didn't know the situation. So
I'll just quit.
What? You'll quit?
[Gary] I don't want have
any bad blood between us.
I've got a bunch of offers. Uh,
this one was just closer to my house.
- Huh.
- We good?
I just need to make a quick call, okay?
[sombre music playing]
[cell phone rings]
- What?
- I did it.
Did what?
[Rémy] I got Gary to quit.
I convinced him.
He's quitting,
so we don't have to hurt him.
I don't believe you, Rémy.
You've been soft on this
from the beginning.
And I didn't trudge all the way out here
to not do the job.
No, Mike, it's all fixed.
He'll quit, we can do the heist tonight.
Oh. Oh, I see you.
Where's your bat?
[Mike] Had to call an audible, kid.
What's an audible?
Why did you stop?
Is an audible giving up?
[Mike] Nope.
- Duck.
- [silent gunshot]
- What was that?
- A hunter?
Hey! We're in your line of fire!
- [silent gunshot]
- [gasps]
I don't think that's a hunter.
Run! Oh, your bag. Your bag.
Why do they always have to run?
[percussive action music playing]
[silent gunshot]
[bullet whizzing]
[cell phone ringing]
Hi. Rémy, is it done?
- He's shooting. May day. May day.
- [gunshots]
What? I can't hear you.
I got Gary to quit,
but he doesn't care, he's going crazy.
Goddamnit. Where are you?
- ZEC du Nord. Hurry.
- [gunshots]
He almost shot me.
Fucking Mike.
Yes, please come quickly.
He's crazy.
- Alright, I called the cops.
- [grunts]
They're on their way.
But we need to keep moving.
We're almost to the cars,
I think we can make it. You ready?
Yeah. Just give me a second, please.
- Who the hell is this guy?
- A huge asshole.
[Nadeau] You can't underestimate
the obvious.
But Rémy does seem like
an odd choice.
[police radio] Attention all units.
Shots fired in la ZEC du Nord.
- Shots fired in la ZEC du Nord.
- [Nadeau] Shit.
Squad 57 responding. Over.
[sirens wailing]
- Okay. Ready?
- Yeah.
- [Mike] Boom.
- [gun cocks]
What the hell are you doing?
My job.
- [gun clicking]
- [screaming]
Oh, that sucks
All right, let's do this the hard way.
Got him.
[breathing heavily]
- We good?
- Uh yeah.
Watch him, I'll tell the cops
we got it handled.
Wha The cops?
- Uh, Gary, Gary?
- Let's go. Let's go. Come on.
- Uh, Gary, maybe not the cops?
- Yes. Yes.
- Yes, I just called.
- [screaming, grunting]
We have him, we have him detained,
- We're at the South West
- [Gary continues indistinctly]
- What the hell, man!
- This was not the plan.
The plan is fucked. You made sure of that,
didn't you? Let me go.
- Hey, you got him, Rem?
- Yeah. Okay.
I can't let you go.
You tried to kill us.
- Tried to kill him.
- Yes, yeah, no, we have him.
- This is gonna hurt, Rémy.
- What? Ah!
[grunting in pain]
[Gary] Hey! Hey!
Oh shit.
- Hey, you okay?
- I've had worst.
- [Gary] Let's go.
- [grunting]
That was insane.
- [laughs]
- Yeah.
I can't leave you. Not now.
- What do you mean?
- Well, I can't quit.
You've got my back and I've got yours.
- Yeah, sure.
- But not as your boss.
How about partners?
- Okay. Yeah.
- [laughing]
[Gary] Yeah. Let's go.
[tense music playing]
[Mike] Ruth! Ruth!
- Where's Rémy?
- Just drive. Drive!
- Where's Rémy?
- Go, go, go.
[Ruth] What the hell happened?
We had a plan.
- I improvised.
- Well, fucking don't.
Oh shit.
Dammit, cops.
Get down.
[sirens wailing]
[Mike] Just stay calm, Ruth.
Don't look suspicious.
- [Teddy] You heard the victim, right?
- [Nadeau] Hm.
Rémy tried to protect him.
He's a good guy.
Yeah, we'll see in his interview tomorrow.
[Teddy] What about the guy
in the red jacket?
I mean, he tried to kill them.
Who knows
Maybe him and Bouchard are in cahoots.
It's just a joke.
Just a joke.
[pensive jazz music playing]
[computer chiming]
[clears throat]
I'm home.
I'm sorry, I
I'm late. It won't happen again.
[Michel Pagliaro: "J'entends frapper"]
[soft classical music playing]
[man] What do you want, Charlie?
We got a problem.
Damnit, Mikey.
Handle it.
Call Bo.
[Michel Pagliaro: "J'entends frapper"]
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