The Streets of San Francisco (1972) s02e03 Episode Script

For the Love of God

- Monsignor.
- Yes? Monsignor McGowan? Yeah, that's me.
What can I do for you? I'd like you to hear my confession.
Well, the regular times for confession are Saturday afternoons and evenings or daily before the 6:00 Mass.
No, I can't wait.
Look, it's something terrible, Father.
Something that's eating me alive inside.
All right, son.
Take that confessional.
I'll be right with you.
May Almighty God have mercy on you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
It's been two weeks since my last confession.
Well, go on, son.
I've broken the Fifth Commandment, Father.
- You've killed? - Yes, Father.
- Killed two people? - No.
Not people.
Voices of evil.
Men who hide behind God's robes while a true man of God lives in disgrace and shame.
- What are you talking about? - You.
I'm talking about you.
And all those pretenders like you.
- Where's the lieutenant? - He's on his way.
Number three, huh? Yeah, number three.
Same way? Caught both barrels point blank.
Body was found by the priest over there.
Father Romero.
What was his name? McGowan.
Monsignor McGowan.
Can we get the report by tonight? - Yeah.
- Thanks.
Father, my name is Inspector Keller.
What is it, inspector? What's happening? First, a priest.
Then, a minister.
Now, another priest.
What's happening? I don't know, Father, I wish I knew.
I just wish I knew.
Now, maybe you can help us with what you know.
I don't know anything.
Except three members of the clergy have been murdered.
Where were you when the shooting took place? - In the rectory.
- What time was that? It was approximately 1:00.
No more than ten after.
He told me once he kept prayers for other priests short.
If you were a good man, you wouldn't need them and if you weren't, all the prayers in the world wouldn't help.
He was one of the best.
- I didn't know, Mike, I'm very sorry.
- You knew him well? We grew up together in the same alley fights.
Went to the same schools.
Until he went to seminary.
When we started, it seemed as though you only had three choices.
As you got older, you either became a crook, a cop or a priest.
They used to say Father Tom ran his parish like a beat.
Maybe he had a touch of cop in his blood.
Maybe he did.
I only know he's got the whole police force looking for the man who killed him.
Well, there's no pattern.
There's no pattern at all.
How many days have we been on this? Almost a week? And nothing.
And you-- Oh, you're a big help.
You call yourself a psychiatrist.
Can't you come up with answers on anybody? Anybody sick enough to commit a string of murders like this? - What are we paying you for anyway? - Wow, hostile today.
I can give you some answers.
About how police lieutenants pick on shrinks half their size.
If you really want instant satisfaction for all that bread the department lays on me.
Okay, Mike, I'm sorry.
But aside from the killings being all clergymen, the only pattern I can see is that each killing took place on a Sunday after services.
Could be some sort of fanatic.
Sits in a pew, works himself into a rage, and then, strikes out in some distorted sense of vengeance.
You mean like some kind of grudge? - Maybe.
- What was he after? - The man or the cloth? - Maybe God.
Lenny, what? He's killing a symbol? Well, they say each time the Boston Strangler killed, he was killing his mother symbolically.
Don't give me symbols.
I want facts.
Okay, fact: There is a pattern behind what a psychotic killer does and how he does it.
Fact: Without knowing the man himself, how his mind is bent, well, the only thing I can tell you is he's probably schizoid or paranoid-schizoid.
Which tells me nothing.
Mike, you bring me more, I'll tell you more.
There's only one thing I can tell you.
If you wanna nail him, you better do it fast.
That's right.
They've been every week so far.
- You think he'd hit before Sunday? - Maybe.
- And maybe he won't kill again at all.
- Why is that? Because the unconscious doesn't know anything about numbers.
If it is vengeance of some kind, he could suddenly think it's complete at any time.
Oh, great.
That's just great.
Nobody wants him to commit a crime again.
But if he doesn't, we'll lose him forever.
You know, Mike, there is one tie.
- It's just not in this area.
- What's that? Background check I did on Father Stewart, the first priest who was killed.
Turns out he went to the same seminary as Tom McGowan.
He was even ordained in the same year.
- St.
Anthony's, here in the Bay Area.
- Right.
Why didn't you say so before? Well, I didn't see how it tied in with the Methodist minister, Dowd.
I don't see how it ties in now, either.
Well, that's just what we're going to find out.
Why don't you grab something to eat? Back off it for a little bit, huh? You gonna bill me for that advice too? You're pressing, Mike.
You're human too.
Subject to stress, tension.
- We can all take just so much.
- He's right, Mike.
I can go to the seminary.
You just ride herd on the street.
And don't anybody, anybody worry about how much I can take.
Priests leaving their vocation every day.
Practically every day.
Seminaries are empty, priests getting married, strikes, demonstrations.
The next thing I expect to hear is that one of our faculty members is writing pornographic paperbacks in his spare time to supplement his income.
Let me see it.
Oh, yes, yes, this is the group.
Yes, yes.
Forty-eight in the class, huh? Oh, there we go now.
McGowan, Stewart, John Dowd.
Father Petrelli, one of the men killed was a Methodist minister.
His name was John Dowd.
Could it be the same man? Dowd.
Dowd, John Dowd-- John.
John Dowd.
Yes, yes, he was with us.
But sometime later, he left the priesthood for a more liberal Protestant doctrine.
You know what we're gonna do, Father? We're gonna look through this folder very carefully.
Yes, of course.
But don't forget to bring it back, now.
Henry Driscoll.
- Driscoll.
Right? - Right.
Merrill Mitchell.
Then we got William Moreno, right? Moreno, that's right.
That does it.
That's 48.
Minus four who died of natural causes, three who were the victims, leaving 41.
And if our figuring is correct, 27 of those are still working in parishes in the Western states, 18 in California and seven right here in our own vicinity.
Well, now we gotta do some good old-fashioned legwork.
Sure beats writer's cramp, I'll tell you that.
You do have the addresses that go along these names? Or I gotta make up that list too? What, did somebody tell you that a cop's job is all action and glory? I wanna know why I gotta write on the board when you got it on a list on paper in front of you.
Because I want it right here.
Right there.
Now without looking, don't look at the board, look at me.
Come on.
Now give me the list of seven guys we've gotta see.
- Mike, come on.
- Without looking.
Come on.
All right, we got Moreno, Mitchell, Driscoll, Dillon, Fallow, Reed and Spencer.
And that's why they still have blackboards in classrooms, buddy boy.
Give me the list of addresses, will you, Mike? Well, I talked to Bishop Halahan.
His staff is on it.
Forty-one priests.
All of them targets.
- Think one of them pulled the trigger? - I don't know.
Lenny said grudge.
It's hard to think that one of them would be packing one.
But somebody is.
- Got anything? - No, you? - Yeah.
- What? - Father Dillon over at St.
- What about him? He gave me the name of a guy that wasn't on our list.
Joseph Patrick Shea.
Not on the list? How come? Well, it seems the guy washed out after a couple of years.
He never graduated.
- Reason being a nervous breakdown.
- Where is he now? I don't know.
I'm working on it.
- Good.
Let's get on with it.
- Wait, there's more.
Father Dillon said that it was a group of students, a sort of council that told the faculty advisers of Shea's condition.
You mean he's blaming them for his washout.
That's what Lenny said, a grudge.
Looks that way because all three of the dead are on that council.
And there's Tom-- - And Dowd and Stewart.
- That's right.
Who are the others? Wait, there's a guy in the L.
His name is Gomez.
- Another one's a missionary in Asia.
- Who's that? William Moreno.
The other one's the guy you were gonna see.
The fifth circle on our list.
- Driscoll.
- Henry Driscoll, right.
My guess is he's on somebody else's list.
Right on top.
What about Shea? You get a trace on him? - Yup.
- Good.
Get on the teletype to L.
Tell them to put some protection around Gomez.
- And I'll go with this Father Driscoll.
- Right.
- Chilly day today, Father.
- Yes, it is, isn't it? Never seem to get tired, do they? No, matter of fact, I was just thinking about that myself.
They sort of play as if their lives depended on it.
They do.
The struggle in youth is what makes strong wings.
- Wings? - What's the matter with you, Father? Never watched a butterfly? - I'm sorry, I don't-- - When I was a kid, I found a chrysalis.
You know what that is? A chrysalis? Chrysalis? Yes, I believe so.
- That's the shell that an insect-- - That's right.
It's a shell where it lives while it's changing from one kind of bug to another kind of bug.
Anyway, I dumped it in a jar until this butterfly started to come out, you know? And I saw he was having trouble.
So I reached in and I broke the shell open.
But when it came out, it kind of flopped around real weak-like, and then it died.
I found out later the struggle in youth is what makes strong wings.
I see what you mean.
Do you? It didn't happen.
I just thought it sounded good.
I read it someplace.
I read a lot.
Mostly the Bible.
But I don't go around throwing it at people, you know? What I feel about God is between him and me.
Is there anything wrong with that, Father? No, I don't believe so.
A man's relationship with God is a very personal thing.
- That's safe.
- I beg your pardon? I said, that's safe.
What you thought I wanted to hear, right? - I don't believe I quite-- - You must be Father Driscoll.
- Father Henry Driscoll? - No, I'm Father Carey.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Sorry about what? I just thought you were Father Driscoll.
Where is he? Well, right now he's in Sacramento at a regional conference.
He'll be back tomorrow morning.
Is there anything I can do for you? No, thank you.
I just wanna see Father Driscoll.
Father Henry Driscoll.
If he'll be back tomorrow, I'll see him then.
Target for a killer? No, that's preposterous.
Remember Joseph Shea? - Oh, yes.
Yes, I remember poor Joe.
- Seminary council? Yes, I vaguely remember we made some recommendation to the faculty about him, but that was-- That was half a lifetime ago.
- Are you trying to tell me--? - I'm trying to do one thing, Father.
Catch a homicidal maniac before he kills again.
No, no.
Not Joe Shea.
Joe Shea, I remember, he was ineffectual.
He was incapable of lifting a finger against anyone.
There was no maliciousness in the council's intent when they went to talk to the advisers.
But then, Father, why--? - Why did you go talk to the advisers? - Well, as I recall Joe Shea just wasn't capable of assuming the pressures of the priesthood.
He was headed for a breakdown.
He was practically a basket case.
But we did what we felt was best for Joe Shea.
And how did he feel about it? He was upset.
Just upset? Not angry? Yes, yes, he was angry.
- Thanks.
- Oh, thank you very much.
You know, I grant you that 30 years is a pretty long time, Father, but as long as I've been behind that desk-- And I haven't been there 30 years yet, but as long as I've been behind it, I've seen more than one man explode over something that's been brewing in him for a long, long time.
You really think I'm a target, don't you? I'd make book on it.
All right.
What do you suggest? - Protection.
- Now, just a minute.
I will not turn this church into an armed fortress.
- Well, there's another way, Father.
- Oh, how? You could isolate yourself from the daily routine, do some research for an indefinite period of time.
- And let a policeman take my place? - You got it.
Well, that means you are assuming that the killer doesn't know me on sight.
And Joseph Shea does.
I know.
Lieutenant, you can't have it both ways.
Father, you studied with the Jesuits, didn't you? You got it.
Well, between you and Lenny, we've got enough logic.
What I want is to catch a killer and I wanna do it without risking your life.
- So you risk yours.
- That's the way I earn my pension.
But not your death.
Not standing in for me, you don't.
- Oh, come on, Father.
- Lieutenant.
- I'm sorry, but it's out.
It's finished.
- Father, now, forgive me.
But you-- You're as ornery as the devil.
That's one of my few virtues, I'm sure.
Well, that's not what Bishop Halahan says.
He speaks very highly of you.
You already talked to Bishop Halahan? No.
No, I didn't talk to him.
Michael, he did.
He just happened to have a perfect fit.
I'm surprised at that.
I always understood with that shirt it's not whether or not the shirt fits the man, it's whether or not the man fits the shirt.
Well, let me tell you.
Maybe I didn't make the priesthood, but in my time, I was the best damned altar boy you'd-- Well, I was.
Don't you look at me like that.
I was the best altar boy St.
Vincent's ever saw.
I'm gonna level with you, lieutenant.
You sure could've fooled me.
Well, what are you doing here? I didn't think you were due for your regular visit until-- When is it? Next week sometime.
- Next-- - Wednesday.
Of course.
What a pleasant surprise.
I just thought maybe we could talk for a while, Father.
Talk? On a beautiful day like this, you should be off in the country someplace, taking a hike, maybe going fishing-- You know it's-- When I was your age, Martin, l-- When I was your age, there was things we could see and things we could go and do.
You told me about the lakes.
Lakes? Oh, yes, the lakes.
The lakes were beautiful.
- And pure.
- And pure.
Pure mountain water, Martin.
So clean and clear.
Go on.
What? What? What Martin? About the mountains, the lakes, the places you used to go.
Oh, yes, the lakes were so beautiful.
But that was a long time ago, Martin.
When I was your age.
I wish we could go sometime together.
Just you and me.
We'd find a place like that and we'd just sit around.
Oh, no, no, this group here looks like they're a little under the weather, don't they? Even with all this glorious sunshine.
You'd like it, too, wouldn't you? - Father Shea? - What's that? Martin? If we could go someplace like that.
I'd love it, Martin.
I'd love it more than anything I can think of in the world.
Then maybe someday we can.
You shouldn't be here.
You don't belong here.
You should be out there where those others have been all this time.
Oh, Martin, it's all right.
L-- I'm happy here.
L-- And what about you? That-- That new job of yours.
Where is it? I can never remember the name.
It's-- Mount Davidson.
Mount Davidson, of course.
I can never-- You taking care of things there? Martin, everything's going along all right for you and--? That's good.
That's good.
I'm glad to hear that.
Would you look over here? What's happened to the--? I've been taking care of things for you too, Father.
The pretenders are being punished.
All the ones who hurt you.
I think these are about ready for a little shower.
All the voices of evil.
Evil? Why do you speak of evil, Martin? There's too much evil among us in this world.
You-- You have been going to Mass regularly, haven't you? Yes, Father.
And confession? What about confession? Just this past Sunday.
Confession and Mass.
And this Sunday? Tomorrow? Yes, sir, I intend to.
- I fully intend to.
- Good.
Bless you, my son.
Well, he was a young fellow, 25, 26, certainly no more than that.
And you say he asked for Father Driscoll by name? That's right.
Father Driscoll.
Father Henry Driscoll.
He repeated it like that.
Sort of like a computer.
As if more for his benefit than mine.
Were you expecting anybody? Well, no.
But we don't confine our hours here to hearing confessions and saying Mass.
You know, people drop by, they wanna talk, they ask for advice, and sometimes just passing the day makes them feel a lot better.
But he asked for you by name.
He could've gotten my name in a-- In a hundred places.
This is a large parish, lieutenant.
If you're going to be suspicious of everybody who knocks on our doors here, you've got a big job ahead of you.
I can handle the job, Henry, if you can handle "Mike.
" Instead of "lieutenant.
" - I'm sorry, Mike.
- Okay, just be careful.
- Father Carey.
- Yes.
I'm gonna ask you to give a description of this man - to the police artist.
- I'll be happy to.
I should've knocked.
No, no.
We don't have locked doors here for a very good reason.
We shouldn't have the feeling that we're hiding behind them for the same kind of reason.
I hope you're still gonna feel that way, Father.
Returns are coming in.
What's that? Father Gomez was shot to death two days ago in the rectory of his parish.
Ballistics, m.
, all the same as the killings here in San Francisco.
Steve, come here.
What about Shea? He had a complete breakdown 19 years ago.
He's at the Pacific State Hospital.
- Stay with it.
- I'm on my way now.
- Mike.
- I know.
Driscoll is the only circle left.
And you're in it.
You're very familiar with his case? I was staffing admittance the day he first came to us.
Too long ago.
I've been here so long myself, I'm like an institution within an institution.
Here he comes now.
And he's never been out of confinement? Not for the past seven years.
Well, before that he was in and out half a dozen times, dating all the way back to his first confinement.
But he's never been out of this hospital in the last seven years? No.
Thank you very much, doctor.
Are you sure you wouldn't like to speak with him? - He's quite harmless.
- I don't think so.
Bye-bye, Father.
Thank you.
- Martin? - Oh, hi, doc.
I wasn't looking for you until next Wednesday.
- Well, I just came to see Father Joe.
- Well, take care.
- Inspector, I'll show you out.
- Thank you.
That isn't right.
The nose is thinner.
- Got it? - I got zilch.
- He's been locked up for seven years.
- Are you positive? - Checked it out.
Telling you, no.
- A disappearing act? Right back to zero, huh? Except for that long shot they're pulling over there.
- You still gonna play target? - You got something better? That collar's done nothing for your disposition.
What'd you expect, Bing Crosby in Going My Way? - Or a reasonable facsimile.
- Don't give me that-- - Mike, Mike.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, buddy boy.
You-- You wearing anything besides that collar? Well, I tried my special.
It bulges too much.
Besides, I thought it was sacrilegious.
You're crazy, you know that? You are really-- I'm getting you a holster with a .
32, at least something at short range.
- Lieutenant? - Mike.
I'm sorry, Mike.
This is him.
I think we've got it.
- You're sure.
- Yeah, I'm positive.
That's him.
Have you seen this before? No.
Not that I remember.
Get this on the wire.
Possible suspect.
- Armed and dangerous.
- Wait a minute.
- Wait just a minute.
- What's the matter? - I think I saw this man.
- Where? He was at the hospital with Shea.
- Yes, that's him.
- Martin Novak.
- Yes.
- You say he's an outpatient? Yes, since the latter part of last year.
Before that, he'd spent some time with us, but he'd been making such wonderful progress.
Well, do you know where we can find him now, doctor? Would you bring me a file on Martin Novak, please? - Paranoid-schizophrenic? - Yes.
- What about religious fanaticism? - Oh, yes.
How about his family? A loner? Illegitimate, maybe? Not maybe, in fact.
With a need for a father figure.
- A desperate need.
- Oh, thank you.
Walden, do you know what we're going for? Could Shea have ever talked about not being a real priest to Novak? Oh, yes.
He has occasional moments of lucidity when he realizes that wearing a collar is just his own personal fantasy.
- Yes, here's the address.
- Thank you.
If he talked about being a real priest, he could have talked about why.
And he might have mentioned the council that brought his problem to the seminary.
I hate to believe that but it is quite conceivable.
Doctor, can I use your phone, please? Certainly.
Dial nine for a direct line out.
That means that even if Shea never said anything about wanting to do in the members of the council, Novak could have taken it upon himself to kill them.
It's this simple, Steve.
Shea means everything to this kid.
This kid thinks someone ruined Shea's life and he decides to get the people who hurt Shea.
Captain Olsen's office, please.
Walden, what do you think? It's all very possible.
Even more so when you add the element of religion.
I'd say that in Martin's distorted view, he's killing for the love of man and for the love of God.
Rudy? Steve Keller.
We have our man.
Martin Novak.
4211 Farrell.
May God forgive him his sins.
His evil against The Chosen One.
God forgive Henry Driscoll.
Sent this day to his reward.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses.
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Deliver us, Lord, from every evil and grant us peace in our day.
In your mercy, keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ.
Jim, you got anything? Zero.
Grabowski and Chen are the only suspicious-looking characters I've seen.
Lord Jesus, you said to your apostles, "I leave you peace.
My peace, I give you.
" Look not on our sins but on the faith of your family and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom where you live forever and ever.
The Lord be with you.
Almighty God bless us, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Go in peace.
The Mass is ended.
Thanks be to God.
Well, I don't know whether the gymnasium could be made available especially on such short notice.
We didn't have any trouble getting the gymnasium last year.
Oh, now, I didn't say there'd be any trouble.
I tell you what.
Why don't you let me look into it.
And I'll let you know next Sunday.
But that won't give us much time to get organized.
Well, if anybody can organize it and make it a success, I'm sure you ladies can.
- Well-- - Bless you.
Thank you, Father.
Father? For a minute, I thought they were gonna ask me for my ID.
Bing Crosby would've known how to handle it.
Oh, sure, but he never could've joined our choir.
Well, maybe we guessed wrong, huh? Tom McGowan was killed after Mass, Mike.
I know.
And what about the address you got from the hospital? Moved.
No forwarding.
And what about Shea? I thought Dr.
Walden was gonna question him.
He did.
All he can remember is Novak had a job as a caretaker.
Walden looked into it.
It's a part-time thing arranged by the Department of Human Resources.
- Who's on it? - Devitt.
But it's difficult getting anything from civil services on Sunday.
Also, I've got Chen, Grabowski and Rice covering all entrances to the church and rectory.
I don't think I'll take them off until we're sure.
- Bless you, my son.
- Thank you, Father.
- Yes, good luck.
- Thank you, monsignor.
Father Driscoll? - Did you call me, son? - Yes? Which one is Father Driscoll? I am.
What is it you want? Well, why did he answer when I called him? Well, you see, sometimes-- It's hard to hear in here, especially when your mind is on prayer.
Isn't that right, Father Stone? Yes.
Yes, it is.
Go ahead, Father.
You go right in, Father, and I'll see what the young man wants.
Go ahead.
No way, Father.
Not another step.
Andy, you got anything from your angle? There's no sign of him, Steve.
- Jim? - Just a whole lot of quiet.
That shotgun isn't necessary.
You know, don't you? You know why I'm here.
Because you wanted to speak to me.
I came to see Father Henry Driscoll.
Which one is it? - I told you that-- - No, don't, lieutenant.
I can't let you go through with this.
It's my life he wants.
Leave me alone.
Stay here.
Steve, he went out the back.
He was inside all the time.
The confessional.
Freeze! - Jim? Tell me where? - Get him.
Mount Davidson? Dr.
Walden, you sure about that? Yes, I'm sure, inspector.
Father Shea's here with me right now.
He remembers Martin saying it too.
Thank you very much.
Hey, Steve.
Rice just went into surgery.
- How's Mike? - Giving the doctors a hard time.
Don't worry about me.
I'll sign your release.
They think everything in this hospital is terminal.
- How's Rice? - He'll make it, Mike.
What about you, Grabowski? Do you think you'll make it? - Hey, I'm sorry, Mike.
- Don't be sorry.
Just tell me how you lost him.
It was a maze, Mike.
Novak knew the turns, Andy didn't.
- Where was Chen? - Calling up support.
Oh, you have to grab my arm when I pass out, huh? Back off, Mike, will you? - Driscoll's alive and we know-- - Back off? - We had him and now he's gone.
- We know where he is.
Mount Davidson.
Open up.
Kick it.
- Mike.
- Yeah.
The list.
Hey, there he is.
It's all right.
It's all over now.
You can come out.
It's all right, you're gonna be all right.
Oh, I'm not hurt.
- But are you all right, Father? - Why, yes, l-- Yes.
Yes, Sister, I'm fine.
When are you ever gonna get around to calling me "Mike"? Oh, Mike.
Well, Mike it is if you'll keep calling me "Father.
" You know, I never did like the sound of "Henry.
" Only man I know of who carries it off with style is old Henry Aaron.
- Are you a Giant fan? - I catch every game I can.
We've got to go to Candlestick on their next home stand.
You're on.
You know I had visions of a career myself once.
- Well, what happened? - What happened? I had a weakness for a slow curve over the outside corner.
And a sudden decision that wearing this cloth would work better for me than gray flannels.
Although, to this day, I still wonder what would've happened if I had choked up on that bat and closed my stance a little.
Now, who's gonna say you're not in the majors right now? Oh, you mean, hitting a homer for God? - Or something like that, yeah.
- Well-- You boys parked one that's for sure.
And, Mike, I know that nothing is gonna take away the pain of losing a friend like Tom McGowan.
And I think that he's grateful for what you did too.
Tom was fond of an old Irish benediction: May God sleep on your pillow.
May he hold you in the hollow of his hand.
May the roads rise with you.
Fair weather to your heels-- May the wind be ever at your back.
And may you be a long time in heaven before the devil knows you're gone.
I remember it.
Mike, I wish you that.
May the wind be ever at your back.
- Thank you, Father.
- Steve.
Father, take care.
You looked pretty good with that collar on.
- You think so? - Yeah.
I'm gonna keep that in mind.
Oh, why is that? Well, you never know when someday you're gonna need something to fall back on.

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