The Summit (2024) s01e05 Episode Script
Succeed Together, Fail Alone
I've said it from the start.
When climbing this mountain,
it is all
or nothing.
Seven days ago,
the adventure began
for 16 everyday Americans
You must travel together.
You'll only be as fast
as your slowest member.
to prove if they are worthy
of reaching the summit.
-You good, Pati?
This mountain is kicking my ass.
This is insane.
-MANU: In claiming
the million-dollar cash prize,
they've had to combat
Mother Nature
Holy crap.
You can't see a thing.
the mountain
I'm trying to climb!
and each other.
-This stays between us.
I'm on that train.
Last time
Raise a hand if it's Robert
that you want to vote
off the mountain.
with the help of Jeannie,
Dennis survived another vote.
Apparently, trust means nothing
because we kept Dennis,
who lies about everything.
The Korean Cockroach
survived another day.
with seven days
left on this journey
-BECKYLEE: Let's do this.
-ten remaining,
and over $870,000
in their packs
-JEANNIE: Come on, Pati.
their quest will become
more cutthroat
I can be ruthless
if I need to be.
as alliances take shape.
Nick is a good dude.
I'm so happy I'm going
with you instead of Jennye.
-We need to be pulling
her up this mountain.
If she gives up,
-or if she doesn't make
a checkpoint
-her money's gone.
-JEANNIE: Come on, Pati!
This can get nasty.
With the 14-day deadline
-fast approaching
Congratulations for reaching
the halfway mark to the summit.
-MANU: who will race ahead?
Clock's ticking, guys.
We got to go.
Hold on, y'all.
(bleep) Dusty.
and who will fall behind?
As the group's arduous journey
-PUNKIN: Go get the bag.
-THERRON: With the
mountain's keeper,
you just really never know
what you're gonna get.
Sometimes it's good,
sometimes it's bad.
The twists
are so hard to predict.
Tonight, we're gonna
have a different vote.
They must remember to heed
the rules of the mountain
-Are you kidding me?
-or suffer the consequences.
Nobody wins in this vote.
You're-- Therron.
Therron. Therron, Therron.
-I know, I know, I know, I know.
I'm sorry.
(wind whistling)
(thunder crashes)
(Jennye exhales)
As day seven of 14 drains away,
the fallout from the group's
latest vote is getting heated.
-How are you feeling, Jennye?
-JEANNIE: How you feeling?
JENNYE: Um, I'm feeling
as though I hope we know
that we're coming to
the hardest part of the journey,
and we just lost one of
the most knowledgeable members
of this group,
the person that we always
ask questions, we always go to.
"What about this?" The person
who finds the footing for us,
the best paths for us,
the person who gets up
in the morning
and goes ahead and makes fire,
pulls a lot of weight
around camp.
You know what I mean?
But Dennis
And I'm gonna finish
before being interrupted.
But I hope we know
that we traded a
someone who was
perceived as shifty
to someone who is a known liar
who doesn't do those things.
So I'm just gonna call it
like I see it.
From the last vote, we all
know that Dennis is a liar.
It was obvious.
Dennis, he lied to Manu.
He did throw
Geoff's name out first.
Are we going with someone
who we know is lying to our face
or are we going
with someone who
"Is he gonna be with me
when the majority isn't?"
-JENNYE: Yeah. Yeah.
-Question mark.
We just said,
"We know we can't trust
anything that comes out of
your mouth, but that's okay."
I saw some (bleep), and
I'm gonna hold him accountable
to his (bleep) lies.
All right, that was, like,
emotionally exhausting.
-PATI: Yeah.
-So how about
no more game tonight?
-NICK: I like that.
-And we just
-JEANNIE: Burgers.
-AMY: Let's eat.
-AMY: Come on.
I'm gonna go grab the burgers.
I am just a straight shooter.
I'm very transparent.
I can't be that,
"Oh, my God. We're besties,"
and then be like,
"I'm-a vote you off, bitch."
I can't be that person.
That doesn't make
any sense to me.
I'm just gonna be me
the whole way through,
and if people like it, great,
if they don't
Oof. That's a burger
right there.
Oh, my God, that could not have
worked out more perfectly.
Jennye literally just blew up
her whole (bleep) game.
(bleep) idiot.
I got exposed, but the thing is,
Jennye thinks she's, like,
a step ahead of me.
Girl, you're, like,
seven steps behind.
You playing checkers right now.
I'm playing chess.
Be more emotional, seriously.
Great for my game. Love it.
Target on your back, Jennye.
Thank you, thank you.
And trust me, we ain't gonna
be friends after this game,
'cause I don't want
to be your friend.
Rob, her number one alliance,
just got eliminated,
and she's got no one,
and I low-key love that.
She thinks
that I'm afraid of her.
She thinks she's a fighter?
Girl, I'm also a fighter, too.
You ain't that tough, lady.
You ain't that tough.
Where is the cheese?
-Over there, babe.
I hope people see
that if I'm your friend
-I'm your friend,
but if I
-Yeah. Yeah, I know.
-but if you
I-I kind of knew that
when I first met you, too.
Jennye continues
to call out Dennis.
I know Jennye is the cat person,
but somehow, Dennis has
nine lives in this game,
and I do not know
how he's still here.
I'm a fighter, honey.
Like, I didn't even have
to pull it out until now, but
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
-I respect it.
Listen, I totally understand.
-I think we're more alike
than we think.
-JENNYE: Mm-hmm.
I got a, I got a (bleep)
attitude right now.
That's all right.
Listen, Jennye is no-nonsense.
What Jennye says,
Jennye is gonna do.
We have a good relationship,
but this is not a game
where you want
-to go around making enemies.
Right now, too much
can get you taken out, too
little can get you taken out.
I'm trying to keep it
I'm trying to be
as strategic as possible,
and, um, make the right moves
at the right time.
(wind whistling)
All this wood is wet.
Like, real wet.
We should've put the wood
in the tent last night.
We got rained on last night.
None of us thought to put
our firewood in our tent?
Yeah, we're
not all geniuses out here.
We definitely need somebody
calling the shots.
And this morning,
we didn't have Robert.
He always did it for us.
I didn't dismiss that.
I saw the struggles he had
most mornings making fire.
I wasn't gonna let that fire
not start this morning.
There you go. There you go.
Nice, nice.
Why is that so nerve-racking?
I'm the fire woman!
Adventure Amy.
I don't even know
who this person is,
like, honestly, she
I don't know, but I like her.
Cup of joe.
-(both chuckle)
It's day eight,
and we're halfway there,
which is a huge feat for me.
The summit's behind us,
you just can't see it
'cause of the morning dew.
Next checkpoint's
not anywhere close to us,
so we have quite a bit of ground
to make up today.
AMY (whispers):
That would be a hard one
for me, but that's okay.
Dennis is a very good scapegoat.
Like, he's always gonna be
in the hot seat.
I do think there's, like,
a value to him
being around just because
all eyes are on him,
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
The obvious one that everyone
really wants is Dennis.
His name has been thrown out
a couple times,
but the thing is,
he is scared loyal.
He will do what we want
because he does not want to see
his name come out again.
Everyone's eyes
are always on Dennis,
and that means they're not on me
running the whole thing.
He's never gonna recover
his reputation.
It's buried.
A good distraction is good.
This-- it-it can get nasty.
I know. Very soon.
I want to get ready
and get dressed
-'cause I know
we're leaving soon.
-Yeah. Yeah.
I have a feeling
it's gonna be exhausting today.
If it was up to me,
I would definitely love
to see Amy go next,
'cause every time we go to vote,
everybody's, like,
"I don't know,
I'm not voting for Amy."
That's what everybody
-Yeah, I'm seeing, um
-And that's-that's not right.
I'm-I'm not Amy,
so that means that I'm always
-on the chopping block
over her.
-(whispers): I hear you.
Nick is a good dude.
He and I get along
on a different level
than a lot of the other people
I spend the time with
on the mountain.
You know where we stand.
-I'll never say your name
-Oh, yeah.
I can see Nick and myself
making it to the summit.
He's someone I can work with
and someone I can trust.
-I think we're good.
-That is good.
Okay, let me go
get my shoes, but yeah.
Are you guys ready?
-PUNKIN: Any idea
of the terrain?
It is gonna be steep uphill.
Total miles won't be
horrible today
-AMY: Until we have to go up.
-but legs,
we'll-we'll have a hard time.
Damn, look how high that is.
We're going 14 days straight.
-We're on day eight.
My body's been getting
-My knee is, like, messed up,
but I'm pushing through
because I think my strategy
is pretty solid.
I'm connecting
with the right people.
There's no doubt
in my mind that I can't make it.
I'm super proud of myself.
I have to keep going.
Are you guys good
with heading it towards
this little mini valley
and making a right?
-JEANNIE: All right, yeah.
-Do you guys want me to go
in front?
-PUNKIN: Sure.
-BECKYLEE: Let's do this.
Day eight,
the halfway point to the summit.
Fresh off a weather delay,
the group needs to move faster
in order to make it
to their fifth checkpoint camp.
If their first week
on the mountain
was considered challenging,
harsher conditions
and the snow line
all loom ahead.
-DUSTY: Keep your feet dry.
-JEANNIE: Okay, you good?
I went quick step
to that guy, Therron.
Yeah, there you--
Yeah, yeah. Keep moving.
I feel a lot of pressure
to make sure we keep moving
and get a good pace
because the last thing
I want is for us
not to make the checkpoint,
and then we have to sleep
on the side of this mountain
in a bivvy.
MANU: You've missed
your first checkpoint.
You're gonna have to sleep here
on the trail.
-DENNIS: Dude, it's cold.
-PATI: The bugs are bad.
-I've done it once.
It's off the bucket list.
Scratched off.
Don't need to look back
at that page.
You're good there, Therron?
Yeah. Is that loose?
Uh, just don't put heavy
weight on it.
Just use my hand. I got you.
My goal is to win this thing.
It's gonna be a huge
disappointment for me,
and, frankly, my entire family
and all my friends
if I don't win this thing.
There you go, Ames.
-Keep your hands wide.
-AMY: Good thinking, Dusty.
I am a perfectionist, depending
on what I'm asked to do.
I have played a lot of sports
at a high level.
I have played football,
and I've ran track.
I don't like
not being good at things.
If I'm not good at something
I get pissed off
and frustrated.
It's an ego hit to me,
so I make sure
that if I'm gonna be
taking on something,
I better be good at it.
People have picked me
to be the leader
in multiple instances,
and I'm gonna remain a leader
until the day I'm at the summit.
Come on, Pati.
Good job, Pati.
Oh, damn, y'all,
this is about to be hard.
We're gonna have to go up.
It's gonna get really cold.
PATI: You know,
I've been in the back, but
I'm just playing the social game
as much as possible.
If you're making
the best relationships
with the people
that are in the front,
it doesn't matter
if you're in the back.
You can still make it
to the front.
Hold on, y'all.
Pati's struggling.
DUSTY: If I know that it's not
gonna be a detriment to me
to go help someone
and be comforting,
I'm happy to play that role,
but at the end of the day,
folks that are being slow
and taking their time,
they're holding the group back.
Be super,
super transparent with me.
I've been very honest with you.
I would love
to just hang with you guys,
but unfortunately,
I'd be lying if I said
-that this one wasn't
freaking me out.
I'm gonna care a lot more about
winning than anything else.
I'm not out here
to just have fun
and have a nice little walk
in the park.
I can be ruthless
if I need to be.
I'm trying to get
that million bucks at the end,
and I can't help
but put a dollar amount
next to each one
of these people.
You want your harness, Dusty?
-DUSTY: Oh, yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
-One, two, three.
-DUSTY: Weather's
a little different.
-JEANNIE: It just shows you
how high up we're--
we are, right?
Reaching the snow line
means two things:
unforgiving terrain
and sharp inclines.
The group will need
to use additional safety gear
to tackle
these punishing conditions.
Okay, let's go.
This is gonna be hard.
Summiting this mountain
is not for the faint-hearted.
Come on.
You can (bleep).
Let's go.
(Pati cries out)
Sorry, guys.
DUSTY: Just keep going.
I wouldn't stop.
(shouts, cries out)
(bleep). My leg,
it just went through something.
Hold on. (bleep).
I'm stuck between this rock.
(distant shout)
Oh, my God,
my leg is stuck in the rock.
Oh, my God.
I'm in a lot of pain. My knee
It just, it feels like this.
It's swollen.
-There you go, there you go,
there you go.
Come on, Pati. You got this.
One more push.
It's very uncomfortable.
This is a lot,
but I'm-I'm just pushing.
-(Amy grunts)
-NICK: Damn, this is steep.
It's a little hard.
(Amy grunts)
-Those kill me every time.
-DENNIS: Snow's getting
deeper here, guys.
You okay? Amy? Pati?
-We're good.
Come on, Pati.
-You got this.
-DUSTY: All right,
you guys ready
for a little push?
You guys okay to keep trekking?
-DENNIS: Thank you for
paving-paving the way, Dusty.
I let Dusty lead 'cause
I don't want to be a leader,
and on top of that, I don't want
more of a target on my back.
So it's a good chance for him
to just be the leader,
and whatever repercussions
come from that, it's not on me.
Good God.
I'm coming, baby.
Nobody said it would be easy.
Oh, God.
With a looming 14-day deadline
to reach the summit,
the pressure is on
to move at a faster pace.
But on day one, I warned them
that for safety reasons,
they must travel together
as a group.
Now it's time
for the mountain's keeper
to issue a reminder
because on this mountain
it is succeed together
or fail alone.
Guys, the keeper's here.
Let's go!
-JEANNIE: Come on, Pati!
Come on, Pati!
-PUNKIN: We have a sign.
-DENNIS: Oh, my God.
JENNYE: "The only way to get
to your next checkpoint camp
in time is straight down
this rock face."
Oh, my God! (screams)
-JENNYE: Gotta go, gotta go.
-PUNKIN: Go get the bag!
DENNIS: Therron, he ran like
a chicken with his head cut off.
(wind whistling)
Whew, this is tough.
Guys, the keeper's here.
Come on, now. Don't do this.
Oh, God, dude.
(groans) What's happening here?
The mountain keeper
is just circling around,
and there's always a reason why.
Come on, Pati! Let's go!
I know at some point, it's
gonna be a difficult dilemma.
You're good. Keep going.
The mountain keeper's
telling us something.
It's a warning.
Something is wrong,
and I'm already thinking,
"This is not good."
Come on!
(cries out)
Good God.
What the (bleep)
did I sign up for?
It's a warning in some capacity,
but I personally get
excited every time I see
the mountain's keeper
because it means we are one day,
one moment closer
to getting
fewer and fewer people
that deserve to be
up on the mountain.
Big ol' holes up here.
I don't see them.
Am I blind?
Where are they at?
PUNKIN: Oh, (bleep), I don't see
either of them.
This is hard. (panting)
I'm struggling in the back.
I'm feeling very alone.
Everybody is now gone.
I think I'm a little more scared
than I'm letting on,
but I'm so tired.
That little voice
is creeping in.
Telling me this is hard.
I can't move.
Oh, (bleep)
-Hold on. Hold up.
-THERRON: Hold up.
I can't quit.
What kind of mom would I be
if I told my kids
they can do hard things
and then I just quit
'cause it was too hard?
One step. One step.
PUNKIN: That was hard, y'all.
Got a sign up ahead, guys.
A sign?
-PUNKIN: We have a sign.
-DENNIS: Oh, my God.
Holy moly.
Oh, no. There's nothing
but a ledge on the other side.
Good God.
Oh, my God.
The lead group
has surged ahead,
leaving the trailing members
too far behind.
Now they must pause until
the stragglers rejoin the ranks.
-Four more steps.
-PUNKIN: Good job, Amy.
Big push.
Can you see Pati still?
No, not really.
We made pretty good time,
all things considered.
It's gonna be a wait.
I think the odds of us
making it up this mountain today
with Pati
are about zero percent.
She's a little bit
of an anchor that
we're dragging up the hill,
which, we'll see if it come
back comes back to bite us.
-PUNKIN: Good job, Pati.
-DENNIS: Good job, P.
Damn, man.
Go ahead. You want to read this?
"The only way to get to your
next checkpoint camp in time
is straight down
this rock face.
"In order to do that,
"you must repel down one line
"and change ropes midway
to reach the bottom.
"You must rush to make camp
where another surprise awaits,
"but remember to stick together.
"I've been watching you."
The mountain's keeper
is keeping eye on us. I think
she's definitely giving us
some sort of warning.
"Hey, guys. You need
to start working together."
We need to stick
closer together
because there's a big bunch at
the front and we it's hard.
I know, I've been in the middle,
I've been in the back.
It's hard.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm not sure what
the mountain's keeper
is looking for,
but the facts are the facts.
We've got 14 days
to get to the Summit.
If we don't make it in
14 days, we get nothing.
-Yep, let's go.
-Just be careful, y'all.
Watch your step.
(chuckles) I am absolutely
terrified. This is, like,
my worst nightmare.
I've never done this,
where you have to repel down,
ever, in my whole life.
I feel like throwing up.
Look at that.
The group now stands
on the precipice
of a 500-foot sheer cliff.
To stay on schedule and make
checkpoint camp before sunset
-Just watch your step.
-AMY: Yep.
they must work in pairs
to repel
the near-vertical rock face,
and then speed down
the gravity line
to the valley floor below.
I think that, especially us
going first, it'll show folks,
"Okay, these two got it,
they're calm, they're collected,
they're talking it easy,
they're going down."
Big step there.
Big step there.
Coming into this,
I feel like I naturally
have this lone wolf mentality.
Like, I'd rather do it myself
and know I'm doing it right
than trust somebody else.
-Comfortable as I can be.
I don't know if one person
could do this alone.
I hope I can trust Dusty
as a partner.
I'm gonna be telling myself,
"Don't look down."
Okay, here we go.
You're gonna have to really
grip onto the rope.
Oh, wow.
I went into this
not afraid of heights.
And I'm feeling my, like,
thoughts of doubt creep in.
That's a long way down.
"You feel every single muscle
in your body shaking,
and you think, "Can I do this?"
This is just a big step down.
You're just gonna have to trust
the rope when you go.
I'm looking
at this tension repel,
and I'm confident, physically,
in this challenge.
I also want to show the entire
group that I can do this,
and I think it'll be a good
leadership opportunity for me.
I think my competitive nature
comes directly
from my older brothers,
growing up.
'Cause I was the youngest,
I kind of had to find a way
to get on that level
and just get interest
and attention from my family.
I look up to both of them a ton,
but I always
had something to prove
as the youngest brother,
and I think,
even nowadays,
I'm gonna care a lot more
about winning
than anything else.
How's it looking, Dusty?
Dusty, can you hear me?
I don't see Dusty.
I have no idea
what the heck happened.
-DENNIS: Against the rock,
-Oh, my God!
Guys, she's coming.
PUNKIN: Go get it! Dusty!
Go get it!
MANU: The mountain keeper's
been watching.
Tonight we're gonna
have a different vote.
-BECKYLEE: Are you kidding me?
(wind whistling)
How's it looking, Dusty?
Dusty, can you hear me?
This is the hardest
thing we've done so far.
Mentally, this is rough.
Any pairs that have two people
who are scared of heights--
I'm really concerned
for them right now.
I don't see Dusty.
I guess I'm doing
this alone, then.
Getting left behind is-is
is kind of overwhelming.
I really don't want to do this.
I really don't.
What the hell?
It's friggin' straight down.
I don't understand.
I (bleep) up my knee.
I've always had a hard time
being vulnerable,
expressing my emotions,
and this game definitely
tests that, for sure.
(breathing rapidly)
I grew up the oldest
of four kids.
My parents got a divorce.
It was messy, and I kind of
had to, like, step up.
I've always felt the older child
burden to the extreme,
and because of that
I hate this. I hate this!
I hate things that
are out of my control.
What? There's no friggin'
rocks. (grunts)
You all right, Becks?
(grunts) Where are you, Dusty?
I'm right here. Can you see me?
My arms are so dead.
Yeah. That one's rough.
With this obstacle,
you know, you just kind of
have to tough it out
and keep going.
Just trust your harness.
Let go?
Oh. Oh.
-BECKLYEE: Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
-Ooh. Ooh.
Oh, man.
-Letting go of that rope took
everything in me to
-BECKYLEE: I know.
Your body is, like,
"Do not do that."
That jump--
that was rough for me.
Oh, thank God.
That's gonna be rough
for everyone else.
Jeannie, I'm so happy I'm going
with you instead of Jennye.
Yeah, I know.
It's scary because
everyone thinks
that I'm a mean person,
I'm evil.
I think it was because
they thought you
were just playing ha
-hard too fast, you know?
A lot of people
in this game have
been talking bad about my game,
saying that I am untrustworthy,
which, honestly, to a point,
I kind of am.
And you have to, like,
say something,
like, "Guys, we're all
playing the game.
"I'm sorry I played
too hard, but"
Yeah, but at the end of the day,
-like right now?
Like, you would be lying
saying no one
-no one else right now
is playing as hard as I am.
I trust Dennis.
He always makes me
feel a little bit
more secure.
Oh. (sharp exhale)
He knows his name's
already been thrown around,
but he has my back, so, for me,
I'm gonna stick with Dennis.
Holy (bleep).
It just got real.
(Dennis grunts)
Just go a little bit at a time.
I look down off the edge,
it's a 90-degree vertical drop.
Oh, my God.
I cannot see anything.
My heart is sinking.
Oh, I just
don't want to look down.
You have to look down to see
your foot placement, girl.
I call myself
an adrenaline junkie.
Being a trauma ICU nurse,
I work in a very
high-stressful environment.
Right now, I have
more adrenaline
than I ever have
doing chest compressions
and breaking someone's sternum.
You got this, Jeannie!
Okay, I'm coming down!
Jeannie, you got this, man.
I got this. I got this.
Hand over hand.
I'm just belaying down.
Hand over hand.
I've never done
anything like this before.
Like, I have no clue
how to repel down.
I'm so glad I have
a partner this time.
You got this, my Italian mom!
Dennis, walk me
through it, please!
It's worth it!
It's not too bad!
I definitely just lied to her.
It's that bad.
Oh, my God. (laughs)
(moans) Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Yes, Jeannie! Take a leap
of faith! You got it!
Plant your feet right apart
against the rock!
Against the rock,
against the rock, Jeannie!
Feet apart against
the rock, Jeannie!
(gasping, moaning)
Oh, my God!
Yes, Jeannie!
Damn it! I knew I would've
tried out for Wheel of Fortune.
-DENNIS: (laughs) Ready?
-No. Yeah.
-Yeah. I'm freaking out.
-two, one.
-Oh, my God!
Oh, God! Oh, God!
This sucks!
This sucks! This sucks!
Oh, my! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
(both screaming)
This is so
-This is terrifying!
-Oh, my God! Aah!
Who is that?
-Jeannie freaking out.
-That Jeannie?
-(Jeannie shouting)
Jeannie! Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
I'm gonna throw up right now!
Oh, my God!
You know,
I understand why they told us
to wear quick-dry underwear.
Oh, my God. That was scary.
When you do something
that's really scary
and you do it,
you accomplish it,
you feel so good about yourself.
And that's what I'm looking for.
I'm looking for some confidence,
and that definitely
gave me a lot of confidence.
-Yeah. Yeah.
-That's where we started,
you know?
-That's where we started.
-Yeah, I know.
-Let me see that mountain.
-All, all the way up there.
-All the way up there.
-Oh, my God!
Look at that.
(both laughing)
Oh, my God,
this is kind of scary.
Hold on.
Are you nervous
about what tonight holds?
AMY: Yeah. We need
to switch up from the Dennis.
Dennis is, like, not gaming.
-He's just hanging out
-No, he's just
and being sweet now
'cause he got caught.
AMY: I'm definitely holding
the group back with Pati,
so, yeah, I'm real nervous.
I'm thinking
they're gonna vote me off.
-THERRON: You got it?
I'm gonna take this opportunity
to show Therron
that I can do my part
and help us get up the summit.
I've been voting off the people
I don't have connections with,
-You know what I mean? And
That's why I don't want to be
on your "not connection" list.
THERRON: I would definitely
would love to see Amy go next.
I love her.
But this game is forcing us
to make some
really hard decisions.
And she's on the wrong side
of the numbers.
I think Mama Amy
has had her time.
-Ooh, this next part is gonna
be scary as (bleep). Okay.
Ooh. This next part, Amy--
it's-it's-it's straight down.
Oh, my God. I can't look back.
Hey, hey, Therron.
-Hey, hey.
-Breathe. Breathe.
You got it.
No, no. I believe in you.
THERRON: I want to quit.
I want to give up.
I don't want to do this.
I do not want to be here.
I don't want to be anywhere
around what I'm doing.
-Oh, my God.
-You got it, babe.
-Hey, you're killing it. Okay.
Step. Baby steps, baby steps.
I'm not an adrenaline junkie.
I do not get on rollercoasters.
I do not do stuff like this.
I'm safe.
This is really scary. I'm safe.
And honestly, I just feel like
if I would have known,
I may have not signed up.
Please get me down from here!
Good job, T!
You got it, Therron.
Oh, God.
Please, get me
to a little solid ground.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
What is this?
Oh, God. I'm okay.
Therron is freaking out.
I have a very loud, bellowing
voice when I need to have one.
Therron, do not look back!
I'm gonna need that to get him
through this next obstacle.
Therron, you got this.
Say, "I got this."
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Therron! Therron!
You got this.
The fear is just falling.
And I'm up really high.
I just don't know
what I signed up for.
Amy! I-I can't do this.
-Therron, yes you can!
-I-I-I can't. I cannot do this.
-Therron! Therron! Therron?
-I am telling you right now
-Look forward.
Therron, look forward.
-I cannot
-Amy? Amy
-Therron, Therron, look forward!
Hey, hey, hey!
Therron, Therron.
-Look at me, Therron.
-THERRON: I keep asking myself
"Is the money worth how scared
I'm feeling?" and I don't know.
-Therron. Therron.
Hey, you're not gonna fall.
Therron, say it.
"I'm not gonna fall."
-You're Therron! Therron!
Amy, I I can't do this.
THERRON: I got this. I got this.
I got this.
Amy, I I can't do this.
I'm-I'm I can't.
I cannot do this.
I'm telling you right now,
I cannot
-Therron, look forward. Therron!
-Amy Amy
Therron, look at me.
You're not gonna fall.
Therron, say it.
-"I'm not gonna fall."
You're Therron! Look forward!
Do not look back!
I know, I know,
I know, I know. I'm sorry.
-I don't know, Amy.
Hey, hey. Do not apologize.
Look at me. You got this.
Therron, you got this.
-Say, "I got this."
-I got this.
You got this.
Do I let go of the rope?
There's no more rope, either.
Something in you just tells you,
"Don't let go."
Like, you're not supposed to.
This isn't a normal feeling.
AMY: Hey, I'm with you.
Therron, Therron, me and you,
side by side.
Look, I'm with you.
-I'm with you. Look at me.
Me and you.
You're gonna let go of the rope.
You're gonna hold onto the blue
in front of you, Therron.
You're okay.
Therron, Therron,
I'm right here.
-I'm right here. No! No! No!
Therron! Therron!
Look at me. It's fun.
(Therron screaming)
The let-go phase
of that rope is the scariest
thing I've done here.
"I know it has me,
but am I gonna die?"
-AMY: I'm right here! No! No!
No! It's fun.
(Amy laughs)
THERRON: Okay, this is
actually more fun now.
Okay, I'm not scared!
I'm not scared now!
When I got a little bit
from the wall, I was
starting to have fun 'cause
I was, like, "Okay, you safe."
This is fun!
Oh, my God, Amy, I'm so sorry.
I had a moment. Oh, my God,
I had a moment.
Oh, my God, I had a moment.
-We did it. We did it.
-Hey, who did it?
-We did it.
-We did it.
If Amy wasn't there,
I really did want to quit.
I wanted to give up so much.
Amy, give me a hug.
-I love you.
-I lost it. I
I was never gonna let you quit.
(Punkin panting rapidly)
PATI: Hey, you got
that bad bitch in you, come on.
-You got this.
You got this.
One step at a time, babe.
One step at a time.
Your time. Your time.
I-I can't. I can't.
Wait, wait, wait!
I could fall, I could die.
Like, if there's
a slip of the rope,
I-I'm gone, and there's
just nothing I could do.
But my mom didn't raise
a quitter.
I grew up in a small town
in Mississippi, in the projects.
Me, my sisters and my mom.
My mom made sure that we did not
become a product
of our environment. We always
had so much love in our home.
Keep going, P!
PUNKIN: Being from the south
and growing up in the church,
coming out was definitely
a difficult time.
It was a scary time.
But I finally decided
to come out at 21,
and I wanted to live
my life unapologetically me.
And love who I wanted to love.
My mom said she will
always support me
and never turn her back on me.
And so that's really just
what I what I needed.
If I had to look up to anybody,
it would definitely be my mom.
She instilled
so much grit in us,
and never quit, and to just
go after your dreams.
Good job, P!
In times where I feel like I
I want to give up,
what's going to motive me
to keep me going is my family.
So we're gonna keep going
until the end.
Come on, Pati!
You got it!
(Pati grunting)
You got it!
Come on, let me hear you!
-You got it.
-Come on.
-PATI: I just hit
one of the rocks so hard.
And I'm like
"Is this it?
Are we gonna quit?"
There you go, Pati. Good job.
It's very uncomfortable, but
I have to keep going.
-You got this, P. Don't worry.
-Where do I where do I hold?
Hey, you're good. Look at me.
You're good. Look at me.
I'm doing it. Just let go.
-And you hold on.
-(Punkin whimpering)
-You're good. You're good.
Hey, look at me.
Look at me, P.
Look at me.
Nice and slow.
Look at me. Look at me.
-You're good. You're good.
Hey, hey.
Nice and slow, lookit.
Oh! Oh, my God.
P! Look at me, P!
Just relax! Just relax!
-(contestants cheering)
That was (bleep). That was
-That was tough.
-Pati! Pati!
-All right. Here we go.
-JENNYE: Here we go.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, (bleep).
My worst fear right now is
whatever's over that ledge.
I can't see it.
I have no idea what it is.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't look down, dude.
I'm completely out
of my element right now.
Ooh, just trust it, dude.
Just trust it.
I'm from Louisiana.
There are no hills
and mountains.
I have never repelled before
in my entire life.
And I am deathly terrified
of heights.
Ooh. (whoops)
This game
is incredibly challenging
because you have to have
a great physical game.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
But you also have to have
a very good social game.
And that's what
I'm gonna hang my hat on.
Nothing is gonna
keep me from getting
to the top of this summit.
Make no mistake, I am terrified.
Yeah, you got it, Jennye.
You got it.
Nice, Jennye.
I am currently hiding
a significant knee injury
that most of the group
does not know about.
They just see me limping,
but they truly
don't know the extent.
My pain is my problem.
-You got it, Jennye.
-JENNYE: Like,
they don't need to know that.
Especially Dennis, because he
might put a target on my back.
So I'm just gonna keep going.
Holy (bleep).
Doing this kind of a activity,
it's never going
to get better, and we
have a time limit. And there's
nothing we can do about that.
-Way to go, Nick.
-Just trust it.
Oh, (bleep).
-Whoa, whoa!
Meow! Meow!
There's a couple of names
going around.
I've heard Jennye
Amy and Dennis' name
get thrown out.
I would like to see Jennye go.
I'm sort of working with Dennis,
at least for now.
-Jennye, I've never talked
an ounce of game.
I'm not sure
if she's working with anybody.
She just doesn't
strategize, but also,
I don't need to hear the word
"meow" again in my life.
Meow! Meow!
-Nice job, Jennye.
The zip line, always.
That's my (bleep) right there.
-Yeah, Nick! Yeah, Jennye!
Easy. Easy.
Come on, you did it!
-You did it, man!
All right, you guys ready?
Here we go.
You guys go ahead, please.
Love you.
-You sure?
-A hundred percent.
Y'all, we got
to pick up the pace.
PATI: Dusty's leading right now,
and I've been in the back.
I just feel more comfortable
where I can catch up.
If anybody has a problem,
my door's open.
They can
they can come talk to me.
-(indistinct chatter)
-Ooh! Lord!
I think the mountain keeper
wants us to pick up the pace.
DENNIS: But also, we need
to stick together 'cause
Pati is really far behind,
and not just 50 feet.
She is, like,
two to 300 feet behind us.
Oh, she's way back there?
What's she doing
way back there? Pati.
You guys okay to keep trekking?
-Cool. Here we go.
You know, Dusty does
a great job up front.
He sets a good pace.
Nice speed, Ames.
NICK: I feel like we're-we're
falling a little bit behind,
so if he says speed up,
we do have to get going.
By the looks of it,
the group is still having
trouble following the rules.
And on this mountain,
actions have consequences.
That's the mountain's keeper!
-That's the mountain's keeper.
The hike today is brutal.
My brain is tired,
my body is tired.
I'm absolutely triggered.
-Come on.
-JENNYE: What's going on?
PUNKIN: I'm wondering
what the heck she wants.
Why is she here again?
What does this mean?
He's got a yellow pack.
In that yellow duffle bag--
if it's an immunity
or an advantage--
I need it, 'cause I hear people
dropping my name all the time.
-Go get it!
-Dusty, get it!
Go, Dusty!
Go get it!
(wind whistling)
Go get the bag!
With the mountain's keeper,
you just really never know
what you're gonna get, bag-wise.
Where'd it go?
Sometimes it's good, sometimes
it's bad, sometimes
we're saving people,
sometimes we're
getting rid of people.
The twists are
so hard to predict.
Therron, get it!
Therron, get it.
So I'm sprinting for every bag.
-Good job, Therron.
-DENNIS: Therron, man.
He ran like a chicken
with his head cut off
and grabs
this duffle bag before me.
-Open it, T.
-Open it right there.
-What is this?
-What's it say?
Come on, P. Let's go!
-I'm scared.
-I'm so scared too, okay.
-JENNYE: Open it,
open it, open it.
-JEANNIE: Yeah, open it, please.
"The mountain gives
"and it takes away. Which is it?
"You'll have to carry
this bag to camp to find out.
The mountain keeper."
This says either/or, right?
So it doesn't have to be
a good and a bad.
-Or it could be both.
-It could be both.
-It could be both, yeah.
-JENNYE: Let's take it back.
-PUNKIN: Let's take it back
and we'll see.
-Yeah, let's see what it is.
-NICK: Let's go. Let's do it.
All right, here we go.
We're heading over
to the checkpoint,
and we all know
what checkpoints mean, and
I have a good feeling
on who's probably going home.
Dennis, Dennis, Dennis.
His name has been
on the chopping block
for a while at this point.
It ain't gonna be us, honey.
(bleep) that.
NICK: I do believe
Dennis' time is coming
to an end right now, but he was
the good chess piece.
-THERRON: We made it to camp!
-NICK: We made it.
JENNYE: We made it!
MANU: After a grueling hike,
the group is finally
approaching the fifth
of nine checkpoint camps
and the halfway mark
to the summit.
That's the best sign
I've seen all day.
A milestone worth celebrating.
We're all getting drunk tonight!
Y'all want to open this?
-PUNKIN: Yeah!
-DUSTY: Let's do it.
-THERRON: Y'all ready?
Let's see.
Oh, Dennis, we got boots!
(cheering, clamoring)
All right,
let's get to the letters.
Oh. (kisses)
My heart's racing.
We got letters from loved ones,
which I Oh, my God.
It feels so good.
This is what motivates you.
All right, so, this is
from my oldest daughter.
We've very close.
"First things first,
I miss you like crazy.
"The house just
isn't the same without you:
"extremely loud.
"You're not just amazing,
you're like
the superhero of our family."
Ooh, I didn't know that.
"I love you.
Kick some ass, Mom.
Sorry for cursing."
It says, "I hope this letter
finds you in good spirits,
"ready to take on any challenge
"that lies ahead.
As your big sister,
I couldn't be
more proud of you."
"You've always had this
incredible ability to
"face any obstacle head on,
never backing down
"and always pushing
yourself to new limits.
"It's these qualities
that have made me
believe in you wholeheartedly."
This letter
is motivating me to just
push beyond the pain and, um,
just to keep moving.
"My beautiful wife.
"First of all, wow.
"I'm so proud of you.
"I'm sure you're giving
all you've got out there,
"building relationships
and tactfully giving them hell.
"Love, your wife.
"P.S. I rearranged
all the decor
while you were gone."
-NICK: Oh, yeah.
It's from my dad. Um
"Well, you made it."
It's definitely
hitting me hard right now.
I've never been away
from my family for
my entire life,
especially with no contact.
"I couldn't be more impressed."
"What an incredible experience
you have in front of you.
"Just be yourself.
That should be enough.
Love, Dad."
Yeah, that's awesome, huh?
I couldn't
read any more of that.
-NICK: I have some
pretty good people
waiting on me back home, and
that's what's
getting me through this.
"Mom, I'm so beyond proud of you
"for embarking on this journey.
"I know you're doing amazing.
"This is nothing
compared to the challenges
"you have faced, and I have
no doubt you can do this.
"You've always told me
to never doubt myself
"and never give up,
"so I expect you
to listen to your own advice.
I love and miss you.
Emma, your favorite daughter."
I really needed
those letters to come today,
especially with all
the doubt that I had today.
It was pretty powerful
when you've got your girls and
your husband telling you that,
"Mom, it's your time now."
Yeah, this is
kind of weird 'cause,
you know, I didn't
have the opportunity to
talk to my parents before this,
so it kind of threw me off.
I am very surprised
my mom and dad wrote to me.
I don't think my parents
are necessarily ecstatic that
I'm up here on this mountain.
They didn't
wish me luck for this.
Being a first generation
Asian-American coming from
a family of immigrants,
it's hard growing up in
the traditional Korean culture.
My parents are super strict.
They hate my tattoos.
They want me to have
a higher status.
Like, they believe
that happiness
comes with higher job statuses
and how much money you make.
They got tough Korean love,
but I know that they care.
"Hi, Dennis.
We hope you're doing well.
"Your personality, as always,
making others feel good
"will shine out there.
"Your smile and your dimples,
since you were a kid,
"have never failed
to warm our hearts.
"We are beyond proud of you
and we love you so much.
Love, Mom and Dad."
Having them
tell me how proud
they are of me--
it really meant a lot.
Having that letter come to me
just fueled even more fire
in the tank for me to stay here.
I am playing the game
really hard right now,
and having the people around me
see that vulnerability side--
I think that really
showed a lot.
I don't want to go home.
Mine says, "Jennye,
"stay focused on
the most important things.
And as always, you are loved.
So proud of you."
-From my aunt.
-THERRON: "No matter
"how old you get,
you will always be
my little bright-eyed baby boy."
(clears throat)
It's my oldest brother.
He said, "Dusty,
not many big brothers
"can say they
have a little brother
"that they look up to.
"As Grandma has always said,
"when the going gets tough,
the tough gets going.
Embrace your journey.
Love, Daniel."
I am really close
with all my brothers.
I wasn't able to read
a ton of it 'cause, frankly,
I just get too choked up,
but it does give
me the reminder that says,
"Hey, look,
no matter what happens,
"you-you got to
find a way to get up there
and you got to find a way
to win this money."
BECKYLEE: "Stay focused,
"see your goals,
see it to completion.
"No matter the outcome,
know that I love you.
"I am so proud of you.
Love, your father. Go Gators."
How about we just have our
comfortable boots on,
sit around the fire?
These are kind of
these are kind of stylish, too.
My little toes
are so happy right now.
I know.
These boots are awesome.
Oh, we got somebody coming.
Trouble's coming.
Well, congratulations
for reaching the halfway mark
to the summit.
Which means
each of you is either
halfway closer to winning
or halfway closer to losing
the ultimate cash prize.
I like the first half.
I like the first
Yeah, exciting.
Well, I'm glad that
you've gotten to this point.
I know it feels like
a celebration, but with
every checkpoint camp,
you take a vote.
And somebody's gonna
leave this mountain tonight.
It's tough after the moment
we all just had with each other.
Shall I leave you
to make the decision?
Yes, please.
But, then again
-Are you kidding me?
-PUNKIN: What?
I told you a rule
on the first day.
You remember what that rule was?
No one gets left behind.
You must travel together.
To stay together as a group.
The mountain keeper's
been watching.
You've not
been staying together.
Let's go.
Just keep going.
I wouldn't stop.
-JENNYE: Nope.
-PATI: Good God.
So, tonight, we're gonna have
a different vote.
And only two of you
are gonna be nominated
for this vote.
It's going to be
between the person
who is consistently
the furthest behind
and the person
who is consistently
pushing the lead.
Tonight, you will vote between
and Dusty.
Oh, my God.
(wind whistling)
(wind blowing)
MANU: The problem is
one of you
has been going too slow
and one of you
has been going too fast,
and the mountain keeper
has seen it.
Tonight, you will vote
for either Pati or Dusty.
I'm dumbfounded.
I've worked so hard
where it's, like,
I don't want to
leave everything behind.
Would you like to
say something, Dusty?
I haven't really felt
in jeopardy yet,
and so to be put in jeopardy
against someone who
I have come to really, really
care about-- it's
doesn't sit right with me.
We knew the rules coming in.
I should have been
more aggressively
following those rules.
I'm gonna
give you guys a minute.
Have a think about it.
We chose Dusty as our leader.
He never
he never volunteered.
This vote is tough for me.
Today, Dusty has been pushing
so hard to the point that
being on that snow climb,
Pati was so far
over the ridgeline,
I couldn't even see her.
We were explained the rules,
day one. Stay together.
And we broke the rules.
I love you.
I can't vote for Pati.
You know I love Dusty,
but I can't vote for Pati.
I know. I know you can't.
And I-I can't vote for Dusty.
It's frustrating because
during the hike,
Dusty was too aggressive,
too fast.
This sucks.
Pati has been working
her butt off since day one.
She's always been in the back,
but she's always caught up.
What happens
when you're in the back is that
as soon as you catch up,
everyone keeps going,
so she's working double as hard
as anyone else here.
You know, I really see us
at the top of the summit
I'll do everything I need to
to fight for her in this moment.
-Nobody expected this.
-JEANNIE: Yeah, I agree.
We've been busting our ass.
I think, no matter what,
we got to be
I think we've got to be proud of
-how we've done so far.
-I know.
-I'm proud of you.
God, D.
I'm taking
good care of the group.
Whatever the team
needs me to do,
I'm willing to do it,
and I think Pati can do a lot,
but she can't do everything.
At the end of the day,
who gives us the best shot
at getting up to the summit?
I know that's me.
We forced Dusty
in the front.
I'm not gonna
I c I ca-I can't do it.
I can't do it.
I-I don't think
I can vote out Pati.
I'm actually, obviously,
we are closer to Pati
than we are with Dusty.
Yeah, I'm so much
closer to Pati.
I don't really know
that much about Dusty.
I need Pati
in this game. I need
her vote.
I need her friendship out here
'cause she's looking out for me
and I'm looking after her.
We still have made
all these checkpoints.
That's where that's where
I'm, like, okay, like,
if we still make
all these checkpoints,
we can still
get Pati over there.
She still
made it.
Pati is my number one girl.
She is my mountain sister.
I'm gonna do everything
I can to keep her around.
If I'm voting strictly
on relationships
-I would vote Dusty out.
But the problem is-is
if Pati wasn't in the back,
we would not be
in this situation.
I know. I know.
And if it continues
to be like that,
then we're gonna be
in this situation again.
-I know.
-Which means no one's gonna
want to be in the front.
I think that's the hardest part,
thinking with my head
versus thinking with emotion.
Pati is giving it her all, 100%.
This is not fair.
And Dusty--
he didn't ask
to be in the front.
I don't know
who's gonna go home.
I have no clue.
It's just, my brain doesn't know
what to do. It's really hard.
I don't know if I'm ready
to crush another dream.
(wind whistling)
You're such a kind person.
I appreciate you, Pati P.
I appreciate you so much, D.
Let's grab a seat.
Come on, Mama, right here.
It's just gonna get
harder and harder and harder.
You're right, Amy.
It is gonna
get harder and harder.
You got to
think about the rules,
and you got to stick together.
The whole point
about reaching a summit
is working together as a group.
Do you see what's up there?
(wind whistling)
Do you see how steep it is?
I told you what
this mountain was like.
It's dangerous.
It's only gonna get tougher.
That's why you have to
stick together, stay as a group.
I want to see
a vote of hands for Dusty.
Beckylee, Dennis,
you vote for Dusty.
I want to see a vote of hands
for Pati.
One, two, three,
four, five, six.
Amy, why?
You think I wanted
to vote for Pati?
'Cause guess who's after Pati
if this little
game continues, it's me.
I'm not voting for Pati,
I just can't vote against Dusty.
He never asked to be first.
Nobody wins in this vote.
your time on the mountain's
come to an end.
Go to the tent, grab your pack,
bring the money here,
share it amongst the group,
say your goodbyes.
I love you.
I love you guys.
Just be real.
The mountain has taught me
to stay true to myself
and push my limits
when I feel like I can't.
I'm sorry.
Take care.
I didn't quit.
I'm extremely proud of myself
'cause I don't think that
I even could imagine the things
that I've done on this mountain.
I stayed true
to who I am as a person.
I've learned which people
I can completely trust
and which people
are not as authentic.
It's a lesson.
I have a lot of heart.
So, tomorrow, you're all
gonna go toward the summit
carrying over $870,000.
That's a lot of weight to carry.
Have each other's backs.
You're halfway there.
And I can see a lot of tears.
But you're gonna
have to toughen up.
I'm honored to still be here,
but in the back of my mind,
I didn't actually think
that the group
would vote me off.
I frankly think
I'm the most useful,
and I think I bring
a little bit more to the group
in terms of
getting our chances up
to go to the summit.
After eight days,
we're only really
at the halfway point.
This might just be
a demo of what's to come.
-BECKYLEE: I love you.
-DUSTY: And you got to
find a way to win this money.
Pati just said
not to trust Nick.
I'm not sure why she said that.
Ever since
our traversing challenge,
Nick and I have just
kind of had an unspoken bond.
I think he's great,
so I don't know what to think.
I guess I'll see what
tomorrow brings.
You know, the mountain keeper
saved my dream,
but it also killed off
a really good friend here.
To see Pati go, I was willing to
sacrifice my game for her,
and I feel like
I did tonight,
being the minority vote.
This game has just
gotten uglier. I'm gonna
get some people back for her.
I think they really
just killed a Korean cockroach
and just woke up
the Korean bull.
Captioned by
DENNIS: That vote yesterday
easily could've been me, so now
I need to do
a lot of damage control.
So, does anybody feel
comfortable with
handling the bags?
So who do we trust
-with all of our cash?
-I-I would be fine with it.
-I do not trust Dennis at all.
-NICK (whispering): Dennis.
So, it's got to be unanimous?
I don't like to be told
what to do. I'm not gonna
be swayed and told
how to vote when it's my game.
-JEANNIE: Oh, my God!
-DENNIS: This looks like
it sucks.
I have to close my eyes.
I want to reach
the summit so bad.
-you got it! Oh, wait
-Oh, no, oh, no.
I've said it from the start.
When climbing this mountain,
it is all
or nothing.
Seven days ago,
the adventure began
for 16 everyday Americans
You must travel together.
You'll only be as fast
as your slowest member.
to prove if they are worthy
of reaching the summit.
-You good, Pati?
This mountain is kicking my ass.
This is insane.
-MANU: In claiming
the million-dollar cash prize,
they've had to combat
Mother Nature
Holy crap.
You can't see a thing.
the mountain
I'm trying to climb!
and each other.
-This stays between us.
I'm on that train.
Last time
Raise a hand if it's Robert
that you want to vote
off the mountain.
with the help of Jeannie,
Dennis survived another vote.
Apparently, trust means nothing
because we kept Dennis,
who lies about everything.
The Korean Cockroach
survived another day.
with seven days
left on this journey
-BECKYLEE: Let's do this.
-ten remaining,
and over $870,000
in their packs
-JEANNIE: Come on, Pati.
their quest will become
more cutthroat
I can be ruthless
if I need to be.
as alliances take shape.
Nick is a good dude.
I'm so happy I'm going
with you instead of Jennye.
-We need to be pulling
her up this mountain.
If she gives up,
-or if she doesn't make
a checkpoint
-her money's gone.
-JEANNIE: Come on, Pati!
This can get nasty.
With the 14-day deadline
-fast approaching
Congratulations for reaching
the halfway mark to the summit.
-MANU: who will race ahead?
Clock's ticking, guys.
We got to go.
Hold on, y'all.
(bleep) Dusty.
and who will fall behind?
As the group's arduous journey
-PUNKIN: Go get the bag.
-THERRON: With the
mountain's keeper,
you just really never know
what you're gonna get.
Sometimes it's good,
sometimes it's bad.
The twists
are so hard to predict.
Tonight, we're gonna
have a different vote.
They must remember to heed
the rules of the mountain
-Are you kidding me?
-or suffer the consequences.
Nobody wins in this vote.
You're-- Therron.
Therron. Therron, Therron.
-I know, I know, I know, I know.
I'm sorry.
(wind whistling)
(thunder crashes)
(Jennye exhales)
As day seven of 14 drains away,
the fallout from the group's
latest vote is getting heated.
-How are you feeling, Jennye?
-JEANNIE: How you feeling?
JENNYE: Um, I'm feeling
as though I hope we know
that we're coming to
the hardest part of the journey,
and we just lost one of
the most knowledgeable members
of this group,
the person that we always
ask questions, we always go to.
"What about this?" The person
who finds the footing for us,
the best paths for us,
the person who gets up
in the morning
and goes ahead and makes fire,
pulls a lot of weight
around camp.
You know what I mean?
But Dennis
And I'm gonna finish
before being interrupted.
But I hope we know
that we traded a
someone who was
perceived as shifty
to someone who is a known liar
who doesn't do those things.
So I'm just gonna call it
like I see it.
From the last vote, we all
know that Dennis is a liar.
It was obvious.
Dennis, he lied to Manu.
He did throw
Geoff's name out first.
Are we going with someone
who we know is lying to our face
or are we going
with someone who
"Is he gonna be with me
when the majority isn't?"
-JENNYE: Yeah. Yeah.
-Question mark.
We just said,
"We know we can't trust
anything that comes out of
your mouth, but that's okay."
I saw some (bleep), and
I'm gonna hold him accountable
to his (bleep) lies.
All right, that was, like,
emotionally exhausting.
-PATI: Yeah.
-So how about
no more game tonight?
-NICK: I like that.
-And we just
-JEANNIE: Burgers.
-AMY: Let's eat.
-AMY: Come on.
I'm gonna go grab the burgers.
I am just a straight shooter.
I'm very transparent.
I can't be that,
"Oh, my God. We're besties,"
and then be like,
"I'm-a vote you off, bitch."
I can't be that person.
That doesn't make
any sense to me.
I'm just gonna be me
the whole way through,
and if people like it, great,
if they don't
Oof. That's a burger
right there.
Oh, my God, that could not have
worked out more perfectly.
Jennye literally just blew up
her whole (bleep) game.
(bleep) idiot.
I got exposed, but the thing is,
Jennye thinks she's, like,
a step ahead of me.
Girl, you're, like,
seven steps behind.
You playing checkers right now.
I'm playing chess.
Be more emotional, seriously.
Great for my game. Love it.
Target on your back, Jennye.
Thank you, thank you.
And trust me, we ain't gonna
be friends after this game,
'cause I don't want
to be your friend.
Rob, her number one alliance,
just got eliminated,
and she's got no one,
and I low-key love that.
She thinks
that I'm afraid of her.
She thinks she's a fighter?
Girl, I'm also a fighter, too.
You ain't that tough, lady.
You ain't that tough.
Where is the cheese?
-Over there, babe.
I hope people see
that if I'm your friend
-I'm your friend,
but if I
-Yeah. Yeah, I know.
-but if you
I-I kind of knew that
when I first met you, too.
Jennye continues
to call out Dennis.
I know Jennye is the cat person,
but somehow, Dennis has
nine lives in this game,
and I do not know
how he's still here.
I'm a fighter, honey.
Like, I didn't even have
to pull it out until now, but
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
-I respect it.
Listen, I totally understand.
-I think we're more alike
than we think.
-JENNYE: Mm-hmm.
I got a, I got a (bleep)
attitude right now.
That's all right.
Listen, Jennye is no-nonsense.
What Jennye says,
Jennye is gonna do.
We have a good relationship,
but this is not a game
where you want
-to go around making enemies.
Right now, too much
can get you taken out, too
little can get you taken out.
I'm trying to keep it
I'm trying to be
as strategic as possible,
and, um, make the right moves
at the right time.
(wind whistling)
All this wood is wet.
Like, real wet.
We should've put the wood
in the tent last night.
We got rained on last night.
None of us thought to put
our firewood in our tent?
Yeah, we're
not all geniuses out here.
We definitely need somebody
calling the shots.
And this morning,
we didn't have Robert.
He always did it for us.
I didn't dismiss that.
I saw the struggles he had
most mornings making fire.
I wasn't gonna let that fire
not start this morning.
There you go. There you go.
Nice, nice.
Why is that so nerve-racking?
I'm the fire woman!
Adventure Amy.
I don't even know
who this person is,
like, honestly, she
I don't know, but I like her.
Cup of joe.
-(both chuckle)
It's day eight,
and we're halfway there,
which is a huge feat for me.
The summit's behind us,
you just can't see it
'cause of the morning dew.
Next checkpoint's
not anywhere close to us,
so we have quite a bit of ground
to make up today.
AMY (whispers):
That would be a hard one
for me, but that's okay.
Dennis is a very good scapegoat.
Like, he's always gonna be
in the hot seat.
I do think there's, like,
a value to him
being around just because
all eyes are on him,
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
The obvious one that everyone
really wants is Dennis.
His name has been thrown out
a couple times,
but the thing is,
he is scared loyal.
He will do what we want
because he does not want to see
his name come out again.
Everyone's eyes
are always on Dennis,
and that means they're not on me
running the whole thing.
He's never gonna recover
his reputation.
It's buried.
A good distraction is good.
This-- it-it can get nasty.
I know. Very soon.
I want to get ready
and get dressed
-'cause I know
we're leaving soon.
-Yeah. Yeah.
I have a feeling
it's gonna be exhausting today.
If it was up to me,
I would definitely love
to see Amy go next,
'cause every time we go to vote,
everybody's, like,
"I don't know,
I'm not voting for Amy."
That's what everybody
-Yeah, I'm seeing, um
-And that's-that's not right.
I'm-I'm not Amy,
so that means that I'm always
-on the chopping block
over her.
-(whispers): I hear you.
Nick is a good dude.
He and I get along
on a different level
than a lot of the other people
I spend the time with
on the mountain.
You know where we stand.
-I'll never say your name
-Oh, yeah.
I can see Nick and myself
making it to the summit.
He's someone I can work with
and someone I can trust.
-I think we're good.
-That is good.
Okay, let me go
get my shoes, but yeah.
Are you guys ready?
-PUNKIN: Any idea
of the terrain?
It is gonna be steep uphill.
Total miles won't be
horrible today
-AMY: Until we have to go up.
-but legs,
we'll-we'll have a hard time.
Damn, look how high that is.
We're going 14 days straight.
-We're on day eight.
My body's been getting
-My knee is, like, messed up,
but I'm pushing through
because I think my strategy
is pretty solid.
I'm connecting
with the right people.
There's no doubt
in my mind that I can't make it.
I'm super proud of myself.
I have to keep going.
Are you guys good
with heading it towards
this little mini valley
and making a right?
-JEANNIE: All right, yeah.
-Do you guys want me to go
in front?
-PUNKIN: Sure.
-BECKYLEE: Let's do this.
Day eight,
the halfway point to the summit.
Fresh off a weather delay,
the group needs to move faster
in order to make it
to their fifth checkpoint camp.
If their first week
on the mountain
was considered challenging,
harsher conditions
and the snow line
all loom ahead.
-DUSTY: Keep your feet dry.
-JEANNIE: Okay, you good?
I went quick step
to that guy, Therron.
Yeah, there you--
Yeah, yeah. Keep moving.
I feel a lot of pressure
to make sure we keep moving
and get a good pace
because the last thing
I want is for us
not to make the checkpoint,
and then we have to sleep
on the side of this mountain
in a bivvy.
MANU: You've missed
your first checkpoint.
You're gonna have to sleep here
on the trail.
-DENNIS: Dude, it's cold.
-PATI: The bugs are bad.
-I've done it once.
It's off the bucket list.
Scratched off.
Don't need to look back
at that page.
You're good there, Therron?
Yeah. Is that loose?
Uh, just don't put heavy
weight on it.
Just use my hand. I got you.
My goal is to win this thing.
It's gonna be a huge
disappointment for me,
and, frankly, my entire family
and all my friends
if I don't win this thing.
There you go, Ames.
-Keep your hands wide.
-AMY: Good thinking, Dusty.
I am a perfectionist, depending
on what I'm asked to do.
I have played a lot of sports
at a high level.
I have played football,
and I've ran track.
I don't like
not being good at things.
If I'm not good at something
I get pissed off
and frustrated.
It's an ego hit to me,
so I make sure
that if I'm gonna be
taking on something,
I better be good at it.
People have picked me
to be the leader
in multiple instances,
and I'm gonna remain a leader
until the day I'm at the summit.
Come on, Pati.
Good job, Pati.
Oh, damn, y'all,
this is about to be hard.
We're gonna have to go up.
It's gonna get really cold.
PATI: You know,
I've been in the back, but
I'm just playing the social game
as much as possible.
If you're making
the best relationships
with the people
that are in the front,
it doesn't matter
if you're in the back.
You can still make it
to the front.
Hold on, y'all.
Pati's struggling.
DUSTY: If I know that it's not
gonna be a detriment to me
to go help someone
and be comforting,
I'm happy to play that role,
but at the end of the day,
folks that are being slow
and taking their time,
they're holding the group back.
Be super,
super transparent with me.
I've been very honest with you.
I would love
to just hang with you guys,
but unfortunately,
I'd be lying if I said
-that this one wasn't
freaking me out.
I'm gonna care a lot more about
winning than anything else.
I'm not out here
to just have fun
and have a nice little walk
in the park.
I can be ruthless
if I need to be.
I'm trying to get
that million bucks at the end,
and I can't help
but put a dollar amount
next to each one
of these people.
You want your harness, Dusty?
-DUSTY: Oh, yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
-One, two, three.
-DUSTY: Weather's
a little different.
-JEANNIE: It just shows you
how high up we're--
we are, right?
Reaching the snow line
means two things:
unforgiving terrain
and sharp inclines.
The group will need
to use additional safety gear
to tackle
these punishing conditions.
Okay, let's go.
This is gonna be hard.
Summiting this mountain
is not for the faint-hearted.
Come on.
You can (bleep).
Let's go.
(Pati cries out)
Sorry, guys.
DUSTY: Just keep going.
I wouldn't stop.
(shouts, cries out)
(bleep). My leg,
it just went through something.
Hold on. (bleep).
I'm stuck between this rock.
(distant shout)
Oh, my God,
my leg is stuck in the rock.
Oh, my God.
I'm in a lot of pain. My knee
It just, it feels like this.
It's swollen.
-There you go, there you go,
there you go.
Come on, Pati. You got this.
One more push.
It's very uncomfortable.
This is a lot,
but I'm-I'm just pushing.
-(Amy grunts)
-NICK: Damn, this is steep.
It's a little hard.
(Amy grunts)
-Those kill me every time.
-DENNIS: Snow's getting
deeper here, guys.
You okay? Amy? Pati?
-We're good.
Come on, Pati.
-You got this.
-DUSTY: All right,
you guys ready
for a little push?
You guys okay to keep trekking?
-DENNIS: Thank you for
paving-paving the way, Dusty.
I let Dusty lead 'cause
I don't want to be a leader,
and on top of that, I don't want
more of a target on my back.
So it's a good chance for him
to just be the leader,
and whatever repercussions
come from that, it's not on me.
Good God.
I'm coming, baby.
Nobody said it would be easy.
Oh, God.
With a looming 14-day deadline
to reach the summit,
the pressure is on
to move at a faster pace.
But on day one, I warned them
that for safety reasons,
they must travel together
as a group.
Now it's time
for the mountain's keeper
to issue a reminder
because on this mountain
it is succeed together
or fail alone.
Guys, the keeper's here.
Let's go!
-JEANNIE: Come on, Pati!
Come on, Pati!
-PUNKIN: We have a sign.
-DENNIS: Oh, my God.
JENNYE: "The only way to get
to your next checkpoint camp
in time is straight down
this rock face."
Oh, my God! (screams)
-JENNYE: Gotta go, gotta go.
-PUNKIN: Go get the bag!
DENNIS: Therron, he ran like
a chicken with his head cut off.
(wind whistling)
Whew, this is tough.
Guys, the keeper's here.
Come on, now. Don't do this.
Oh, God, dude.
(groans) What's happening here?
The mountain keeper
is just circling around,
and there's always a reason why.
Come on, Pati! Let's go!
I know at some point, it's
gonna be a difficult dilemma.
You're good. Keep going.
The mountain keeper's
telling us something.
It's a warning.
Something is wrong,
and I'm already thinking,
"This is not good."
Come on!
(cries out)
Good God.
What the (bleep)
did I sign up for?
It's a warning in some capacity,
but I personally get
excited every time I see
the mountain's keeper
because it means we are one day,
one moment closer
to getting
fewer and fewer people
that deserve to be
up on the mountain.
Big ol' holes up here.
I don't see them.
Am I blind?
Where are they at?
PUNKIN: Oh, (bleep), I don't see
either of them.
This is hard. (panting)
I'm struggling in the back.
I'm feeling very alone.
Everybody is now gone.
I think I'm a little more scared
than I'm letting on,
but I'm so tired.
That little voice
is creeping in.
Telling me this is hard.
I can't move.
Oh, (bleep)
-Hold on. Hold up.
-THERRON: Hold up.
I can't quit.
What kind of mom would I be
if I told my kids
they can do hard things
and then I just quit
'cause it was too hard?
One step. One step.
PUNKIN: That was hard, y'all.
Got a sign up ahead, guys.
A sign?
-PUNKIN: We have a sign.
-DENNIS: Oh, my God.
Holy moly.
Oh, no. There's nothing
but a ledge on the other side.
Good God.
Oh, my God.
The lead group
has surged ahead,
leaving the trailing members
too far behind.
Now they must pause until
the stragglers rejoin the ranks.
-Four more steps.
-PUNKIN: Good job, Amy.
Big push.
Can you see Pati still?
No, not really.
We made pretty good time,
all things considered.
It's gonna be a wait.
I think the odds of us
making it up this mountain today
with Pati
are about zero percent.
She's a little bit
of an anchor that
we're dragging up the hill,
which, we'll see if it come
back comes back to bite us.
-PUNKIN: Good job, Pati.
-DENNIS: Good job, P.
Damn, man.
Go ahead. You want to read this?
"The only way to get to your
next checkpoint camp in time
is straight down
this rock face.
"In order to do that,
"you must repel down one line
"and change ropes midway
to reach the bottom.
"You must rush to make camp
where another surprise awaits,
"but remember to stick together.
"I've been watching you."
The mountain's keeper
is keeping eye on us. I think
she's definitely giving us
some sort of warning.
"Hey, guys. You need
to start working together."
We need to stick
closer together
because there's a big bunch at
the front and we it's hard.
I know, I've been in the middle,
I've been in the back.
It's hard.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm not sure what
the mountain's keeper
is looking for,
but the facts are the facts.
We've got 14 days
to get to the Summit.
If we don't make it in
14 days, we get nothing.
-Yep, let's go.
-Just be careful, y'all.
Watch your step.
(chuckles) I am absolutely
terrified. This is, like,
my worst nightmare.
I've never done this,
where you have to repel down,
ever, in my whole life.
I feel like throwing up.
Look at that.
The group now stands
on the precipice
of a 500-foot sheer cliff.
To stay on schedule and make
checkpoint camp before sunset
-Just watch your step.
-AMY: Yep.
they must work in pairs
to repel
the near-vertical rock face,
and then speed down
the gravity line
to the valley floor below.
I think that, especially us
going first, it'll show folks,
"Okay, these two got it,
they're calm, they're collected,
they're talking it easy,
they're going down."
Big step there.
Big step there.
Coming into this,
I feel like I naturally
have this lone wolf mentality.
Like, I'd rather do it myself
and know I'm doing it right
than trust somebody else.
-Comfortable as I can be.
I don't know if one person
could do this alone.
I hope I can trust Dusty
as a partner.
I'm gonna be telling myself,
"Don't look down."
Okay, here we go.
You're gonna have to really
grip onto the rope.
Oh, wow.
I went into this
not afraid of heights.
And I'm feeling my, like,
thoughts of doubt creep in.
That's a long way down.
"You feel every single muscle
in your body shaking,
and you think, "Can I do this?"
This is just a big step down.
You're just gonna have to trust
the rope when you go.
I'm looking
at this tension repel,
and I'm confident, physically,
in this challenge.
I also want to show the entire
group that I can do this,
and I think it'll be a good
leadership opportunity for me.
I think my competitive nature
comes directly
from my older brothers,
growing up.
'Cause I was the youngest,
I kind of had to find a way
to get on that level
and just get interest
and attention from my family.
I look up to both of them a ton,
but I always
had something to prove
as the youngest brother,
and I think,
even nowadays,
I'm gonna care a lot more
about winning
than anything else.
How's it looking, Dusty?
Dusty, can you hear me?
I don't see Dusty.
I have no idea
what the heck happened.
-DENNIS: Against the rock,
-Oh, my God!
Guys, she's coming.
PUNKIN: Go get it! Dusty!
Go get it!
MANU: The mountain keeper's
been watching.
Tonight we're gonna
have a different vote.
-BECKYLEE: Are you kidding me?
(wind whistling)
How's it looking, Dusty?
Dusty, can you hear me?
This is the hardest
thing we've done so far.
Mentally, this is rough.
Any pairs that have two people
who are scared of heights--
I'm really concerned
for them right now.
I don't see Dusty.
I guess I'm doing
this alone, then.
Getting left behind is-is
is kind of overwhelming.
I really don't want to do this.
I really don't.
What the hell?
It's friggin' straight down.
I don't understand.
I (bleep) up my knee.
I've always had a hard time
being vulnerable,
expressing my emotions,
and this game definitely
tests that, for sure.
(breathing rapidly)
I grew up the oldest
of four kids.
My parents got a divorce.
It was messy, and I kind of
had to, like, step up.
I've always felt the older child
burden to the extreme,
and because of that
I hate this. I hate this!
I hate things that
are out of my control.
What? There's no friggin'
rocks. (grunts)
You all right, Becks?
(grunts) Where are you, Dusty?
I'm right here. Can you see me?
My arms are so dead.
Yeah. That one's rough.
With this obstacle,
you know, you just kind of
have to tough it out
and keep going.
Just trust your harness.
Let go?
Oh. Oh.
-BECKLYEE: Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
-Ooh. Ooh.
Oh, man.
-Letting go of that rope took
everything in me to
-BECKYLEE: I know.
Your body is, like,
"Do not do that."
That jump--
that was rough for me.
Oh, thank God.
That's gonna be rough
for everyone else.
Jeannie, I'm so happy I'm going
with you instead of Jennye.
Yeah, I know.
It's scary because
everyone thinks
that I'm a mean person,
I'm evil.
I think it was because
they thought you
were just playing ha
-hard too fast, you know?
A lot of people
in this game have
been talking bad about my game,
saying that I am untrustworthy,
which, honestly, to a point,
I kind of am.
And you have to, like,
say something,
like, "Guys, we're all
playing the game.
"I'm sorry I played
too hard, but"
Yeah, but at the end of the day,
-like right now?
Like, you would be lying
saying no one
-no one else right now
is playing as hard as I am.
I trust Dennis.
He always makes me
feel a little bit
more secure.
Oh. (sharp exhale)
He knows his name's
already been thrown around,
but he has my back, so, for me,
I'm gonna stick with Dennis.
Holy (bleep).
It just got real.
(Dennis grunts)
Just go a little bit at a time.
I look down off the edge,
it's a 90-degree vertical drop.
Oh, my God.
I cannot see anything.
My heart is sinking.
Oh, I just
don't want to look down.
You have to look down to see
your foot placement, girl.
I call myself
an adrenaline junkie.
Being a trauma ICU nurse,
I work in a very
high-stressful environment.
Right now, I have
more adrenaline
than I ever have
doing chest compressions
and breaking someone's sternum.
You got this, Jeannie!
Okay, I'm coming down!
Jeannie, you got this, man.
I got this. I got this.
Hand over hand.
I'm just belaying down.
Hand over hand.
I've never done
anything like this before.
Like, I have no clue
how to repel down.
I'm so glad I have
a partner this time.
You got this, my Italian mom!
Dennis, walk me
through it, please!
It's worth it!
It's not too bad!
I definitely just lied to her.
It's that bad.
Oh, my God. (laughs)
(moans) Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Yes, Jeannie! Take a leap
of faith! You got it!
Plant your feet right apart
against the rock!
Against the rock,
against the rock, Jeannie!
Feet apart against
the rock, Jeannie!
(gasping, moaning)
Oh, my God!
Yes, Jeannie!
Damn it! I knew I would've
tried out for Wheel of Fortune.
-DENNIS: (laughs) Ready?
-No. Yeah.
-Yeah. I'm freaking out.
-two, one.
-Oh, my God!
Oh, God! Oh, God!
This sucks!
This sucks! This sucks!
Oh, my! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
(both screaming)
This is so
-This is terrifying!
-Oh, my God! Aah!
Who is that?
-Jeannie freaking out.
-That Jeannie?
-(Jeannie shouting)
Jeannie! Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
I'm gonna throw up right now!
Oh, my God!
You know,
I understand why they told us
to wear quick-dry underwear.
Oh, my God. That was scary.
When you do something
that's really scary
and you do it,
you accomplish it,
you feel so good about yourself.
And that's what I'm looking for.
I'm looking for some confidence,
and that definitely
gave me a lot of confidence.
-Yeah. Yeah.
-That's where we started,
you know?
-That's where we started.
-Yeah, I know.
-Let me see that mountain.
-All, all the way up there.
-All the way up there.
-Oh, my God!
Look at that.
(both laughing)
Oh, my God,
this is kind of scary.
Hold on.
Are you nervous
about what tonight holds?
AMY: Yeah. We need
to switch up from the Dennis.
Dennis is, like, not gaming.
-He's just hanging out
-No, he's just
and being sweet now
'cause he got caught.
AMY: I'm definitely holding
the group back with Pati,
so, yeah, I'm real nervous.
I'm thinking
they're gonna vote me off.
-THERRON: You got it?
I'm gonna take this opportunity
to show Therron
that I can do my part
and help us get up the summit.
I've been voting off the people
I don't have connections with,
-You know what I mean? And
That's why I don't want to be
on your "not connection" list.
THERRON: I would definitely
would love to see Amy go next.
I love her.
But this game is forcing us
to make some
really hard decisions.
And she's on the wrong side
of the numbers.
I think Mama Amy
has had her time.
-Ooh, this next part is gonna
be scary as (bleep). Okay.
Ooh. This next part, Amy--
it's-it's-it's straight down.
Oh, my God. I can't look back.
Hey, hey, Therron.
-Hey, hey.
-Breathe. Breathe.
You got it.
No, no. I believe in you.
THERRON: I want to quit.
I want to give up.
I don't want to do this.
I do not want to be here.
I don't want to be anywhere
around what I'm doing.
-Oh, my God.
-You got it, babe.
-Hey, you're killing it. Okay.
Step. Baby steps, baby steps.
I'm not an adrenaline junkie.
I do not get on rollercoasters.
I do not do stuff like this.
I'm safe.
This is really scary. I'm safe.
And honestly, I just feel like
if I would have known,
I may have not signed up.
Please get me down from here!
Good job, T!
You got it, Therron.
Oh, God.
Please, get me
to a little solid ground.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
What is this?
Oh, God. I'm okay.
Therron is freaking out.
I have a very loud, bellowing
voice when I need to have one.
Therron, do not look back!
I'm gonna need that to get him
through this next obstacle.
Therron, you got this.
Say, "I got this."
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Therron! Therron!
You got this.
The fear is just falling.
And I'm up really high.
I just don't know
what I signed up for.
Amy! I-I can't do this.
-Therron, yes you can!
-I-I-I can't. I cannot do this.
-Therron! Therron! Therron?
-I am telling you right now
-Look forward.
Therron, look forward.
-I cannot
-Amy? Amy
-Therron, Therron, look forward!
Hey, hey, hey!
Therron, Therron.
-Look at me, Therron.
-THERRON: I keep asking myself
"Is the money worth how scared
I'm feeling?" and I don't know.
-Therron. Therron.
Hey, you're not gonna fall.
Therron, say it.
"I'm not gonna fall."
-You're Therron! Therron!
Amy, I I can't do this.
THERRON: I got this. I got this.
I got this.
Amy, I I can't do this.
I'm-I'm I can't.
I cannot do this.
I'm telling you right now,
I cannot
-Therron, look forward. Therron!
-Amy Amy
Therron, look at me.
You're not gonna fall.
Therron, say it.
-"I'm not gonna fall."
You're Therron! Look forward!
Do not look back!
I know, I know,
I know, I know. I'm sorry.
-I don't know, Amy.
Hey, hey. Do not apologize.
Look at me. You got this.
Therron, you got this.
-Say, "I got this."
-I got this.
You got this.
Do I let go of the rope?
There's no more rope, either.
Something in you just tells you,
"Don't let go."
Like, you're not supposed to.
This isn't a normal feeling.
AMY: Hey, I'm with you.
Therron, Therron, me and you,
side by side.
Look, I'm with you.
-I'm with you. Look at me.
Me and you.
You're gonna let go of the rope.
You're gonna hold onto the blue
in front of you, Therron.
You're okay.
Therron, Therron,
I'm right here.
-I'm right here. No! No! No!
Therron! Therron!
Look at me. It's fun.
(Therron screaming)
The let-go phase
of that rope is the scariest
thing I've done here.
"I know it has me,
but am I gonna die?"
-AMY: I'm right here! No! No!
No! It's fun.
(Amy laughs)
THERRON: Okay, this is
actually more fun now.
Okay, I'm not scared!
I'm not scared now!
When I got a little bit
from the wall, I was
starting to have fun 'cause
I was, like, "Okay, you safe."
This is fun!
Oh, my God, Amy, I'm so sorry.
I had a moment. Oh, my God,
I had a moment.
Oh, my God, I had a moment.
-We did it. We did it.
-Hey, who did it?
-We did it.
-We did it.
If Amy wasn't there,
I really did want to quit.
I wanted to give up so much.
Amy, give me a hug.
-I love you.
-I lost it. I
I was never gonna let you quit.
(Punkin panting rapidly)
PATI: Hey, you got
that bad bitch in you, come on.
-You got this.
You got this.
One step at a time, babe.
One step at a time.
Your time. Your time.
I-I can't. I can't.
Wait, wait, wait!
I could fall, I could die.
Like, if there's
a slip of the rope,
I-I'm gone, and there's
just nothing I could do.
But my mom didn't raise
a quitter.
I grew up in a small town
in Mississippi, in the projects.
Me, my sisters and my mom.
My mom made sure that we did not
become a product
of our environment. We always
had so much love in our home.
Keep going, P!
PUNKIN: Being from the south
and growing up in the church,
coming out was definitely
a difficult time.
It was a scary time.
But I finally decided
to come out at 21,
and I wanted to live
my life unapologetically me.
And love who I wanted to love.
My mom said she will
always support me
and never turn her back on me.
And so that's really just
what I what I needed.
If I had to look up to anybody,
it would definitely be my mom.
She instilled
so much grit in us,
and never quit, and to just
go after your dreams.
Good job, P!
In times where I feel like I
I want to give up,
what's going to motive me
to keep me going is my family.
So we're gonna keep going
until the end.
Come on, Pati!
You got it!
(Pati grunting)
You got it!
Come on, let me hear you!
-You got it.
-Come on.
-PATI: I just hit
one of the rocks so hard.
And I'm like
"Is this it?
Are we gonna quit?"
There you go, Pati. Good job.
It's very uncomfortable, but
I have to keep going.
-You got this, P. Don't worry.
-Where do I where do I hold?
Hey, you're good. Look at me.
You're good. Look at me.
I'm doing it. Just let go.
-And you hold on.
-(Punkin whimpering)
-You're good. You're good.
Hey, look at me.
Look at me, P.
Look at me.
Nice and slow.
Look at me. Look at me.
-You're good. You're good.
Hey, hey.
Nice and slow, lookit.
Oh! Oh, my God.
P! Look at me, P!
Just relax! Just relax!
-(contestants cheering)
That was (bleep). That was
-That was tough.
-Pati! Pati!
-All right. Here we go.
-JENNYE: Here we go.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, (bleep).
My worst fear right now is
whatever's over that ledge.
I can't see it.
I have no idea what it is.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't look down, dude.
I'm completely out
of my element right now.
Ooh, just trust it, dude.
Just trust it.
I'm from Louisiana.
There are no hills
and mountains.
I have never repelled before
in my entire life.
And I am deathly terrified
of heights.
Ooh. (whoops)
This game
is incredibly challenging
because you have to have
a great physical game.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
But you also have to have
a very good social game.
And that's what
I'm gonna hang my hat on.
Nothing is gonna
keep me from getting
to the top of this summit.
Make no mistake, I am terrified.
Yeah, you got it, Jennye.
You got it.
Nice, Jennye.
I am currently hiding
a significant knee injury
that most of the group
does not know about.
They just see me limping,
but they truly
don't know the extent.
My pain is my problem.
-You got it, Jennye.
-JENNYE: Like,
they don't need to know that.
Especially Dennis, because he
might put a target on my back.
So I'm just gonna keep going.
Holy (bleep).
Doing this kind of a activity,
it's never going
to get better, and we
have a time limit. And there's
nothing we can do about that.
-Way to go, Nick.
-Just trust it.
Oh, (bleep).
-Whoa, whoa!
Meow! Meow!
There's a couple of names
going around.
I've heard Jennye
Amy and Dennis' name
get thrown out.
I would like to see Jennye go.
I'm sort of working with Dennis,
at least for now.
-Jennye, I've never talked
an ounce of game.
I'm not sure
if she's working with anybody.
She just doesn't
strategize, but also,
I don't need to hear the word
"meow" again in my life.
Meow! Meow!
-Nice job, Jennye.
The zip line, always.
That's my (bleep) right there.
-Yeah, Nick! Yeah, Jennye!
Easy. Easy.
Come on, you did it!
-You did it, man!
All right, you guys ready?
Here we go.
You guys go ahead, please.
Love you.
-You sure?
-A hundred percent.
Y'all, we got
to pick up the pace.
PATI: Dusty's leading right now,
and I've been in the back.
I just feel more comfortable
where I can catch up.
If anybody has a problem,
my door's open.
They can
they can come talk to me.
-(indistinct chatter)
-Ooh! Lord!
I think the mountain keeper
wants us to pick up the pace.
DENNIS: But also, we need
to stick together 'cause
Pati is really far behind,
and not just 50 feet.
She is, like,
two to 300 feet behind us.
Oh, she's way back there?
What's she doing
way back there? Pati.
You guys okay to keep trekking?
-Cool. Here we go.
You know, Dusty does
a great job up front.
He sets a good pace.
Nice speed, Ames.
NICK: I feel like we're-we're
falling a little bit behind,
so if he says speed up,
we do have to get going.
By the looks of it,
the group is still having
trouble following the rules.
And on this mountain,
actions have consequences.
That's the mountain's keeper!
-That's the mountain's keeper.
The hike today is brutal.
My brain is tired,
my body is tired.
I'm absolutely triggered.
-Come on.
-JENNYE: What's going on?
PUNKIN: I'm wondering
what the heck she wants.
Why is she here again?
What does this mean?
He's got a yellow pack.
In that yellow duffle bag--
if it's an immunity
or an advantage--
I need it, 'cause I hear people
dropping my name all the time.
-Go get it!
-Dusty, get it!
Go, Dusty!
Go get it!
(wind whistling)
Go get the bag!
With the mountain's keeper,
you just really never know
what you're gonna get, bag-wise.
Where'd it go?
Sometimes it's good, sometimes
it's bad, sometimes
we're saving people,
sometimes we're
getting rid of people.
The twists are
so hard to predict.
Therron, get it!
Therron, get it.
So I'm sprinting for every bag.
-Good job, Therron.
-DENNIS: Therron, man.
He ran like a chicken
with his head cut off
and grabs
this duffle bag before me.
-Open it, T.
-Open it right there.
-What is this?
-What's it say?
Come on, P. Let's go!
-I'm scared.
-I'm so scared too, okay.
-JENNYE: Open it,
open it, open it.
-JEANNIE: Yeah, open it, please.
"The mountain gives
"and it takes away. Which is it?
"You'll have to carry
this bag to camp to find out.
The mountain keeper."
This says either/or, right?
So it doesn't have to be
a good and a bad.
-Or it could be both.
-It could be both.
-It could be both, yeah.
-JENNYE: Let's take it back.
-PUNKIN: Let's take it back
and we'll see.
-Yeah, let's see what it is.
-NICK: Let's go. Let's do it.
All right, here we go.
We're heading over
to the checkpoint,
and we all know
what checkpoints mean, and
I have a good feeling
on who's probably going home.
Dennis, Dennis, Dennis.
His name has been
on the chopping block
for a while at this point.
It ain't gonna be us, honey.
(bleep) that.
NICK: I do believe
Dennis' time is coming
to an end right now, but he was
the good chess piece.
-THERRON: We made it to camp!
-NICK: We made it.
JENNYE: We made it!
MANU: After a grueling hike,
the group is finally
approaching the fifth
of nine checkpoint camps
and the halfway mark
to the summit.
That's the best sign
I've seen all day.
A milestone worth celebrating.
We're all getting drunk tonight!
Y'all want to open this?
-PUNKIN: Yeah!
-DUSTY: Let's do it.
-THERRON: Y'all ready?
Let's see.
Oh, Dennis, we got boots!
(cheering, clamoring)
All right,
let's get to the letters.
Oh. (kisses)
My heart's racing.
We got letters from loved ones,
which I Oh, my God.
It feels so good.
This is what motivates you.
All right, so, this is
from my oldest daughter.
We've very close.
"First things first,
I miss you like crazy.
"The house just
isn't the same without you:
"extremely loud.
"You're not just amazing,
you're like
the superhero of our family."
Ooh, I didn't know that.
"I love you.
Kick some ass, Mom.
Sorry for cursing."
It says, "I hope this letter
finds you in good spirits,
"ready to take on any challenge
"that lies ahead.
As your big sister,
I couldn't be
more proud of you."
"You've always had this
incredible ability to
"face any obstacle head on,
never backing down
"and always pushing
yourself to new limits.
"It's these qualities
that have made me
believe in you wholeheartedly."
This letter
is motivating me to just
push beyond the pain and, um,
just to keep moving.
"My beautiful wife.
"First of all, wow.
"I'm so proud of you.
"I'm sure you're giving
all you've got out there,
"building relationships
and tactfully giving them hell.
"Love, your wife.
"P.S. I rearranged
all the decor
while you were gone."
-NICK: Oh, yeah.
It's from my dad. Um
"Well, you made it."
It's definitely
hitting me hard right now.
I've never been away
from my family for
my entire life,
especially with no contact.
"I couldn't be more impressed."
"What an incredible experience
you have in front of you.
"Just be yourself.
That should be enough.
Love, Dad."
Yeah, that's awesome, huh?
I couldn't
read any more of that.
-NICK: I have some
pretty good people
waiting on me back home, and
that's what's
getting me through this.
"Mom, I'm so beyond proud of you
"for embarking on this journey.
"I know you're doing amazing.
"This is nothing
compared to the challenges
"you have faced, and I have
no doubt you can do this.
"You've always told me
to never doubt myself
"and never give up,
"so I expect you
to listen to your own advice.
I love and miss you.
Emma, your favorite daughter."
I really needed
those letters to come today,
especially with all
the doubt that I had today.
It was pretty powerful
when you've got your girls and
your husband telling you that,
"Mom, it's your time now."
Yeah, this is
kind of weird 'cause,
you know, I didn't
have the opportunity to
talk to my parents before this,
so it kind of threw me off.
I am very surprised
my mom and dad wrote to me.
I don't think my parents
are necessarily ecstatic that
I'm up here on this mountain.
They didn't
wish me luck for this.
Being a first generation
Asian-American coming from
a family of immigrants,
it's hard growing up in
the traditional Korean culture.
My parents are super strict.
They hate my tattoos.
They want me to have
a higher status.
Like, they believe
that happiness
comes with higher job statuses
and how much money you make.
They got tough Korean love,
but I know that they care.
"Hi, Dennis.
We hope you're doing well.
"Your personality, as always,
making others feel good
"will shine out there.
"Your smile and your dimples,
since you were a kid,
"have never failed
to warm our hearts.
"We are beyond proud of you
and we love you so much.
Love, Mom and Dad."
Having them
tell me how proud
they are of me--
it really meant a lot.
Having that letter come to me
just fueled even more fire
in the tank for me to stay here.
I am playing the game
really hard right now,
and having the people around me
see that vulnerability side--
I think that really
showed a lot.
I don't want to go home.
Mine says, "Jennye,
"stay focused on
the most important things.
And as always, you are loved.
So proud of you."
-From my aunt.
-THERRON: "No matter
"how old you get,
you will always be
my little bright-eyed baby boy."
(clears throat)
It's my oldest brother.
He said, "Dusty,
not many big brothers
"can say they
have a little brother
"that they look up to.
"As Grandma has always said,
"when the going gets tough,
the tough gets going.
Embrace your journey.
Love, Daniel."
I am really close
with all my brothers.
I wasn't able to read
a ton of it 'cause, frankly,
I just get too choked up,
but it does give
me the reminder that says,
"Hey, look,
no matter what happens,
"you-you got to
find a way to get up there
and you got to find a way
to win this money."
BECKYLEE: "Stay focused,
"see your goals,
see it to completion.
"No matter the outcome,
know that I love you.
"I am so proud of you.
Love, your father. Go Gators."
How about we just have our
comfortable boots on,
sit around the fire?
These are kind of
these are kind of stylish, too.
My little toes
are so happy right now.
I know.
These boots are awesome.
Oh, we got somebody coming.
Trouble's coming.
Well, congratulations
for reaching the halfway mark
to the summit.
Which means
each of you is either
halfway closer to winning
or halfway closer to losing
the ultimate cash prize.
I like the first half.
I like the first
Yeah, exciting.
Well, I'm glad that
you've gotten to this point.
I know it feels like
a celebration, but with
every checkpoint camp,
you take a vote.
And somebody's gonna
leave this mountain tonight.
It's tough after the moment
we all just had with each other.
Shall I leave you
to make the decision?
Yes, please.
But, then again
-Are you kidding me?
-PUNKIN: What?
I told you a rule
on the first day.
You remember what that rule was?
No one gets left behind.
You must travel together.
To stay together as a group.
The mountain keeper's
been watching.
You've not
been staying together.
Let's go.
Just keep going.
I wouldn't stop.
-JENNYE: Nope.
-PATI: Good God.
So, tonight, we're gonna have
a different vote.
And only two of you
are gonna be nominated
for this vote.
It's going to be
between the person
who is consistently
the furthest behind
and the person
who is consistently
pushing the lead.
Tonight, you will vote between
and Dusty.
Oh, my God.
(wind whistling)
(wind blowing)
MANU: The problem is
one of you
has been going too slow
and one of you
has been going too fast,
and the mountain keeper
has seen it.
Tonight, you will vote
for either Pati or Dusty.
I'm dumbfounded.
I've worked so hard
where it's, like,
I don't want to
leave everything behind.
Would you like to
say something, Dusty?
I haven't really felt
in jeopardy yet,
and so to be put in jeopardy
against someone who
I have come to really, really
care about-- it's
doesn't sit right with me.
We knew the rules coming in.
I should have been
more aggressively
following those rules.
I'm gonna
give you guys a minute.
Have a think about it.
We chose Dusty as our leader.
He never
he never volunteered.
This vote is tough for me.
Today, Dusty has been pushing
so hard to the point that
being on that snow climb,
Pati was so far
over the ridgeline,
I couldn't even see her.
We were explained the rules,
day one. Stay together.
And we broke the rules.
I love you.
I can't vote for Pati.
You know I love Dusty,
but I can't vote for Pati.
I know. I know you can't.
And I-I can't vote for Dusty.
It's frustrating because
during the hike,
Dusty was too aggressive,
too fast.
This sucks.
Pati has been working
her butt off since day one.
She's always been in the back,
but she's always caught up.
What happens
when you're in the back is that
as soon as you catch up,
everyone keeps going,
so she's working double as hard
as anyone else here.
You know, I really see us
at the top of the summit
I'll do everything I need to
to fight for her in this moment.
-Nobody expected this.
-JEANNIE: Yeah, I agree.
We've been busting our ass.
I think, no matter what,
we got to be
I think we've got to be proud of
-how we've done so far.
-I know.
-I'm proud of you.
God, D.
I'm taking
good care of the group.
Whatever the team
needs me to do,
I'm willing to do it,
and I think Pati can do a lot,
but she can't do everything.
At the end of the day,
who gives us the best shot
at getting up to the summit?
I know that's me.
We forced Dusty
in the front.
I'm not gonna
I c I ca-I can't do it.
I can't do it.
I-I don't think
I can vote out Pati.
I'm actually, obviously,
we are closer to Pati
than we are with Dusty.
Yeah, I'm so much
closer to Pati.
I don't really know
that much about Dusty.
I need Pati
in this game. I need
her vote.
I need her friendship out here
'cause she's looking out for me
and I'm looking after her.
We still have made
all these checkpoints.
That's where that's where
I'm, like, okay, like,
if we still make
all these checkpoints,
we can still
get Pati over there.
She still
made it.
Pati is my number one girl.
She is my mountain sister.
I'm gonna do everything
I can to keep her around.
If I'm voting strictly
on relationships
-I would vote Dusty out.
But the problem is-is
if Pati wasn't in the back,
we would not be
in this situation.
I know. I know.
And if it continues
to be like that,
then we're gonna be
in this situation again.
-I know.
-Which means no one's gonna
want to be in the front.
I think that's the hardest part,
thinking with my head
versus thinking with emotion.
Pati is giving it her all, 100%.
This is not fair.
And Dusty--
he didn't ask
to be in the front.
I don't know
who's gonna go home.
I have no clue.
It's just, my brain doesn't know
what to do. It's really hard.
I don't know if I'm ready
to crush another dream.
(wind whistling)
You're such a kind person.
I appreciate you, Pati P.
I appreciate you so much, D.
Let's grab a seat.
Come on, Mama, right here.
It's just gonna get
harder and harder and harder.
You're right, Amy.
It is gonna
get harder and harder.
You got to
think about the rules,
and you got to stick together.
The whole point
about reaching a summit
is working together as a group.
Do you see what's up there?
(wind whistling)
Do you see how steep it is?
I told you what
this mountain was like.
It's dangerous.
It's only gonna get tougher.
That's why you have to
stick together, stay as a group.
I want to see
a vote of hands for Dusty.
Beckylee, Dennis,
you vote for Dusty.
I want to see a vote of hands
for Pati.
One, two, three,
four, five, six.
Amy, why?
You think I wanted
to vote for Pati?
'Cause guess who's after Pati
if this little
game continues, it's me.
I'm not voting for Pati,
I just can't vote against Dusty.
He never asked to be first.
Nobody wins in this vote.
your time on the mountain's
come to an end.
Go to the tent, grab your pack,
bring the money here,
share it amongst the group,
say your goodbyes.
I love you.
I love you guys.
Just be real.
The mountain has taught me
to stay true to myself
and push my limits
when I feel like I can't.
I'm sorry.
Take care.
I didn't quit.
I'm extremely proud of myself
'cause I don't think that
I even could imagine the things
that I've done on this mountain.
I stayed true
to who I am as a person.
I've learned which people
I can completely trust
and which people
are not as authentic.
It's a lesson.
I have a lot of heart.
So, tomorrow, you're all
gonna go toward the summit
carrying over $870,000.
That's a lot of weight to carry.
Have each other's backs.
You're halfway there.
And I can see a lot of tears.
But you're gonna
have to toughen up.
I'm honored to still be here,
but in the back of my mind,
I didn't actually think
that the group
would vote me off.
I frankly think
I'm the most useful,
and I think I bring
a little bit more to the group
in terms of
getting our chances up
to go to the summit.
After eight days,
we're only really
at the halfway point.
This might just be
a demo of what's to come.
-BECKYLEE: I love you.
-DUSTY: And you got to
find a way to win this money.
Pati just said
not to trust Nick.
I'm not sure why she said that.
Ever since
our traversing challenge,
Nick and I have just
kind of had an unspoken bond.
I think he's great,
so I don't know what to think.
I guess I'll see what
tomorrow brings.
You know, the mountain keeper
saved my dream,
but it also killed off
a really good friend here.
To see Pati go, I was willing to
sacrifice my game for her,
and I feel like
I did tonight,
being the minority vote.
This game has just
gotten uglier. I'm gonna
get some people back for her.
I think they really
just killed a Korean cockroach
and just woke up
the Korean bull.
Captioned by
DENNIS: That vote yesterday
easily could've been me, so now
I need to do
a lot of damage control.
So, does anybody feel
comfortable with
handling the bags?
So who do we trust
-with all of our cash?
-I-I would be fine with it.
-I do not trust Dennis at all.
-NICK (whispering): Dennis.
So, it's got to be unanimous?
I don't like to be told
what to do. I'm not gonna
be swayed and told
how to vote when it's my game.
-JEANNIE: Oh, my God!
-DENNIS: This looks like
it sucks.
I have to close my eyes.
I want to reach
the summit so bad.
-you got it! Oh, wait
-Oh, no, oh, no.