The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair (2018) s01e06 Episode Script
No Angel
Previously on The Truth About
the Harry Quebert Affair
Harry Quebert,
allow me to present
Elijah Stern,
who generously funds this Gala.
He also owns the house
you're renting at Goose Cove.
Mr. Stern, a pleasure.
I'd like to introduce you
to my right-hand man.
Harry Quebert.
Good evening, Mr. Quebert.
My name is Luther Caleb.
Look what I found in his house.
It's a nude painting.
Look closer, Sherlock.
Yeah, that's a naked painting
of Nola Kellergan
in Elijah Stern's house, okay?
Signed "LC."
His chauffeur, Luther Caleb.
When I brought him up,
Stern went radio silent.
I got Barnaski to back off.
He's agreed to tear up
your contract.
Yeah, in exchange for what?
All you have to do
is write a book about
the Harry Quebert affair.
I lied to you
when I told you that
I told my parents
that I was staying
at Nancy's house.
I didn't tell them anything.
I just ran away.
My mother told me
I had to be punished.
And so
what did you do with the paper?
Did you tell anyone about it?
You bet I did.
Chief Pratt.
Don't worry.
You'll see how we deal
with guys like that around here.
That's when she told me
about her being in love
with an older man.
Didn't name names,
but I was sure it was Stern.
Did you ever see them together?
Nola and Stern?
No. Like I told you,
he'd just send that
deformed chauffeur of his.
After she disappeared,
I told Chief Pratt everything.
He promised he'd investigate.
If I'd spoken up sooner,
she'd be alive today.
Look, I'm sorry,
I shouldn't have said anything.
I just, I needed
to know the truth.
You're not after the truth.
Nah, you just
wanna prove
your hero's innocent,
no matter who gets destroyed
in the process?
You want us to declare
Quebert a saint
because maybe he didn't kill
the 15-year-old girl
he was having an affair with?
He was not having
an affair with her.
You sure picked a hell of a guy
for a best friend.
Only friend, actually.
Tisha, thank you so much.
The meal was
it was fantastic.
Well, I'm glad
you could join us, Marcus.
Me too.
Why can't I read it?
Maybe when you're older.
It's not really meant for, um
Don't listen to him.
It's wonderful.
Thank you.
All right, girls.
Let's do the homework, okay?
Let's do it, both of you.
So, I've been going through
that police report
on Nola's disappearance.
The one written by Chief Pratt.
No mention of Stern or Harry.
Well, because Nancy said
that she told Pratt about Stern
after Nola disappeared.
And then Tamara Quinn
said that she showed him
that incriminating paper
she took from
Harry's house, so
And the report's signed
by Pratt himself.
With all due respect, sir,
Mrs. Quinn showed you
what Harry wrote about her.
Nancy Hattaway told you
about her relationship
with Stern,
and yet nothing
is mentioned in the case file.
I combed the area for weeks
looking for that girl,
using every available resource,
and you question my work?
Cops don't do that
to other cops!
The good ones do.
All I ever wanted to be
was a good cop
but sometimes
beyond your control,
they make you
do things.
You keep it inside you
long enough,
you get cancer.
She still thinks
I'm in remission.
Why didn't you carry out
the investigation
like you should've?
What are you hiding, Chief?
You can tell me here,
or we can
I can get a subpoena
and force you to talk.
No need.
It's time.
I don't want to die
with this on my conscience.
It was
it was early August
when she came to see me.
Come in!
Well, hello, Nola.
What's going on?
Can I
can I help you with something?
Nola, do you
No, that's insane.
There's no way
It's the truth.
I swear.
That girl
knew exactly what she was doing.
Now you're a criminal.
You're the goddamn
chief of police.
You couldn't resist the advances
of a 15-year-old-girl?
I take full
responsibility for that.
And what happened the
the following week
My God.
My Chief!
Chief, what did you do?
Where are you take
Where are they
taking my husband?
Chief! Chief!
Listen to me, ma'am, please.
Chief, what did you do?
Calm down right now.
Watch your head.
You need to take it
easy here, okay?
Where are you taking him?
Gareth Pratt,
Sommerdale's former
chief of police,
has admitted to engaging
in sexual acts
with 15-year-old Nola Kellergan,
and is now a suspect
in her murder.
In other news
at city hall today
You okay, sweetie?
I-I trusted him with my life.
Now it's like
I hardly knew the guy.
Pratt has been arrested.
Harry, why would Pratt
lie about this?
Shut up, Marcus!
I refuse to believe
this garbage!
You remember when I asked you
about Elijah Stern?
I think you should leave now.
Nola had a relationship with him
that same summer, okay?
Why are you doing this?
- I'm sorr
- Why?
Why are you trying
to destroy everything?
Shit no!
Code red, room three.
Code red, room three.
He refused to believe
that Nola was
involved with Stern,
and was furious
that her reputation
would now be ruined forever.
He was blinded by his memory
of her selfless devotion,
the countless ways she'd found
to sustain and support him.
I'm here!
I love it!
Is this what you're looking for?
God, yes.
I'm sorry, you were sleeping,
and I took it home to read.
My God
so, well, what do you think?
It's amazing!
I adore it!
It's so great!
Don't forget to eat.
Otherwise, you'll get
one of your migraines.
Thank you.
Where are you going?
Women must remain mysterious.
I read that in a magazine.
See you tomorrow?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Please get undressed.
I'll go tell Mr. Stern
you have arrived.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
There you go.
Thank you.
So it's true!
You really do
come out this early
to go running?
Yeah, I try never
to miss a sunrise.
It looks like you found
a new way to commute to work.
Yeah, I'm just
learning, actually.
I haven't seen you much lately.
Yeah, I know.
I'm sorry, it's just, you know,
I've been so busy
with the book and everything.
I hope you're not mad at me
for going to
the Summer Gala with Travis.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't be silly. No.
I don't love him, you know.
He's just a friend.
I love someone else.
It's true. So
A little blush for you.
I I gotta
Bye, Harry.
I'll see you.
Luther, you scared me! Geez!
What does he want from you?
What does he want from you?
He's a friend.
You're hurting me!
Have you thought
about my proposal?
The answer is no!
Now, let go of me!
Let go of me!
Help! Help! Help!
You need some help?
I think I overdid it.
Here, you can get in.
I'll take you home.
Thanks. Yeah, I think I
I don't know, I think I
I think I pulled something.
You're in Sommerdale
awfully early this morning.
Mornings are my
favorite time of day.
Mine too.
It's usually when I get
my best writing done.
Luther, thanks for the ride.
I appreciate it.
I'm not sure I would've
made it without you.
Harry! I'm here!
I'll be right back.
You're working
too hard, Quebert!
Elijah Stern!
What a surprise to see you here.
Elijah Stern!
Come on up!
I hope I'm not interrupting.
No, not at all!
Good to see you.
Good to see you too.
you write and type
at the same time?
Yes, I do one
and then I do the other.
I've been working like this
for quite some time.
The artist's process.
I left my car in town,
decided to take a walk,
and wound up here.
Old habits die hard, I guess.
Well, the view, it's just
it's so beautiful here.
I can't thank you enough.
You could drive me
back into town,
and I'll take you to lunch.
It's a deal.
No, no, no, don't get up.
Let me get my keys.
I'll be right back, okay?
I forget how
beautiful it is here.
I run this road every morning.
That's three miles each way.
You must be a real athlete.
I wouldn't say that.
The other day, I'm heading back
from Sommerdale.
I got a cramp in my leg.
I didn't think I was gonna
make it, but
um, your chauffeur picked me up
and brought me
back to the house.
Luther was here? When was this?
Day before yesterday,
before dawn.
I see.
Can I ask you
what happened to him?
He had an accident
a long time ago.
He can seem a little
frightening sometimes,
but actually, he's a very kind
and sensitive man.
He's a great gardener.
The plants are really thriving.
Strange, though,
I never see him,
and I'm always there.
Luther is a
very discreet person.
All right,
turkey and Swiss on wheat toast
for Mr. Stern,
and a short stack with scrambled
and a side of hash browns,
just the way you
like them, Harry.
Thanks, Jenny.
So, how's the book going?
Very well, very well.
Thanks to the house.
I find I'm
very inspired, working here.
Probably inspired
by that girl you're seeing
more than anything.
I'm not judging.
She's a good-looking girl.
A little young, maybe,
but she's certainly
having sex with one of us.
And I know it's not me.
She's lovely.
We flirt a bit, but
you know, I'm looking
for somebody special.
We all have those desires
for someone special, don't we?
I do hope you find yours, Harry.
Hi, Nola!
Need a lift?
No, thanks.
It's just down the road.
Get in.
Where are you taking me?
I'll tell everyone.
You've already
made me a criminal.
I got nothing to lose.
Glad I could be
of service, Miss Kellergan!
You have a nice day, now!
You know why I'm doing this?
Yes, Mother.
I'm sorry, I'm a wicked girl.
You're not wicked.
Penance is a blessing.
You will treat me with respect!
Take it off!
No! I don't want to take it off!
It's called abuse, Nola.
Your father is
no better if he just
he stands by,
and he just lets
your mom torture you.
I'm gonna go over there.
That would be the end of us.
If you really wanna help me,
you'd take me away from here.
We could go at the end
of this month, the 30th.
That would give us at least
two weeks to get ready.
I know, it's just
it's too soon.
It just
Well, I'm going regardless.
- No
- Yes, I am.
- No
- Yes, I am!
And I want you to come with me.
We can be in Canada
in three hours,
and no one will ever find us.
We'd be so happy there.
Hiya, Jenny.
Is everything okay?
Haven't had a chance to talk
since the Gala.
Had a great time.
You seemed a little distant.
Just wondering
if anything is wrong
Hiya, Jenny.
Hi, Travis.
How's everything going?
Haven't had much
of a chance to talk
since the Gala.
Great time. Right?
Yeah. Yeah, it was really nice.
So, um
I've noticed that
you've seemed a little
distant lately.
Is anything wrong?
Travis, it's it really
it really has nothing
to do with you.
I actually have to
finish clearing now.
Wait, Jenny, I just want
Sorry, sorry, I
Sorry, I
What is this?
I just I banged
it on the door.
Just clumsy.
Did somebody do that, Jenny?
Just forget about it,
Travis, okay?
No, no, no,
I'm not leaving
until you tell me.
Jenny, you can trust me.
You know Luther Caleb?
Stern's chauffeur?
He got angry,
and he grabbed my arm.
Angry about what?
he wanted me
to pose for him, is all.
It's silly.
What does that mean, "pose"?
He's an artist, I guess,
so he, um
I said no. I
Anyway, he got a little
out of control, and, um
He didn't mean anything by it.
Really, it was
it was just a misunderstanding.
Travis, I
Mom's gonna kill me.
I've gotta go.
I'm here!
I'll be outside.
I've been calling you
for the last 10 minutes.
Are those the new pages?
I can type them up.
No, not yet.
They're not ready yet.
Are you okay?
Yeah, never better.
I think I need a swim, though.
You just seem a bit different.
I just need a swim.
That will be us in 10 days
flying away free.
You're gonna meet me
at the hotel?
What room?
You want to go?
All right.
Pull over!
Pull over immediately!
Out of your vehicle, please?
Was I speeding, Travis?
Now, you goddamn retard!
What have you been
doing to Jenny?
I saw the bruises on her arm.
I don't want any trouble
with the police.
I didn't mean to
hurt her, I swear.
You're in love with her,
aren't you?
What do you do,
you paint her first,
you fuck her after?
No, no!
You think she's gonna
let you do it?
Out of pity? Never!
No, it's not what you think
You hear me?
I don't wanna see you
around Clark's again.
You understand?
I said do you understand?
Yeah, it's done, I sent it.
It's the first 50 pages.
You know, it's rough.
You know, it's just
notes, really.
He's gonna love 'em.
I mean, this case is
all anyone's talking about.
Hollywood's already
fighting for the rights.
Yeah, I'm just trying
to tell the truth, Doug.
Yeah, and you should,
but you just gotta be careful
about all this libel shit.
What do you mean?
Well, like, Nola's mother.
You can't just write
that she beat her daughter
without any concrete proof.
I mean, you just write
that she was unhappy
and mistreated.
But Pratt, he confessed,
so go ahead, give us
all those sordid, juicy details
about how she went down on him,
and then he forced her
to go down on him again
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I got it, I got it.
I gotta go.
Thanks for the
spiritual guidance.
Say what you will,
I intend to handle this alone.
Elijah, don't be a fool.
no one speaks to the police
without a lawyer.
I do.
Thank you for coming.
I'm Sergeant Gahalowood.
I prefer to stand.
Let's get to it.
Mr. Stern, can you tell me
why a portrait
of a murdered girl
was in your house?
Because I own it.
I also own a portrait
of John Lennon.
Am I suspect in his murder too?
My former chauffeur,
Luther Caleb, painted it.
One of many he did for me.
Mostly landscapes.
And do you know
why he painted it?
He loved painting,
and he was good at it.
And how did it come
to be painted?
With a paintbrush.
Did you know Nola?
Everyone in Sommerdale
knew Nola.
All right.
Well, I have witnesses
who will testify
that you two were actually
in a relationship,
and that
you often brought her
to your house.
Sergeant, Nola
came to my door one day
and said she needed money
and agreed to pose
for the painting in exchange.
And you
didn't see any problem
with a 15-year-old posing naked?
There is nothing prurient
about that painting, Sergeant.
It's a work of fine art.
That guy had
a huge pair of cojones.
Yeah, but it doesn't add up.
It doesn't add up.
Why would Nola need money?
What, to run away with Harry?
But then her father said
that she didn't take
her savings with her
when she left, so
It makes no sense.
What'd you do with
the painting, anyway?
You give back?
We're gonna hold onto it
as evidence against Caleb.
Don't know yet.
Stern wanted
the painting of her.
Pratt wanted sexual favors.
What motive did they have?
Well, they were afraid
she'd talk, obviously.
I mean, look,
she could've threatened
to expose them, right,
and then in a moment of panic
You don't write
"Goodbye, darling Nola"
in a moment of panic.
This is someone
who loved her, all right?
I mean, everything
points to Quebert.
Look, Marcus,
I gotta tell you something.
The DA's gonna
offer Harry a deal.
If he pleads guilty
to a crime of passion,
they'll drop
the kidnapping charge.
15 years, out in 10.
Please don't tell me
you're going to
accept that deal.
It is the best way for me
to avoid spending
the rest of my life in prison.
What the hell is that
supposed to mean?
That you're guilty?
Does it matter?
It seems like everything
condemns me anyway,
and I don't wanna
play poker with a
jury that has already
convicted me.
Harry, did you kill
Nola Kellergan?
- No.
- Okay.
When are you gonna
stop asking me that?
Okay, then let's prove it.
All right?
Now, correct me
if I'm wrong, but
at the time that you
two were gonna leave,
your book was
practically done, right?
I don't want you
to record this anymore.
Shut it off.
What was your question?
August 30th.
At the time you two were
planning on leaving,
your book was
practically done, right?
I finished it almost
three days before
we were going to leave.
I wrote it so fast,
it was amazing.
It was like I was in a trance.
Nola was there, she was
proofing, editing, typing
It was magical.
August 27th,
I'll never forget that day.
The manuscripts,
there were two of them
stacked on the table,
the handwritten one,
and the one that she'd typed.
we went down to the beach,
to the spot where we met
the first time
She said that
meeting me had
changed her life forever.
We went over our plan,
that I'd be leaving
the next morning,
stopping by Clark's
so that people would see me,
and I could tell them that
I'd be away for a week or two
for business in Boston.
Then, on August 30th,
I would wait for her
at the By the Sea Motel,
Room 8, at 800 p.m.
We'd cross the border
into Canada,
find a small apartment to rent,
then I'd return to Goose Cove
a few days later,
give the keys back,
and leave Sommerdale for good,
explaining that
my novel was finished,
and I'd have to go
back to New York
to deal with its publication.
She was looking forward
to getting married
when she turned 18
Publish the book.
I would become a professor.
We'd get a dog.
I'd never been so happy
in my entire life
so convinced that this was
the right thing to do.
I remember falling asleep.
I was so relaxed.
You're gonna be a great writer
and a university professor,
and we're gonna get
a big, sun-colored dog.
A Labrador we'll name Storm.
I woke up.
The sun was setting.
There was only one manuscript
on the table now.
The handwritten one.
She had taken the typed one
to proofread.
That was the last time
I saw her.
They're notes, Roy, okay?
Don't get too excited.
It's not even close
to being ready for publication.
I know, I know.
It's just a work in progress.
Cheers, my friend.
Can I get a little autograph
from you over there, pal?
Delivery, end of August.
publication the last week
of September.
That is prior to the election,
and during the Quebert trial.
I am telling you,
the marketing gods
are smiling down on us.
Yeah, well,
what if the investigation
is still ongoing?
I mean, how am I supposed to
how am I supposed
to finish the book?
Well, if the investigation
is over,
that means it's a true story.
But if it's still ongoing,
that's even better,
and let me explain why,
my rich friend.
Because then,
we will have to print
a revised edition
with all new details,
and people have to buy
the frickin' thing
all over again, right?
More manna from the gods.
So let's not incur their wrath.
Let's just sign the thing
and say "thank you."
Pleasure doing business
with you, my friend.
Barry for you.
Warner Brothers.
They wanna talk
about Tom Cruise.
I think he's too old
to play you.
What do you think?
See if Johnny Depp's available.
Johnny Depp
Benjamin Roth,
we're on in three minutes!
Hey, can I call you right back?
I'm almost at the house.
The-the-the results
are in, Goldman.
The handwriting isn't Harry's.
He didn't write the note
on that goddamn manuscript!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, okay,
what does
what does that mean,
in concrete terms?
Well, it undermines
the state's case against Harry.
I mean, that was their main
piece of evidence.
Holy shit.
The judge has ordered
a new hearing
this Thursday at 200.
I can't believe this!
Don't thank me, Goldman.
I'm just a humble servant
of the law
whose billable hours
just tripled.
Don't you ever sleep?
I have some devastating news.
I've been hacked.
Those 50 pages of notes
you emailed me
Every major news outlet
in the country.
R Roy Roy
you have to stop them.
They weren't
for publication, Roy.
They're intimate details
about these people.
People who trusted me.
It could seriously
impede the investigation.
It's too late.
My phone is ringing
off the hook.
Everybody from the Times to ET.
They all want some
juicy tidbit they can print.
By tomorrow,
this will be all
anybody's talking about.
Previously on The Truth About
the Harry Quebert Affair
Harry Quebert,
allow me to present
Elijah Stern,
who generously funds this Gala.
He also owns the house
you're renting at Goose Cove.
Mr. Stern, a pleasure.
I'd like to introduce you
to my right-hand man.
Harry Quebert.
Good evening, Mr. Quebert.
My name is Luther Caleb.
Look what I found in his house.
It's a nude painting.
Look closer, Sherlock.
Yeah, that's a naked painting
of Nola Kellergan
in Elijah Stern's house, okay?
Signed "LC."
His chauffeur, Luther Caleb.
When I brought him up,
Stern went radio silent.
I got Barnaski to back off.
He's agreed to tear up
your contract.
Yeah, in exchange for what?
All you have to do
is write a book about
the Harry Quebert affair.
I lied to you
when I told you that
I told my parents
that I was staying
at Nancy's house.
I didn't tell them anything.
I just ran away.
My mother told me
I had to be punished.
And so
what did you do with the paper?
Did you tell anyone about it?
You bet I did.
Chief Pratt.
Don't worry.
You'll see how we deal
with guys like that around here.
That's when she told me
about her being in love
with an older man.
Didn't name names,
but I was sure it was Stern.
Did you ever see them together?
Nola and Stern?
No. Like I told you,
he'd just send that
deformed chauffeur of his.
After she disappeared,
I told Chief Pratt everything.
He promised he'd investigate.
If I'd spoken up sooner,
she'd be alive today.
Look, I'm sorry,
I shouldn't have said anything.
I just, I needed
to know the truth.
You're not after the truth.
Nah, you just
wanna prove
your hero's innocent,
no matter who gets destroyed
in the process?
You want us to declare
Quebert a saint
because maybe he didn't kill
the 15-year-old girl
he was having an affair with?
He was not having
an affair with her.
You sure picked a hell of a guy
for a best friend.
Only friend, actually.
Tisha, thank you so much.
The meal was
it was fantastic.
Well, I'm glad
you could join us, Marcus.
Me too.
Why can't I read it?
Maybe when you're older.
It's not really meant for, um
Don't listen to him.
It's wonderful.
Thank you.
All right, girls.
Let's do the homework, okay?
Let's do it, both of you.
So, I've been going through
that police report
on Nola's disappearance.
The one written by Chief Pratt.
No mention of Stern or Harry.
Well, because Nancy said
that she told Pratt about Stern
after Nola disappeared.
And then Tamara Quinn
said that she showed him
that incriminating paper
she took from
Harry's house, so
And the report's signed
by Pratt himself.
With all due respect, sir,
Mrs. Quinn showed you
what Harry wrote about her.
Nancy Hattaway told you
about her relationship
with Stern,
and yet nothing
is mentioned in the case file.
I combed the area for weeks
looking for that girl,
using every available resource,
and you question my work?
Cops don't do that
to other cops!
The good ones do.
All I ever wanted to be
was a good cop
but sometimes
beyond your control,
they make you
do things.
You keep it inside you
long enough,
you get cancer.
She still thinks
I'm in remission.
Why didn't you carry out
the investigation
like you should've?
What are you hiding, Chief?
You can tell me here,
or we can
I can get a subpoena
and force you to talk.
No need.
It's time.
I don't want to die
with this on my conscience.
It was
it was early August
when she came to see me.
Come in!
Well, hello, Nola.
What's going on?
Can I
can I help you with something?
Nola, do you
No, that's insane.
There's no way
It's the truth.
I swear.
That girl
knew exactly what she was doing.
Now you're a criminal.
You're the goddamn
chief of police.
You couldn't resist the advances
of a 15-year-old-girl?
I take full
responsibility for that.
And what happened the
the following week
My God.
My Chief!
Chief, what did you do?
Where are you take
Where are they
taking my husband?
Chief! Chief!
Listen to me, ma'am, please.
Chief, what did you do?
Calm down right now.
Watch your head.
You need to take it
easy here, okay?
Where are you taking him?
Gareth Pratt,
Sommerdale's former
chief of police,
has admitted to engaging
in sexual acts
with 15-year-old Nola Kellergan,
and is now a suspect
in her murder.
In other news
at city hall today
You okay, sweetie?
I-I trusted him with my life.
Now it's like
I hardly knew the guy.
Pratt has been arrested.
Harry, why would Pratt
lie about this?
Shut up, Marcus!
I refuse to believe
this garbage!
You remember when I asked you
about Elijah Stern?
I think you should leave now.
Nola had a relationship with him
that same summer, okay?
Why are you doing this?
- I'm sorr
- Why?
Why are you trying
to destroy everything?
Shit no!
Code red, room three.
Code red, room three.
He refused to believe
that Nola was
involved with Stern,
and was furious
that her reputation
would now be ruined forever.
He was blinded by his memory
of her selfless devotion,
the countless ways she'd found
to sustain and support him.
I'm here!
I love it!
Is this what you're looking for?
God, yes.
I'm sorry, you were sleeping,
and I took it home to read.
My God
so, well, what do you think?
It's amazing!
I adore it!
It's so great!
Don't forget to eat.
Otherwise, you'll get
one of your migraines.
Thank you.
Where are you going?
Women must remain mysterious.
I read that in a magazine.
See you tomorrow?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Please get undressed.
I'll go tell Mr. Stern
you have arrived.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
There you go.
Thank you.
So it's true!
You really do
come out this early
to go running?
Yeah, I try never
to miss a sunrise.
It looks like you found
a new way to commute to work.
Yeah, I'm just
learning, actually.
I haven't seen you much lately.
Yeah, I know.
I'm sorry, it's just, you know,
I've been so busy
with the book and everything.
I hope you're not mad at me
for going to
the Summer Gala with Travis.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't be silly. No.
I don't love him, you know.
He's just a friend.
I love someone else.
It's true. So
A little blush for you.
I I gotta
Bye, Harry.
I'll see you.
Luther, you scared me! Geez!
What does he want from you?
What does he want from you?
He's a friend.
You're hurting me!
Have you thought
about my proposal?
The answer is no!
Now, let go of me!
Let go of me!
Help! Help! Help!
You need some help?
I think I overdid it.
Here, you can get in.
I'll take you home.
Thanks. Yeah, I think I
I don't know, I think I
I think I pulled something.
You're in Sommerdale
awfully early this morning.
Mornings are my
favorite time of day.
Mine too.
It's usually when I get
my best writing done.
Luther, thanks for the ride.
I appreciate it.
I'm not sure I would've
made it without you.
Harry! I'm here!
I'll be right back.
You're working
too hard, Quebert!
Elijah Stern!
What a surprise to see you here.
Elijah Stern!
Come on up!
I hope I'm not interrupting.
No, not at all!
Good to see you.
Good to see you too.
you write and type
at the same time?
Yes, I do one
and then I do the other.
I've been working like this
for quite some time.
The artist's process.
I left my car in town,
decided to take a walk,
and wound up here.
Old habits die hard, I guess.
Well, the view, it's just
it's so beautiful here.
I can't thank you enough.
You could drive me
back into town,
and I'll take you to lunch.
It's a deal.
No, no, no, don't get up.
Let me get my keys.
I'll be right back, okay?
I forget how
beautiful it is here.
I run this road every morning.
That's three miles each way.
You must be a real athlete.
I wouldn't say that.
The other day, I'm heading back
from Sommerdale.
I got a cramp in my leg.
I didn't think I was gonna
make it, but
um, your chauffeur picked me up
and brought me
back to the house.
Luther was here? When was this?
Day before yesterday,
before dawn.
I see.
Can I ask you
what happened to him?
He had an accident
a long time ago.
He can seem a little
frightening sometimes,
but actually, he's a very kind
and sensitive man.
He's a great gardener.
The plants are really thriving.
Strange, though,
I never see him,
and I'm always there.
Luther is a
very discreet person.
All right,
turkey and Swiss on wheat toast
for Mr. Stern,
and a short stack with scrambled
and a side of hash browns,
just the way you
like them, Harry.
Thanks, Jenny.
So, how's the book going?
Very well, very well.
Thanks to the house.
I find I'm
very inspired, working here.
Probably inspired
by that girl you're seeing
more than anything.
I'm not judging.
She's a good-looking girl.
A little young, maybe,
but she's certainly
having sex with one of us.
And I know it's not me.
She's lovely.
We flirt a bit, but
you know, I'm looking
for somebody special.
We all have those desires
for someone special, don't we?
I do hope you find yours, Harry.
Hi, Nola!
Need a lift?
No, thanks.
It's just down the road.
Get in.
Where are you taking me?
I'll tell everyone.
You've already
made me a criminal.
I got nothing to lose.
Glad I could be
of service, Miss Kellergan!
You have a nice day, now!
You know why I'm doing this?
Yes, Mother.
I'm sorry, I'm a wicked girl.
You're not wicked.
Penance is a blessing.
You will treat me with respect!
Take it off!
No! I don't want to take it off!
It's called abuse, Nola.
Your father is
no better if he just
he stands by,
and he just lets
your mom torture you.
I'm gonna go over there.
That would be the end of us.
If you really wanna help me,
you'd take me away from here.
We could go at the end
of this month, the 30th.
That would give us at least
two weeks to get ready.
I know, it's just
it's too soon.
It just
Well, I'm going regardless.
- No
- Yes, I am.
- No
- Yes, I am!
And I want you to come with me.
We can be in Canada
in three hours,
and no one will ever find us.
We'd be so happy there.
Hiya, Jenny.
Is everything okay?
Haven't had a chance to talk
since the Gala.
Had a great time.
You seemed a little distant.
Just wondering
if anything is wrong
Hiya, Jenny.
Hi, Travis.
How's everything going?
Haven't had much
of a chance to talk
since the Gala.
Great time. Right?
Yeah. Yeah, it was really nice.
So, um
I've noticed that
you've seemed a little
distant lately.
Is anything wrong?
Travis, it's it really
it really has nothing
to do with you.
I actually have to
finish clearing now.
Wait, Jenny, I just want
Sorry, sorry, I
Sorry, I
What is this?
I just I banged
it on the door.
Just clumsy.
Did somebody do that, Jenny?
Just forget about it,
Travis, okay?
No, no, no,
I'm not leaving
until you tell me.
Jenny, you can trust me.
You know Luther Caleb?
Stern's chauffeur?
He got angry,
and he grabbed my arm.
Angry about what?
he wanted me
to pose for him, is all.
It's silly.
What does that mean, "pose"?
He's an artist, I guess,
so he, um
I said no. I
Anyway, he got a little
out of control, and, um
He didn't mean anything by it.
Really, it was
it was just a misunderstanding.
Travis, I
Mom's gonna kill me.
I've gotta go.
I'm here!
I'll be outside.
I've been calling you
for the last 10 minutes.
Are those the new pages?
I can type them up.
No, not yet.
They're not ready yet.
Are you okay?
Yeah, never better.
I think I need a swim, though.
You just seem a bit different.
I just need a swim.
That will be us in 10 days
flying away free.
You're gonna meet me
at the hotel?
What room?
You want to go?
All right.
Pull over!
Pull over immediately!
Out of your vehicle, please?
Was I speeding, Travis?
Now, you goddamn retard!
What have you been
doing to Jenny?
I saw the bruises on her arm.
I don't want any trouble
with the police.
I didn't mean to
hurt her, I swear.
You're in love with her,
aren't you?
What do you do,
you paint her first,
you fuck her after?
No, no!
You think she's gonna
let you do it?
Out of pity? Never!
No, it's not what you think
You hear me?
I don't wanna see you
around Clark's again.
You understand?
I said do you understand?
Yeah, it's done, I sent it.
It's the first 50 pages.
You know, it's rough.
You know, it's just
notes, really.
He's gonna love 'em.
I mean, this case is
all anyone's talking about.
Hollywood's already
fighting for the rights.
Yeah, I'm just trying
to tell the truth, Doug.
Yeah, and you should,
but you just gotta be careful
about all this libel shit.
What do you mean?
Well, like, Nola's mother.
You can't just write
that she beat her daughter
without any concrete proof.
I mean, you just write
that she was unhappy
and mistreated.
But Pratt, he confessed,
so go ahead, give us
all those sordid, juicy details
about how she went down on him,
and then he forced her
to go down on him again
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I got it, I got it.
I gotta go.
Thanks for the
spiritual guidance.
Say what you will,
I intend to handle this alone.
Elijah, don't be a fool.
no one speaks to the police
without a lawyer.
I do.
Thank you for coming.
I'm Sergeant Gahalowood.
I prefer to stand.
Let's get to it.
Mr. Stern, can you tell me
why a portrait
of a murdered girl
was in your house?
Because I own it.
I also own a portrait
of John Lennon.
Am I suspect in his murder too?
My former chauffeur,
Luther Caleb, painted it.
One of many he did for me.
Mostly landscapes.
And do you know
why he painted it?
He loved painting,
and he was good at it.
And how did it come
to be painted?
With a paintbrush.
Did you know Nola?
Everyone in Sommerdale
knew Nola.
All right.
Well, I have witnesses
who will testify
that you two were actually
in a relationship,
and that
you often brought her
to your house.
Sergeant, Nola
came to my door one day
and said she needed money
and agreed to pose
for the painting in exchange.
And you
didn't see any problem
with a 15-year-old posing naked?
There is nothing prurient
about that painting, Sergeant.
It's a work of fine art.
That guy had
a huge pair of cojones.
Yeah, but it doesn't add up.
It doesn't add up.
Why would Nola need money?
What, to run away with Harry?
But then her father said
that she didn't take
her savings with her
when she left, so
It makes no sense.
What'd you do with
the painting, anyway?
You give back?
We're gonna hold onto it
as evidence against Caleb.
Don't know yet.
Stern wanted
the painting of her.
Pratt wanted sexual favors.
What motive did they have?
Well, they were afraid
she'd talk, obviously.
I mean, look,
she could've threatened
to expose them, right,
and then in a moment of panic
You don't write
"Goodbye, darling Nola"
in a moment of panic.
This is someone
who loved her, all right?
I mean, everything
points to Quebert.
Look, Marcus,
I gotta tell you something.
The DA's gonna
offer Harry a deal.
If he pleads guilty
to a crime of passion,
they'll drop
the kidnapping charge.
15 years, out in 10.
Please don't tell me
you're going to
accept that deal.
It is the best way for me
to avoid spending
the rest of my life in prison.
What the hell is that
supposed to mean?
That you're guilty?
Does it matter?
It seems like everything
condemns me anyway,
and I don't wanna
play poker with a
jury that has already
convicted me.
Harry, did you kill
Nola Kellergan?
- No.
- Okay.
When are you gonna
stop asking me that?
Okay, then let's prove it.
All right?
Now, correct me
if I'm wrong, but
at the time that you
two were gonna leave,
your book was
practically done, right?
I don't want you
to record this anymore.
Shut it off.
What was your question?
August 30th.
At the time you two were
planning on leaving,
your book was
practically done, right?
I finished it almost
three days before
we were going to leave.
I wrote it so fast,
it was amazing.
It was like I was in a trance.
Nola was there, she was
proofing, editing, typing
It was magical.
August 27th,
I'll never forget that day.
The manuscripts,
there were two of them
stacked on the table,
the handwritten one,
and the one that she'd typed.
we went down to the beach,
to the spot where we met
the first time
She said that
meeting me had
changed her life forever.
We went over our plan,
that I'd be leaving
the next morning,
stopping by Clark's
so that people would see me,
and I could tell them that
I'd be away for a week or two
for business in Boston.
Then, on August 30th,
I would wait for her
at the By the Sea Motel,
Room 8, at 800 p.m.
We'd cross the border
into Canada,
find a small apartment to rent,
then I'd return to Goose Cove
a few days later,
give the keys back,
and leave Sommerdale for good,
explaining that
my novel was finished,
and I'd have to go
back to New York
to deal with its publication.
She was looking forward
to getting married
when she turned 18
Publish the book.
I would become a professor.
We'd get a dog.
I'd never been so happy
in my entire life
so convinced that this was
the right thing to do.
I remember falling asleep.
I was so relaxed.
You're gonna be a great writer
and a university professor,
and we're gonna get
a big, sun-colored dog.
A Labrador we'll name Storm.
I woke up.
The sun was setting.
There was only one manuscript
on the table now.
The handwritten one.
She had taken the typed one
to proofread.
That was the last time
I saw her.
They're notes, Roy, okay?
Don't get too excited.
It's not even close
to being ready for publication.
I know, I know.
It's just a work in progress.
Cheers, my friend.
Can I get a little autograph
from you over there, pal?
Delivery, end of August.
publication the last week
of September.
That is prior to the election,
and during the Quebert trial.
I am telling you,
the marketing gods
are smiling down on us.
Yeah, well,
what if the investigation
is still ongoing?
I mean, how am I supposed to
how am I supposed
to finish the book?
Well, if the investigation
is over,
that means it's a true story.
But if it's still ongoing,
that's even better,
and let me explain why,
my rich friend.
Because then,
we will have to print
a revised edition
with all new details,
and people have to buy
the frickin' thing
all over again, right?
More manna from the gods.
So let's not incur their wrath.
Let's just sign the thing
and say "thank you."
Pleasure doing business
with you, my friend.
Barry for you.
Warner Brothers.
They wanna talk
about Tom Cruise.
I think he's too old
to play you.
What do you think?
See if Johnny Depp's available.
Johnny Depp
Benjamin Roth,
we're on in three minutes!
Hey, can I call you right back?
I'm almost at the house.
The-the-the results
are in, Goldman.
The handwriting isn't Harry's.
He didn't write the note
on that goddamn manuscript!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, okay,
what does
what does that mean,
in concrete terms?
Well, it undermines
the state's case against Harry.
I mean, that was their main
piece of evidence.
Holy shit.
The judge has ordered
a new hearing
this Thursday at 200.
I can't believe this!
Don't thank me, Goldman.
I'm just a humble servant
of the law
whose billable hours
just tripled.
Don't you ever sleep?
I have some devastating news.
I've been hacked.
Those 50 pages of notes
you emailed me
Every major news outlet
in the country.
R Roy Roy
you have to stop them.
They weren't
for publication, Roy.
They're intimate details
about these people.
People who trusted me.
It could seriously
impede the investigation.
It's too late.
My phone is ringing
off the hook.
Everybody from the Times to ET.
They all want some
juicy tidbit they can print.
By tomorrow,
this will be all
anybody's talking about.