The Walk-In (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

COLLINS: What is it that makes
the extreme far right so popular?
- White power!
- What is it that resonates with us?
I've got daughters in the house.
They can't be in the same house
as unmarried men.
We can't go near his daughters,
but it's all right for his mob
to groom young white girls.
Look at this fella here.
He was one of the leading lights
in the far right in this country.
That's me in that photograph -
20 years ago.
- Are we gonna have to move again?
- I'm sorry.
Why do you want to join
National Action?
I suppose I get frustrated.
I don't even know
where we live anymore.
Where am I going?
No, not on the phone.
I'll WhatsApp you the address.
National Action's all you seem
to want to write about
at the moment. Like I said, Nick,
I'm worried about them.
Whether we win through
political means or violent means,
either way there will be violence,
but we must develop
the killer instinct.
- We will fight!
Jack made an amazing speech
last night,
but if we're to back up
his fine words
and the actions of martyrs
like Zack Davies,
then we need to be men of courage.
Britain first!
This is for Britain!
We are National Action,
and we are here today
speaking to you
about the horde of immigrant trash
that continue to invade
our towns and cities.
Our sisters, our daughters will fall
to sub-human, non-white vermin.
We don't care!
- Get out of here! Fuck off!
- A war is brewing
and we must be ruthless.
And if innocent people
are to be cut down in the process,
then so be it.
Blood must be shed.
Jo Cox took great pride
in serving the people of Batley.
Today residents repaid that love
as they lined up
to pay their respects
at her funeral procession.
The Cox family as a whole
have taken great comfort
from this support,
and, of course,
our thoughts are with them
at such a bleak time for her husband
and two young children.
Can you state your name, please?
My name is Death To Traitors,
Freedom For Britain.
And that's what you're going to give
the court as your name, is it?
I believe, Ma'am, that this is
all my client wishes to say
at this point.
I order that he be remanded
in custody at Belmarsh Prison
until his next appearance.
I also suggest, Mr Allen,
bearing in mind the name
he's given the court,
- that a psychiatric report be prepared.
- Ma'am.
Take him down.
NEWS REPORTER: As police continue
to investigate Jo Cox's killer,
there have been calls on
the Government
for a clamp down on neo-Nazi groups
continuing to spread
their hateful ideology
across Britain.
MEGAPHONE: Our goal is simple.
A white Britain for white British.
No Muslims, no Jews.
- What was the killer like?
- Exactly what they're always like.
A dead-eyed psychopath.
Absolutely nothing about him.
The far right are desperate
for a hero with a bit of charisma,
but I promise you now
it's not gonna be him.
There is no link between him
and National Action.
Look, the worrying thing is
they're using this
to promote their cause.
After the attack on the dentist
in North Wales,
National Action
went out of their way
to distance themselves
from them and Zack Davies.
Listen to this group email.
'We never publicly
associated with him,
'so there's nothing to worry about.'
Now compare that to what they posted
after the murder of Jo Cox.
'Don't let this man's sacrifice
go in vain.'
A complete change of direction.
No, there's a change in the set-up.
The welcome page on their website
actually now says -
'Death To Traitors,
Freedom For Britain'.
That's exactly how you get banned
as an organisation.
And that's our problem.
Because if that happens,
it'll drive them deeper underground.
And if they are planning
something themselves,
which we're convinced they are,
then we won't know about it
until it's too late.
We need that walk-in.
Is that you, Jack?
Do you want anything to eat?
I've done a roast chicken.
I'm not hungry.
Armed police! Stay where you are!
Move away from the door!
Ben Raymond. Where is he?
A house in North West England
is one of a number raided
this morning.
All addresses have suspected links
to the far right neo-Nazi group
National Action.
Armed police!
Keep still! Keep your hands still!
Armed police! Stay where you are!
- Where's Garron Helm?
- He don't live here no more.
On your knees!
NEWS REPORTER: Searching behind
the grimy curtains,
officers emerged having found
a number of suspicious items
that were taken away
for further examination.
All right, Bren?
Listen, social media's buzzing
about the National Action raids.
Lots of far right groups
shitting themselves
that they're next.
So, a man called Lenny McCabe
has emailed you.
He says he knows you
from back in the day.
Lenny McCabe?
What, did he mention the NF?
All he said is
he wanted to see you.
Yeah, send me his number.
Yeah, I've just text it
to you now.
Right. Ta. Thanks. Ta-ra, love.
- All right, Lenny.
- Who's this?
- It's me, Maffy.
- Matthew Collins?
- Yeah, blast from the past, eh?
- I've got to see you, Maffy.
- What's going on, then?
- I can guarantee your safety.
- What's it about?
- Not on the phone.
- All right, where?
- I'll send another email.
Look, I've got to go.
I'll see you there.
Hi, son. Are you all right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Hi.
- All right, boys. All right, lad?
All right, champ?
Are you good, fat head?
- Baa!
- Hey!
Come on. Shall we get home?
The police turned the whole place
upside down.
I'm telling you,
this government's out for blood.
But we should expect the pressure.
We should expect the intimidation.
It's all right for you.
They don't know who you are.
They still think I'm the leader.
All the information that
they have on us is out of date,
yet they're still trying to put
the squeeze on us. It's a joke.
It's because of them posts
after the MP got murdered.
- I wouldn't have done that.
- You're a fucking idiot!
I'm appointing Robbie
deputy organiser.
- What? I was next in line for that.
- He's only been here five minutes!
Robbie's clean. Brings no baggage.
And he's not interested
in notoriety, Garron.
Robbie can work
out of the spotlight.
Well, do you accept, Robbie?
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Fuck off back to Africa!
That is a badge of honour.
Taste that fucking blood
and wear it with pride. All right?
Good. Come on.
Work to do, young Matthew.
- Who is it?
- It's me.
Sorry to hear about Sylvia.
Aye. You broke her heart.
You were like a son to her.
It was a long time ago now, Lenny.
We've all moved on.
Yeah, you may well have done, son.
But those you left behind,
the mates you flipped over
like kippers,
- it wasnae that easy.
- Now, I didn't come here
- to have an argument with you.
- Huh.
- You wanted to see me.
- Aye.
This thing that's happened.
Mad bastard shot the young girl,
the MP.
He's not NF, all right?
He's not one of us.
So you can tell
your leftie mates that
because I don't want
the fucking police
banging on my door
and making my life a misery again
cos I cannae take any more
of it, son.
He had nothing to do with us.
Do you have any proof?
Oh, aye.
I've got proof.
Me and Sylvia,
we lived up in Yorkshire
for a couple of years
after I got out of prison.
In there. Take a look.
I couldn't take it anymore
down here.
God, I'd walk down
Bethnal Green Road
and I might as well have been in
bloody Pakistan.
Well, my dad's Irish.
He said back in the day
there used to be signs
on the boarding houses
saying 'No Irish, No Dogs'.
Then it was
'No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs'.
Then just 'No Blacks, No Dogs'.
Things change, Lenny.
Unless you're a dog, I suppose.
Well, I got work up there.
I ran their NF branch for them.
I've got records of all the members
going back to 1970.
It's all there.
It's all alphabetical,
it's all numbered,
so you'd know if anybody
was missing.
All the meetings, all the attendees.
But he's not there.
Shooting a young lassie like that.
A mother.
We'd never have pulled a stunt
like that in our day,
would we, Maffy?
We were sticking up for our race,
son. That's what we were doing.
But it's not the same anymore now,
is it?
It's got nasty.
It always was nasty, Lenny.
Let's not forget that.
I don't like to think
what some of the old mob
would have done with you
if they knew you were here today.
I won't tell 'em if you don't.
Why did you do what you did, son?
What did I ever do to deserve that?
Well, if you don't know now,
you never will.
Fuck off.
And you make sure they know
this fella
had nothing to do with the NF.
You make sure everyone knows.
You're still a fucking grass.
Peace and love, Lenny.
Peace and love.
You can walk away,
but I know what you've done.
You ratted on your mates
and you put me inside.
18 months locked up with Blacks
and crackheads and the fucking IRA.
You're scum, Collins!
And I won't let you
fucking forget it!
Fucking hell.
- Hello?
- Brenda, it's me.
It's pissing down here. Hurry up!
We have a duty of care
to our sources.
- We can't put them at risk.
- What's going on?
We've asked to seize your computers
and your phone.
Which we've refused.
Thanks, boss. Nice one.
It's got all my porn on it, that.
I guess this raid's
a waste of time, eh?
OK, we're done here.
You'll be hearing from us again.
I'll be seizing that equipment.
- You'll have to back everything up.
- It's all right.
It's all backed up
on my hard drive at home.
And my laptop's encrypted.
TV: What is the plan
for dealing with National Action,
Home Secretary?
National Action is a vile group.
They promote homophobia,
they promote violence and terrorism,
- and have no place
- Is this what I think it is?
This will very clearly
make membership
and glorification of
National Action a criminal offence.
National Action will become
the first ever extreme
right wing group in the country
- to be proscribed.
- Shit.
This will give police
and the courts extra powers
to go after people
who are those members.
- We know that anti-Semitism
- It won't stop them.
is a nasty, unpleasant
and vile crime as well,
and has been somewhat on the rise
recently in the UK.
This will help us get
We've got no fucking chance
of getting anyone in there now.
to take place and make it clearer
to people what the boundaries are.
If you have that,
have that bit of broccoli
and you can have your pudding, OK?
Stop being disgusting.
Chew with your mouth closed!
Just do it.
Will you close your mouth?
You're winding him up.
- Mum!
- Please, babe.
Eh, that's horrible.
Stop doing that.
- Close your mouth. That's rank.
- Love, don't Hey!
Hey, pack it in!
Pack that in now!
You're behaving like
a load of wild animals.
I'm trying to eat my tea!
You all right, fella?
And then follow through
the punch, yeah?
Right, come on,
do the jab, remember.
Yeah, there we go.
Follow through on the punch.
See that? It's easy.
Every time, Robbie.
You need to start listening to me.
You need to stand on your side
and make yourself small, right?
Bad day.
Don't apologise to me,
apologise to the kids.
They're the ones
who went to bed scared
cos you shouted at them.
We have to stop it getting to them.
I mean, you can shout at me
all you want.
But nothing gets past us.
They have to be normal little boys
having normal little lives.
What was it? The bad stuff?
I went to see someone
I haven't seen in 25 years.
A fella from the National Front.
I just can't believe
that I used to be like him.
That I believed in
what he believes in.
SHAKILY: I did some bad things.
You're not that person
anymore, Matt.
I mean, I suggest you get that
down you.
Fair enough.
Do you wanna see
what I've been working on?
- Not really.
- Oh, I think you'll like it.
Go on.
Portugal. Ten days. All booked.
Are you kidding?
No. It's been far too long
since we've had a holiday, innit?
Yeah. Oh, baby!
Oh, baby, thank you!
- It's gorgeous. Thank you.
- I'm sorry.
Are you all right?
I'm just worried about things.
What have you got
to be worried about?
- I have to fight Jack Webster.
- Why?
Cos he called me a gay boy.
Right, well, being called gay's
not an insult,
so Jack Webster's got that wrong
for starters.
Just Just ignore him.
He'll hate that.
- Do you think so?
- Yeah, just walk away from him, son.
You know, he's probably got
his own issues going on.
If you ignore him,
he'll just get bored, won't he?
Move over. I'm jumping in for a bit.
Aren't I too old for that?
No, you're never too old
for a cuddle. Come here!
Let's have a proper snuggle.
Come on.
There you go.
Have you ever been in a fight, Dad?
Yeah, a few times.
We want these commies out,
don't we?
So let's go and take them out.
All right?
Let's do it! Go!
Right, come on.
Let's get in and out
with these bastards, eh?
- How far can I go, Lenny?
- Till you taste the blood.
Where are you going?
You can't come in here.
- There's a meeting going on!
- Shut up!
Have some fucking manners!
- There's no commies in here!
- It's just a bunch of Pakis!
- What's going on here?
- It's only mothers in there.
I can see at least five ambulances
still trying to get across
Westminster Bridge to bring help,
as our overhead shot
reveals the devastation down below
on Westminster Bridge and around
the Palace of Westminster.
Shocked faces everywhere.
A difficulty in comprehending
what has happened.
The streets of London again
Don't like this, mate.
- You weren't followed?
- No, I was checking.
- What's happened here?
- Muslim nutter.
Driven into pedestrians
on Westminster Bridge.
Then he's stabbed a copper.
- Have they got him?
- Yeah, police have shot him.
Terrorist attack. No question, mate.
We can't let this go.
There should be reprisals.
We should attack their communities
and burn down their mosques.
We're under attack.
This is a war,
even though our government
will not recognise it as such.
And so it falls to us
to take the fight to our enemies.
And now, even though we are now
technically banned,
thanks to Robbie,
two new recruits, Ryan and Jason,
have joined us today.
Welcome, lads.
The time has come for us
to harden ourselves
for the struggle ahead.
Ryan, are you ready to fight?
I don't have any gloves.
You don't need any, kid.
That's enough now, Chris!
That's enough now!
Why did you have to beat him up?
He's not going to
come back again, is he?
Yeah, well, we can't wrap 'em all
in cotton wool.
Turn it off, babe.
So, who is he?
He calls himself Lucas Harrison.
That name's never cropped up before.
- Could be a newbie?
- Yeah, could be.
Or it could be someone in the group
using a fake identity.
Nice one.
Either way I think he's legit,
do you know what I mean?
He says they've set up a gym
in an industrial estate
in Warrington.
So I spoke to the landlord
pretending to be interested
in the space.
Apparently, they're renting it out
under a false name
- and paying for it in cash.
- So what are we gonna do?
String 'em along for the time being.
You know what I mean?
Use the info he's given me
to shake things up.
See what falls out of the tree.
And as a direct result
of the terrorist attack
on the MEN Arena in Manchester,
in the last few hours,
following an emergency meeting
of the COBRA committee,
the UK's threat level
has been raised
from severe to critical.
One of the dangers
of this sort of attack
is the risk of a retaliatory outrage
from the far right.
But we believe that safety measures
put in place
here at the Home Office,
including the banning of
the fascist organisation
National Action,
which now no longer exists
as an entity,
have, we believe,
significantly reduced this threat.
If National Action don't exist,
then who've I been
exchanging emails with?
I think it's ready to print.
Do you wanna check it?
'NA have suggested killing gays
as well as Jews.'
Is it OK?
You know what's not OK?
The police saying that
National Action's history
and this problem's over.
Well, it's all right,
it's only Blacks and Jews and queers
they want to exterminate.
And, well, they don't really matter,
do they?
Yes, happy.
Excuse me. Watch out.
- See you tomorrow.
- See ya.
We have to do something about
that rat, Matthew Collins.
He keeps writing about us.
He put something in again
about us today.
That's what he does,
keeps the spotlight on us,
trying to fuck us up.
- Well, he needs shutting up.
- Yeah, well, how, Chris?
Other people have tried, mate,
but the minute anyone gets near him,
he moves home.
- He's got kids, hasn't he?
- Three.
Yeah, well, find 'em.
They're his weak point.
He'll shut up if we can get to them.
Robbie, I'm putting you on that.
Is Jack Renshaw at home?
He's my son, yeah.
My name's
Detective Constable Henderson.
This is my colleague, DC Phillips.
- What do you want with him?
- Mum?
- What's he done?
- I'll take care of this, Mum.
I'll take care of them. Come on.
I'm Jack Renshaw.
I know why you're here.
Yeah, I used to be a member of
National Action.
No, I'm not a member anymore.
We're not here
about National Action.
Jack Renshaw, I'm arresting you
on suspicion of inciting a child
to engage in sexual activity.
You do not have to say anything,
but it may harm your defence
if you do not mention
when questioned
something that you later rely on
in court.
Anything you do say
may be given in evidence.
We've taken statements
from both the boys involved,
and we've had the opportunity
to review
their social media accounts,
in particular
their Facebook Messenger accounts.
Do you deny contacting the boys
through social media?
No comment.
Mr Renshaw, we've seized a number of
personal items from your address,
including your computer
and two phones.
It's obviously gonna be better
for you to come clean now,
rather than have
your lack of cooperation
count against you in the future.
These are children
that we're talking about.
One of the boys is 13 years old,
the other 14.
In numerous posts
you have asked them for sex
and you've sent them
naked photos of yourself.
I'll ask you again,
is there anything
you wish to tell us now
before it's too late?
No comment.
It's all lies.
It's all been fabricated
by my enemies.
By Hope Not Hate,
by Matthew fucking Collins!
Hope Not Hate just put this
on the website right now.
Oi, boys, listen up.
'My sources tell me that
the boys in black
'are very much in training,
hitting the crash mats
'for what they think'll be
their big moment.'
What fucking sources?
Training? Crash mats?
Where's he getting that from?
Well, it's obvious, innit?
We've got a grass.
Yeah, right,
and everyone knows here, yeah,
that'd be like signing
your own death warrant.
Do you understand, lads?
What about fucking Ben?
Has anyone seen him since the ban?
Listen, Chris, I know
he's a lot of things, mate,
but I don't think he's a grass,
all right?
- All right. Well, who else, then?
- What about Garron?
Why isn't he here?
Why hasn't he come?
Did he tell anyone
he couldn't make it?
No, I trust Jack.
Well, we need to find out
who the worm is, and quick,
because we're looking at ten years
just for being together
now we're banned.
Ah, youse are looking at this
all wrong.
All genuine revolutionary movements
have needed to exist
at some point underground.
These are exciting times
because we will strike back.
And when we do
it won't be the white man
that's crying.
- Mickey!
- Right, lads, watch out.
- Here you are. Move.
- Mickey, hurry up!
Babe, will you go and see
what he's doing?
Yeah, do me a favour,
move that out the way.
Hey! Come on, we're all waiting
for you.
What's wrong?
I've been put on report
for fighting.
- What, with Jack Webster?
- Yeah.
Well, what happened?
Did you hit him?
At first, I tried to ignore him,
but then we ended up having a fight.
All right, well, at least you tried
the peaceful approach first, eh?
You're not gonna tell Mum, are you?
No, your secret's safe
with me, Rocky.
One, two, slip. Yep. And again.
One, two, slip. Yep. And again.
One, two, slip. Oh, boof!
All right? Upper cut.
No, keep your guard up
when you're doing it.
Right, OK.
Jack's called a meeting tonight.
Wants me, you and Chris.
I've got something to tell you.
I can't take any more.
I've decided the time's come
to do something.
I'm going to commit a murder
to begin the race war.
Another MP.
To show that Jo Cox
wasn't a one-off.
- What MP?
- Rosie Cooper.
She's a member of
the Friends Of Israel.
She's a dirty Jew lover.
Yeah, but why her, though?
I mean, no-one's ever heard of her.
She's my local MP.
Why not Amber Rudd?
She's the Home Secretary.
She's the one that's banned us.
She'll have too much security
around her.
With Cooper, I know
I could finish the job.
I know exactly when and where
she's going to be.
I mean, look, two MPs.
It's just too much for 'em to take.
OK. Well, how will you do it?
I'll take her hostage.
I'll ask for a woman police officer
to be sent in to negotiate.
Then I'll kill them both
with a machete.
I've already bought it.
Then I'll run outside
wearing a fake suicide vest.
The police'll no doubt shoot me,
cos I don't want to go to prison.
It will be an act of white Jihad,
the spark that unleashes the fire.
Well, what woman police officer?
DC Victoria Henderson.
She's been fucking hassling me about
being a member of National Action.
Disrespecting me.
I've decided that she must die too.
OK, erm
I'm not saying that you
couldn't pull it off, Jack,
but doesn't it seem like
a bit of a complicated plan?
I mean, why not get a gun,
walk into a synagogue
and just start firing?
- And what if there's kids there?
- So what?
Jew children
are still fucking vermin.
You don't say, "Oh, look,
it's baby vermin," do you?
Vermin's vermin, it's gonna die.
So, you're gonna do
a synagogue, then?
No. No, no.
Plans are too far advanced.
I'm just gonna, er
I'm gonna do the, er, policewoman
and the, er, the MP.
I mean, look, I can video it all
for you, if you like.
I mean, evidence'll be there, then,
future generations.
Yeah, well, when do you plan
to do it, mate?
Ready to go now.
That's it!
- Here you are. Grab my nuts.
- Oh, really!
- Do you want another one?
- Yes, please.
- Do you want another Coke, lads?
- Yeah, sure.
Er, yeah.
Don't get them any more Coke, love.
Oh, shut up. You're turning into
your ma, you!
- Hello, boys!
- Hi!
Hi, how you doing?
Er, good.
- Do you like magic?
- Oh, yeah!
All right, mate. Can I have
another one of them beers, please?
Er, and a Diet Coke and vodka,
and three Diet Cokes as well,
please, boss. Cheers.
- No, he's playing us!
- Very good!
Did you like that?
You're playing with the fabric
of reality!
Why are you crying, Matthew?
Why do you think I'm crying?
Because I've gotten myself
into something
I don't know how to get out of.
Isn't that why you wanted to contact
my magazine?
Isn't that why you wanted to speak
to me?
But now I'm sitting here,
I can't see it ending.
Right now I could name
half a dozen blokes
who'd wanna kill me
if they knew I was talking to you.
And these'd be the same blokes
that brutally beat up mothers
and old ladies?
The police are on my back,
but I don't wanna go into
Witness Protection
or anything like that.
I don't wanna have to become
someone else.
We can help you.
You can't protect me
from all the people
who are after me, can you?
Will you trust me?
Matthew, my magazine can help you.
Do you trust me?
Hello. Lucas?
Yeah, it's Matthew Collins.
Yeah. Sorry, mate, yeah.
Er, no, I don't.
Yeah, I didn't call you last night.
I only just got your message
this morning.
I'm away with the family,
to be honest with you.
So, what's going on?
Rosie Cooper?
What, you mean Yvette Cooper?
I know who she is.
Hang on.
Excuse me, love.
Have you got a pen, please?
Yeah, go ahead, lad.
So, Rosie Cooper.
Yeah, and who is she?
She's his local MP?
A police woman?
What about her?
All right, so
Well, what are we looking at?
When's this gonna happen?
Shit. OK, erm
Look, you realise
this changes everything, don't you?
I mean, I can't sit on
this information, mate.
No, so let's stop fucking about
and let's start at the beginning.
And what's your real name, eh?
Cos I know it's not Lucas Harrison.
It's Robbie. Robbie Mullen.
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